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Search results for: 1D%20CONVOLUTIONAL%20NEURAL%20NETWORK
Dynamic Route Discovery Using Modified Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm in Wireless Ad-Hoc Visible Light Communication Network
PublicationIn recent times, visible light communication is an emerging technology that supports high speed data communication for wireless communication systems. However, the performance of the visible light communication system is impaired by inter symbol interference, the time dispersive nature of the channel, and nonlinear features of the light emitting diode that significantly reduces the bit error rate performance. To address these problems,...
Selecting wells for an optimal design of groundwater monitoring network based on monitoring priority map: A Kish Island case study
PublicationThis paper presents a novel approach, i.e. a combination of gamma test and monitoring priority map, for optimal design of groundwater monitoring network (GMN) by considering the cumulative effects of industries, human activities, and natural factors on the groundwater quality. The proposed method was successfully applied to design an optimal network for groundwater salinity monitoring on Kish Island, Persian Gulf. The priority...
Real-Time Basic Principles Nuclear Reactor Simulator Based on Client-Server Network Architecture with WebBrowser as User Interface
PublicationThe real-time simulator of nuclear reactor basic processes (neutron kinetics, heat generation and its exchange, poisoning and burn- ing up fuel) build in a network environment is presented in this paper. The client-server architecture was introduced, where the server is a pow- erful computing unit and the web browser application is a client for user interface purposes. The challenge was to develop an application running under the...
Impact of low temperature on bacterial community dynamics and process efficiency in anaerobic ammonia removal: A network analysis of metagenomic data
PublicationThe implementation of anaerobic ammonia removal has potential for reducing the operating costs in wastewater treatment plants. However, the application of this process in mainstream treatment presents various challenges, particularly due to the sensitivity of anammox bacteria to low temperatures. To address these challenges, changes in the bacterial community were investigated under decreasing temperatures (from 30 to 12 °C) within...
Wykorzystanie analizy falkowej do odszumiania oraz kompresji sygnałów
Publicationw pierwszej części referatu przedstawiono informacje teoretyczne dotyczące analizy falkowej. szczegółowo omówione zostały cwt, dwt oraz pakiety falkowe. druga część referatu to zastosowanie praktyczne falek do poprawy jakości oraz kompresji sygnałów 1d oraz 2d.
PublicationThe paper proposes summarized attribution-based post-hoc explanations for the detection and identification of bias in data. A global explanation is proposed, and a step-by-step framework on how to detect and test bias is introduced. Since removing unwanted bias is often a complicated and tremendous task, it is automatically inserted, instead. Then, the bias is evaluated with the proposed counterfactual approach. The obtained results...
An Analysis of the Performance of Lightweight CNNs in the Context of Object Detection on Mobile Phones
PublicationConvolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are widely used in computer vision, which is now increasingly used in mobile phones. The problem is that smartphones do not have much processing power. Initially, CNNs focused solely on increasing accuracy. High-end computing devices are most often used in this type of research. The most popular application of lightweight CNN object detection is real-time image processing, which can be found...
Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations
Journals -
Evaluation of aspiration problems in L2 English pronunciation employing machine learning
PublicationThe approach proposed in this study includes methods specifically dedicated to the detection of allophonic variation in English. This study aims to find an efficient method for automatic evaluation of aspiration in the case of Polish second-language (L2) English speakers’ pronunciation when whole words are analyzed instead of particular allophones extracted from words. Sample words including aspirated and unaspirated allophones...
Satellite Image Classification Using a Hierarchical Ensemble Learning and Correlation Coefficient-Based Gravitational Search Algorithm
PublicationSatellite image classification is widely used in various real-time applications, such as the military, geospatial surveys, surveillance and environmental monitoring. Therefore, the effective classification of satellite images is required to improve classification accuracy. In this paper, the combination of Hierarchical Framework and Ensemble Learning (HFEL) and optimal feature selection is proposed for the precise identification...
CNN-CLFFA: Support Mobile Edge Computing in Transportation Cyber Physical System
PublicationIn the present scenario, the transportation Cyber Physical System (CPS) improves the reliability and efficiency of the transportation systems by enhancing the interactions between the physical and cyber systems. With the provision of better storage ability and enhanced computing, cloud computing extends transportation CPS in Mobile Edge Computing (MEC). By inspecting the existing literatures, the cloud computing cannot fulfill...
Explainable machine learning for diffraction patterns
PublicationSerial crystallography experiments at X-ray free-electron laser facilities produce massive amounts of data but only a fraction of these data are useful for downstream analysis. Thus, it is essential to differentiate between acceptable and unacceptable data, generally known as ‘hit’ and ‘miss’, respectively. Image classification methods from artificial intelligence, or more specifically convolutional neural networks (CNNs), classify...
Detecting Lombard Speech Using Deep Learning Approach
PublicationRobust Lombard speech-in-noise detecting is challenging. This study proposes a strategy to detect Lombard speech using a machine learning approach for applications such as public address systems that work in near real time. The paper starts with the background concerning the Lombard effect. Then, assumptions of the work performed for Lombard speech detection are outlined. The framework proposed combines convolutional neural networks...
Optimized Deep Learning Model for Flood Detection Using Satellite Images
PublicationThe increasing amount of rain produces a number of issues in Kerala, particularly in urban regions where the drainage system is frequently unable to handle a significant amount of water in such a short duration. Meanwhile, standard flood detection results are inaccurate for complex phenomena and cannot handle enormous quantities of data. In order to overcome those drawbacks and enhance the outcomes of conventional flood detection...
A Dynamic Forecast Demand Scenario Analysis to Design an Automated Parcel Lockers Network in Pamplona (Spain) Using a Simulation-Optimization Model
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Metabolic Profiling of Jasminum grandiflorum L. Flowers and Protective Role against Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity: Network Pharmacology and In Vivo Validation
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Burst loss probability for the combination of extended offset time based service differentiation scheme and PPS in optical burst switching network
PublicationIn the paper analytical model for calculating burst loss probabilities for the combination of two service differentiation schemes for OBS network namely: extended offset time based scheme and PPS (Preemption Priority Schemes) is revised. Moreover authors introduce analytical model for calculating burst loss probabilities for an optical path when OBS network employs both service differentiation schemes and JET signaling. The comparison...
Partycypacja obywatelska młodzieży w opinii gmin polskich na przykładzie projektu South Baltic Youth Core Group Network
PublicationCelem badań było ukazanie partycypacji obywatelskiej młodzieży w opinii gmin polskich na przykładzie projektu South Baltic Youth Core Group Network
Personalized nutrition in ageing society: redox control of major-age related diseases through the NutRedOx Network (COST Action CA16112)
PublicationA healthy ageing process is important when it is considered that one-third of the population of Europe is already over 50 years old, although there are regional variations. This proportion is likely to increase in the future, and maintenance of vitality at an older age is not only an important measure of the quality of life but also key to participation and productivity. So, the binomial “nutrition and ageing” has different aspects...
The significance of institutions' potential to increase Youth civic participation – case study of the South Baltic Youth Core Groups Network Project
PublicationYoung people are a very important group of modern societies, they will replace the currently ruling generation and will shape our common future. Due to that, young people have become the relevant target of national and international policy and science researches. Youth civic participation is a key aspect of the development of a society and should be shaped by effective youth policy at the national and international levels. This...
Learning from mistakes within organizations: An adaptive network-oriented model for a double bias perspective for safety and security through cyberspace
PublicationAlthough making mistakes is a crucial part of learning, it is still often being avoided in companies as it is considered as a shameful incident. This goes hand in hand with a mindset of a boss who dominantly believes that mistakes usually have negative consequences and therefore avoids them by only accepting simple tasks. Thus, there is no mechanism to learn from mistakes. Employees working for and being influenced by such a boss...
Publication -
Extending touch-less interaction with smart glasses by implementing EMG module
PublicationIn this paper we propose to use temporal muscle contraction to perform certain actions. Method: The set of muscle contractions corresponding to one of three actions including “single-click”, “double-click” “click-n-hold” and “non-action” were recorded. After recording certain amount of signals, the set of five parameters was calculated. These parameters served as an input matrix for the neural network. Two-layer feedforward neural...
JOIN THE NETWORK INTERNATIONAL ALUMNI - JOIN THE NETWORK. Działania wspierające nawiązanie współpracy z absolwentami zagranicznymi Politechniki Gdańskiej
ProjectsProject realized in Careers and Alumni Office
Modeling the economic dependence between town development policy and increasing energy effectiveness with neural networks. Case study: The town of Zielona Góra
Publication -
The Use of Artificial Neural Networks and Decision Trees to Predict the Degree of Odor Nuisance of Post-Digestion Sludge in the Sewage Treatment Plant Process
PublicationThis paper presents the application of artificial neural networks and decision trees for the prediction of odor properties of post-fermentation sludge from a biological-mechanical wastewater treatment plant. The input parameters were concentrations of popular compounds present in the sludge, such as toluene, p-xylene, and p-cresol, and process parameters including the concentration of volatile fatty acids, pH, and alkalinity in...
Application of Feed Forward Neural Networks for Modeling of Heat Transfer Coefficient During Flow Condensation for Low and High Values of Saturation Temperatur
PublicationMost of the literature models for condensation heat transfer prediction are based on specific experimental parameters and are not general in nature for applications to fluids and non-experimental thermodynamic conditions. Nearly all correlations are created to predict data in normal HVAC conditions below 40°C. High temperature heat pumps operate at much higher parameters. This paper aims to create a general model for the calculation...
Application of neural networks for identification of forcedness having effect on magnitude of turbine rotor vibration using pressure distribution in blade tip clearance.
PublicationW pracy sprawdzono, czy zastosowanie sieci neuronowych umożliwia identyfikację wymuszeń powstających w wyniku funkcjonowania maszyny jak i zależnych od jej stanu mechanicznego przy zastosowaniu rozkładu ciśnienia w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym. Przeprowadzono pomiary rozkładu ciśnienia dla różnych warunków pracy, uwzględniając zmianę mimośrodu oraz zmianę skośnego ustawienia osi wirnika względem osi korpusu. Dokonano analiz przy...
Minimizing Distribution and Data Loading Overheads in Parallel Training of DNN Acoustic Models with Frequent Parameter Averaging
PublicationIn the paper we investigate the performance of parallel deep neural network training with parameter averaging for acoustic modeling in Kaldi, a popular automatic speech recognition toolkit. We describe experiments based on training a recurrent neural network with 4 layers of 800 LSTM hidden states on a 100-hour corpora of annotated Polish speech data. We propose a MPI-based modification of the training program which minimizes the...
Super-resolved Thermal Imagery for High-accuracy Facial Areas Detection and Analysis
PublicationIn this study, we evaluate various Convolutional Neural Networks based Super-Resolution (SR) models to improve facial areas detection in thermal images. In particular, we analyze the influence of selected spatiotemporal properties of thermal image sequences on detection accuracy. For this purpose, a thermal face database was acquired for 40 volunteers. Contrary to most of existing thermal databases of faces, we publish our dataset...
How Integration of a Brain-Machine Interface and Obstacle Detection System Can Improve Wheelchair Control via Movement Image
PublicationThis study presents a human-computer interaction combined with a brain-machine interface (BMI) and obstacle detection system for remote control of a wheeled robot through movement imagery, providing a potential solution for individuals facing challenges with conventional vehicle operation. The primary focus of this work is the classification of surface EEG signals related to mental activity when envisioning movement and deep relaxation...
Pedestrian detection in low-resolution thermal images
PublicationOver one million people die in car accidents worldwide each year. A solution that will be able to reduce situations in which pedestrian safety is at risk has been sought for a long time. One of the techniques for detecting pedestrians on the road is the use of artificial intelligence in connection with thermal imaging. The purpose of this work was to design a system to assist the safety of people and car intelligence with the use...
Feature Weighted Attention-Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory Model for Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images
PublicationIn remote sensing images, change detection (CD) is required in many applications, such as: resource management, urban expansion research, land management, and disaster assessment. Various deep learning-based methods were applied to satellite image analysis for change detection, yet many of them have limitations, including the overfitting problem. This research proposes the Feature Weighted Attention (FWA) in Bidirectional Long...
Speech Analytics Based on Machine Learning
PublicationIn this chapter, the process of speech data preparation for machine learning is discussed in detail. Examples of speech analytics methods applied to phonemes and allophones are shown. Further, an approach to automatic phoneme recognition involving optimized parametrization and a classifier belonging to machine learning algorithms is discussed. Feature vectors are built on the basis of descriptors coming from the music information...
Korporacja Guggenheima- globalny charakter sieci muzeów a tożsamość miasta = Guggenheim's Corporation- global character of museums' network vresus city identity
PublicationFundacja Solomona R. Guggenheima jest instytucją zajmującą się promowaniem współczesnej kultury wizualnej za pomocą organizowanych wystaw, badań, programów edukacyjnych oraz publikacji. Architektura obiektów wystawienniczych związanych z Fundacją, jest przedmiotem i zarazem pełni rolę środka promocji współczesnej sztuki. Status instytucji przewiduje globalną ekspansję, jednak dotychczas w gestii władz Fundacji znajdują się: siedziba...
First Measurements of the Earth’s Electric Field at the Arctowski Antarctic Station, King George Island, by the New Polish Atmospheric Electricity Observation Network
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Synergistic effect of carbon fibers and carbon nanotubes on improving thermal stability and flame retardancy of polypropylene: a combination of a physical network and chemical crosslinking
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PublicationThe article presents the application of the GWR (Geographically Weighted Regression) model to the description of differences in the level of road traffic safety in individual counties on the example of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship. The GWR model developed for counties, taking into account the diversity of NUTS 3 regions, can be a helpful tool for traffic safety management in voivodships and lower administrative units, and...
Super tough interpenetrating polymeric network of styrene butadiene rubber‐poly (methyl methacrylate) incorporated with general purpose carbon black ( N660 )
PublicationA classic set of polymeric interpenetrating polymeric network (IPN) microcomposites has been fabricated using an elastomer—styrene butadiene rubber [SBR], a thermoplastic poly(methyl methacrylate)-PMMA and with carbon black (CB)-N660 as a filler and reinforcing agent. This synthesized IPN composite can be promisingly employed as a toughened plastic and vibrational damper in a wide service range with excellent thermal stability,...
Chapter 1. Modelling of temperature field of cylindrical pool boiling heating section
PublicationPoddano analizie fundamentalny problem określania temperatury powierzchni, na której zachodzi wrzenie. Rozpatrzono dwa przypadki ogrzewania sekcji: z zastosowaniem grzejnika patronowego oraz użyciem sekcji jako elementu oporowego. Sformułowano i rozwiązano zagadnienia brzegowe 1D, 2D ORAZ 3D. Przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń numerycznych z zastosowaniem MES.
Residual MobileNets
PublicationAs modern convolutional neural networks become increasingly deeper, they also become slower and require high computational resources beyond the capabilities of many mobile and embedded platforms. To address this challenge, much of the recent research has focused on reducing the model size and computational complexity. In this paper, we propose a novel residual depth-separable convolution block, which is an improvement of the basic...
Simulation of perovskite-based CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/SnO2 solar cell performance
Open Research DataThe presented data set is part of the theoretical research on novel thin-layer lead-halide perovskite solar cells with different inorganic transparent conductive oxides used as charge transport layers. In this study CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/SnO2 model structure (Model 2) was investigated by the use of the SCAPS-1D simulation method (
Simulation of perovskite-based CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/ZnO solar cell performance
Open Research DataThe presented data set is part of the theoretical research on novel thin-layer lead-halide perovskite solar cells with different inorganic transparent conductive oxides used as charge transport layers. In this study CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/ZnO model structure (Model 3) was investigated by the use of the SCAPS-1D simulation method (
Simulation of perovskite-based CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/TiO2 solar cell performance
Open Research DataThe presented data set is part of the theoretical research on novel thin-layer lead-halide perovskite solar cells with different inorganic transparent conductive oxides used as charge transport layers. In this study CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/TiO2 model structure (Model 1) was investigated by the use of the SCAPS-1D simulation method (
Floodsar: Automatic mapping of river flooding extent from multitemporal SAR imagery
PublicationFloodsar is an open-source tool for automatic mapping of the flood extent from a time series of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery. Floodsar is unsupervised, however, it requires defining the parameters search space, geographical area of interest, and some river gauge observations (e.g. water levels or discharges) time series that overlap temporarily with the SAR imagery. Applications of Floodsar are mainly in real-time monitoring...
Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Minifig Accessories
Open Research DataThe set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Minifig Accessories category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.
Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Plates
Open Research DataThe set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Plates category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.
Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Technic Panels
Open Research DataThe set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Technic Panels category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.
Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Tiles Round and Curved
Open Research DataThe set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Tiles Round and Curved category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.
Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Pneumatics
Open Research DataThe set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Pneumatics category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.