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Metal enhanced fluorescence of flavin mononucleotide using new plasmonic platform
PublicationNew plasmonic platform was successfully obtained to investigate the increase of fluorescence intensity of a fluorophore in the presence of silver nanoparticles. A flavin mononucleotide, was selected by us as a fluorophore for this study as a very important biological compound playing a key role in many biochemical process. Plasmonic platforms were characterized by means of luminescence spectroscopy. Flavin mononucleotide deposited...
Application of semi-Markov processes for evaluation of diesel engines reliability with regards to diagnostics
PublicationThe paper presents semi-Markov models of technical state transitions for diesel engines, useful for determination of their reliability, as a result of the conducted statistical empirical studies. Interpretation of technical states provided for this sort of engines refers to ship main engines, i.e. engines employed in propulsion systems of sea-going ships. The considerations recognize diesel engine as a diagnosed system (SDN), of...
Structural Design and Sensitivity Analysis of Semi-Rigid Pavement of a Motorway
PublicationThis paper presents application of mechanistic-empirical methods in design of semi-rigid pavement for a section of a motorway in Poland. The stage construction was assumed. Three fatigue criteria were applied in the design. For asphalt fatigue cracking and subgrade soil the criteria from the Asphalt Institute (1981) were applied. For fatigue cracking of cement stabilized bases the Dempsey (1984) and De Beer (1992) criteria were...
Modern Platform for Parallel Algorithms Testing: Java on Intel Xeon Phi
PublicationParallel algorithms are popular method of increasing system performance. Apart from showing their properties using asymptotic analysis, proof-of-concept implementation and practical experiments are often required. In order to speed up the development and provide simple and easily accessible testing environment that enables execution of reliable experiments, the paper proposes a platform with multi-core computational accelerator:...
Bridge of Knowledge: an Internet platform for R2R and R2B transfer of knowledge and promotion of cooperation
PublicationCurrently, the European Commission puts emphasis on supporting collaboration between universities and business. There are many possible ways to create a strong relationship between both these parties. Positive results of such cooperation lead to increased competitiveness of the global market and, in consequence, bring significant growth of innovation. The cooperation between research-to-research (R2R) and research-to-business (R2B)...
Stateczność samopodnoszących pełnomorskich platform wiertniczych w fazie eksploatacji
PublicationWspółczynnik bezpieczeństwa platformy Petrobaltic na moment obrotowy (stateczność ogólna) oszacowany przy założeniu, że konstrukcja jest traktowana jako układ słupów połączonych sztywnym pokładem, z korekcją efektów drugiego rzędu. Przemieszczenie poziome pokładu platformy wyznaczone, stosując odpowiedni model MES. Siła krytyczna nogi obliczona przy założeniu jej utwierdzenia w dnie morza. Wpływ odchyłki od idealnej geometrii rur...
Experimentally feasible semi-device-independent certification of four-outcome positive-operator-valued measurements
PublicationRecently the quantum information science community devoted a lot of attention to the theoretical and practical aspects of generalized measurements, the formalism of all possible quantum operations leading to acquisition of classical information. On the other hand, due to imperfections present in quantum devices, and limited thrust to them, a trend of formulating quantum information tasks in a semi-device-independent manner emerged....
PublicationThe paper describes the properties of semi-Markov processes and the opportunities and benefits from their use as models of the operation processes for marine combustion engines and other machines of ship power plants. The emphasis is put on the importance of the theory of semi-Markov processes for development of the theory of marine combustion engines and other machines of ship power plants, as well as for development of the operational...
The Concept of a Measurement Data Acquisition Platform Based on Compressive Sensing
PublicationThe paper introduces the concept of a modern software-hardware platform for data acquisition and analysis, capable of efficiently handling vast amounts of measurement data in real time with minimal energy consumption. The current methodologies for information acquisition are predicated upon traditional sampling techniques, which frequently yield redundant data necessitating subsequent compression. The novel approach is based on...
Design of weighted PID controllers for control of the Stewart-Gough platform
PublicationStewart-Gough platform (SGP) is a popular parallel type manipulator that involves a 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) motion. In this paper, the process of mathematical modelling of SGP is presented. Two selected control algorithms that use PID controllers and weighted PID controllers are designed. Both control systems using these algorithms are implemented in MATLAB environment as well as on the actual SGP. Parameters of the controllers...
Ocena przydatności stosowania komory semi-bezechowej w przyczepie badawczej SLIPSONIC służącej do pomiarów hałasu opon.
PublicationOmówiono sposoby pomiaru odbić dźwięku oraz izolacyjności komory semi-bezechowej zastosowanej w przyczepie SLIPSONIC. Przedstawiono wyniki badań wykazujących jednoznacznie konieczność stosowania komór semi-bezechowych w przyczepach do badania hałasu opon.
Mechatronic design o strongly nonlinear systems on a basis of three wheeled mobile platform
PublicationRemarkable grow in demand both of mobile platform operability performance and reduction of project leading time development encourage to apply modern algorithms and reliable engineering tools for the design process. The paper discusses the mechatronic design applied for the surveillance system based on the energy performance index algorithm. The exploited mechatronic techniques i.e. virtual prototyping, Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulation...
Laser patterned platform with PEDOT–graphene composite film for NO2 sensing
PublicationThis work presents a simple and fully electrochemical route used for fabricating of a NO2 gas sensor made of reduced-graphene-oxide-poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) composite film. The sensing platform was fabricated from alumina substrate and equipped with gold interdigitated electrodes and built-in heater.The temperature distribution on the surface of interdigitated electrodes was investigated by a thermalimaging camera and compared...
Cross-Platform Real-Time Nuclear Reactor Basic Principle Simulator
PublicationAbstract—In the paper several approaches to building the real-time basic principle simulators of nuclear reactor processes are presented and their characteristics are analyzed. The characteristics of developed simulators for MATLAB/Simulink including their limitations, and the idea of a cross-platform simulator independent of specific hardware or software are presented. Mathematical models of selected nuclear reactor’s processes...
Mechatronics design, modelling and controlling of the Stewart-Gough platform
PublicationThis paper presents a mechatronics design of a low cost Stewart-Gough platform (SGP) with rotary actuators. The designed SGP is supposed to be applied in a ball & plate control system. The synthesis of the ball & plate control system is also within the subject of the paper. A mechatronics design process of the SGP was conducted with computer-aided design (CAD) software. Unique analytical solutions of an inverse kinematics problem...
Underwater Electrochemical Offshore Tests of a Paint Coating Applied in Water on the Legs of an Oil Production Platform
PublicationThis paper presents the methodology developed for underwater measurements using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) technique, aimed at determining the resistance of an epoxy coating applied in seawater to the legs of an oil production platform. Performing such underwater tests in an offshore environment was technically challenging. The results of measurements obtained on the platform were confronted with comparative results...
Application of the theory of semi-markov processes to the development of a reliability model of an automotiv vrhicle = Zastosowanie teorii procesów semi-Markowa do opracowania modelu niezawodnościowego samochodu
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono możliwość zastosowania teorii procesów semi-Markowa (semimarkowskich) do opisu niezawodności samochodu, na przykładzie samochodu osobowego. W rozważaniach uwzględniony został samochód, w którym wyróżniono takie węzły konstrukcyjne (zespoły funkcjonalne) jak: silnik z układami zasilania czynnikami energetycznymi (paliwem, olejem smarowym i cieczą chłodzącą), sprzęgło, skrzynia biegów, wał napędowy, most...
Evaluation of Open Source SIEM for Situation Awareness Platform in the Smart Grid Environment
PublicationThe smart grid as a large-scale system of systems has an exceptionally large surface exposed to cyber-attacks, including highly evolved and sophisticated threats such as Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) or Botnets. When addressing this situation the usual cyber security technologies are prerequisite, but not sufficient. The smart grid requires developing and deploying an extensive ICT infrastructure that supports significantly...
System wspierający testowanie platform telekomunikacyjnych czasu rzeczywistego
PublicationPublikacja ma na celu omówienie systemu, jaki został stworzony z myślą o testowaniu platform telekomunikacyjnych czasu rzeczywistego. System został zrealizowany jako na narzędzie, które jest w stanie w pełni automatycznie wykonywać testy oraz analizować ich wyniki, bez konieczności nadzorowania procesu egzekucji testów. Dokument zawiera opis struktury systemu, opartej na koncepcji agentów softwareowych, która pozwoliła na pełną...
European photonic technology platform and strategic roadmap: Polish technology platform in photonics
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Analysis of magnetic disturbances of air platform caused by induced magnetisation
PublicationMagnetometric systems installed on air platforms like airplanes or helicopters are equipped in compensators of magnetic disturbances. Time changes of the platform's position caused generation of magnetic disturbances. The permanent and induced magnetization of ferromagnetic elements and eddy currents induced in conducting parts of the platform are sources of these disturbances. The linear model of magnetic disturbances of platforms...
An Open Platform Tool for 2D Multipactor Simulations in Metallic Microwave Components
PublicationThe paper presents a computer simulation software aimed at assessing the multipactor threshold power in a rectangular waveguide working with single tone excitation. Initial tests demonstrate a strong agreement between the simulation results obtained and those from commercial software. Contrary to the existing commercial software, our tool will be provided as Open Platform, for free use and popularisation of knowledge about physical...
Redesign of the Research Platform for Monitoring, Control and Security of Critical Infrastructure Systems
PublicationCritical Infrastructure Systems (CISs) play a key role in modern societies. Their sustainable operation depends heavily on the performance of dedicated structures and algorithms targeting monitoring, control and security aspects. In previous work a Research Platform (RP) for the design and simulation of such systems was presented. This works updates the information on the RP through the description of major hardware and software...
Contextual Knowledge to Enhance Workplace Hazard Recognition and Interpretation in a Cognitive Vision Platform
PublicationThe combination of vision and sensor data together with the resulting necessity for formal representations builds a central component of an autonomous Cyber Physical System for detection and tracking of laborers in workplaces environments. This system must be adaptable and perceive the environment as automatically as possible, performing in a variety of plants and scenes without the necessity of recoding the application for each...
Dobór materiałów do wykonywania platform roboczych pod ciężki sprzęt budowlany
PublicationW pracy omówiono zagadnienia dotyczące wykonawstwa i projektowania tymczasowego, powierzchniowego wzmocnienia podłoża, pod ciężki sprzęt budowlany, w postaci platform roboczych z zastosowaniem zbrojenia geosyntetycznego. Szczególny nacisk położono na prawidłowy dobór materiałów platformy.
Dobór materiałów do wykonywania platform roboczych pod ciężki sprzęt budowlany
PublicationW pracy omówiono zagadnienia dotyczące wykonawstwa i projektowania tymczasowego, powierzchniowego wzmocnienia podłoża, pod ciężki sprzęt budowlany, w postaci platform roboczych z zastosowaniem zbrojenia geosyntetycznego. Szczególny nacisk położono na prawidłowy dobór materiałów platformy.
Visual Content Learning in a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC)
PublicationThis work is part of an effort for the development of a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC) for applications in industrial workplaces, adaptable to a wide range of environments. The paper focuses on hazards resulted from the nonuse of personal protective equipment (PPE). Given the results of previous analysis of supervised techniques for the problem of classification of a few PPE (boots, hard hats, and gloves...
Increased Certification of Semi-device Independent Random Numbers using Many Inputs and More Postprocessing
PublicationQuantum communication with systems of dimension larger than two provides advantages in information processing tasks. Examples include higher rates of key distribution and random number generation. The main disadvantage of using such multi-dimensional quantum systems is the increased complexity of the experimental setup. Here, we analyze a not-so-obvious problem: the relation between randomness certification and computational requirements...
Platform governance for sustainable development: Reshaping citizen-administration relationships in the digital age
PublicationChanging governance paradigms has been shaping and reshaping the landscape of citizen-administration relationships, from impartial application of rules and regulations by administration to exercise its authority over citizens (bureaucratic paradigm), through provision of public services by administration to fulfil the needs of citizens (consumerist paradigm), to responsibility-sharing between administration and citizens for policy...
Conservation aspects of cast-iron platform shelters on the example of Vistula Pomerania railway stations
PublicationCast-iron shelters were used in the 19th century as cheaper alternatives to large platform halls. Nevertheless, they were aesthetically distinguishable from later riveted solutions. Because of their durability and continuous utility, they were not the subject of disassembly, as numerous transport infrastructure objects have been in recent decades. This article aims to indicate proper conservation practices during construction works...
Technology Concept of TLP Platform Towing and Installation in Waters with Depth of 60 m
PublicationThe article is part of the design and research work conducted at the Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology, in cooperation with a number of other research centres, which concerns offshore wind farms planned to be built in the Polish zone of the Baltic sea in the next years. One of most difficult tasks in this project is building suitable foundations for each power unit consisting of a...
Design of Structure of Tension Leg Platform for 6 MW Offshore Wind Turbine Based On Fem Analysis
PublicationThe article presents the calculation and design stages of the TLP platform serving as a supporting construction of a 6 MW offshore wind turbine. This platform is designed to anchor at sea at a depth of 60 m. The authors presented the method of parameterization and optimization of the hull geometry. For the two selected geometry variants, the load and motion calculations of the platform subjected to wind, wave and current under...
Real-Time connection Between Immerse 3D Vizualization Laboratory and Kaskada Platform
PublicationMultimedia stream processing into two cooperative different systems (cluster platform and virtual lab) is considered. The considered selected information about the systems is presented and the idea of its communication when executing the distributed application is proposed. A general schema of the communication architecture is given. Tests of data transmission quality are considered and their results are presented.
Subsoil degradation effect in reliability analysis of the jack-up platform structure
PublicationStructural reliability analysis is considered, by FORM and SORM applied to a certain idealized soil-platform structure interaction problem due to cyclic water wave and wind loads. Wave and wind loads are random variables, whereas dead load is deterministic. Load parameters are typical for storm conditions in the Baltic Sea. The soil-structure interaction is idealized as a set of linear translational and rotational springs. Due...
Enhancing seismic performance of rigid and semi-rigid connections equipped with SMA bolts incorporating nonlinear soil-structure interaction
PublicationNowadays, using smart connections can improve the performance of buildings with some recentering features that are from the superelastic behavior of Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs). It seems that there is different rigidity between the designed connection and the real one in Steel Moment-Resisting Frames (SMRFs), which can be considered as a problematic issue due to the importance of connections in seismic performance assessment. This...
Synthesis and characterisation of polyurethane elastomers with semi-products obtained from polyurethane recycling
PublicationIn this work polyurethane elastomers were synthesised by using different mixtures of a petrochemical and glycerolysate polyols and 4,4-diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI). Glycerolysate polyol was produced from polyurethane foam decomposition using crude glycerine as a decomposition agent. The structure and thermal properties of obtained semi-product were similar to the polyol used in the synthesis of original foam. Glycerolysate...
Towards Knowledge Formalization and Sharing in a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC)
PublicationHazards are present in all workplaces and can result in serious injuries, short and long-term illnesses, or death. In this context, management of safety is essential to ensure the occupational health of workers. Aiming to assist the safety manage-ment process, especially in industrial environments, a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC) has been proposed. The CVP-HC is a scalable yet adaptable system capable of...
Assesment of operation of ship main diesel engine using the theory of semi-markovian and markov processes.
PublicationTo precisely determine the task it is necessary to specify also its duration time, apart from conditions in which it will be realized. When considering propulsion engine, i.e. the main element of ship propulsion system, especially important becomes not only the problem which amount of energy could be at one's disposal but also within which time interval it could be delivered. Therefore apart from applying the commonly used reliability...
Low Power Baseband Processor for M2M Reconfigurable Radio Test Platform
PublicationSoftware Defined Radio (SDR) is becoming more andmore frequently used technique for wireless communication. Itfacilitates as fast prototyping and is a versatile method fordeveloping new communication systems. SDR can be realizedbased on high computational capacity platform, where powerconsumption is no a primary concern like i.e. DVB or BTStransmitters. Another trend are low power systems, whereavailable power in reduced and more...
Testing and sampling devices for monitoring volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in indoor air
PublicationAdults spend most of their time in enclosed spaces (e.g., apartment, office and public buildings). According to research conducted by scientists, air quality indoors is much worse than the ambient air quality outdoors. Hazardous chemicals found in air indoors can adversely affect the functioning of the human body and cause many respiratory and circulatory diseases. Harmful chemical compounds (mainly volatile organic compounds and...
Linux scheduler improvement for time demanding network applications, running on Communication Platform Systems
PublicationCommunication Platform Systems as ex. ATCA standard blades located in standardized chassis provides high level communication services between system peripherals. Each ATCA blade brings dedicated functionality to the system but can as well exist as separated host responsible for servicing set of task. According to platform philosophy these parts of system can be quite independent against another solutions provided by competitors....
Research Platform for Monitoring, Control and Security of Critical Infrastructure Systems
PublicationSustainable operation of Critical Infrastructure Systems (CISs) is of a major concern to modern societies. Monitoring, control and security of such systems plays a key role in guaranteeing continuous, reliable and above all secure access to the resources provided by these systems. Development of adequate software and hardware structures, as well as algorithms to perform such functions cannot be done apart from the operational conditions...
Performance Evaluation of Selected Parallel Object Detection and Tracking Algorithms on an Embedded GPU Platform
PublicationPerformance evaluation of selected complex video processing algorithms, implemented on a parallel, embedded GPU platform Tegra X1, is presented. Three algorithms were chosen for evaluation: a GMM-based object detection algorithm, a particle filter tracking algorithm and an optical flow based algorithm devoted to people counting in a crowd flow. The choice of these algorithms was based on their computational complexity and parallel...
Parallel implementation of background subtraction algorithms for real-time video processing on a supercomputer platform
PublicationResults of evaluation of the background subtraction algorithms implemented on a supercomputer platform in a parallel manner are presented in the paper. The aim of the work is to chose an algorithm, a number of threads and a task scheduling method, that together provide satisfactory accuracy and efficiency of a real-time processing of high resolution camera images, maintaining the cost of resources usage at a reasonable level. Two...
A semi-empirical model for flow boiling heat transfer with account of the reduced pressure effect
PublicationIn the present study the attention was focused on the influence of reduced pressure on the predictions of heat transfer during flow boiling at the extensive range of pressures. The results of calculations were to test the sensitivity of the in-house flow boiling model with respect to the selection of the appropriate two-phase flow multiplier, which is one of the distinctive elements of that model. For this purpose a few two-phase...
Semi-Markov Approach to the Shipping Safety Modelling
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Ecology and Conservation of Steppes and Semi-Natural Grasslands
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Investigations of transverse stability of semi-displacement ships
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki eksperymentalnych badań modelowych poprzecznej stateczności jednostek półślizgowych, których celem było określenie wpływu prędkości oraz parametrów kształtu kadłuba na stateczność poprzeczną. Na podstawie wyników badań opracowano algorytmy, uwzględniające zmiany ramienia prostującego w funkcji prędkości, kąta przechyłu i parametrów geometrycznych kadłuba które mogą być wykorzystane do oceny stateczności poprzecznej...
Application Isssues of the Semi-Markov Reliability Model
PublicationPredicting the reliability of marine internal combustion engines, for instance, is of particular importance, as it makes it possible to predict their future reliability states based on the information on the past states. Correct reliability prediction is a complex process which consists in processing empirical results obtained from operating practice, complemented by analytical considerations. The process of technical state changes...
PublicationDuring rational operation of technical objects and systems various operational decisions are made and decision-making process itself should be consisted in selecting that considered most favourable out of all possible to be taken. Choice of such decision is possible after taking into account many different information items but it never be completely correct without accounting for data and indices dealing with reliability. In...