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Search results for: PLANT-WIDE MODEL
Model hybrydowy układu wielowirnikowego z przekładnią
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę redukcji modelu układu wielowirnikowego z przekładnią, w którym uwzględniono zmienną prędkość kątową wirników, oddziaływania żyroskopowe, nieproporcjonalne tłumienie oraz nieliniowość podatności zazębienia. Zaproponowano hybrydową metodę modelowania, w której zastosowano: dekompozycję modalną oraz dyskretyzację przestrzenną. Zredukowany model modalny zbudowano dla części rozważanego układu, w której...
Can antimicrobial blue light contribute to resistance development? Genome-wide analysis revealed aBL-protective genes in Escherichia coli
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A hyperelastic model for soils with stress-induced and inherent anisotropy
PublicationIn this paper, modelling of the superposition of stress-induced and inherent anisotropy of soil small strain stiffness is8presented in the framework of hyperelasticity. A simple hyperelastic model, capable of reproducing variable stress-induced9anisotropy of stiffness, is extended by replacement of the stress invariant with mixed stress–microstructure invariant to10introduce constant inherent cross-anisotropic component. A convenient...
Towards a Universal Model of Engineering Change Management
PublicationThe paper deals with the issue of engineering change management (ECM). ECM has received much less attention in the literature than general change management. Moreover, due to their specifics (complexity and multifaceted nature), hitherto developed ECM models are difficult to implement in companies. The paper aims to develop a simplified, universal, and hence easily applicable model of ECM. We based our assumptions on a case study...
Depolarisation Model for a BAN Indoor Scenario
PublicationIn this paper, an analysis of depolarisation in Body Area Networks for Body-to-Infrastructure communications based on a measurement campaign in the 5.8 GHz band in an indoor environment is performed. Measurements were made with an offbody antenna transmitting linearly polarised signals and dualpolarised receiving antennas carried by the user on the body. A Normal Distribution with a mean of 2.0 dB and a standard deviation of 4.3...
A Model Modification for a Microturbine Set with Partial Admission Stages
PublicationThe vapour microturbine set’s mathematical model has been updated to consider the partial admission of turbine stages. Experimental data from two distinct microturbine sets were used to verify the model. The model of the microturbine set was tested under varying operating conditions. Examples of a comparison between the experimental results and simulations are presented and analysed. It has been shown that, when simulating the...
Periodic and chaotic dynamics in a map‐based neuron model
PublicationMap-based neuron models are an important tool in modeling neural dynamics and sometimes can be considered as an alternative to usually computationally costlier models based on continuous or hybrid dynamical systems. However, due to their discrete nature, rigorous mathematical analysis might be challenging. We study a discrete model of neuronal dynamics introduced by Chialvo in 1995. In particular, we show that its reduced one-dimensional...
CRVG - a new model for wireless networks topology generation
PublicationThis paper presents a new model of wireless network topology generator. Its main advantage is the possibility of relatively sparse networks generation. Because no iteration is needed, the model can be used for massive generation of networks for testing. The topological properties of produced graphs place them in the class of scale free networks, resembling real ones.
PublicationWe study the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of the p53-Mdm2 model proposed by Monk (2003). The p53 gene is crucial for cellular inhibition of the angiogenesis process, while Mdm2 is a negative regulator of the p53 tumor-suppressor. We investigate the stability of the positive steady state and perform some numerical experiments.
Poczucie samoskuteczności a nadmierne zaangażowanie w działaniach przedsiębiorców: Model teoretyczny
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia model teoretyczny wyjaśniający wpływ poczucia samoskuteczności na eskalację zaangażowania wśród przedsiębiorców. Autorzy postulują, że rozbieżność pomiędzy poziomem przekonań dotyczących własnej skuteczności a faktyczną skutecznością tworzy lukę skuteczności. Początkujący przedsiębiorcy w związku z ich niewielkim doświadczniem są szczególnie narażeni na ryzyko eskalacji zaangażowania, gdyż cechują się ograniczonymi...
The Suzuki model of the multipath fading channel
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of simulations that are part of the research on modelling the multipath fading in the communication channel. The Suzuki fading envelope is generated using the Monte-Carlo simulation (MCS) in the LabVIEW programming environment.
Nieliniowy dynamiczny model instalacji katalitycznego odtleniania wody
PublicationInstalacja katalitycznego odtleniania wody służy do redukcji stężenia tlenu rozpuszczonego w wodzie zasilającej obieg ciepłowniczy. W artykule opisano przykładową instalację tego rodzaju. Analiza procesów w niej zachodzących pozwoliła zaproponować metodykę budowy i strukturę modelu. Ze względu na różne skale czasowe dynamiki procesów zachodzących w instalacji i jej poszczególnych elementach, zaproponowano model w części statyczny,...
Mathemathical model of radial passive magnetic bearing
PublicationIn the article mathematical radial model of passive magnetic bearings to ocean engineering units has been presented. The units application in underwater thrusters should increase propulsion systems durability and gives lower maintenance costs. The rotor of electric motor is hanging in magnetic field taken from radial passive magnetic bearings. However axial direction maintenance must be controlled with electromagnets and their...
Model finansowania samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce
PublicationCelem artykułu jest określenie – na podstawie danych empirycznych – istniejącego w Polsce modelu finansowania samorządu terytorialnego. Przed jego identyfikacją scharakteryzowano od strony teoretycznej istniejące modele, nawiązując jednocześnie do jednego z podziałów systemu samorządu terytorialnego. Następnie opisano najważniejsze własności modelu zdecentralizowanego, mieszanego i scentralizowanego. W badaniach empirycznych posłużono...
Distribution and extent of benthic habitats in Puck Bay (Gulf of Gdańsk, southern Baltic Sea)
PublicationThe majority of the southern Baltic Sea seabed encompasses homogenous soft-bottom sediments of limited productivity and low biological diversity, but shallow productive areas in the coastal zone such as wetlands, vegetated lagoons and sheltered bays show a high variety of benthic habitat types offering favourable biotopic conditions for benthic fauna. Within Polish marine areas, semi-enclosed Puck Bay (the western part of the...
Modal Analysis of a Steel Radial Gate Exposed to Different Water Levels
PublicationWith the increase in water retention needs and planned river regulation, it might be important to investigate the dynamic resistance of vulnerable elements of hydroelectric power plants, including steel water locks. The most frequent dynamic loads affecting hydroengineering structures in Poland include vibrations caused by heavy road and railway traffic, piling works and mining tremors. More destructive dynamic loads, including...
Organic Supercritical Thermodynamic Cycles with Isothermal Turbine
PublicationOrganic Rankine cycles (ORC) are quite popular, but the overall efficiencies of these plants are rather very low. Numerous studies have been conducted in many scientific centers and research centers to improve the efficiency of such cycles. The research concerns both the modification of the cycle and the increase in the parameters of the medium at the inlet to the turbine. However, the efficiency of even these modified cycles rarely...
Lepidium peruvianum as a Source of Compounds with Anticancer and Cosmetic Applications
PublicationLepidium peruvianum—an edible herbaceous biennial plant distributed in the Andes—has been used for centuries as food and as a natural medicine in treating hormonal disorders, as an antidepressant, and as an anti-osteoporotic agent. The presented study aims to prove its beneficial cosmetic and chemopreventive properties by testing the antiradical, whitening, cytotoxic, and anticancer properties of differently colored phenotypes...
Applicability of edible Candelilla wax composite blended with Bryophyllumpinnatum extract to prolong shelf life of fruits/vegetables
PublicationCandelilla wax (CW) is a natural lipid source that can be used to make biodegradable and edible coatings and films for fruits. However, CW alone does not provide sufficient antimicrobial and antioxidant properties to prevent microbial spoilage and oxidative deterioration of fresh products. This study aims at evaluating the applicability of CW blended with Bryophyllum pinnatum extract (BPE), a plant with medicinal and phytochemical...
Screening of perfluoroalkyl substances and their environmental impact in sequencing batch reactors combined with nature-based solutions
PublicationPerfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a growing problem in the environment. The research indicates that they are present in surface water, groundwater, drinking water sources, wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents, and landfill leachates. Additionally, the conventional methods of wastewater treatment are ineffective in their removal. This study aimed to indicate the concentration of PFAS in wastewater during treatment processes...
Influence of Cement Replacement with Sewage Sludge Ash (SSA) on the Heat of Hydration of Cement Mortar
PublicationThe amount of fly ash from the incineration of sewage sludge is increasing all over the world, and its utilization is becoming a serious environmental problem. In the study, a type of sewage sludge ash (SSA) collected directly from the municipal sewage treatment plant was used. Five levels of cement replacement (2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10% and 20%) and unchanged water-to-binder (w/b) ratio (0.55) were used. The purpose of the study was...
Review and evaluation of cold recycling with bitumen emulsion and cement for rehabilitation of old pavements
PublicationThe article presents Polish experience with cold recycling of asphalt pavements with theusage of bituminous emulsion and cement. In the 1990s numerous roads in Polandrequired immediate reinforcement due to their significant degradation. Implementation ofthe cold recycling technology was one of the solutions to this problem. Cold recycledmixtures containebeside the recycled asphalt pavement and aggregateetwo differenttypes of binding...
Membrane separation processes for the extraction and purification of steviol glycosides: an overview
PublicationSteviol glycosides (SGs), as natural sweeteners from Stevia rebaudiana, are currently employed for replacing sugar and its derivatives in several food products and formulations. Such compounds play an essential role in human health. Their usage provides a positive effect on preventing diseases related to sugar consumption, including diabetes mellitus, cancer, and lipid metabolism disorders. The traditional extraction of SGs is...
The use of constructed wetlands for the treatment of industrial wastewater
PublicationConstructed wetlands are characterized by specific conditions enabling simultaneous various physical and biochemical processes. This is the result of specific environment for the growth of microorganisms and hydro-phytes (aquatic and semiaquatic plants) which are capable of living in aerobic, anaerobic and facultative anaerobic conditions. Their interaction contributes to the intensification of oxidation and reduction responsible...
The Application of Satellite Image Analysis in Oil Spill Detection
PublicationIn recent years, there has been an increasing use of satellite sensors to detect and track oil spills. The satellite bands, namely visible, short, medium infrared, and microwave radar bands, are used for this purpose. The use of satellite images is extremely valuable for oil spill analysis. With satellite images, we can identify the source of leakage and assess the extent of potential damage. However, it is not yet clear how to...
Multidirectional Characterization of Phytochemical Profile and Health-Promoting Effects of Ziziphora bungeana Juz. Extracts
PublicationZiziphora species (Lamiaceae) have been used in traditional medicine as sedatives, anti-septics, carminatives, or expectorants. Despite their common applications in phytotherapy, there is still lack of evidence about the composition of their extracts and its impact on biological properties of the plants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the content of Ziziphora bungeana, a less studied species growing in Kazakhstan, using...
Advanced Turbine Cycles with Organic Media
PublicationOrganic Rankine Cycle (ORC) power plants have become very popular and have found their applications in systems with renewable sources of energy. So far their overall efficiencies are not very impressive and only for the upper temperature of about 300 °C do they exceed 20%. A drawback of these cycles is the limitation of the cycle upper temperature due to the heat exchanger technology and the materials used. However, it is possible...
How to model ROC curves - a credit scoring perspective
PublicationROC curves, which derive from signal detection theory, are widely used to assess binary classifiers in various domains. The AUROC (area under the ROC curve) ratio or its transformations (the Gini coefficient) belong to the most widely used synthetic measures of the separation power of classification models, such as medical diagnostic tests or credit scoring. Frequently a need arises to model an ROC curve. In the biostatistical...
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SACAM A Model for Describing and Classifying Sentiment Analysis Methods
PublicationIn this paper we introduce SACAM — a model for describing and classifying sentiment analysis (SA) methods. The model focuses on the knowledge used during processing textual opinions. SACAM was designed to create informative descriptions of SA methods (or classes of SA methods) and is strongly integrated with its accompanying graphical notation suited for presenting the descriptions in diagrammatical form. The paper discusses applications...
Statistical Tuning of Walfisch-Ikegami Model for the Untypical Environment
PublicationThe Walfisch-Ikegami model has been investigated in terms of mobile radio systems designing in the untypical environment such as the maritime container terminal. The measurement equipment and procedures have been described as well as characteristics of investigated environment. Results of the statistical tuning in terms of path loss estimation in such environment have been analysed. The analysis has proved improvement of the path...
Statistical Tuning of Walfisch-Ikegami Model for the Untypical Environment
PublicationThe Walfisch-Ikegami model has been investigated in terms of mobile radio systems designing in the untypical environment such as the maritime container terminal. The measurement equipment and procedures have been described as well as characteristics of investigated environment. Results of the statistical tuning in terms of path loss estimation in such environment have been analysed. The analysis has proved improvement of the path...
Objectivity in the non-Markovian spin-boson model
PublicationObjectivity constitutes one of the main features of the macroscopic classical world. An important aspect of the quantum-to-classical transition issue is to explain how such a property arises from the microscopic quantum theory. Recently, within the framework of open quantum systems, there has been proposed such a mechanism in terms of the so-called spectrum broadcast structures. These are multipartite quantum states of the system...
Simulation model of IPMSM drive with rotor position estimator
PublicationThe paper presents a simulation model of electric drive consisting of: IPMSM motor, inverter and digital controller. The model was designed in Mathlab/Simulink. By modelling of the controller its discrete operation was taken into account in order to simulate precisely a specific sensorless control algorithm. A method for estimation of angular rotor position was proposed. Its mathematical algorithm was explained and errors were...
Non-linear model of high damping rubber bearing.
PublicationCelem artykułu jest analiza modelu łożyska wykonanego z wysokotłumiącej gumy, które wykorzystywane są do posadowienia konstrukcji budowlanych na terenach sejsmicznych. Model umożliwia numeryczną symulację pracy urządzenia pod zadanym obciążeniem i w danych warunkach termiczno-wilgotnościowych. Wyniki analizy pokazują, iż proponowany model umożliwia symulację zachowania się łożyska w szerokim zakresie odkształceń.
Barkhausen Noise Calculation by Hysteresis Model Parameters
PublicationPętla histerezy natężenia efektu Barkhausena wyliczono wykorzystując model histerezowy. Założono, iż straty energii na efekt Barkhausena zależą od szybkości granicy domenowej oraz od częstości występowania skoków Barkhausena. Pokazano wyliczenia wykonane dla stali Fe-Si (ziarna zorientowane w kierunku [100] względem kierunku walcowania)
On the validation of the LS-DYNA Geo Metro numerical model
PublicationThe paper presents experiences gained during work with numerical model of Geo Metro vehicle used for simulations of crash tests with road safety barriers. Attention is drawn to the subject of tire/wheel breakage during collision events. Some methods for improvement of the model are presented in the paper. Several results for the normative vehicle numerical tests are introduced. Simulations were carried out using LS-DYNA finite...
Dynamics of a simplified HPT model in relation to 24h TSH profiles
PublicationWe propose a simplified mathematical model of the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis in an endocrine system. The considered model is a modification of the model proposed by Mukhopadhyay and Bhattacharyya in [10]. Our system of delay differential equations reconstructs the HPT axis in relation to 24h profiles of human in physiological conditions. Homeostatic control of the thyroid-pituitary axis is considered by using...
Long-term measurements from a photovoltaic power plant and meteorological stations at the Laboratory LINTE^2 of Gdańsk University of Technology
Open Research Data1) The Laboratory LINTE^2 is a large research infrastructure operated by the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at Gdańsk University of Technology, to be found in Gdańsk, Poland (54.3690 N, 18.6130 E). 2) The measurements have been collected from a photovoltaic power plant located on the roof of the laboratory, having total capacity...
Environmental reliability model of a bilge water purifying installation
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono probabilistyczny model, służący do wyznaczania niezawodności środowiskowej instalacji oczyszczania wód zęzowych z zanieczyszczeń olejowych. Jest to model przyczynowo - skutkowy. Struktura modelu ma formę drzewa zdarzeń i odpowiednich drzew niezdatności. Niezawodność środowiskowa instalacji zdefiniowana została jako prawdopodobieństwo, że w wyniku jej eksploatacji nie nastąpi zagrożenie dla środowiska morskiego....
Curved Surface Minijet Impingement Phenomena Analysed with ζ-f Turbulence Model
PublicationThe jet impingement phenomenon plays an important role among the heat transfer intensification methods. Very often its application and analyses refer to simple flat surfaces, while there is a lack of information in the literature for cases addressing curved surfaces. In the present work, the single jet impingement on the non-flat (concave and convex) surface is studied for a wide range of geometries, which originate from the mini-jet...
Pile Model Tests Using Strain Gauge Technology
PublicationOrdinary pile bearing capacity tests are usually carried out to determine the relationship between load and displacement of pile head. The measurement system required in such tests consists of force transducer and three or four displacement gauges. The whole system is installed at the pile head above the ground level. This approach, however, does not give us complete information about the pile-soil interaction. We can only determine...
Noise spectral density computation based on finite element model of piezoceramic sensor
PublicationThe high sensitivity with wide bandwidth is required for sensor applications in non-destructive testing (NDT). The sensitivity of piezoceramic sensors demands to minimize their noise especially thermal noise, polarisation noise and low frequency 1/f noise,which are the main sources of voltage or current fluctuation in this sort of sensors. For simplicity, only the piezoceramic part of sensor was under study. the theoretical and...
Campus Wide Information Systems
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Zdecentralizowany model rynku regulacyjnych usług systemowych
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano model pozyskania regulacyjnych usług systemowych w sposób zdecentralizowany. Przedstawiono koncepcje funkcjonowania lokalnych rynków usług systemowych. Zaproponowano wykorzystanie zdolności odbiorców, źródeł rozproszonych i operatorów systemów lokalnych do dostawy usług. Omówiono rolę Operatorów Systemów Dystrybucyjnych oraz firm obrotu energią jako pośredników w pozyskaniu usług regulacyjnych od podmiotów...
Stochastic model of the process of diesel engine operation.
PublicationStreszczenie: Najistotniejszym problemem eksploatacji silników o zapłonie samoczynnym jest problem racjonalnego (a zwłaszcza optymalnego) sterowania procesem eksploatacji tych silników. Sterowanie takie może ułatwić zastosowanie iteracyjnego algorytmu wyznaczania optymalnych strategii opracowanego przez R.A. Howarda. Wykorzystanie jednak tego algorytmu do sterowania procesem eksploatacji silników wymaga między innymi opracowania...
Effect of pesticides on microorganisms, enzymatic activity and plant in biochar-amended soil
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Possibility of use adsorption chillers for increase efficiency in conventional power plant