Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: IDF CURVE - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: IDF CURVE

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: IDF CURVE

  • Aplikacje i środowiska kontekstowe: Aplikacje internetowe na platformie Eclipse


    - Rok 2008

    Przedstawiono problematykę tworzenia aplikacji internetowych na platformie Eclipse. Został omówiony standard OSGi, który jest podstawą działania i implementacji Eclipse oraz aspekty OSGi związane z komunikacją internetową. Przedstawiono istniejace frameworki w środowisku Eclipse, które umożliwiają rozwój aplikacji internetowych. Głównymi kierunkami rozwoju frameworków są: IDE do wytwarzania aplikacji oraz integracja platformy Eclipse...

  • FPGA-Based System for Electromagnetic Interference Evaluation in Random Modulated DC/DC Converters


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2020

    Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) provides the possibility to design new “electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) friendly” control techniques for power electronic converters. Such control techniques use pseudo-random modulators (RanM) to control the converter switches. However, some issues connected with the FPGA-based design of RanM, such as matching the range of fixed-point numbers, might be challenging. The modern programming...

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  • On the super domination number of lexicographic product graphs



    The neighbourhood of a vertexvof a graphGis the setN(v) of all verticesadjacent tovinG. ForD⊆V(G) we defineD=V(G)\D. A setD⊆V(G) is called a super dominating set if for every vertexu∈D, there existsv∈Dsuch thatN(v)∩D={u}. The super domination number ofGis theminimum cardinality among all super dominating sets inG. In this article weobtain closed formulas and tight bounds for the super dominating number oflexicographic product...

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  • The Impact of Concentration on Secors' Output Level in the European Union (1997-2005)


    This paper examines the impact of concentration on growthof selected 43 sectors within ten European countries over the period of time 1997-2005. We apply system GMM estimator to the extendedversion of production function, including as explanatory variablesindustry specific measures of concentration. We found the relationbetween output and concentration measured by the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) to be non-monotonic having...

  • BET specific surface area measurements of bismuth oxide (Bi2O3) and gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3) structures

    Dane Badawcze

    The BET specific surface area was measured using an N2 adsorption/desorption isotherm (Micromeritics ASAP 2460, Norcross, GA, USA).

  • Frequency response spectra applied to assess efficiency of the training techniques


    The purpose of the research is to assess the increase of the muscle strength and power. Movement of the human body when the moving one impacts a stationary or moving body is taken under consideration. The waveform produced by an impact is transformed into frequency domain. The acceleration record is transformed as a complex spectrum, by the use of a Discrete Fourier Transformation. In this paper the applications of the discrete...

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    The results of CPTU tests are used to determine the strength parameters of a dike subsoil. Stress state and stress history of the subsoil under the flood embankment was evaluated with CPTU and DMT tests. Normally consolidated soil was found under the central part of the dike, while the subsoil near the dike toe is found to be overconsolidated. Due to consolidation the undrained shear strength of the subsoil under the central part...

  • Shear band evolution phenomena in direct shear test modelled with DEM.


    A direct shear test is widely used in the geotechnical engineering field. It is an easy and quick test to measure the shear properties of soil. This test often replaces more expensive and difficult tri-axial shear test. Despite that the direct shear test is known and used for a long time, it is still not well investigated at the grain scale. This paper deals with the micro behaviour of the cohesionless sand inside the direct shear...

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  • Edge-Computing based Secure E-learning Platforms


    - Rok 2022

    Implementation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in E-Learning environments have brought up dramatic changes in the current educational sector. Distance learning, online learning, and networked learning are few examples that promote educational interaction between students, lecturers and learning communities. Although being an efficient form of real learning resource, online electronic resources are subject to...

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  • Multi-functional sensor based on photonic crystal fiber using plasmonic material and magnetic fluid


    - OSA Continuum - Rok 2022

    A unique highly sensitive photonic crystal fiber is investigated based on plasmonic material and magnetic fluid (MF) for the simultaneous measurement of temperature and magnetic field sensor. The designed sensor is explored by tracing the different parameters such as birefringence, coupling length, power spectrum, and the peak wavelength of the transmission intensity. The magnetic field and temperature computation are attained...

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  • Recent Achievements in Constitutive Equations of Laminates and Functionally Graded Structures Formulated in the Resultant Nonlinear Shell Theory

    The development of constitutive equations formulated in the resultant nonlinear shell theory is presented. The specific features of the present shell theory are drilling rotation naturally included in the formulation and asymmetric measures of strains and stress resultants. The special attention in the chapter is given to recent achievements: progressive failure analysis of laminated shells and elastoplastic constitutive relation...

  • Two- and three-dimensional elastic networks with rigid junctions: modeling within the theory of micropolar shells and solids


    - ACTA MECHANICA - Rok 2019

    For two- and three-dimensional elastic structures made of families of flexible elastic fibers undergoing finite deformations, we propose homogenized models within the micropolar elasticity. Here we restrict ourselves to networks with rigid connections between fibers. In other words, we assume that the fibers keep their orthogonality during deformation. Starting from a fiber as the basic structured element modeled by the Cosserat...

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  • Centrally Pivoted Tilting Pad Thrust Bearing with Carbon-Based Coated Collar—Experimental Results of Low- and Medium-Speed Operation


    Experimental results of the research on a tilting pad thrust bearing with symmetrical pad support in the conditions of high loads and low speeds are presented in the paper. As described in the literature review, experimental results of tilting pad bearings at low speed/high load regime and transient conditions are rare. Unusual material selection - steel pad against a DLC-type coating on the collar was utilized. Such material combination...

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  • Surface Texture Analysis of Hardened Shafts after Ceramic Ball Burnishing

    This article represents the results of testing the surface condition of shafts manufactured by the burnishing process. The shafts with a hardness of approximately 62 HRC (Rockwell C). were burnished with a ceramic ball (Si3N4), where the force range was controlled by the means of a hydraulic system. The machining process consisted of hard turning shafts with cubic boron nitride (CBN) inserts, followed by burnishing with the use...

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  • Wykładnicze równanie Arrheniusa jako funkcja dojrzałości twardniejącego betonu


    Poprawne określenie funkcji dojrzałości dla mieszanki betonowej warunkuje powodzenie szacowania wytrzymałości na ściskanie na bazie pomiarów temperatury in situ. W artykule omówiono zastosowanie równania Arrheniusa do opisu funkcji dojrzewania twardniejącego betonu. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na zależności szybkości zachodzenia reakcji w odmiennych warunkach temperaturowych. Przedstawiono wyniki własnych badań na kostkach zaprawy...

  • Curing epoxy with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) surface-functionalized Co Fe3-O4 magnetic nanoparticles

    • M. Jouyandeh
    • M. Ganjali
    • J. A. Ali
    • M. Aghazadeh
    • I. Karimzadeh
    • K. Formela
    • X. Colom
    • J. Cañavate
    • M. Saeb


    In this work, the bulk and surface composition of Fe3O4 supermagnetic nanoparticles were modified for efficient epoxy curing. The bare, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) capped, and cobalt (Co)-doped EDTA capped Fe3O4 nanoparticles were synthesized electrochemically. The crystalline structure and phase information, surface capping, morphology and magnetization behavior of nanoparticles were studied by X-Ray diffraction (XRD),...

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  • Open source solution LMS for supporting e-learning/blended learning engineers


    - Rok 2005

    W artykule zaprezentowano darmowe systemy zarządzania kształceniem na odległość wspomagające e-learningowe/mieszane nauczanie inżynierów. Pierwszy system TeleCAD został opracowany w ramach projektu Leonardo da Vinci (1998-2001). System TeleCAD był propozycją w projekcie V Ramowy CURE (2003-2006). W roku 2003 dzięki projektowi Leonardo da Vinci EMDEL (2001-2005) Centrum Edukacji Niestacjonarnej Politechniki Gdańskiej wybrało system...

  • TeleCAD course online and evaluation procedure.


    - Rok 2004

    W artykule zaprezentowano system zarządzania nauczaniem na odległość -TeleCAD (Teleworkers Training for CAD Systems Users, projekt Leonardo da Vinci 1998-2001) i jego wykorzystanie w projekcie V Ramowy CURE 2003-2005). Przedstawiono również procedurę ewaluacyjną kursów na odległość na podstawie doświadczeń zdobytych podczas realizacji projektu Leonardo da Vinci EMDEL (European Model for Distance Education and Learning, 2001-2004).

  • Właściwości elektryczne szkło-ceramiki zawierającej ferroelektryczną fazę BiV


    - Rok 2013

    Kompozyty szklano - ceramiczne zawierające nanokryształy posiadają właściwości fizyczne, które nie są możliwe do uzyskania w innych materiałach. Dzięki możliwości wytworzenia szkło - ceramik posiadających kryształy o różnej wielkości (nano, mikro...) i różnorodnego typu, można w istotny sposób kontrolować właściwości elektryczne takich materiałów. Stała dielektryczna faz ferroelektrycznych jest bardzo wrażliwa na zmiany rozmiarów...

  • Igor Garnik dr inż.

    Jest absolwentem Wydziału Elektroniki Politechniki Gdańskiej (1992). Z Politechniką Gdańską związany zawodowo od 1997 roku – zatrudniony najpierw jako asystent w Zakładzie Ergonomii i Eksploatacji Systemów Technicznych na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii, a następnie – po uzyskaniu stopnia doktora w 2006 roku jako adiunkt. W latach 2009–2015 pełnił funkcję koordynatora Bałtyckiego Festiwalu Nauki na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii....

  • Computing dynamical curlicues

    Dane Badawcze

    A curlicue is a piece-wise linear curve in the complex plane which can be generated by an arbitrary sequence of real numbers u_n. It can be interpreted as a trajectory of a particle in the plane which starts in the origin at time t=0 and moves with a constant velocity, changing its direction at instances t=0,1,2,3,..., where the new direction is given...

  • Mn-Co nanofilms on nickel foam measured by XPS mehod

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    Manganium-Cobaltium based thin films were electrochemically deposited on a Ni based subsrates in a one-step process at −1.1 V vs. Ag/AgCl in an aqueous solution of differently concentrated Mn(NO3)2·4H2O and Co(NO3)2·6H2O with the deposition time limited by charges of 60, 120, and 200 mC at 25 °C. The concentration ratios of Mn(NO3)2·4H2O to Co(NO3)2·6H2O...

  • The influence of stainless steels microstructure evolution on the mechanical properties of pressure installation elements


    - Rok 2013

    In this paper results of FEM analysis performed for pipe and 90o elbow, made of super duplex stainless steel, after precipitation of sigma phase (),were presented. Heat treatment conditions simulate accidental overheating that can occur in nuclear installations after cooling circulation fails. For initial and modified microstructure tensile test was performed and numerical description of work hardening curves was done. Verification...

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  • The influence of stainless steels microstructure evolution on the mechanical properties of pressure installation elements


    In this paper results of FEM analysis performed for pipe and 90o elbow, made of super duplex stainless steel, after precipitation of sigma phase (s), were presented. Heat treatment conditions simulate accidental overheating that can occur in nuclear installations after cooling circulation fails. For initial and modified microstructure tensile test was performed and numerical description of work hardening curves was done. Verification...

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  • Shaping of the turnout diverging track with variable curvature sections

    The paper presents an analytical method of shaping the turnout diverging railroad track with variable curvature segments on its length, which in an evident way distinguished it from a typical solution, made up of a single circular arc with no transition curves. Two separate causes including a linear and a nonlinear curvature one in the form of a polynomial have been examined. The obtained solutions of the problem have a universal...

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  • Positron binding to alkali-metal hydrides: The role of molecular vibrations

    • F. Gianturco
    • J. Franz
    • R. Buenker
    • H. Liebermann
    • L. Pichl
    • J. Rost
    • M. Tachikawa
    • M. Kimura

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2006

    The bound vibrational levels for J=0 have been computed for the series of alkali-metal hydride molecules from LiH to RbH, including NaH and KH. For all four molecules the corresponding potential-energy curves have been obtained for each isolated species and for its positron-bound complex (e+XH). It is found that the calculated positron affinity values strongly depend on the molecular vibrational state for which they are obtained...

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  • Elastoplastic nonlinear FEM analysis of FGM shells of Cosserat type

    The paper is a continuation of [1] where the formulation of the elastic constitutive law for functionally graded materials (FGM) on the grounds of nonlinear 6-parameter shell theory with the 6th parameter (the drilling degree of freedom) was presented. Here the formulation is extended to the elasto-plastic range. The material law is based on Cosserat plasticity and employs the well-known Tamura-Tomota-Ozawa (TTO) [2] mixture...

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  • Theoretical study of highly-excited states of KRb molecule

    Semi-empirical adiabatic potential energy curves of highly excited states of the KRb molecule are calculated as a function of the internuclear distance R over a wide range from 3 to 150 a0. The diatomic molecule is treated as an effective two-electron system by using the large core pseudopotentials and core polarization potentials. All calculations are performed by using the nonrelativistic CASSCF/MRCI method with accurate basis...

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  • Effect of polymer fibres reinforcement on selected properties of asphalt mixtures

    The paper presents selected results of the research program concerning fibre reinforced asphalt concrete. Aramid-polyalphaolefin fibres was used in this study. Selected properties responsible for low temperature cracking and resistance to permanent deformation are presented in this paper. Low temperature cracking susceptibility was evaluated with the results obtained from bending test of rectangular beams with constant rate of...

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  • BET specific surface area measurements of silica-coated bismuth oxide(Bi2O3) and gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3) structures

    Dane Badawcze

    The BET specific surface area was measured using an N2 adsorption/desorption isotherm (Micromeritics ASAP 2460, Norcross, GA, USA).

  • Ways of performing judo throws, and their efficiency, assessed in the open weight category in All-Japan Judo Championships

    • M. Adam
    • H. Tomita
    • M. Szymański
    • P. Klimowicz
    • S. Tyszkowski
    • B. Wolska

    - Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology - Rok 2015

    There is no indication that earlier individual attempts in this area have been carried out in Japan. Judo masters including Kano, Koizumi, Kudo, Mifune, Tomiki and others have tried to introduce additional criteria to the classification. The need for so many modifications is a result of the many sport and referee rule changes, as well as to ensure the safety of competitors and to increase the attractiveness of judo contests. Purpose...

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  • Pomiar sił w wantach mostu podwieszonego

    W artykule przedstawiono metodę oraz wyniki badań sił w wantach Mostu III Tysiąclecia im. Jana Pawła II w Gdańsku. Do identyfikacji sił wykorzystano trzy metody: wibracyjną; z wykorzystaniem siłownika jednosplotowego (lift-off) oraz pomiaru strzałki ugięcia. Przedstawione wyniki badań dowodzą, że wszystkie metody mogą być z powodzeniem wykorzystywane do identyfikacji rzeczywistej siły w wancie. Każda z metod ma jednak ograniczenia...

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    The article analyses properties of magnetic fluid seals installed in rotary sealing no des which operate in the utility water environment. Seals of this type have been examined as a possible solution to the problem with ship manoeuvring propulsion sealing. The present analysis bases on laboratory durability tests of magnetic fluid seals expo sed to long - term utility water loads, at different water pressures and shaft revolutions....

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  • Quantification of Compatibility Between Polymeric Excipients and Atenolol Using Principal Component Analysis and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis


    - AAPS PharmSciTech - Rok 2022

    An important challenge to overcome in the solid dosage forms technology is the selection of the most biopharmaceutically efficient polymeric excipients. The excipients can be selected, among others, by compatibility studies since incompatibilities between ingredients of the drug formulations adversely affect their bioavailability, stability, efficacy, and safety. Therefore, new, fast, and reliable methods for detecting incompatibility...

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  • Influence of a Lighting Column in the Working Width of a W-Beam Barrier on TB51 Crash Test

    Road equipment, such as, e.g., road safety barriers and lighting columns, are subject to certification according to the EN1317 standard to be allowed for use on European roads. In engineering practice, due to the terrain conditions, there are cases where other road equipment is installed within the working width of road safety barriers. Such situations are not considered during the certification process. Hence, the aim of this...

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  • Measurement of Seafloor Acoustic Backscatter Angular Dependence at 150 kHz Using a Multibeam Echosounder

    • K. Trzcińska
    • J. Tęgowski
    • P. Poćwiardowski
    • Ł. Janowski
    • J. Zdroik
    • A. Kruss
    • M. Rucińska
    • Z. Łubniewski
    • J. S. von Deimling

    - Remote Sensing - Rok 2021

    Acoustic seafloor measurements with multibeam echosounders (MBESs) are currently often used for submarine habitat mapping, but the MBESs are usually not acoustically calibrated for backscattering strength (BBS) and cannot be used to infer absolute seafloor angular dependence. We present a study outlining the calibration and showing absolute backscattering strength values measured at a frequency of 150 kHz at around 10–20 m water...

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  • Curing epoxy with electrochemically synthesized Zn Fe3-O4 magnetic nanoparticles

    • M. Jouyandeh
    • J. A. Ali
    • M. Aghazadeh
    • K. Formela
    • M. Saeb
    • Z. Ranjbar
    • M. Ganjali


    Cathodic electrodeposition (CED) was applied in synthesis of undoped and zinc (Zn) doped Fe3O4 nanoparticles. Changes in the lattice structure of nanoparticles were monitored using X-ray diffraction (XRD), field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) supported by dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS), and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). Detailed analyses explored the formation of ZnxFe3–xO4 nanoparticles with x ≈ 0.1,...

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  • Vademecum (pdf)

    Kursy Online
    • K. Rozwadowski

  • Finding the Right Solvent: A Novel Screening Protocol for Identifying Environmentally Friendly and Cost-Effective Options for Benzenesulfonamide


    - MOLECULES - Rok 2023

    This study investigated the solubility of benzenesulfonamide (BSA) as a model compound using experimental and computational methods. New experimental solubility data were collected in the solvents DMSO, DMF, 4FM, and their binary mixtures with water. The predictive model was constructed based on the best-performing regression models trained on available experimental data, and their hyperparameters were optimized using a newly...

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  • On ship roll resonance frequency


    - OCEAN ENGINEERING - Rok 2016

    The paper deals with the problem of modeling of rolling motion under a variety of excitation parameters. Special emphasis is put on the analysis and prediction of the frequency of the resonant mode of rolling, since it is often an essential issue in terms of motion of a ship related to her safety against capsizing or excessive amplitudes of roll. The research is performed for both free rolling and excited rolling and it is based...

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  • The influence of selected strain-based failure criteria on ship structure damage resulting from a collision with an offshore wind turbine monopile


    Offshore wind farms are developing well all over the world, providing green energy from renewable sources. The evaluation of possible consequences of a collision involves Finite Element computer simulations. The goal of this paper was to analyse the influence of selected strain-based failure criteria on ship damage resulting from a collision with an offshore wind turbine monopile. The case of a collision between an offshore supply...

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  • Darmowy transport publiczny w Polsce – uwarunkowania, bariery, doświadczenia


    - Logistyka - Rok 2014

    Podstawę zrównoważonej polityki transportowej miast stanowi efektywne zaspakajanie zapotrzebowania na przemieszczanie w ramach transportu publicznego. Celowym jest poszukiwanie sposobów oddziaływania na wybory transportowe mieszkańców i zachęcania ich do korzystania z transportu zbiorowego zamiast samochodu osobowego. W artykule przedstawiono idę darmowego transportu miejskiego, jako narzędzie kształtowania, postulowanej przez...

  • Low sulphur coal combustion - Optimisation of boiler tunings.


    - Rok 2009

    Badaniami w ramach projektu objęto przede wszystkim kotły parowe oraz układy wspomagające, takie jak: podajniki węgla, młyny, wentylatory, instalacje oczyszczania spalin. Badania eksperymentalne przeprowadzono na obiektach Elektrociepłowni Kraków, natomiast obliczenia numeryczne zostały wykonane przez Politechnikę Wrocławska we współpracy z firmą R&D EDF. Sformułowano szereg konkretnych wytycznych do przeprowadzenia niezbędnych...

  • Subspace Algorithms for Face Verification


    - Rok 2011

    W rzeczywistych zastosowaniach problem weryfikacji wydaje się ważniejszy od klasyfikacji. Na ogół dysponujemy jedynie niewielkim zbiorem obrazów uczących reprezentujących daną osobę, a naszym zadaniem jest podjęcie decyzji odnośnie tego, czy nowo pozyskana fotografia jest do nich wystarczająco podobna - bez użycia oddzielnego zbioru przykładów negatywnych. W takim przypadku uzasadnione wydaje się zastosowanie metody podprzestrzeni,...

  • Diamond investments – Is the market free from multiple price bubbles?

    The following study aims to investigate whether multiple price bubbles, in which the quoted market price of diamonds significantly deviates from their fundamental value, exist in the diamond market. It was conducted using ADF, SADF and GSADF tests, with the latter found to be an optimal form of evaluating the analysed issue. The presented results support the conclusion that the diamond market is not free from periods defined as...

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  • Review of the Complexity of Managing Big Data of the Internet of Things


    - COMPLEXITY - Rok 2019

    Tere is a growing awareness that the complexity of managing Big Data is one of the main challenges in the developing feld of the Internet of Tings (IoT). Complexity arises from several aspects of the Big Data life cycle, such as gathering data, storing them onto cloud servers, cleaning and integrating the data, a process involving the last advances in ontologies, such as Extensible Markup Language (XML) and Resource Description...

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  • Validation of Interpolation Algorithms for Multiscale UV-VIS Imaging Using UAV Spectrometer


    In this study, we present a comparison of popular methods for the interpolation of irregular spatial data in order to determine the applicability of each algorithm for hyperspectral reflectance estimation. The algorithms were benchmarked against a very high-resolution orthoimage from an RGB camera and medium-resolution satellite imagery from Sentinel-2A. We tested five interpolation algorithms: Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN),...

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  • A method of verification diagnostics for functional safety analysis


    - Rok 2005

    Problemy analizy bezpieczeństwa zostały zapoczątkowane w lotnictwie i energetyce jądrowej, a obecnie wprowadzane są szeroko do różnych gałęzi przemysłu, jak przemysł chemiczny, mechaniczny, etrochemiczny, spożywczy, itp. W analizie bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego względem przyjętego poziomu SIL wyznacza się prawdopodobieństwa nie wypełnienia określonej funkcji na żądanie (PDF). Do tego celu stosuje się różne metody analityczne, wykorzystuje...

  • Junctions In Shell Structures: A Review



    Many shell structures used in modern technology consist of regular shell parts joined together along their common boundaries. We review different theoretical, numerical, and experimental approaches to modelling, analyses and design of the compound shell structures with junctions. Several alternative forms of boundary, continuity and jump conditions at the singular midsurface curves modelling the shell junction are reviewed. We...

  • Electronic structure and time-dependent description of rotational predissociation of LiH



    The adiabatic potential energy curves of the ^1Sigma+ and ^1Pi states of the LiH molecule were calculated. They correlate asymptotically to atomic states, such as 2s + 1s, 2p + 1s, 3s + 1s, 3p + 1s, 3d + 1s, 4s + 1s, 4p + 1s and 4d + 1s. A very good agreement was found between our calculated spectroscopic parameters and the experimental ones. The dynamics of the rotational predissociation process of the 1^1Pi state were studied...

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