total: 473
filtered: 394
Nondestructive methods complemented by FEM calculations in diagnostics of cracks in bridge approach pavement
PublicationNondestructive methods of road pavement diagnostics are an alternative to traditional approach to pavement failure investigation. The article presents a detailed multidisciplinary inspection carried out using ground-penetrating radar (GPR), laser scanning technology and finite element method (FEM) calculations. It was done in order to assess the factors that contributed to occurrence of premature cracks of a bridge approach pavement....
Tubular House - Form Follows Technology, Concrete Shell Structure with Inner Thermal Insulation
PublicationThe aim of this paper is the theoretical analysis of the possibilities and limitations of using an unconventional technology and the original architectural form stemming from it – the building with external construction and internal insulation. In Central European climatic conditions, the traditional solution for the walls of heated buildings relies on using external thermal insulation. This stems from building physics: it prevents...
Wzmocnienie przestrzennych dźwigarów kratowych z zastosowaniem dodatkowego podparcia i sprężenia
PublicationPodczas obowiązkowego przeglądu technicznego obiektu budowlanego stwierdzone zostały deformacje stalowych prętów wykratowania przestrzennych dźwigarów dachowych. Opinie techniczne dotyczące stanu technicznego potwierdziły wstępnie wykryte nieprawidłowości i nakazywały podjęcie kroków zaradczych w postaci opracowania koncepcji naprawy, a w jej ślad projektu budowlanego i wykonawczego. Do czasu naprawy obiekt został dopuszczony do...
Cost-Efficient Globalized Parameter Optimization of Microwave Components through Response-Feature Surrogates and Nature-Inspired Metaheuristics
PublicationDesign of contemporary microwave devices predominantly utilizes computational models, including both circuit simulators, and full-wave electromagnetic (EM) evaluation. The latter constitutes the sole generic way of rendering accurate assessment of the system outputs that considers phenomena such as cross-coupling or radiation and dielectric losses. Consequently, for reliability reasons, the final tuning of microwave device parameters...
On the derivative of the associated Legendre function of the first kind of integer order with respect to its degree (with applications to the construction of the associated Legendre function of the second kind of integer degree and order).
PublicationWyprowadzono szereg zamkniętych wyrażeń dla pochodnych stowarzyszonej funkcji Legendre'a pierwszego rodzaju względem jej dolnego indeksu w przypadku, gdy górny indeks jest liczbą całkowitą. Wyniki zastosowano do znalezienia pewnych nowych reprezentacji (w tym typu Rodriguesa) stowarzyszonych funkcji Legendre'a drugiego rodzaju o indeksach całkowitych.
On the derivative of associated Le.gendre function of the first kind of integer degree with respect to its order (with applications to the construction of the associated Legendre function of the second kind of integer degree and order)
PublicationW pracy podano szereg zamkniętych wyrażeń dla pochodnej stowarzyszonej funkcji Legendre'a o stopniu (dolnym indeksie) całkowitym względem jej rzędu (górnego indeksu). Wyniki zastosowano do wyprowadzenia kilku nowych reprezentacji, w tym typu Rodriguesa, stowarzyszonych funkcji Legendre'a drugiego rodzaju z całkowityni indeksani.
Refurbishment of a historical building - design issues
PublicationOver a 10-year modernization of the main building of Gdansk University of Technology is coming to the end. The ever increasing number of students requires not only the development of the campus with new facility buildings, also the existing buildings are subject to adaptation and modernization. In addition to high-impact solutions, as restoring the former glory of the building (reconstruction of the clock tower), or introducing...
Determination of stepped plate thickness distribution using guided waves and compressed sensing approach
PublicationGuided waves recently have attracted significant interest as a very promising research area. The signals registered by a specially designed sensor network are processed to assess the state of the tested structure. Despite the constant development of novel damage detection algorithms employing guided waves, the phenomenon of wave propagation still needs detailed recognizing and understanding for the further progress of non-destructive...
Concrete versus green corridors in road planning. Gdansk case
PublicationThe aim of an article is to present the threats which may be caused by the construction of the transit road inside the city structure, and some mitigation measures aiming to eliminate or minimize environmental and landscape damages and social problems. Theoretical guidelines and conclusions will be followed by the example illustrating the problem. As an answer, some guidelines enabling sustainable road planning will be presented....
Drewno w adoptowanym zabytku - studium przypadku. Budynek nr 2 w dawnych koszarach garnizonu we Wrzeszczu
PublicationThe current structure along with adapted listed buildings and surroundings will create "Garrison of Culture".This part of Gdańsk and Wrzeszcz has been reconnected after eight decades of isolation from the city by joining the square area formed by Grunwaldzka, Słowackiego, Chrzanowskiego, Szymanowskiego streets and the city center. It is a project whitch fits into an aspect of revitalisation related to the socio-economic and environmental...
Set of Experience and Decisional DNA: Experience-Based Knowledge Structures
PublicationThis chapter presents a description of Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA (DDNA), argumentation for a knowledge representation, composition, configuration and metrics. SOEKS is a combination of filtered and amalgamated information obtained from formal decision events. It facilitates effective explicit representation of decisional experience taken from different technologies. SOEKS comprises variables,...
Evaluation of the Cathodic Electrodeposition Effectiveness of the Hydroxyapatite Layer Used in Surface Modification of Ti6Al4V-Based Biomaterials
PublicationThe important issue associated with the design and the fabrication of the titanium and titanium alloy implants is the increase of their biointegration with bone tissue. In the presented paper, the research results concerning the conditions used in the cathodic deposition of hydroxyapatite on the surface Ti6Al4V substrates primarily modified by the production of TiO2 nanoporous coatings, TiO2 nanofibers, and titanate coatings, are...
Evaluating the performance of inverted pavement structure using the accelerated pavement test (APT)
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Prediction of cast-in-place concrete strength of the extradosed bridge deck based on temperature monitoring and numerical simulations
PublicationThe work is devoted to the implementation of a monitoring system for high performance concrete embedded in the span of an extradosed bridge deck using a modified maturity method augmented by numerical simulations conducted by the authors’ FEM code. The paper presents all research stages of bridge construction and considers the conclusions drawn from the results of laboratory tests, field measurements, and numerical calculations....
Drewniane więźby dachowe żuławskich domów podcieniowych typu III – badania, stan zachowania, analiza
PublicationZabytkowe domy podcieniowe ujścia Delty Wisły były obiektem zainteresowań wielu badaczy, jednak ich prace koncentrowały się głównie na aspektach historyczno-architektonicznych. Nie ma publikacji skupiających się na szczegółach i dokładnych analizach ustrojów budowlanych dla tej grupy historycznych obiektów. Artykuł jest rezultatem badań terenowych, kwerendy archiwalnej i obliczeń wykonanych przez autora....
Selected design and construction aspects of supercritical steam generators for high temperature reactors = Wybrane aspekty konstrukcyjne i projektowe generatorów pary nadkrytycznej ogrzewanych z reaktorów wysokotemperaturowych
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano uwarunkowania projektowe i konstrukcyjne nadkrytycznego generatora pary (jednoprzepływowego) wykorzystującego do ogrzewania hel z reaktorów HTR i VHTR. Wymiennik helikoidalny jest preferowany dla zwiększenia wymiany ciepła i zwartości. Badano własności czynników wymieniających ciepło z parą w obszarach przy- i nadkrytycznych. Analizowano korelacje, aby wybrać najbardziej wiarygodne. Przedyskutowano najbardziej...
Gypsum dehydration in cement and its impact on air-void structure in air-entrained concrete
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The use of fibre-reinforced polymers (FRP) in bridges as a favourable solution for the environment
PublicationThe purpose of this article is to show the modern engineering, in which sustainability and taking care of ecology play a significant role. The authors are focused on FRP composite materials and their applications in civil engineering. Case studies showing renovation and design of new bridges with the use of FRP are presented and discussed to clarify benefits, which this solution provides. Main advantages of FRP materials in comparison...
Optimization of Stabilizing Systems in Protection of Cultural Heritage: The Case of the Historical Retaining Wall in the Wisłoujście Fortress
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to propose new quantitative criteria for selecting the optimal method of securing and repairing a historical object, which take into account Structural, Conservation and Architectural aspects (the S–C–A method). Construction works on cultural heritage sites tend to be challenging and require an interdisciplinary approach. Therefore, they are strictly related to the philosophy of sustainable development which...
Self-assembly of secondary aryl amides in cocrystals with perfluoroaryl coformers: structural analysis and synthon preferences
PublicationCooperation of aryl⋯perfluoroaryl stacking interactions and hydrogen bonds was utilized in the construction of six novel cocrystals of aromatic cis-amides with pentafluorobenzoic acid (pfba) and pentafluorophenol (pfp). They were obtained by crystallization from solution and structurally characterized. In four instances, the components form heterotetrameric motifs, in which amide:amide homodimer interacts symmetrically on two sides...
Low-Cost Open-Hardware System for Measurements of Antenna Far-Field Characteristics in Non-Anechoic Environments
PublicationExperimental validation belongs to the most important steps in the development of antenna structures. Measurements are normally performed in expensive, dedicated facilities such as anechoic chambers, or open-test sites. A high cost of their construction might not be justified when the main goal of antenna verification boils down to demonstration of the measurement procedure, or rough validation of the simulation models used for...
Low-Cost Multi-Objective Optimization Yagi-Uda Antenna in Multi-Dimensional Parameter Space
PublicationA surrogate-based technique for fast multi-objective optimization of a multi-parameter planar Yagi-Uda antenna structure is presented. The proposed method utilizes response surface approximation (RSA) models constructed using training samples obtained from evaluation of the low-fidelity antenna model. Utilization of the RSA models allowsfor fast determination of the best possible trade-offs between conflicting objectives in multi-objective...
Studies on Silver Ions Releasing Processes and Mechanical Properties of Surface-Modified Titanium Alloy Implants
PublicationDispersed silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) on the surface of titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V) and titanium alloy modified by titania nanotube layer (Ti6Al4V/TNT) substrates were produced by the chemical vapor deposition method (CVD) using a novel precursor of the formula [Ag5(O2CC2F5)5(H2O)3]. The structure and volatile properties of this compound were determined using single crystal X-ray diffractometry, variable temperature IR spectrophotometry...
Zagrożenie katastrofą budowlaną Mostu Uniwersyteckiego w Bydgoszczy. Analiza i badania
PublicationMost Uniwersytecki został zamknięty po 7 latach od oddania do użytku. Powodem były błędy projektowe ujawnione w przeglądzie w roku 2020, potwierdzone teoretycznymi analizami nośności. Bezpośrednim powodem zamknięcia przeprawy było stwierdzenie zagrożenia katastrofą budowlaną. W roku 2021, zgodnie z zaleceniem i koncepcją ekspercką, krytyczne elementy konstrukcji mostu zostały wzmocnione. W styczniu 2022 most został przywrócony...
3D Vision System for a Robotic Arm Based on Equal Baseline Camera Array
PublicationThis paper presents a lightweight 3D vision system called Equal Baseline Camera Array (EBCA). EBCA can work in different light conditions and it can be applied for measuring large range of distances. The system is a useful alternative to other known distance measuring devices such as structured-light 3D scanners, time-of-flight cameras, Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) devices and structure from motion techniques. EBCA can be...
Efficacy of modal curvature damage detection in various pre-damage data assumptions and modal identification techniques
PublicationThe efficacy of modal curvature approach for damage localization is discussed in the paper in the context of input data. Three modal identification methods, i.e., Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA), Natural Excitation Technique with ERA (NExT-ERA) and Covariance Driven Stochastic Subspace Identification (SSI-Cov), and four methods of determining baseline data, i.e., real measurement of the undamaged state, analytical function,...
Silver(I) complexes with nitrile ligands: New materials with versatile applications
PublicationIn the present study, the structure, thermal stability, conductive properties, and antimicrobial activity of silver(I) complexes with nitrile ligands were investigated. For the construction of the materials, 2-cyanopyridine (2-cpy), 4-cyanopyridine (4-cpy), 1,2-dicyanobenzene (1,2-dcb), and 1,3-dicyanobenzene (1,3-dcb) were used in addition to the silver nitrite and nitrate. Four new compounds were isolated and structurally characterized:...
The reasons of considarable deflections of roof trusses in engineering analysis
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to present an unconventional analysis of deformations of roof trusses of an exhibition pavilion. Structure of the main hall of the pavilion consists of repeatable span frames with steel pillars made of I-sections, fastened in the foundations and hinged supporting roof girders. The roof trusses, completed in steel construction, have undergone considerable permanent deflections. Deformations of the lower chord...
Thin-walled frames and grids - statics and dynamics
PublicationFrames and grids assembled with thin-walled beams of open cross-section are widely applied in various civil engineering and vehicle or machine structures. Static and dynamic analysis of theses structures may be carried out by means of different models, startingfrom the classical models made of beam elements undergoing the Kirchhoff assumptions to the FE discretization of whole frame into plane elements. The former model is very...
How to achieve sustainability?-Employee's point of view on company's culture and CSR practice
PublicationThe people are the company. This study aims to examine the structure of relationships between company culture, performance, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and reputation, as seen from the employee's perspective, to determine which company culture factors most influence CSR practice and, as a result, sustain a company's development and improve its performance. To accomplish this goal, we conducted a survey among employees...
Data regarding a new, vector-enzymatic DNA fragment amplification-expression technology for the construction of artificial, concatemeric DNA, RNA and proteins, as well as biological effects of selected polypeptides obtained using this method
PublicationApplications of bioactive peptides and polypeptides are emerging in areas such as drug development and drug delivery systems. These compounds are bioactive, biocompatible and represent a wide range of chemical properties, enabling further adjustments of obtained biomaterials. However, delivering large quantities of peptide derivatives is still challenging. Several methods have been developed for the production of concatemers –...
Study of the Resistance to Influence of Aggressive Liquids on Concrete with Lightweight Aggregate
PublicationThe corrosion of the structure of concrete caused by the aggressive external environment is one of the main problems that can reduce the durability of buildings. The paper analyzes the influence of the type of component on selected properties of lightweight concrete (LWC) exposed to aggressive liquids. When lightweight concrete containing porous aggregates is used, the influence of an aggressive environment may be of particular...
Trust, Tacit Knowledge Sharing, Project Performance and their Managerial Implications
PublicationTacit Knowledge Sharing is increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and managers intrigued by their potential application for creating innovative solutions. Project management as a set of methodologies and best practices need to be charged by knowledge. The research problem tackled in this article refers to a current managerial problem regarding tacit knowledge sharing execution in project based organizations. The objective...
Modern GFRP Composite Footbridges
PublicationApplication of GFRP composites in civil engineering is still not large but already noticeable. Advantages of this material, such as: low volume weight, relatively high stiffness and strength, well fatigue resistance, easiness in shaping, high material damping and high environmental resistance, make it attractive for bridge and in particular foot-bridge designers. It is estimated that nowadays in the world there are realized hundreds...
Time travel without paradoxes: Ring resonator as a universal paradigm for looped quantum evolutions
PublicationA ring resonator involves a scattering process where a part of the output is fed again into the input. The same formal structure is encountered in the problem of time travel in a neighborhood of a closed timelike curve (CTC). We know how to describe quantum optics of ring resonators, and the resulting description agrees with experiment. We can apply the same formal strategy to any looped quantum evolution, in particular to the...
Application of Shape Memory Alloys in Retrofitting of Masonry and Heritage Structures Based on Their Vulnerability Revealed in the Bam 2003 Earthquake
PublicationFor decades, one of the most critical considerations of civil engineers has been the construction of structures that can sufficiently resist earthquakes. However, in many parts of the globe, ancient and contemporary buildings were constructed without regard for engineering; thus, there is a rising necessity to adapt existing structures to avoid accidents and preserve historical artefacts. There are various techniques for retrofitting...
Manufacturing and Recycling Impact on Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Wind Power Plant Part 2/2
PublicationThe process of conversion of wind kinetic energy into electricity in innovative wind power plant emits practically no harmful substances into the environment. However, the production stage of its components requires a lot of energy and materials. The biggest problem during production plan-ning process of an innovative wind power plant is selection of materials and technologies and, consequently, the waste generated at this stage....
Defining a novel domain that provides an essential contribution to site-specific interaction of Rep protein with DNA
PublicationAn essential feature of replication initiation proteins is their ability to bind to DNA. In this work, we describe a new domain that contributes to a replication initiator sequence-specific interaction with DNA. Applying biochemical assays and structure prediction methods coupled with DNA–protein crosslinking, mass spectrometry, and construction and analysis of mutant proteins, we identified that the replication initiator of the...
Fire-induced spalling of ultra-high performance concrete: A systematic critical review
PublicationUltra-high performance concrete (UHPC) is a novel concrete class characterized by a compressive strength of more than 150 MPa. One of the most significant drawbacks of employing UHPC is that is very low permeability owing to its great compactness of dense structure increases the risk of fire-induced spalling. It is challenging for fire safety and structural engineers to predict and analyze this issue due to the lack of widely accepted...
Fast multi-objective optimization of antenna structures by means of data-driven surrogates and dimensionality reduction
PublicationDesign of contemporary antenna structures needs to account for several and often conflicting objectives. These are pertinent to both electrical and field properties of the antenna but also its geometry (e.g., footprint minimization). For practical reasons, especially to facilitate efficient optimization, single-objective formulations are most often employed, through either a priori preference articulation, objective aggregation,...
Accuracy improvement of the prestressed concrete structures precise geometry assessment by use of bubble micro-sampling algorithm
PublicationPrestressed concrete structures are well-known technology for a vast period, but nevertheless, this very technology is a leading solution, currently used in construction industry. Prestressed concrete structures have a huge advantage over conventional methods because it uses the properties of concrete in a very efficient way. The main idea behind this technology is to introduce into the cross-section of the structure, the internal...
Determining an Architectural Character for Durban Residential Streetscapes
PublicationIn the current global context and in consideration of the Sustainable Development Goals, there is a strong need for urban densification. However, this development is also driven by processes linked to the idea of capitalism and 'economic growth'. Such development often leads to the loss of the 'genius loci' of a place and sometimes even overlooks the fact that the quality of the built environment greatly influences the health and...
Multi-Taper-Based Automatic Correction of Non-Anechoic Antenna Measurements
PublicationPrototype measurements belong to the key steps in the development of antenna structures. Although accurate validation of their far-field performance can be realized in dedicated facilities, such as anechoic chambers, the high cost of their construction and maintenance might not be justified if the main goal of measurements is to support teaching or low-budget research. Instead, they can be performed in non-anechoic conditions and...
Nondestructive Testing of the Miter Gates Using Various Measurement Methods
PublicationWhen any problems related to civil engineering structures appear, identifying the issue through the usage of only one measuring method is difficult. Therefore, comprehensive tests are required to identify the main source. The strains and displacement measurements, as well as modal identification, are widely used in the nondestructive testing of structures. However, measurements are usually carried out at several points and confirm...
Domain segmentation for low-cost surrogate-assisted multi-objective design optimisation of antennas
PublicationAbstract: Information regarding the best possible design trade-offs of an antenna structure can be obtained through multiobjective optimisation (MO). Unfortunately, MO is extremely challenging if full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models are used for performance evaluation. Yet, for the majority of contemporary antennas, EM analysis is the only tool that ensures reliability. This study introduces a procedure for accelerated...
Quality assessment of low voltage surge arresters
PublicationUsers expect reliable operation of the surge arrester during overvoltages, which may originate from a switching process or a lightning discharge. The necessary conditions to guarantee these expectations are: appropriate construction of the surge arrester, its production being maintained in accordance with technical standards, and a positive results of the type test (as well routine and acceptance tests). The recipient, especially...
Wodociągi Gdyni, (1911-1961)
PublicationMonografia zawiera informacje faktograficzne o procesie tworzenia i eksploatacji wodociągów w latach 1911 – 1961: wiejskiego (Oksywie), osiedlowego (Kamienna Góra), miejskiego (Śródmieście, Grabówek)) oraz grupowego na obszarze Wielkiej Gdyni. Dla każdego wodociągu udokumentowano przebieg prac organizacyjno-przygotowawczych, koncepcje projektowe i wykonane roboty budowlano-instalacyjne. Zagadnienia techniczne przedstawiono na tle...
Synthesis of 11,12-dihydro benzo[c]phenanthridines via a Pd-catalyzed unusual construction of isocoumarin ring/FeCl3-mediated intramolecular arene-allyl cyclization: First identification of a benzo[c]phenanthridine based PDE4 inhibitor
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Pedestrian protection, speed enforcement and road network structure the key action for implementing Poland's Vision Zero
PublicationSince 1991 Poland's road safety has been systematically improving with a 60% reduction in road deaths. Despite the progress Poland continues to be one of the European Union' worst performing countries. The country's main road safety problems remain unchanged: dangerous behaviour of road users, underdeveloped system of road safety management and low quality of road infrastructure. This is why subsequent road safety programmes (implemented...
Mechanical and structural investigations of wings of selected insect species
PublicationThis paper presents research and measurements leading to obtaining the Young’s modulus of wing bearing structures of selected insect species. A small testing machine intended for three-point bending and equipped with instruments registering low forces was constructed for the needs of the experiment. The machine was used to perform numerous bending tests of wings of three species of insects (obtained from a breeding farm): Attacus...