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Search results for: endocrine disrupting compounds
Antidepressants as new endocrine disruptors? – transcriptomic profiling in gonads of Mytilus trossulus exposed to norfluoxetine
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Analytical procedures for the determination of fuel combustion products, anti-corrosive compounds, and de-icing compounds in airport runoff water samples
PublicationThe purpose of this study is to propose and evaluate new procedures for determination of fuel combustion products, anti-corrosive and de-icing compounds in runoff water samples collected from the airports located in different regions and characterized by different levels of the activity expressed by the number of flights and the number of passengers (per year). The most difficult step in the analytical procedure used for the determination...
A convenient and efficient alfa-sulfenylation of carbonyl compounds
PublicationA method for alfa-sulfenylation of carbonyl compounds by a 5,5-dimethyl-2-thioxo-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinane-2-disulfanyl derivatives has been developed. Readily available reagents, mild reaction conditions, and excellent yields with high selectivity makes this method quite simple, convenient and practical.
Phosphinophosphoranes: Mixed-Valent Phosphorus Compounds with Ambiphilic Properties
PublicationHerein, we present a simple synthesis of mixed-valent phosphinophosphoranes bearing three- and five-coordinate phosphorus centers. Compounds with phosphorus–phosphorus bonds were synthesized via a reaction of lithium phosphides RR′PLi with cat2PCl (cat = catecholate), whereas derivatives with methylene-linked phosphorus centers were obtained via a reaction of phosphanylmethanides RR′CH2Li with cat2PCl. The presence of accessible...
Non-Nutritive Bioactive Compounds in Food of Plant Origin
PublicationThe increasing knowledge on the health benefits of certain food ingredients, in particular, those of plant origin, opened the discussion of the possibility of using edible plants or their active components in the prevention of non-communicable diseases. The health-promoting properties of plant foods are related to the presence of non-nutritive compounds, mainly plant secondary metabolites, which can affect many biological mechanisms...
The properties, functions and use of selenium compounds in living organisms
PublicationSelenium occurs in the environment in inorganic and organic compounds. For many years it was regarded as a toxic element, causing numerous illnesses and diseases. But research in the last 50 years has revealed a "bright side" to this element, especially as a component of selenoproteins, selenium makes a significant contribution to the health of humans and animals. The selenium content in an organism depends on its concentration...
Endocrine responses following exhaustive strength exercise with and without the use of protein and protein-carbohydrate supplements
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Modeling and MANOVA studies on toxicity and endocrine potential of packaging materials exposed to different extraction schemes
PublicationThe stability of the linings of packaging that is in contact with the goods stored has been of major concern during decades of the development of packaging materials. In this work, an attempt was undertaken to assess the applicability of using two bioassays (Microtox® and XenoScreen YES/YAS) in estimating the stability of packaging (cans, caps, multilayer material) and the impact of their degradation on the toxicity of some simulated media....
Radiosensitization of DNA in presence of Pt(II)-based compounds
PublicationX-ray irradiation of plasmid DNA in presence of platinum (II)-based compounds was carried out in order to assess the radiosensitization capabilities of these drugs. In present investigations pBR322 plasmid DNA was used to monitor the effectiveness of chosen compounds in inducing strand breaks. Samples were incubated in the presence of potential radiosensitisers: platinum (II) bromide and cis-diamminedibromoplatinum (II). The results...
Distribution of volatile organohalogen compounds in petrochemical plant water streams
PublicationThe study assesses halogenated volatile organic compound concentrations in the water and wastewaterstreams of a petrochemical plant. Water samples were collected at 11 sampling points during 5 samplingcampaigns. The samples were collected from the oil dewaxing unit and in the wastewater treatmentplant. Dichloromethane and 1,2-dichloroethane were the most frequently determined compounds. Tetrachloroethenewas also detected at the...
Bioactive compounds and the antioxidant capacity in new kiwi fruit cultivars
PublicationThe aim of this investigation was to find the best among seven different kiwi fruit cultivars (‘Hayward’, ‘Daheung’, ‘Haenam’, ‘Bidan’, ‘Hort16A’, ‘Hwamei’ and ‘SKK12’) for human consumption and to classify them as groups. Therefore, the contents of bioactive compounds and the level of antioxidant capacities of these cultivars were determined in four different extracts and compared. It was found that the contents of the bioactive...
PublicationDuring the past two decades our international scientific group investigated in vitro the physicochemical and nutritional characteristics of some cultivars of durian at various stages of ripening, mangosteen and new cultivars of snake fruit in comparison with widely used avocado, kiwifruit and mango, and in vivo their influence on laboratory animals. The main objective of the present study was to screen and compare the properties...
PublicationSurfactants (SAA) with negative charge of polar group are named as anionic compounds. They are main constituent of most products containing synthetic surfactants. The linear alkylbenzene sulfonates (LAS), alkyl ethoxysulfates (AES) and alkyl sulfates (AS) are typically applied from this class of compounds. Those surfactants are ingredients of household detergents and cleaners, laundry detergents, cosmetic. Moreover they can be...
Pathways of nitrogen compounds depletion in hybrid constructed wetlands
PublicationHybrid Constructed Wetlands are composed of two or more filters with mixed flow direction of sewage. Apparently in the HCWS the benefits of both types of bed are merged, resulting in better effluent quality (organic and nitrogen componds removal). Such heterogeneous environment creates possibilities for different ways of nitrogen "disappearing". The objective of the present study was to compare the removal of nitrogen with accompanying...
Antiferromagneticspinglass-likebehaviorinsinteredmultiferroic AurivilliusBim+1Ti3Fem−3O3m+3 compounds
PublicationThe structure,hyperfine interactionsandmagneticpropertiesoftheseriesofmultiferroicBim+1Ti3Fem−3 O3m+3 Aurivilliuscompoundswith m¼4–8 werestudiedusingX-raydiffraction, 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopyandvibratingsamplemagnetometry.Sampleswerepreparedbytheconventionalsolid- state sinteringmethod.Bulkmagneticmeasurementsshowedthatfor m¼4 thecompoundis paramagnetic downto2Kwhileinthecompoundwith m¼5 theantiferromagnetictypetransition wasobservedat11K.Inthecaseofcompoundswith...
Radio- and photosensitization of DNA with compounds containing platinum and bromine atoms
Publication. Irradiations of plasmid DNA by both X-rays and UV light in the presence and absence of compounds containing platinum and bromine atoms were performed in order to asses the sensitization potential of these compounds. Plasmid DNA pBR322 was incubated with platinum (II) bromide, hydrogen hexabromoplatinate (IV), hydrogen hexahydroxyplatinate (IV) and sodium hexahydroxyplatinate (IV). Incubation was followed by X-ray or UV irradiations....
Application of electrochemical sensors and sensor matrixes for measurement of odorous chemical compounds
PublicationIn this paper describes the principle of operation of the electrochemical sensors and the sensor matrixes comprised of electrochemical sensors intended for measurement of odorous compounds. Critical comparison of these sensors’ advantages and disadvantages has been made. The fields of economy contributing to release of odours and the potential sources of their emission have been identified. Commercially available electrochemical...
State of the art and prospects of methods for determination of lipophilicity of chemical compounds
PublicationLipophilicity of the compounds is useful to (i) explain their distribution in biological systems, which is different in plant and in animal organisms, (ii) predict the possible pathways of pollutant transport in the environment, and (iii) support drug discovery process and select optimal composition in terms of bioactivity and bioavailability. The lipophilic properties can be determined by two main approaches, experimental, which...
New procedure for the control of the treatment of industrial effluents to remove volatile organosulfur compounds
PublicationWe present a new procedure for the determination of volatile organosulfur compounds in samples of industrial effluents using dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction and gas chromatography with flame photometric detection. Initially, the extraction parameters were optimized. These included: type and volume of extraction solvent, volume of disperser solvent, salting out effect, pH, time and speed of centrifugation as well as extraction...
Simple smartphone-based methods for the determination of bioactive compounds in wine
PublicationA set of simple smartphone-based methods of bioactive compounds determination were developed for wine analysis. Procedures for smartphone-based determination of the total content of phenolic compounds, flavonoids, anthocyanins and biogenic amines, as well as measurement of antioxidant activity were developed and fully validated. The experimental setup is based on smartphone and 3D-printed device, though it is very simple and can...
Formation of intermetallic compounds in the solid-liquid composites of the Ga-Ni system
PublicationThe processes of formation of intermetallic compounds in the composite system of liquid gallium-nickel powder by the methods of x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and differential thermal analysis have been studied. A change in the phase composition was discovered and the influence of thermal treatment of the composites under investigation on the phase formation processes was analyzed. The mechanism of gallium enriched...
Removal of BTEX Compounds From Waste Gases; Destruction and Recovery Techniques
PublicationThe tendency for BTEX compounds (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes) to spread into all compartments of the environment together with their influence on both ecosystem and human health means that the emission of thesecompounds into the air is becoming the matter of worldwide concern. The legal regulations introduced by the European Union governing the assessment and management of air quality obliges member states to systematically...
Lepidium peruvianum as a Source of Compounds with Anticancer and Cosmetic Applications
PublicationLepidium peruvianum—an edible herbaceous biennial plant distributed in the Andes—has been used for centuries as food and as a natural medicine in treating hormonal disorders, as an antidepressant, and as an anti-osteoporotic agent. The presented study aims to prove its beneficial cosmetic and chemopreventive properties by testing the antiradical, whitening, cytotoxic, and anticancer properties of differently colored phenotypes...
Oxychlorination of organic compounds
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Azo macrocyclic compounds.
PublicationArtykuł przeglądowy omawiający głównie syntezę i właściwości związków makrocyklicznych takich jak: etery koronowe, kryptandy, kaliksareny i inne, które połączono z fragmentem zawierającym resztę azobenzenową lub jej analogi. Artykuł napisany został w oparciu o prace własne autorów z lat 1992-2001 oraz na podstawie literatury obcej zebranej na podstawie Chemical Abstracts z lat 1990-2001.
Organohalogen compounds in the environment.
PublicationPrzedyskutowano problem związków chloroorganicznych w środowisku, takich jak: pestycydy chloroorganiczne, polichlorowane bifenyle, polichlorowane dibenzodioksyny i furany. Omówiono podstawowe właściwości fizykochemiczne, toksykologiczne oraz ścieżki przemian w środowisku.
Azo macrocyclic compounds
PublicationArtykuł przeglądowy dotyczący azozwiązków makrocyklicznych
Preliminary Results from the Removal of Phosphorus Compounds with Selected Sorption Material
PublicationDue to the resources of phosphorous are limited and are exhausted in the next 30 years the management of the resources is become current issue. Most of the phosphorus compounds is lost forever, because it is discharged with sewage into surface waters, causing eutrophication and in this way causing a further problem and challenge. On the other hand, there is a considerable need for phosphorus compounds, primarily in bioavailable...
Phytoecdysteroid containing plants – a source of bioactive compounds with potential anticarcinogenic effects
PublicationEcdysteroids are a group of steroids synthesized in inver- tebrates as molting hormones and also in some plants as secondary metabolites acting as a defense against parasites. These compounds do not naturally occur in mammals and are not structurally related to mammalian steroid hor- mones, consequently do not activate mammalian hormone receptors. Ecdysteroids exhibit very low toxicity to mam- mals and to date no serious side effects...
Nutritional and Pharmaceutical Properties of Bioactive Compounds in Organic and Conventional Growing Kiwifruit
PublicationThe bioactivity of two kiwifruit’s cultivars growing under organic and conventional conditions were studied and compared. The bioactive compounds were extracted with water and ethanol using similar conditions which are applied in pharmaceutical applications and for daily fruit consumption such as tea drink. Antioxidant radical scavenging assays [ferric-reducing/antioxidant power (FRAP); cupric reducing antioxidant capacity (CUPRAC);...
The speciation of organotin compounds in sediment and water samples from the port of Gdynia
PublicationOrganotin compounds (OTC) are toxic towards all living organisms. The application of organitin-based antifouling systems is becoming the main source of OTC in the ocean. Harbor sediments and water contain large deposits of organotin compounds due to application of antifouling systems in the shipping industry. OTC contamination presents a potential risk to the marine environment. Sediment and water samples were collected in 2009...
Synthesis and properties of HoT2Al20 (T = Ti, V, Cr) intermetallic cage compounds
PublicationPolycrystalline samples of HoT2Al20 (T = Ti, V, Cr) intermetallics were synthesized using a step-wise arc-melting technique. All three compounds adopt the CeCr2Al20-type crystal structure with Ho atoms positioned inside oversized icosahedral cages formed by Al atoms. The structure of HoV2Al20 compound is reported. The materials properties were studied by means of electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, and specific heat...
Biologically active compounds based on the carbazole scaffold - synthetic and mechanistic aspects
PublicationDoctoral dissertation is divided into three main parts: introduction, results and discussion and experimental. The introduction is divided into four main parts which describe: 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors, the most popular antidepressants, new compounds based on the carbazole structure with affinity for serotonin receptors, telomeres and telomerase with their functions, telomerase inhibition strategies, carbazoles approved in...
Removal of Pharmaceutically Active Compounds in Sequencing Batch Reactor
PublicationIn recent years, considerable attention was paid to the presence of organic micro-pollutants such as Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) in the aquatic environment due to their negative impact on public health and aquatic ecosystems. Numerous papers have pointed out API presence as common constituents of effluents from Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs). This is the result of various efficiencies of API removal by conventional...
Superconductivity in Bismuth Pyrochlore Lattice Compounds RbBi2 and CsBi2: The Role of Relativistic Effects
PublicationSuperconducting properties of two bismuthide intermetallic compounds, RbBi2 and CsBi2, were studied by means of experimental measurements and ab initio calculations. We show that in both compounds, the superconductivity emerges from the pyrochlore Bi lattice and its formation is heavily influenced by relativistic effects. Based on our analysis of the effect of spin–orbit coupling on the electron–phonon coupling, we suggest a possible...
Identification of aromatic compounds in odours mixture by gas chromatography and field olfactometry techniques
PublicationThis paper shows the results of investigation on identification aromatic compounds present in odorous mixture in atmospheric air samples collected in a vicinity of the oil refinery LOTOS S.A., located in Gdansk, during March and April period have be presented. The studies were conducted by the use of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatograph equipped with a cryogenic modulator and coupled with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer,...
The role of the sawage treatment plant in the removal of genotoxic compounds from the environment
PublicationOne reason for increased incidence of various types of cancer are environmental pollutants particularly of anthropogenic origin. All human activities may pollute the environment, but some have significant impact, just to mention energy industry, mining, transportation, chemical and petrochemical industries and housing. Environmental pollutants are a large group of compounds in terms of their physicochemical properties, some of...
Miniaturized Passive Emission Chambers for In Situ Measurement of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds
PublicationThe results of many different studies have demonstrated unequivocally that the quality of indoor air is often much worse than that of atmospheric air. The presence of dangerous chemical compounds in indoor air can have an adverse impact on human health and cause numerous diseases of the respiratory and circulatory systems. Such harmful chemicals get into indoor air as a result of their emission from building and indoor materials....
Detection of Bioactive Compounds in Organically and Conventionally Grown Asparagus Spears
PublicationIn the recent reports, there are contradictory conclusions about the nutritional and health properties of organic and conventionally growing vegetables. We hypothesized that organic cultivation system results in higher quality of asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) because of organic manure and effective organisms. Therefore, new analytical methods were applied in order to find the differences in bioactive compounds between the...
Miniaturized passive emission test chamber for in-situ measurement of emissions of organic compounds
PublicationThe results of many different studies have demonstrated unequivocally that the quality of indoor air is often much worse than that of atmospheric air (outdoor). One of the main groups of chemical compounds present in indoor air, with proven harmfulness to health,are volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs present indoor comprise a wide variety of hydrocarbons and hydrocarbons derivatives including aliphatic, aromatics, alkylbenzens,...
Application of BDD thin film electrode for electrochemical decomposition of heterogeneous aromatic compounds
PublicationThe aim of the presented study is to investigate the applicability of electrochemical oxidation of aromatic compounds containing heteroatoms, e.g. waste from production of pesticides or pharmaceutics, at a borondoped diamond (BDD) electrode. The BDD electrodes were synthesized by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (MW PE CVD). Investigation of the electrode surface by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy...
Application of analytical methods for the determination of bioactive compounds in some berries
PublicationFluorometry, ESI-MS, FTIR, and radical scavenging assays were used for characterization of bioactive compounds and the levels of their antioxidant activities. Polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins, and ascorbic acid and the level of antioxidant activity of water extracts of “Murtilla-like” [Myrteola nummularia (Poiret) Berg.], and other widely consumed berries were determined and compared. The contents of bioactive compounds and...
The use of various species of fungi in biofiltration of air contaminated with odorous volatile organic compounds
PublicationAir pollution with odorous compounds is a significant social and environmental problem. This paper presents biological deodorization methods. The attention is focused on the application of biotrickling filters for air deodorization. Principles of their operation are discussed, indicating the key role of the selection of microorganisms responsible for the degradation of odorous compounds. A literature overview of the used fungal...
New procedure for the examination of the degradation of volatile organonitrogen compounds during the treatment of industrial effluents
PublicationWe present a new procedure for the determination of 32 volatile organonitrogen compounds in samples of industrial effluents with a complex matrix. The procedure, based on dispersive liquid–liquid microex-traction followed by gas chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus and mass spectrometric detection, wasoptimized and validated. Optimization of the extraction included the type of extraction and disperser sol-vent, disperser solvent...
Release and Transport of Toxic, Mobile Organic Compounds (Formaldehyde and Phenols) on an Arctic Glacier
PublicationAs a result of current deglaciation, the chemical cycles of many compounds, including toxic formaldehyde and phenols, are changing. However, the processes by which these chemicals are released have yet to be studied in situ. Here, we quantify fluxes of HCHO and phenols in a glacial catchment within one summer season, obtaining a net release from the glacier of 0.106 · 106 g formaldehyde and 0.255 · 106 g phenols, which can be interpreted...
In-tube extraction for the determination of the main volatile compounds in Physalis peruviana L
PublicationAn analytical procedure based on in-tube extraction followed by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry has been developed for the analysis of 24 main volatile components in cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) samples. According to their chemical structure, the compounds were organized into different groups: one hydrocarbon, one aldehyde, four alcohols, four esters, and 14 monoterpenes. By single-factor experiments, incubation...
Evaluation of Green Sample Preparation Techniques for Organic Compounds
PublicationNowadays, Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) idea is of high importance, with impact on the rapid growth in the sample preparation area with special emphasis on sample preparation simplification, miniaturization and automation. Due to the fact that GAC is of high importance today, this study is focused on the evaluation of green sample preparation techniques for organic compounds. It is well known that sample preparation is considered...
Hunting for the Magnesium(I) Species: Formation, Structure, andReactivity of some Donor-Free Grignard Compounds
PublicationMagnesium bromide radicals have to be prepared as high-temperature molecules and trapped as a metastable solution because a seemingly simple reduction of donor-free Grignard compounds failed. However, the essential role of magnesium(I) species during the formation of Grignard compounds could be demonstrated experimentally.
Testing and sampling devices for monitoring volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in indoor air
PublicationAdults spend most of their time in enclosed spaces (e.g., apartment, office and public buildings). According to research conducted by scientists, air quality indoors is much worse than the ambient air quality outdoors. Hazardous chemicals found in air indoors can adversely affect the functioning of the human body and cause many respiratory and circulatory diseases. Harmful chemical compounds (mainly volatile organic compounds and...
Ab-initio investigations for structural, mechanical, optoelectronic, and thermoelectric properties of Ba2SbXO6 (X Nb, Ta) compounds