Katedra Informatyki w Zarządzaniu - Jednostki Administracyjne - MOST Wiedzy


Katedra Informatyki w Zarządzaniu


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Katalog Publikacji

Rok 2017
  • When digital government matters for tourism: a stakeholder analysis

    Despite the importance of governance processes for destination management and the impact of digital technology on such processes, surprisingly little academic research has explored the use of digital technology to transform public governance in the tourism sector. This conceptual paper fills this gap by conducting a digital government stakeholder analysis for the tourism sector using the digital government evolution model as its...

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  • Towards better understanding of context-aware knowledge transformation

    Considering different aspects of knowledge functioning, context is poorly understood in spite of intuitively identifying this concept with environmental recognition. For dynamic knowledge, context especially seems to be an essential factor of change. Investigation on the impact of context on knowledge dynamics or more generally on the relationship between knowledge and its contextual interpretation is important in order to understand...

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  • Thriving in multicultural workplace

    - Rok 2017

    Thriving at work is defined as the psychological state that links both a sense of vitality and learning. The vitality component of thriving may be seen as positive energy, while learning enhances a sense of competence and efficacy. Thriving sheds new light on individual psychological functioning and the experience of growth in the work context. Thriving at work promotes growth through playing an active role in interaction with...

  • The Principles of Model Building Concepts Which Are Applied to the Design Patterns for Smart Cities

    - Rok 2017

    The involvement of citizens into decision-making processes is one of the main features of smart cities. Such commitment is reflected in the form of requirements towards the city, and the benefits which are expected from the city. Requirements and benefits are thus the primary language of communication between decision-makers and urban residents. To develop such a language, it becomes necessary to develop design patterns for Smart...

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  • The lemniscate knowledge flow model

    Knowledge is seen as one of the main resources for organizations providing knowledge-intensive services. Therefore, sharing and reusing are the main goals of modern knowledge management (KM) approach, driven by information and communication technologies (ICT). However, one can ask for the details in order to provide means and tools to design and deploy environment able to fulfil these two goals. We observed that occurred interactions...

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  • The Algorithm of Modelling and Analysis of Latent Semantic Relations: Linear Algebra vs. Probabilistic Topic Models

    - Rok 2017

    This paper presents the algorithm of modelling and analysis of Latent Semantic Relations inside the argumentative type of documents collection. The novelty of the algorithm consists in using a systematic approach: in the combination of the probabilistic Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and Linear Algebra based Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) methods; in considering each document as a complex of topics, defined on the basis of separate...

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  • Systemy ekspertowe wykorzystujące język korzyści do projektowania nowoczesnych technologii dla osób starszych

    Celem artykułu jest próba znalezienia podejścia ułatwiającego projektowanie/dostosowanie nowoczesnych technologii dla osób powyżej 65 roku życia. Do projektowania zdecydowano się wykorzystać język korzyści i systemy ekspertowe. W pierwszej części artykułu opisane zostały statystyki związane z użytkowaniem Internetu przez osoby starsze na przestrzeni siedmiu lat. Druga i trzecia część została poświęcona przybliżeniu pojęcia systemów...

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  • Sentiment Analysis of Facebook Posts:the Uber case

    - Rok 2017

    This article analyses the sentiment of opinions, i. e. its classification as phrases with a neutral, positive and negative emotional tone. Data used as a basis for the analysis were opinions expressed by Facebook users about Uber and collected in the period between July 2016 and July 2017. The primary objective of the study was to obtain information about the perceptions of Uber over thirteen consecutive months. The study confirms...


    - Rok 2017

    The paper examines various aspects of text analysis application for knowledge worker’s activity realization. Conclusions are drawn about the relevance and importance of processing the non-structured textual information in order to increase knowledge worker’s efficiency, as well as their awareness in different branches of science. The paper considers the existing algorithms of texts semantic analysis as the sphere of documents topical...

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  • Przykłady dobrej praktyki w projekcie SP4CE Erasmums+

    Projekt SP4CE, czyli Partnerstwo Strategiczne na Rzecz Kreatywności i Przedsiębiorczości (ang. Strategic Partnership for Creativity and Entrepreneurship) jest odpowiedzią na potrzeby zidentyfikowane w komunikacie z Burgii w sprawie ściślejszej europejskiej współpracy w dziedzinie kształcenia i szkolenia zawodowego w latach 2011-2020. W projekcie zaprojektowano i uruchomiono portal SP4CE bazujący na oprogramowaniu WordPress i Moodle.

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  • Poziom rozwoju e-administracji w Polsce w ujęciu regionalnym: ocena i wnioski dla dalszych działań

    Głównym celem artykułu jest ocena porównawcza stanu wdrożenia elektronicznej administracji w poszczególnych województwach Polski. Aby zrealizować ten cel stworzono ranking osiągnięć poszczególnych województw na podstawie wyników benchmarkingu systemów informatycznych jednostek administracji samorządowej. W dalszej części pracy otrzymane wyniki zostały porównane z innymi aktualnymi badaniami krajowymi z tego zakresu. Przeanalizowanie...

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  • Positivity and job burnout in emergency personnel: examining linear and curvilinear relationship

    - Polish Psychological Bulletin - Rok 2017

    The aim of this study was to examine whether the relationship between the ratio of job-related positive to negative emotions (positivity ratio) and job burnout is best described as linear or curvilinear. Participants were 89 police officers (12% women) and 86 firefighters. The positivity ratio was evaluated using the Job-related Affective Wellbeing Scale (Van Katwyk, Fox, Spector, & Kelloway, 2000). Exhaustion and disengagement,...

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  • Political Parties in the Digital World

    - Rok 2017

    The aim of this report is to outline how digital technologies and digital media are redefining the way political parties fulfill their role as collective platforms for political participation of citizens, e.g. in relation to the parties’ decision-making processes, communication strategies, funding mechanisms, membership, information sharing, etc. and to highlight the existing international standards and good practices in this area....

  • Nauczanie zagadnień cyberbezpieczeństwa w Unii Europejskiej – trendy, wyzwania

    Znaczenie edukacji, szkoleń i podnoszenia świadomości zagadnień cyberbezpieczeństwa jest dziś, w erze społeczeństwa informacyjnego powszechnie uznane. W ostatnich latach w Unii Europejskiej pojawiło się wiele nowych inicjatyw związanych między innymi z rozwijaniem programów uniwersyteckich, przygotowywaniem specjalistycznych i profilowanych szkoleń, uruchamianiem masowych otwartych kursów online, a także badaniami opinii publicznej...

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  • Modeling the Customer’s Contextual Expectations Based on Latent Semantic Analysis Algorithms

    Nowadays, in the age of Internet, access to open data detects the huge possibilities for information retrieval. More and more often we hear about the concept of open data which is unrestricted access, in addition to reuse and analysis by external institutions, organizations and people. It’s such information that can be freely processed, add another data (so-called remix) and then published. More and more data are available in text...

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  • Metoda szacowania kosztu zarządzania bezpieczeństwem informacji i przykład jej zastosowania w zakładzie opieki zdrowotnej

    Każdego roku rośnie liczba ataków komputerowych na jednostki administracji publicznej. Aby się przed nimi chronić instytucje powinny inwestować w skuteczne środki ochrony. W artykule przedstawiono metodę wspomagającą podejmowanie decyzji dotyczących tych inwestycji poprzez wskazanie kosztu jaki dana organizacja będzie musiała ponieść na działania zapewniające odpowiedni poziom bezpieczeństwa. W artykule opisano również studium...

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  • Intercultural interactions in multinational subsidiaries
    • M. Rozkwitalska
    • M. Chmielecki
    • S. Przytula
    • L. Sulkowski
    • B. Basińska

    - Baltic Journal of Management - Rok 2017

    Purpose - Our aim is to show how individuals perceive the quality of intercultural interactions at work in multinational subsidiaries, and to address the question of what actually prevails in their accounts, i.e. ‘the dark side’ or ‘the bright side’. Design/methodology/approach - We report the findings from five subsidiaries located in Poland and interviews with 68 employees of these companies. Findings - The ‘bright side’ dominated...

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  • Individual Resources and Intercultural Interactions

    - Rok 2017

    The work environment in multinational corporations (MNCs) is specific and demanding including intercultural interactions with co-workers and clients and using a foreign language. Some individual resources can help in dealing with these circumstances. Individual resources refer to personal dispositions, competencies and prior experiences. With regard to previous studies, a caravan of personal resources, namely Psychological Capital...

  • Evaluation of Readiness of IT Organizations to Agile Transformation Based on Case-Based Reasoning

    - Rok 2017

    Nowadays many of IT organization decides to change the way of delivering from classic, waterfall approach to agile. This transition is called “agile transformation” (AT). The problem of this process is that part of companies started AT without any analysis. This causes that many of transitions fails and organizations must return to old methods of delivering. Cost of return is significant and number of projects with violated project...

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  • Ergonomia we współczesnej architekturze

    Artykuł stanowi refleksję nad współczesną architekturą w ujęciu rozwiązań ergonomicznych. Analizą objęto nieprawidłowości wybranych obiektów użyteczności publicznej. Szczególnie zwrócono uwagę na części wspólne: strefa wejściowa – w terenie i w budynku, klatka schodowa, recepcja (pomieszczenia do przyjmowania klientów, sekretariaty, poczekalnie), sanitariat. Przedstawiane przestrzenie przeznaczone m.in. dla osób w różnym wieku,...

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    The algorithm and the software for conducting the procedure of Preprocessing of the reviews of films in the Polish language were developed. This algorithm contains the following steps: Text Adaptation Procedure; Procedure of Tokenization; Procedure of Transforming Words into the Byte Format; Part-of-Speech Tagging; Stemming / Lemmatization Procedure; Presentation of Documents in the Vector Form (Vector Space Model) Procedure; Forming...

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  • Cognitum Ontorion: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning System

    At any point of human activity, knowledge and expertise are a key factors in understanding and solving any given problem. In present days, computer systems have the ability to support their users in an efficient and reliable way in gathering and processing knowledge. In this chapter we show how to use Cognitum Ontorion system in this areas. In first section, we identify emerging issues focused on how to represent and inference...

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  • Building Dedicated Project Management Process Basing on Historical Experience

    - Rok 2017

    Project Management Process used to manage IT project could be a key aspect of project success. Existing knowledge does not provide a method, which enables IT Organizations to choose Project Management methodology and processes, which would be adjusted to their unique needs. As a result, IT Organization use processes which are not tailored to their specific and do not meet their basic needs. This paper is an attempt to fill this...

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  • Automated Reasoning Based User Interface


    Motivation: The ability to directly trace how requirements are implemented in a software system is crucial in domains that require a high level of trust (e.g. medicine, law, crisis management). This paper describes an approach that allows a high level of traceability to be achieved with model-driven engineering supported by automated reasoning. The paper gives an introduction to the novel, automated user interface synthesis in...

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  • Agile Commerce in the light of Text Mining

    The survey conducted for this study reveals that more than 84% of respondents have never encountered the term “agile commerce” and do not understand its meaning. At the same time, they are active participants of this strategy. Using digital channels as customers more often than ever before, they have already been included in the agile philosophy. Based on the above, the purpose of the study is to analyse major text sets containing...

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Rok 2016