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  • Modeling of damage in a circular plate subjected to dynamic excitation


    - Year 2005

    Szereg różnych dziedzin nauki zajmuje się problemem zniszczenia ciśnieniowych metalowych zbiorników (mechanika, termodynamika, mechanika płynów). Tylko niektóre prace ujmują wszystkie aspekty analizy. W prezentowanej pracy przedstawiono numeryczna analizę metalowej płyty poddanej obciążeniu dynamicznemu, aż do momentu zniszczenia. Do analizy zastosowano program MSC.Marc, element powłokowy, i prawo sprężysto lekoplastyczne uwzględniające...

  • O projektowaniu ściany szczelinowej


    W pracy przedstawiono proces weryfikacji i porównania obliczeń otrzymanych z programu bazującego na metodzie elementów skończonych z wynikami analitycznymi dla analizowanej ściany szczelinowej z przyporą ziemną. Dodatkowo autorzy dokonali krótkiego przeglądu literatury z zakresu ścian szczelinowych.

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  • Śródmieście Gdyni jako nośnik tożsamości miasta - problemy ochrony i rewitalizacji


    - Year 2007

    Zespół urbanistyczny Śródmieścia Gdyni zajmuje specjalne miejsce w dziejach architektury polskiej. Stanowi unikalny kompleks przestrzenny, wzniesiony od podstaw w latach 20-tych i 30-tych XX w. Zarówno w sensie całościowym, jak i poszczególnych obiektów prezentuje wysokie walory historyczne, naukowe i artystyczne.W swej warstwie estetycznej i symbolicnej stanowi ważny element tożsamości przestrzennej miasta.

  • Inżynieria doświadczenia w systemie marketingu


    - Year 2010

    Nowym paradygmatem marketingu stało się ostatnio doświadczenie. Stanowi ono ważny element wartości dla klienta. Doświadczenie i osobisty rozwój są dla niego ważniejsze niż sama konsumpcja dóbr. Inżynieria może stanowić kanwę dla teoretycznych podstaw nowego paradygmatu, jakim jest doświadczenie. Prrojektowanie, przetwarzanie, eksploatowanie i utylizowanie mogą być ważnymi obszarami działań marketingowych i doświadczeń klientów.

  • Korekcja wymiarowa nagniataniem na tokarkach CNC


    - Year 2012

    W rozdziale monografii poruszono problematykę nagniatania ślizgowego z wykorzystaniem kulek ceramicznych z węgliku wolframu WC. Kulki ceramiczne WC jako element nagniatający zastosowano podczas obróbki na tokarce CNC. Uzyskanie zadawalającej jakościowo powierzchni na stali 40H wymagało spełnienia szczegółowych warunków technologicznych. W rozdziale omówiono problemy technologiczne związane z ustawieniem narzędzia do nagniatania...

  • Oszczędność jako cnota w kształtowaniu wspólnotowego środowiska mieszkaniowego


    The principle of conservation (saving) the resources - present in designing - applies to the style and quality of living of the future tenants. But by approving restrictions, they may realize themselves on a different from consumption basis - in a community life, with respect to nature. The element of social participation cannot be absent - the understanding between tenants, adjusting eco-friendly solutions to needs and possibilities...

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    - Year 2009

    Przedmiotem ekspertyzy było zbadanie właściwości mechanicznych poliwęglanu zaprojektowanego jako element zadaszenia stadionu piłkarskiego w Gdańsku budowanego na mistrzostwa Europy w piłce nożnej EURO 2012. Ekspertyza obejmowała badania laboratoryjne poliwęglanu litego pod kątem zastosowania go jako materiału konstrukcyjnego oraz badania terenowe gotowych konstrukcyjnych elementów testowych w skali 1:1 w trakcie budowy stadionu.

  • Stadion narodowy : Model statyczny do monitoringu konstrukcji


    - Year 2015

    W referacie opisano proces definiowania modelu numerycznego konstrukcji zadaszenia Stadionu Narodowego, stworzonego jako element ekspercki w systemie monitoringu. Model ten został zweryfikowany na podstawie badań konstrukcji wiszącej. W referacie zamieszczono opis modelu MES, procesu walidacji i wnioski dotyczące dokładności obliczeń pierwotnych w świetle przeprowadzonych badań. Analizy przeprowadzono na zlecenie Administratora...

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  • Composite sandwich footbridge - measured dynamic response vs. FEA

    The paper describes a process of in situ dynamic tests of a composite sandwich footbridge before its accepta-tion for exploitation in real traffic conditions. It is only a part of a big research task that includes design, manufacture and introduce practical application of the bridge. The in situ measured natural modes and fre-quencies are compared with numerically determined ones. Finite element analysis is established to estimate...

  • On the validation of the LS-DYNA Geo Metro numerical model

    The paper presents experiences gained during work with numerical model of Geo Metro vehicle used for simulations of crash tests with road safety barriers. Attention is drawn to the subject of tire/wheel breakage during collision events. Some methods for improvement of the model are presented in the paper. Several results for the normative vehicle numerical tests are introduced. Simulations were carried out using LS-DYNA finite...

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  • Badania systemów powstrzymujących pojazd przed wypadnięciem z drogi - cz. II

    W artykule zaprezentowana została tematyka systemów powstrzymujących pojazd przed wypadnięciem z drogi. Podczas codziennego użytkowania dróg występuje szereg zagrożeń, które wpływają na bezpieczeństwo. Badanie, identyfikacja i klasyfikacja zagrożeń stanowią istotny element utrzymania dróg. Artykuł stanowi drugą część podjętej problematyki. Pierwsza została opublikowana w magazynie Mosty nr 3-4/19 str. 66-68.

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  • Domain Reduction in Hybrid Technique for Electromagnetic Wave Scattering Problems


    This paper proposes a combination of the field matching technique, finite element method and generalized impedance matrix, the main idea of which is to reduce the computational domain by surrounding a scatterer with the smallest convex shape and applying the field matching technique. This approach can be applied for arbitrary shaped scatterers and types of materials and allows for the reduction of the computational domain. In order...

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  • Hybrid Analysis of Structures Composed of Axially Symmetric Objects

    — A hybrid method for the scattering problems in shielded and open structures is presented. The procedure is based on the combination of body-of-revolution involving finite-element methods with impedance matrix formulation and the mode-matching technique, which can be utilized for the analysis of structures with axially symmetrical scatterers. In order to confirm the validity and efficiency of the proposed approach, a few examples...

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  • A device for measuring heat flux on a rocket skin surface


    - Year 2021

    A novel method for measuring heat flux on a surface is presented. It is an extensive upgrade of currently known heat flux sensors used mostly in civil engineering. As the thermal environment of launchers, especially sounding rocket can have an enormous negative effect on payload, careful considerations have to be taken in the process of preparing insulation. Usually, thermal data provided by the launch vehicle manufacturer is limited...

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  • Fracture Energy of Bonded Joints with 2D Elastic Adhesive Layer


    - Advances in Materials Science - Year 2010

    When bonded joint is subjected to mode I fracture loading, the adhesive joints analytical solutions treats the adhesive layer, usually, as not existing or 1D Hooke elastic layer. In the case of 1D elastic layer, represented as Hookes spring element, is acting, only, in direction contrary to the applied load. Basing on the information yielded from sensitive laser profilometry technique, where deflections of bonded part of the joint...

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  • Analysis of Historic Brick Walls' Strengthening Methods


    Analysis of the behavior of historical brick walls is difficult and complicated. However, computer calculations are being increasingly used in the evaluation of cultural heritage buildings and some of their elements. The aim of this paper is to analyze the historic brick walls reinforcement. Different methods of strengthening are compared and discussed. Numerical analysis, based on finite element method, was conducted on the assumption...

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  • Analysis of Floodplain Inundation Using 2D Nonlinear Diffusive Wave Equation Solved with Splitting Technique


    In the paper a solution of two-dimensional (2D) nonlinear diffusive wave equation in a partially dry and wet domain is considered. The splitting technique which allows to reduce 2D problem into the sequence of one-dimensional (1D) problems is applied. The obtained 1D equations with regard to x and y are spatially discretized using the modified finite element method with the linear shape functions. The applied modification referring...

  • Determining an Architectural Character for Durban Residential Streetscapes

    • L. du Plessis

    - Year 2024

    In the current global context and in consideration of the Sustainable Development Goals, there is a strong need for urban densification. However, this development is also driven by processes linked to the idea of capitalism and 'economic growth'. Such development often leads to the loss of the 'genius loci' of a place and sometimes even overlooks the fact that the quality of the built environment greatly influences the health and...

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  • An MOR Algorithm Based on the Immittance Zero and Pole Eigenvectors for Fast FEM Simulations of Two-Port Microwave Structures

    The aim of this article is to present a novel model-order reduction (MOR) algorithm for fast finite-element frequency-domain simulations of microwave two-port structures. The projection basis used to construct the reduced-order model (ROM) comprises two sets: singular vectors and regular vectors. The first set is composed of the eigenvectors associated with the poles of the finite-element method (FEM) state-space system, while...

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  • New hybrid quadrature schemes for weakly singular kernels applied to isogeometric boundary elements for 3D Stokes flow


    This work proposes four novel hybrid quadrature schemes for the efficient and accurate evaluation of weakly singular boundary integrals (1/r kernel) on arbitrary smooth surfaces. Such integrals appear in boundary element analysis for several partial differential equations including the Stokes equation for viscous flow and the Helmholtz equation for acoustics. The proposed quadrature schemes apply a Duffy transform-based quadrature...

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  • Modular Approach for Modelling Warming Up Process in Water Installations with Flow-Regulating Elements


    The paper presents a new method for modelling the warming up process of a water system with elements regulating the flow in a stochastic manner. The paper presents the basic equations describing the work of typical elements which the water installation is composed of. In the proposed method, a new computational algorithm was used in the form of an iterative procedure enabling the use of boundary conditions that can be stochastically...

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  • Study on Microstructural Characterization, Mechanical Properties and Residual Stress of GTAW Dissimilar Joints of P91 and P22 Steels


    - Materials - Year 2021

    This article deals with the dissimilar joining of two different grade Cr-Mo steel (2.25Cr-1Mo: P22 and modified 9Cr-1Mo: P91) for power plant application. The dissimilar butt-welded joint was produced for conventional V groove design by using the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process with the application of an ERNiCrMo-3 Ni-based super alloy filler. A microstructure characterization was performed to measure the inhomogeneity...

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  • Price Diversification


    - Year 2007

    The price diversification is a complex phenomenon. We show that price discrimination can have both positive and negative effects. The final result depends whether it makes competition more intense. As far as legal procedure is cocerned it is recommended to focus on the effects of compan's actions rather than on the form that these actions may take. There is a need to understand and distinguish between price discrimination as the...

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  • Communication Model Order Reduction in Hybrid Methods Involving Generalized Impedance Matrix

    A novel strategy for the efficient analysis of frequency-domain scattering electromagnetic problems in open and closed domains is presented. A fully automatic model-order reduction technique, called the enhanced reduced-basis method, is applied to increase the efficiency of the hybrid approach, which combines the finite-element and mode-matching methods. Numerical tests show that the proposed algorithm yields reliable and highly...

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    Przejazdy tramwajowe stanowią kluczowy element infrastruktury transportu miejskiego. Ich stan techniczny wpływa zarówno na bezpieczeństwo użytkowników linii tramwajowych jak i dróg kołowych. W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję oceny stanu technicznego przejazdów bazującą na doświadczeniach z gdańskiej sieci tramwajowej. Podano jej kryteria, zestawiono występujące wady i uszkodzenia oraz dokonano takiej oceny wraz z analizą przyczynowo...

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  • Factory Acceptance Test – Strain Gauge Measurement, Report no: WOiO /II/123/2014


    Tested object was 40 meters long jib and its foundation, placed in Gdansk Shiprepair Yard, manufactured by KMK. The contruction was dedicated to the passenger cruise vessel "Quantum of the Seas" The Strain Gauge measurement in different location and load situation was done in order to validate calculation finite element models used during strength analysis for project. The expertise contains: methodology of the measurements, description...

  • Factory Acceptance Test – Strain Gauge Measurement - Report no: WOiO /II/88/2014


    Tested object was 40 meters long jib and its foundation, placed in Gdansk Shiprepair Yard, manufactured by KMK. The contruction was dedicated to the passenger cruise vessel "North Star" The Strain Gauge measurement in different location and load situation was done in order to validate calculation finite element models used during strength analysis for project. The expertise contains: methodology of the measurements, description...

  • Experimental comparison of the transition speed of a hydrodynamic journal bearing lubricated with oil and magnetorheological fluid



    A journal bearing test bench is used to find the transition speed between the hydrodynamic and mixed lubrication regimes for a modified magnetorheological (MR) fluid. It is shown that the transition speed of the bearing can be reduced by applying a local magnetic field near minimum film when it is lubricated with the MR fluid, and that this will only marginally increase friction. The lubricating performance of the MR fluid is compared...

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  • Warunki środowiskowe na statkach towarowych.


    - Year 2004

    W referacie poruszono zagadnienia kształtowania warunków środowiskowych w nadbudówce statków towarowych, na wybranych przykładach. Jako istotny element statku, w którym obok centrum dowodzenia i sterowania, nadbudówka jest miejscem zamieszkania i rekreacji załogi, jest ona , ze względu na lokalizację w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie szybu maszynowego, poddana działaniu niekorzystnych czynników natury fizykochemicznej, co nie jest obojętne...

  • Simulation of the switched reluctance drive system


    - Year 2005

    Switched reluctance motors (SRM), unlike other types of motors, for their application require a control system and the supply from a power electronic converter. A method of modelling and mathematical model of an SRM in a switched reluctance drive (SRD) system is presented in the paper. Modelling is based on Lagrange's energy method. Coefficients of the Lagrange's equation have been calculated using the finite element method (FEM)....

  • Projektowanie układów ramowych z zastosowaniem analizy wrażliwości

    W pracy przedstawiono przykład projektowania układów ramowych z zastosowaniem analizy wrażliwości. Rozważane układy ramowe rozwiązano autorskim programem napisanym w środowisku MATLAB, metodą elementów skończonych. Badano wpływ zmiany modułu Younga oraz wpływ zmiany wielkości przekroju poprzecznego na wybrane przemieszczenia ramy. Przedstawiono wyniki dla analizy wrażliwości jedno i wieloparametrycznej.

  • The influence of durable contact on human tissue on austenitic biomaterials behaviour

    Badania opierają się na studium pojedynczego przypadku dwoch wkrętów ze stali austenitycznej, które były implantowane do organizmu człowieka jako element łączący złamaną kość piszczelową. Oba wkręty zostały zostały wkręcone w jednakowych warunkach, na okres 1 roku, po którym miały zostać wyjęte. Na skutek komplikacji życiowej nosiciela, wkręty te zostały usunięte dopiero podczas zabiegu po okresie 8 lat.

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  • FEM approach to estimate the behaviour of biocomposite metal-surface coating system


    A three dimensional (3D) model of biocomposite metal-surface coating system, which is influenced byknown external forces, is proposed. This model consists of the metallic substrate (Ti6Al4V) and thehydroxyapatite (HA) coating. Using FEM (finite element method), strain-stress maps of model weregenerated for investigating relations between the extreme stress of HA coating and the magnitude ofexternal force and the thickness of the...

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  • Szkolenia w Bibliotece PG


    W dobie zachodzących przemian w świecie nauki studenci i kadra akademicka mierzą się z dużymi wyzwaniami. Naukowcy muszą nie tylko starać się o finansowanie projektów, prowadzić badania i prezentować swoje wyniki w publikacjach naukowych oraz na konferencjach, ale również aktywnie promować swój dorobek naukowy. Efektywne korzystanie z narzędzi komunikacji naukowej stanowi obecnie niezwykle ważny element działalności każdego badacza.

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  • Modeling of Human Tissue for Medical Purposes

    The paper describes the possibilities offered for medicine by modeling of human tissue using virtual and augmented reality. It also presents three proposals of breast modeling for the use in clinical practice. These proposals are the result of arrangements of medical and computer scientists team (the authors) and will be pursued and implemented in the near future. There is included also a brief description of the most popular methods...

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  • A Loophole of All ‘Loophole-Free’ Bell-Type Theorems


    Bell’s theorem cannot be proved if complementary measurements have to be represented by random variables which cannot be added or multiplied. One such case occurs if their domains are not identical. The case more directly related to the Einstein–Rosen–Podolsky argument occurs if there exists an ‘element of reality’ but nevertheless addition of complementary results is impossible because they are represented by elements from different...

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  • Method of Skeletal System Modelling

    An original method of skeletal system modelling is presented in detail. Using DICOM images obtained from CT and PET tests, shell models of nine bones were created (humerus, radius, ulna, scapula, clavicle, femur, tibia, fibula, pelvis). Two methods of bone behaviour are also proposed, the first method treating the bone as a solid structure and the second method treating the bone as a complex porous structure. The behaviour of model...

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  • Young’s modulus distribution in the FEM models of bone tissue


    - Year 2013

    This paper presents how differences of Young’s modulus in adjacent finite elements typical for organic materials such as bone tissue, influence stress calculating. Emphasizing high computational cost of variable Young’s modulus in parts of the model, where the number of finite elements has been raised, the authors wants to prove that new model of finite element which has variable Young’s modulus in its volume needs to be created....

  • Experimental and numerical study on damage detection in an L-joint using guided wave propagation


    W pracy zaprezentowano metodę wykrywania i lokalizacji uszkodzeń w konstrukcji ramowej za pomocą podłużnych i poprzecznych fal sprężystych. Przeprowadzono badania numerczyne i eksperymentalne na modelu bez uszkodzenia oraz na modelu z wsprowadzonym nacięciem. Do modelowania zastosowano metodę elementów spektralnych. W pracy przedstawiono sformułowanie nowego element spektralnego dla ram płaskich bazującego na teorii pręta Mindlina...

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  • VOF-DEM-FEM combined model of the reef breakwater collapse



    Zespolony model numeryczny (metoda modelowania przepływu ze swobodną powierzchnią rozdziału faz ciekłej i gazowej w siatce nieruchomej (ang. Volume of Fluid - VOF, metoda elementów dyskretnych (ang. Distinct Element Method, metoda elementów skończonych (MES)) został wykorzystany do zbadania odkształceń falochronu narzutowego i jego piaszczystego podłoża w wyniku oddziaływania falowania powierzchniowego. Wyniki analizy numerycznej...

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    The purpose of this study is to compare the strain measurement techniques of concrete in R-C element subjected to the monotonic load up to the failure. In the analysis manual extensometer methods of measurements and the optical system ARAMIS for non-contact three-dimensional measurements of deformation was used. The test sample was a cantilever deep beam loaded throughout the depth which was a part of the reinforced concrete deep...

  • Discussion on “Dynamic soil-structure interaction: A three-dimensional numerical approach and its application to the Lotung case study”. Poor performance of the HSS model



    The Hardening Soil Small (HSS) is a constitutive model being extension to the well established Hardening Soil Model (HS) accounting for the nonlinearity of small strain stiffness. It is implemented in commercial finite element computer codes for geotechnical analyses and used widely in research and design. The article deals with a problem known as overshooting after very small load reversals. It induces much higher stiffness than...

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  • Study of the influence of thermal factors on the welding process of polyethylene gas pipelines,


    - Journal of Hydrocarbon Power Enigneering - Year 2018

    A one-dimensional calculation scheme is proposed with the help of which it is possible to determine and set the technological parameters with the accuracy to be realized in production conditions: the temperature of the heating element and the heating time, which allows maximum mechanization of the technological operations of polyethylene gas pipelines welding. The numerical value of the coefficient of temperature for polyethylene...

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  • Comparison of Compact Reduced Basis Method with Different Model Order Reduction Techniques


    - Year 2019

    Different strategies suitable to compare the performance of different model order reduction techniques for fast frequency sweep in finite element analysis in Electromagnetics are proposed and studied in this work. A Frobenius norm error measure is used to describe how good job a reduced-order model is doing with respect to the true system response. In addition, the transfer function correct behavior is monitored by studying the...

  • Study of displacements of a bridge abutment using FEM

    Steel sheet piles are often used to support excavations for bridge foundations. When they are left in place in the permanent works, they have the potential to increase foundation bearing capacity and reduce displacements; but their presence is not usually taken into account in foundation design. In this article, the results of finite element analysis of a typical abutment foundation, with and without cover of sheet piles, are presented...

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  • Capacity analysis of the selected track system in partially ordered space

    A proper location of the interval sections has significant impact on the traffic flow in the railway track network. This issue is critical during line modernization as well as when a new solution accounting for the traffic forecast at particular element of the railway track network is developed . However, the situation is more complex and more expensive for railway stations since improvement of the capacity requires critical organizational...

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  • Diagnostics of historic columns using wave propagation


    - Year 2015

    This paper presents a numerical analysis of elastic wave propagation in columns of historical buildings for diagnostics purposes. Numerical calculations were performed using the finite element method in the Abaqus software package. The analysis was carried out for three types of brick columns: a full column, a column filled with debris, and a column empty inside. The excitation was in the form of a wave packet and signals of propagating...

  • Laminated plates and shells - first ply failure analysis within 6-parameter shell theory


    - Year 2015

    This work describes Tsai-Wu and Hashin criteria modifications, dictated by nonlinear 6-parameter shell theory with asymmetric strain measures and drilling rotation. The material law is based on standard orthotropic elastic constants for a non-polar continuum, under plane state of stress. First ply failure loads of cylindrical panel subjected to pressure and flat compressed plate are estimated by means of Finite Element Analysis....

  • Electromagnetic Simulations with 3D FEM and Intel Optane Persistent Memory


    - Year 2022

    Abstract—Intel Optane persistent memory has the potential to induce a change in how high-performance calculations requiring a large system memory capacity are conducted. This article presents what this change may look like in the case of factorization of large sparse matrices describing electromagnetic problems arising in the 3D FEM analysis of passive highfrequency components. In numerical tests, the Intel oneAPI MKL PARDISO was...

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  • The equivariant spectral flow and bifurcation of periodic solutions of Hamiltonian systems

    We define a spectral flow for paths of selfadjoint Fredholm operators that are equivariant under the orthogonal action of a compact Lie group as an element of the representation ring of the latter. This G-equivariant spectral flow shares all common properties of the integer valued classical spectral flow, and it can be non-trivial even if the classical spectral flow vanishes. Our main theorem uses the G-equivariant spectral flow...

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