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Search results for: LIFE COURSE THEORY
PublicationThe work discusses the air temperature course of winter periods (December–March) in Poland in the years 1720–2015. The analysis is carried out for area mean values calculated from 5 stations: Szczecin, Wrocław, Warsaw, Wilno and Lwów. The time series of the mean area winter temperature (hereinafter PLZ) consists of combined observational (140 years) and reconstructed (156 years) data. PLZ reconstruction is based on independent...
Analysis of Learning Outcomes in Medical Education with the Use of Fuzzy Logic
PublicationThe national curricula of the EU member states are structured around learning outcomes, selected according to Bloom’s Taxonomy. The authors of this paper claim that using Bloom’s Taxonomy to phrase learning outcomes in medical education in terms of students’ achievements is difficult and unclear. This paper presents an efficient method of assessing course learning outcomes using Fuzzy Logic.
Missing Puzzle Pieces in Dementia Research: HCN Channels and Theta Oscillations
PublicationIncreasing evidence indicates a role of hyperpolarization activated cation (HCN) channels in controlling the resting membrane potential, pacemaker activity, memory formation, sleep, and arousal. Their disfunction may be associated with the development of epilepsy and age-related memory decline. Neuronal hyperexcitability involved in epileptogenesis and EEG desynchronization occur in the course of dementia in human Alzheimer’s Disease...
CIP Security Awareness and Training: Standards and Practice
PublicationThese are critical infrastructure employees who have access to the critical cyber assets in the first place. This situation is well recognised by international and national standardisation bodies which recommend security education, training and awareness as one of the key elements of critical infrastructure protection. In this chapter the standards are identified and their relevant areas are described. A practical implementation...
CIP Security Awareness and Training: Standards and Practice
PublicationThese are critical infrastructure employees who have access to the critical cyber assets in the first place. This situation is well recognized by international and national standardization bodies which recommend security education, training and awareness as one of the key elements of critical infrastructure protection. In this chapter the standards are identified and their relevant areas are described. A practical implementation...
Thermal Decomposition of Carbamoyl Meldrum’s Acids: A Starting Point for the Preparation of 1,3-Oxazine Derivatives
PublicationThe ability to undergo [4 + 2] versus [2 + 2] cycloaddition was under investigation for ketenes thermally generated from carbamoyl Meldrum’s acid. Usually, 1,3-oxazino-5-carbamoylo-4,6-diones are formed when carbamoyl Meldrum’s acid reacts with imine. However, in some cases, a reaction takes an unexpected course, leading to the formation of tetraponerines alkaloids derivatives or cyclic iminoethers.
Information Theory and Coding 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesThe course is an auxiliary tool for completing the subject Information Theory and Coding.
Information theory and coding 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesThe course is an auxiliary tool for completing the subject Information Theory and Coding.
A method of determining and visualizing safe motion parameters of a ship navigating in restricted waters
PublicationThe paper presents a method of displaying ship collision avoidance information which is based on an unconventional Collision Threat Parameters Area (CTPA) technique. The solution presented here extends CTPA's functionality from past works by supporting navigation in restricted waters and handling ship domains analytically instead of numerically. It visualizes potential navigational threats as well as possible collision avoidance...
Risk of Cost Overruns in Implementation of Building Investment in Urban Conditions in the Aspect of Historical Background of its Location
PublicationThe article is a continuation of the authors' analyzes on the risk of delays in implementation of building investment in urban conditions in the aspect of historical background of its location. In case of construction investment located in the historic part of the city, the possible accumulation of many unfavourable factors, which in course of its implementation, may constitute a serious source of cost overruns and disruptions,...
PublicationThe main purpose of the paper is to identify the factors that determine the course of green transformation and to assess the current stage and possible directions of change in subsequent years in EU countries. The literature lacks comprehensive studies that show the impact of diverse types of factors on the course of green transformation. For this purpose, two perspectives of the research – economic and environmental – are usually...
Effect of Cyclodextrins on Coupling of o-Ethoxybenzenediazonium Salt with Pyrrole, Imidazole and 2-Methylimidazole
PublicationThe effect of b-cyclodextrin on o-ethoxybenzenediazonium salt coupling with pyrrole, imidazole and 2-methylimidazole has been studied. The differences in the reaction course, the overall yield and products distribution have been analyzed. Experiments without cyclodextrins and selected reactions with a- and c-cyclodextrins have been performed for comparison. The results are discussed in terms of co-conformation of azole molecules...
KEYSTONE WG2: Activities and Results Overview on Keyword Search
PublicationIn this chapter we summarize activities and results achieved by the Keyword Search Working Group (WG2) of the KEYSTONE Cost Action IC1302. We present the goals of the WG2, its main activities in course of the action and provide a summary of the selected publications related to the WG2 goals and co-authored by WG2 members. We concludewith a summary of open research directions in the area of keyword search for structured data.
Consumerism and the Quality of Life
PublicationHigh level of consumption, driven by marketing activities, the pleasure and joy of possession and the accumulation of material goods are often associated with prosperity, sense of happiness and fulfilment in life. On a broader scale, economic indicators related to production and consumption are used to define the well-being and quality of life in societies. Unfortunately, the phenomenon of consumerism entails negative social and...
Software Factory project for enhancement of student experiential learning
PublicationProviding opportunities for students to work on real-world software development projects for real customers is critical to prepare students for the IT industry. Such projects help students to understand what they will face in the industry and experience real customer interaction and challenges in collaborative work. To provide this opportunity in an academic environment and enhance the learning and multicultural teamwork experience,...
Risk of Delays in Implementation of Building Investment in Urban Conditions in the Aspect of Historical Background of its Location
PublicationThe implementation of a construction investment in urban conditions is extremely complex, and at the same time exposed to a high risk of a specific character. In case of construction investment located in the historic part of the city, the possible accumulation of many unfavourable factors, which in course of its implementation, may constitute a serious source of delays and disruptions, should be taken into account at the preparation...
Theory of Organisation and Management and Systems Theory
e-Learning CoursesDear Students, Our classes on Theory of Orgnisation and Management (15 h lecture, 15 hours excercises) and Systems Theory (15 hours lecture) will take place in MSTeams each Wednesday since 21st of February 2024 at 9:15-12:00 am at link Join...
The overview of reactors used for the production of precipitated calcium carbonate via carbonation route
PublicationCarbonation is one of the methods for the production of precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) on the industrial scale. A gaseous CO2 is used as a reagent in this process. The hydrodynamic conditions gener-ated in the reactor affect the course of the process and the characteristics of the precipitated calcium carbonate particles. This paper discusses the construction of standard reactors and new proposed con-struction used for the...
Theory of Organisation and Management and System's Theory
e-Learning CoursesWe will have our lectures and classes in Theory of Organisation and Management and System's Theory on Wednesday Since 9:15 till 12:00. We will meet on MsTeams and here is the link:
Influence of e-beam irradiation on poly(aliphatic/aromatic-ester) multiblock copolymers used as biomaterials
PublicationThe use of polymers became more relevant in medical applications for the versatility in processing and enhanced material properties of polymers. In order to be suitable as a biomaterial, it is of medical importance that these polymers are biocompatible and do not elicit negative responses from the body after implantation. Furthermore during the course of usage under load-bearing conditions, these biomaterials must sustain dynamical...
Influence of Property Division on the Technical Condition of a Building
PublicationIn this article, the correlation between a technical condition of a building and property division is analyzed and assessed. In the course of the usage of a building, the process of its degradation and the increase in the demands of property occupants can be observed. There is a direct connection between the difficult technical condition of a building and the fragmentation of the ownership structure. Although not considered in...
Intramolecular transformation of an antifungal antibiotic nystatin A1 into its isomer, iso-nystatin A1 - structural and molecular modeling studies
PublicationNystatin A1, a polyene macrolide antifungal antibiotic, in a slightly basic or acidic solution undergoes an intramolecular transformation, yielding a structural isomer, the translactonization product, iso-nystatin A1 with lactone ring diminished by two carbon atoms. Structural evidence is provided by advanced NMR and Mass Spectrometry (MS) studies. Molecular dynamics simulations and quantum mechanics calculations gave the insight...
The Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Cost in public works contracts
PublicationAn important goal, implemented by EU countries under the Europe 2020 strategy, is sustainable development, which includes supporting economy that effectively uses natural and environmentally friendly resources. Solutions in this area are also promoted in tender proceedings in the area of public procurement. The LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) and LCC (Life Cycle Cost) analysis are indicated as the basis for decision-making by awarding...
Teaching High–performance Computing Systems – A Case Study with Parallel Programming APIs: MPI, OpenMP and CUDA
PublicationHigh performance computing (HPC) education has become essential in recent years, especially that parallel computing on high performance computing systems enables modern machine learning models to grow in scale. This significant increase in the computational power of modern supercomputers relies on a large number of cores in modern CPUs and GPUs. As a consequence, parallel program development based on parallel thinking has become...
Reactive imines: Addition of 2-aminopyrimidine to the imine bond and isolation of the aminal from the equilibrium mixture aminal/imine
PublicationThe reaction between o-vanillin and 2-aminopyrimidine leads to the formation of a single crystalline product: aminal, 1, which results from the reaction of the initially formed imine with 2-aminopyrimidine. The reaction was followed by the NMR spectroscopy. VT NMR studies prove that in solution two major species are observed: aminal and imine and their ratio depends on the time or/and temperature with the imine content increasing...
The regional energy transformation in the context of renewable energy sources potential
PublicationThe topics addressed in the article concern the problem of exploiting the potential of renewable energy sources (RES) at the regional level and the problem of the course of regional energy transition processes. Throughout the world, energy transition proceeds in a specific way for each country, due to the different potential of the selected RES and political, institutional and socio-economic conditions. Energy transition processes...
Bitumen-Based Poroelastic Pavements: Successful Improvements and Remaining Issues
PublicationThis article presents the development process of designing and testing poroelastic pavement based on highly polymer-modified bitumen. Poroelastic wearing course was composed of mineral and rubber aggregate mixed with highly polymer-modified bitumen, in contrast to previous trials, during which polyurethane resins were mainly used as binder, which led to several serious technological problems concerning difficult production, insufficient...
Hysteresis curves for some periodic and aperiodic perturbations in gases
PublicationEvolution of sound in a medium whose properties irreversibly vary in the course of wave propagation, is studied. For example, a gas that is a particular case of a Newtonian fluid is considered. Hysteresis curves, pictorial representations of irreversible attenuation of the sound energy, in the plane of thermodynamic states are plotted. The irreversible losses in internal energy are proportional to the total attenuation and depend...
Distribution of roughness and waviness components of turned surface profiles
PublicationThe paper presents a spectral formulation of surface profile irregularity in a wideband frequency range for roughness, waviness and shape components along the measured length. A unique distribution of roughness and waviness components is proposed, according to the nature of their origination in the course of machining with tools of defined cutting edge, as distinct from standard filtration in measurements of surface irregularities....
Ring thruster - a preliminary optimisation study of ferrofluid seal and propeller
PublicationThe article reports the course of preliminary examination of a ferrofluid seal applied in liquid environment.A newly built research rig is described, and results of pressure tests performed for different shaft rotationsare discussed. Other studies carried out in the past only referred to the gas environment, while the presentexamination aims at finding an answer to the question whether magnetic liquids can be successfully used...
Photogrammetric and computerized report on site model in feasibility study of navigability channel on vistula spit
PublicationIn the report the authors present a course of geodesic and geo-computerized works upon realization of feasibility study of navigability channel on Vistula Spit. A procedure of acquiring verification and modeling of data for requirements of a numeric model of a bottom and site has been presented with construction of original software for 3D visualization of the Vistula Spit area. The activities described in the report can be...
PublicationThe paper presents results of experimental research and numerical simulations of the sloshing phenomenon. The research was focused on computation of the heeling moment affecting stability of a vessel. The proposed linearisation enables application of the results to the assessment of the ship's stability. The dependence of the heeling moment upon localisation of a tank in the ship's hull is analysed. The heeling moment obtained...
PublicationThe fate of the surfactant LAS in the two different types of Waste Water Treatment Plants has been reviewed: the small “Swarzewo” WWTP (45 000 PE), and large WWTP “Wschód” (760 000 PE). The elimination of LAS from the water stream in Swarzewo (98,7%), is better than that found in Gdańsk (97,6%). In the sludge treatment course, the reduction of LAS in Swarzewo is greater than that in Gdańsk due to the greater biodegradation of LAS...
PublicationFaculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (WILiS) at Gdansk University of Technology (GUT) offers studies in the fields of Geodesy and Cartography. The bachelor program (7 semesters) was started ten years ago in 2009. It provides the student with the basic skills and knowledge in the fields of surveying, geodesy and more generally geomatics and cartography. It is strongly related to expertise knowledge of civil building (geodetic...
Work-life balance i nie tylko
e-Learning Courses -
Heuristic Method of Safe Manoeuvre Selection Based on Collision Threat Parameters Areas
PublicationThis paper is a continuation of papers dedicated to a radar-based CTPA (Collision Threat Parameters Area) display designed to support safe manoeuvre selection. The display visualizes all the ships in an encounter and presents situational overview from the own ship’s point of view. It calculates and displays information on unsafe or unrealistic own ship’s course & speed allowing a user to select a safe manoeuvre. So far only the...
PublicationThe method for determining the suboptimal route of sailing vessels operating in a restricted area of the sea are proposed in the paper. The dynamics of the environment including weather conditions and speed characteristics of ships sailing are considered. As optimiza-tion criterion, measure sailing time T, and the number of maneuvers performed ω, are taken into account. An heuristic algorithm, and the appropriate application routing...
Instructional course lectures
Journals -
Analysis of start energy of Stirling engine type alpha
PublicationThe Stirling engine type alpha is composed of two cylinders (expansion space E and compression space C), regenerator that forms the space between the cylinders and the buffer space (under the pistons). Before the start-up and as a result of long-term operation, the average pressure in the working space (above the pistons) and in the buffer space is the same. However, in the initial phase of operation, the average pressure in the...
Mild X-linked Alport syndrome due to the COL4A5 G624D variant originating in the Middle Ages is predominant in Central/East Europe and causes kidney failure in midlife
PublicationA study of 269 children enrolled into a National Registry for children with persistent glomerular hematuria identified 131 individuals with genetically confirmed X-linked Alport Syndrome. A single variant c.1871G>A p.Gly624Asp (G624D) in COL4A5 was predominant and accounted for 39% of Xlinked Alport Syndrome in unrelated Polish families (44 of 113). To evaluate its origins, the genetic variation in a 2.79 Mb segment encompassing...
Numerical and experimental investigation of guided ultrasonic wave propagation in non-uniform plates with structural phase variations
PublicationThe article presents the results of numerical and experimental investigations of guided wave propagation in aluminum plates with variable thickness. The shapes of plate surfaces have been specially designed and manufactured using a CNC milling machine. The shapes of the plates were defined by sinusoidal functions varying in phase shift, which forced the changes in thickness variability alongside the propagation path. The main aim...
Train the trainer course
PublicationThis chapter presents the concept, evaluation and evaluation results for the train the trainer. This concept of train the trainers is prepared within Workpackage 5 of EU-funded project: MASTER BSR (Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Programme). Due to the nature of adult learning the content is designed for the use of participatory methods (involved, active). This method uses various techniques of active learning e.g. group work,...
Reduced-Cost Microwave Design Closure by Multi-Resolution EM Simulations and Knowledge-Based Model Management
PublicationParameter adjustment through numerical optimization has become a commonplace of contemporary microwave engineering. Although circuit theory methods are ubiquitous in the development of microwave components, the initial designs obtained with such tools have to be further tuned to improve the system performance. This is particularly pertinent to miniaturized structures, where the cross-coupling effects cannot be adequately accounted...
Methods of the privatization process of Polish state-owned enterprises in years 1990‒2015
PublicationThis article presents methods of the privatization process of state-owned enterprises in Poland in the period of years 1990‒2015. The author presents the change of number of state-owned companies over the selected period as well as describes the main methods of ownership transformation used in Poland. First part presents the mechanism of commercialization. Second discusses the indirect privatization and contribution to NFI. Next,...
Theory of architectural design IV
e-Learning CoursesTheory of architectural design IV prowadzący: dr inż. Najmeh Hasses mgr inż. Tomasz Zybała email:
A city is not a tree: a multi-city study on street network and urban life
PublicationChristopher Alexander, a British-American scholar, differentiated an old (natural) city from a new (planned) one by structure. The former resembles a “semilattice”, or a complex system encompassing many interconnected sub-systems. The latter is shaped in a graph-theoretical “tree”, which lacks the structural complexity as its sub-systems are compartmentalized into a single hierarchy. This structural distinction explains why, or...
The theory of organization and management
e-Learning CoursesDear Students, I invite you to our classes of Theory of Organization and Management and Systems Theory, each Wednesday since 10:20 till 11:50 at this link. E.Sycz
Experimental study of boiling heat transfer in the stagnation point of water microjet
PublicationIn the paper presented is a comparison of computational model with experimental data. Numerical model of liquid film with phase change in the stagnation zone due to impingement of the microjet is more widely presented in authors previous work. The radius on which theevaporation process is taking place can be determined from the energy balance on the element of the plate. That radius has also been confirmed experimentally in the...
Synthesis and biological evaluation of fluorinated 3-phenylcoumarin-7-O-sulfamate derivatives as steroid sulfatase inhibitors
PublicationIn the present work, we report the initial results of our study on a series of 3-phenylcoumarin sulfamate-based compounds containing C-F bonds as a novel inhibitors of steroid sulfatase (STS). The new compounds are potent STS inhibitors, possessing more than 10 times higher inhibitory potency than coumarin-7-O-sulfamate. In the course of our investigation, compounds 2b and 2c demonstrated the highest inhibitory effect in the enzymatic...
Decahedral-shaped anatase titania photocatalyst particles: Synthesis in a newly developed coaxial-flow gas-phase reactor
PublicationDecahedral-shaped anatase particles (DAPs) were prepared by a gas-phase process consisting of titanium(IV) chloride oxidation. The use of a coaxial-flow gas-phase reactor resulted in high reaction yield (ca. 70%) and good reproducibility of DAPs production. The influence of controlled and resultant preparation parameters on the process course and on DAPs properties (such as specific surface area, particle size and particle morphology)...