Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: water filtration
The usefulness of ascorbic acid degradation to analyze the effectiveness of water filtration in household water filter jugs
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Efficiency of deep bed filtration in treatment of swimming pool water
PublikacjaPrzebadano efektywność filtracji wody w filtrach ze złożem żwirowo-piaskowym w instalacji basenu rehabilitacyjnego. Obok analizy instrumentalnej wody, w badaniach uwzględniono rozkład wielkości cząstek i analizę termiczną osadu zgromadzonego w złożu piaskowym filtrów wgłębnych i usuwanego podczas płukania.
Wpływ warunków ciśnieniowej filtracji na przebieg biologicznego usuwania azotu amonowego z wody w procesie nitryfikacji = Effect of pressure filtration conditions on nitrification process used for ammonia nitrogen removal from water
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych nad wpływem podwyższonego, zmiennego ciśnienia (do 0,8 MPa) na przebieg usuwania azotu amonowego z wody na nitryfikacyjnym złożu filtracyjnym. Wykazano, że ani podwyższone ciśnienie, ani jego zmiany nie wpływają hamująco na przebieg procesów nitryfikacji. Stwierdzono pozytywny wpływ płukania filtrów biologicznych na usuwanie azotu amonowego z wody.
PublikacjaNowadays, occurrence of abnormal mineral or organic natural (geogenic) compounds concentrations, in ground and infiltration water, but also quite often in surface waters, is now a common problem encountered in Poland, Europe and many other countries throughout the world. The most concern is usually paid on the removal of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) as well as anthropogenic compounds (in particular referring to the organic compounds...
Treatment of high-quality groundwater by means of one-stage filtration on active filtration beds
PublikacjaPrzeprowadzone badania pilotowe uzdatniania wody podziemnej wysokiej jakości, wykazały, że wody o niewielkich stężeniach żelaza (< 0,6 mgl) i manganu (<0,1 mg/l) można uzdatniać stosując napowietrznie i jednostopniową filtrację, w układzie zamkniętym, przez aktywne złoża filtracyjne. Wszystkie przebadane złoża (jednowarstwowe z piasku kwarcowego; dwuwarstwowe z piasku kwarcowego i piroluzytu oraz trzywarstwowe z antracytu, piasku...
Silent Sonar with matched filtration
PublikacjaRadars with continuous wave frequency (CW FM sonars) are used in radiolocation as 'silent sonars'. They determine the distance to target by measuring the difference between the frequency of the sounding signal and echo signal. The article presents the principle of operation and parameters of silent CW FM sonars. Target distance determined by these sonars is based on the signal at the output of the matched filter. The Doppler effect...
The effect of using jug-type water filters on selected metals concentration in tap water – a case study
PublikacjaIn this study, the effect of the filtration process on Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe and Zn concentration in water, using filters from one of the leading European manufacturers, was investigated. The increase in Na (up to 300%) and K concentration (up to 320%) at the beginning of jug filter usage was reported. A decrease in Ca, Fe and Zn concentration was observed. Standard filters remove 80–90% of Mg from tap water at the beginning of the...
ALS Data Filtration with Fuzzy Logic
PublikacjaEkstrakcji DTM pozyskanego z użyciem ALS (Airborne Laser Scanning) z chmury punktów, jest złożonym zadaniem, które wymaga wielu algorytmów i procedur numerycznych. Jednym z pierwszych kroków jest filtracja danych. Istnieje wiele różnych metod filtrowania i algorytmów. W tym artykule autorzy proponują metodę filtracji w oparciu o logikę rozmytą. Prezentują podstawowe informacje dotyczące logiki rozmytej, projekt reguł rozmytych...
A review on electrospun membranes for potential air filtration application
PublikacjaAir pollution is one of the major environmental concerns in most highly populated cities, which is typically caused by particulate (PM2.5 and PM0.1) or gaseous pollutants that can be removed using electrospun membranes. These membranes are characterized by different features in terms of uniform and controllable structure, tuneable porosity, and high surface area, where their separation efficiency strongly depends on their properties....
General analysis of braodband signal spatial filtration.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono ogólną metodę wyznaczania charakterystyk kierunkowych filtrów przestrzennych dla hydroakustycznych sygnałów przestrzennych. Omówiono wpływ szerokości widma odbieranych sygnałów na szerokość wiązki i poziom listków bocznych. Pokazano skutki oszczędnych metod filtracji przestrzennej stosowanych przy odbiorze sygnałów wąskopasmowych, gdy odbierane są sygnały szerokopasmowe.
Application of the expanded clay aggregate in form of granular materials for water treatment
PublikacjaThe paper aimed to evaluate the efficiency of Filtralite MonoMulti compared to the conventional dual-media filter beds comprising silica sand layer covered with anthracite coal. Filtralite media are composed of processed (expanded), highly porous clay products characterized by relatively rough grain surfaces. In order to compare these different media filters in a reliable way, the pilot filter columns operated in parallel, under...
Using Alpha-beta filtration for robustness improvement of a quadrocopter positioning system
PublikacjaQuadrocopter is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platform. The position of the robot is determined based on readings from an accelerometer and a gyroscope, but the measurement signals contain broadband noise. This article describes a solution for filtering out the noise based on an Alpha – beta filter. It also presents the methodology of designing and implementing such a filter for noise cancellation in measurement signals from...
Nanoparticles and nanofiltration for wastewater treatment: From polluted to fresh water
PublikacjaWater pollution poses significant threats to both ecosystems and human health. Mitigating this issue requires effective treatment of domestic wastewater to convert waste into bio-fertilizers and gas. Neglecting liquid waste treatment carries severe consequences for health and the environment. This review focuses on intelligent technologies for water and wastewater treatment, targeting waterborne diseases. It covers pollution prevention...
Accuracy improvement of short signal frequency estimation with the use of digital filtration
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono metodę estymacji częstotliwości krótkiej obserwacji zaszumionego sygnału sinusoidalnego. Podstawowy pomiar uzyskuje się za pomocą DFT. Jednak taki pomiar dla krótkich obserwacji cechuje bardzo mała dokładność. W omawianej metodzie pomiar ten jest poprawiany z użyciem specjalnie dobranego filtru cyfrowego. Jakość przedstawianej metody porównano z kilkoma innymi metodami również bazującymi na DFT.
Integration of advanced oxidation and membrane filtration for removal of micropollutants of emerging concern
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Reduction of the Multipath Propagation Effect in a Hydroacoustic Channel Using Filtration in Cepstrum
PublikacjaDuring data transmission in a hydroacoustic channel, one of the problems is the multipath propagation effect, which leads to a decrease in the transmission parameters and sometimes completely prevents it. Therefore, we have attempted to develop a method, which is based on a recorded hydroacoustic signal, that allows us to recreate the original (generated) signal by eliminating the multipath effect. In our method, we use cepstral...
Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from Air: Focus on Biotrickling Filtration and Process Modeling
PublikacjaBiotrickling filtration is a well-established technology for the treatment of air polluted with odorous and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Besides dozens of successful industrial applications of this technology, there are still gaps in a full understanding and description of the mechanisms of biotrickling filtration. This review focuses on recent research results on biotrickling filtration of air polluted with single and multiple...
Enhanced voice user interface employing spatial filtration of signals from acoustic vector sensor
PublikacjaSpatial filtration of sound is introduced to enhance speech recognition accuracy in noisy conditions. An acoustic vector sensor (AVS) is employed. The signals from the AVS probe are processed in order to attenuate the surrounding noise. As a result the signal to noise ratio is increased. An experiment is featured in which speech signals are disturbed by babble noise. The signals before and after spatial filtration are processed...
Membrane Filtration-Assisted Enzymatic Hydrolysis Affects the Biological Activity of Potato Juice
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Scaling diminution by heterogeneous crystallization in a filtration element integrated with membrane distillation module
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The impact of the shape of deep drilled well screen openings on the filtration process in full saturation conditions
PublikacjaThe authors propose a supplementary method of modelling seepage flow around the deep drilled well screen. The study applies 3D numerical modelling (FEM) in order to provide an in-depth analysis of the seepage process. The analysis of filtration parameters (flow distribution q(x,t) and pressure distribution p) was conducted using the ZSoil.PC software system. The analysis indicates that the shape of perforation is of secondary importance...
Optimization algorithm and filtration using the adaptive TIN model at the stage of initial processing of the ALS point cloud
PublikacjaAirborne laser scanning (ALS) provides survey results in the form of a point cloud. The ALS point cloud is a source of data used primarily for constructing a digital terrain model (DTM). To generate a DTM, the set of ALS observations must be first subjected to the point cloud processing methodology. A standard methodology is composed of the following stages: acquisition of the ALS data, initial processing (including filtration),...
PublikacjaThe pressure on the world’s water resources is rapidly increasing due to population growth and climatic changes. Valorisation of stormwater as a water resource for non-potable reuse can reduce high-quality water demands and save it for potable uses. In this context, not only roof runoff but also drained stormwater outflow, representing considerably higher pollution levels, should be considered as a potential resource. We analysed...
DataSet Investigations into the quality of urban stormwater outflow as an alternative water source: potential for landscape irrigation reuse
Dane BadawczeInvestigations into the quality of urban stormwater outflow as an alternative water source: potential for landscape irrigation reuse
Characterization and Filtration Efficiency of Sustainable PLA Fibers Obtained via a Hybrid 3D-Printed/Electrospinning Technique
PublikacjaThe enormous world demand for personal protective equipment to face the current SARS-CoV-2 epidemic has revealed two main weaknesses. On one hand, centralized production led to an initial shortage of respirators; on the other hand, the world demand for single-use equipment has had a direct and inevitable effect on the environment. Polylactide (PLA) is a biodegradable, biocompatible, and renewable thermoplastic polyester, mainly...
Simple stable discrete-time generalised predictive control with anticipated filtration of control error
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy uogólnionego sterowania predykcyjnego w czasie dyskretnym z antypacyjną filtracją błędu sterowania. Pokazano, iż przy spełnieniu pewnych warunków rozwiązanie problemu syntezy optymlanego regulatora predykcyjnego zawsze istnieje oraz prowadzi do stabilnego zamkniętego układu sterowania o określonych własnościach dynamicznych. W pracy rozważano także problem syntezy regulatora predykcyjnego dla modeli sterowania obiektów...
Biotrickling filtration of n-butanol vapors: process monitoring using electronic nose and artificial neural network
PublikacjaBiotrickling filtration is one of the techniques used to reduce odorants in the air. It is based on the aerobic degradation of pollutants by microorganisms located in the filter bed. The research presents the possibility of using the electronic nose prototype combined with artificial neural network for biofiltration process monitoring in terms of reduction in n-butanol concentration and odour intensity of treated air. The study...
Investigations on the removal of hydrophobic odorous volatile organic compounds by biotrickling filtration monitored with electronic nose
PublikacjaThe presented paper presents the results of research on the removal of selected hydrophobic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from their mixture with air by means of a trickled-bed biofiltration. The efficiency of the removal of toluene and α-pinene, as model VOCs, in a three-section biotrickling filter is evaluated using GCFID and additionally monitored with an electronic nose. The results show that the removal of the model mixture...
Identification of filtration and migration parameters in the MATLAB calculation environment using numerical simulation of breakthrough curve and optimization methods
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Separation of bacteria in UF process
Dane BadawczeLarge quantities of water are used in car washing, so it is necessary to recycle the water, which is made possible by membrane filtration. FP100 (100 kDa) membranes have been used to treat car wash wastewater by ultrafiltration (UF). With time of operation, the properties of the membranes change. The membranes need to be cleaned periodically to prevent...
Selection of C-Type Filters for Reactive Power Compensation and Filtration of Higher Harmonics Injected into the Transmission System by Arc Furnaces
PublikacjaThis article presents a method for selecting the elements of a C-type filter working with a conventional LC-type filter for compensating reactive power and filtering out higher harmonics generated by arc furnaces and ladle furnaces. The study was conducted in a steel mill supplied by a 110 kV transmission system, where higher harmonic currents and nonlinear loads were measured. A series of computer simulations were performed under...
Evaluation of Immobilization of Selected Peat-Isolated Yeast Strains of the Species Candida albicans and Candida subhashii on the Surface of Artificial Support Materials Used for Biotrickling Filtration
PublikacjaThe paper describes the process of n-butanol abatement by unicellular fungi, able to deplete n-butanol content in gas, by using n-butanol as source of carbon. Isolated and identified fungi species Candida albicans and Candida subhashii were subjected to a viability process via assimilation of carbon from hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds. The isolates, which exhibited the ability to assimilate carbon, were immobilized on four...
PublikacjaSince the beginning of widespread use of plastic its consumption and production has been constantly increasing. As a result of human activity part of waste ends up in our environment and is deposited in each of the elements of the biosphere. These impurities can be in the form of large elements, small particles fragmented to macroscopic level (pellets, facial scrub grains) and the microparticles visible under a microscope. Particularly...
Zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF-8) modified cellulose acetate NF membranes for potential water treatment application
PublikacjaIn this study, cellulose acetate (CA)-based nanofiltration membranes, modified with zeolitic imidazole framework-8 (ZIF-8) particles, were prepared with various ZIF-8 contents (0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2 wt%), to obtain membranes with improved flux and filtration performance by combining advantages of CA polymer and ZIF-8 metal-organic frameworks. Removal efficiency studies were carried out with bovine serum albumin and two different...
Effects of CO2 and utilization of spent trickling liquid towards plant growth
Dane BadawczeDataset presents the results of biomass yield for Phaseolus vulgaris pot cultures watered with diluted trickling liquid from biotrickling filtration experiments with or without additional CO2 in air by means of introducting post-biofilter air to the plant culture.
Influence of Low-Temperature Plasma Treatment on The Liquid Filtration Efficiency of Melt-Blown PP Nonwovens in The Conditions of Simulated Use of Respiratory Protective Equipment
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Polysaccharide nanocomposites in wastewater treatment: A review
PublikacjaIn modern times, wastewater treatment is vital due to increased water contamination arising from pollutants such as nutrients, pathogens, heavy metals, and pharmaceutical residues. Polysaccharides (PSAs) are natural, renewable, and non-toxic biopolymers used in wastewater treatment in the field of gas separation, liquid filtration, adsorption processes, pervaporation, and proton exchange membranes. Since addition of nanoparticles...
PublikacjaThe results of CPTU tests are used to determine the strength parameters of a dike subsoil. Stress state and stress history of the subsoil under the flood embankment was evaluated with CPTU and DMT tests. Normally consolidated soil was found under the central part of the dike, while the subsoil near the dike toe is found to be overconsolidated. Due to consolidation the undrained shear strength of the subsoil under the central part...
Graphene-Coated PVDF Membranes: Effects of Multi-Scale Rough Structure on Membrane Distillation Performance
PublikacjaGraphene-coated membranes for membrane distillation have been fabricated by using a wet-filtration approach. Graphene nanoplatelets have been deposited onto PVDF membrane surfaces. Morphology and physicochemical properties have been explored to evaluate the changes in the surface topography and related effects on the membrane performance in water desalination. The membranes have been tested in membrane distillation plants by using...
Recent Advancements in Cyclodextrin-Based Adsorbents for the Removal of Hazardous Pollutants from Waters
PublikacjaWater is an essential substance for the survival on Earth of all living organisms. However, population growth has disturbed the natural phenomenon of living, due to industrial growth to meet ever expanding demands, and, hence, an exponential increase in environmental pollution has been reported in the last few decades. Moreover, water pollution has drawn major attention for its adverse effects on human health and the ecosystem....
Kursy OnlineThe course on Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal provides a comprehensive understanding of the principles, practices, and technologies involved in managing water resources effectively. It covers both the supply side, focusing on the provision of clean and safe drinking water, and the disposal side, addressing the treatment and management of wastewater to minimize environmental impact. Key Topics Covered: 1. Introduction to...
Nutrients, oxygen and suspended matter - Gdansk Deep (2001-2005)
Dane BadawczeThe results show short-term changes in the concentration of nutrients (nitrates, nitrites, ammonium ions, phosphates and total forms of nitrogen and phosphorus), dissolved oxygen and suspended particulate matter - SPM and its main components (organic carbon - POC, nitrogen - PON, phosphorus - TPP) in the water column of the Gdańsk Deep (Gdańsk Bay).
A state of the art review on the use of fungi in biofiltration to remove volatile hydrophobic pollutants
PublikacjaThe physical/chemical abatement of gas pollutants creates many technical problems, is costly and entails significant environmental impacts. Biological purification of off-gases is a cheap and ecologically safe way of neutralization of gas pollutants. Despite the recent advances, the main technological challenge nowadays is the purification of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of hydrophobic character due to their low solubility...
Macro-nutrients recovery from liquid waste as a sustainable resource for production of recovered mineral fertilizer: Uncovering alternative options to sustain global food security cost-effectively
PublikacjaGlobal food security, which has emerged as one of the sustainability challenges, impacts every country. As food cannot be generated without involving nutrients, research has intensified recently to recover unused nutrients from waste streams. As a finite resource, phosphorus (P) is largely wasted. This work critically reviews the technical applicability of various water technologies to recover macro-nutrients such as P, N, and...
Plasma in fabrication and modification of polymeric membranes
PublikacjaPolymer materials are mostly used in the fabrication of permeable and selective interfaces, known as membranes, for distinct membrane processes. According to their application in membrane processes, there is a need to improve specific properties such as functionality, charge, stability, hydrophilicity and chemical/physical resistance. Mostly, the surface post-modification of the membranes is suitable. In this regard, plasma, as...
Application of g-C3N4/ZnO nanocomposites for fabrication of anti-fouling polymer membranes with dye and protein rejection superiority
PublikacjaPolysulfone (PSf) membranes are privileged for water and wastewater treatment, but because of their hydrophobic nature, they suffer from fouling, which lowers their performance and lifetime. In this work, g-C3N4 and g-C3N4/ZnO nanomaterials were synthesized via a hydrothermal method to modify the PSf membrane for effective dye separation and reduction of organic fouling. Since g-C3N4/ZnO possesses –OH and –NH reactive groups, g-C3N4/ZnO/PSf...
Using UAV Photogrammetry to Analyse Changes in the Coastal Zone Based on the Sopot Tombolo (Salient) Measurement Project
PublikacjaThe main factors influencing the shape of the beach, shoreline and seabed include undulation, wind and coastal currents. These phenomena cause continuous and multidimensional changes in the shape of the seabed and the Earth’s surface, and when they occur in an area of intense human activity, they should be constantly monitored. In 2018 and 2019, several measurement campaigns took place in the littoral zone in Sopot, related to...
Effects of liquid phase modification on the performance of biotrickling filters
Dane BadawczeDataset presents the effects of liquid phase modification on the biotrickling filtration (BTF) performance of air polluted with toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene and styrene.
Effective assessment of biopolymer-based multifunctional sorbents for the remediation of environmentally hazardous contaminants from aqueous solutions
PublikacjaPersistent contaminants in wastewater effluent pose a significant threat to aquatic life and are one of the most significant environmental concerns of our time. Although there are a variety of traditional methods available in wastewater treatment, including adsorption, coagulation, flocculation, ion exchange, membrane filtration, co-precipitation and solvent extraction, none of these have been found to be significantly cost-effective...