Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: water quality
A biochemical multi-species quality model of a drinking water distribution system for simulation and design
PublikacjaDrinking Water Distribution Systems (DWDSs) play a key role in sustainable development of modern society. They are classified as critical infrastructure systems. This imposes a large set of highly demanding requirements on the DWDS operation and requires dedicated algorithms for on-line monitoring and control to tackle related problems. Requirements on DWDS availability restrict the usability of the real plant in the design phase....
Hierarchical model predictive control of integrated quality and quantity in drinking water distribution systems
PublikacjaW artykule zaproponowane zostało zintegrowane podejście do sterowania ilością i jakością w systemach zaopatrzenia i dystrybucji wody. Sterowanie zintegrowane polega na optymalizowaniu kosztów operacyjnych zaspokajając zapotrzebowanie na wodę o wymaganej jakości i spełniając ograniczenia systemu. To zagadnienie sterowania optymalizującego jest zagadnieniem złożonym z powodu nieliniowości, dużego wymiaru, ograniczeń na wyjście, występowania...
The sanitary quality of water and sandy sediments of selected streams and the coastal area of Gdańsk Bay
PublikacjaPraca prezentuje wyniki badań bakteriologicznych przybrzeżnych wód morskich i plażowych osadów piaszczystych prowadzonych w rejonie ujścia do Zatoki Gdańskiej rzeki Kaczej i Sweliny oraz Potoków Grodowego i Kamiennego. W badaniach określano liczbę bakterii względnie psychrofilnych, mezofilnych oraz bakterii wskaźnikowych (bakterii z grupy coli, coli typu kałowego oraz paciorkowców kałowych). Stwierdzono, iż potoki wnoszą znaczny...
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Two Time-Scale Hierarchical Control of Integrated Quantity and Quality in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
PublikacjaThe paper considers a feedback optimising control of drinking water distribution systems (DWDS). Although the optimised pump and valves scheduling and disinfectant injection control attracted considerable attention over last two decades most of the contributions were limited to an open-loop optimisation repetitively performed during the DWDS operation. Also, while a strong interaction between the water quantity and quality exists...
An optimised placement of the hard quality sensors for a robust monitoring of the chlorine concentration in drinking water distribution systems
PublikacjaThe problem of an optimised placement of the hard quality sensors in drinking water distribution systemsunder several water demand scenarios for a robust monitoring of the chlorine concentration is formulatedin this paper. The optimality is understood as achieving a desired trade off between the sensors and theirmaintenance costs and the accuracy of estimation of the chlorine concentration. The contribution of thiswork is a comprehensive...
Changes of microbiological quality of water in distribution system. Zmiany mikrobiologicznej jakości wody w sieci dystrybucyjnej.
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono mikrobiologiczną jakość wody podziemnej uzdatnianej w dwóch stacjach oczyszczania wody (WTP I i WTP II), w sieci dystrybucyjnej. Obie stacje uzdatniania stosują dezynfekcję za pomocą dwutlenku chloru. Badania wykazały wzrost ogólnej liczby bakterii w miarę zwiększania się odległości od stacji uzdatniania.In the paper microbiological quality of water in distribution system produced in two ground water treatment...
DataSet Investigations into the quality of urban stormwater outflow as an alternative water source: potential for landscape irrigation reuse
Dane BadawczeInvestigations into the quality of urban stormwater outflow as an alternative water source: potential for landscape irrigation reuse
Genetic solver of optimization task of mpc for optimizing control of integrated quantity and quality in drinking water distribution systems
PublikacjaPredykcyjne sterowanie zintegrowana jakością i ilością wody pitnej umożliwia uzyskanie lepszej jakości sterowania niż w przypadku innych metod. Niestety wymaga rozwiązania nieliniowego, niewypukłego problemu optymalizacji. Z tego względu potrzebne jest wykorzystanie specjalizowanego solwera w celu rozwiązania problemu optymalizacji predykcyjnej w wymaganych czasie. W tym artykule przedstawiony jest dedykowany algorytm genetyczny...
Energy of the City in High Quality Public Spaces in the Presence of Water.The Role of Water in Contemporary Public Spaces in Paris
PublikacjaW artykule zwrócono uwagę na jeden z aspektów energii miasta - jakość przestrzeni publicznych. Wykazano istotną rolę wody w kształtowaniu przestrzeni publicznych wysokiej jakości w obrębie przekształconych obszarów poprzemysłowych Paryża. Odpowiednie wykorzystanie nadwodnego położenia, bądź wprowadzenie elementów z obecnością wody, pozwoliło stworzyć najbardziej atrakcyjne i niepowtarzalne miejsca.
Bounding approach to parameter estimation without prior knowledge on modeling error and application to quality modeling in drinking water distribution systems
PublikacjaW artykule rozważana jest estymacja parametrów modelu autoregresji z ruchoma średnią i sygnałem wejściowym (ARMAX) z wykorzystaniem przedziałowego modelu błędu. Zakłada się, że granice błędu struktury modelu są nieznane, bądź znane, ale bardzo konserwatywne. Dla zmniejszenia tego konserwatyzmu proponowane jest idea modeli punktowo-parametrycznych, w której występują zbiory parametrów i błędu modelu odpowiadające wszystkim wejściom....
Evaluation of reverse osmosis for improving quality of water utilized in hemodialysis devices (case study: Kerman University of Medical Sciences' hospitals)
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Evaluation of reverse osmosis for improving quality of water utilized in hemodialysis devices (case study: Kerman University of Medical Sciences' hospitals).
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Defining Whole Grain Sorghum Flour and Water Levels to Improve Sensory and Nutritional Quality of Gluten-Free Bread—A Factorial Design Approach
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Jakość wód spływających z powierzchni dachów budynków na terenie aglomeracji wielkomiejskiej. Quality of roof runoff water from the urban region
PublikacjaBadano próbki wód spływnych z dachów budynków na terenie miasta Gdańska. Oznaczono stężenia następujących analitów: pestycydy azoto-, chloro- i fosfo-organiczne, węglowodory ropopochodne, kationy Na+, K+, NH4+, Mg2+, Ca2+ oraz aniony F-, Cl-, NO2-, NO3-, PO43-, SO42-, ponadto wykonywany był pomiar toksyczności i wartości pH. Próbki pobierane były w trzech punktach zlokalizowanych w Gdańsku wzdłuż głównych szlaków komunikacyjnych....
Novel Gluten-Free Bread with an Extract from Flaxseed By-Product: The Relationship between Water Replacement Level and Nutritional Value, Antioxidant Properties, and Sensory Quality
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Ecotoxicological study of landfill leachate treated in the ANAMMOX process
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Quality of bottled waters
PublikacjaBottled water is a product that is purchased by annually increasing numbers of people of all age groups. The quality control of mineral waters tends to concentrate on the determination of anion and cation levels, since it is these that govern the taste, smell and possible medicinal properties of the water. The constantly rising sales of mineral waters bring with them the ever increasing exploitation of their sources. The consequences...
An interval estimator for chlorine monitoring in drinking water distribution systems under uncertain system dynamics, inputs and chlorine concentration measurement errors
PublikacjaThe design of an interval observer for estimation of unmeasured state variables with application to drinking water distribution systems is described. In particular, the design process of such an observer is considered for estimation of the water quality described by the concentration of free chlorine. The interval observer is derived to produce the robust interval bounds on the estimated water quality state variables. The stability...
Whirling system of water exchangein breeding pools
PublikacjaTo secure the proper conditions of life for sea mammals existing in closed systems one has to maintain the character of the breeding basins (i.e. shape, dimensions, facing of walls and bottom, quality and motion of water) as natural as possible. An appropriate system of water exchange plays a very important role here. A full renewal of water is time-consuming, expensive and troublesome, so can be made only periodically, and should...
Monitoring of Chlorine Concentration in Drinking Water Distribution Systems Using an Interval Estimator
PublikacjaThis paper describes the design of an interval observer for the estimation of unmeasured quality state variables in drinking water distribution systems. The estimator utilizes a set bounded model of uncertainty to produce robust interval bounds on the estimated state variables of the water quality. The bounds are generated by solving two differential equations. Hence the numerical efficiency is sufficient for on-line monitoring...
Providing Public Space Continuities in Post-Industrial Areas through Remodelling Land/Water Connections
PublikacjaThis article examines the problem of urban transformation strategies applied in recent years which are based on the creation of new water areas and modification of existing ones. The research is an attempt to prove that modifications of plans of water areas and forms of their borders may play an important role in achieving the best quality public spaces in post-industrial territories. The basis for demonstrating the importance...
The protection and monitoring of a distribution piping network for potable water supply
PublikacjaPurpose – The purpose of this paper is to implement the corrosion protection method for steel pipes used in a municipal water-pipe network. Results of an inhibitor protection system installed on the system are presented. Inhibitor protection was required due to the high corrosivity of the water collected by a surface intake, which had resulted in a large number of failures and low water quality, due to the presence of corrosion...
total number and biomass of bacteria in drinking water distribution systems.
PublikacjaIn the vast water supply network using traditional methods of treatment it is often impossible to maintain a constant and acceptable microbiological quality of water. In Poland the main reason of bacterial re-growth is presence of organic matter and nutrients in the circulating water and prolonged water retention in the network systems due to the decrease of water consumption, which has been observed for the last 20 years. In the...
Air quality policy in the U.S. and the EU – a review
PublikacjaThe high level of atmospheric pollution is a global problem that has taken on particular significance in recent years and will continue to grow in the near future. Air pollution directly affects the health, living organisms, vegetation, water, soil and buildings. Additionally, it moves easily even over long distances. Certain air pollutants influence the climate, cause negative processes in the protective ozone layer and contribute...
The changes of groundwater quality of the ''Czarny Dwór'' intake as a result of the aquifer vulnerability
PublikacjaThe "Czarny Dwór" groundwater intake is one of the main sources of water for Gdańsk. It is situated on the Marine Terrace and exploits mainly Quaternary aquifer, but also Tertiary and Cretaceous. The water is generally of good quality although some undesirable changes were observed in the Quaternary aquifer during almost 40 years of exploitation. The changes are caused by developing urbanization, former high pumping rates and...
Identification of the Contamination Source Location in the Drinking Water Distribution System Based on the Neural Network Classifier
PublikacjaThe contamination ingression to the Water Distribution System (WDS) may have a major impact on the drinking water consumers health. In the case of the WDS contamination the data from the water quality sensors may be efficiently used for the appropriate disaster management. In this paper the methodology based on the Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) neural network classifier for the identification of the contamination source location...
Reduction of Derivative pipeline effort in water turbine
PublikacjaThe paper presents an approach to evaluate and reduce the effort of the derivative pipeline in a water turbine of a hydrostatic power station in its vulnerable spots. Potential places of the biggest effort of the structure, as well as the coefficient of displacement and safety factor related to them were identified using FEM numerical method. Pipeline reinforcement was designed and made based on FEM analysis. Original technology...
Ewa Marjańska dr inż.
OsobyEwa Marjańska pracuje jako adiunkt na Politechnice Gdańskiej na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii. Uzyskała stopień doktora w dziedzinie nauk o towaroznawstwie. Jej zainteresowania naukowe koncentrują się przede wszystkim na metodach ilościowego pomiaru jakości, w tym analizie jakości żywności i systemach zarządzania jakością. Jest autorką artykułów opublikowanych w recenzowanych czasopismach o zasięgu międzynarodowym, m.in. Desalination...
Assessment of the Bulgarian Wastewater Treatment Plants’ Impact on the Receiving Water Bodies
PublikacjaDeterioration of water quality is a major problem world widely according to many international non-governmental organizations (NGO). As one of the European Union (EU) countries, Bulgaria is also obliged by EU legislation to maintain best practices in assessing surface water quality and the efficiency of wastewater treatment processes. For these reasons studies were undertaken to utilize ecotoxicological (Microtox®, Phytotoxkit...
Drinking water safety evaluation in the selected sub-Saharan African countries: A case study of Madagascar, Uganda and Rwanda
PublikacjaIn the sub-Saharan region of Africa, access to safe drinking water remains limited in many countries. This study provides an overview of the quality of surface water and groundwater in rural and peri-urban areas of Madagascar, Uganda, and Rwanda. Selected physico-chemical parameters, inorganic species (including inorganic ions), and organic pollution indicators, such as total organic carbon, non-ionic surfactants, cationic surfactants, anionic...
Car wash water reuse
Dane BadawczeThe resistance of automotive coatings to washing water recovered in 50% and 70% from wastewater generated at car wash was tested. The wastewater was purified in the ultrafiltration process using tubular polyvinylidene fluoride membranes (100 and 200 kDa) manufactured by PCI company. The membranes retained oil contamination and over 50% of surfactants....
PublikacjaThe question investigated in this paper is how to maintain the environmental quality of the polder landscape encompassing the city in the condition of urban pressure on this landscape. On the basis of theoretical approaches, historical surveys and introductory study models new ideas are tested on the case study of Gdansk, a city located in the Vistula River delta in northern Poland. Research shows that the city was created as a...
Model of Nutrient and Pesticide Outflow with Surface Water to Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea)
PublikacjaCoastal basins are particularly exposed to the adverse impact of anthropogenic stress. In many places, despite only the seasonal increase in the number of residents, progressive urbanization and associated changes in the catchment characteristics are noticeable. Puck Bay is part of the Gulf of Gdansk and belongs to the Baltic Sea. Although the area of Puck Bay is covered by the Natura 2000 Network, this has not saved it from eutrophication...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - sitting on measuring electrodes, drl in water - men
Dane BadawczeThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
Municipal wastewater reclamation: Reclaimed water for hydrogen production by electrolysis – A case study
PublikacjaThis paper presents an analysis of a treatment system selection for municipal wastewater stream based on the DuPont Water Solutions WAVE software. The results obtained based on an analysis of 7 different processing cases studies (ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis) confirmed that the application of 2-pass membrane systems enables the reclamation of water from municipal wastewater that fulfills the requirements concerning the...
Potential and Use of the Googlenet Ann for the Purposes of Inland Water Ships Classification
PublikacjaThis article presents an analysis of the possibilities of using the pre-degraded GoogLeNet artificial neural network to classify inland vessels. Inland water authorities monitor the intensity of the vessels via CCTV. Such classification seems to be an improvement in their statutory tasks. The automatic classification of the inland vessels from video recording is a one of the main objectives of the Automatic Ship Recognition and...
The environmental dimension of city dwellers’ quality of life and the city’s social and spatial variability
PublikacjaThe purpose of this paper is to attempt an analysis of the environmental dimension of the quality of life using quantitative surveys conducted among residents of Gdańsk. In the paper, we make reference to the theoretical assumptions ensuing from the concept of a comprehensive and integrated approach to the development of the urban environment, whilst noting the profound impact humans bring to their evaluation of the environmental...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - drl in the water, measuring electrodes on the sides of the bathtub - men
Dane BadawczeThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - drl in water, front and back measuring electrodes - men
Dane BadawczeThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - getting into the bathtub- men
Dane BadawczeThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - conversation during measurement, electrodes on the sides of the bathtub, drl in water - women
Dane BadawczeThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
Assessment of wastewater quality indicators for wastewater treatment influent using an advanced logistic regression model
PublikacjaInfluent quality indicators play a significant role in wastewater treatment plant performance due to their correlation with reactor operations and effluent quality. However, selecting a specific/best parameter indicator for predicting influent wastewater quality is one of the challenges in wastewa- ter treatment. This study, therefore, focused on determining suitable variables as influent quality indicators. For this purpose, a...
Nanoparticles and nanofiltration for wastewater treatment: From polluted to fresh water
PublikacjaWater pollution poses significant threats to both ecosystems and human health. Mitigating this issue requires effective treatment of domestic wastewater to convert waste into bio-fertilizers and gas. Neglecting liquid waste treatment carries severe consequences for health and the environment. This review focuses on intelligent technologies for water and wastewater treatment, targeting waterborne diseases. It covers pollution prevention...
Supervised Model Reference Adaptive Control of Chlorine Residuals in Water Distribution Systems
PublikacjaControl of integrated quality and quantity in Drinking Water Distribution Systems within recently proposed hierarchical framework is considered in the paper. A supervised nonlinear Indirect Model Reference Adaptive Controller is derived for the lower control level of the control structure to operate as the fast feedback controller of chlorine residuals in the monitored nodes. The major supervisor role is to manage switching between...
Airport Runoff Water: State-of-the-Art and Future Perspectives
PublikacjaThe increase in the quantity and variety of contaminants generated during routine airport infrastructure maintenance operations leads to a wider range of pollutants entering soil and surface waters through runoff, causing soil erosion and groundwater pollution. A significant developmental challenge is ensuring that airport infrastructure meets high-quality environmental management standards. It is crucial to have effective tools...
Comparison of Ozonation and Evaporation as Treatment Methods of Recycled Water for Bioethanol Fermentation Process
PublikacjaThe paper compared the performance of the ethanol yield after alcoholic fermentation with samples of rejected (RW) and permeate water (PW), RW and PW treated by oxidation with ozone (O3) (5 and 15 min) and evaporation, aiming the recirculation back to the bioethanol process. RW and PW were collected after an anaerobic bioreactor (AnBR) used for stillage treatment. Nine types of fermentations were made, where one used 100% tap...
Application of the expanded clay aggregate in form of granular materials for water treatment
PublikacjaThe paper aimed to evaluate the efficiency of Filtralite MonoMulti compared to the conventional dual-media filter beds comprising silica sand layer covered with anthracite coal. Filtralite media are composed of processed (expanded), highly porous clay products characterized by relatively rough grain surfaces. In order to compare these different media filters in a reliable way, the pilot filter columns operated in parallel, under...
UAV Survey Images - 3D Model - GUT Water Tower MP1
Dane BadawczeDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Water Tower at Gdansk University Of Technology CampusLocation: Gdansk, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 1Flight plan: CircleTarget Product: 3D ModelDate: 13.05.2019Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: NoGCP Quality: N/ACamera Name: DJI FC220Model type: PerspectiveImage...
UAV Survey Images - 3D Model - GUT Water Tower MP2
Dane BadawczeDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Water Tower at Gdansk University Of Technology CampusLocation: Gdansk, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 2Flight plan: CircleTarget Product: 3D ModelDate: 08.11.2019Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: NoGCP Quality: N/ACamera Name: Hasselblad L1D-20cModel...