Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: rubber modified bitumen storage stability ground tire rubber(gtr)
Discussion of “Enhanced Pavement Performance and Improved Stability of Asphalt and Recycled Plastic Blends Modified by Exfoliated Clay Nanoplatelets”
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Effect of Co-Encapsulated Natural Antioxidants with Modified Starch on the Oxidative Stability of β-Carotene Loaded within Nanoemulsions
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Influence of cooling rate and additives on low-temperature properties of asphalt mixtures in the TSRST
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results and analysis of low-temperature properties of asphalt mixtures according to Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Test (TSRST) and Indirect Tensile Test methods. Different groups of bitumen were investigated: neat, SBS-modified and highly SBS-modified. Influence of cooling rates (1 C/h, 3 C/h, 5 C/h and 10 C/h) and additives (aramid fibres and crumb rubber) was identified as well. Moreover, for each...
Design and Optimization of Metamaterial-Based Dual-Band 28/38 GHz 5G MIMO Antenna with Modified Ground for Isolation and Bandwidth Improvement
PublikacjaThis letter presents a high-isolation dual-band multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna based on the ground plane modification and optimized metamaterials (MMs) for 5G millimeter-wave applications. The antenna is a monopole providing a dual-band response at 5G 28/38 bands with a small physical size (4.8 × 2.9 × 0.762 mm3, excluding the feeding line). The MIMO consists of two symmetric radiating elements arranged adjacently...
Video of LEGO bricks on conveyor belt - wheels, tires and caterpillars
Dane BadawczeThe set contains videos of LEGO bricks (wheels, tires and caterpillars) moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. The bricks were separated as much as possible and in most cases they should not overlap. The images were taken from different sides by stationary camera located...
Rolling resistance and tyre/road noise on rubberised asphalt pavement in Poland
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of tyre/road noise and rolling resistance measurements performed on stone mastics asphalt (SMA) that contains rubberised asphalt, developed and produced by a refinery in Poland. Bituminous binder was modified with polymer and addition of crumb rubber. The first observations of asphalt mixture with the new kind of modified bitumen used on the field section are presented. Rolling resistance of passenger...
Impact and stretching standardized tests as useful tools for assessment of viscoelastic behavior for highly rubberized asphalt binder
PublikacjaAsphalt binder is generally identified as a brittle material at low service temperature or under high-speed load, and the brittleness becomes serious after weathering aging. Improving the toughness of asphalt binder through adding high-content of crumb tire rubber is an efficient method to solve this problem. Devulcanized rubber modified asphalt binder (DRMA) with different contents (15–40%) of devulcanized rubber (DR) were prepared...
Deflection measurement of field section with pavement with base course made of Cement Bitumen Treated Material Mixture C3E4 (28, 180, 270, 365 days after compaction)
Dane BadawczeDataset presents data of deflections determined for pavement with base course made of cold recycled mixture – cement bitumen treated material mixture with following binding agents: 3% cement, 4% emulsion (C3E4). Mixture was designed according to Polish requirements for the base course of pavement. Mixture was mixed in stationary plant and compacted...
Risks related to car fire on innovative Poroelastic Road Surfaces-PERS
PublikacjaTo reduce tyre/road noise, the concept of poroelastic road surfaces (PERS) was invented. PERS is a road surface material that is porous, and at the same time, it is flexible because of the substantial amount of rubber granulate content (from 20% to 85%). The rubber and stone particles are bound by polyurethane resin instead of bitumen. It was feared that in case of fire, because of the high content of rubber and polyurethane, there...
Low-Temperature Requirements for Bitumen in Central East European Road Construction
PublikacjaThe paper presents the proposition of special assessment of lowtemperature requirements for bitumens in the region of Central and Eastern Europe where there is a moderate transitional area from sea to the continental type of climate. The results of the research program conducted on the road neat bitumens, Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene polymer and polymer-rubber modified bitumen, and multigrade bitumen types were presented and discussed....
Structurally well-defined functionalized polyolefins and graft copolymers thereof as bitumen modifiers
PublikacjaHere we demonstrate the application of hydroxyl-functionalized propylene-based copolymers, poly(propylene-co-1-hexene-co-10-undecen-1-ol) (FPP) and poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride) (SMA) graft copolymers derived thereof, poly(propylene-co-1- hexene-graft-styrene-co-maleic anhydride) (FPP-g-SMA) as bitumen modifiers. The FPP samples were synthesized via solution copolymerization, while FPP-g-SMA products were obtained via transesterification...
Bitumen-Based Poroelastic Pavements: Successful Improvements and Remaining Issues
PublikacjaThis article presents the development process of designing and testing poroelastic pavement based on highly polymer-modified bitumen. Poroelastic wearing course was composed of mineral and rubber aggregate mixed with highly polymer-modified bitumen, in contrast to previous trials, during which polyurethane resins were mainly used as binder, which led to several serious technological problems concerning difficult production, insufficient...
Emission and properties of airborne wear particles from train brake friction materials based on novolac phenolic resins and butadiene rubbers
PublikacjaThe emission of airborne particulate matter from a train brake depends on the formulation of its friction material. This study investigates the emission and properties of wear particles from train brake friction materials based on straight or resorcinol-modified novolac phenolic resin and nitrile or styrene butadiene rubber used as binding ingredients. The wear particles are generated by a pin-on-disc tribomachine inside an aerodynamic...
Pyrolysis Process of Whole Waste Tires as a Biomass Energy Recycling
PublikacjaThe article is devoted to the description of material recycling of whole waste tires, including a new method of pyrolysis process, resulting in the final products: technically oil fractions (rubber plasticizer of rubber compounds) or diesel fuels (light, medium and heavy), activated carbon, gas fuel and steel scrap. Operational and performance tests of the first version of the pilot plant, consisting of three contributions cooperating...
Evaluation and rationale of the performance of several elastomeric composites incorporating devulcanized EPDM
Publikacjathylene Propylene Diene rubber (EPDM), is present in many applications. However, its crosslinked structure makes difficult its recycling. The use of devulcanized EPDM, (dEPDM) as a component of elastomeric composites, is a real possibility to reuse EPDM scraps. In this study, three matrices (natural rubber (NR), styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) and EPDM rubber) have been tested including devulcanized EPDM as a recycled component....
Modyfikacja kompozytów elastomerowych NR za pomocą ligniny i glicerolizatu
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem opisanych w niniejszym artykule badań są wulkanizaty kauczuku naturalnego. Celem pracy było zbadanie wpływu ligniny oraz glicerolizatu na wybrane właściwości kompozytów zawierających kauczuk naturalny. Strukturę chemiczną przygotowanych materiałów potwierdzono, wykorzystując analizę spektroskopową w podczerwieni (FTIR). Zbadano również właściwości mechaniczne przy statycznym rozciąganiu, twardość, ścieralność oraz odbojność...
Janusz Datta prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyJanusz Datta w roku 1988 ukończył studia na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej. Po ich zakończeniu został zatrudniony na Wydziale Chemicznym w Zakładzie, a potem po reorganizacji, w Katedrze Technologii Polimerów, gdzie przez sześć lat pracował na stanowisku naukowo-technicznym. W tym okresie zdobywał doświadczenie uczestnicząc w licznych wyjazdach do Zakładów Chemicznych „Zachem” Bydgoszcz, gdzie brał udział w pracach...
Applications of permeability, oedometer and direct shear tests to the sand mixed with waste tire crumb
PublikacjaThe amount of the used waste rubbers in the world has been increasing every year, and their utilization, become a major environmental problem worldwide. The present experimental work has been performed to investigate the influence of rubber inclusion on the behavior of a sand. Geotechnical properties of the sand, and sand with tire crumb at various ratios mixtures (0%, 2.5%, 7.5%, and 15%) were investigated through a series of...
Poroelastic Material for Urban Roads Wearing Courses
PublikacjaConventional road materials used for producing wearing courses of roads are based on mineral aggregate and bituminous or Portland cement binders. The road materials must be optimized for different properties, including skid resistance, durability, rolling resistance and tire/road noise. Unfortunately, it seems that within classic technologies it is very difficult to achieve further reduction of tire/road noise. Innovative porous...
Poroelastic Material for Urban Roads Wearing Courses
PublikacjaConventional road materials used for producing wearing courses of roads are based on mineral aggregate and bituminous or Portland cement binders. The road materials must be optimized for different properties, including skid resistance, durability, rolling resistance and tire/road noise. Unfortunately, it seems that within classic technologies it is very difficult to achieve further reduction of tire/road noise. Innovative porous...
Influence of bitumen type on cracking resistance of asphalt mixtures used in pavement overlays
PublikacjaCracking is one of the predominant distresses occurring in flexible pavements, especially in old pavements that were rehabilitated with an asphalt overlay. In such cases asphalt mixtures should be designed to ensure high resistance to reflective cracking because new asphalt layers are exposed to existing cracks of the old pavement. The nature of these cracks can be various (transverse, longitudinal as well as crazy cracking). One...
Influence of novolac phenolic resins and butadiene rubbers on airborne wear particles emission from train brake friction materials against steel brake discs with roughness of Ra2.5
Dane BadawczeThree train brake materials based on straight or resorcinol-modified novolac phenolic resin and nitrile or styrene-butadiene rubber were tested during pin-on-disc tribological tests. Each material was tested and retested at 9 different friction regimes with various contact pressure values (0.33, 0.66 and 1 MPa) and various sliding velocity values (0.6,...
Performance Evaluation of Asphalt Binder Modified with Shear Thickening Fluid
PublikacjaThis paper aims at using a dilatant or shear thickening fluid (STF) [a non-Newtonian fluid consisting of particles of nano-silica suspended in a liquid medium, i.e., ethylene glycol (EG), which acts as a carrier fluid; proportion 40:60] as additive or modifier of bitumen in order to enhance its viscoelastic properties. A commonly-used performance grading (PG) system, storage stability test, and different conventional and rheological...
Michał Ryms dr hab. inż.
Osobydr hab. inż. Michał Ryms, fizyk, absolwent Politechniki Gdańskiej. Pracę doktorską obronił na Wydziale Chemicznym. Od 2011 roku pracuje w Katedrze Konwersji i Magazynowania Energii Politechniki Gdańskiej, obecnie na stanowisku profesora uczelni. Działalność naukowa obejmuje: zagadnienia związane z poprawą efektywności energetycznej oraz możliwości nowego zastosowania materiałów zmiennofazowych (PCM) głównie w budownictwie energooszczędnym...
Poroelastic Road Surfaces - State of The Art
PublikacjaPoroelastic Road Surfaces (PERS) constitute a specific group of pavements containing a great amount of crumbled rubber. In most cases rubber aggregate constitutes about 20% of the mixture (by weight) and a polyurethane resin is used as a binder. As a result, PERS is characterized by a much higher elasticity than asphalt and a high porosity typical for drainage pavements. Due to this, tire/road noise is greatly reduced and on top...
Analiza trwałości zmęczeniowej asfaltów drogowych i modyfikowanych z wykorzystaniem testu liniowego zwiększania amplitudy / Analysis of the fatigue life of neat and modified bitumens using linear amplitude sweep test
PublikacjaThe paper presents an evaluation of the fatigue resistance of selected Polish bituminous binders: neat bitumen 50/70, polymer modified bitumen PMB 45/80-55 and polymer highly modified bitumen PMB 45/80-80. The linear amplitude sweep (LAS) test, which is a new bitumen performance grading test developed in the USA, and was used to assess the fatigue life of the bitumens. Highly modified bitumen 45/80-80 showed 10-20 times higher...
Wpływ technicznych włókien celulozowych na wybrane właściwości kompozytów kauczuku naturalnego
PublikacjaCelem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie wpływu technicznych włókien celulozowych (dodanych w ilości 10, 20, 30 i 40 phr) jako naturalnego napełniacza na wybrane właściwości kompozytów na osnowie kauczuku naturalnego. Zbadano właściwości wulkanizatów przy statycznym rozciąganiu, w próbie rozdzierności, a także twardość, elastyczność przy odbiciu oraz ścieralność otrzymanych materiałów. Wyniki badań zostały porównane z wulkanizatem...
Ultra Low Noise Poroelastic Road Surfaces
PublikacjaNoise is one of the most important environmental problems related to road traffic. During the last decades, the noise emitted by the engines and powertrains of vehicles was greatly reduced and tires became a clearly dominant noise source. The article describes the concept of low noise poroelastic road surfaces that are composed of mineral and rubber aggregate bound by polyurethane resin. Those surfaces have a porous structure and...
Investigation method of large-volume tire with mobile test rig
PublikacjaThe goal of this research is to develop the tire test method and mobile tire test rig. The test rig enables measurement of tire properties as stiffness and viscous damping in vertical direction, and tire–ground characteristics on the asphalt rigid surface. The tire-ground characteristics are measured by force and a torque measurement hub. The design, calibration and the algorithm for calculating the forces in the wheel center are...
Experimental Study on Effectiveness of a Prototype Seismic Isolation System Made of Polymeric Bearings
PublikacjaSeismic isolation is identified as one of the most popular and effective methods of protecting structures under strong dynamic excitations. Base isolators, such as Lead Rubber Bearings, High Damping Rubber Bearings, and Friction Pendulum Bearings, are widely used in practice in many earthquake-prone regions of the world to mitigate structural vibrations, and therefore minimize loss of life and property damage during seismic events....
Recycling of waste tires in the light of binding law in Poland
PublikacjaA risings of large quantities of used rubber products, especially used tires has been increasing every year in Poland, in 2006 it was 160 thousand. The waste management and recycling of used tires become a major environmental problem. Well known methods of utilization of used tires are presented in this article. The main problem is ignorance of the law by tyre manufactures and users. In Poland first act on waste introduces ban...
Evaluation of structural change during fast transformation process of cross-linked NR into liquid NR by light pyrolysis
PublikacjaThe presence of cross-linked networks in rubber creates a tremendous problem for recycling and reusing of waste rubber. Fast transformation of cross-linked natural rubber (NR) into liquid natural rubber was carried out by light pyrolysis in temperature range from 240 to 300 °C in variable time (in range: 1–30 min). The transformation efficiency was evaluated by measuring the sol fraction and the cross-link density of the gel fraction....
Progress in used tyres management in the european union: a review
PublikacjaThe dynamic increase in the manufacture of rubber products, particularly those used in the automobile industry, is responsible for a vast amount of wastes, mostly in the form of used tyres, of which more than 17 million tonnes are produced globally each year. The widely differing chemical compositions and the cross-linked structures of rubber in tyres are the prime reason why they are highly resistant to biodegradation, photochemical...
Modification of cellulosic filler with diisocyanates – volatile organic compounds emission assessment and stability of chemical structure over time
PublikacjaThis paper investigated the impact of type and content of diisocyanate on the structure of modified cellulose fillers. Four the most popular isocyanates were applied – isophorone, hexamethylene, toluene and methylene diphenyl diisocyanate – at loadings of 1–15 wt%. Chemical structure, and its short-term storage stability, were investigated for eight weeks. Moreover, the main volatile organic compounds detected during modification,...
Evaluation of Thermal Stresses in Asphalt Layers in Comparison with TSRST Test Results
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of calculations and laboratory determination of thermal stresses at low temperatures. The modified Hills and Brien's method was used to calculate the thermal stresses in asphalt layers of pavements and the results were compared against the values obtained at a laboratory with the Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Test (TSRST) method. The laboratory investigations were conducted using plain grade...
The innovative approach for using pavement as a fire prevention measure in tunnels
PublikacjaThe paper consists of two main parts: first presents study regarding the typically used pavement structures in tunnels and the second part: the first fire trials of the poroelastic SEPOR (Safe, Eco-friendly POroelastic Road Surface) mixture which was designed to be used among other uses in tunnels. In the first part of the paper different pavement materials, such as cement concrete, asphalt concrete, stone mastic asphalt and porous...
Influence of the Addition of Recycled Aggregates and Polymer Fibers on the Properties of Pervious Concrete
PublikacjaThe aim of the study was to check the possibility of reusing aggregate from recycled concrete waste and rubber granules from car tires as partial substitution of natural aggregate. The main objective was to investigate the effects of recycled waste aggregate modified with polymer fibers on the compressive and flexural strength, modulus of elasticity and permeability of pervious concrete. Fibers with a multifilament structure and...
Decreasing CO2 Emissions By Reducing Tire Rolling Resistance
PublikacjaThe first motor vehicle was built by Nicolas Cugnot almost 250 years ago and since then there has been a continuous process of motor vehicles’ improvements, as well as development of new road pavements. The fuel crisis of the 70s of the 20th century made it clear to vehicle builders that measures should be taken to reduce vehicle fuel consumption and it contributed to an increased interest in electric vehicles. Although significant...
Prediction of the fatigue lifetime of PUR structural elements using a combined experimental-numerical approach
PublikacjaThis paper presents a method for estimating the fatigue life of polyurethane elastomeric components. A rubber replacement - polyurethane of hardness 80ShA commonly used in vibration damping systems, for example, in motor vehicle suspensions, was used for the study. A metal-rubber bushing component was selected for analysis, and numerical analysis was carried out along with a fatigue model proposal based on a modification of the...
X-ray diffraction spectra of the NiCo2O4 modified by carbon
Dane BadawczeThis dataset comprises XRD results for NiCo2O4 modified with carbon, varying according to the amount of carbon. In this context, the XRD data provide insights into the crystalline structure and phase composition of the NiCo2O4 material as it is modified with varying quantities of carbon. This investigation is valuable for understanding how the presence...
Simulation of the response of base-isolated buildings under earthquake excitations considering soil flexibility
PublikacjaThe accurate analysis of the seismic response of isolated structures requires the incorporation of the flexibility of supporting soil. However, it is often customary to idealize the soil as rigid during the analysis of such structures. In the present paper, seismic response time history analyses of base-isolated buildings modelled as single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) and multi degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems with linear and nonlinear...
Evaluation of Asphalt Mixture Low-Temperature Performance in Bending Beam Creep Test
PublikacjaLow-temperature cracking is one of the most common road pavement distress types in Poland. While bitumen performance can be evaluated in detail using bending beam rheometer (BBR) or dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) tests, none of the normalized test methods gives a comprehensive representation of low-temperature performance of the asphalt mixtures. This article presents the Bending Beam Creep test performed at temperatures from −20...
Isothermal Vulcanization and Non-Isothermal Degradation Kinetics of XNBR/Epoxy/XNBR-g-Halloysite Nanotubes (HNT) Nanocomposites
PublikacjaThe effect of several concentrations of carboxylated nitrile butadiene rubber (XNBR) functionalized halloysite nanotubes (XHNTs) on the vulcanization and degradation kinetics of XNBR/epoxy compounds were evaluated using experimental and theoretical methods. The isothermal vulcanization kinetics were studied at various temperatures by rheometry and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results obtained indicated that the...
Nonlinear Viscoelastic Properties of Polyurethane Nanocomposites
PublikacjaIn recent years, the nonlinear viscoelastic behaviors of elastomeric nanocomposites have been examined, especially for a wide range of rubbery composite (including natural rubber) materials. This chapter describes the influence of fillers and nanofillers on the nonlinear viscoelastic properties of elastomeric polyurethane systems. These filled elastomers (similar to the classic natural rubber reinforced elastomers), also exhibit...
Badania mieszanek mineralno-asfaltowych w niskiej temperaturze
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono metody badań w niskiej temperaturze betonu asfaltowego przeznaczonego do warstwy ścieralnej. Przedstawione zostały wyniki badań dla 4 różnych metod badawczych: zginania, pełzania, pośredniego rozciągania oraz rozciągania termicznego przy ograniczonym odkształceniu (test TSRST). Próbki betonu asfaltowego były przygotowywane w laboratorium z wykorzystaniem 3 rodzajów asfaltów: asfaltu zwykłego, asfaltu modyfikowanego...
Determination of changes in viscosity of high-fructose syrup stability of pectin hydrogels depending on the temperature (25-96 Celsius degrees).
Dane BadawczeThe rheological characteristics of the high-fructose syrup modified stability of pectin (added in a concentration 2% m/m) were made on the basis of the viscosity assessment using a Brookfield viscometer with an LV SC4 - 25 spindle and a shear rate of 0,22 s-1 in the temperature range 25-96 ° C. The data allowed selection of optimal conditions for the...
Non-linear behaviour of base-isolated building supported on flexible soil under damaging earthquakes
PublikacjaSeismic isolation is a strategy to reduce damage of structures exposed to devastating earthquake excitations. Isolation systems, applied at the base of buildings, lower the fundamental frequency of the structure below the range of dominant frequencies of the ground motion as well as allow to dissipate more energy during structural vibrations. The effectiveness of the base-isolated buildings in damage reduction has been confirmed...
Numerical study on seismic response of a base-isolated building modelled with shell elements
PublikacjaSeismic isolation is counted among the most popular and effective means of protecting structures against earthquake forces. Base isolators, like Lead-Rubber Bearings (LRB), High-Damping Rubber Bearings (HDB) or Friction Pendulum Systems (FPS) are extensively used in practice in many earthquake-prone regions of the world. The present paper reports the results obtained from the numerical study on seismic response of a base-isolated...
Planetary roller extruders in the sustainable development of polymer blends and composites – Past, present and future
PublikacjaScrew extruders as continuous flow reactors allow the synthesis of new polymers, preparation of polymer blends and composites, and modification or functionalization of commercially available polymers. Literature data shows that the twin screw extrusion is the most popular solution used for this purpose. In contrast, the number of scientific papers on alternative methods, such as multi-screw extruders, is somewhat limited. This...
Assessment of Tensile Strength Reserve of Asphalt Mixtures at Low Temperatures
PublikacjaDuring winter conditions, low-temperature cracks develop at the surface of the asphalt pavement when tensile thermal stress induced in the asphalt layer during cooling equals and exceeds the tensile strength of the material. The paper presents the results of tensile strength reserve assessment of asphalt mixtures with neat and SBS-polymer modified bitumen application. The tensile strength reservewas calculated as difference between...