total: 137
Search results for: MINERAL COMPOSITION
Mineral Composition of Dietary Supplements-Analytical and Chemometric Approach
PublicationThere is a lack of data on the actual composition and effectiveness of beetroot-based dietary supplements. The research aimed to determine the profile of 22 elements (Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, Fe, As, Se, Zn, Cu, Ag, Co, Ni, Mo, Al, Mn, Sr, Cr, Ba, Li, Pb, Cd) in beetroot and its supplements by the microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometry (MP-AES) method. The analytical procedure was optimised and validated. The composition of both...
Mineral Composition and Antioxidant Potential of Coffee Beverages Depending on the Brewing Method
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Mineral Composition and Antioxidant Potential in the Common Poppy (Papaver rhoeas L.) Petal Infusions
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Mineral composition and bioavailability of calcium and phosphorus from acid whey concentrated by various membrane processes
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Antioxidant potential, mineral composition and inhibitory effects of conifer needle extract on hyaluronidase - prospects of application in functional food
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Photocatalytic decomposition of benzo-[a]-pyrene on the surface of acrylic, latex and mineral paints. Influence of paint composition
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Mineral and Organic Matter Constituents in Weak Interfaces in Shales
PublicationThis paper identifies formation interfaces that would appear to be "weak interfaces", in the Jurassic, Early- Cretaceous Vaca Muerta formation, in the Neuquén Basin, Argentina. Significant distribution of the weak interfaces was observed including contacts between volcanic ash layers of varying thicknesses, calcite-filled veins, and contacts between lithology changes, such as between argillaceous mudstone and mottled carbonates....
The New Test Procedure for Group-Type Composition of Base Oils of Lubricating Oils, Especially Emitted into the Environment
PublicationMineral base oil, a product of multistep fine refining of the relevant fractions from vacuum distillation of crude oil, is a main component of so-called mineral lubricating oils containing aliphatic and alicyclic substituted aromatic hydrocarbons, i.e., derivatives of benzene and biphenyl. Mineral lubricating oil is composed mostly of mineral base oil and a low amount of enriching additives, most often products of advanced organic...
Charakterystyka hydrogeochemiczna wód podziemnych rejonu Przylądka Rozewie na podstawie badań ich naturalnych wypływów
PublicationW niniejszym artykule zostały przedstawione wyniki badań, które były prowadzone w strefie brzegowej rejonu Przylądka Rozewie. Prowadzone w latach 2013-2014 badania miały charakter monitoringu podstawowych właściwości fizykochemicznych oraz oznaczenia składu jonowego wód wypływających ze zbocza w obrębie badanego terenu. Warunki hydrogeochemiczne rejonu Przylądka Rozewie są kształtowane pod wpływem specyficznego nadmorskiego klimatu,...
Effect of different crystalline structures on W/O and O/W/O wax emulsion stability
PublicationtThe possibility of emulsion stabilization using mineral and vegetable wax particles only (without sur-factant) was investigated. Mineral waxes, paraffin wax and ceresin, and a vegetable wax, carnauba wax,were used. The content of the wax particles and the water to oil proportion were found crucial for thestability of all emulsions. Some emulsions were also produced with a liquid wax (i.e. jojoba oil). Themultiple light scattering...
Properties and Formation of Mineralized Veins in an Organic-Rich Shale Formation
PublicationAn earlier paper defined mineral and organic matter constituents in weak interfaces in shale formations (Ptaszynska, et. al., 2016). The formation studied in the earlier work and here is the Jurassic, early-Cretaceous Vaca Muerta formation in the Neuquen basin in Argentina. In this earlier work, mineralized "veins" were noted to be prevalent and complicated, sometimes being shear weak interfaces while in other cases they were not....
Analysis of metals in air particles from Gdańsk and London with EDX/EDS detectors in electron microscope
PublicationElectron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX/EDS) is the example of non-destructive analytical method for surface elemental analysis, with a potential detection limit of 0.1-0.5 wt.% for most elements. A spatial resolution <10 nm can be achieved using this technique, which provides a basis for the generation of quantitative and qualitative elemental data for individual particles. In order to obtain quantitative...
Honey as an indicator of heavy metals in the environment
PublicationHoney bees collect nectar, pollen and honeydew to produce bee products. One of them is honey, which due to chemical composition and properties is considered by human as a valuable food product. When honey bees collect substrates to produce honey they can bring contaminants to the hive. The presence of xenobiotics in bee products may lower their quality and devalue their properties, and also endanger human health. Many scientists...
Ocena odporności na pękanie podbudów drogowych z mieszanek mineralno-cementowo-emulsyjnych (MCE)
PublicationPodbudowy z mieszanek mineralno-cementowo-emulsyjnych (MCE) są jednym z wielu materiałów stosowanych do wykonywania warstw nawierzchni w ramach przebudów dróg w Polsce. Mieszanki MCE pozwalają na maksymalne powtórne wykorzystanie istniejących warstw konstrukcyjnych do budowy lub przebudowy nawierzchni. Do wykonania podbudów z MCE stosuje się materiał pochodzący z rozbiórki istniejących warstw (destrukt) bitumicznych, warstw związanych...
PublicationCold recycling with cement and bituminous emulsion is one of the most environmentally friendly techniques to maximize the reuse of reclaimed asphalt (RA) collected during demolition of roads. Cold recycled mixtures are commonly used for base courses in construction or rehabilitation of flexible and semi-rigid pavements. Current experiences demonstrated that cold recycling with appropriate requirements and technical recommendations...
Effects of liquid phase modification on the performance of biotrickling filters
Open Research DataDataset presents the effects of liquid phase modification on the biotrickling filtration (BTF) performance of air polluted with toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene and styrene.
Bitumen-Based Poroelastic Pavements: Successful Improvements and Remaining Issues
PublicationThis article presents the development process of designing and testing poroelastic pavement based on highly polymer-modified bitumen. Poroelastic wearing course was composed of mineral and rubber aggregate mixed with highly polymer-modified bitumen, in contrast to previous trials, during which polyurethane resins were mainly used as binder, which led to several serious technological problems concerning difficult production, insufficient...
Wettability of shale rock as an indicator of fracturing fluid composition
PublicationShales have become one of the main unconventional gas resources in the world. However, physicochemical properties of rocks are still at the center of research. There have been conducted major researches in wettability of shales by fluids and advances in understanding and control of shale rock wettability. Also influence of interfacial phenomena on a production capacity of reservoirs have been made. The aim of this study is to find...
Rapana venosa consumption improves the lipid profiles and antioxidant capacities in serum of rats fed an atherogenic diet
PublicationIn the recent years, the consumption of seafood has increased. There are no results on the studies of Rapana venosa (Rv) as a supplementation to the diets. We hypothesized that Rv would increase antioxidant capacity and reduce blood lipids, based on the composition of bioactive compounds and fatty acids. Therefore, the aim of this investigation was to evaluate in vitro and in vivo actions of Rv from contaminated (C) and non-C (NC)...
Powder x-ray diffraction pattern of polycrystalline synthetic leningradite, PbCu3V2O8Cl2
Open Research DataPolycrystalline sample of Cu2+ (S=1/2) antiferromagnetic PbCu3V2O8Cl2 (synthetic analogue of the mineral leningradite) was prepared by solid state reaction of PbCl2, CuO, and V2O5.
Kinetics of hexane and cyclohexane biodegradation using Candida subhashii in mineral salt medium in the presence of DES solution
Open Research DataDataset presents results of investigations on kinetics of biodegradation of hexane and cyclohexane in Candida subhashii.
Testing of DES toxicity towards Candida subhashii
Open Research DataDataset presents results of testing toxicity of selected DES solutions in mineral salt medium towards Candida subhashii.
A review on carbon storage via mineral carbonation: Bibliometric analysis, research advances, challenge, and perspectives
PublicationMineral carbonation as a way of carbon storage has received a particular attention in the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission . This work gives a comprehensive description of the research trends and hotspots in the field of mineral carbonation for carbon storage based on bibliometric analysis. A total of 1507 articles were collected from the Web of Science database from 2010 to 2022 and analyzed in details, using a Citepace...
PublicationMunicipal solid waste (MSW) contains mineral materials which are seldom considered as a potential resource. Currently, the waste management sector pays attention to recyclable parts, biodegradable material, waste-to-energy fraction, and residues after waste reuse and recycle. In contrast, this study focus as on the mineral matter in MSW. The aim was to analyze and discuss the sources of mineral matter in MSW, the impact which the...
The sensitivity of bacteria to heavy metals in presence of mineral ship motor oil in coastal marine sediments and waters.
PublicationThe sensitivity of bacteria, isolated from coastal marine sediments and waters of Sopot beach, Gdańsk Bay (Poland), to heavy metals in the presence of mineral ship motor oil were studied. All isolated heterotrophic bacteria were resistant to the 0.1 mM lead concentration occurring in the environment. Metal resistance of bacteria isolated from coastal water was strongly related to mineral ship motor oil concentration. At 0.1% mineral...
The long-term properties of mineral-cement-emulsion mixtures
PublicationThis publication presents evaluation of long-term behavior of mineral-cement-emulsion (MCE) mixtures. MCE mixtures are among the major products of cold recycling of old asphalt pavements. They are composed by binding of the old materials reclaimed from the pavement and new mineral aggregate using two different binding agents – cement and bituminous emulsion. While bituminous emulsion dissolutes and binds materials quite fast, it...
Kerogen to bitumen transformation with respect to host rock environment
PublicationResearch focuses on analyzing the role of rock constituents in kerogen transformation. It includes mineral and organic matter characterization, kerogen and bitumen isolation, quantification, and determination of the critical factors of transformation ratio concerning generating mobile versus less mobile hydrocarbons. The results indicate that the ratio mainly depends on the distribution and type of kerogen in the basin, and secondly...
The role of organic and mineral constituents on kerogen transformation ratio
PublicationThe main aim of this dissertation is to determine the role of mineral and organic matter constituents in kerogen transformation ratio. Practical aspects of the work include application of the results in the assessment of hydrocarbon production potential; to make process of hydrocarbon recovery more predictable consistent and efficient. The work used shale from the Vaca Muerta formation from the Nequen basin in Argentina. The formation...
Comparative wear test of journal sliding bearings with sintered bronze and Babbitt alloy bushes lubricated by environmentally acceptable/adapted lubricants (EAL)
PublicationA growing awareness of the negative effects of mineral oils on the natural environment has resulted in the introduction of new regulations related to environmental protection. One of these regulations requires the use of environmentally acceptable/adapted lubricants (EAL) to lubricate marine main shaft bearings, in place of the mineral lubricating oils that have been used for decades. Classification Societies, which supervise...
Polish experience with cold in-place recycling
PublicationDeep cold in-place recycling using cement and asphalt emulsion has been used for reconstruction of existing roads since the beginning of the 1990s. This paper describes the first Polish requirements for mineral-cement-emulsion mixtures. As requirements stated for the strength of the mineral-cement-emulsion mixtures were quite high, most of the mixtures were designed using high amount of cement and aggregate added for the improvement...
Quality of bottled waters
PublicationBottled water is a product that is purchased by annually increasing numbers of people of all age groups. The quality control of mineral waters tends to concentrate on the determination of anion and cation levels, since it is these that govern the taste, smell and possible medicinal properties of the water. The constantly rising sales of mineral waters bring with them the ever increasing exploitation of their sources. The consequences...
Chemical Quality of Bottled Waters: A Review
PublicationBottled water has become very popular for quenching thirst and as a dietary (mineral) supplement. Theplethora of natural mineral waters precludes any unequivocal system of classification, which makes it difficult for theconsumer to choose a water with properties that suits him/her exactly. The ever-increasing popularity of bottled watersmeans that it is of the utmost importance to determine not only their mineral content, but above...
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to show the numeric representation of experimental studies concerning the behaviour of exterior wall models of a timber-frame house under harmonic loading. A single wall model according to traditional technology of timberframe house walls (filling with mineral wool) was tested. The analysis was conducted for the following frequencies: 0.5 Hz, 1.0 Hz, 2.0 Hz and 5.0 Hz for various values of the specified...
The innovative approach for using pavement as a fire prevention measure in tunnels
PublicationThe paper consists of two main parts: first presents study regarding the typically used pavement structures in tunnels and the second part: the first fire trials of the poroelastic SEPOR (Safe, Eco-friendly POroelastic Road Surface) mixture which was designed to be used among other uses in tunnels. In the first part of the paper different pavement materials, such as cement concrete, asphalt concrete, stone mastic asphalt and porous...
The Impact of Long-Time Chemical Bonds in Mineral-Cement-Emulsion Mixtures on Stiffness Modulus
PublicationDeep cold in-place recycling is the most popular method of reuse of existing old and deteriorated asphalt layers of road pavements. In Poland, in most cases, the Mineral-Cement-Emulsion mixture technology is used, but there are also applications combining foamed bitumen and cement. Mineral-Cement-Emulsion mixtures contain two different binding agents – cement as well as asphalt from the asphalt emulsion. Asphalt creates asphalt...
Influence of water and mineral oil on the leaks in satellite motor commutation unit clearances
PublicationThe article describes the flow rates of mineral oil and water flowing, as working media, through the commutation unit of a hydraulic satellite motor. It is demonstrated that geometrical dimensions of commutation unit clearances change as a function of the machine shaft rotation angle. Methods for measuring the rate of this flow and the pressure in the working chamber are presented. The results of pressure measurements in the working...
The Influence of Binding Agents on Stiffness of Mineral-cement-emulsion Mixtures
PublicationThis paper attempts to determine the behavior of mineral-cement-emulsion mixture (MCE) under load, whether is it similar to asphalt mixtures (viscoelastic behavior) or to cement treated materials (elastic behavior). To answer this question nine mineral- cement-emulsion mixtures with different combinations of cement and emulsion content were tested in laboratory using Simple Performance Test (SPT). For each mixture stiffness moduli...
All solid state electrodes taste sensor with modified polymer membranes for discrimination of mineral water with different CO2 content
PublicationA potentiometric taste sensor with All Solid State Electrodes containing five all solid state electrodes with appropriate lipophilic compounds (benzyldimethyltetradecylammonium chloride, dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide, palmitic acid, stearic acid, and phytol) embedded in a polymer membrane was applied for discrimination of mineral water samples differed in CO2 content. Samples of still, slightly sparkling, and sparkling Naleczowianka...
Environmentally acceptable lubricants (EAL) compared with a reference mineral oil as marine stern tube bearing lubricant – Experimental and theoretical investigations
PublicationThe purpose of this research is to indicate the potential differences in bearing characteristics resulting from the application of different lubricant types with the same viscosity grade. The effect of different environmentally acceptable lubricants (EALs) on hydrodynamic journal bearing properties is studied experimentally and compared to the properties obtained after lubrication with a reference mineral oil. The results of the...
Experimental Study on Dynamics of Wooden House Wall Panels with Different Thermal Isolation
PublicationWood frame buildings are very popular in regions that are exposed to different dynamic excitations including earthquakes. Therefore, their seismic resistance is really important in order to prevent structural damages and human losses. The aim of the present paper is to show the results of experimental tests focused on the dynamic response of wall panels of a wooden frame building with thermal isolation made of mineral wool and...
PublicationT his study compares the performance of a plain bearing, with a similar structure to a tail shaft stern bearing, lubricated with either mineral oil or an environmentally acceptable lubricant (EAL). The main characteristic of the bearing is its length/diameter ratio of <1. Measurements are carried out with the bearing operating under loads from 0.5 to 1 MPa and seven speeds ranging from 1 to 11 rev/s. The bearing lubricated...
Hydro Lubricants: Water-based lubricants for hydropower applications
PublicationSeveral different base oil types exist in the market including mineral and synthetic oils (e.g. polyalphaolefins, ester, polyglycol, etc.) and are currently widely in use. Although synthetic oils have drawn great attention over the past few decades in terms of their tribological benefits, mineral oils are still widely used in hydropower applications due primarily to their low cost and easy miscibility with other oils. However,...
Selection of DES for biotrickling filtration of air polluted with hexane and cyclohexane
Open Research DataDataset covers selected data collected during selection of deep eutectic solvent (DES) additive to mineral salt medium (MSM) as a liquid phase during biotrickling filtration of air polluted with hexane and cyclohexane.
Experimental research on marine oil-lubricated stern tube bearing
PublicationBearings of propeller shafts are very crucial elements of the propulsion system of each of the ships. The safety of shipping depends on their durability and reliability. The new legal restrictions mean that today we are looking for environmentally friendly solutions. That is why water-lubricated bearings are becoming more and more popular. So, will oil-lubricated shaft bearings belong to the past? The bearing with a white metal...
Timber Frame Houses with Different Insulation Materials - Seismic Analysis
PublicationThe aim of this article is to present results of a dynamic numerical analysis focused on the response of two timber frame building structures exposed to seismic excitations. The first structure was insulated with mineral wool, while the second one with polyurethane foam. Specifications and technology involved in the models' construction are based on the previously conducted experimental study, upon which numerical structural models...
Mineral oil-based hydrostatic drives as the basic drive systems in the construction of offshore eqiupment projects
PublicationThe aim of this article is to present the components used in the production of mineral oil-based hydrostatic drives as the basic drive systems for the offshore industry. The article contains de-scriptions of the components of the said systems, with the description of their suitability for mi-neral oil operation and offshore applications.
Seashore sediment and water chemistry at the Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Maritime Antarctica) – geochemical analysis and correlations between the concentrations of chemical species
PublicationThis study covers water and sediment chemical characteristics by the western shore of Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Antarctica) in 2016. Chemical processes between sediment and water have been described based on the determination of ions, metals, non-metals, and TOC concentrations. Rock weathering is an important source of Fe, Ni, Co, Al in the seashore area. The PCA shows the impact of acidification in the release metals...
Power balance in hydraulic satellite motors supplied with oil and HFA-E emulsion
PublicationMineral oil and HFA-E emulsion are liquids which differ in viscosity, density and lubricant properties. Therefore, supplying hydraulic satellite motors with these liquids, differences between quantity of hydraulic, volumetric and mechanical losses are observed. These losses influence efficiency of conversion of hydraulic energy into mechanical energy and thereby power balance of motors.
Preliminary evaluation of selected mineral adsorbents used to remove phosphorus from domestic wastewater = Wstępna ocena przydatności wybranych adsorbentów mineralnych do usuwania fosforu ze ścieków bytowych
PublicationFour grinded mineral materials were studied for their ability of P sorption from the aq. phosphate solns. in 24-h tests by using equations of Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. The particular sorbents contained mainly SiO254,5% Ca) 29.6%, Fe2O3 69,4% and showed the sorption capacities 56, 159, 285 or 2.4 mg/g resp.
WYBRANE WŁAŚCIWOŚCI FIZYCZNO-CHEMICZNE MIKROSFER I MOŻLIWOŚĆ ICH WYKORZYSTANIA W KOMPOZYTACH CEMENTOWYCH : The selected physico-chemical properties of microspheres and possibility of their use in cement composites
PublicationMicrospheres are formed during the mineral transformation stage in coal combustion. Their content in fly ashes from the combustion of different types of coals varies over a rather wide range from 0.01 to 4.8 wt.%. The microspheres have three main elements, silicon, aluminum and iron, the oxides of which account for about 89.0 wt.% of the material. Mineralogical analysis using XRD shows that microspheres mainly contain mullite and...