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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: EXPORT DIVERSIFICATION

  • A Survey Investigating the Influence of Business Analysis Techniques on Software Quality Characteristics


    Business analysis is recognized as one of the most important areas determining the outcome (success or failure) of a software project. In this paper we explore this subject further by investigating the potential impact of techniques applied in business analysis on essential software quality characteristics. We conducted a literature search for software quality models, analyzed the existing models and selected a subset of commonly...

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    Design explorations of architectural avant-garde resulted in the development of digital techniques that allow solving very complex and demanding contemporary design challenges. In the architectural discourse the new design workshop seems to be symbolized mainly by the projects of sports facilities, cultural, administrative or multifunctional high-rise buildings. However for the quality of society life is more important to exploit...

  • Application of Regression Line to Obtain Specified Number of Points in Reduced Large Datasets


    - Rok 2016

    Modern measurement techniques like scanning technology or sonar measurements, provide large datasets, which are a reliable source of information about measured object, however such datasets are sometimes difficult to develop. Therefore, the algorithms for reducing the number of such sets are incorporated into their processing. In the reduction algorithms based on the...

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  • Choosing the Right Cybersecurity Solution: A Review of Selection and Evaluation Criteria


    - Rok 2022

    Information technologies evolve continuously reaching pioneering areas that bring in new cybersecurity challenges. Security engineering needs to keep pace with the advancing cyberthreats by providing innovative solutions. At the same time, the foundations that include security and risk assessment methodologies should remain stable. Experts are offered with an extensive portfolio of solutions and an informed choice of a particular...

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  • The Challenge of Quantification: An Interdisciplinary Reading


    - Minerva - A Review of Science, Learning and Policy - Rok 2023

    The present work looks at what we call “the multiverse of quantification”, where visible and invisible numbers permeate all aspects and venues of life. We review the contributions of different authors who focus on the roles of quantification in society, with the aim of capturing different and sometimes separate voices. Several scholars, including economists, jurists, philosophers, sociologists, communication and data scientists,...

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  • Quantitative Storytelling in the Making of a Composite Indicator


    - Social Indicators Research - Rok 2020

    The reasons for and against composite indicators are briefly reviewed, as well as the available theories for their construction. After noting the strong normative dimension of these measures—which ultimately aim to ‘tell a story’, e.g. to promote the social discovery of a particular phenomenon, we inquire whether a less partisan use of a composite indicator can be proposed by allowing more latitude in the framing of its construction....

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  • Random field modelling of mechanical behaviour of corroded thin steel plate specimens



    The objective of this work is to explore the possibility of corrosion degradation modelling of thin steel plate specimens with the use of random field approach. The mechanical properties are obtained via the nonlinear Finite Element Analysis with the use of an explicit dynamic solver. The fully nonlinear material model is adopted to obtain the proper stress-strain response. Sensitivity analysis considering the main statistical...

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  • Use of Ginger Nanofibers for the Preparation of Cellulose Nanocomposites and Their Antimicrobial Activities


    - Fibers - Rok 2018

    Here, we report, for the first time, the isolation of ginger nanofibers (GNF) from ginger rhizomes spent by acid hydrolysis and followed by high-pressure homogenization. Scanning electron microscopy was utilized to identify the surface morphology of the GNF and the widths ranged between 130 to 200 nm. Structural analysis of GNF was identified by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Differential scanning calorimetry, and X-ray...

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  • Commitment Ladder in the Relationship between Service Providers and Customers as Added Value in Sustainable Services Development


    The socioeconomic sphere and the relationships in which commitment occurs are important elements in the development of sustainable services. The study reported in this article identifies the elements that influence the development of the relationship between service providers and their customers and proposes a model that describes the state of the relationship between service providers and customers in terms of symmetrical commitment...

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  • Scaled agile framework. Dealing with software process‐related challenges of a financial group with the action research approach


    - Journal of Software-Evolution and Process - Rok 2022

    This article reports on a domain-specific software development venture at Nordea. We explore organizational constraints, challenges, and corrective actions undertaken when scaling the agile development approach of their Core Banking Platform program. The fit and required customizations of the rather complex and rigid SAFe framework in a policy-heavy financial institution are audited against the organic growth of the program. In...

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  • Methodology for assessing the lighting of pedestrian crossings based on light intensity parameters


    - MATEC Web of Conferences - Rok 2017

    One of the possible preventive measures that could improve safety at crossings is to assess the state of illumination of the lighting installation located in the transition area for pedestrians. The City of Warsaw has undertaken to comprehensively assess the pedestrian crossings to determine the level of road safety and the condition of lighting. The lighting conditions related to pedestrian crossings without traffic lights in...

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  • Using Eye-tracking to get information on the skills acquisition by the radiology residents

    This paper describes the possibility of monitoring the progress of knowledge and skills acquisition by the students of radiology. It is achieved by an analysis of a visual attention distribution patterns during image-based tasks solving. The concept is to use the eye-tracking data to recognize the way how the radiographic images are read by recognized experts, radiography residents involved in the training program, and untrained...

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    - Rok 2019

    A questionnaire was conducted to investigate how 140 architecture students apprise daylight conditions within the classrooms. The participants were requested to evaluate the luminous environment and their luminous comfort. They were also asked about light preferences and knowledge on daylight metrics and regulations. The students’ subjective appraisals results were compared with the experts’ assessment and the on-site illuminance...

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  • Dirac fermions and possible weak antilocalization in LaCuSb2

    • J. Chamorro
    • A. Topp
    • Y. Fang
    • M. J. Winiarski
    • C. R. Ast
    • M. Krivenkov
    • A. Varykhalov
    • B. J. Ramshaw
    • L. Schoop
    • T. McQueen

    - APL Materials - Rok 2019

    Layered heavy-metal square-lattice compounds have recently emerged as potential Dirac fermion materials due to bonding within those sublattices. We report quantum transport and spectroscopic data on the layered Sb square-lattice material LaCuSb2. Linearly dispersing band crossings, necessary to generate Dirac fermions, are experimentally observed in the electronic band structure observed using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy,...

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  • Architektura DiffServ w środowisku Linux


    - Rok 2005

    W artykule przedstawiono problem realizacji mechanizmów obsługi dla domeny DiffServ w środowisku Linux. Następnie scharakteryzowano założenia do projektu i omówiono realizację modelu takiej domeny, na którym wykonano szereg badań parametrów jakości obsługi klas ruchu typu Expedited Forwarding (EF) i Best Effort (BE). Wyniki wykazały, że mechanizmy oferowane w środowisku Linux spełniają wymagania co do jakości dla obsługi tych klas...

  • Risking It All or Here Comes the Flood


    - Rok 2018

    The professional reality is interdisciplinary! When city transformation and evolution starts, what are the tools for successful strategies for urban interventions? How does digital planning for digital fabrication processes look like? How dedicated are the new professionals? And how does this all influence the future of bridge design? More than 60 students representing various disciplines of built environment and working together...

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  • Wpływ zastosowania nakładek wzmacniających środnik na nośność i sztywność doczołowego węzła śrubowego.


    Ciągłe dążenie do upraszczania elementów konstrukcyjnych oraz znajdowania mniej czasochłonnych rozwiązań wykonawczo – montażowych wraz z nieuchronnym wzrostem kosztów robocizny determinują m.in. eliminację z procesów technologicznych tych etapów, które nie podlegają automatyzacji. Taką czynnością jest przede wszystkim spawanie dodatkowych wzmocnień i usztywnień węzłów w postaci żeber. Efektem wieloletnich badań jest metoda przedstawiona...

  • Czy mamy kryzys w edukacji public relations w Polsce? Problem standaryzacji.


    - Rok 2004

    Artykuł stawia podstawowe pytania dotyczące konstruowania standardów w w edukacji public relations. Autorka widzi konieczność podjęcia pracy nad takimi standardami w Polsce, proponując skorzystanie z istniejących juz podobnych doku,mentów na świecie np. ameruykańskiego dokumentu Port of Entry.

  • What makes them dream big? Determinants of business growth aspirations among Polish students

    The objective of the article is to explore the concept of business growth aspirations and identify its determinants at an early stage of the entrepreneurial process. In this exploratory study, I focused on the underexplored approach to entrepreneurial process i.e. to study the growth aspirations and its determinants alongside entrepreneurial intentions. Studying growth aspirations and their determinants provides valuable insights...

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  • Study on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Laser Welded Dissimilar Joint of P91 Steel and INCOLOY 800HT Nickel Alloy


    - Materials - Rok 2021

    This investigation attempts to explore the weld characteristics of a laser welded dissimilar joint of ferritic/martensitic 9Cr-1Mo-V-Nb (P91) steel and Incoloy 800HT austenitic nickel alloy. This dissimilar joint is essential in power generating nuclear and thermal plants operating at 600–650 °C. In such critical operating conditions, it is essential for a dissimilar joint to preserve its characteristics and be free from any kind...

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    После получения независимости в начале 90-х годов XX в. Республика Азербайджан подписала более пятидесяти договоров с международными организациями. В 1991 г. государство установило контакты с Европейским союзом в ходе реализации проектов в рамках программы TACIS, предназначенной для стран СНГ. Экономические контакты между партнерами активизировались, благодаря подписанию и вступлению в силу в 1999 г. Соглашения о партнерстве и...

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  • Definition of urban regeneration projects in Russian cities

    Urban regeneration is extremely important process for Russian cities, which faced to the challenges of post-industrial economy. In an attempt, to explain needs of urban regeneration in Russian megacities author analyzed the social and economic trends and some historic features of Russian cities development. The article identified the key areas for regeneration such as the regeneration of historic core, the regeneration of the urban...

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  • Re:Brick, czyli budowanie z małych elementów


    Artukuł opisuje problematykę aktywizowania działań łaczacych różne podmioty (studenci architektury i innych kierunków, praktykujący architekci, organizacje społeczne, administracja) mających przyczynić się podniesienia walorów architektonicznych i standardu zamieszkiwania w historycznych dzielnicach Gdańska (Dolne Miasto, Nowy Port, Biskupia Górka, Dolny Wrzeszcz).

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  • Oferta kształcenia a wymogi współczesnego rynku pracy


    Współcześnie zmianom ulegają struktury gospodarek oraz sposoby gospodarowania poszczególnymi zasobami na rynkach. Wpływ na to mają nowoczesne technologie, procesy globalizacji i integracji. Obserwowane dynamiczne zmiany wymuszają włączenie się w proces unowocześniania różnych uczestników rynku. Jednym z nich są instytucje zajmujące się szeroko rozumianym kształceniem, które przygotowują zasoby pracy do wejścia na rynek pracy. Celem...

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    Konkurencyjność uznawana jest za jeden z ważniejszych elementów globalnego życia społeczno-ekonomicznego. W skali makro konkurencyjność danej gospodarki jest utożsamiana z jej zdolnością do tworzenia w długim okresie większego bogactwa w stosunku do innych gospodarek narodowych oraz zdolności do budowania przewagi konkurencyjnej na rynku. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest wskazanie wpływu zmian metodologicznych w rachunkach narodowych...

  • Typologia aktywności online konsumenta w zakresie marki


    - MARKETING I RYNEK - Rok 2015

    Web 2.0 daje konsumentom nieograniczone możliwości wchodzenia w interakcje, wypowiadania się, udostępniania oraz kreowania treści dotyczących produktów i marek. Tego typu aktywność konsumentów, która ma miejsce w Internecie (tzw. COBRA), stanowi wielką wartość dla firm. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi pierwszą próbę przedstawienia pełnej klasyfikacji tego typu zachowań w trzech głównych kategoriach (konsumpcji, kontrybucji i kreacji),...

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  • SUSHI - jak to ugryźć? Czyli o standaryzacji i gromadzeniu statystyk wykorzystania zasobów elektronicznych na przykładzie Biblioteki Głównej Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego


    Statystyki wykorzystania dostarczają bibliotekarzom informacji niezbędnych przy podejmowaniu decyzji o zakupie dostępu do wybranych zasobów elektronicznych. W roku 2002 rozpoczął działalność międzynaro- dowy projekt COUNTER (Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources), którego celem było ujednolicenie raportów wykorzystania e-zasobów, a także uczynienie ich możliwie najbardziej miarodajnymi. W roku 2007 amerykańska...

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  • Nomination Dossier, The Modernist Centre of Gdynia, Part 2b, History and Development


    - Rok 2021

    History and development of Gdynia, from Medieval times up until today. The project concerns such chapters as: Introduction; The village of Gdynia; Gdynia as a seaside resort; Construction of the port and the city in the interwar period; The modernist city centre – layout; architecture;Architecture of the city centre; South Pier and Grand District; Post-war development of Śródmieście: a continuation

  • Wideband crossover structure with double ring resonators


    The structure of a four-port microstrip crossover is presented. The device is composed of two ring resonators, one circular and one built from meander lines, connected by four straight lines. The equivalent circuit model of the crossover is derived. The structure is designed on thin and flexible substrate to allow it to bend. The possibility of applying the device on curved surfaces is tested experimentally.

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  • Yacht harbour as a part of city public space


    - Rok 2016

    Transformation of harbors opens opportunities to introduce new functions into city centers. Very often abandoned ports’ infrastructure is adopted into a yacht harbor. The article elaborates typology of yacht harbors and theirs’ potential which can be used in creation of city center. Thesis are illustrated by examples of Port Vell, Barcelona, Spain and Sundby Harbour, Copenhagen, Denmark.

  • Milky Sap of Greater Celandine (Chelidonium majus L.) and Anti-Viral Properties

    The milky juice of the greater celandine herb has been used in folk medicine and in homeopathy for treatment of viral warts for years. However, classical medicine fails to use properties of celandine herbs in treatment of diseases induced by papilloma viruses. Nevertheless, dermatological outpatient clinics are regularly visited by patients reporting efficacy of milky sap isolated from celandine herb in treatment of their own...

  • Application of Maximum Lenght Sequence in Silent Sonar


    Silent sonars are designed to reduce the distance over which their sounding pulses can be detected by intercept sonars. In order to meet this objective, we can use periodical sounding signals that have low power, a very long duration and wide spectrum. If used in the silent sonar's receiver, matched filtration ensures very good detection of motionless or slow moving targets. However, it is more difficult to detect echo signals...

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  • Improvement of Task Management with Process Models in Small and Medium Software Companies


    Small and medium software companies exhibit many special features that give reason for a dedicated approach to process improvement. They often cannot afford implementing maturity models or quality standards both in terms of time and money. Instead, they expect simpler solutions that can allow to run projects in more systematic and repeatable way, increase quality and knowledge management. In this paper, we present a method focused...

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  • Collocations et représentation féminine dans les oeuvres de Colette : Une analyse linguistique et littéraire


    Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette played a significant role in the development of French literature. Her novels vividly depict independent and self-aware women, thereby reflecting the author herself. Colette’s works have captured the attention of researchers and have been the subject of numerous studies. In this proposed research, an interdisciplinary approach combining literary and linguistic perspectives is adopted to explore Colette’s...

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  • Superconductivity–Electron Count Relationship in Heusler Phases─the Case of LiPd2Si



    We report superconductivity in the full Heusler compound LiPd2Si (space group Fm3̅m, No. 225) at a critical temperature of Tc = 1.3 K and a normalized heat capacity jump at Tc, ΔC/γTc = 1.1. The low-temperature isothermal magnetization curves imply type-I superconductivity, as previously observed in LiPd2Ge. We show, based on density functional theory calculations and using the molecular orbital theory approach, that while LiPd2Si...

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  • Convenient and efficient N-methylation of secondary amines under solvent-free ball milling conditions

    In the present work, we report the development of a rapid, efcient, and solvent-free procedure for the N-methylation of secondary amines under mechanochemical conditions. After optimization of the milling parameters, a vibrational ball mill was used to synthesize 26 tertiary N-methylated amine derivatives in a short time of 20 min (30 Hz frequency) and high yields ranging from 78 to 95%. An exception was compounds having a hydroxyl...

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  • Chronic Rhinosinusitis—Microbiological Etiology, Potential Genetic Markers, and Diagnosis


    Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is a significant public health problem. Bacterial colonization and impaired mucociliary clearance play a significant role in the inflammatory process. Several inflammatory pathways and host defense elements are altered in CRS, which may contribute to observed differences in the microbiome. To date, researching CRS has been difficult due to limited access to the studied tissue and a lack of available...

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  • Lessons learned in a decade: Medical‐toxicological view of tattooing

    • M. Giulbudagian
    • B. Battisini
    • W. Bäumler
    • A. M. Rico Blass
    • B. Bocca
    • C. Brungs
    • M. Famele
    • M. Foerster
    • B. Gutsche
    • V. Houben... i 12 innych


    Tattooing has been part of the human culture for thousands of years, yet only in the past decades has it entered the mainstream of the society. With the rise in popularity, tattoos also gained attention among researchers, with the aim to better understand the health risks posed by their application. 'A medical-toxicological view of tattooing'-a work published in The Lancet almost a decade ago, resulted from the international collaboration...

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  • Microextraction by packed sorbent: Uncommon detection techniques, sorbents, samples and analytes



    Among sample preparation approaches, the most desirable are procedures that ensure high efficiency and reproducibility, that are cheap, fast and simple, that minimize the number of operational steps and that require a small amount of sample and solvent and are thus environmentally friendly. Microextraction by packed sorbent (MEPS) is a miniaturized form of solid-phase extraction, the use of which has been continuously expanding...

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  • Fluctuation-Enhanced Sensing of Organic Vapors by Ink-Printed MoS2 Devices under UV Irradiation


    - Rok 2024

    This work presents the results of fluctuationenhanced sensing (FES) of selected organic gases by MoS2 sensor fabricated via a simple ink printing method. We demonstrate that low-frequency noise measured under UV irradiation (275 nm) is more sensitive to different gases than measured in the dark. The noise at 1 Hz under UV light increased 3.3, 3.5, 1.6, and 2.9 times for chloroform, tetrahydrofuran, acetonitrile, and acetone ambiances, respectively....

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  • Coffee Wastes as Sustainable Flame Retardants for Polymer Materials

    • H. Vahabi
    • M. Jouyandeh
    • T. Parpaite
    • M. Saeb
    • S. Ramakrishna

    - Coatings - Rok 2021

    Development of green flame retardants has become a core part of the attention of material scientists and technologists in a paradigm shift from general purpose to specific sustainable products. This work is the first report on the use of coffee biowastes as sustainable flame retardants for epoxy, as a typical highly flammable polymer. We used spent coffee grounds (SCG) as well as SCG chemically modified with phosphorus (P-SCG)...

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  • Keystroke Dynamics Patterns While Writing Positive and Negative Opinions


    This paper deals with analysis of behavioural patterns in human–computer interaction. In the study, keystroke dynamics were analysed while participants were writing positive and negative opinions. A semi-experiment with 50 participants was performed. The participants were asked to recall the most negative and positive learning experiences (subject and teacher) and write an opinion about it. Keystroke dynamics were captured and...

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  • Analysis of the Capability of Deep Learning Algorithms for EEG-based Brain-Computer Interface Implementation


    - Rok 2023

    Machine learning models have received significant attention for their exceptional performance in classifying electroencephalography (EEG) data. They have proven to be highly effective in extracting intricate patterns and features from the raw signal data, thereby contributing to their success in EEG classification tasks. In this study, we explore the possibilities of utilizing contemporary machine learning algorithms in decoding...

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  • Unraveling a novel microwave strategy to fabricate exposed {001}/{101} facets anatase nanocrystals: Potential for use to the elimination of environmentally toxic metronidazole waste



    This study present a novel microwave strategy to fabricate highly active anatase particles, exposing {101} and {001} facets. Microwave treatment time was shown to determine the growth of crystals in a certain direction. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first report revealing that the contact time of TiO2 crystals with fluorine ions during the microwave process affects the formed morphology, in particular exposed facets ratio....

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  • Adapting education to a changing climate: preparing architecture students for climate-resilient design

    In this article, the authors explore the connection between climate change and the fields of architecture and urban planning. With the increasing frequency of flooding and extreme weather events, the built environment is confronting challenges in terms of sustainability and resilience. To meet these problems, it is necessary to prepare various specialists to assume responsibility for making future decisions. The authors of this...

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  • Data set generation at novel test-rig for validation of numerical models for modeling granular flows

    • A. Widuch
    • K. Myöhänen
    • M. Nikku
    • M. L. Nowak
    • A. Klimanek
    • W. Adamczyk


    Significant effort has been exerted on developing fast and reliable numerical models for modeling particulate flow; this is challenging owing to the complexity of such flows. To achieve this, reliable and high-quality experimental data are required for model development and validation. This study presents the design of a novel test-rig that allows the visualization and measurement of particle flow patterns during the collision...

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  • The analysis of the conditions for best practices’ transfer


    One of the tasks of the Project Partners was identifying best practices in strengthening the economic activity of women and older people in the context of developing the competitiveness and innovation of SMEs, as well as determining the possibilities and conditions of their transfer. Transfer in this case is understood as the implementation of selected and described solutions in enterprises and public organizations from all the...

  • Semantics for an Interdisciplinary Computation


    - Rok 2013

    Semantics for an interdisciplinary computation is becoming increasingly difficult to capture while dealing with multi-domain problems. Expertise from Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and other disciplines merges as engineering challenges in modern systems, such as, Cyber-Physical Systems, Smart Cities, and Bionic Systems must be tackled in a methodological manner. In this paper, a paradigm for formalization...

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  • Comparative Analysis of Two Polish Hyperbolic Systems AEGIR and JEMIOLUSZKA

    Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is seen by terrorists or hostile countries as a high value target. Volpe Center report contains the following statement: “During the course of its development for military use and more recent extension to many civilian uses, vulnerabilities of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) – in the United States the Global Positioning System (GPS) – have become apparent. The vulnerabilities...

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  • Finite element/mode-matching analysis of ferrite/dielectric line junctions of arbitrary cross-section

    This paper is focused on the analysis of line junctions obtained as a cascade of dielectric and ferrite guides of arbitrary cross-section. The main application of such structures is nonreciprocal devices such as isolators, circulators, or phase shifters. The efficient finite element/mode-matching approach is proposed to the analysis of such structures. In this approach, thefiniteelementmethod is applied todetermine propagation...

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