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Search results for: OIL
The impact of addition of olive oil on thermal degradation of refined rapeseed oil
PublicationFats are an important component of the everyday diet and have a significant impact on the proper functioning of human organism. However, during the process of frying chemical transformations take place in the oil; hence fats characterised by high oxidative stability should be given preference. The aim of this work was to determine the quality of rapeseed oil, blended oil, and refined olive oil, all sourced from the domestic market....
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Flavonoids and Essential Oil of Bidens cernua of Polish Origin and in Vitro Antimicrobial Activity of the Oil
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The estimation of regional oil recovery capacity based on marine oil spill response scenario in Vietnam
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A Model for Risk Analysis of Oil Tankers
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Residual stress evaluation in oil pipeline.
PublicationPrzedstawiono metodę pomiaru rozkładu naprężeń w ropociągu z wykorzystaniem efektu Barkhausena. Opisano procedurę pomiaru oraz kalibracji metody. Wynik potwierdzono w jednym punkcie metodą Mathar´a
Problems of surface topography with oil pockets analysis
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Antiaflatoxigenic activity of Carum copticum essential oil
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Pea Protein for Hempseed Oil Nanoemulsion Stabilization
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Analysis of causes of crude oil tankers' disasters
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono dane statystyczne dotyczące rozlewów ropy surowej oraz opis katastrof tankowców w latach 1999-2003. Zlekceważenie problemów poprawnej eksploatacji wielokrotnie kończy się tragicznie. Z tych powodów wypełniony ropą grecki tankowiec ''Amaragos'' czy też maltańska ''Erika'' złamały się na pół i poszły na dno. Przykładów takich jest więcej. W referacie przedstawiono analizę przyczyn rozlewów olejowych według...
Analysis of volatile oxidation products in rapeseed oil
PublicationCelem pracy było opracowanie metody umożliwiającej określenie stabilności oksydatywnej oleju rzepakowego na podstawie analizy lotnych produktów utleniania lipidów. Na etapie opracowywania metody dobrano optymalne parametry ekstrakcji lotnych analitów techniką SPME. Przeprowadzono również elementy walidacji tej procedury. Zaproponowano też substancje markerowe mogące posłużyć za wyróżniki procesu utleniania lipidów.
South Baltic Oil Spill Response Project (SBOIL)—Development and Implementation of Models of Drift and Fall Trajectories of Biogenic Oil Binders
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Comparing Different Chemometric Approaches to Detect Adulteration of Cold-Pressed Flaxseed Oil with Refined Rapeseed Oil Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry
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The Application of Satellite Image Analysis in Oil Spill Detection
PublicationIn recent years, there has been an increasing use of satellite sensors to detect and track oil spills. The satellite bands, namely visible, short, medium infrared, and microwave radar bands, are used for this purpose. The use of satellite images is extremely valuable for oil spill analysis. With satellite images, we can identify the source of leakage and assess the extent of potential damage. However, it is not yet clear how to...
The Use of Electronic Nose for Sunflower and Rapeseed Oil Classification
PublicationThe electronic nose is an analytical device often used in food industries to examine the authenticity of their products. The use of the electronic nose allows for a rapid assessment of the quality of food. The oil samples from sunflower and rapeseed were used in this study. Both oil samples were kept inside the thermostat incubator at different ranging from 20oC to 180oC with increment of 40oC. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)...
The Use of Electronic Nose for Sunflower and Rapeseed Oil Classification
PublicationThe electronic nose is an analytical device often used in food industries to examine the authenticity of their products. The use of the electronic nose allows for a rapid assessment of the quality of food. The oil samples from sunflower and rapeseed were used in this study. Both oil samples were kept inside the thermostat incubator at different ranging from 20oC to 180oC with increment of 40oC. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)...
Influence of lubricating oil improvers on performance of crankshaft seals
PublicationThis paper presents an original method for checking influence of lubricating oil improvers on performance of crankshaft seals of combustion piston engine. Crankshaft seals were tested with the use of a modified friction node of T-02 four- ball apparatus in laboratory conditions. The tests were conducted according to a worked-out algorithm. Their results confirmed usefulness of the method for determining „harmful” performance...
The influence oil additives on spread cracks in silicon nitride
PublicationThe paper presents an experimental study of the influence of oil additives (Cl, S, P, cerium dioxide (CeO2)) on spread cracks in silicon nitride. The additives Cl, S, P are bound in molecules in liquid form soluble in the base oil. The CeO2 is purely in powder form in suspension. The use of CeO2 powder was made based on the good results of polishing of silicon nitride. A ceramic angular contact ball bearing was modelled using a...
Corrosion mechanisms in columns for atmospheric distillation of crude oil
PublicationThe paper presents the most common corrosion processes occurring in the columns for atmospheric distillation of crude oil. It describes the mechanisms leading to formation of the chemical compounds, which contribute to corrosion phenomena. The main technological factors influencing corrosion processes have been indicated. The paper also presents the interactions between particular corrosion mechanisms resulting in acceleration...
Rapeseed oil methyl ester production in an individual household
PublicationFatty acid methyl esters, commonly known as biodiesel, are a cheap and environmental-friendly fuel substitute for diesel engines. Aside from industrial production, individual biodiesel manufacturing is also and important method of fulfilling the requirements of EU Parliament directive no. 2003/30/WE about supporting the use of renewable fuels in transport. Individual FAME production guarantees easy access to the main raw material...
Application of gas chromatography to evaluate the quality of rapeseed oil
PublicationTwo-dimensional gas chromatography is an analytical technique, which is increasingly being used in food research. Through the analysis of volatile fraction, it is possible to determine the quality of food products. One of the reasons for the deterioration of food is thermal degradation. Products that are often subject to degradation reactions due to temperatures are edible oils. In the thesis, the results of edible oils with different...
Oil refinery dusts: morphological and size analysis by TEM
PublicationThe objectives of this work were to develop a means of sampling atmospheric dusts on the premises of an oil refinery for electron microscopic study to carry out preliminary morphological analyses and to compare these dusts with those collected at sites beyond the refinery limits. Carbon and collodion membranes were used as asupport for collection of dust particles straight on transmission electron microscopy (TEM) grids. Micrographs...
Predicting Risk of Collision for Oil Tankers in the Gulf of Finland
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Thymus vulgaris Essential Oil and Its Biological Activity
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Briefing: Liquefaction potential of oil-contaminated silty sands
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Studies of Exfoliated Graphite (EG) for Heavy Oil Sorption
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Stability of oil/water (ethanol, lysozyme or lysine) emulsions
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Membrane Distillation of Saline Water Contaminated with Oil and Surfactants
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The application of membrane distillation for the concentration of oil-water emulsions
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Flow boiling of oil-refrigerant mixtures in smooth tubes
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań współczynnika przejmowania ciepła i spadku ciśnienia podczas wrzenia czynników R 22, R 134a i R 407C i ich mieszanin z olejem w rurach gładkich. Opisano procedurę badawczą. Udział masowy oleju w mieszaninie z czynnikiem wynosił 0,1% i 5%. Zaobserwowano negatywny wpływ obecności środka smarnego we wrzącym czynniku chłodniczym.
Biodegradability of simulant fluids and crude oil in aquatic environment
PublicationBiodegradowalność symulantów płynów była oceniana poprzez pomiar CO2 (EPA 560/6-82-003). Badaniu poddawane były emulsyjne i nieemulsyjne symulanty ropy oraz lekka ropa naftowa typu A z Północnej Ameryki. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na łatwą biodegradowalność obu symulantów w porównaniu do badanej ropy naftowej.
The rheological properties of hydroxylated soybean oil by using bioglycols
PublicationPraca zawiera opis właściwości fizykochemicznych i reologicznych hydroksylowanych olejów sojowych zmodyfikownych przy użyciu wybranych bioglikoli.
Basic properties of oil from pyrplysis of scrap tires
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Environmental Implications of Oil Spills from Shipping Accidents
PublicationWzrost znaczenia ropy naftowej w XX wieku i w związku z tym, zwiększenie się światowej floty tankowców zwróciły uwagę na negatywne skutki transportu morskiego. Katastrofy z udziałem tankowców pokazały, jak dramatyczne w skutkach mogą być wycieki produktów ropopochodnych z uszkodzonych lub zatopionych jednostek. Skutki wycieku ropy na morzu zależą od wielu czynników, takich jak parametry fizyko-chemiczne paliwa, charakterystyka...
Preparation, characterization and antimicrobial activity of polyvinyl alcohol/gum arabic/chitosan composite films incorporated with black pepper essential oil and ginger essential oil
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Preparation, characterization and antimicrobial activity of polyvinyl alcohol/gum arabic/chitosan composite films incorporated with black pepper essential oil and ginger essential oil
PublicationIn this study, biocomposite films based on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), gum arabic (GA) and chitosan (CS) incorporated with BPEO and GEO were fabricated by solvent casting method. FTIR, XRD, SEM and DSC were performed with mechanical and antimicrobial properties of PVA/GA/CS films with and without BPEO and GEO. The BPEO and GEO incorporated PVA/GA/CS films were significantly inhibited the growth of Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus,...
The influence of water and mineral oil on volumetric losses in a hydraulic motor
PublicationIn this paper volumetric losses in hydraulic motor supplied with water and mineral oil (two liquids having significantly different viscosity and lubricating properties) are described and comparison. The experimental tests were conducted using an innovative hydraulic satellite motor, that is dedicated to work with different liquid, including water. The sources of leaks in this motor are characterized and described also. On this...
The Influence of Water and Mineral Oil on Pressure Losses in Hydraulic Motor
PublicationIn this paper, pressure losses in hydraulic motor supplied with water and mineral oil (two liquids that have significantly different viscosity and lubricating properties) are described and compared. The experimental tests were conducted using a hydraulic satellite motor that is dedicated to working with different liquids, including water. The methodology of measuring the pressure drop in internal channels of this motor is also...
PublicationNowadays, it is crucial to seek for the methods of by-products and waste utilization, considering both environmental and economic factors. The example of waste material generated in the massive amounts, which requires the attention is ground tire rubber generated during recycling of post-consumer car tires. It can be applied as a filler into different polymer matrices, but to enhance its effectivity proper modifications should...
A new technology of crude vegetable oil degumming with rhamnolipid solutions
PublicationA new technology of crude vegetable oil degumming is described. It is based on rhamnolipid biocomplex solution application for phosphatides removal. The rhamnolipid biocomplex produced by Pseudomonas sp. PS-17 was used as biosurfactant. Rapeseed oil was used in all experiments. First, it was degummed with H2SO4 in order to remove all phosphatides and then 1% (w/w) of granular soybean lecithin was added. Model oil was treated with...
Experimental research on marine oil-lubricated stern tube bearing
PublicationBearings of propeller shafts are very crucial elements of the propulsion system of each of the ships. The safety of shipping depends on their durability and reliability. The new legal restrictions mean that today we are looking for environmentally friendly solutions. That is why water-lubricated bearings are becoming more and more popular. So, will oil-lubricated shaft bearings belong to the past? The bearing with a white metal...
PublicationThe main purpose of the research was to determine the possibilities and experimentally test the benefits of replacing conventional oil lubrication with ecological water lubrication. Tests were carried out on a test rig for hydrodynamic radial bearings under conditions representative of the expected applications for the bearing in water turbines. Bearings made from the polymer material PEEK (polyether ether ketone) were tested under static...
Propagation Characteristics of Partial Discharges in an Oil-Filled Power Transformer
PublicationPower transformers are among the most important assets in the power transmission and distribution grid. However, they suffer from degradation and possible faults causing major electrical and financial losses. Partial discharges (PDs) are used to identify the insulation health status and their degradation level. PDs are incipient, low-magnitude faults caused by localized dielectric breakdown. Those activities emit signals in many...
BPL-PLC Voice Communication System for the Oil and Mining Industry
PublicationApplication of a high-efficiency voice communication systems based on broadband over power line-power line communication (BPL-PLC) technology in medium voltage networks, including hazardous areas (like the oil and mining industry), as a redundant mean of wired communication (apart from traditional fiber optics and electrical wires) can be beneficial. Due to the possibility of utilizing existing electrical infrastructure, it can...
The Application of Chitosan as a Modifier for Lubricating Greases Based on Vegetable Oil
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Scuffing resistance of DLC-coated gears lubricated with ecological oil
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Resistance of Polypropylene Membrane to Oil Fouling during Membrane Distillation
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Medicinal Anti-Inflammatory Patch Loaded with Lavender Essential Oil
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Rheological properties and stability of water in Canola oil ethyl esteremulsion.
PublicationWyznaczono krzywe płynięcia i podatność na rozdział dla emulsji fazy wodnej w estrze etylowym oleju Canola. Właściwości te stanowią o podatności tej emulsji jako symulanta ropy naftowej w badaniach terenowych rozlewów olejowych.
Optical measurements for thin oil film investigation in rheometric processes.
PublicationPrzedmiotem badań jest pomiar parametrów cienkiej warstwy oleju silikonowego AK106, powstającej na ścianach dyszy w trakcie procesu reologicznego wyciskania do form past ceramicznych, przygotowywanych ze sproszkowanego tlenków wodorotlenków AlOOH oraz oleju AK106. Parametrami badanymi były: grubość warstwy oleju, charakterystyka reflektancyjna pasty oraz skład mieszaniny. Przedstawione zagadnienie ma istotne znaczenie dla rozwoju...