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Investigation of RH effect on uncommon limonene ozonolysis products and SOA formation in indoor air with real time measurement techniques
PublicationScientific interest in SOA influence on indoor air quality increases since last 20 years. It is well known, that particles of nano-sized diameter pose a threat for human health causing, among others: eye, upper airway irritation, inflammatory response in cells, worsening asthma, hypertension, diabetes, and central nervous dysfunction. Terpenes are reactive VOCs, commonly emitted in indoor air and considered to be SOA precursors...
Sensitivity analysis based on non-intrusive regression-based polynomial chaos expansion for surgical mesh modelling
PublicationThe modelling of a system containing implants used in ventral hernia repair and human tissue suffers from many uncertainties. Thus, a probabilistic approach is needed. The goal of this study is to define an efficient numerical method to solve non-linear biomechanical models supporting the surgeon in decisions about ventral hernia repair. The model parameters are subject to substantial variability owing to, e.g., abdominal wall...
Computational aspects of greedy partitioning of graphs
PublicationIn this paper we consider a variant of graph partitioning consisting in partitioning the vertex set of a graph into the minimum number of sets such that each of them induces a graph in hereditary class of graphs P (the problem is also known as P-coloring). We focus on the computational complexity of several problems related to greedy partitioning. In particular, we show that given a graph G and an integer k deciding if the greedy...
Zero-visibility cops and robber and the pathwidth of a graph
PublicationWe examine the zero-visibility cops and robber graph searching model, which differs from the classical cops and robber game in one way: the robber is invisible. We show that this model is not monotonic. We show that the zero-visibility copnumber of a graph is bounded above by its pathwidth and cannot be bounded below by any nontrivial function of the pathwidth. As well, we define a monotonic version of this game and show that the...
The convex domination subdivision number of a graph
PublicationLet G = (V;E) be a simple graph. A set D\subset V is a dominating set of G if every vertex in V - D has at least one neighbor in D. The distance d_G(u, v) between two vertices u and v is the length of a shortest (u, v)-path in G. An (u, v)-path of length d_G(u; v) is called an (u, v)-geodesic. A set X\subset V is convex in G if vertices from all (a, b)-geodesics belong to X for any two vertices a, b \in X. A set X is a convex dominating...
Secure Italian domination in graphs
PublicationAn Italian dominating function (IDF) on a graph G is a function f:V(G)→{0,1,2} such that for every vertex v with f(v)=0, the total weight of f assigned to the neighbours of v is at least two, i.e., ∑u∈NG(v)f(u)≥2. For any function f:V(G)→{0,1,2} and any pair of adjacent vertices with f(v)=0 and u with f(u)>0, the function fu→v is defined by fu→v(v)=1, fu→v(u)=f(u)−1 and fu→v(x)=f(x) whenever x∈V(G)∖{u,v}. A secure Italian dominating...
An O ( n log n ) algorithm for finding edge span of cacti
PublicationLet G=(V,E) be a nonempty graph and xi be a function. In the paper we study the computational complexity of the problem of finding vertex colorings c of G such that: (1) |c(u)-c(v)|>=xi(uv) for each edge uv of E; (2) the edge span of c, i.e. max{|c(u)-c(v)|: uv belongs to E}, is minimal. We show that the problem is NP-hard for subcubic outerplanar graphs of a very simple structure (similar to cycles) and polynomially solvable for...
Packing [1,Delta]-factors in graphs of small degree
PublicationRozważano problem znalezienia w grafie zadanej liczby k krawędziowo rozłącznych [1,Delta]-faktorów, gdzie Delta oznacza stopień grafu. Problem ten można rozwiązać w czasie liniowym dla k=2, jest on jednak NP-trudny dla każdego k>=3. Pokazano, że wariant minimalizacjny problemu dla k=2 jest NP-trudny dla grafów planarnych podkubicznych, jednak w ogólności istnieje algorytm (42 Delta - 30) / (35 Delta - 21) - aproksymacyjny.
Paired domination versus domination and packing number in graphs
PublicationGiven a graph G = (V(G), E(G)), the size of a minimum dominating set, minimum paired dominating set, and a minimum total dominating set of a graph G are denoted by γ (G), γpr(G), and γt(G), respectively. For a positive integer k, a k-packing in G is a set S ⊆ V(G) such that for every pair of distinct vertices u and v in S, the distance between u and v is at least k + 1. The k-packing number is the order of a largest kpacking and...
On zero-error codes produced by greedy algorithms
PublicationWe present two greedy algorithms that determine zero-error codes and lower bounds on the zero-error capacity. These algorithms have many advantages, e.g., they do not store a whole product graph in a computer memory and they use the so-called distributions in all dimensions to get better approximations of the zero-error capacity. We also show an additional application of our algorithms.
Laser microscope profilometry of (Ce0.80Gd0.20)O1.90 after ∼3 μm surface finish
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of a surface image and topography obtained using a Keyence VK-X1000 confocal laser microscope for (Ce0.80Gd0.20)O1.90 substrate (CGO-20). Imaging was performed to determine surface roughness. The Keyence VK-X1000 uses a 404 nm laser to map and measure the surface of samples via confocal scanning or a wide-field variable focus. The...
Design criterion for hydrodynamic vortex separators
PublicationTechnical objects designing involves determination of geometrical parameters that characterize a given object. When the device is described by the differential equations, an inverse problem brings difficulties, as geometrical values sought condition the solution to the problem. Vortex separators can be designed by the "criterion method'. Firstly, a critical particle is distinguished such that bigger particles are removed from...
Experimental analysis of wear resistance of compacts of fine-dispersed iron powder and tungsten monocarbide nanopowder produced by impulse pressing
PublicationThe paper presents the results of studying the structure and wear resistance of compacts produced from fine dispersed reduced iron powder (average particle size 3–mu m) with the addition of tungsten carbide (WC) nanopowder with the average particle size of 25–30 nm. The mass fraction of tungsten carbide (wolfram carbide) in the powder composition was 5% and 10% of the total mass. Impulse pressing was conducted using the modified...
Brownian Motion in Optical Tweezers, a Comparison between MD Simulations and Experimental Data in the Ballistic Regime
PublicationThe four most popular water models in molecular dynamics were studied in large-scale simulations of Brownian motion of colloidal particles in optical tweezers and then compared with experimental measurements in the same time scale. We present the most direct comparison of colloidal polystyrene particle diffusion in molecular dynamics simulations and experimental data on the same time scales in the ballistic regime. The four most...
Influences of grain shape and size distribution on permeability
PublicationThe present study investigates the effects of shape and size distributions of grains on the coefficient of permeability (k). A series of constant head permeability tests were performed to characterize the coefficient of permeability. Three particle size ranges (4.75- 0.075, 1.18- 0.075 and 0.300-0.075 mm) of two different sands (Narli Sand, Crushed Stone Sand) having different shapes were tested in a constant head permeability...
Jakub Montewka prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleJakub Montewka is an associate professor at Gdańsk University of Technology in Poland and visiting processor at Aalto University in Espoo, Finland and Wuhan University of Technology in China. Jakub is researching in the field of maritime traffic risk and safety. His primary interests lie in the risk assessment of maritime transportation, quantification of safety of maritime navigation, route optimization for ships in ice-covered...
Effects of wall inclinations and wall imperfections on pressures duringgranular flow in silos
PublicationPraca omawia wpływ nachylenia ściany silosu oraz imperfekcji na ścianach na początku wypływu materiału granulowanego z silosu. W analizie zastosowano metodę elementów skończonych i mikropolarne hypoplastyczne prawo konstytutywne. Obliczenia wykonano dla silosu ze ścianami równoległymi lekko zbieżnymi, lekko rozbieżnymi oraz ze ścianami równoległymi i zbieżnymi. Wykonano także obliczenia dla imperfekcji skierowanej do środka i skierowanej...
Deep Learning Basics 2023/24
e-Learning CoursesA course about the basics of deep learning intended for students of Computer Science. It includes an introduction to supervised machine learning, the architecture of basic artificial neural networks and their training algorithms, as well as more advanced architectures (convolutional networks, recurrent networks, transformers) and regularization and optimization techniques.
Numerical solutions for large deformation problems in geotechnical engineering
PublicationThe problem of large deformations often occurs in geotechnical engineering. Numerical modeling of such issues is usually complex and tricky. The chosen solution has to implicate soil-soil and soil-structure interactions. In this paper, a review of the most popular numerical methods for large deformation problems is presented. The Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) method, the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method, the Smoothed...
Decahedral-shaped anatase titania photocatalyst particles: Synthesis in a newly developed coaxial-flow gas-phase reactor
PublicationDecahedral-shaped anatase particles (DAPs) were prepared by a gas-phase process consisting of titanium(IV) chloride oxidation. The use of a coaxial-flow gas-phase reactor resulted in high reaction yield (ca. 70%) and good reproducibility of DAPs production. The influence of controlled and resultant preparation parameters on the process course and on DAPs properties (such as specific surface area, particle size and particle morphology)...
Anna Wendt mgr
PeopleAsystent w Katedrze Inżynierii Zarządzania i Jakości od 2017 r. Jest absolwentką kierunku Zarządzanie jakością i środowiskiem na Wydziale Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. W trakcie studiów doktoranckich na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej w dyscyplinie Nauki o Zarządzaniu. Jest audytorem wewnętrznym systemów ISO 9001, 14001, 18001 oraz 22000. Ukończyła wiele kursów z zakresu zarządzania jakością i...
Recent progress in experimental studies of electrohydrodynamic flow in electrostatic precipitators
PublicationMany experimental, theoretical and numerical works were devoted to the electrohydrodynamic (EHD) flow generated in electrostatic precipitators (EPSs). The generally accepted conclusion from these studies is that the EHD flow plays an important role in the particle collection in ESPs. However, despite of the recent fast progress in numerical simulation and experimental techniques used in the ESPs studies many problems related to...
PublicationThe experimental results of the study focused on the effect of drying processes of warm air drying at the temperature of 6580°C and warm air-steam mixture drying at the temperature of 105°C of pine and beech wood to the size of sawdust grains created by cutting using RPW 15M frame saw is presented in the paper. Particle size analysis of dry sawdust was performed using two methods - screening method and optical method based on...
International Symposium on Modelling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks
Conferences -
Evolution of Animats Following a Moving Target in an Artificial Ecosystem
PublicationMany biological animals, even microscopically small, are able to track moving sources of food. In this paper, we investigate the emergence of such behavior in artificial animals (animats) in a 2-dimensional simulated liquid environment. These "predators" are controlled by evolving artificial gene regulatory networks encoded in linear genomes. The fate of the predators is determined only by their ability to gather food and reproduce—no...
Influence of drying mode and feed per tooth rate on the fine dust creation in pine and beech sawing on a mini sash gang saw
PublicationThe experimental results of the study focused on the effect of drying processes of modified air drying and warm air steam mixture drying of pine and beech wood on the size of sawdust particles created in cutting using PRW-15M sash gang saw, are presented in the paper. Particle size analysis of dry sawdust was performed using two methods—sieving method and laser diffraction analysis. The results showed that the drying process did...
Four-body recombination in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells: an alternative interpretation
PublicationWe demonstrate a new interpretation of the previously reported quadrimolecular recombination in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells. It is suggested that the recently described (Szmytkowski 2012 Phys. Status Solidi RRL 6 300) interaction between exciton and electron–hole Langevin bound pair formed across the donor–acceptor interface is a four-particle process. This is in opposition to the treatment of this effect as a three-particle...
Flow field around growing and rising vapour bubble by PIV measurement.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badania pól prędkości wokół wzrastających i unoszących się pęcherzyków parowych generowanych z pojedynczego centrum nukleacji. W badaniach zastosowano komercyjny układ Particle Image Velocimetry.
Zastosowanie techniki PIV do wyznaczania przemieszczeń podłoża gruntowego
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową metodę wyznaczania przemieszczeń podłoża gruntowego za pomocą techniki PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry). Zamieszczono przykładowe wyniki własnych badań modelowych stateczności fundamentów bezpośrednich uzyskane tą metodą.
Investigating the combined effects of devulcanization level and carbon black grade on the SBR/GTR composites
PublicationCarbon black migration between ground tire rubber (GTR) and rubber matrix is essential in developing high-performance rubber/GTR composites. In this work, carbon black N220 (surface area: 107.1 m2/g, particle size: 20–25 nm) andN660 (surface area: 33.1 m2/g, particle size: 49–60 nm) were used as the reinforcement fillers for styrene-butadiene rubber(SBR) blended with reclaimed GTR. The combined effects of GTR devulcanization level...
Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories: problem dedicated operators
PublicationThe paper presents the optimization process of the evolutionary sets of safe ship trajectories method, with a focus on its problem-dedicated operators. The method utilizes a customized evolutionary algorithm to solve a constrained optimization problem. This problem is defined as finding a set of cooperating trajectories (a set is an evolutionary individual) of all the ships involved in the encounter situation. The resulting trajectories...
comparison of circular and rectangular narrow esps with longitudinal wire electrode
PublicationDiesel engines emit fine particles, which are harmful to human and animal health. There are several methods for decrease particulate emission from a diesel engines, but up to now, these methods are not enough effective or very expensive. An electrostatic precipitation was proposed as an alternative method for control of a diesel particulate emission. Therefore, narrow electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) have become a subject of...
Integration of Fluorescent, NV-Rich Nanodiamond Particles with AFM Cantilevers by Focused Ion Beam for Hybrid Optical and Micromechanical Devices
PublicationIn this paper, a novel fabrication technology of atomic force microscopy (AFM) probes integrating cantilever tips with an NV-rich diamond particle is presented. Nanomanipulation techniques combined with the focused electron beam-induced deposition (FEBID) procedure were applied to position the NV-rich diamond particle on an AFM cantilever tip. Ultrasonic treatment of nanodiamond suspension was applied to reduce the size of diamond...
Szkoła letnia na WETI
EventsKatedra Algorytmów i Modelowania Systemów WETI organizuje szkołę letnią pt.: "Gdansk Summer School of Advanced Science on Algorithms for Discrete Optimization" dla osób zainteresowanych algorytmiką i teorią grafów.
Sustainable upcycling of brewers’ spent grain by thermo-mechanical treatment in twin-screw extruder
PublicationThermo-mechanical treatment of brewers’ spent grain (a by-product of beer manufacturing) was successfully performed via the extrusion process. The impact of temperature (from 30 to 180 °C), throughput (from 1 to 5 kg/h) and screw speed (from 75 to 375 rpm) on particle size, color, chemical structure, antioxidant activity and thermal stability of resulting material, as well as correlations between particular properties, were investigated....
Laser granulometer as an useful tool for selection of appropriate membranes used in the MIEX®DOC-UF/MF hybrid process
PublicationIn the study, particle size distribution of the MIEX® resin was presented. Such analyses enable to determinate whether presence of fine resin fraction may be the reason for unfavorable membrane blocking during water purification by the hybrid MIEX®DOC-microfiltration/ultrafiltration systems. Granulometric analysis of resin grains using the laser diffraction particle size analyzer (laser granulometer) was carried out as well as...
Ryszard Strzelecki prof. dr hab. inż.
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Prezentacja on-line o programie SCOAP3
EventsKonsorcjum SCOAP3 - zaproszenie na prezentację
Optymalizacja rozkładu jazdy na kolei z uwzględnieniem efektywności hamowania odzyskowego.
PublicationNa wstępie artykułu przybliżono czytelnikowi, czym jest rozkład jazdy na sieci kolejowej, na czym polega jego optymalizacja oraz odwołano się do literatury opisującej proces jego konstrukcji. W dalszej części przedstawiono kryteria optymalizacji rozkładu jazdy i zaproponowano podejście od strony efektywności wykorzystania energii pochodzącej z hamowania rekuperacyjnego, realizowanego metodą odzysku bezpośrednio do sieci trakcyjnej....
Numerical Study of Concrete Mesostructure Effect on Lamb Wave Propagation
PublicationThe article presents the results of the numerical investigation of Lamb wave propagation in concrete plates while taking into account the complex concrete mesostructure. Several concrete models with randomly distributed aggregates were generated with the use of the Monte Carlo method. The influence of aggregate ratio and particle size on dispersion curves representing Lamb wave modes was analyzed. The results obtained for heterogeneous...
Boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations with deviated arguments
PublicationDyskutowane są równania różniczkowe z dwupunktowym nieliniowym warunkiem brzegowym z argumentami typu odchylonego. Podano warunki dostateczne które gwarantują iż problem wyjściowy ma kwazi-rozwiązania. Podano też warunki przy których problem ten ma rozwiązanie. Wyniki uzyskano stosując metodę iteracji monotonicznych.Badano też pewne nierówności różniczkowe z odchylonymi argumentami.
Positive solutions of one-dimensional p-Laplacian boundary value problems for fourth-order differential equations with deviating arguments
PublicationPraca dotyczy istnienia dodatnich rozwiązań dla równań różniczkowych rzędu czwartego z warunkami brzegowymi z odchylonymi argumentami. Stosując twierdzenie o punkcie stałym dla stożków podano warunki dostateczne na istnienia takich rozwiązań.
Four-point boundary-value problems for differential-algebraic systems
PublicationBadane są czteropunktowe problemy brzegowe dla układów równań różniczkowo-algebraicznych. Stosując metodę iteracji monotonicznych, podano warunki dostateczne na istnienie rozwiązań (jednego lub ekstremalnych) takich problemów. Podano przykład ilustrujacy otrzymane wyniki teoretyczne.
Multiple solutions of boundary-value problems for fourth-order differential equations with deviating arguments
PublicationPraca dotyczy równań różniczkowych rzędu czwartego z warunkami brzegowymi i odchylonymi argumentami. Podano wystarczające warunki, dla których problemy dotyczące takich równań mają dodatnie rozwiązania. W pracy rozważa się przypadki kiedy argumenty odchylone są typu opóźnionego lub wyprzedzonego. W celu zapewnienia istnienia przynajmniej trzech dodatnich rozwiązań wykorzystano twierdzenie Avery-Petersona.
Particulate Material Analysis in Air
PublicationThe chapter presents the methods and techniques used to asses the PM10 in air and different instruments typically used in analysis of PM, including sampling of particle by using filters and other systems. Besides the methods recommended by different national standards the other methods, especially electronic microscopy are also described.
Optymalizacja efektywności hamowania odzyskowego w transporcie szynowym przez sterowanie czasem przyjazdu na stację
PublicationArtykuł nawiązuje do poprzednich prac autorów, w których przedstawiono model organizacji ruchu kooperujących pociągów z uwzględnieniem optymalizacji wykorzystania energii zwracanej do sieci jezdnej. W przedstawionej pracy zmodyfikowano model zmieniając główną zmienną sterującą, mającą wpływ na efektywne wykorzystanie energii, z czasu odjazdu na czas przyjazdu pociągu na stację lub przystanek. Optymalizacja dokonywana jest przez...
Zero-Pole Approach in Microwave Passive Circuit Design
PublicationIn this thesis, optimization strategies for design of microwave passive structures including filters, couplers, antenna and impedance transformer and construction of various surroogate models utilized to fasten the design proces have been discussed. Direct and hybrid optimization methodologies including space mapping and multilevel algorithms combined with various surrogate models at different levels of fidelity have been utilized...
Sterowanie predykcyjne i fuzja danych w systemie dynamicznego pozycjonowania statku
PublicationRozprawa doktorska poświęcona jest badaniu zastosowania fuzji danych oraz sterowania predykcyjnego w systemie dynamicznego pozycjonowania statku. W pierwszej części pracy przedstawiono historię rozwoju systemów dynamicznego pozycjonowania, różne metody estymacji położenia statku, metody sterowania oraz cel i tezę pracy. Następnie zaprezentowano model matematyczny statku, kinematykę oraz dynamikę. W kolejnej części przedstawiono...
A pore-scale thermo–hydro-mechanical model for particulate systems
PublicationA pore scale numerical method dedicated to the simulation of heat transfer and associated thermo–hydro-mechanical couplings in granular media is described. The proposed thermo–hydro-mechanical approach builds on an existing hydromechanical model that employs the discrete element method for simulating the mechanical behavior of dense sphere packings and combines it with the finite volume method for simulating pore space fluid flow...
Marek Tobiszewski dr hab. inż.
PeopleBorn on April 7, 1984 in Gdańsk. In 2012, he defended his doctorate with honors, in 2017 he obtained his habilitation on the basis of the scientific achievement "Development of analytical procedures and solvents for the assessment of environmental nuisance". He has been working at the Department of Analytical Chemistry since 2012. His research interests includes analytical chemistry, especially the analytics of organic compounds...