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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: tfusion
Parameters’ Identification of Perzyna and Chaboche Viscoplastic Models for Aluminum Alloy at Temperature of 120◦C
PublikacjaThe main purpose of this paper is the parameters identification of the Perzyna and the Chaboche models for the aluminum alloy at elevated temperature. The additional purpose is comparison of the results for these viscoplastic models. The results have been verified by the numerical simulation of the laboratory tests. The material parameters have been calculated on the basis of the uniaxial tension test. The determination of the...
Performance of isotropic constitutive laws in simulating failure mechanisms in scaled RC beams
PublikacjaResults of numerical calculations of reinforced concrete (RC) beams are presented. Based on experimental results on longitudinally reinforced specimens of different sizes and shapes are investigated. Four different continuum constitutive laws with isotropic softening are used: one defined within continuum damage mechanics, an elasto-plastic with the Rankine criterion in tension and the Drucker-Prager criterion in compression, a...
Teaching infrastructure urbanism to aid participatory planning
PublikacjaThe teaching of urban planning at faculties of architecture entails constant tension, caused by issues related to the priorities among urban design (the form) and urban planning (the process). The authors note that knowledge of the relationship between urban design and infrastructure planning, particularly within the realm of public debate within the local community, is of key importance in educating young urban planners. Described...
Assessment of Tensile Strength Reserve of Asphalt Mixtures at Low Temperatures
PublikacjaDuring winter conditions, low-temperature cracks develop at the surface of the asphalt pavement when tensile thermal stress induced in the asphalt layer during cooling equals and exceeds the tensile strength of the material. The paper presents the results of tensile strength reserve assessment of asphalt mixtures with neat and SBS-polymer modified bitumen application. The tensile strength reservewas calculated as difference between...
Thermodynamic Characteristics of Phenacetin in Solid State and Saturated Solutions in Several Neat and Binary Solvents
PublikacjaThe thermodynamic properties of phenacetin in solid state and in saturated conditions in neat and binary solvents were characterized based on differential scanning calorimetry and spectroscopic solubility measurements. The temperature-related heat capacity values measured for both the solid and melt states were provided and used for precise determination of the values for ideal solubility, fusion thermodynamic functions, and...
Strain energy density and entire fracture surface parameters relationship for LCF life prediction of additively manufactured 18Ni300 steel
PublikacjaIn this study, the connection between total strain energy density and fracture surface topography is investigated in additively manufactured maraging steel exposed to low-cycle fatigue loading. The specimens were fabricated using laser beam powder bed fusion (LB-PBF) and examined under fully-reversed strain-controlled setup at strain amplitudes scale from 0.3% to 1.0%. The post-mortem fracture surfaces were explored using a non-contact...
Cyclic behaviour modelling of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V lattice structures
PublikacjaThe present work is concerned with the numerical modelling of the cyclic behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V lattice structures. In the study, diamond structures of titanium alloy produced by the additive laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) method with different degrees of relative density were used. Realistic geometric models of the studied mesostructures were generated using computed microtomography, taking into account the imperfections of the...
Automatic Incident Detection at Intersections with Use of Telematics
PublikacjaWhile there are many examples of Intelligent Transport System deployments in Poland, more attention should be paid to traffic incident management and detection on dual-carriageways and urban street networks. One of the aims of CIVITAS DYN@MO, a European Union funded project, is to use TRISTAR (an Urban Transport Management System) detection modules to detect incidents at junctions equipped with traffic signals. First part of paper...
Classification of Covid-19 using Differential Evolution Chaotic Whale Optimization based Convolutional Neural Network
PublikacjaCOVID-19, also known as the Coronavirus disease-2019, is an transferrable disease that spreads rapidly, affecting countless individuals and leading to fatalities in this worldwide pandemic. The precise and swift detection of COVID-19 plays a crucial role in managing the pandemic's dissemination. Additionally, it is necessary to recognize COVID-19 quickly and accurately by investigating chest x-ray images. This paper proposed a...
The first order phase transition and superconductivity in BaNi2As2 single crystals
PublikacjaDyskutowane są synteza i właściwości fizyczne monokryształów BaNi2As2. BaNi2As2 krystalizuje w strukturze ThCr2Si2, a stałe sieciowe wynoszą odpowiednio: a = 4.112(4) A i c = 11.54(2) A. Pomiar oporu elektrycznego, zmiennopolowej podatności magnetycznej, ciepła właściwego, pokazują objętościowy efekt nadprzewodzący z Tc = 0.7 K.
Zastosowanie addytywów w separacji pianowej białek serwatkowych i białek mlecznych
PublikacjaZaproponowano proces separacji pianowej do wydzielania białek ze strumieni poprodukcyjnych przemysłu mleczarskiego Ponadto zaproponowano zastosowanie w separacji pianowej białek serwatkowych i mlecznych addytywów dopuszczonych ustawą do stosowania w żywności. Jako cel pracy przyjęto uzyskanie wyników uzasadniających wybór takich addytywów, które intensyfikują przebieg i polepszają wynik procesu separacji pianowej białek. W części...
Effect of microstructure on mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of 2205 duplex stainless steel
PublikacjaThis paper presents results of the research on impact of microstructure of austenitic-ferritic steel of duplex type on its mechanical properties and susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking. As showed, improper processing technologies more and more often used in shipbuilding industry for plates and other half-finished products made of duplex steel may cause significant lowering their properties, which frequently makes their...
The influence of temperature on properties of the polymer flexible joint used for strengthening historical masonries
PublikacjaA new method of repairing damaged structures by filling the cracks with a specially prepared elastomeric polymer mass has been recently proposed. This new and innovative technique, known as the Flexible Joint Method (FJM), is mainly dedicated to masonries and historical objects, where minimum intervention is permitted. The flexible joint bonds the disrupted elements and ensures further safe exploitation of a damaged structure....
Numerical Analysis of Impact of Energy Buoy Anchoring Configurations on its Motion and Efficiency
PublikacjaThis paper presents a numerical analysis of the impact of energy buoy mooring configurations on its movement on the wave and effectiveness. The method used to analyse the buoy movement modelling in six degrees of freedom was described in a paper presented at the Conference 2011. Simulations of the buoy movement in regular wave and power calculations were conducted for several configurations of anchoring systems and position of...
Characterization of herbal teas containing lime flowers – Tiliae flos by HPTLC method with chemometric analysis
PublikacjaLinden trees are a source of food products called lime flowers (Tiliae flos), traditionally used in the form of infusion for the treatment of feverish colds and coughs. Lime flowers should include flowers of Tilia cordata Mill, T.x europaea L., and T. platyphyllos Scop. or a mixture of these. The aim of current research was to establish a fast, sensitive HPTLC (high-performance thin-layer chromatography) method that would allow...
Investigations on strength and fracture in RC beams scaled along height or length
PublikacjaThe objective of the present paper is to identify experimentally and theoretically differing failure mechanisms in reinforced concrete beams subjected to four-point bending for a separate variation of the depth and length at the constant thickness. Experiments were performed on reinforced concrete beams under four-point bending. Different failure mechanisms included steel yielding, diagonal tension or shear- compression depending...
Numeryczna analiza dynamiczna wieszaków w łukowym wiadukcie kolejowym. Analiza przypadku
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono analizę dynamiczną wiaduktu kolejowego w ciągu Centralnej Magistrali Kolejowej zlokalizowanego koło Huty Zawadzkiej. W analizie zwrócono szczególną uwagę na lokalną odpowiedź wieszaków na obciążenie przejeżdżającym pociągiem oraz wiatrem. Obliczenia przeprowadzono na podstawie wykonanego modelu MES. Zweryfikowano poprawność modelu poprzez porównanie uzyskanych wyników z wartościami pomierzonymi. Przeprowadzono...
Low-Cost Method for Internal Surface Roughness Reduction of Additively Manufactured All-Metal Waveguide Components
PublikacjaIn this study, a novel low-cost polishing method for internal surface roughness reduction of additively manufactured components, developed for waveguide (WG) circuits operating in the millimeter frequency range is proposed. WG components fabricated using powder bed fusion (PBF) generally feature roughness of ten to fifty microns, which influences the increase of roughness-related conductor power losses having a major effect on...
Measuring Tilt with an IMU Using the Taylor Algorithm
PublikacjaThis article addresses the important problem of tilt measurement and stabilization. This is particularly important in the case of drone stabilization and navigation in underwater environments, multibeam sonar mapping, aerial photogrammetry in densely urbanized areas, etc. The tilt measurement process involves the fusion of information from at least two different sensors. Inertial sensors (IMUs) are unique in this context because...
Assessment of hearing in coma patients employing auditory brainstem response, electroencephalography, and eye-gaze-tracking
PublikacjaThe results of the study conducted by Tagliaferri et al. in 12 European countries indicate that the ratio of registered brain injury cases in Europe amounts to 150-300 per 100 000 people, with the European mean value of 235 cases per 100 000 people. The project presented in the paper assumes development of a combined metric of patients’ state remaining in coma by intelligent fusion of GCS (subjective Glasgow Coma Scale or its derivatives)...
Towards New Mappings between Emotion Representation Models
PublikacjaThere are several models for representing emotions in affect-aware applications, and available emotion recognition solutions provide results using diverse emotion models. As multimodal fusion is beneficial in terms of both accuracy and reliability of emotion recognition, one of the challenges is mapping between the models of affect representation. This paper addresses this issue by: proposing a procedure to elaborate new mappings,...
Image-based numerical modeling of the tensile deformation behavior and mechanical properties of additive manufactured Ti–6Al–4V diamond lattice structures
PublikacjaThis work concerns the numerical modeling of the deformation process and mechanical properties of structures obtained by the additive method laser power bed fusion (LPBF). The investigation uses diamond structures of Ti–6Al–4V titanium implantation alloy with various relative densities. To model the process of tensile deformation of the materials, geometric models were used, mapping the realistic shape of the examined structures....
Ni2X2 (X = pnictide, chalcogenide, or B) based superconductors
PublikacjaPublikacja jest przeglądem właściwości nadprzewodników na bazie niklu, które zawierają płaszczyzny Ni2X2 (X=As, P, Bi, Si, Ge, B).
Identyfikacja trajektorii obiektów dynamicznych w przestrzeni kartezjańskiej na podstawie informacji z wielu estymatorów stanu
PublikacjaW rozprawie przedstawiono metodologię umożliwiającą implementację rozproszonego asynchronicznego systemu wyznaczania trajektorii. System tego typu jest złożony ze zbioru tzw. węzłów (estymatorów lokalnych), które komunikują się ze sobą. Każdy węzeł wyznacza trajektorię obserwowanego obiektu/procesu na podstawie dwóch zbiorów danych. Pierwszym zbiorem są pomiary dostarczane przez skojarzone z danym...
Nonlinear planar modeling of massive taut strings travelled by a force-driven point-mass
PublikacjaThe planar response of horizontal massive taut strings, travelled by a heavy point-mass, either driven by an assigned force, or moving with an assigned law, is studied. A kinematically exact model is derived for the free boundary problem via a variational approach, accounting for the singularity in the slope of the deflected string. Reactive forces exchanged between the point-mass and the string are taken into account via Lagrange...
Technology Concept of TLP Platform Towing and Installation in Waters with Depth of 60 m
PublikacjaThe article is part of the design and research work conducted at the Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology, in cooperation with a number of other research centres, which concerns offshore wind farms planned to be built in the Polish zone of the Baltic sea in the next years. One of most difficult tasks in this project is building suitable foundations for each power unit consisting of a...
Prediction of flow boiling heat transfer coefficient for carbon dioxide in minichannels and conventional channels
PublikacjaIn the paper presented are the results of calculations using authors own model to predict heat transfer coefficient during flow boiling of carbon dioxide. The experimental data from various resea rches were collected. Calculations were conducted for a full range of quality variation and a wide range of mass velocity. The aim of the study was to test the sensitivity of the in-house model. The results show the importance of taking into...
Selected anionic and cationic surface active agents determined in river sediments – the Klodnica catchment
PublikacjaSurface active agents (SAAs) are specific compounds that contain hydrophilic/ hydrophobic group in their molecules named as amphiphilic structures. According to charge on the hydrophilic part of surfactants they can be classified into three main groups: anionic, cationic and non-ionic compounds. Due to the amphiphilic structure of SAAs they have specific properties (e.g. ability to adsorption at different surfaces, reduction of...
Hydrogen degradation of pre-oxidized zirconium alloys
PublikacjaThe presence of the oxide layers on Zr alloys may retard or enhance the hydrogen entry and material degradation, depending on the layer features. This research has been aimed to determine the effects of pre-oxidation of the Zircaloy-2 alloy at a different temperature on hydrogen degradation. The specimens were oxidised in laboratory air at 350°C, 700°C, and 900°C. After, some samples were tensed at 10-5 strain rate and simultaneously...
Strength parameters of polyester reinforced PVC coated fabric after short term creep loading in biaxial mode
PublikacjaThis study addresses the analysis of tensile strength parameters of the technical fabric VALMEX, which is composed of two orthogonal polyester thread families (named the warp and fill) and both sides PVC coated. The material was firstly subjected to 48-hour biaxial creep loading with the equal stress level in both orthogonal directions of the fabric. The stress levels were established as follows: 4.6 kN/m, 10.4 kN/m, 16.4 kN/m,...
Mechanical properties of polyester reinforced PVC coated fabric subjected to biaxial loading of creep type
PublikacjaThe goal of the current study is to analyze the basic mechanical properties of the architec-tural fabric VALMEX, which is a composite material built of reinforcing polyester thread families and both sides PVC coated. The material was firstly subjected to biaxial loading of creep type for about 48 hours. The stress levels of the creep loading in two main or-thogonal directions of the fabric (commonly called the warp and fill directions)...
Multiaxial Fatigue Behaviour of SLM 18Ni300 Steel
PublikacjaFatigue behaviour of SLM 18Ni300 steel under proportional bending-torsion loading is studied. The fatigue tests are conducted under pulsating loading conditions using tubular specimens with a transversal circular hole. Three ratios of the normal stress to shear stress are considered, namely σ/τ=4,σ/τ=2 and σ/τ = 4/3. Crack initiation sites were found for two diametrically opposite points around the hole, whose locations are governed...
Buckling and shape control of prestressable trusses using optimum number of actuators
PublikacjaThis paper describes a method to control the nodal displacement of prestressable truss structures within the desired domains. At the same time, the stress in all members is unleashed to take any value between the allowable tensile stress and critical buckling stress. The shape and stresses are controlled by actuating the most active members. The technique considers the members’ initial crookedness, residual stresses, and slenderness...
Study of vibrational surface topography measurement errors of LPBF Inconel 718 alloy after shot peening process
PublikacjaA study of surface topography can provide valuable information on the product. Since the material finishing relies on the measured topography, the manufacturing process can be controlled by studying the roughness. The Laser Power Bed Fusion (LPBF) materials belong to the commonly used surfaces in the industry. Measuring this type of material with a contactless method can be found in many practical implementations. The white light interference...
Modyfikacja kompozytów elastomerowych NR za pomocą ligniny i glicerolizatu
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem opisanych w niniejszym artykule badań są wulkanizaty kauczuku naturalnego. Celem pracy było zbadanie wpływu ligniny oraz glicerolizatu na wybrane właściwości kompozytów zawierających kauczuk naturalny. Strukturę chemiczną przygotowanych materiałów potwierdzono, wykorzystując analizę spektroskopową w podczerwieni (FTIR). Zbadano również właściwości mechaniczne przy statycznym rozciąganiu, twardość, ścieralność oraz odbojność...
Thermodynamics and Intermolecular Interactions of Nicotinamide in Neat and Binary Solutions: Experimental Measurements and COSMO-RS Concentration Dependent Reactions Investigations
PublikacjaIn this study, the temperature-dependent solubility of nicotinamide (niacin) was measured in six neat solvents and five aqueous-organic binary mixtures (methanol, 1,4-dioxane, acetonitrile, DMSO and DMF). It was discovered that the selected set of organic solvents offer all sorts of solvent effects, including co-solvent, synergistic, and anti-solvent features, enabling flexible tuning of niacin solubility. In addition, differential...
Targeting Candida albicans O-acetyl-L-homoserine sulfhydrylase (Met15p) in antifungal treatment
PublikacjaFungal infections are a serious threat to public health as they are becoming increasingly frequent. A major problem stems also from a rising fungal resistance to currently available antifungal therapies, therefore novel molecular targets are highly desirable. Exploration of enzymes participating in the biosynthesis pathways of essential amino acids such as L-methionine (L-Met) may provide new insights into pharmaceutical development....
A vector-enzymatic DNA fragment amplification-expression technology for construction of artificial, concatemeric DNA, RNA and proteins for novel biomaterials, biomedical and industrial applications
PublikacjaA DNA fragment amplification/expression technology for the production of new generation biomaterials for scientific, industrial and biomedical applications is described. The technology enables the formation of artificial Open Reading Frames (ORFs) encoding concatemeric RNAs and proteins. It recruits the Type IIS SapI restriction endonuclease (REase) for an assembling of DNA fragments in an ordered head-to-tail-orientation. The...
A new Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen containing fragments of SAG2, GRA1, and ROP1 proteins—impact of immunodominant sequences size on its diagnostic usefulness
PublikacjaThis study presents the first evaluation of new Toxoplasma gondii recombinant chimeric antigens containing three immunodominant regions of SAG2, GRA1, and one of two ROP1 fragments differing in length for the serodiagnosis of human toxoplasmosis. The recombinant chimeric antigens SAG2-GRA1-ROP1L (with large fragment of ROP1, 85-396 amino acid residues) and SAG2-GRA1-ROP1S (with a small fragment of ROP1, 85-250 amino acid residues)...
Expression of a GDSL esterase from Pseudomonas sp. S9 in Pichiapastoris
PublikacjaCold active lipolytic enzymes are promising to replace the conventional enzymes processes of biotechnological industries. One of the most important feature of the cold-active lipases and esterases is that they offer economic benefits through energy saving. In general, they exhibit high activity at low temperatures and low thermostability at moderate temperatures. Lipolytic enzyme EstS9 was isolated from Pseudomonas sp. S9. A multiple...
Person Tracking in Ultra-Wide Band Hybrid Localization System Using Reduced Number of Reference Nodes
PublikacjaIn this article a novel method of positional data integration in an indoor hybrid localization system combining inertial navigation with radio distance measurements is presented. A point of interest is the situation when the positional data and the radio distance measurements are obtained from less than thee reference nodes and it is impossible to unambiguously localize the moving person due to undetermined set of positional equations....
Scoreboard Architectural Pattern and Integration of Emotion Recognition Results
PublikacjaThis paper proposes a new design pattern, named Scoreboard , dedicated for applications solving complex, multi-stage, non-deterministic problems. The pattern provides a computational framework for the design and implementation of systems that integrate a large number of diverse specialized modules that may vary in accuracy, solution level, and modality. The Scoreboard is an extension of Blackboard design pattern and comes under...
Concept of an Innovative System for Dimensioning and Predicting Changes in the Coastal Zone Topography Using UAVs and USVs (4DBatMap System)
PublikacjaThis publication is aimed at developing a concept of an innovative system for dimensioning and predicting changes in the coastal zone topography using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs). The 4DBatMap system will consist of four components: 1. Measurement data acquisition module. Bathymetric and photogrammetric measurements will be carried out with a specific frequency in the coastal zone using...
A Concept of Thermal Effort for Heat-Induced Metal Plasticity
PublikacjaThis paper proposes a new concept of material effort that considers heat-induced plasticity for heat-resistant steels. These steels indicate a strength differential effect, a stress shearness effect, pressure sensitivity, and other features. Therefore, a three-parameter, temperature-dependent yield function was presented and, next, analytically and geometrically researched. To validate the accuracy of the formulated yield function,...
Towards Understanding of Mechanics of Hernia Managed by Synthetic Mesh in Laparoscopic Operation: A Single Case Study
PublikacjaIn this paper a research towards understanding of mechanics of ventral hernia operated with the use of Physiomesh Open image in new window implant and SecureStrap Open image in new window staples is described. Experimental and numerical studies are conducted for that purpose. Experimental works cover uni-axial tension tests of the implant samples and of the implant-staples-tissue system. Also experiments on implant-staples-tissue...
Mechanical behaviour of the implant used in human hernia repair under physiological loads
PublikacjaIn laparoscopic operations of abdominal hernias some recurrences still take place, even when applying a surgical mesh. This is usually caused by a failure of the connection between the tissue and the implant. The study deals with the influence of an implant’s orientation on forces in joints, which connect the mesh to human tissues. In the paper, the implant is modelled as a membrane structure within framework of the Finite Element...
Micellar aggregation of Triton X-100 surfactant in imidazolium ionic liquids
PublikacjaIn this work we investigated aggregation behavior of a nonionic surfactant Triton X-100 in eighteen imidazolium ionic liquids (ILs) with two to eight carbon atoms in cations alkyl chain, namely 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium, [EMIM], 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium, [PrMIM], 3-methyl-1-propylimidazolium, [BMIM], 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium, [PMIM], 3-methyl-1-pentyl-imidazolium, [HMIM], and 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium, [OMIM], and with...
The use of fibre-reinforced polymers (FRP) in bridges as a favourable solution for the environment
PublikacjaThe purpose of this article is to show the modern engineering, in which sustainability and taking care of ecology play a significant role. The authors are focused on FRP composite materials and their applications in civil engineering. Case studies showing renovation and design of new bridges with the use of FRP are presented and discussed to clarify benefits, which this solution provides. Main advantages of FRP materials in comparison...
The influence of the drying process on the deformation of the beech and oak wood samples
PublikacjaThe influence of the drying process conditions on the deformation of the beech and oak wood. The results of the deformation of beech wood (Fagus sylvatica L.) and oak wood (Quercus robur) after drying process are presented. The drying process was carried out in the same drying schedule for each wood species. During each of schedules 40 pieces of wood were dried. The samples were divided into two groups. The first group of tested...
Experimental Studies of Concrete-Filled Composite Tubes under Axial Short- and Long-Term Loads
PublikacjaThe paper presents experimental studies on axially compressed columns made of concrete-filled glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) tubes. The infill concrete was C30/37 according to Eurocode 2. The investigated composite pipes were characterized by different angles of fiber winding in relation to the longitudinal axis of the element: 20, 55 and 85 degrees. Columns of two lengths, 0.4 m and 2.0 m, were studied. The internal diameter...