


  • Open Innovation Competence for a Future-Proof Workforce: A Comparative Study from Four European Universities

    Digital transformation is a key driving force of open innovation to capture and transfer knowledge inside and outside of a company’s bounds. New challenges in organizing multiple knowledge flows imply the need for increased competences related to this paradigm of future employees. In this article, we organize and aggregate the competencies required for open innovation collaboration and develop a competence profile that organizes...

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  • The best practices transfer part I


    This expertise describes the possibilities of best practices implementation. These examples of best practices concern to improve the women’ entrepreneurship and were identified at the earlier stage of the project. One of the areas of activity within the QUICK IGA project was the selection of best practices related to strengthening the economic activity of women in the context of developing the competitiveness and innovation of...

  • Measuring the effectiveness of digital communication - social media performance: an example of the role played by AI-assisted tools at a university


    - Year 2023

    The aim of the article is to show the role played by AI-powered tools in measuring the effectiveness of digital communication in social media using a university case study. Therefore, a research problem was formulated to identify the metrics (KPIs) used to measure the effectiveness – non-financial outcomes – of digital social media communication at the university using AI tools. The literature review on the role of AI in digital...

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  • Nina Rizun dr

    Nina Rizun is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Management and Economics at the Gdańsk University of Technology. In October 1999 she obtained a PhD degree in technical sciences in the Faculty of Enterprise Economy and Production Organization, National Mining Academy, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. PhD thesis title: Development of Complex Subsystem of the Organization and Planning of Mining and Transport Processes. In the years...

  • How can Systems Thinking Help Us Handling the COVID-19 Crisis?


    - Year 2020

    Purpose: COVID-19 pandemic outbreak remains one of the most influential events in the global economy over the recent years. While being primarily public health-related, it has a tremendous impact on many other aspects, such as public transport, education, and business management. Many businesses were forced to introduce rapid changes to their business models in order to survive. The aim of this paper is to show the complexity and...

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  • Elderly persons professional activity - substantive issues and methodical challenges

    Population ageing and mass withdrawal of persons around retirement age from the labour market constitutes a serious threat for European Union economy, especially in the so-called new member states. The coming years are expected to bring a considerable increase in public spending on pensions and health care, as well as changes in the structure and size of consumer demand and an increase in the number of socially excluded individuals....

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  • Among Friends: The Role of Friendship in Alternative Organizations


    - Zarządzanie Mediami - Year 2021

    Friendship, a mutual and profound relationship, permeates history of human culture and occurs in all social situations, including professional and informal human activities. In organizations, it devel­ops through processes of communication and generates a communication culture of kindness and support. Organizational friendship enhances work engagement and satisfaction, as well as helps to promote individual ends. This article investigates...

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    W artykule, przyjmując za punkt wyjścia teorię interesariuszy Freemana, autorki podjęły się refleksji na temat specyfiki odpowiedzialności społecznej firm rodzinnych i przedsiębiorstw społecznych. Przedsiębiorstwa społeczne, uznawane są powszechnie za ucieleśnienie pełnej, wręcz doskonałej formy odpowiedzialności społecznej. Z kolei przedsiębiorstwa rodzinne, charakteryzują się szczególną paletą interesariuszy oraz specyficznymi...

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  • Personal Branding—A New Competency in the Era of the Network Economy. Corporate Brand Performance Implications


    - Year 2018

    Primary assets of the network economy are information, network, re-lationships, knowledge, and a virtual environment. The competency of personal branding exercised by knowledge workers, also thought of as knowledge producers, is becoming a natural consequence of the business environment where the significance of hierarchies is constantly decreasing. Knowledge workers are powerful as never be-fore and can exist as separate actors...

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  • Evaluation of a company’s image on social media using the Net Sentiment Rate


    - Year 2020

    Vast amounts of new types of data are constantly being created as a result of dynamic digitization in all areas of our lives. One of the most important and valuable categories for business is data from social networks such as Facebook. Feedback resulting from the sharing of thoughts and emotions, expressed in comments on various products and services, is becoming the key factor on which modern business is based. This feedback is...

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  • Bankruptcy Law Severity for Debtors: Comparative Analysis Among Selected Countries


    - European Research Studies Journal - Year 2020

    Purpose: The objective of this paper is to propose the new indicator of bankruptcy law severity for debtors (BLSI-Bankruptcy Law Severity Index). On the basis of this index we conducted comparative analysis of debtor/creditor friendliness of bankruptcy laws among 27 selected countries. Design/Methodology/Approach: In the research the following methods were used: analysis of legal acts, literature review and expert method. Findings:...

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  • Action Plan “Women”


    Employees of a company are not the first alternative coming into one’s mind when searching suitable successor for the business. Those belonging to the company’s management group are in many cases asked for their interest in being a successor, but the lower level an employee is in the hierarchy, the less probably he/she is inquired of his/her interest in becoming a successor. The contemporary entrepreneur may have had conflicts...

  • Hey student, are you sharing your knowledge? A cluster typology of knowledge sharing behaviours among students


    Knowledge Sharing (KS) is crucial for all organisations to better face current and future challenges. It is justifiable to assume that after graduation, students will have to face the coming challenges at societal and business levels, and that they will need the adequate KS skills to do so. Though the importance of KS is established, the understanding of how students pass on their knowledge is still fragmented and underdeveloped....

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  • University Students’ Research on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management. A Review and Report of Multi-case Studies


    - Year 2021

    Leading technologies are very attractive for students preparing their theses as the completion of their studies. Such an orientation of students connected with professional experiences seems to be a crucial motivator in the research in the management and business areas where these technologies condition the development of professional activities. The goal of the paper is the analysis of students’ thesis topics defended in the last...

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  • The Structure of Entrepreneurial Team Members’ Competencies: Between Effectuation and Causation

    A conscious shaping of entrepreneurial competence is a relevant element of entrepreneurial education. In order to recognize which of the competencies regarded as entrepreneurial are characteristic of members of entrepreneurial teams, which is crucial for the work of those teams, it is necessary to identify the structure of those competencies. This quantitative study was conducted with the use of a survey method and involved 111...

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  • Corporate social responsibility and project management: towards a better understanding of their relationship


    - e-mentor - Year 2022

    The main purpose of this article is to identify the fields of convergence, if any, between two management concepts and business practices, namely Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Project Management (PM). To achieve the formulated goal, a systematic literature review (SLR), including bibliometric analysis, LOESS regression analysis, and text mining, was performed. This analysis allowed us to distinguish five categories...

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  • Otoczenie instytucjonalne a innowacyjność przedsiębiorstw


    Problematyka innowacyjności w Polsce zajmuje wiele miejsca, zarówno w badaniach, raportach oraz w konstruowanych narzędziach wsparcia. Badania literaturowe wskazują na wagę instytucji w procesie przedsiębiorczym. Wykorzystując badania prowadzone wśród mikroprzedsiębiorstw w Polsce, przeanalizowano czynniki instytucjonalne, które mogą, według badań literaturowych, wpływać na innowacyjność tych podmiotów. Z badań wynika, że przedsiębiorcy...

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  • Forecasting risks and challenges of digital innovations


    - Year 2020

    Forecasting and assessment of societal risks related to digital innovation systems and services is an urgent problem, because these solutions usually contain artificial intelligence algorithms which learn using data from the environment and modify their behaviour much beyond human control. Digital innovation solutions are increasingly deployed in transport, business and administrative domains, and therefore, if abused by a malicious...

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  • Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska

    Head of the Scientific and Technical Information Services at the Gdansk University of Technology Library and the Leader of the Open Science Competence Center. She is also a Plenipotentiary of the Rector of the Gdańsk University of Technology for open science.  She is a PhD Candidate. Her main areas of research and interests include research productivity, motivation, management of HEs, Open Access, Open Research Data, information...

  • The effectiveness of financial and economic regulation of land relations in the context of stimulating entrepreneurial activity in the regions of Ukraine


    - Problems and Perspectives in Management - Year 2020

    Solving the problem of enhancing the efficiency of the financial and economic regulation of land relations contributes to the development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine. The purpose of the paper is to determine new incentives for encouraging entrepreneurial activity by increasing the efficiency of the financial and economic regulation of land relations by local governments. The study is based on applying the method for predicting...

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  • Agata Ewa Chudzicka-Czupała


    She is a specialist in psychology (work and organizational psychology, health psychology). She works at the SWPS University, Department of Psychology, Poland. She conducts research in the field of health psychology, dealing with the psychological costs of volunteering, participation in traumatic events, determinants of mental health, and stress in difficult situations such as pandemics or war. In researching these phenomena,...

  • What Skills for Multi-Partner Open Innovation Projects? Open Innovation Competence Profile in a Cluster Ecosystem Context


    Industry 4.0 and the turbulent environment have rendered increasing interest in open inno- vation that extends from the bilateral transmission of expertise to multilateral platform collaborations. Open innovation ventures are seen as intricate collaborations that require the commitment of numer- ous partners during the lifetime of the project. In order to examine the specific competence of open innovation teams, we set the research...

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  • Evolution of End-User Participation in IT Projects.


    - Year 2013

    This chapter is aimed at presenting a review of evolutionary design paradigms which determine the end-user’s role in IT (Information Technology) projects across recent decades. This review covers different perspectives starting from technology-oriented sequential software development lifecycles, through user-centred approaches, ending finally in contemporary service design approaches supported by e-business and social media. Finally,...

  • Corporate social responsibility and forward default risk mediated by financial performance and goodwill


    In today’s business environment, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an increasingly significant factor for firms. This study is driven by the motivation to add to the current literature by investigating the mediating elements that explain the relationship between CSR and forward default risk. In this paper, we attempt to identify the important mediators and give a more comprehensive explanation of this connection...

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  • Sustainable development model for measuring and managing sustainability in the automotive sector



    A growing number of organizations across a variety of industries are now pursuing sustainable management business goals to improve business efficiency, manage stakeholder expectations, or for legislative compliance. This is also the case for automotive manufacturing organizations who are under pressure from their stakeholders to manage and improve sustainability performance. This requires the development of credible measurement...

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  • Koncepcja społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu w usługach ubezpieczeniowych


    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie koncepcji społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu (CSR) w usługach ubezpieczeniowych. Zidentyfikowano w tym celu podstawowe oczekiwania interesariuszy oraz najważniejsze obszary zastosowania CSR w instytucjach ubezpieczeniowych. Zaprezentowano również podstawowy związek pomiędzy działaniami społecznie odpowiedzialnymi realizowanymi przez instytucje ubezpieczeniowe a ich wizerunkiem. Na podstawie...

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  • Marta Kuc-Czarnecka dr

    Marta Kuc-Czarnecka is the deputy head of the Department of Statistics and Economics at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. She also serves as the Dean's proxy for AMBA accreditation. She is a co-founder of Rethinking Economics Gdańsk and a member of the Foundation Edward Lipiński for the promotion of pluralism in economic sciences. In 2018-2022, she was Eurofound’s quality of life and...

  • How ethics combine with big data: a bibliometric analysis

    The term Big Data is becoming increasingly widespread throughout the world, and its use is no longer limited to the IT industry, quantitative scientific research, and entrepreneurship, but entered as well everyday media and conversations. The prevalence of Big Data is simply a result of its usefulness in searching, downloading, collecting and processing massive datasets. It is therefore not surprising that the number of scientific...

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  • Wroclaw University of Technology Knowledge Repository - project objectives


    - Year 2014

    Knowledge Repository is a project created in the Library and Scientific Information Centre of Wroclaw University of Technology (WrUT). Its main task will be collecting, sharing, and promoting scientific publications of researchers, postgraduates and students of WrUT. It will be also used for bibliometric analysis and reporting research output of WrUT scientific community.Knowledge Repository will closely cooperate with other databases...

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  • Quantitative Storytelling in the Making of a Composite Indicator


    - Social Indicators Research - Year 2020

    The reasons for and against composite indicators are briefly reviewed, as well as the available theories for their construction. After noting the strong normative dimension of these measures—which ultimately aim to ‘tell a story’, e.g. to promote the social discovery of a particular phenomenon, we inquire whether a less partisan use of a composite indicator can be proposed by allowing more latitude in the framing of its construction....

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  • Doing well by doing good — CSR in a global context


    Motivation: Nowadays, there is a general understanding that stakeholders are crucial for the successful enterprise. There is also a need to think about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in a global context. Never before corporations enjoyed so much power and authority. Corporations need to evolve, re-think their strategies and change their processes accordingly. However, as of now, there is no agreed way of measuring overall...

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  • Regenarative tourism – between theory and practice


    - Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska - Year 2024

    Purpose: The aim of this article is to present a shift in thinking in terms of implementing the systems and practices needed to transition to a regenerative approach in tourism. The article aims to provide concrete ways to change thinking and move towards a regenerative paradigm in the tourism industry. Design/methodology/approach: This viewpoint paper defines regenerative tourism and explores its principles and the possibilities...

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  • Transformation of Energy Markets: Description, Modeling of Functioning Mechanisms and Determining Development Trends


    One of the key contemporary economic and social issues today is the global energy transition. Energy transition processes are having a significant impact on the development of world economies, increasing their TFP and leading to an increase in their level of innovation through the transfer of myriad new technologies. These processes also contribute to an increase in foreign direct investment and, consequently, an increase in the...

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    Projekt SP4CE (Partnerstwo strategiczne na rzecz kreatywności i przedsiębiorczości) jest odpowiedzią na potrzeby zidentyfikowane w komunikacie z Brugii w sprawie ściślejszej europejskiej współpracy w dziedzinie kształcenia i szkolenia zawodowego w latach 2011 - 2020. Do realizacji portalu SP4CE wykorzystano oprogramowanie WordPress i Moodle. WordPress wykorzystano do udostępnienia materiałów informacyjnych oraz szkoleniowych...

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  • Przedsiębiorcy 55+, czy wiek ma znaczenie?


    Znaczenie przedsiębiorczości 55+ w ostatnim okresie rośnie, między innymi w związku ze zmianami demograficznymi i starzeniem się społeczeństwa w większości krajów europejskich. Nie bez znaczenia jest także fakt, że starsi ludzie zaczynają wierzyć, że mogą uczestniczyć w rynku pracy, zarówno po stronie zatrudnianych jak i zatrudniających. Stąd też liczba nowych firm, tworzonych przez osoby starsze wzrasta, a starsi właściciele firm...

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  • L'industria e la Storia. La lezione di Giorgio Mori

    The wide contribution of Giorgio Mori for a better understanding of the long-term historical relationships between history and industry is the focus of this chapter. By analysing the long list of books and articles written all along his scientific and academic life it is possible to trace a sort of fil rouge that permits to appreciate the huge effort made by this scholar in offering a fresh and never banal interpretation of the...

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  • Trendy w e-usługach

    W artykule przedstawiono trendy w sektorze e-biznesu pokazujące perspektywy zmian w usługach. Zwrócono uwagę jak zmienia się podejście do samego procesu usługi, jak zmienia się sposób świadczenia samej usługi. Autor przedstawia trendy nie tylko związane z zastosowaniem nowoczesnych technologii, ale również związane z otwieraniem nowych segmentów rynku jakimi są np. społeczności. W wyniku analizy przytoczonych przykładów wykorzystania...

  • CSR and small business from the international and national perspective

    Corporate and social responsibility is nowadays quite a popular topic among large companies but thanks to numerous popularization activities undertaken by national and international institutions, also small entrepreneurs become more and more interested in exploring this fairly new approach. This paper outlines the main differences between the implementation of the CSR approach in large companies and in SMEs, which are not able...

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  • Corporate social responsibility practices incomes and outcomes: Stakeholders' pressure, culture, employee commitment, corporate reputation, and brand performance. A Polish–German cross‐country study

    This study aims to compare employee perception of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practice incomes and outcomes in the construction industry in Poland and Germany. It proposes a model that examines the influence of stakeholder pressure, culture, and CSR practices on company brand performance, reputation, and employee identification. The findings suggest that the structure of relationships varies for project‐managed construction...

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  • The Mediation Function of Job Satisfaction's between Organizational Culture Dimensions and Knowledge Sharing


    - Year 2018

    It is commonly acknowledged that organizational culture is a valuable element of intellectual capital and as a hidden source of competitive advantage can considerably affect the achieving of strategic business goals. The axiological dimension of organizational culture is mostly identified with a set of shared assumptions and values, while work practices mainly define its behavioral dimension. Both these dimensions influence, among...

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  • Abreham Bekele Bayu (Ass. Prof)


    I am an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering with a specialization in environmental engineering at Jimma Institute of Technology. Currently, I am a doctoral candidate and researcher at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. I hold a bachelor's degree in Chemical engineering from Addis Ababa University and a master's degree in environmental Engineering From Jimma University. Besides I had a Master of Business Administration...

  • Media społecznościowe a wizerunek marki


    Jeszcze do niedawna wydawało się, że social media, podobnie jak komunikatory internetowe, będą stanowiły kolejne narzędzie wykorzystywane w komunikacji ze znajomymi, a ich tematyka będzie związana głównie z rozrywką i chęcią podtrzymania więzi społecznych. Jednak, z obserwacji wielu autorów wynika, iż obecnie można już mówić o trendzie social media lub też Web 2.0, a z roku na rok internetowe witryny o charakterze społecznościowym,...

  • Anna Rzeczycka dr hab.


    Anna Rzeczycka is the deputy head of the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Gdańsk University of Technology. Publications are situated in the field of social sciences in the discipline of economics and finance. They include books, monographs, articles, publications and scientific editions of monographs and scientific journals. In terms of numbers, it includes the following items: 12 monographs...

  • Economic situation perception and the growth plans of microenterprises, case of Poland


    - Year 2015

    Numerous scientific studies provide information on the impact of the environment on the launch, operation and growth of businesses. Reflections on the environment can result from two perspectives: the objective and the subjective one. The first relates to the economic analysis and/or sociological research, whereas the second relies on the perception of the environment by the interested parties themselves. While analysing companies...

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  • Intelligent Knowledge-Base Model for IT Support Organization Evolution


    - Year 2010

    The goal of the paper is building the knowledge-based model for predicting the state of the IT support organization. These organizations, critical for development of various business sectors, are facing the problem of their transformation. It is the result of the fundamental change in the role of the IT organizations in the current economy. The complexity of the processes, the difficulty adjusting the operations and limited ability...

  • Remote Work Support Needs of Employees with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Poland: Perspectives of Individuals with Autism and Their Coworkers

    Background and Aims: With remote work becoming more common across industries, employees with autism may experience different work support needs from neurotypical peers. However, the specific remote work needs of this group of employees are underexplored in the literature. We aim to propose ways to assess workplace digital adaptation needs for individuals with autism and a framework for communicating these needs to employers. Methods:...

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  • Model biznesu przedsiębiorstwa wodociągowego

    W artykule przedstawiono badania nad wartościami modelu biznesu przedsiębiorstw wodociągowych w Polsce oraz przeprowadzono dyskusję nad ich postrzeganiem przez same przedsiębiorstwa. Wartości te w wielu aspektach postrzegane są w zbliżony sposób przez klientów. O ile jednak przedsiębiorstwa, jako istotne wartości postrzegały elementy związa-ne ze sprawnością i ciągłością procesu o tyle klienci kładli nacisk na sferę społeczną doty-czącą...

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  • Communication as a Factor Limiting University-Business Cooperation

    Objective - Despite the broad extent of the scientific activity dealing with university-business cooperation, Poland has yet to develop a satisfactory cooperation strategy that takes business needs into account. This issue is still relevant due to the need for continuous improvement and resulting benefits aimed at improving enterprise competitiveness. Methodology/Technique - Authors of this article attempt to select an overriding...

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  • Doing Well by Doing Good- CSR in a Global Context


    Nowadays, there is a general understanding that stakeholders are crucial for the successful enterprise. There is also a need to think about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in a global context. Never before corporations enjoyed so much power and authority. Corporations need to evolve, re-think their strategies and change their processes accordingly. However, as of now, there is no agreed way of measuring overall sustainability...

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  • Inclusive onboarding process and the specific organizational culture – a theoretical outline of the problem

    Purpose: The aim of this article is to indicate to what extent an organization hiring new employees is able to prepare an individualized, inclusive onboarding process for a diverse workforce; to what extent is it necessary, and to what extent is it possible, so that each new employee efficiently find themselves in the new workplace, but also has the feeling that the organization wants to use their potential and talents. Design/methodology/approach:...

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