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Search results for: ORBITAL TRAUMA
Prace doktorskie, habilitacje oraz profesury o tematyce chemii analitycznej i pokrewnej w 2015 r.
PublicationZestawienie prac doktorskich, habilitacji oraz profesur o tematyce chemii analitycznej i pokrewnej przeprowadzonych na polskich uczelniach w 2015 r.
Electron-impact ionization of fluoromethanes – Review of experiments and binary-encounter models
PublicationExperiments and recommended data on electron-impact ionization of methane and fluoromethanes (CH3F, CH2F2, CHF3, CF4) are reviewed and compared with binary-encounter models (Gryzinski’s, ´ Deutsch and Märk’s, and Kim and Rudd’s). A good agreement between recent experiments and the two latter classical-like models is shown. Kim and Rudd’s model (calculated presently in the restricted HartreeFock 6-31**G orbital basis) predicts well...
Superconductivity–Electron Count Relationship in Heusler Phases─the Case of LiPd2Si
PublicationWe report superconductivity in the full Heusler compound LiPd2Si (space group Fm3̅m, No. 225) at a critical temperature of Tc = 1.3 K and a normalized heat capacity jump at Tc, ΔC/γTc = 1.1. The low-temperature isothermal magnetization curves imply type-I superconductivity, as previously observed in LiPd2Ge. We show, based on density functional theory calculations and using the molecular orbital theory approach, that while LiPd2Si...
Certification requirements for tram noise measurements in terms of today’s expectations in cities
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The analysis of tram tracks geometrical layout based on Mobile Satellite Measurements
PublicationIn this article, the results of the research in a field of which uses active global navigation satellite system (GNSS) geodetic networks for the inventory of geodetic geometric tram tracks are presented. The applied measurement technique has been adapted for the designing of the geometric layout of tram tracks. Several configurations of receivers and settings of an active GNSS networks with the objective to increase the accuracy...
Szlaki o znaczeniu międzynarodowym i ponadregionalnym : Hanzeatycka trasa rowerowa R-10 i pętla żuławska
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia dwie koncepcje rozwoju nowoczesnych produktów turystycznych o charakterze szlaków wykorzystujących unikatowe walory przyrodnicze, krajobrazowe i kulturowe regionu.
New “one‐pot” Pd(II) and Zn(II) complexes of Schiff bases, derivatives of 1‐amino‐1‐deoxy‐d‐sorbitol: Spectroscopic studies and biological and catalytic activities
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Determination of the tram track axis using a multi receiver GNSS measurement system
PublicationThis article refers to research, that has been conducted by an interdisciplinary research team from the Gdańsk University of Technology and the Maritime University in Gdynia since 2009. These investigation concerns the determination of a railway track axis using the mobile satellite measurement technique. Following the dynamic development of GNSS techniques, that could be seen in the last decade, the team carried out further experiments...
The use of the static thermography in monitoring flap perfusion in breast reconstruction with TRAM flap
PublicationThis paper shows results of the static thermography for intraoperative and postoperative imaging of TRAM flap perfusion. The results were compared with the clinical examination of flap perfusion. The study was conducted on a group of 38 female patients who underwent breast reconstruction.
Engendering responsibility in architecture students through real planning for a tram depot in Gdańsk
PublicationApart from technical competencies, the profession of architect requires specific social competencies: understanding the user’s needs, ability to diagnose social problems, negotiating and understanding the impact of construction investments on society and the environment. The architect plays a significant role in the collective effort to create spatial order. This is why it is important to include these social competencies in the...
Analiza warunków dla realizacji projektu ciągu ulicznego ''Trasa Sucharskiego-Droga Zielona-Nowa Spacerowa'' w Gdańsku.
PublicationW pracy dokonano analizy celowości budowy ciągu ulicznego Trasa Sucharskiego-Droga Zielona-Spacerowa w Gdańsku jako podstawowego elementu sieci ulicznej w Gdańsku i aglomeracji trójmiejskiej. Biorąc pod uwagę czynniki transportowe, ekonomiczne i środowiskowe wskazano na potrzebe kontynuacji procesu inwestycyjnego dla tego ciągu ulicznego.
NbIr 2 B 2 and TaIr 2 B 2 – New Low Symmetry Noncentrosymmetric Superconductors with Strong Spin–Orbit Coupling
PublicationSuperconductivity was first observed more than a century ago, but the search for new superconducting materials remains a challenge. The Cooper pairs in superconductors are ideal embodiments of quantum entanglement. Thus, novel superconductors can be critical for both learning about electronic systems in condensed matter and for possible application in future quantum technologies. Here two previously unreported materials, NbIr2B2...
Active dynamic thermography method for TRAM flap blood perfusion mapping in breast reconstruction
PublicationThis paper presents the new method of the transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap blood perfusion mapping based on the active dynamic thermography. The method is aimed at aiding a surgeon during breast reconstruction procedure. A pair of dTnorm and t90_10 parameters were used as parametric image descriptors of the flap blood perfusion. The method was tested on 38 patients that were subjected to breast reconstruction procedure....
Synthetic, Structural, and Spectroscopic Characterization of a Novel Family of High-Spin Iron(II) [(β-Diketiminate)(phosphanylphosphido)] Complexes
PublicationThis work describes a series of iron(II) phosphanylphosphido complexes. These compounds were obtained by reacting lithiated diphosphanes R2PP(SiMe3)Li (R = t-Bu, i-Pr) with an iron(II) β-diketiminate complex, [LFe(μ2-Cl)2Li(DME)2] (1), where DME = 1,2-dimethoxyethane and L = Dippnacnac (β-diketiminate). While the reaction of 1 with t-Bu2PP(SiMe3)Li yields [LFe(η1-Me3SiPPt- Bu2)] (2), that of 1 with equimolar amounts of i-Pr2PP(SiMe3)Li,...
Evaluation of the possibility of identifying a complex polygonal tram track layout using multiple satellite measurements
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Developing assumptions for the tram noise attenuation passive system using the noise maps analysis method
PublicationThe paper presents experimental research carried out to determine the possible actions to reduce thenoise generated by trams in a highly urbanised area. A few design strategies affecting tram ride qualityhave been presented – especially in the aspect of the acoustic phenomena. Main sources of the noisein trams were characterised. The paper includes selected results of comprehensive...
Evaluation of the Possibility of Identifying a Complex Polygonal Tram Track Layout Using Multiple Satellite Measurements
PublicationWe present the main assumptions about the algorithmization of the analysis of measurement data recorded in mobile satellite measurements. The research team from the Gda´nsk University of Technology and the Maritime University in Gdynia, as part of a research project conducted in cooperation with PKP PLK (Polish Railway Infrastructure Manager), developed algorithms supporting the identification and assessment of track axis layout....
Evaluation of the Possibility of Identifying a Complex Polygonal Tram Track Layout Using Multiple Satellite Measurements
PublicationWe present the main assumptions about the algorithmization of the analysis of measurement data recorded in mobile satellite measurements. The research team from the Gda´nsk University of Technology and the Maritime University in Gdynia, as part of a research project conducted in cooperation with PKP PLK (Polish Railway Infrastructure Manager), developed algorithms supporting the identification and assessment of track axis layout....
Electronic structure and magnetism of samarium and neodymium adatoms on free-standing graphene
PublicationThe electronic structure of selected rare-earth atoms adsorbed on a free-standing graphene was investigated using methods beyond the conventional density functional theory (DFT+U, DFT +HIA, and DFT+ED). The influence of the electron correlations and the spin-orbit coupling on the magnetic properties has been examined. The DFT+U method predicts both atoms to carry local magnetic moments (spin and orbital) contrary to a nonmagnetic...
Application of Time-Frequency Analysis of Acoustic Signal to Detecting Flat Places on the Rolling Surface of a Tram Wheel
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Superconductivity in a new intermetallic structure type based on endohedral Ta@Ir7Ge4 clusters
PublicationWe report the observation of superconductivity at a temperature near 3.5 K for the previously unreported compound TaIr2Ge2. In addition to being a superconductor, this material displays a new crystal structure type that contains endohedral clusters, as determined by single-crystal x-ray diffraction structure refinement; the structure is more complex than those of the commonly observed tetragonal 122 intermetallic phases. Despite...
GB-SAR in the Diagnosis of Critical City Infrastructure—A Case Study of a Load Test on the Long Tram Extradosed Bridge
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Management of Complex Root Fractures in Young Patients—Case Series and a Literature Review
PublicationRoot fractures are defined as injuries involving dentine, cementum, and the pulp. They are rare, and they account for 0.5–7% of the dental injuries in the permanent teeth. Root fractures may be the result of direct trauma to the teeth or indirect trauma to the oral cavity. Their incidence is highest in the group of adolescent patients aged 11 to 20 years. The purpose of the paper is to review the literature supported by a case...
Polish Experience of Implementing Vision Zero
PublicationPurpose of Review The aim of this study is to present an outline and the principles of Poland’s road safety strategic programming as it has developed over the last 25 years since the first Integrated Road Safety System with a strong focus on Sweden’s “Vision Zero”. Recent Findings Countries that have successfully improved road safety have done so by following strategies centred around the idea that people are not infallible and...
Running characteristics of aerodynamic bearing with self-lifting capability at low rotational speed
PublicationAn aerodynamic journal bearing that is capable of self-generating squeeze-film pressure is presented and its dynamic characteristics investigated numerically and experimentally. A numerical method based on a time marching static model was applied to assess the orbit trajectory path of the rotor upon a perturbation. Experimental results were obtained to validate the effect of the self- generated squeeze-film pressure on the stability...
Diagnostics of the tram track shape with the use of the global positioning satellite systems (GPS/Glonass) measurements with a 20 Hz frequency sampling
PublicationSatellite geodetic measurements used in the diagnosis of railway tracks require professional receivers and a very high frequency rate of data processing. It stems from a significant speed (10 km/h) kinematic measurements carried out during the passage of a measuring platform. The survey results (positions) of deformed railroad track have waveforms nature requiring additional processing methods and approximations. Due to the announcement...
Electron attachment to representative cations composing ionic liquids
PublicationUsing ab initio electronic structure methods with flexible atomic orbital basis sets, we investigated the electronic structure and stability of reduction products of selected representative cations (C+) constituting ionic liquids. We found that an electron attachment to such cations leads to the neutral radicals, whereas a subsequent attachment of another (i.e., excess) electron leads to adiabatically stable anions only in two...
Spin-Resolved Band Structure of Hoffman Clathrate [Fe(pz)2Pt(CN)4] as an Essential Tool to Predict Optical Spectra of Metal–Organic Frameworks
PublicationParamount spin-crossover properties of the 3D-Hoffman metalorganic framework (MOF) [Fe(pz)2Pt(CN)4] are generally described on the basis of the ligand field theory, which provides adequate insight into theoretical and simulation analysis of spintronic complexes. However, the ligand field approximation does not take into account the 3D periodicity of the actual complex lattice and surface effects and therefore cannot predict a full-scale...
Projektowanie tras tramwajowych przy wykorzystaniu Mobilnych Pomiarów Satelitarnych
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodykę projektowania tras tramwajowych dostosowaną do rozwijanej w Zespole Naukowym metody Mobilnych Pomiarów Satelitarnych. Opisano badania inwentaryzacyjne wykonane na torach tramwajowych, których wyniki posłużyły jako dane wejściowe w procesie projektowania. Pokazano, w jaki sposób dostosowano analityczne algorytmy projektowania tras kolejowych do specyfiki układów geometrycz-nych występujących w torach...
Energy savings by application of supercapacitor storage in trolleybus supplying station - analysis of experimental results
PublicationStorage devices can be divided into two groups: on-board energy storage devices, which are placed in the vehicles and off-board energy storage devices situated in traction substations or between them. Current research is focused mainly on two objectives. The first is to reduce the energy demand by introducing on-board energy storages in light electric vehicles like trams, trolleybuses or electrobuses. The latter is to provide a...
Studies on the charge density distribution in p-substituted phenylnitrenium cation
PublicationAniline and its derivatives are known to be mutagenic. This activity is caused by the formation of phenylnitrenium cations during aniline oxidation. Reactivity of the positively charged chemical species can be measured by means of s+ substituent constant. In this paper charge density distribution in p-substituted nitrenium cations and reactivity indices such as, hardness η, electronegativity χ , and electrophilicily ω were analyzed....
Complicated appendicitis: risk factors and outcomes of laparoscopic appendectomy – results from Pol-LA (Polish Laparoscopic Appendectomy) multicenter large cohort study.
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Superconductivity in Metal-Rich Chalcogenide Ta2Se
PublicationThe metal–metal bond in metal-rich chalcogenide is known to exhibit various structures and interesting physical properties. Ta2Se can be obtained by both arc-melting and solid-state pellet methods. Ta2Se crystallizes a layered tetragonal structure with space group P4/nmm (No. 129; Pearson symbol tP6). Each unit cell consists of four layers of body-centered close-packing Ta atoms sandwiched between two square nets of Se atoms, forming...
Proton affinity and proton transfer energy for selected organic molecules
PublicationThe Hartree-Fock method in 6-311G** molecular orbitals basis set has been applied to calculations of proton affinities and proton transfer reaction energies for water, methanol, acetaldehyde, ethanol, acetone, acetic acid, methyl acetate and ethyl acetate.
Magnetic instrumentation and other applications of magnets in NOTES
PublicationModern surgery is developing towards a minimally invasive approach. To minimize the trauma the number of ports is either limited as in single incision laparoscopic procedures or ports are introduced through natural orifices as in nat- ural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES). To provide surgeons with appropriate instrumentation novel technologies are employed involving magnets. This article summarizes the theoretical...
The Space for Preservation and Dilapidation of Historical Houses in Modlimowo Village in the Light of Post-Dependence Studies and Historical Politics after 1945
PublicationThe main purpose of this article is to present the results of the research on spatial degradation of Modlimowo village. Modlimowo is an example of a settlement form typical of the Western Pomerania region. Until 1945, half-timbered buildings of Modlimowo village constituted a wellpreserved architectural and cultural heritage of this region. Over the past 25 years, changes in the spatial layout of Modlimowo Village irreversibly...
Superconducting SrSnP with Strong Sn–P Antibonding Interaction: Is the Sn Atom Single or Mixed Valent?
PublicationThe large single crystals of SrSnP were prepared using Sn self-flux method. The superconductivity in the tetragonal SrSnP is observed with the critical temperature of ∼2.3 K. The results of a crystallographic analysis, superconducting characterization, and theoretical assessment of tetragonal SrSnP are presented. The SrSnP crystallizes in the CaGaN structure type with space group P4/nmm (S.G. 129, Pearson symbol tP6) according...
Ab initio and density functional theory calculations of proton affinities for volatile organic compounds
PublicationThe Hatree-Fock method with 6-311G** split-valence molecular orbitals basis sets and the density function theory-B3LYP have been applied to geometrical optimizations and calculations of total electronic, zero point vibrational energies and proton affinities at 298 K for volatile organic compounds. Calculated values of proton affinities are compared with experimental data.
R&D of satellite pumps and motors with small geometrical displacement supplied with oil and non-flammable liquids
PublicationThe newest construction of satellite motors and self-suction satellite pumps with small geometrical displacement have been described in this article. The characteristics of volumetric and total efficiency of one satellite motor, selected from the series, supplied with oil have been presented. These characteristics have been compared with the orbital motors' characteristics. The remaining specifications of these motors were also...
Isostructural zinc and cadmium silanethiolates with bridging biimidazole co-ligands – Enhanced luminescence of zinc complex
PublicationTwo dinuclear complexes of zinc and cadmium with silanethiolate and bridging biimidazole ligands are characterized by X-ray diffraction, FT-IR, UV–Vis and emission spectroscopies. The complexes 1 (Zn) and 2 (Cd) are isostructural but exhibit different electronic structures and different character of frontier HOMO orbitals as indicated by DFT calculations. Lluminescence studies prove strong emission properties of zinc complex.
Proton affinities of simple organic compounds
PublicationThe Restricted Hatree-Fock method with 6-311G** split-valence molecular orbitals basis sets has been applied to geometrical optimizations and calculations of total electronic, zero point vibrational energies and proton affinities at 298 K for small neutral and protonated alkanes, alcohols, acetic acid, methyl and ethyl acetate, acetone, and acetaldehyde. Calculated values of proton affinities are compared with experimental data.
Inner-shell fragmentation of molecules into neutral fragments in high-Rydberg states induced by soft X-ray excitation with pulsed-field ionization
PublicationIn the present communication, we will show the results of measurements probing the production of neutral high-Rydberg fragments at the K edges of the molecules containing oxygen and nitrogen atoms. The experiments were performed at the Gas Phase beamline of the Elettra synchrotron radiation laboratory (Trieste, Italy), exploiting a combined soft X-ray excitation with pulsed-field ionization and ion time-of-flight (TOF) spectrometry...
Analiza odcinków generujących straty czasu w transporcie tramwajowym
PublicationW czasie analiz i studiów przedwykonawczych dotyczących budowy nowych i modernizacji istniejących tras tramwajowych, bardzo często zakładane są nierealne czasy przejazdów, które weryfikuje się już po oddaniu linii do eksploatacji i przeprowadzeniu badań obserwacyjnych. Problematyczne wydaje się określenie, przed zakończeniem inwestycji, rzeczywistej prędkości jazdy, jak również strat czasu powstających w miejscach potencjalnych...
The lanthanide influence on selected properties of BaLnCo2O6-δ
PublicationThe subject of research of this dissertation are cobalt oxides with a double perovskite structure with a general formula BaLnCo2O6-δ, where Ln stands for La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy. The aim of the study was to verify the ability of these materials to form the protonic defects, as well as to identify the factors determining this ability. As part of the work, materials from the proposed group were synthesised and characterized. To...
Theoretical designing of selenium heterocyclic non-fullerene acceptors with enhanced power conversion efficiency for organic solar cells: a DFT/TD-DFT-based prediction and understanding
PublicationIn this study, we have designed and explored a new series of non-fullerene acceptors for possible applications in organic solar cells. We have designed four molecules named as APH1 to APH4 after end-capped modification of recently synthesized Y6-Se-4Cl molecule. Density functional theory and time dependent-density functional theory have been employed for computing geometric and photovoltaic parameters of the designed molecules....
Reaction of aniline with ammonium persulphate and concentrated hydrochloric acid: Experimental and DFT studies
PublicationIn this paper, the reaction of aniline with ammonium persulphate and concentrated HCl was studied. As a result of our experimental studies, 2,4,6-trichlorophenylamine was identified as the main product. This shows that a high concentration of HCl does not favour oxidative polymerisation of phenylamine, even though the ammonium persulphate/HCl system is widely used in polyaniline synthesis. On the basis of the experimental data...
Threshold photoelectron studies of isoxazole over the energy range 9.9-30 eV
PublicationThe threshold photoelectron spectrum of the isoxazole molecule, C3H3NO has been measured over the photon energy range 9.9-30 eV with the use of synchrotron radiation. In the 9.9-10.8 eV range, corresponding to photoionization from the highest occupied molecular orbital 3a"(π3), seven well resolved vibrational series have been observed and their modes are tentatively assigned. A strong adiabatic ionization, with an energy of 11.132...
Magnetic field effects in dye-sensitized solar cells controlled by different cell architecture
PublicationThe charge recombination and exciton dissociation are generally recognized as the basic electronic processes limiting the efficiency of photovoltaic devices. In this work, we propose a detailed mechanism of photocurrent generation in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) examined by magnetic field effect (MFE) technique. Here we demonstrate that the magnitude of the MFE on photocurrent in DSSCs can be controlled by the radius and...
Excited state properties of a series of molecular photocatalysts investigated by time dependent density functional theory.
PublicationTime dependent density functional theory calculations are applied on a series of molecular photocatalysts of the type [(tbbpy)2M1(tpphz)M2X2]2+ (M1 = Ru, Os; M2 = Pd, Pt; X = Cl, I) in order to provide information concerning the photochemistry occurring upon excitation of the compounds in the visible region. To this aim, the energies, oscillator strengths and orbital characters of the singlet and triplet excited states are investigated....
Excited states of isoxazole molecules studied by electron energy-loss spectroscopy
PublicationElectron energy-loss spectra were measured in isoxazole in the excitation energy range 3.5−10 eV to investigate the valence excited states. Spectra recorded at different scattering conditions enabled the identification of the singlet and triplet states and the determination of their vertical excitation energies. The two lowest energy triplet bands, ππ* 13A' and ππ* 23A' at 4.20 and 5.30 eV, respectively show vibrational progressions....