Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: KONCERN NAFTOWY - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: KONCERN NAFTOWY

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: KONCERN NAFTOWY

  • Toward Robust Pedestrian Detection With Data Augmentation


    In this article, the problem of creating a safe pedestrian detection model that can operate in the real world is tackled. While recent advances have led to significantly improved detection accuracy on various benchmarks, existing deep learning models are vulnerable to invisible to the human eye changes in the input image which raises concerns about its safety. A popular and simple technique for improving robustness is using data...

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  • Determination of the tram track axis using a multi receiver GNSS measurement system


    - Przegląd Komunikacyjny - Rok 2020

    This article refers to research, that has been conducted by an interdisciplinary research team from the Gdańsk University of Technology and the Maritime University in Gdynia since 2009. These investigation concerns the determination of a railway track axis using the mobile satellite measurement technique. Following the dynamic development of GNSS techniques, that could be seen in the last decade, the team carried out further experiments...

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  • Effect of excitation intensity on slope stability assessed by a simplified approach


    - Earthquakes and Structures - Rok 2021

    The paper concerns the selection of a design accelerograms used for the slope stability assessment under earthquake excitation. The aim is to experimentally verify the Arias Intensity as an indicator of the excitation threat to the slope stability. A simple dynamic system consisting of a rigid block on a rigid inclined plane subjected to horizontal excitation is adopted as a slope model. Strong ground motions recorded during earthquakes...

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  • Wind Conditions at Pedestrian Level in Different Types of Residential Urban Development for a High Degree of Land Use Efficiency


    - Sustainability - Rok 2021

    The paper concerns wind conditions around urban building development at the pedestrian level. The article aims to identify aerodynamic phenomena around three types of multi-family housing developmentswith different forms and the same urban parameters of building development intensity (high intensity was taken into account). The aim of the research was mainly to achieve qualitative results that would lead to understanding fundamental...

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  • Sustainability reporting in the airline industry: Current literature and future research avenues

    Sustainability reporting (SR) allows organisations to communicate their non-financial impacts to stakeholders. It has also become a widespread business practice in aviation, a transport sector that contributes significantly to global warming. Academia has begun to examine SR in the context of airlines surprisingly late, and no comprehensive reviews of its respective developments have been made so far. Consequently, a systematic...

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  • Release Kinetics Studies of Early-Stage Volatile Secondary Oxidation Products of Rapeseed Oil Emitted during the Deep-Frying Process


    The research concerns the use of proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer to track real-time emissions of volatile secondary oxidation products released from rapeseed oil as a result of deep-frying of potato cubes. Therefore, it was possible to observe a sudden increase of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions caused by immersion of the food, accompanied by a sudden release of steam from a potato cube and a decrease of the...

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  • The interaction of the pulsed laser irradiation with titania nanotubes - Theoretical studies on the thermal effect



    This paper reports temperature dispersion simulations of titania nanotubes irradiated by the 355 nm, pulsed, nanosecond laser. The modelling with the use of Finite Elements Method concerns titania nanotubes of the length and the wall thickness in the range of 0.5–2 μm and 5–20 nm, respectively. The uniqueness of the morphology was preserved by ensuring the wall thickness variation along the height of the tube, which was determined...

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  • Numerical modelling of the mesofracture process of sintered 316L steel under tension using microtomography



    This paper concerns numerical modelling of the deformation process, taking into account the local fracture of porous 316L sinters at the mesoscopic scale using the finite element method. Calculations are performed with the use of geometrical models, to map the realistic shape of the porous mesostructure of the material, obtained by means of computed microtomography. The microtomographic device has limited and insufficient measurement...

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  • Database of speech and facial expressions recorded with optimized face motion capture settings

    The broad objective of the present research is the analysis of spoken English employing a multiplicity of modalities. An important stage of this process, discussed in the paper, is creating a database of speech accompanied with facial expressions. Recordings of speakers were made using an advanced system for capturing facial muscle motion. A brief historical outline, current applications, limitations and the ways of capturing face...

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  • Modelling of Abdominal Wall Under Uncertainty of Material Properties


    - Rok 2020

    The paper concerns abdominal wall modelling. The accurate prediction and simulation of abdominal wall mechanics are important in the context of optimization of ventral hernia repair. The shell Finite Element model is considered, as the one which can be used in patient-specific approach due to relatively easy geometry generation. However, there are uncertainties in this issue, e.g. related to mechanical properties since the properties...

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  • Subjective and Objective Quality Evaluation Study of BPL -PLC Wired Medium


    - Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika - Rok 2020

    This paper presents results of research on the effectiveness of bi-directional voice transmission in a 6 kV mine cable network using BPL-PLC (Broadband over Power Line - Power Line Communication) technology. It concerns both emergency cable state (supply outage with cable shorted at both ends) and loaded with distorted current waveforms. The narrowband (0.5 MHz–15 MHz) and broadband (two different modes, frequency range of 3 MHz–7.5...

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  • Direct modulation for conventional matrix converters using analytical signals and barycentric coordinates


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2020

    This paper proposes the generalized direct modulation for Conventional Matrix Converters (CMC) using the concept of analytical signals and barycentric coordinates. The paper proposes a novel approach to the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) duty cycle computing, which allows faster prototyping of direct control algorithms. The explanation of the new idea using analytical considerations demonstrating the principles of direct voltage...

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  • JamesBot - an intelligent agent playing StarCraft II


    The most popular method for optimizing a certain strategy based on a reward is Reinforcement Learning (RL). Lately, a big challenge for this technique are computer games such as StarCraft II which is a real-time strategy game, created by Blizzard. The main idea of this game is to fight between agents and control objects on the battlefield in order to defeat the enemy. This work concerns creating an autonomous bot using reinforced...

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  • Znaczenie różnorodności w wirtualnej współpracy

    Różnorodność jest jedną z podstawowych cech zespołów wirtualnych. Odnosi się ona do geograficznego rozproszenia członków zespołu, różnic stref czasowych, w których pracują, zróżnicowania narodowogo i kulturowego, ale również do pracy dla różnych organizacji, pełnienia różnych ról zespołowych o odpowiedzialności za różne części realizowanego projektu. Artykuł dotyczy najważniejszych wymiarów różnorodności istotnych dla wirtualnej...

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  • Zróżnicowanie działań w zakresie zarządzania wiekiem

    Artykuł dotyczy problematyki zarządzania wiekiem (ZW), a w szczególności zróżnicowania jego wdrażania w krajach o odmiennych uwarunkowaniach związanych z sytuacją osób starszych na rynku pracy to jest w Szwecji, Niemczech i Polsce. W części empirycznej przedstawiono wyniki badań własnych porównując je z wynikami badań przeprowadzonych w ramach Best Agers Lighthouses – Strategic Age Management for SME in The Baltic Sea Region. Pozwoliło...

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  • Działanie na szkodę spółki zależnej - aspekty prawne


    Celem artykułu jest prezentacja prawnych aspektów funkcjonowania grup kapitałowych w Polsce. Opracowanie dotyczy prawa grup spółek rozpatrywanego z punktu widzenia potrzeb działalności gospodarczej, z uwzględnieniem ochrony akcjonariuszy mniejszościowych, wierzycieli i menedżerów spółek tworzących holding, w szczególności spółek zależnych. Wykazano, że polski system prawa grup spółek nie spełnia zupełnie potrzeb współczesnego obrotu...

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  • Maria Jolanta Milewska prof. dr hab. inż.

    Maria Jolanta Milewska, po ukończeniu Technikum Chemiczno-Mechanicznego w Wąbrzeźnie (specjalizacja: przetwórstwo tworzyw sztucznych) kontynuowała naukę na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej. W 1979 r. zdobywa tytuł mgr inżyniera na kierunku Chemia, o specjalizacji Lekka Synteza Organiczna. Studium Doktoranckie PG ukończyła w 1984 r. W 1983 r została zatrudniona na macierzystym wydziale w Katedrze Chemii Organicznej, początkowo...



    Artykuł dotyczy tematyki zespołów wielokulturowych, które ze względu na specyfikę globalnego rynku odgrywają coraz ważniejszą rolę we współczesnych organizacjach. Skoncentrowano się na kształtowaniu klimatu pracy zespołowej, który pozwala wykorzystać potencjał zespołu zróżnicowanego kulturowo, podkreślając potencjalne utrudnienia i ich źródła. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań kwestionariuszowych, których celem było sprawdzenie, na ile...

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  • Michał Wróbel dr inż.

    Michał Wróbel, adiunkt na wydziale Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej, informatyk, specjalizujący się w Inżynierii Oprogramowania. Ukończył Wydział ETI w 2002 roku, jako magister inżynier ze specjalnością Inżynieria Systemów i Bazy Danych. Do 2006 roku pracował jako administrator systemów, m.in. w CI TASK. Od 2006 roku pracuje na wydziale ETI. W 2011 otrzymał stopień naukowy doktora w dziedzinie...

  • Procedura przygotowania próbki do oznaczania wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych w produktach technicznych


    - Rok 2010

    W pracy opisano nową metodę przygotowania próbki w celu oznaczania śladowych zawartości wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych (WWA) w wysokowrzących produktach naftowych. Wartości granicy oznaczalności dla badanych WWA w materiałach tego typu mieściły się w przedziale od kilkudziesięciu ng/kg do poniżej dwudziestu ug/kg. Badania wykazały, że w celu oddzielenia większości zanieczyszczeń od analitów, bez ich znaczących...

  • Modele biznesów jako nowy obszar badań w naukach o zarządzaniu


    - Rok 2015

    Prowadzone od jakiegoś czasu badania modeli biznesu oraz zbliżająca się 15 rocznica pojawienia się tego zagadnienia w Polsce stały się impulsem do podjęcia próby podsumowania dotychczasowych głównych obszarów badań oraz nakreślenia kierunków dalszych prac eksploracyjnych. Określono cztery nurty dotychczasowych badań modeli biznesu: definiowanie i struktura modelu biznesu, typologia modeli biznesów, innowacyjność modeli biznesów...

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  • Wiadukt łukowy w Białymstoku


    - Rok 2015

    Referat prezentuje oddany do użytkowania w czerwcu 2011 wiadukt drogowy ,,Łuk Białostocki”. Konstrukcja ta z uwagi na lokalizację dźwigara łukowego względem osi pomostu – po przekątnej, jest w Polsce w swojej skali obiektem prototypowym. Ustrój nośny obiektu stanowi stalowy bezprzegubowy dźwigar łukowy, usytuowany w rzucie z góry po krótszej przekątnej konstrukcji, z podwieszonym za pomocą cięgien pomostem zespolonym. Rozpiętość...

  • Geometria wykreślna I, 2022/23

    Kursy Online
    • J. M. Kowalewska
    • M. Malewczyk
    • B. A. Chomicka
    • D. Cyparski
    • A. Wancław

    {mlang pl}Kurs „Geometria wykreślna I” łączy w sobie elementy kształcenia tradycyjnego z e-nauczaniem. Przeznaczony jest dla studentów kierunku Architektura, sem. 1, studia inżynierskie I stopnia. Tematyka dotyczy graficznej prezentacji obiektów 3D na płaszczyźnie, ich restytucji na podstawie rzutów oraz rozwiązywania prostych problemów przestrzennych. Treść nauczania obejmuje założenia metody rzutów prostokątnych na dwie rzutnie...

  • Spatial variability of the hydrochemistry of shallow groundwaters and surface waters of the Rensdyrbekken: A case study of a permafrost catchment in Bellsund (SW Spitsbergen, Svalbard)

    • S. Lehmann-konera
    • P. Zagorski
    • K. Nowinski
    • K. Raczynski
    • M. Frankowski
    • Ł. Franczak
    • M. Dobek
    • D. Szumińska
    • R. Marek
    • R. Bakain Al
    • Ż. Polkowska


    Progressive climate change may have unpredictable consequences for the Arctic environment. Permafrost catchments off the west coast of Svalbard, described as “thin” and “warm,” are particularly sensitive to climate change. The interdisciplinary research on the hydrochemical response of surface and underground water functioning within a small permafrost catchment area focused on the determination of the impact of meteorological...

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  • Dotacje unijne jako źródło finansowania innowacji w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach


    - Rok 2016

    Artykuł dotyczy wskazania możliwości pozyskania źródeł finansowania innowacji małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw. Przykładem tego mają być dostępne obecnie lub w przyszłości granty i fundusze unijne. W artykule przedstawiono owe dotacje i ogólne ich zasady z uwzględnieniem programu z jakiego pochodzą i dla jakiego podmiotu mają być dedykowane. Ponadto zaprezentowano propozycje na co mogą być przeznaczone środki z poszczególnych...

  • Julita Wasilczuk dr hab.

    Urodzona 5 kwietnia 1965 roku w Gdańsku. W latach 1987–1991 odbyła studia na Wydziale Ekonomiki Transportu Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego (obecnie Wydział Ekonomii). Od 1993 roku zatrudniona na nowo utworzonym Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii, Politechniki Gdańskiej, na stanowisku asystenta. W 1997 roku uzyskała stopień doktora nauk ekonomicznych na WZiE, a w 2006 doktora habilitowanego nauk ekonomicznych w dyscyplinie nauki o zarządzaniu,...

  • Innovative activity of SMEs In Poland


    - Rok 2010

    Innovative activity of enterprises is determined by many factors. On one hand, these are external factors creating a sort of innovative climate in the economy, on the other hand - there are many internal factors stimulating or reducing the intensity of innovative activities. What influences the innovativeness of enterprises is the effectiveness of the system supporting innovations, which was stated by for example Pyciński and Żołnierski...

  • Portable raman spectrometer for maritime security applications


    - Rok 2010

    The fast identification of explosives, narcotics and other chemicals carried on board of ships or transported in containers to the harbors is an important problem of maritime security. Raman spectroscopy is widely used for fast identification of various chemicals. Continuous progress in the field of photonics has resulted in commercial availability of low-power compact Raman spectrometers which can be integrated into portable systems....

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  • Problemy zarządzania bezpieczeństwem obiektu przemysłowego podwyższonego ryzyka


    - Rok 2009

    W rozdziale przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące zarządzania bezpieczeństwem w zautomatyzowanym złożonym obiekcie podwyższonego ryzyka. Pokazano, że ryzyko strat można istotnie ograniczyć stosując odpowiednie rozwiązania techniczne w postaci warstwowego systemu zabezpieczeń, który obejmuje podstawowy system sterowania procesem, człowieka-operatora i system automatyki zabezpieczeniowej. Podkreślono znaczenie właściwego zaprojektowania...

  • Aspects of intergranular corrosion of AISI 321 stainless steel in high-carbon-containing environments

    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present a case study of unexpected sensitization to intergranular corrosion of highly resistant AISI 321 steel in petrochemical conditions, where it was subjected to the simultaneous influence of elevated temperature of 250°C and vapors from the asphalt production process. Design/methodology/approach – Corrosion coupons were exposed in an installation carrying asphalt vapors. To identify...

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  • Doing Well by Doing Good- CSR in a Global Context


    Nowadays, there is a general understanding that stakeholders are crucial for the successful enterprise. There is also a need to think about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in a global context. Never before corporations enjoyed so much power and authority. Corporations need to evolve, re-think their strategies and change their processes accordingly. However, as of now, there is no agreed way of measuring overall sustainability...

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  • Leveraging food waste for electricity: A low-carbon approach in energy sector for mitigating climate change and achieving net zero emission in Hong Kong (China)

    • T. A. Kurniawan
    • X. Liang
    • H. H. Goh
    • M. H. Dzarfan Othman
    • A. Anouzla
    • H. Al-Hazmi
    • K. W. Chew
    • F. Aziz
    • I. Ali


    In recent years, food waste has been a global concern that contributes to climate change. To deal with the rising impacts of climate change, in Hong Kong, food waste is converted into electricity in the framework of low-carbon approach. This work provides an overview of the conversion of food waste into electricity to achieve carbon neutrality. The production of methane and electricity from waste-to-energy (WTE) conversion are...

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  • Enhancing the bioconversion rate and end products of black soldier fly (BSF) treatment – A comprehensive review

    • S. A. Siddiqui
    • Ö. Süfer
    • G. Çalışkan Koç
    • H. Lutuf
    • T. Rahayu
    • R. Castro Munoz
    • I. Fernando


    Food security remains a pressing concern in the face of an increasing world population and environmental challenges. As climate change, biodiversity loss, and water scarcity continue to impact agricultural productivity, traditional livestock farming faces limitations in meeting the growing global demand for meat and dairy products. In this context, black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) have emerged as a promising alternative for sustainable...

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  • An automated learning model for twitter sentiment analysis using Ranger AdaBelief optimizer based Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory


    - EXPERT SYSTEMS - Rok 2024

    Sentiment analysis is an automated approach which is utilized in process of analysing textual data to describe public opinion. The sentiment analysis has major role in creating impact in the day-to-day life of individuals. However, a precise interpretation of text still relies as a major concern in classifying sentiment. So, this research introduced Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory with Ranger AdaBelief Optimizer (Bi-LSTM RAO)...

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  • Recent advancements in LC‐MS based analysis of biotoxins: Present and future challenges



    There has been a rising concern regarding the harmful impact of biotoxins, source of origin, and the determination of the specific type of toxin. With numerous reports on their extensive spread, biotoxins pose a critical challenge to figure out their parent groups, metabolites, and concentration. In that aspect, liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry (LC‐MS) based analysis paves the way for its accurate identification and quantification....

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  • Healthier and Environmentally Responsible Sustainable Cities and Communities. A New Design Framework and Planning Approach for Urban Illumination


    Although sustainability and sustainable development are both considered necessary practices in various fields today, a recent analysis showed that the Sustainable Development Goal SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities established by the United Nations does not address urban illumination and its impact. This oversight is of concern because research carried out in the last 20+ years indicates artificial light at night (ALAN)...

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  • Three-dimensional numerical investigation of hybrid nanofluids in chain microchannel under electrohydrodynamic actuator

    Energy efficiency enhancement methods have received considerable attentionwithin the industry and scientific community, owing to the rising concern ofglobal energy sustainability. The present article attempts to scrutinize the effectsof electrohydrodynamics and nanofluids on the rate of heat transfer and fluidflow in the 3-D chain microchannels. Improved heat exchangers (e.g., chainmicrochannel) would have a key role in increasing...

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  • Capacity Transforming challenges into opportunities


    - Rok 2022

    The Urban Initiative Laboratory (UIL) aims to upgrade the smart city concept in Gdańsk by introducing the Food-Water-Energy (FWE) nexus to the city. It was agreed in the CRUNCH international consortium that projects on different scales would be implemented in the individual countries to test the Integrated Decision Supportive system platform, which would, in principle, concern urban scale. The regular urban scale was to be researched...

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  • Evidence of the impact of sport policies on physical activity and sport participation: a systematic mixed studies review

    • K. Volf
    • L. Kelly
    • E. García Bengoechea
    • B. Casey
    • P. Gelius
    • S. Messing
    • S. Forberger
    • J. Lakerveld
    • N. R. Den Braver
    • J. Żukowska
    • C. Woods

    - International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics - Rok 2022

    Participation in sport contributes to increased physical activity (PA) levels. Increasing PA is a public health concern due to its recognised impact on health outcomes. International policy actors such as the Council of Europe, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) have recommended that ‘sport for all’ is promoted both for public health and as a basic right. This...

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  • Greencoin: a Pro­environmental Action-­Reward System


    The massive destruction of the natural environment is rapidly eroding the world’s capacity to provide food and water, threatening the security of billions of people. In order to facilitate green lifestyles – understood in terms of both pro-environmental behaviors and green self-image on the one hand, and to build sustainable local and global communities, on the other, we put forward an idea of a novel action-reward system based...

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  • A Generalized Framework Towards Structural Mechanics of Three-layered Composite Structures

    • M. Aßmus
    • K. Naumenko
    • A. Öchsner
    • V. Eremeev
    • H. Altenbach

    - Technische Mechanik - Rok 2019

    Three-layered composite structures find a broad application. Increasingly, composites are being used whose layer thicknesses and material properties diverge strongly. In the perspective of structural mechanics, classical approaches to analysis fail at such extraordinary composites. Therefore, emphasis of the present approach is on arbitrary transverse shear rigidities and structural thicknesses of the individual layers. Therewith...

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  • Influence of CeO2 and TiO2 Particles on Physicochemical Properties of Composite Nickel Coatings Electrodeposited at Ambient Temperature

    • I. Makarava
    • M. Esmaeili
    • D. Kharitonov
    • L. Pelcastre
    • J. Ryl
    • M. Reza Bilestan
    • E. Vuorinen
    • E. Repo

    - Materials - Rok 2023

    The Ni-TiO2 and Ni-CeO2 composite coatings with varying hydrophilic/hydrophobic characteristics were fabricated by the electrodeposition method from a tartrate electrolyte at ambient temperature. To meet the requirements of tight regulation by the European Chemicals Agency classifying H3BO3 as a substance of very high concern, Rochelle salt was utilized as a buffer solution instead. The novelty of this study was to implement a...

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  • A novel method for drop in drop edible oils encapsulation with chitosan using a coaxial technique


    The presented work concerns a novel one step method for oil encapsulation. In this coaxial system the oil constitutes the core of the capsule, while the chitosan solution is the polymer shell surrounding the core to provide separation of the core from the external environment. The paper contains a diagram of the encapsulation equipment and explains the principle of its operation. The experimental results showed the impact of the...

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  • Selected Problems of Transport in Port Towns – Tri-City as an Example

    Port towns are strategic places from the point of view of transport systems. They form integration junctions for various transport branches , apart from the traditional - road and railway ones , also for water( sea) transport which is active there. Moreover, air transport comes also into consideration , whose efficient functioning must be connected with good accessibility, that concerns sea transport as well. Efficient and...

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  • Determination of cyanide in urine and saliva samples by ion chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection

    Commonly known as a highly toxic chemical, cyanide is also an essential reagent for many industrial processes. It naturally occurs in plant seeds as a cyanogenic glycosides. Another relatively common mode of cyanide exposure is inhalation of environmental tobacco smoke. This study concerns importance to determine cyanide ion in human biological samples. Urine and saliva samples were collected healthy volunteers exposed to tobacco...

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  • Sounding Mechanism of a Flue Organ Pipe—A Multi-Sensor Measurement Approach


    - SENSORS - Rok 2024

    This work presents an approach that integrates the results of measuring, analyzing, and modeling air flow phenomena driven by pressurized air in a flue organ pipe. The investigation concerns a Bourdon organ pipe. Measurements are performed in an anechoic chamber using the Cartesian robot equipped with a 3D acoustic vector sensor (AVS) that acquires both acoustic pressure and air particle velocity. Also, a high-speed camera is employed...

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  • Behaviour of Asymmetric Structure with Base Isolation Made of Polymeric Bearings


    Earthquake-induced ground motions are the most severe and unpredictable threats to the structures all around the world. Seismic excitations cause a lot of damage in a wide variety of ways, leaving thousands of casualties in their wake. Due to randomness of earthquake occurrence, lack of visible causes and their power of destructiveness, structural engineers need to develop new technical solutions and protection systems against...

  • Global energy transition: From the main determinants to economic challenges regions


    - EQUILIBRIUM Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy - Rok 2023

    Dynamic global energy transition has been accelerating for the last decade. Interestingly, the energy transition is multidimensional and concerns both the dimensions of technique/ technology and the economic, social, institu-tional, and legal spheres (Shuguang et al., 2022; Tzeremes et al., 2022; Ram-zan et al., 2022; Tzeremes et al., 2022). The literature also points to the signif-icant impact of the digitization of the global...

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  • Balance errors generated by numerical diffusion in the solution of non-linear open channel flow equations


    The paper concerns the untypical aspect of application of the dissipative numerical methods to solve nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations used in open channel hydraulics. It is shown that in some cases the numerical diffusion generated by the applied method of solution produces not only inaccurate solution but as well as a balance error. This error may occur even for an equation written in the conservative form not...

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  • Green Approaches in Rubber Recycling Technologies: Present Status and Future Perspective

    As a consequence of massive production and consumption of rubbers, rubber blends, and rubber composites for myriad applications, elastomeric products have enormously accumulated and become an environmental threat. The disposal and burning of rubber wastes have been banned because of environmental and economic reasons. By contrast, a great deal of attention has been directed toward strategies enabling recycling and reuse of rubbers....

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