


  • Non-Newtonian Mathematics Instead of Non-Newtonian Physics: Dark Matter and Dark Energy from a Mismatch of Arithmetics


    Newtonian physics is based on Newtonian calculus applied to Newtonian dynamics. New paradigms such as ‘modified Newtonian dynamics’ (MOND) change the dynamics, but do not alter the calculus. However, calculus is dependent on arithmetic, that is the ways we add and multiply numbers. For example, in special relativity we add and subtract velocities by means of addition β1⊕β2=tanh(tanh−1(β1)+tanh−1(β2)), although multiplication β1⊙β2=tanh(tanh−1(β1)⋅tanh−1(β2)),...

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  • Zaufanie do siebie jako jeden z aspektów zaufania w aktywności przedsiębiorczej


    - Rok 2015

    Artykuł prezentuje znaczenie zaufania do samego siebie na tle zaufania w relacjach budowanych przez przedsiębiorcę w jego otoczeniu społecznym i biznesowym. Wyjaśniono koncepcję zaufania do samego siebie, odnosząc się do zróżnicowanych typów zaufania, na przykład: kalkulacyjnego, opartego na wiedzy i identyfikacyjnego. Wskazano jego potencjalne źródła i konsekwencje w kontekście budowania własnego wizerunku, podejmowania decyzji...

  • Revising Entrepreneurial Orientation Construct in Social Enterprise


    - Rok 2017

    Entrepreneurial behavior and entrepreneurial orientation (EO) have received significant scholarly attention in entrepreneurship and management research, but mainly in the commercial context. However, some attempts discussing such behavior and EO among non-profit organizations, but limited in the social enterprise context. The literature argues that EO is higher in such contexts (Zahra, Gedajlovic, Neubaum & Shulman, 2009; Lumpkin,...

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  • Climate change impact on groundwater resources in sandbar aquifers in southern Baltic coast


    Shallow coastal aquifers are vulnerable hydrosystems controlled by many factors, related to climate, seawater‑freshwater interactions and human activity. Given on‑going climate change, sea level rise and increasing human impact, it is especially true for groundwater resources situated in sandbars. We developed numerical models of unsaturated zone water flow for two sandbars in northern Poland: the Vistula Spit and the Hel Spit...

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  • Women's Entrepreneurship in Poland- Opportunities and Barriers According to Young Women Entering the Labour Market


    - Rok 2013

    Women entrepreneurship is an important issue for both economic and social reasons. However cultural factors have an additional impact. In Poland women represent more than 50% of the population, nonetheless only 35% of people who run their own business are women. Main research questions in the current study were: What are the determinants of the above mentioned imparity? Do young women evaluate themselves as entrepreneurial? Do...

  • Cluster organization as a form of non-technological innovation


    - Rok 2022

    The paper aims to investigate the relationships that cluster enterprises develop with their environment through participation in cluster organization (CO). The authors report the findings from a qualitative study carried out in the Lubusz Metal Cluster. The main research strategy is case study. An in-depth individual interview was used to collect the data, and qualitative content analysis and coding for its analysis. The study...

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  • Open Data Capability Architecture - An Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach


    - Rok 2020

    Despite of increasing availability of open data as a vital organizational resource, large numbers of startups and organizations fail when it comes to utilizing open data effectively. This shortcoming is attributable to the poor understanding of what types of capabilities are required to successfully conduct data related activities. At the same time, research on open data capabilities and how they relate to one another remains sparse....

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  • Optimization of Train Energy Cooperation Using Scheduled Service Time Reserve


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    The main aim of the paper was to develop an innovative approach to the preliminary estimation possibility of train energy cooperation based on data from timetables, without traction calculations. The article points out the need to strive for sustainable and environmentally friendly transport. It was pointed out that rail transport using electric traction is one of the more ecological branches of transport. It also offers a number...

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  • Karolina Krośnicka dr hab. inż. arch.

    Karolina A. Krośnicka, dr hab. inż. arch., jest profesorem uczelni w Katedrze Projektowania Urbanistycznego i Planowania Regionalnego na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej.  Przez wiele lat (1998-2016) była zatrudniona w Katedrze Transportu i Logistyki na Wydziale Nawigacyjnym Akademii Morskiej w Gdyni, gdzie zajmowała się głównie zagadnieniami związanymi z planowaniem portów morskich i terminali portowych. Obecnie jej...

  • Współczesne metody zapewniania jakości oprogramowania. Od klasyki do zwinności


    - Rok 2020

    Książka opisuje problematykę jakości w kontekście metod wytwarzania oprogramowania. Składa się z 22 rozdziałów podzielonych na 6 części: Znaczenie jakości oprogramowania, Podstawowe pojęcia i problemy jakości, Jakość w ujęciu klasycznym, Pomiary jakości, Dokumentacja i normy jakości procesu, Jakość w podejściu zwinnym. Zebrany materiał pokazuje ewolucję podejścia do jakości w klasycznych metodykach wytwarzania (od modelu kaskadowego...

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  • Rural Building in Opole Silesia During the Period of the Frederician Colonization


    - Rok 2023

    The aim of the article is to present the rural construction in the Opole countryside (Poland) during the “Frederician colonization”. Showing socio-economic areas of Opole villages, differing from each other, the differences of which resulted from the environmental conditions influencing the processes of enfranchisement and industrialization. These processes at the turn of the 17th and 19th centuries influenced the image of the...

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  • Pyrolysis of Waste Biomass: Technical and Process Achievements, and Future Development-A Review


    - Rok 2023

    Pyrolysis has been applied in the human economy for many years, and it has become a significant alternative to the production of chemical compounds, including biofuels. The article fo-cuses mostly on recent achievements in the technical and processing aspects of pyrolysis. The aim of the review is to present the latest research on the process of waste biomass pyrolysis to fuel production. The paper describes the mechanisms of...

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  • Comparative Analysis of Metabolic Variations, Antioxidant Profiles and Antimicrobial Activity of Salvia hispanica (Chia) Seed, Sprout, Leaf, Flower, Root and Herb Extracts


    - MOLECULES - Rok 2023

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the phytochemical profiles of the seeds, sprouts, leaves, flowers, roots and herb of Salvia hispanica and to demonstrate their significant contribution to antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Applied methods were: HPLC-DAD coupled with post-column derivatization with ABTS reagent, untargeted metabolomics performed by LC-Q-Orbitrap HRMS, and two-fold micro-dilution broth method, which...

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  • Determination of MDPBP in postmortem blood samples by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry



    MDPBP (1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-1-butanone) is a new psychoactive substance sold on the black market. It has been a controlled drug of abuse in Poland and China since 2015 as some toxic and fatal cases connected with use of synthetic cathinone derivatives were observed. The fatal case outlined here concerns a 19 year-old man, who was found dead with an envelope containing white powder lying nearby the cadaver....

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  • Evaluating the effect of different operational strategies on the carbon footprint of wastewater treatment plants – case studies from northern Poland

    Nowadays, low greenhouse gas (GHG) emission is expected at wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). However, emission quantification and evaluation still faces difficulties related to data availability and uncertainty. The objective of this study was to perform carbon footprint (CF) analysis for two municipal WWTPs located in northern Poland. Slupsk WWTP is a large biological nutrient removal (BNR) facility (250,000 PE) which benefits...

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  • Functional safety and managing competence


    - Rok 2007

    Są nowe wyzwania związane z badaniami, edukacją i szkoleniem w obszarach bezpieczeństwa i ochrony systemów i sieci krytycznych. W rozdziale podkreśla się, że kompetencje specjalistów powinny być kształtowane w zintegrowanych procesach edukacji i szkolenia. Dlatego uzasadnione jest, aby opracować w Europie standardy i programy kształcenia na bazie odpowiednich prac badawczych i najlepszych doświadczeń z praktyki przemysłowej w celu...

  • Getting to know the potential of social media in forest education


    - Leśne Prace Badawcze - Rok 2019

    The development of social network sites not only facilitates the acquisition and deepening of knowledge but also provides the possibility of easily contacting foresters, specialists in natural sciences and nature enthusiasts. In addition, for some years...

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  • Pose-Configurable Generic Tracking of Elongated Objects


    - Rok 2013

    Elongated objects have various shapes and can shift, rotate, change scale, and be rigid or deform by flexing, articulating, and vibrating, with examples as varied as a glass bottle, a robotic arm, a surgical suture, a finger pair, a tram, and a guitar string. This generally makes tracking of poses of elongated objects very challenging. We describe a unified, configurable framework for tracking the pose of elongated objects, which...

  • Daytime Acute Non-Visual Alerting Response in Brain Activity Occurs as a Result of Short- and Long-Wavelengths of Light

    • K. Łaszewska
    • G. Agnieszka
    • P. Weber
    • T. Pracki
    • M. Tafil-klawe
    • D. Pracka
    • P. Złomańczuk


    Very recent preliminary findings concerning the alerting capacities of light stimulus with long-wavelengths suggest the existence of neural pathways other than melatonin suppression that trigger the nonvisual response. Though the nonvisual effects of light during the daytime have not been investigated thoroughly, they are definitely worth investigating. The purpose of the present study is to enrich existing evidence by describing...

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    W 25 lat od powrotu demokracji opierającej się o neoliberalny paradygmat rozwoju kraju, Polska przyjęła Krajową Politykę Miejską 2030. Wraz z ustawą o rewitalizacji w nowoczesny sposób określa ona pole współpracy władz samorządowych i administracji z mieszkańcami, przejście do drugiej fazy rozwoju społeczeństwa demokratycznego – mieszkańców współgospodarzy przestrzeni miast. Powolna ewolucja tej relacji, silnie obarczonej dziedzictwem...

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  • Psychosocial risks associated with the profession of train driver


    Excellent competencies as well as a good physical and mental health are required in train drivers’ profession. Despite the changes in the structure of employment the train drivers above 46 years and job tenure longer than 30 years are the largest group. The generation gap is becoming more pronounced, and its fulfilment will not be easy. It is related not only to training of new personnel but also promotion of healthy work environment...

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  • Migration of trace elements and radioisotopes to various fractions of solid wastes generated as a result of the sewage sludge incineration process


    - WASTE MANAGEMENT - Rok 2024

    The research was aimed at providing new knowledge in the field of chemical characteristics of solid waste generated in the process of combustion of sewage sludge in fluidized bed furnaces. The research material consisted of disposed fluidized beds (DFB), sewage sludge ash (SSA) and air pollution control residues (APC) from three Polish installations for the thermal treatment of sewage sludge. Natural radionuclides as well as anthropogenic...

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  • Building Information Modelling as an opportunity and risk for stakeholders involved in construction investment process

    The requirements to apply Building Information Modelling (BIM) in public investments worldwide are currently very high. Significant interest (sometimes formulated also as a requirement) in BIM technology can be observed also among private investors. Design technology that applies BIM is supported by many private investors due to its numerous advantages. A growing group of construction designers (steel, concrete and reinforced concrete...

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  • Thermal utilization of meat and bone meals. Performance analysis in terms of drying process, pyrolysis and kinetics of volatiles combustion


    - FUEL - Rok 2019

    A development of technology of thermal utilization requires a thorough knowledge of the physicochemical properties, as well as kinetics of combustion of volatiles and char. Due to waste management regulations the meat and bone meal (MBM) is regarded as biofuel constituting one of the alternatives to fossil fuels in the energy market. MBM is a heterogeneous material that may consist of several different fractions. The extensive...

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  • Dynamic GPU power capping with online performance tracing for energy efficient GPU computing using DEPO tool

    GPU accelerators have become essential to the recent advance in computational power of high- performance computing (HPC) systems. Current HPC systems’ reaching an approximately 20–30 mega-watt power demand has resulted in increasing CO2 emissions, energy costs and necessitate increasingly complex cooling systems. This is a very real challenge. To address this, new mechanisms of software power control could be employed. In this...

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  • Entrepreneurship Today: Selected Aspects

    • M. Byczkowska
    • Z. Poplavska
    • S. Komarynets
    • Y. Stukalina
    • A. Majzel
    • K. Zięba

    - Rok 2020

    At its very beginning, entrepreneurship was a purely economic notion. However, this growing interest in entrepreneurship-related problems prompted other sciences to participate in explaining the entrepreneurship phenomenon. Nowadays, entrepreneurship is analyzed through multiple theoretical lenses of economics, management, psychology, sociology – just to name a few. Therefore, it would be difficult to find a notion that could be...

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  • Krzysztof Malik prof. dr hab.


    Krzysztof Malik, professor of economics, heads the Department of Economics, Finance, Regional and International Research at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Opole University of Technology. Prof. Malik conducts research on the regional economy, development strategy, knowledge transfer and specialization of regional development, economic evaluation of regional public programmes and policies. He is the author and co-author...

  • Angelica Pegani mgr


    Absolwentka Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Ukończyła menedżerskie studia podyplomowe oraz Program Przedsiębiorczości na Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Rozpoczęła studia doktoranckie i napisała rozprawę doktorską w zakresie nauk społecznych. Posiada liczne certyfikaty potwierdzające znajomość języka angielskiego, m. in z British Council oraz University of Cambridge. Posiada 12-letnie doświadczenie...

  • Razem czy osobno - zespoły a działania przedsiębiorcze


    - Rok 2015

    Przedsiębiorczość rozumiana jako atrybut jednostki, charakteryzowana jest ponad 40 pojęciami. Wiadomo jest jednak, że zakres i różnorodność kompetencji pojedynczej osoby jest zazwyczaj mniejszy niż zespołu. Jednostka może posiadać wybitną wiedzę, niezwykły poziom umiejętności i ogromne doświadczenie, ale ich zakres może zostać rozszerzony o właściwie dobrane kompetencje innej jednostki. Z drugiej strony zarówno działania zespołowe...

  • Usability of mobile applications: a systematic literature study


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2020

    Since the release of the first mobile devices, the usability of on-board applications has been the concern not only of software vendors but hardware manufacturers as well. The academia community later willingly joined the discussion on usability in terms of theory and empirical measurement, having experience and knowledge in desktop settings. At first sight, such a background should guarantee a solid foundation to conduct research...

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  • Identification of novel halogenated naturally occurring compounds in marine biota by high-resolution mass spectrometry and combined screening approaches



    Marine animals, plants or bacteria are a source of bioactive naturally-occurring halogenated compounds (NHCs) such as bromophenols (BPs), bromoanisoles (BAs) and hydroxylated or methoxylated analogues of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (HO-PBDEs, MeO-PBDEs) and bromobiphenyls (HO-BBs, MeO-BBs). This study applied a comprehensive screening approach using liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry and combining target,...

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  • Enhancing the bioconversion rate and end products of black soldier fly (BSF) treatment – A comprehensive review

    • S. A. Siddiqui
    • Ö. Süfer
    • G. Çalışkan Koç
    • H. Lutuf
    • T. Rahayu
    • R. Castro Munoz
    • I. Fernando


    Food security remains a pressing concern in the face of an increasing world population and environmental challenges. As climate change, biodiversity loss, and water scarcity continue to impact agricultural productivity, traditional livestock farming faces limitations in meeting the growing global demand for meat and dairy products. In this context, black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) have emerged as a promising alternative for sustainable...

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  • Investigating the Impact of Curing System on Structure-Property Relationship of Natural Rubber Modified with Brewery By-Product and Ground Tire Rubber


    - Polymers - Rok 2020

    The application of wastes as a filler/reinforcement phase in polymers is a new strategy to modify the performance properties and reduce the price of biocomposites. The use of these fillers, coming from agricultural waste (cellulose/lignocellulose-based fillers) and waste rubbers, constitutes a method for the management of post-consumer waste. In this paper, highly-filled biocomposites based on natural rubber (NR) and ground tire...

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    - Rok 2016

    This paper delves into recently applied strategies of creating new water areas and modifying the existing ones as a part of the transformation processes of post-industrial territories. It proves that while the pursuit for unique architectural and urban space values remains an important factor contributing to such modifications, they may also play an important role in reclaiming ecological systems continuity. On the basis of theoretical...

  • Segmentation of academic community for the purposes of mobility plan development – case study of Gdansk University of Technology


    The objective of the paper is to analyse the structure of academic community for its transport behaviour and attitudes using the example of the Gdansk University of Technology (the GUT) in Poland. Once understood, the group can be divided into homogenous sub-groups and studied for their potential and ways to influence their behaviour, attitudes and transport patterns. The results may be used to develop dedicated actions designed...

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  • Asocjacje – jak gdyby, tak jakby…


    - Rok 2022

    Krzysztof Wróblewski prezentuje „In Touch / Anonymous”. (Twarz – jako maska, dłoń – jako dotyk i ślad) – dwa obrazy (olej na płótnie, wymiary: 146x228 cm) wraz z komentarzem: „W kuratorskim tekście do wystawy Asocjacje – jak gdyby, tak jakby zainteresował mnie cytat z teorii umysłu: jesteśmy świadomi umysłów innych ludzi i to ma wpływ na nasze poczynania i procesy umysłowe. Sztuka jako jedno z narzędzi komunikacji jest wysyłaniem...

  • Orken Mamyrbayev Professor


    1.  Education: Higher. In 2001, graduated from the Abay Almaty State University (now Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University), in the specialty: Computer science and computerization manager. 2.  Academic degree: Ph.D. in the specialty "6D070300-Information systems". The dissertation was defended in 2014 on the topic: "Kazakh soileulerin tanudyn kupmodaldy zhuyesin kuru". Under my supervision, 16 masters, 1 dissertation...

  • Updating a hospital building. A task for innovation design


    - Rok 2012

    Refurbishment of a hospital, especially located in a historical building, is a task that goes far beyond a standard framework of architectural practice. A concept of modularity in the architecture of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century was only just to happen, building system installations and technical equipment appeared as the simplest solutions. Inscribing complex functional solutions into such a space is an interesting...

  • Rethinking Sustainable Cities at Night: Paradigm Shifts in Urban Design and City Lighting

    Since the establishment of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015, various perspectives on sustainable cities have been developed and adopted in order to achieve a better and more sustainable future. However, background research has revealed that these goals and targets are limited because they do not take into account the growing body of lighting-related research in diverse fields...

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  • Numerical model for thin liquid film with evaporation and condensation on solid surfaces in systems with conjugated heat transfer


    Condensation and evaporation processes from wetted surfaces are of utmost importance in many technological or industrial applications. In many devices such as home-appliances and air conditioning systems just to name a few, condensation and evaporation processes greatly impact their performance and energy efficiency; The physics of these processes is quite complex, involving conjugate heat transfer among solid–liquid film-gaseous...

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  • Power System Stabilizer as a Part of a Generator MPC Adaptive Predictive Control System


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    In this paper, a model predictive controller based on a generator model for prediction purposes is proposed to replace a standard generator controller with a stabilizer of a power system. Such a local controller utilizes an input-output model of the system taking into consideration not only a generator voltage Ug but also an additional, auxiliary signal (e.g., α, Pg, or ωg). This additional piece of information allows for taking...

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  • Processing of Biomass Prior to Hydrogen Fermentation and Post-Fermentative Broth Management

    Using bioconversion and simultaneous value-added product generation requires purifica- tion of the gaseous and the liquid streams before, during, and after the bioconversion process. The effect of diversified process parameters on the efficiency of biohydrogen generation via biological pro- cesses is a broad object of research. Biomass-based raw materials are often applied in investigations regarding biohydrogen generation using...

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  • Machine Learning Assisted Interactive Multi-objectives Optimization Framework: A Proposed Formulation and Method for Overtime Planning in Software Development Projects


    Machine Learning Assisted Interactive Multi-objectives Optimization Framework: A Proposed Formulation and Method for Overtime Planning in Software Development Projects Hammed A. Mojeed & Rafal Szlapczynski Conference paper First Online: 14 September 2023 161 Accesses Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNAI,volume 14125) Abstract Software development project requires proper planning to mitigate risk and...

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  • Detecting Apples in the Wild: Potential for Harvest Quantity Estimation

    • A. Janowski
    • R. Kaźmierczak
    • C. Kowalczyk
    • J. Szulwic

    - Sustainability - Rok 2021

    Knowing the exact number of fruits and trees helps farmers to make better decisions in their orchard production management. The current practice of crop estimation practice often involves manual counting of fruits (before harvesting), which is an extremely time-consuming and costly process. Additionally, this is not practicable for large orchards. Thanks to the changes that have taken place in recent years in the field of image...

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  • The culture of excellence and its dimensions in higher education


    - The TQM Journal - Rok 2024

    Purpose To recognize the existing state of knowledge on a culture of excellence (CoE) in higher education institutions (HEIs) and to define the CoE in HEI and the dimensions that make up that culture. A subsidiary goal is to propose a qualitative tool to measure CoE maturity. Design/methodology/approach The study was based on the qualitative method, the preferred reporting system of systematic reviews and meta-analysis (PRISMA)....

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  • Multicultural coastal cities: what are the differences in culture of urban planning management. Comparison analysis of Gdańsk and Gdynia


    - Rok 2016

    The goal of this book chapter is the analysis of the multiculturalism of the seaside cities (Gdansk and Gdynia). We define multiculturalism by ethnic aspects, as concentration of multiple nationalities and ethnic groups over the given area and non ethnic aspects, as occurrence of multiple symbols, signs or cultures. We sense multiculturalism of the cities through the cultural and social properties of the citizens and urban architecture....

  • Podstawy metodyki zarządzania projektami w ujęciu klasycznym


    - Rok 2016

    Zagadnienia prezentowane w niniejszym podręczniku mają na celu przybliżenie Czytelnikom wiedzy i doświadczeń związanych z realizacją projektów, głównie na podstawie amerykańskiego standardu zarządzania projektami Project Management Body of Knowledge Guide, Edition Fourth (PMBOK). Standard ten jest źródłem wiedzy oraz powszechnie uznawanych tzw. dobrych praktyk, z powodzeniem stosowanych do skutecznego zarządzania projektami przez...

  • The Technological Advancement of New Products, Product Newness and Market Information


    The purpose of this study is to propose product newness and obtaining market information as mediators of the relationship between the technological advancement of a new product and its commercial success. So far, little is known about the mediators of this relationship but knowledge about the factors that strengthen or weaken it is valid, both for the theory and practice of new product management. On the one hand, product newness...

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  • Sustainable energy consumption – Empirical evidence of a household in Poland


    - Energy Strategy Reviews - Rok 2024

    There is an expected increase in the demand for electricity from households in European countries. The outcome of the growing proportion of renewable energy sources in the energy supply mix should result in improved customer awareness regarding their electricity usage. Additionally, they must assume a more proactive role in overseeing their electricity usage. Innovation and pollution management have become crucial catalysts for...

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  • The effect of road restraint systems on the level of road safety - Polish experience


    Roadside accidents happen when a vehicle runs off the road. The majority of these accidents are very severe because leaving the road is usually followed by hitting a solid obstacle (tree, pole, support, culvert front wall, barrier). Roadsides are some of the most important issues of road safety. They have been studied for years to identify roadside hazards and the effectiveness of road safety measures such as restraint systems....

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