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Search results for: co-doping
The influence of Si4+ co-doping on the spectroscopic properties of β-NaCaPO4:Eu2+/Eu3+
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Influence of Al3+co-doping on the spectral properties of europium doped Ca9Y(PO4)7
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Stabilization of Eu3+ under a reductive atmosphere by the Al3+ co-doping of Sr2SiO4:Eu2+/Eu3+
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Influence of B/N co-doping on electrical and photoluminescence properties of CVD grown homoepitaxial diamond films
PublicationBoron doped diamond (BDD) has great potential in electrical, and electrochemical sensing applications. The growth parameters, substrates, and synthesis method play a vital role in the preparation of semiconducting BDD to metallic BDD. Doping of other elements along with boron (B) into diamond demonstrated improved efficacy of B doping and exceptional properties. In the present study, B and nitrogen (N) co-doped diamond has been...
Thermoluminescence Enhancement of LiMgPO4 Crystal Host by Tb3+ and Tm3+ Trivalent Rare-Earth Ions Co-doping
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Micro-strain administered SHG intensity enhancement by heavy Ce doping in co-precipitated ZnO nanoparticles
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Praseodymium substituted lanthanum orthoniobate: Electrical and structural properties
PublicationThe results of ionic transport and structural measurements for the lanthanum orthoniobate doped by praseodymium are presented and discussed. The influence of calcium co-doping on these properties has also been analyzed. The results suggest the predominant protonic conductivity for the investigated system in the whole range of investigated temperatures. The influence of calcium co-doping on phase purity is analyzed.
Microstructure and Electrical Properties of Fe,Cu Substituted (Co,Mn)3O4 Thin Films
PublicationIn this work, thin films (~1000 nm) of a pure MnCo2O4 spinel together with its partially substituted derivatives (MnCo1.6Cu0.2Fe0.2O4, MnCo1.6Cu0.4O4, MnCo1.6Fe0.4O4) were prepared by spray pyrolysis and were evaluated for electrical conductivity. Doping by Cu increases the electrical conductivity, whereas doping by Fe decreases the conductivity. For Cu containing samples, rapid grain growth occurs and these samples develop cracks...
Electrophoretic co-deposition of Mn1.5Co1.5O4, Fe2O3 and CuO: Unravelling the effect of simultaneous addition of Cu and Fe on the microstructural, thermo-mechanical and corrosion properties of in-situ modified spinel coatings for solid oxide cell interconnects
PublicationA systematic microstructural, thermo-mechanical and electrical characterization of simultaneous Fe–Cu doped Mn–Co spinel coatings processed by electrophoretic co-deposition on Crofer 22 APU is here reported and discussed. An innovative approach for the simultaneous electrophoretic deposition of three spinel precursors is designed, conceived and optimised, with the aim of outlining time- and energy-saving spinel modification routes....
Electrophoretic co-deposition of Fe2O3 and Mn1,5Co1,5O4: Processing and oxidation performance of Fe-doped Mn-Co coatings for solid oxide cell interconnects
PublicationThe “in-situ” Fe-doping of the manganese cobalt spinel was achieved by electrophoretic co-deposition of Mn1,5Co1,5O4 and Fe2O3 powders followed by a two-step reactive sintering treatment. The effects on the coating properties of two different Fe-doping levels (5 and 10 wt.% respectively) and two different temperatures of the reducing treatment (900 and 1000 °C) are discussed. Samples with Fe-doped coatings demonstrated a lower...
Iron doped manganese cobaltite spinel coatings produced by electrophoretic co-deposition on interconnects for solid oxide cells: Microstructural and electrical characterization
PublicationWe report a systematic microstructural and electrical characterization of iron doped Mn–Co spinel coatings processed by electrophoretic co-deposition of Mn1.5Co1.5O4 and Fe2O3 powders on Crofer 22 APU and AISI 441 steel substrates. Iron addition to Mn–Co spinel coating leads to a reduction of the area specific resistance on both substrates, after 3200 h at 750 °C. The Fe doped Mn–Co coating both leads to a thinner oxide scale and...
In-situ Cu-doped MnCo-spinel coatings for solid oxide cell interconnects processed by electrophoretic deposition
PublicationThe Cu doping of the Mn–Co spinel is obtained “in-situ” by electrophoretic co-deposition of CuO and Mn1.5Co1.5O4 powders and subsequent two-step reactive sintering. Cu-doped Mn1.5Co1.5O4 coatings on Crofer22APU processed by electrophoretic co-deposition method are tested in terms of long term oxidation resistance and area specific resistance tests up to 3600 h. The introduction of Cu in the spinel lead to higher level of densification...
Copper and cobalt co-doped ceria as an anode catalyst for DIR-SOFCs fueled by biogas
PublicationThe nanocrystalline compounds of Co and Cu co-doped ceria (with up to 20 mol.% of dopants) were fabricated by the reverse microemulsion synthesis method. They were deposited in a form of layers on the surface of SOFC anode in an aim to act as electrochemically active materials for biogas reforming process. Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy was used to analyze a composition of outlet gases simultaneously with the tests of...
Physical properties of polyazomethine thin films doped with iodine
PublicationPurpose: The aim of this paper is to show influence of doping 1,4-phenylene-methylenenitrilo-1,4-phenylenenitrilomethylene (PPI) with iodine and to propose doping mechanism and its impact on electronicstructure of doped PPI thin films.Design/methodology/approach: Influence of iodine doping on electronic structure of polyazomethine thinfilms was investigated. Optical absorption spectra, XRD spectra and AFM images of doped PPI...
Effects of Bromine Doping on the Structural Properties and Band Gap of CH3NH3Pb(I1–xBrx)3 Perovskite
PublicationAn experimental and theoretical study is reported to investigate the influence of bromine doping on CH3NH3Pb(I1−xBrx)3 perovskite for Br compositions ranging from x = 0 to x = 0.1, in which the material remains in the tetragonal phase. The experimental band gap is deduced from UV−vis absorption spectroscopy and displays a linear behavior as a function of bromine concentration. Density functional theory calculations are performed...
PublicationIn this work synthesis of lanthanum orthoniobate has been done. Doping by arsenic, antimony, vanadium or tantalum in 5% to 30% have been introduced. The relationship between doping type and percentage and structural properties of the material have been investigated.
Optimization of electrochemical doping approach resulting in highly photoactive iodine-doped titania nanotubes
PublicationThe paper focuses on the optimization procedure concerning the synthesis method resulting in highly ordered titania nanotubes doped with iodine atoms. The doping process was based on the electrochemical treatment of a titania nanotube layer immersed in a potassium iodide (KI) solution acting as an iodine precursor. A number of endeavors were undertaken in order to optimize the doping conditions. Electrolyte concentration, reaction...
Influence of Sb-substitution on ionic transport in lanthanum orthoniobates
PublicationThe results of ionic transport measurements for the lanthanum orthoniobate substituted with 10 and 30 mol% of antimony (LaNb0.9Sb0.1O4 and LaNb0.7Sb0.3O4) are presented and discussed. The influence of calcium co-doping on these properties has also been analysed. It has been shown that for the investigated material protonic conductivity predominates at temperatures up to 800 °C in oxidizing atmospheres under wet conditions. The...
Tailoring Electro/Optical Properties of Transparent Boron-Doped Carbon Nanowalls Grown on Quartz
PublicationCarbon nanowalls (CNWs) have attracted much attention for numerous applications in electrical devices because of their peculiar structural characteristics. However, it is possible to set synthesis parameters to vary the electrical and optical properties of such CNWs. In this paper, we demonstrate the direct growth of highly transparent boron-doped nanowalls (B-CNWs) on optical grade fused quartz. The effect of growth temperature...
Absence of superconductivity in fluorine-doped neptunium pnictide NpFeAsO
PublicationX-ray diffraction, specific heat, magnetic susceptibility and inelastic x-ray scattering measurements on the transurarium oxypnictides NpFeAsO and NpFeAsO0.85F0.15 are presented. No superconductivity down to 2 K was observed upon fluorine doping, contrary to the structurally analogous rare-earth pnictides. No modification of the phonon density of states was observed upon doping with fluorine. We discuss our results in light of...
Optimization of boron-doping process of titania nanotubes via electrochemical method toward enhanced photoactivity
PublicationIn this work, we were focused on the development of the electrochemical approach resulting in a stable boron doping of titania nanotubes. The doping procedure concerns anodic polarization of as-anodized titania in a H3BO3 solution acting as n boron precursor. The series of attempts were taken in order to elaborate the most beneficial doping conditions. The parameters of electrochemical doping allowing to obtain boron-doped titania...
KTaO3 a perovskite for water and air treatment
PublicationPerovskites are inorganic compounds that exhibit dielectric properties. These minerals belong to the crystal ceramics family. These compounds are described by the formula: ABX3 where, A and B are 2, 3 or 4 valuable metal ions, and X is an ion of oxygen or fluorine. An example of perovskite is the compound KTaO3. There are many methods for producing KTaO3, but the hydrothermal method is most commonly used. Perovskites can be characterized...
Luminescent properties of Ln3+ doped tellurite glasses containing AlF3
PublicationThe low-phonon energy tellurite glasses TeO2-BaO-Bi2O3 and TeO2-BaO-Bi2O3-AlF3 triply doped with Eu3+, Tb3+, Tm3+ ions in two different molar ratios were synthesized using melt-quenching technique. Their structure and luminescence properties were widely investigated by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy (PL). The luminescence...
The effect of Sr and Mg substitutions on structure, mechanical properties and solubility of fluorapatite ceramics for biomedical applications
PublicationIonic substitutions play important role in the modifications of biological apatites. Recently, attention has been focused on the co-doping effects on the functional properties of apatite-based biomaterials. In this research work, the dense samples of fluorapatites, Ca10(PO4)6F2 and Ca8MgSr(PO4)6F2, were produced after sintering at 1250 °C for 6 h in air. Structural characterization carried out with XRD, IR, Raman and SEM, confirmed...
Magnetoelectric, spectroscopic, optical and elastic properties of Co-doped BaTiO3 ceramics
Publicationhe BaTiO3 perovskite is widely used in the electronic technology due to its dielectric, piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties and is a well-known base for obtaining a promising multifunctional material. In this paper we report the extensive studies on the Co-doped BaTiO3 ceramics for the wide range cobalt content. Full structural characterization of studied samples in a 20–450 K range was provided. The results of research...
Characteristics of LaCo 0.4 Ni 0.6-x Cu x O 3-δ ceramics as a cathode material for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells
PublicationIn this study, the effects of Cu-ion substitution on the densification, microstructure, and physical properties of LaCo0.4Ni0.6-xCuxO3-δ ceramics were investigated. The results indicate that doping with Cu ions not only enhances the densification but also promotes the grain growth of LaCo0.4Ni0.6-xCuxO3-δ ceramics. The Cu substitution at x ≤ 0.2 can suppress the formation of La4Ni3O10, while the excess Cu triggers the formation...
Effects of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+ substitutions on the microstructure and electrical properties of GdCoO3 ceramics
PublicationGdCoO3-δ, Gd0.975Na0.025CoO3-δ, Gd0.98K0.02CoO3-δ, Gd0.98Ca0.02CoO3-δ, and GdCo0.99Mg0.01O3-δ ceramics were prepared via a solid-state reaction route. Among the dopants studied, substitution with Ca2+ slightly enhanced the densfication of GdCoO3 ceramics. All the lattice parameters of the doped ceramics were larger than those of pure GdCoO3-δ ceramic (a = 5.223 Å, b = 5.389 Å and c = 7.451 Å), and their cell volumes increased by...
Hydrothermal Cobalt Doping of Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes towards Photoanode Activity Enhancement
PublicationDoping and modification of TiO2 nanotubes were carried out using the hydrothermal method. The introduction of small amounts of cobalt (0.1 at %) into the structure of anatase caused an increase in the absorption of light in the visible spectrum, changes in the position of the flat band potential, a decrease in the threshold potential of water oxidation in the dark, and a significant increase in the anode photocurrent. The material...
Defective TiO2 for CO2 photoreduction: Influence of alkaline agent and reduction temperature modulation
PublicationThis study investigates the synthesis and characterization of Black TiO2 photocatalyst (TiO2-x) through the sol-gel method combined with NaBH4 reduction at different temperatures (350 °C, 500 °C, and 650 °C). The photocatalytic performance for CO2 reduction was evaluated, revealing that TiO2-x_500°C sample exhibited the highest efficiency. This enhanced performance is mainly attributed to a higher concentration of oxygen vacancies...
Enhanced boron doping of thin diamond films grown in deuterium-rich microwave plasma
PublicationThe boron-doped diamond thin films were growth in deuterium rich microwave plasma in CVD process. The mechanism of influence of plasma composition on boron doping level was studied using optical emission spectroscopy. Deuterium rich plasma results in an increased dissociation of B2H6 precursor and intense boron-radicals' production. In consequence, a higher doping level of diamond films was observed by means of Laser Induced Breakdown...
PublicationThe properties of doped barium cerate barium zirconate solid solution are presented in presented work. It was found that doping of solid solution of barium cerate and zirconate by rare-earth elements have an influence on microstructure and electrical properties of the samples.
Niobiany ziem rzadkich - właściwości i zastosowania
PublicationRare earth niobates are a very interesting group of materials. These compound have different properties which could be changes in a wide range by appropriate doping. X-Ray diffraction examinations for some compounds of RE3NbO7 group were shown
Urchin-like TiO2 structures decorated with lanthanide-doped Bi2S3 quantum dots to boost hydrogen photogeneration performance
PublicationThe formation of heterojunctions between wide- and narrow-bandgap photocatalysts is commonly employed to boost the efficiency of photocatalytic hydrogen generation. Herein, the photoactivity of urchin-like rutile particles is increased by decorating with pristine as well as Er- or Yb-doped Bi2S3 quantum dots (QDs) at varied QD loadings (1–20 wt%) and doping degrees (1–15 mol%), and the best hydrogen evolution performance is achieved at...
Distinction of clenbuterol intake from drug or contaminated food of animal origin in a controlled administration trial – the potential of enantiomeric separation for doping control analysis
PublicationThe differentiation of clenbuterol abuse and unintentional ingestion by contaminated meat is crucial with respect to the valuation of an adverse analytical finding in human sports doping control. The proportion of the two enantiomers of clenbuterol may serve as potential discriminating parameter. For the determination of the individual enantiomers, specific methods were developed and validated for the different matrices under investigation...
Cu-Doped Layered Double Hydroxide Constructs the Performance-Enhanced Supercapacitor Via Band Gap Reduction and Defect Triggering
PublicationLayered double hydroxides (LDHs) are regarded as the excellent electrode materials for supercapacitors because of their high theoretical capacitance and abundance. However, the poor conductivity and limited reaction kinetics of LDHs restrict their practical application severely. Herein, Cu is chosen from groups VIII/IB/IIB as dopants for Co-based LDH (CuCo-LDH). The designed metal–organic framework-derived hierarchical CuCo-LDH...
Enhanced photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic performance of iodine-doped titania nanotube arrays
PublicationThe paper discusses the synthesis and performance of iodine doped titania nanotube arrays exhibited under irradiation. The doping procedure was performed as an additional, electrochemical process carried out after formation of nanotube arrays via anodization of Ti substrate. The optical and structural properties were characterized using Raman, UV-vis, photoluminescence and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The surface morphology...
Solar light driven degradation of norfloxacin using as-synthesized Bi 3+ and Fe 2+ co-doped ZnO with the addition of HSO 5 – : Toxicities and degradation pathways investigation
PublicationIn this study, solar light responsive Bi3+ and Fe2+ doped ZnO were synthesized and used for photocatalytic degradation of norfloxacin (NOR), an emerging water pollutant. Analysis with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), selected area electron...
Electrochemical Activity and Electrical Properties of Optimized Polypyrrole Coatings on Iron
PublicationIn this work, electrochemical activity and electrical properties of polypyrrole (PPy) coated iron electrodes have been investigated. PPy film was electrochemically polymerized from sodium salicylate aqueous solution under conditions, which provided an increase of iron corrosion resistance. It was noticed that the pH of the solution and the applied electrode potential range during the study of the polymer properties had an influence...
Electrochemical oxidation of landfill leachate using boron-doped diamond anodes: pollution degradation rate, energy efficiency and toxicity assessment
PublicationElectrochemical oxidation (EO), due to high efficiency and small carbon footprint, is regarded as an attractive option for on-site treatment of highly contaminated wastewater. This work shows the effectiveness of EO using three boron-doped diamond electrodes (BDDs) in sustainable management of landfill leachate (LL). The effect of the applied current density (25–100 mA cm−2) and boron doping concentration (B/C ratio: 500 ppm, 10,000...
Superconductivity in the Cu(Ir1-xPtx)2Se4 spinel
PublicationWe report the observation of superconductivity in the CuIr2Se4 spinel induced by partial substitution of Pt for Ir. The optimal doping level for superconductivity in Cu(Ir1-xPtx )2Se4 is x = 0.2, where Tc is 1.76 K. A superconducting Tc vs composition dome is established between the metallic, normal conductor CuIr2Se4 and semiconducting CuIrPtSe4. Electronic structure calculations show that the optimal Tc occurs near the electron count...
Modelling of Graphene Field-Effect Transistor for lectronic sensing applications
PublicationA top-gated Graphene Field-Effect Transistor (GFET) suitable for electronic sensing applications was modelled. The applied simulation method reproduces correctly the output transfer GFET characteristics and allows to investigate doping effect caused by different physical, chemical or biological factors. The appearance of additional charge in the system results in the shift of the current-voltage characteristic. This feature could...
Microstructural and electrical properties of Y0.07Sr0.93-xTiO3-δ perovskite ceramics
PublicationIn order to find a relationship between electrical and microstructural properties, yttrium-doped strontiumtitanate (7 mol%) with various values of strontium nonstoichiometry was investigated and shown in this work.It has been observed that yttrium doping can affect the electrical properties of SrTiO3 to a great extent.Moreover, the microstructural and electrical properties can be influenced by strontium nonstoichiometry.The defect...
Microstructural and electrical properties of Y0.07Sr0.93-xTiO3 perovskite ceramics
PublicationIn order to find a relationship between electrical and microstructural properties, yttrium-doped strontium titanate (7 mol%) with various values of strontium nonstoichiometry was investigated and shown in this work. It has been observed that yttrium doping can affect the electrical properties of SrTiO3 to a great extent. Moreover, the microstructural and electrical properties can be influenced by strontium nonstoichiometry. The...
Microstructural and electrical properties of Y0:07Sr0:93−xTiO3− perovskite ceramics
PublicationIn order to find a relationship between electrical and microstructural properties, yttrium-doped strontium titanate (7 mol%) with various values of strontium nonstoichiometry was investigated and shown in this work. It has been observed that yttrium doping can affect the electrical properties of SrTiO3 to a great extent. Moreover, the microstructural and electrical properties can be influenced by strontium nonstoichiometry. The...
Effects of Na+, K+ and B3+ Substitutions on the Electrical Properties of La10Si6O27 Ceramics
PublicationDoping of Na and K at La sites and of B at Si site in La10Si6O27 with oxyapatite structure and fabrication of their ceramics were made by the solid-state reaction method. It was found that partial substitution of Na+ and K+ on La sites decreased the sinterability of the La10Si6O27 based ceramics, whereas partial substitution of B3+ on the Si site improved the sinterability. Na+ and K+ substitutions in La10−xNaxSi6O27−x and La10−xKxSi6O27−x...
Water uptake analysis of acceptor-doped lanthanum orthoniobates
PublicationIn this work, lanthanum orthoniobates doped with either antimony, calcium, or both have been synthesized and studied. The water uptake of the investigated materials has been analyzed by means of thermogravimetric studies. The results show the difference between the thermodynamics of hydration between the lanthanum orthoniobate system and other proton conducting ceramics. The relation between the water uptake and effective acceptor...
Limited dissolution of transition metals in the nanocrystalline cerium (IV) oxide
PublicationNanocrystalline cerium (IV) oxides doped with transition metals have gained significant interest recently, mostly in the field of catalysis. Herein, we present the comprehensive studies on ceria doped with 10 mol.% of transition metals (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni or Cu) synthesized by the reverse microemulsion method. The aim of this work is to study the properties of those materials with the use of different complementary methods like XRD,...
Thin layer of ordered boron-doped TiO2 nanotubes fabricated in a novel type of electrolyte and characterized by remarkably improved photoactivity
PublicationThis paper reports a novel method of boron doped titania nanotube arrays preparation by electrochemical anodization in electrolyte containing boron precursor – boron trifluoride diethyl etherate (BF3 C4H10O), simultaneously acting as an anodizing agent. A pure, ordered TiO2 nanotubes array, as a reference sample, was also prepared in solution containing a standard etching compound: ammonium fluoride. The doped and pure titania...
Budesonide treatment of professional athletes and anti-doping testing- case studies
PublicationAccording to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List, glucocorticosteroids are prohibited in competition and only when administered by oral, intravenous, intramuscular or rectal routes. Up to now, in order to differentiate whether glucocorticosteroids were administered by one of the prohibited routes or not, a specific reporting limit for urinary concentrations of parent compounds and their metabolites was established...
Enhanced electrochemical performance of sulfur-doped laser-induced graphene supercapacitors: Synergistic effects of doping and plasmochemical surface modification
PublicationThis work introduces a novel, scalable methodology for rapidly fabricating sulfur-doped laser-induced graphene with enhanced porosity and wetting characteristics, targeting advanced supercapacitor applications. An infrared laser scribing technique was employed to create a three-dimensional porous graphene network, with in-situ sulfur doping achieved through physical evaporation using powder precursor. A second-pass laser process...