Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MODEL NIECIĄGŁY - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MODEL NIECIĄGŁY

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MODEL NIECIĄGŁY

  • Mathemathical model of radial passive magnetic bearing


    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2010

    In the article mathematical radial model of passive magnetic bearings to ocean engineering units has been presented. The units application in underwater thrusters should increase propulsion systems durability and gives lower maintenance costs. The rotor of electric motor is hanging in magnetic field taken from radial passive magnetic bearings. However axial direction maintenance must be controlled with electromagnets and their...

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  • Zdecentralizowany model rynku regulacyjnych usług systemowych


    - Rok 2011

    W artykule zaprezentowano model pozyskania regulacyjnych usług systemowych w sposób zdecentralizowany. Przedstawiono koncepcje funkcjonowania lokalnych rynków usług systemowych. Zaproponowano wykorzystanie zdolności odbiorców, źródeł rozproszonych i operatorów systemów lokalnych do dostawy usług. Omówiono rolę Operatorów Systemów Dystrybucyjnych oraz firm obrotu energią jako pośredników w pozyskaniu usług regulacyjnych od podmiotów...

  • Komputerowy model mechanicznego zespolenia ścian żołądka

    Celem pracy jest zoptymalizowanie połączenia szytego ścian żołądka. Optymalizacja ma obejmować zmianę konfiguracji zszywek, co wpłynie na poprawę szczelności zespolenia. W niniejszej pracy omówiony został sposób tworzenia modelu elementów skończonych MES tkanki miękkiej. Przedstawione założenia będą stanowić bazę do dalszych modyfikacji, opartych na danych materiałowych, zebranych w trakcie badań elastyczności próbek tkanki żołądka....

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  • Kontekstowo zorientowany model bezpieczeństwa systemów internetowych


    - Rok 2016

    W rozprawie dokonano analizy usługowych systemów internetowych pod względem bezpieczeństwa. Przedstawiono autorskie uniwersalne modele bezpieczeństwa CoRBAC oraz jego rozszerzenie TCoRBAC, będące rozwinięciem tradycyjnego modelu RBAC. Uwzględniono analizę szeroko rozumianego kontekstu funkcjonowania systemu oraz poziom jego zaufania do użytkownika. Opracowano metodę wyznaczania dwóch parametrów: zaufania do systemu (λ) będącego...

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  • A fuzzy logic model for forecasting exchange rates


    This article is devoted to the issue of forecasting exchange rates. The objective of the conducted research is to develop a predictive model with the use of an innovative methodology - fuzzy logic theory - and to evaluate its effectiveness in times of prosperity and during the financial crisis. The model is based on sets of rules written by the author in the form of IF-THEN, where expert knowledge is stored. This model is the result...

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  • Integration of thermographic data with the 3D object model


    - Rok 2014

    The aim of the paper is to present new method for merging the 3D model data of the measured object with thermograms. Our technique is based on the combination of visual 3D imaging technique and thermal imaging technique, which maps the 2D thermograms on to 3D anatomical mesh model. The combination of these imaging modalities allows the generation of combined 3D and thermal data from which thermal signatures can be verified and...

  • Attributes of Entrepreneurial Teams as Elements of a Mental Model

    An entrepreneurial team can be defined as a small group of individuals holding ownership or control positions who create or develop an entrepreneurial venture and have shared commitments towards each other. Entrepreneurial teams start numerous new ventures or affect the performance of firms due to their social capital based on some characteristic attributes. The mental models of teams refer to internal, organised representation...

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  • Air flow phenomena in the model of the blind drift


    - EPJ Web of Conferences - Rok 2016

    In the presented paper, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) has been used to investigate flow pattern and turbulent structure in the model of blind drift. The presented model exist in mining, and has been analyzed to resolve ventilation issues. Blind region is particularly susceptible to unsafe methane accumulation. The measurement system allows us to evaluate all components of the velocity vector in channel cross-section simultaneously....

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    - Rok 2015

    We study the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of the p53-Mdm2 model proposed by Monk (2003). The p53 gene is crucial for cellular inhibition of the angiogenesis process, while Mdm2 is a negative regulator of the p53 tumor-suppressor. We investigate the stability of the positive steady state and perform some numerical experiments.

  • Toward knowledge-grid model for academic purposes


    - Rok 2015

    Nowadays we face a huge amount of data and information sharing on the Web by different users worldwide. For example, the academic environment is one of such places where teachers share and manage knowledge for groups of students. This paper proposes a multi-dimensional knowledge space model, designed to distribute and manage knowledge resources efficiently. We view our model as a foundation of a knowledge grid platform. Two crucial...

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  • Application Isssues of the Semi-Markov Reliability Model


    Predicting the reliability of marine internal combustion engines, for instance, is of particular importance, as it makes it possible to predict their future reliability states based on the information on the past states. Correct reliability prediction is a complex process which consists in processing empirical results obtained from operating practice, complemented by analytical considerations. The process of technical state changes...

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  • Robust identification of quadrocopter model for control purposes


    The paper addresses a problem of quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle (so-called X4-flyer or quadrocopter) utility model identification for control design purposes. To that goal the quadrotor model is assumed to be composed of two abstracted subsystems, namely a rigid body (plant) and four motors equipped with blades (actuators). The model of the former is acquired based on a well-established dynamic equations of motion while the...

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  • The validation process of truss model with joint eccentricities

    Nowadays, due to the technological reasons in modern lightweight steel trusses, fabricated from cold-formed sections, positive eccentricities appear in the truss nodes, to induce additional forces truss chords. In order to account for the real load-carrying capacity of truss node area the steel structure research was conducted in scale 1:1. As a result of experimental research, the forms of deformation and strains of the walls...

  • The CDIO model in architectural education and research by design

    Architectural education has always been related to experimentation: that is, defining concepts, drawing sketches, working on models, then testing and modifying them. This activity mirrors the CDIO learning methods and objectives. Despite this, research studies into the applicability of the CDIO model in architectural curricula are scarce. In the discipline of architecture, hands-on experiences are associated not only with one of...

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  • Objectivity in the non-Markovian spin-boson model


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2017

    Objectivity constitutes one of the main features of the macroscopic classical world. An important aspect of the quantum-to-classical transition issue is to explain how such a property arises from the microscopic quantum theory. Recently, within the framework of open quantum systems, there has been proposed such a mechanism in terms of the so-called spectrum broadcast structures. These are multipartite quantum states of the system...

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  • Model zaangażowania w relacji usługodawca-klient


    - Rok 2020

    W niniejszej monografii przedstawiono rozwiązania pozwalające lepiej zrozumieć złożoność relacji występujących pomiędzy usługodawcami a klientami oraz metody, które pozwalają tę wiedzę wykorzystać w doskonaleniu procesów organizacji usługowych. Monografia podejmuje problem kształtowania zaangażowania na styku usługodawca–klient jako wstępnego i koniecznego warunku rozwijania relacji w usługach. Opierając się na klasycznej drabinie...

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  • The behavioural model of graphene field-effect transistor

    The behavioural model of a graphene field-effect transistor (GFET) is proposed. In this approach the GFET element is treated as a “black box” with only external terminals available and without considering the physical phenomena directly. The presented circuit model was constructed to reflect steady-states characteristics taking also into account GFET capacitances. The authors’ model is defined by a relatively small number of equations...

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  • Risk Analysis by a Probabilistic Model of the Measurement Process


    - SENSORS - Rok 2021

    The aim of the article is presentation of the testing methodology and results of examination the probabilistic model of the measurement process. The case study concerns the determination of the risk of an incorrect decision in the assessment of the compliance of products by measurement. Measurand is characterized by the generalized Rayleigh distribution. The model of the meas-urement process was tested in parallel mode by six risk...

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  • Towards a Universal Model of Engineering Change Management

    The paper deals with the issue of engineering change management (ECM). ECM has received much less attention in the literature than general change management. Moreover, due to their specifics (complexity and multifaceted nature), hitherto developed ECM models are difficult to implement in companies. The paper aims to develop a simplified, universal, and hence easily applicable model of ECM. We based our assumptions on a case study...

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  • AMO model for neuro-inclusive remote workplace


    - Personnel Review - Rok 2022

    Purpose The aim of this article is to extend current debates on organizational equality, diversity and inclusion to a consideration of neurodivergence in the remote workplace context. Design/methodology/approach Drawing on the ability, motivation, and opportunity (AMO) model and an emerging strength-based approach to neurodiversity, this conceptual paper integrates research on neurodiversity at work and remote working to provide...

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  • Sustainable Knowledge Sharing Model for IT Agile Projects


    - Rok 2022

    In order to overcome work environment challenges and remain competitive in the market, organisations must adapt. An organisation's competitiveness can be improved through knowledge sharing; however, improvement without responsibility can have a negative impact on the sociotechnical environment which people cannot fully comprehend. According to researchers, business involvement in sustainable development goals remains minimal [51]....

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    • A. H. Qureshi
    • W. S. Alaloul
    • A. Murtiyoso
    • S. J. Hussain
    • S. Saad
    • V. K. Oad

    - Rok 2022

    The construction industry practices and processes are evolving constantly, and with the emergence of Industry 4.0, the use of technologies is expanding. Construction progress monitoring is an essential project lifecycle process; project success and timely completion are linked with effective progress monitoring operations and adopted tools. In the domain of automated construction progress monitoring, 3D modeling techniques have...

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  • 2D lattice model for fracture in brittle materials

    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń propagacji rys w elementach betonowych przy zastosowaniu modelu dyskretnego opartego na ruszcie belkowym. Obliczenia wykonano dla różnych problemów brzegowych.

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  • Lattice type fracture model for brittle materials


    - Rok 2006

    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń propagacji rys w elementach betonowych przy zastosowaniu modelu dyskretnego opartego na ruszcie belkowym. Obliczenia wykonano dla różnych problemów brzegowych. W modelu przyjęto inne właściwości dla kruszywa, zaczynu cementowego oraz strefy kontaktu.

  • Application of a cellular automata model to granular flow


    Przedstawiono wyniki modelowania przepływów granulowanych przy zastosowaniu automatu komórkowego. Obliczenia wykonano dla silosów ze wstawkami i ścianką szczelną. Przyjęto różne schematy propagacji ziaren.

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  • Jolanta Kowal dr hab.


    Jolanta Kowal has a Post-doctoral Degree in Social Sciences (dr hab., DSc) in the field of economics and finance, an assistant professor, researcher, and lecturer in the Institute of Psychology of Wroclaw University, and a professor of the Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland, a Jungian analyst. Jolanta from 2014 held functions in the Board of the Polish Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (PLAIS) (President 2015-2018,...

  • Application of MARKAL model to optimisation of electricity generation structure in Poland in the long-term time horizon Part I - concept of the model


    In this paper, which inaugurates a series of papers on this subject, a concept is proposed of a power system development model with regard to the technological structure of electricity generation in Poland, in the long-term time perspective – until 2060. The model is based on the mathematical structure of the MARKAL optimization package. The paper presents a brief description of the tool used in the model research. In addition,...

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  • Stochastic model of the load spectrum for main engines of sea-going ships


    W artykule przedstawiono możliwość zastosowania procesów semimarkowskich do probabilistycznego opisu widma obciążeń silników o zapłonie samoczynnym, zastosowanych do napędu statków - czyli silników głównych. W rozważaniach uwzględnione zostały charakterystyki zewnętrzne mocy tego rodzaju silników. Umożliwiły one sformułowanie czteroelementowego zbioru stanów procesu obciążeń tego rodzaju silników. Do opisu rzeczywistego procesu...

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  • Modelling of spirometry - the application for diagnostic purposes


    - Rok 2008

    The process of the tissue oxygen supply is the fundamental process of the human life. The lung functioning consists of three processes: the ventilation, the perfusion and the diffusion. The paper deals with one of these processes which is the ventilation process. The quality of the pulmonary ventilation has a strong influence on the patient's health condition. Numerous limitations are imposed on conditions of the lung quality measurement,...

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  • The model of photovoltaic phenomenon in thin inhomogeneously organic film

    W pracy przedstawiono model zjawiska fotowoltaicznego w obecności gradientu pułapek nośników ładunku. Zakładając, że długość dyfuzji ekscytonów związana jest z koncentracją pułapek, wykazano, że napięcie fotowoltaiczne silnie zależy od gradientu koncentracji pułapek.

  • 2D Mathematical Model of the Commutator Sliding Contact of an Electrical Machine


    - Rok 2006

    W artykule przedstawiono model matematyczny 2D komutatorowego zestyku ślizgowego z wieloma stopniami swobody. W modelu uwzględniono zmienne wymuszenia działające na szczotkę. Wymuszenia te są wynikiem falistości wirującego komutatora. Szczotka została zamodelowana jako system wielu mas, elementów sprężystych i tłumików rozłożonych w kierunku stycznym i promieniowym. Zamodelowano wszystkie oddziaływania lepkosprężyste pomiędzy komutatorem...

  • Application of MARKAL model to optimisation of electricity generation structure in Poland in the long-term time horizon. Part II. Model and forecasts assumptions


    In this paper, the next in a series of publications on the subject, assumptions are presented of a power system development model in terms of electricity generation technology infrastructure in Poland, in the long term perspective until 2060. The model is based on the mathematical structure of the MARKAL optimization package. Among other things developed are a forecast of the final demand for electricity and heat, the current...

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  • Wyznaczenie optymalnego sposobu eksploatacji ujęć za pomocą modelu numerycznego na przykładzie rejonu Słupska = Determination of the optimal way of the exploitation based on the numerical model - case study Słupsk region


    - Rok 2007

    Rejon Słupska należy do obszarów o korzystnych lecz skomplikowanych warunkach hydrogeologicznych. W neogeńskim poziomie wodonośnym wyróżnia się dwie warstwy wodonośne, przy czym obie narażone są na możliwość zasolenia w wyniku ascenzji wód piętra kredowego. Ze względu na planowane zaopatrzenie w wodę miasta Słupska wyłącznie w oparciu o ujęcia Westerplatte i Głobino, badaniami objęto przybliżony obszar zasilania i oddziaływania...

  • Finite Element Approaches to Model Electromechanical, Periodic Beams

    Periodic structures have some interesting properties, of which the most evident is the presence of band gaps in their frequency spectra. Nowadays, modern technology allows to design dedicated structures of specific features. From the literature arises that it is possible to construct active periodic structures of desired dynamic properties. It can be considered that this may extend the scope of application of such structures. Therefore,...

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  • Analytical Steady-State Model of the Pipeline Flow Process


    The paper addresses the issue of modeling the flow process in transmission pipelines. A base model used for numerical simulation is introduced. Under certain assumptions concerning steady state analysis, the differential equations describing the process are solved analytically for two cases: zero and nonzero inclination angle α. These equations describe a constant flow rate and a corresponding distribution of the pressure along...

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  • On autoregressive spectrum estimation using the model averaging technique

    The problem of estimating spectral density of a nonstationary process satisfying local stationarity conditions is considered. The proposed solution is a two step procedure based on local autoregressive (AR) modeling. In the first step Bayesian-like averaging of AR models, differing in order, is performed. The main contribution of the paper is development of a new final-prediction-error-like statistic, which can be used to select...

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  • Blended Learning Model for Computer Techniques for Students of Architecture

    Abstract: The article summarizes two-year experience of implementing hybrid formula for teaching Computer Techniques at the Faculty of Architecture at the Gdansk University of Technology. Original educational e-materials, consisting of video clips, text and graphics instructions, as well as links to online resources are embedded in the university e-learning educational platform. The author discusses technical constraints associated...

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  • Sieci w wymiarze sprawiedliwości - pożądany model przywództwa


    - Rok 2016

    Celem artykułu jest wypełnienie luki poznawczej dotyczącej lidera przywództwa w sieciach w sektorze publicznym na przykładzie sądów.

  • Model-Based Testing of Embedded Systems in the Automotive Domain


    - Rok 2009


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  • Three-dimensional conceptual model for service-oriented simulation


    n this letter, we propose a novel three-dimensional conceptual model for an emerging service-oriented simulation paradigm. The model can be used as a guideline or an analytic means to find the potential and possible future directions of the current simulation frameworks. In particular, the model inspects the crossover between the disciplines of modeling and simulation, service-orientation, and software/systems engineering. Finally,...

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  • A Numerical Model Study on Ice Boom in a Coastal Lake



    A numerical study on the effectiveness of the proposed ice boom to be installed near the entrance of Lake Notoro, Hokkaido, Japan to prevent sea ice moving into the lake is presented. A two-dimensional hydro–ice dynamics model was modified to allow for the treatment of ice-boom interaction with the effect of tidal current. The numerical model is a coupled hydrodynamic and ice dynamic model. The ice dynamic component uses a Lagrangian...

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  • Zaufanie w zespole projektowym a (kobiecy) model przywództwa

    Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań dotyczące znaczenia czynników kształtujących zaufanie w pracy zespołowej, do których należą: adekwatne nagradzanie, dzielenie się informacjami, ustalone cele i zasady pracy, przejrzystość środowiska i otwarta komunikacja. Wyniki koncentrują się na zachowaniach lidera/ przywódcy, które maja wpływ na kształtowanie zaufanie w zespole i pokazują różnice w zależności od płci.

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    - TASK Quarterly - Rok 2012

    This paper introduces a new rheological model of blood as a certain generalisation of the standard Herschel-Bulkley model. This model is a rheological constitutive equation and belongs to the group of the so-called generalised Newtonian fluids. Experimental data is compared with results, obtained from the new model, to demonstrate that it allows for the best agreement together with Luo-Kuang model. The new model may be easily implemented...

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  • On the validation of the LS-DYNA Geo Metro numerical model

    The paper presents experiences gained during work with numerical model of Geo Metro vehicle used for simulations of crash tests with road safety barriers. Attention is drawn to the subject of tire/wheel breakage during collision events. Some methods for improvement of the model are presented in the paper. Several results for the normative vehicle numerical tests are introduced. Simulations were carried out using LS-DYNA finite...

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  • In Situ Verification of Numerical Model of Water Hammer in Slurries


    This paper presents a numerical model of transient flow in a pressure slurry pipeline network with verification based on in situ measurements. The model, primarily verified in laboratory conditions, has been extended and applied to the case of a large and complex slurry pipeline network in Poland. In the model, the equivalent density concept was applied. In situ experiments were performed for various unsteady flow episodes, caused by...

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  • Determination of Mathematical Model Parameters of a Medium Frequency Transformer


    - Rok 2018

    The paper presents the results of experimental studies of the medium frequency transformer. The object of the research was a prototype of a single-phase transformer with a core made of ferrite I-core elements and windings made of Litz conductors. The research was carried out to determine the parameters of the transformer's mathematical model. The scope of the tests included determining the magnetic hysteresis loop and measuring...

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  • Conceptual fuzzy model of the polish internet mortgage market

    The aim of this paper is to present the conceptual structure of basic fuzzy model representing Polish Internet mortgage market. The paper starts with introduction describing the market complexities and challenges, and description of previously created rule based model. Then the steps of the process of proposed model fuzzyfication are presented. Final part of the paper consists of conclusions and directions for future research.

  • Some results on a trading model in a consensus list coloring


    - Rok 2008

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  • Application of Bayesian Networks for Forecasting Future Model of Farm


    - Agricultural Engineering - Rok 2017

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  • Parameter estimation of a discrete model of a reinforced concrete slab


    - Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics - Rok 2017

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