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Search results for: atmospheric boundary layer
Heat Transfer During Pool Boiling of Water, Methanol and R141b on Porous Coated Horizontal Tube Bundles
PublicationThis paper presents the results of experimental investigation of water, methanol and R141b refrigerant boiling on horizontal porous coated tube bundles supposed to represent a flooded-type evaporator. Experiments were carried out for a bundle of 19 tubes in triangular layout for two pitch-to-diameter ratio values – 1.7 and 2.0 – in atmospheric and sub-atmospheric pressure conditions. Average heat transfer coefficients – both local,...
Heat transfer intensification by jet impingement – numerical analysis using RANS approach
PublicationJet impingement is a method of the heat transfer enhancement applied in the engineering systems. The idea is to generate fast-flow fluid jet which impinge on the heated (or cooled) surface, causing significantly higher heat transfer rate. Although some flat surface jet impingement cases are described in the literature, the validated data is still limited. The reason is coming from the fact, that these flows are hydrodynamically...
Experimental study on single phase operation of microjet augmented heat exchanger with enhanced heat transfer surface
PublicationThe article presents experimental investigations on a prototype heat exchanger. Presented research is focused on combined active and passive enhancement techniques of surface modification and microjet impingement. The results were compared to reference plate heat exchanger without microjet impingement. The Wilson plot method was applied to determine the heat transfer coefficients in the single phase operation. The heat exchanger...
Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators
PublicationThis paper presents a part of the works conducted in the Plasmaero European project (task 1.1) on surface dielectric barrier discharge actuators applied to airflow control. The study is divided into several parts. In the first part, the goal is to enhance the electric wind produced by a typical single DBD actuator by optimization of the active electrode shape. For instance, the use of a thin wire instead of a plate air-exposed...
Heat transfer characteristics of hybrid microjet – Microchannel cooling module
PublicationThe paper presents experimental investigation of heat transfer intensification in a microjet–microchannel cooling module. Applied technology takes benefits from two very attractive heat removal techniques. When jets are impinging on the surface, they have a very high kinetic energy at the stagnation point, also in microchannels boundary layer is very thin allowing to obtain very high heat fluxes. Main objective of this paper was...
Free Convection Heat Transfer from Horizontal Cylinders
PublicationThe results of experimental investigation of free convection heat transfer in a rectangular container are presented. The ability of the commonly accepted correlation equations to reproduce present experimental data was tested as well. It was assumed that the examined geometry fulfils the requirement of no-interaction between heated cylinder and bounded surfaces. In order to check this assumption recently published correlation equations...
Stężenie formaldehydu w wodach spływnych z arterii komunikacyjnych, powierzchni dachów budynków i koron drzew, wodach gruntowych i rzecznych oraz w opadach i osadach atmosferycznych na terenie aglomeracji miejskich = Formaldehyde in road runoff, roof runoff, ground water, river, atmospheric precipitation and deposition from highly urbanized regions
PublicationOznaczono stężenie formaldehydu w próbkach wód opadowych, spływnych z arterii komunikacyjnych, powierzchni dachów budynków i koron drzew, wód gruntowych i cieków wodnych oraz w próbkach śniegu, szronu i sadzi. Próbki pobierano przez okres 7 miesięcy w trakcie wystąpienia opadu lub osadu atmosferycznego lub tuż po jego ustąpieniu. Pomiar zawartości formaldehydu wykonywano stosując metodę szybkich testów spektrofotometrycznych w...
Analysis of the influence of external conditions on temperature readings in thermograms and adaptive adjustment of the measured temperature value
PublicationMeasuring human temperature is a crucial step in preventing the spread of diseases such as COVID-19. For the proper operation of an automatic body temperature measurement system throughout the year, it is necessary to consider outdoor conditions. In this paper, the effect of atmospheric factors on facial temperature readings using infrared thermography is investigated. A thorough analysis of the variation of facial temperature...
The Progress in Electron Microscopy Studies of Particulate Matters to Be Used as a Standard Monitoring Method for Air Dust Pollution
PublicationThe present article reviews studies on air solid particles carried out with the use of electron microscopy. Particle analysis combining scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) can be used to derive size-resolved information of the composition, mixing state, morphology, and complex refractive index of atmospheric aerosol particles. It seems that electron microscopy is more widely used in atmospheric particulate...
Modelowanie przepływu ustalonego niejednostajnego w sieciach kanałów otwartych z uwzględnieniem obiektów hydrotechnicznych
PublicationW pracy sformułowano zagadnienie brzegowe dla równania energii opisującego przepływ ustalony niejednostajny i przedstawiono sposób jego rozwiązania przy pomocy metody różnicowej. Zaproponowana metoda obliczeń nadaje się do analizy przepływu w dendrycznych i pierścieniowych sieciach kanałów otwartych. Ponadto na przykładzie przelewu prostokątnego zaproponowano metodę uwzględnienia w obliczeniach zabudowy hydrotechnicznej. Słowa...
On the influence of a surface roughness on propagation of anti-plane short-length localized waves in a medium with surface coating
PublicationWe discuss the propagation of localized surface waves in the framework of the linear Gurtin–Murdoch surface elasticity and taking into account a roughness of a free boundary. We derive a boundary-value problem for anti-plane motions with curvilinear boundary and surface stresses. Using the asymptotic technique developed earlier, we obtain the form of a localized wave and analyze its amplitude evolution. As the main result we present...
Analiza numeryczna i analityczna przekrycia w kształcie powłoki synklastycznej o podstawie kwadratowej
PublicationW pracy poruszono problem obliczania przekrycia żelbetowego w kształcie powłoki synklastycznej ściętej o podstawie kwadratowej. Przedstawiono obliczenia analityczne i numeryczne sił w powłoce. Powłoka jest poddana działaniu głównie sił ściskających, co jest korzystne dla tego typu konstrukcji. W strefie brzegowej i podporowej konieczne jest wymiarowanie na mimośrodowe ściskanie i rozciąganie z uwagi na znaczący wzrost momentów...
Theoretical consideration of free convective heat transfer from a round isothermal plate slightly inclined from the vertical
PublicationA semi-analytical solution of simplified Navier-Stokes and Fourier-Kirchhoff equations describing free convective heat transfer from a round isothermal surface slightly inclined from the vertical is presented. The solution is based on the assumption, typical for natural convection, that the velocity component normal to the surface is negligibly small in comparison to the tangential one. Next we neglect the nonlinear inertia force...
Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics Studies on Straight and U-Bend Double Tube Heat Exchangers with Active and Passive Enhancement Methods
PublicationIn this work, the authors wanted to demonstrate the possibility to increase the heat transfer efficiency by using simple wire coil inserts to create turbulent flow in the boundary layer as well as air blowing into the annulus of the pipe. Experimental investigations were carried out for four heat exchanger constructions, i.e., plain double tube, turbulized double tube, plain U-bend double tube, U-tube with turbulator, plain double...
Heat transfer characteristics of hybrid microjet -microchannel cooling module
PublicationThe paper presents the experimental investigation of heat transfer intensification in a microjet- microchannel cooling module. Applied technology takes benefits from two very attractive heat removal techniques. When jets are impinging on the surface, they have a very high kinetic energy at the stagnation point, also in microchannels boundary layer is very thin allowing to obtain very high heat fluxes. Main objective of this paper...
Exact resultant equilibrium conditions in the non-linear theory of branching and self-intersecting shells
PublicationWe formulate the exact, resultant equilibrium conditions for the non-linear theory of branching and self-intersecting shells. The conditions are derived by performing direct through-the-thickness integration in the global equilibrium conditions of continuum mechanics. At each regular internal and boundary point of the base surface our exact, local equilibrium equations and dynamic boundary conditions are equivalent, as expected,...
On Von Karman Equations and the Buckling of a Thin Circular Elastic Plate
PublicationWe shall be concerned with the buckling of a thin circular elastic plate simply supported along a boundary, subjected to a radial compressive load uniformly distributed along its boundary. One of the main engineering concerns is to reduce deformations of plate structures. It is well known that von Karman equations provide an established model that describes nonlinear deformations of elastic plates. Our approach to study plate deformations...
Charge Transport in High-Entropy Oxides
PublicationThis work presents the results of research on the transport properties of the high-entropy BaZr1/8Hf1/8Sn1/8Ti1/8Y1/8In1/8Sm1/8Yb1/8O3–x perovskite oxide with special focus on proton transport. The presented study is part of broader work in which we focus on multiple different chemical compositions with the cation number varying from 5 up to 12 (in B-sublattice). The presence of proton defects is analyzed with thermogravimetry,...
Transport of Particles in Intestinal Mucus under Simulated Infant and Adult Physiological Conditions: Impact of Mucus Structure and Extracellular DNA
PublicationThe final boundary between digested food and the cells that take up nutrients in the small intestine is a protective layer of mucus. In this work, the microstructural organization and permeability of the intestinal mucus have been determined under conditions simulating those of infant and adult human small intestines. As a model, we used the mucus from the proximal (jejunal) small intestines of piglets and adult pigs. Confocal...
Comment on permeability conditions in finite element simulation of bone fracture healing
PublicationThe most popular model of the bone healing considers the fracture callus as poroelastic medium. As such it requires an assumption of the callus’ external permeability. In this work a systematic study of the influence of the permeability of the callus boundary on the simulated bone healing progress is performed. The results show, that these conditions starts to play significant role with the decrease of the callus size. Typically...
Strongly anisotropic surface elasticity and antiplane surface waves
PublicationWithin the new model of surface elasticity, the propagation of anti-plane surface waves is discussed. For the proposed model, the surface strain energy depends on surface stretching and on changing of curvature along a preferred direction. From the continuum mechanics point of view, the model describes finite deformations of an elastic solid with an elastic membrane attached on its boundary reinforced by a family of aligned elastic...
Fractional problems with advanced arguments
PublicationThis paper concerns boundary fractional differential problems with advanced arguments. We investigate the existence of initial value problems when the initial point is given at the end point of an interval. Nonhomogeneous linear fractional differential equations are also studied. The existence of solutions for fractional differential equations with advanced arguments and with boundary value problems has been investigated by using...
Numerical Analysis of Recharge Rates and Contaminant Travel Time in Layered Unsaturated Soils
PublicationThis study focused on the estimation of groundwater recharge rates and travel time of conservative contaminants between ground surface and aquifer. Numerical simulations of transient water flow and solute transport were performed using the SWAP computer program for 10 layered soil profiles, composed of materials ranging from gravel to clay. In particular, sensitivity of the results to the thickness and position of weakly permeable...
Galvanostatic impedance measurements for the efficient adsorption isotherm construction in corrosion inhibitor studies
PublicationWe present an approach towards an accurate and time-efficient adsorption isotherm determination to evaluate the corrosion inhibitor interaction in electrolytic environments. The approach is based on dynamic impedance spectroscopy measurements in galvanostatic mode (g-DEIS). The studied corrosion inhibitor is continuously injected between the secondary cell and the corrosion cell. The efficiency corresponding to instantaneous inhibitor...
Cattaneo–Christov heat flow model for copper–water nanofluid heat transfer under Marangoni convection and slip conditions
PublicationThis report is devoted to the study of the flow of MHD nanofluids through a vertical porous plate with a temperature-dependent surface tension using the Cattaneo–Christov heat flow model. The energy equation was formulated using the Cattaneo–Christov heat flux model instead of Fourier’s law of heat conduction. The Tiwari–Das model was used to take into account the concentration of nanoparticles when constructing the momentum equation....
Characteristics of odors emitted from municipal wastewater treatment plant and methods for their identification and deodorization techniques
PublicationOdors emitted from municipal wastewater treatment plants belong to a group of pollutants, which is the main cause of people complaining about atmospheric air quality. The limitation of emissions of unpleasant odors generated by wastewater treatment plants by using appropriate deodorization methods is omitted on numerous occasions. This can have a negative inflence on public trust and the quality of atmospheric air. The article...
GPR investigation of the strengthening system of a historic masonry tower
PublicationIn this paper the condition assessment of the strengthening system of a masonry tower was carried out by the GPR method. The study provided unique experimental data acquired during measurements of the reinforced concrete frame embedded in masonry walls. Conducted numerical and experimental investigations were focused on the phenomenon of the diffraction-refraction scattering of the electromagnetic energy. A hyperbola resulting...
Kazimierz Darowicki prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleStudia wyższe ukończyłem w czerwcu 1981 roku po zdaniu egzaminu dyplomowego i obronie pracy magisterskiej. Opiekunem pracy magisterskiej był dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Szauer. W roku 1991, 27 listopada uzyskałem stopień naukowy broniąc pracę doktorską zatytułowaną „Symulacyjna i korelacyjna analiza widm immitancyjnych inhibitowanej reakcji elektrodowej”. Promotorem pracy był prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Kubicki (Wydział Chemiczny...
Electro-mechanical shear buckling of piezoelectric nanoplate using modified couple stress theory based on simplified first order shear deformation theory
PublicationThis paper studies the electro-mechanical shear buckling analysis of piezoelectric nanoplate using modified couple stress theory with various boundary conditions.In order to be taken electric effects into account, an external electric voltage is applied on the piezoelectric nanoplate. The simplified first order shear deformation theory (S-FSDT) has been employed and the governing differential equations have been obtained using...
Numerical Analysis of Steady Gradually Varied Flow in Open Channel Networks with Hydraulic Structures
PublicationIn this paper, a method for numerical analysis of steady gradually varied fl ow in channel networks with hydraulic structures is considered. For this purpose, a boundary problem for the system of ordinary differential equations consisting of energy equation and mass conservation equations is formulated. The boundary problem is solved using fi nite difference technique which leads to the system of non-linear algebraic equations....
Free convection of water-Al2O3 nanofluid from horizontal porous coated tube
PublicationThe main aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of nanoparticles on heat transfer coefficients during free convection of water-Al2O3 nanofluid from horizontal porous coated tube under atmospheric pressure for nanoparticle concentration of 0.01% by weight. Contrary to published data present study concerns on free convection of nanofluids in extensive, quiescent fluid.
Tereny polarne - interesującym obszarem do badań Cz. II - Analityka próbek abiotycznych w Arktyce
PublicationW pracy ujęto problematykę zanieczyszczeń obszarów polarnych. Zwrócono szczególną uwagę na trwałe związki organiczne obecne w rejonie Arktyki w elementach przyrody nieożywionej. TZO pochodzenia antropogenicznego mogą pojawiać się na terenach polarnych za sprawą transportu na duże odległości z obszarów Euroazji i Ameryki Północnej. Badania poziomów zanieczyszczeń obecnych w próbkach abiotycznych na obszarze Arktyki stanowią fundament...
PublicationThe basis of microjet technology is to produce laminar jets which when impinging the surface have a very high kinetic energy at the stagnation point. Boundary layer is not formed in those conditions, while the area of film cooling has a very high turbulence resulting from a very high heat transfer coefficient. Applied technology of jet production can result with the size of jets ranging from 20 to 500μm in breadth and 20 to 100μm...
An asymmetrical λ-foot of condensing steam flow in the IMP PAN nozzle
PublicationIn the present paper we have focused on the precise prediction of the spontaneous condensation phenomena in wet steam flow. Novelty of our approach lies on modelling both the moment of initiation of a phase transition, as well as the moment of its reverse progress - called here re-vaporization of the condensate phase. The practical issue is to elaborate of a model of spontaneous condensation/vaporization of water steam flow...
Surface sliding in human abdominal wall numerical models: Comparison of single-surface and multi-surface composites
PublicationDetermining mechanical properties of abdominal soft tissues requires a coupled experimental-numerical study, but first an appropriate numerical model needs to be built. Precise modeling of human abdominal wall mechanics is difficult because of its complicated multi-layer composition and large variation between specimens. There are several approaches concerning simplification of numerical models, but it is unclear how far one could...
Trailing-Edge Separation Control of a NACA 0015 Airfoil Using Dielectric-Barrier-Discharge Plasma Actuators
PublicationThis paper presents a part of the works conducted in the Plasmaero European project (task 3.1), where the trailing-edge flow separation of a NACA 0015 airfoil has been controlled using four different dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) actuator types at three institutions across Europe. The results show that it is possible to enhance the aerodynamic performance of aircraft at speeds up to 40 m/s. Dielectric-barrier-discharge vortex...
Urządzenie do wytwarzania gazowych mieszanin wzorcowych z wykorzystaniem procesu barbotażu oraz permeacji
PublicationReference gas mixtures are classified to reference materials and are mainly used for quality monitoring and identification of impurities in atmospheric air. They can be also used for calibration of measuring devices. Nowadays, there is a need to develop a new techniques for the preparation of reference gas mixtures [1, 2]. In this paper the design and the operating principles of instrument based on the use of barbotage and permeation...
Comparison of soil models in the thermodynamic analysis of a submarine pipeline buried in seabed sediments
PublicationThis paper deals with mathematical modelling of a seabed layer in the thermodynamic analysis of a submarine pipeline buried in seabed sediments. The existing seabed soil models: a “soil ring” and a semi-infinite soil layer are discussed in a comparative analysis of the shape factor of a surrounding soil layer. The meaning of differences in the heat transfer coefficient of a soil layer is illustrated based on a computational example...
Study of the influence of the presence of Dr fimbriae on the hydrophobicity of cells of recombinant Escherichia coli strains: AAEC191A and BL21(DE3)
Open Research DataThe ability of a cell surface to repel or adhere to surfaces is crucial, and it was assessed through a microbiological adhesion test involving hexadecane and xylene. In this method, microorganisms in an aqueous layer are mixed with an organic layer, and after completion, the absorbance of each sample is measured at a 570 nm wavelength. The results obtained...
Hoarfrost and rime chemistry in Poland - An introductory analysis from metrological perspective
PublicationW publikacji przedstawiono wyniki badań poziomów stężeń składników śladowych obecnych w próbkach osadów atmosferycznych (szronu i sadzi) zebranych na terenach wyraźnie różniących się pod względem położenia geograficznego jak również poziomem antropopresji. Zbadano wpływ czynników meteorologicznych tj. rodzaj mas powietrza, typ pola barycznego na chemizm tych form mokrej depozycji. Porównano skład chemiczny różnych form osadów atmosferycznych...
Comparison of GPS tropospheric delays derived from two consecutive EPN reprocessing campaigns from the point of view of climate monitoring
PublicationThe main purpose of this research was to acquire information about consistency of ZTD (zenith total delay) linear trends and seasonal components between two consecutive GPS reprocessing campaigns. The analysis concerned two sets of the ZTD time series which were estimated during EUREF (Reference Frame Sub-Commission for Europe) EPN (Permanent Network) reprocessing campaigns according to 2008 and 2015 MUT AC (Military University...
Relativistic electron beams above thunderclouds
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Studies on intercorrelation between ions co-occurring in precipitation in the Gdańsk-Sopot-Gdynia Tricity (Poland)
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań próbek opadów deszczowych zebranych na terenie Trójmiasta w okresie 12 miesięcy (na 10 stacjach pobierania próbek). Wyniki oznaczeń zawartości jonów SO4-2, F-, Cl-, NO3-, PO4-3, NH4+, Na+, Mg+2, Ca+2K+ poddano analizie statystycznej. Wyniki pomiarów skorelowano z danymi dotyczącymi kierunków wiatrów i temperatury powietrza atmosferycznego.
Urban dew formation efficiency and chemistry in Poland
PublicationThe measurements of dew formation efficiency and chemistry were performed in Poland in September 2009, as a part of a longer, two-year sampling campaign. Pairs of sites, representing centers of major Polish cities and rural conditions in three different regions, were compared. With the aim to get more detailed landuse-oriented characteristics of dew, two additional sites were set close to Wroclaw. Collection of dew at each site...
Elemental and water-insoluble organic carbon in Svalbard snow: a synthesis of observations during 2007–2018
PublicationLight-absorbing carbonaceous aerosols emitted by biomass or fossil fuel combustion can contribute to amplifying Arctic climate warming by lowering the albedo of snow. The Svalbard archipelago, being near to Europe and Russia, is particularly affected by these pollutants, and improved knowledge of their distribution in snow is needed to assess their impact. Here we present and synthesize new data obtained on Svalbard between 2007...
Numerical simulation of hardening of concrete plate
PublicationThe paper presents a theoretical formulation of concrete curing in order to predict temperature evolution and strength development. The model of heat flow is based on a well-known Fourier equation. The numerical solution is implemented by means of the Finite Difference Method. In order to verify the model, the in situ temperature measurements at the top plate of a road bridge were carried out. A high agreement between numerical...
Bernstein-type theorem for ϕ-Laplacian
PublicationIn this paper we obtain a solution to the second-order boundary value problem of the form \frac{d}{dt}\varPhi'(\dot{u})=f(t,u,\dot{u}), t\in [0,1], u\colon \mathbb {R}\to \mathbb {R} with Sturm–Liouville boundary conditions, where \varPhi\colon \mathbb {R}\to \mathbb {R} is a strictly convex, differentiable function and f\colon[0,1]\times \mathbb {R}\times \mathbb {R}\to \mathbb {R} is continuous and satisfies a suitable growth...
Portable exhaled breath analyzer employing fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing method in resistive gas sensors
PublicationThis paper presents a portable exhaled breath analyser, developed to detect selected diseases. The set-up employs resistive gas sensors: commercial MEMS sensors and prototype gas sensors made of WO3 gas sensing layers doped with various metal ingredients. The set-up can modulate the gas sensors by applying UV light to induce physical changes of the gas sensing layers. The sensors are placed in a tiny gas chamber of a volume...
Non-standard contact conditions in generalized continua: microblock contact model for a Cosserat body
PublicationGeneralized continuum theories involve non-standard boundary conditions that are associated with the additional kinematic variables introduced in those theories, e.g., higher gradients of the displacement field or additional kinematic degrees of freedom. Accordingly, formulation of a contact problem for such a continuum necessarily requires that adequate contact conditions are formulated for the additional kinematic variables and/or...
High-performance anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells with co-fired Sm0.2Ce0.8O2-δ/La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.8Mg0.2O3−δ/Sm0.2Ce0.8O2-δ sandwiched electrolyte
PublicationIn this study, intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs) with a nine-layer structure are constructed via a simple method based on the cost-effective tape casting-screen printing-co-firing process with the structure composed of a NiO-based four-layer anode, a Sm0.2Ce0·8O2-δ(SDC)/La0·8Sr0.2Ga0.8Mg0·2O3−δ (LSGM)/SDC tri-layer electrolyte, and an La0·6Sr0·4Co0·2Fe0·8O3-δ (LSCF)-based bi-layer cathode. The resultant...