Search results for: model tests
Pile Model Tests Using Strain Gauge Technology
PublicationOrdinary pile bearing capacity tests are usually carried out to determine the relationship between load and displacement of pile head. The measurement system required in such tests consists of force transducer and three or four displacement gauges. The whole system is installed at the pile head above the ground level. This approach, however, does not give us complete information about the pile-soil interaction. We can only determine...
Bearing capacity factors of sand assessed by model tests
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki własnych badań modelowych fundamentów bezpośrednich posadowionych na trzech rodzajach piasków, wykonane w warunkach płaskiego stanu odkształcenia. Przeanalizowano wpływ tarcia gruntu o ściany boczne stanowiska badawczego, wpływ efektu skali oraz powtarzalności wyników na nośność badanych fundamentów bezpośrednich. Zastosowano specjalną własną metodykę wykonywania badań modelowych eliminującą wymieniony wpływ...
Effect of preconsolidation on pile bearing capacity in model tests
PublicationBadanie wpływu prekonsolidacji gruntu w badaniach modelowych w komorze kalibracyjnej. Zagęszczone piaski kwarcowe poddano prekonsolidacji przy OCR nie większym od 7. Analiza współczynnika parcia spoczynkowego gruntu. Wpływ wskaźnika prekonsolidacji na nośność podstawy i pobocznicy pali oraz zmiany naprężeń wokół modelu i odkształcenia objętościowe masywu gruntowego.
Importance of model tests in design and operation of watercraft for example CTO
PublicationShip Hydromechanics Division is a specialized research and development department of Ship Design and Research Centre conducting tests and research in the field of hydromechanics, connected with design and operation of ships and other floating structures, in scope of: predictions, numerical analyses, designs of - hull shape optimized with respect to the ship’s functions with the application of modern design tools, screw propellers...
Verification of geotechnical numerical simulations by model tests using PIV technique
PublicationPrzedstawiono metodykę i wyniki badań modelowych stateczności fundamentów bezpośrednich posadowionych w sąsiedztwie kątowych ścian oporowych. Dla takiego złożonego układu fundament - obciążenie - podłoże gruntowe wykonano badania modelowe w płaskim stanie odkształcenia na gruncie naturalnym i analogowym. Trajektorie i izopola przemieszczeń oraz progresywny rozwój kształtu i zasięgu powierzchni poślizgu określono techniką PIV.
Comparative model tests of SDP and CFA pile groups in non-cohesive soil
PublicationThe research topic relates to the subject of deep foundations supported on continuous flight auger (CFA) piles and screw displacement piles (SDP). The authors have decided to conduct model tests of foundations supported on the group of piles mentioned above and also the tests of the same piles working alone. The tests are ongoing in Geotechnical Laboratory of Gdańsk University of Technology. The description of test procedure, interpretation...
Model tests of cast-in-place piles formed by using different types of auger
PublicationModel tests are still a popular research tool used to observe and determine the mechanisms of pile-soil interaction. Due to the significant scale effect, the results of model tests performed in the 1g system can only be analysed from the qualitative side. This article describes and presents the results of 1g pile model tests carried out for comparative purposes. There were tested the effectiveness and efficiency of various types...
Developing a methodology for model tests of floating platforms in a towing tank of low depth
PublicationThe paper presents two ways to mooring model of semi-submersible platform for research in the small depth towing pool. The tested model was made in the likeness of 1:100 Thunder Horse platform moored in the Gulf of Mexico at a depth of 1,920 m. Its mooring system consisted of 16 semi-taut mooring lines (chain-wire-chain) spaced Star-shape and attached at the bottom to the suction piles. The tests were performed in the towing pool...
Developing Methodology for Model Tests of Floating Platforms in Low -Depth Towing Tank
PublicationThe paper presents two different methods of physical modeling of semi-submersible platform mooring system for research in low depth towing tank. The tested model was made in the scale of 1:100 resembling the "Thunder Horse" platform moored in the Gulf of Mexico at a depth of 1,920 m. Its mooring system consisted of 16 semi-taut mooring lines (chain-wire-chain) spaced starshape and attached at the bottom to suction piles. The tests...
Model tests and stability calculations of shallow foundations resting on non-cohesive subsoil
PublicationPrzedstawiono metodykę i charakterystyczne wyniki własnych badań modelowych przeprowadzonych z wykorzystaniem techniki PIV. W analizach numerycznych przeanalizowano trzy kryteria wytrzymałości gruntu na ścinanie i ich wpływ na wyniki ilościowe i jakościowe. Obliczenia analityczne oparto na koncepcji ESE. Zestawiono i przeanalizowano zgodność wyników badań modelowych, analiz numerycznych i obliczeń analitycznych.
Concept of implementation of open water model tests for assessment of safety of ships in damaged conditions
PublicationPraca zawiera opis koncepcji zastosowania badań modelowych na wodach otwartych w odniesieniu do oceny bezpieczeństwa statków w stanie uszkodzonym. Badania modelowe w omawianym zakresie mogą stanowić alternatywną metodę oceny bezpieczeństwa statków w stanie uszkodzonym lub mogę służyć do weryfikacji oceny bezpieczeństwa statków w stanie uszkodzonym, przeprowadzonej za pomocą metody zawartej w zharmonizowanej wersji konwencji SOLAS...
Model tests and numerical imulations of earth pressure of non - cohesive soil in 3D formulation.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań modelowych i symulacji numerycznych parcia gruntu działającego na sztywne konstrukcje oporowe. Analizowano stan przestrzennego odkształcenia ośrodka niespoistego. Parcie czynne gruntu za- sypowego wywołano obrotem ściany oporowej wokół osi przechodzącej przez jej górną i dolną krawędź. Przedstawiono rozkład składowej stycznej i normalnej stanu naprężenia na powierzchni ściany wraz z analizą...
Evaluation of a Small Inland Ferry’s Energy Requirements from the Acceleration Stage of Towing Tank Model Tests
PublicationComputing the power required to meet a ship’s operational needs is one of the most important tasks in naval design. The power required to propel a vessel is directly related to the resistance the hull experiences as it moves through the water. The conventional method of determining a ship’s resistance involves towing tank tests of ship models at a fixed speed; however, for short-range vessels, where constant speed is not the primary...
Verification of geotechnical numerical simulations by model tests using PIV technique. Part II Numerical Simulation
PublicationPrzedstawiono zakres i wyniki symulacji numerycznych stateczności fundamentów bezpośrednich posadowionych w sąsiedztwie kątowych ścian oporowych. Wyniki symulacji numerycznych zweryfikowano na podstawie wyników badań modelowych z uwzględnieniem techniki PIV przedstawionych w części I niniejszego artykułu. W obliczeniach numerycznych wykorzystano trzy kryteria wytrzymałości gruntu na ścinanie: Coulomba - Mohra, Matsuoki - Nokaiego...
PublicationIn recent years, there has been a significant development in “green” and energy efficient propulsion systems, which fits into the general trend of environmentally friendly “green shipping”. The pursued goal is to construct a safe passenger ship that is low in energy demand and equipped with a highly energy efficient, emission-free propulsion system. The paper presents main problems encountered by designers of a small, hybrid-powered...
Diagnosis of Damage in a Steel Tank Model by Shaking Table Harmonic Tests
PublicationThe aim of the present paper is to show the results of the shaking table experimental study concerning the diagnosis of damage in a model of cylindrical steel tank with self-supported roof which is filled with liquid. During the tests, the base of the structure was excited under the harmonic loading with variable frequency. The tests were repeated for different stages of damage, which was introduced in the model by easing the bolts...
Diagnosis of Damage in a Steel Tank Model by Shaking Table Harmonic Tests
PublicationDiagnosis of damage in civil engineering structures has recently become an important issue in the safety assessment procedure. Among a number of different approaches, a method of measuring the changes in natural frequencies is one of the most effective indicators of global damage. It has been successfully applied to relatively small. structures, however, the tests on large structures are very difficult and the practical application...
Model and simulation tests of a squirrel-cage induction motor with oscillation of air gap
PublicationPrzedstawiono model matematyczny silnika, który pozwala na wprowadzanie ekscentryczności wirnika. Zaprezentowano obliczone widma prądu z wprowadzoną oscylacją wirnika, co z pewnym przybliżeniem odpowiada uszkodzeniu łożyska. Rezultaty symulacji pozwalają na określenie zależności pomiędzy oscylacją szczeliny powietrznej i składowych w widmie prądu.
W-tube system with bi-exponential response – A model for permeability tests in heterogeneous aquifers
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Simulation of reactive materials in column and reservoir tests. Sensitivity analysis for a linear coupled model
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On some problems in determining tensile parameters of concrete model from size effect tests
PublicationThe paper presents results of numerical simulations of size effect phenomenon in concrete specimens. The behaviour of in-plane geometrically similar notched and unnotched beams under three-point bending is investigated. In total 18 beams are analysed. Concrete beams of four different sizes and five different notch to depth ratios are simulated. Two methods are applied to describe cracks. First, an elasto-plastic constitutive law...
The potential of the application of biodegradable and non‐toxic base oils for the formulation of gear oils — model and component scuffing tests
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Preliminary Evaluation of Airlaid Nonwovens with Superabsorbent for Use in Protective Footwear: Tests Involving a Thermal Foot Model and Climatic Chamber
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Photos and movies regarding the dome's real-life model assembly and tests
Open Research DataThis dataset consists of an archive with the photos and movies regarding the dome's real-life model assembly and tests.
Efficacy and safety of phage therapy against Salmonella enterica serovars Typhimurium and Enteritidis estimated by using a battery of in vitro tests and the Galleria mellonella animal model
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From U2TP Models to Executable Tests with TTCN-3
PublicationThe approach towards system engineering according to Model-Driven Architectures (MDA) with code generation derived from model implies also an increased need for research on automation of the test generation process. This paper presents an approach to derive executable tests from UML 2.0 Testing Profile diagrams automatically. In particular, an approach to derive executable tests within the Testing and Test Control Notation (TTCN-3)...
Dynamic tests of composite footbridge segment – experimental and numerical studies
PublicationExperimental dynamic tests and numerical simulations of a 3 meters long segment of a footbridge made of polymer composites are presented in the paper. The span-length is reduced, however dimensions of cross-section are the same as the target footbridge. The segment structure is made of sandwich panels, which consist of fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) laminates (skins) and a PET foam (core). The first part of the paper contains...
Tensile validation tests with failure criteria comparison for various GFRP laminates
PublicationThe paper studies the mechanical properties of glass fibre reinforced polymers (GFRP) with various types and orientation of reinforcement. Analyzed specimens manufactured in the infusion process are made of polymer vinyl ester resin reinforced with glass fibres. Several samples were examined containing different plies and various fibres orientation [0, 90] or [+45, –45]. To assess the mechanical parameters of laminates, a series...
Repeated Projectile Impact Tests on Multi-Layered FibrousCementitious Composites
PublicationThis research aims to experimentally evaluate the behaviour of multi-layered fibrous cementitious composites withintermediate Glass Fibre Meshes (GFM) under repeated projectile load. The impact load was subjected through a convexedge projectile needle at a low velocity on cylindrical specimens of three-layered fibrous cementitious composites, whichhave two different steel fibre distributions. In series A mixtures, a constant steel...
Mechanical properties of Precontraint 1202 S2 based on uniaxial tensile and creep tests
PublicationThe purpose of the paper is the estimation of the polyvinyl chloride – polyester-coated fabric (Precontraint 1202 S2) mechanical properties under uniaxial tensile tests as well as short- and long-time creep tests. The uniaxial tests are the basis of non-linear elastic description while the creep tests are used for the evaluation of the stiffness parameters in time and for the identification of the standard viscoelastic model. The...
Strain-dependent behaviour of cold recycled material mixtures in cyclic compression tests
PublicationThe purpose of the study is to evaluate strain-dependent behaviour of Cold Recycled Material (CRM) mixtures using three frameworks typically applied for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA): linear viscoelastic (LVE) limits; non-linearity directions; changes in rheological model parameters. To this aim, the complex modulus of three CRM mixtures with different bitumen-to-cement ratio (0.2, 0.6 and 1.8) was measured in cyclic compression mode,...
Subjective tests for gathering konwledge for applaying color grading to video clips automatically
PublicationThe analysis of film music concerning caused emotions may allow for a more accurate adaptation of the color of the film in the context of color grading. Therefore, this paper aims to gather knowledge on the correlation between the applied color palette to a video clip, music associated with a particular shot,and emotions evoked. For that purpose, subjective tests are prepared in which several video clips are presented with...
Subjective tests for gathering knowledge for applying color grading to video clips automatically
PublicationThe analysis of film music concerning caused emotions may allow for a more accurate adaptation of the color of the film in the context of color grading. Therefore, this paper aims to gather knowledge on the correlation between the applied color palette to a video clip, music associated with a particular shot, and emotions evoked. For that purpose, subjective tests are prepared in which several video clips are presented with or...
The basics of design and experimental tests of the commutation unit of a hydraulic satellite motor
Publicationhe article presents an analytical method to design the commutation unit in a hydraulic satellite motor. It is shown that the size of the holes feeding the working chambers and their location on the plates closing those chambers depends on the geometrical dimensions of the working mechanism. The overlap in the commutation unit depends on the rotational speed range. It is demonstrated that the geometrical dimensions of the commutation...
Numerical tests of time-stepping schemes in the context of FEM for 6-field shell dynamics
PublicationThe paper deals with integration of dynamic equations of irregular shells performed with relatively long time steps. Numerical instability appearing often in this kind of analysis motivated the authors to present some studies based on numerical tests referring to convergence problems of finite element analysis as well the applied stability conditions. The analysis is carried out on simulations of shell dynamics with the where the...
Dynamics analysis of footbridge mode shapes the s8 expressway on the basis of the results of in situ tests
PublicationNon-destructive diagnostics for structure may use dynamic measurements realized during vibrations of a facility induced by dynamic environmental impact, enforced by the use of inductors or impulse impact. Dynamic tests and the analysis were undertaken for a footbridge situated over the expressway S8. The studies in situ allowed for dynamic characteristics to be determined: frequency, shape modes and damping for respective frequency...
Tests of bond between concrete and steel bars – literature background and program of own research
PublicationThis article deals with the issue of the bond between concrete and reinforcement. The bond is crucial for reinforced concrete elements because it is possible to transfer forces (stresses) from concrete to the reinforcement. Basic information related to the cooperation of concrete and rebars was recalled in the article. Selected issues concerning theoretical and numerical analysis as well as experiments of the bond phenomenon were...
Vessel Energy Requirement Prediction from Acceleration Stage Towing Tests on Scale Models
PublicationOne of the most crucial tasks for naval architects is computing the energy required to meet the ship’s operational needs. When predicting a ship’s energy requirements, a series of hull resistance tests on a scale model vessel is carried out in constant speed stages, while the acceleration stage measurements are ignored. Another important factor in seakeeping analysis is the ship’s hydrodynamic added mass. The second law of dynamics...
Estimation and modeling hydrolysis of slowly biodegradable substrate based on the batch respirometric tests in activated sludge systems
PublicationNowadays, appropriate determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD) fractionation together with degradation kinetics of organic compounds have a prime importance on the design and operation of activated sludge systems. Batch respirometric tests based on the oxygen uptake rates (OUR) and corresponding COD is accepted method to reflect the consumption of biodegradable substrates. The influence of the readily biodegradable (Ss) fraction...
Studies of the Modelling Accuracy of Steam Turbine Control Systems for Diagnostic Tests of Automatic Synchronizers
PublicationOne of the important factors that affect the reliable operation of the power system and the rapid restitution after disaster is a quick and effective combining synchronous electric power facilities to operate in parallel. Hence, diagnostics of automatic synchronizers at every stage of their life, from building a prototype, through the whole life, until removing such devices from the operation, is an extremely important and responsible...
Mathematical Models of Control Systems of Angular Speed of Steam Turbines for Diagnostic Tests of Automatic and Mechatronic Devices
PublicationAccurate modeling of physical processes of many automatics and mechatronics systems is often necessity. In power system such a process is control of angular velocity of power objects during connection to operation in parallel. This process is extremely dynamic. For this reason response of control system depends from changes of many physical parameters (temperature, pressure and flow of the medium, etc.). Precision modeling influences...
Enhanced coupled elasto-plastic-damage models to describe concrete behaviour in cyclic laboratory tests: comparison and improvement.
PublicationArtykuł omawia różne modele połączone sprężysto-plastyczne z degradacją sztywności do opisu zachowania się betonu pod obciążeniem cyklicznym. Modele zostały rozszerzone o długość charakterystyczną mikrostruktury w do opisu lokalizacji odkształceń. Wykonano obliczenia MES dla ściskania i zginania. Zaproponowano własny ulepszony model.
Contact force network evolution in active earth pressure state of granular materials: photo‑elastic tests and DEM
PublicationArtykuł omawia ewolucję sieci sił kontaktowych w materiałach granulowanych podczas quasi-statycznego stanu aktywnego. Doświadczenia foto sprężyste zostały wykonane dla kulek szklanych. Doświadczenia zostały symulowane stosując metodę elementów dyskretnych (DEM). Model DEM prawidłowo przewidział strukturę sił kontaktowych i ich wielkość, lokalizację odkształceń oraz obszary zmian fazowych.
Operation of the Hybrid Photovoltaic-Battery System on the Electricity Market—Simulation, Real-Time Tests and Cost Analysis
PublicationThis paper presents research on a hybrid photovoltaic-battery energy storage system, declaring its hourly production levels as a member of a balancing group submitting common scheduling unit to the day-ahead market. It also discusses the variability of photovoltaic system generation and energy storage response. The major research questions were whether the operation of a hybrid photovoltaic-battery energy storage system is viable...
Numerical analyses of novel prefabricated structural wall panels in residential buildings based on laboratory tests in scale 1:1
PublicationThe paper presents experimental and numerical investigations on novel prefabricated composite building wall panels for residential building constructions. The wall panels were composed of reinforced concrete ribbed elements with the core from the EPS foam as the thermal insulation. The wall panels in the full-scale 1:1 were subjected to vertical loads. In the first step, the experiments were analysed with simple usual static methods....
Hybrid stepless distribution transformer with four-quadrant AC/DC/AC converter at low voltage side - simulation tests
PublicationThe article presents the work of the stepless hybrid distribution transformer (HT), as an alternative to the so far applied Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) solutions, used to control the voltage in the power system in terms of the fundamental harmonic. The HT is a combination of a conventional distribution transformer and an AC/DC/AC converter connected in series with the transformers secondary winding. In the work the basic...
Effect of bitumen characteristics obtained according to EN and Superpave specifications on asphalt mixture performance in low-temperature laboratory tests
PublicationThe paper aims to identify those characteristics of bitumen which have the greatest impact on asphalt mixture low-temperature performance. It was observed that stiffness and m-value of bitumen from BBR test were moderately related to stiffness and m-value of asphalt mixture obtained from 3 PB test. Simultaneously those rheological properties significantly impact on cryogenic stresses induced during TSRST test. The multiple regression...
PublicationThe paper covers basics of the vortex model used for propeller-stator systems. The outline of the design algorithm is given and the results of its application are shown. The designed propeller-stator system was the subject of model tests run at the CTO model basin and cavitation tunnel. Stator’s influence on the delivered power required by the propeller and its revolution rate has been examined by conducting self-propulsion...
On the validation of the LS-DYNA Geo Metro numerical model
PublicationThe paper presents experiences gained during work with numerical model of Geo Metro vehicle used for simulations of crash tests with road safety barriers. Attention is drawn to the subject of tire/wheel breakage during collision events. Some methods for improvement of the model are presented in the paper. Several results for the normative vehicle numerical tests are introduced. Simulations were carried out using LS-DYNA finite...
Badania teoretyczne łożysk ślizgowych podpartych na czaszy kulistej = Theoretical tests of hydrodynamic journal bearing with self-aligning spherical support
PublicationPrzedstawiono metodykę badań teoretycznych i doświadczalnych łożysk ślizgowych podpartych na czaszy kulistej. Badania teoretyczne prowadzono z wykorzystaniem programu komputerowego MES oraz programu wyznaczającego charakterystyki filmu olejowego. W celu opisu systemu tribologicznego łożysko-podpora stworzono trójwymiarowy model MES łożyska i gniazda. W czasie badań analizowano wpływ wielu czynników mogących ułatwiać lub utrudniać...