total: 566
Search results for: MONOLITHIC SORBENTS
A method for a comprehensive lipidomic analysis of flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) with the use of LC–Q-TOF-MS and dispersive micro-solid-phase (μDSPE) extraction
PublicationFlaxseed (FS) is one of the richest sources of α-linolenic acid oil and lignans, and it is suggested that the consumption of flaxseed may contribute to the prevention of certain chronic diseases such as many types of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cerebrovascular stroke. Here, we demonstrate a new method for comprehensive FS lipidome profiling with the use of LC–Q-TOF-MS and dispersive micro-solid-phase extraction....
Synteza, struktura chemiczna i właściwości bezizocyjanianowych poliuretanów otrzymywanych z wykorzystaniem CO2 oraz surowców pochodzenia naturalnego.
PublicationZ uwagi na wciąż rosnącą świadomość proekologiczną, politykę zrównoważonego rozwoju, a także nurt zielonej chemii wiodącym trendem w przemyśle tworzyw sztucznych jest poszukiwanie alternatywnych metod otrzymywania materiałów polimerowych. Komercyjnie poliuretany otrzymywane są w wyniku reakcji poliaddycji di- lub poliizocyjanianów z poliolami i małocząsteczkowymi przedłużaczami łańcucha. Z uwagi na niekorzystne właściwości diizocyjanianów,...
Ultra thick open tubular traps with an increased inner diameter.
PublicationPrzeanalizowano zagadnienia związane z zastosowaniem otwartych pułapek kapilarnych z grubym nieregularnym filmem polidimetylosiloksanu do wzbogacania lotnych związków organicznych. Przeprowadzone rozważania teoretyczne oraz prace eksperymentalne wykazały, że zwiększenie średnicy wewnętrznej pułapek może znacząco polepszyć ich właściwości. Dla danego natężenia przepływu próbki oraz danego stosunku objętości faz w pułapce, liczba...
Deep eutectic solvent-based shaking-assisted extraction for determination of bioactive compounds from Norway spruce roots
PublicationPolyphenolic compounds play an essential role in plant growth, reproduction, and defense mechanisms against pathogens and environmental stresses. Extracting these compounds is the initial step in assessing phytochemical changes, where the choice of extraction method significantly influences the extracted analytes. However, due to environmental factors, analyzing numerous samples is necessary for statistically significant results,...
Ionic liquids for nano- and microstructures preparation. Part 2: Application in synthesis
PublicationIonic liquids (ILs) are widely applied to prepare metal nanoparticles and 3D semiconductor microparticles. Generally, they serve as a structuring agent or reaction medium (solvent), however it was also demonstrated that ILs can also play a role of a co-solvent, metal precursor, reducing as well as surface modifying agent. The crucial role and possible types of interactions between ILs and growing particles have been presented in...
Studies of the separation performance of silanized silica gel for simulated distillation
PublicationWe present the results of investigations of the chromatographic (sorptive) properties of silanized silica gel as a stationary phase for gas chromatography used for simulated distillation. Commercially available silanized sorbent (particle diameter range 63–200 m, average pore size 60 Å) was sieved to obtain the 80–100 mesh fraction (180–150 m). The obtained results revealed that silanized silica gel allows the complete separation...
Nowoczesne techniki przygotowania próbki do oznaczania analitów organicznych z zastosowaniem chromatografii gazowej. Część I. Podstawy teoretyczne ekstrakcji. Modern techniques of preparation of samples for determining organic analytes by gas chromatography. Part I. Theoretical principles of extraction.
PublicationPrzedstawiono podstawy teoretyczne technik izolacji i wzbogacania analitów organicznych z próbek gazowych oraz ciekłych. Już pobieżna analiza literatury dotyczącej omawianych zagadnień, pokazuje jak różnorodne i bogate spektrum technik jest stosowane na etapie przygotowania próbki. Z drugiej strony, z punktu widzenia podstaw fizykochemicznych, większość technik opiera się na dwóch zjawiskach: adsorpcji analitów na medium zatrzymującym...
Size Exclusion Coupled to Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography for the Characterization of Cranberry Products
PublicationA combination of solvent extraction, size exclusion purification, and reversed-phase liquid chromatography with UV absorption and fluorescence detection was here used for the determination of flavan-3-ols and related oligomeric compounds in cranberry products. The method relied on robust, simple, and inexpensive instrumental equipment present in most of routine analytical laboratories. Sample extracts in methanol/water/hydrochloric...
Merging Proline:Xylitol Eutectic Solvent in Crosslinked Chitosan Pervaporation Membranes for Enhanced Water Permeation in Dehydrating Ethanol
PublicationThe scope of this research aims at merging a new deep eutectic mixture (DES) into a biopolymer-based membrane for a pervaporation application in dehydrating ethanol. Herein, an L-proline:xylitol (at 5:1) eutectic mixture was successfully synthesized and blended with chitosan (CS). A complete characterization of the hybrid membranes, in terms of morphology, solvent uptake, and hydrophilicity, has been conducted. As part of their...
Evolution of models for sorption of PAHs and PCBs on geosorbents.
PublicationWiedza o tym gdzie są zlokalizowane zanieczyszczenia obecne w osadzie oraz z jaką siłą związane są one z osadem jest niezbędna do oszacowania stopnia i skuteczności procesów remediacjyjnych oraz określenia dostępności, mobilności i toksyczności osadów. Dlatego, aby zrozumieć i poznać procesy zachodzące w tak skomplikowanej matrycy, jaką stanowią osady denne/gleby konstruowane są teoretyczne modele matematyczne opisujące prawdopodobny...
Ionic liquids in extraction techniques: Determination of pesticides in food and environmental samples
PublicationThe intensive use of pesticides in agricultural practices has promoted the appearance of environmentaland public health problems. Due to that, scientists face challenges with developing simple, fast, sensitive,selective, and low-cost methods dedicated to determining pesticide residues in food and environmentalsamples. Following thefifth principle of Green Analytical Chemistry, chemists are searching for greeneralternatives for...
Oznaczanie niezmienionych form lotnych związków bromo- i chloroorganicznych w próbkach płynów biologicznych z wykorzystaniem opracowanej metodyki TLHS-DAI-GC-ECD
PublicationRozprawa doktorska dotyczyła opracowania nowej procedury analitycznej opartej na wykorzystaniu analizy fazy nadpowierzchniowej nad cienkim filmem cieczy z samoczynną generacją strumienia ciekłego sorbentu w połączeniu z chromatografem gazowym wyposażonym w detektor wychwytu elektronów (TLHS-DAI-GC-ECD). Skupiono się na :1. wykonaniu badań optymalizacyjnych poprzedzających walidację metodyki TLHS-DAI-GC-ECD (sprawdzenie trwałości...
Comparison of different extraction techniques of polychlorinated biphenyls from sediments samples.
PublicationIn this work, problems that may occur during determination of trace levels of polychlorinated biphenyls in sediment samples are described. Main error sources are connected with extraction of analytes prior to final determination. During model studies, polychlorinated biphenyls have been extracted from sedimentreference material (METRANAL 2) with the use of different solvents (dichloromethane, hexsane, and toluene); the process...
Effect of alcohol consumption on the levels of volatile organohalogen compounds in blood and urine = Wpływ spożywania alkoholu na poziom lotnych związków chlorowcoorganicznych w krwi i moczu ludzkim
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki oznaczania lotnych związków chlorowcoorganicznych w próbkach moczu i krwi pochodzących od dawców w różny sposób narażonych na ekspozycje lotnych związków chlorowcoorgnicznych (styl życia: palenie papierosów, picie alkoholu, przyjmowanie lekarstw czy rodzaj wykonywanej pracy). Do izolacji i wzbogacania analitów z próbek moczu i krwi, wykorzystano technikę analizy fazy nadpowierzchniowej nad cienką warstwą...
Zastosowanie nanocząstek materiałów wykazujących właściwości magnetyczne
PublicationKonieczność uzyskiwania miarodajnych wyników, które będą stanowiły podstawę do określenia zawartości już śladowych ilości analitów, stała się bez wątpienia siłą napędową rozwoju współcześnie stosowanych technik analitycznych, takich jak ekstrakcja do fazy stałej (SPE). W ostatnich latach ogromne zainteresowanie wzbudziło wykorzystanie w technice SPE nanocząstek materiałów o właściwościach magnetycznych (magnetic nanoparticles –...
Synteza i właściwości fizyko-chemiczne polimerowych mikrosfer zawierających ugrupowania pirolidonowe
PublicationIntensywny rozwój nauki i techniki, a w konsekwencji także przemysłu stwarza ogromne zapotrzebowanie na nowe materiały. Stosowane tradycyjnie od stuleci kamień, drewno, bawełna czy stal zostają zastąpione przez ich polimerowe odpowiedniki. Wśród ogromnej rzeszy materiałów polimerowych szczególną pozycję zajmują polimerowe mikrosfery [1]. Są one wykorzystywane jako specyficzne sorbenty, nośniki leków, katalizatory, wypełnienia kolumn...
Volatile organohalogen compounds in human urine: the effect of environmental exposure
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki oznaczania lotnych związków chlorowcoorganicznych w próbkach moczu pochodzących od dawcow narazonych na kancerogeny w miejscu pracy i dawcow spozywajacych wode poddana procesowi uzdatniania przez chlorowanie. Do izolacji i wzbogacania analitów z moczu, posiadającego skomplikowaną matrycę, wykorzystano technikę analizy fazy nadpowierzchniowej nad cienką warstwą cieczy z samoczynną generacją ciekłego...
Transport of paracetamol in swellable and relaxing polyurethane nanocomposite hydrogels
PublicationPolyurethane hydrogels are potentially attractive materials for biomedical applications. They are able to absorb large amount of water, biological fluids or active substances, and thus, they have potential to be used as absorbents or wound-healing dressings. They are also used for the controlled release of therapeutics because of their capacity to embed biologically active agents in their water-swollen network. The presence of...
Analysis of efficiency of phosphates sorption by different granulation of selected reactive material
PublicationIn the light of the need to find an effective way to remove phosphorus from wastewater, studies on the suitability of sorption materials in this process should be conducted. The aim of the study was to examine the potential benefits of using selected adsorbents to reduce orthophosphates from the model solution under steady conditions. The study was conducted on a laboratory scale using synthetic wastewater with concentration of...
Solvent Selection as a Key Factor in the Performance of Semitransparent Heterojunctions Composed of Hydrogenated Nanotubes and Bismuth Sulfides
PublicationResearch on titanium nanotubes modified with metal sulfides, particularly bismuth sulfide (Bi2S3), aims to create heterostructures that efficiently absorb sunlight and then separate photogenerated charge carriers, thereby enhancing the energy conversion efficiency. This study shows a key role of solvent used for sulfide and bismuth salt solutions used during successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) onto the morphology,...
Comparison of the Efficiency of Hetero- and Homogeneous Catalysts in Cellulose Liquefaction
PublicationBiomass liquefaction is a well-known and extensively described process. Hydrothermal processes are well understood and can be used in the fuel industry. The use of organic solvents can result in full-fledged products for use in the synthesis of polyurethanes. The plastics industry, including polyurethanes, is targeting new, more environmentally friendly solutions. One of these is the replacement of petrochemical polyols with compounds...
Transport properties of aqueous ionic liquid microemulsions: influence of the anion type and presence of the cosurfactant
PublicationTransport properties, viz. specific conductivity, dynamic viscosity and apparent diffusion coefficients, were measured as a function of water content in aqueous ionic liquid microemulsions containing 1-butyl-3- methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate, [BMIM][PF6] and bis(trifluoromethanesulphonyl)imide, [BMIM][Tf2N], stabilized by the nonionic surfactant TX-100, or its mixture with a cosurfactant, i.e. butanol. The investigation covered...
Ultrasound assisted extraction
PublicationThe use of green and sustainable extraction techniques is very popular topic in the multidisciplinary area of chemistry, biology and technology. There is no doubt that extraction constitutes a very important step of analytical procedures of separation, detection, identification and determination of wide spectrum analytes from samples characterized by complex and very often nonhomogeneous composition of matrix. Traditional techniques...
Porosity and swelling properties of novel polyurethane–ascorbic acid scaffolds prepared by different procedures for potential use in bone tissue engineering
PublicationIn this work, a novel polyurethane (PU) system based on poly(ethylene-butylene) adipate diol, 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate, 1,4-butanediol, and ascorbic acid was used to prepare scaffolds with potential applications in bone tissue engineering. Two fabrication methods to obtain porous materials were chosen: phase separation (PS)/salt particle leaching (PL) and solvent casting (SC)/salt PL. The calculated porosity demonstrated...
Deep eutectic solvent (DES) with silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) based assay for analysis of lead (II) in edible oils
PublicationThis paper presents an application of silver nanoparticles impregnated by Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) as ultrasonication aided microextraction system for lead (II) determination in edible oils. The paper presents a systematic optimization of method parameters and examples of its application for analysis of real samples. Maximum recovery for lead (II) extraction was obtained for choline chloride and phenol with a 1:2 molar ratio....
Organic semiconductor rubrene thin films deposited by pulsed laser evaporation of solidified solutions
PublicationOrganic semiconductor rubrene (C42H28) belongs to most preferred spintronic materials because of the high charge carrier mobility up to 40 cm2(V·s)-1. However, the fabrication of a defect-free, polycrystalline rubrene for spintronic applications represents a difficult task. We report preparation and properties of rubrene thin films deposited by pulsed laser evaporation of solidified solutions. Samples of rubrene dissolved in aromatic...
Head-Space SPME for the Analysis of Organophosphorus Insecticides by Novel Silica IL-Based Fibers in Real Samples
PublicationThis work demonstrates the suitability of a newly developed ionic liquid (IL)-based silica SPME fiber for the determination of seven organophosphorus insecticides in cucumber and grapefruit samples by headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) with a gas chromatography–flame ionization detector (FID). The sol-gel method released four different sorbent coatings, which were obtained based on a silica matrix containing ILs immobilized...
Tuning the extraction properties of ionogel-coated Solid-phase microextraction fibers based on the solvation properties of the ionic liquids
PublicationA silica-based network was used to immobilize ionic liquid-based ionogels and applied as a fiber coating forsolid-phase microextraction (SPME). The ionogels were prepared by a sol–gel process, using two ionic liquids,triethylsulfonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([Set3][TFSI]) and 1-butyl-1-methylpiperidinium bis(tri-fluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([C4C1Pip][TFSI]), as well as their equimolar mixture. Methyltrimethoxysilane wasused...
Sustainable synthesis of cyclic carbonates from bio‐based polyether polyol: the structure characterization, rheological behaviour and thermal properties
PublicationThe cycloaddition of CO2 to epoxides represents a green efficient method to form bis(cyclic carbonate)s. The main purpose of the work reported in this paper was to examine the effect of the gas flow rate (20, 40, 60 and 100 mL min–1) during carbonation on the conversion yield, chemical structure, rheological behaviour and thermal properties of the prepared compounds. A series of new bis(cyclic carbonate)s was obtained from bio‐based...
PublicationW erze „zielonej chemii analitycznej” oczywistym jest, że każda z wykorzystywanych procedur analitycznych musi warunkować uzyskanie miarodajnej informacji o składzie materialnym próbki a równocześnie powinna być jak najbardziej przyjazna dla środowiska. Stąd też wysiłki interdyscyplinarnych zespołów naukowców na całym świecie ukierunkowane są na poszukiwaniu nowych rozwiązań metodycznych umożliwiających oznaczenie analitów na...
Applicability of phenolic acids as effective enhancers of cocrystals solubility of methylxanthines
PublicationApplicability of phenolic acids as potential cocrystal formers for methylxanthine derivatives was analyzed both in terms of cocrystallization probabilities and solubility advantage. The cocrystal formation abilities were evaluated using mixing enthalpy estimated within the conductor like screening model for real solvents (COSMO-RS) framework. The solubility improvement of potential cocrystals was estimated by formulation of the...
An air-assisted dispersive liquid phase microextraction method based on a hydrophobic magnetic deep eutectic solvent for the extraction and preconcentration of melamine from milk and milk-based products
PublicationIn the current research, a fast and sustainable air-assisted hydrophobic magnetic deep eutectic solvent-based dispersive liquid phase microextraction followed by UV–Vis spectrophotometry measurements was optimized for the extraction and determination of melamine in milk and milk-based products. The central composite design was applied for the optimization of factors affecting the recovery of melamine. Quantitative extraction of...
Morphology control through the synthesis of metal-organic frameworks
PublicationDesignable morphology and predictable properties are the most challenging goals in material engineering. Features such as shape, size, porosity, agglomeration ratio significantly affect the final properties of metal- organic frameworks (MOFs) and can be regulated throughout synthesis parameters but require a deep under- standing of the mechanisms of MOFs formation. Herein, we systematically summarize the effects of the indi- vidual...
The Sonocatalytic Activation of Persulfates on Iron Nanoparticle Decorated Zeolite for the Degradation of 1,4-Dioxane in Aquatic Environments
PublicationIn the chemical industry, 1,4-diethylene dioxide, commonly called dioxane, is widely used as a solvent as well as a stabilizing agent for chlorinated solvents. Due to its high miscibility, dioxane is a ubiquitous water contaminant. This study investigates the effectiveness of catalyst- and ultrasound (US)-assisted persulfate (PS) activation with regard to degrading dioxane. As a first step, a composite catalyst was prepared using...
Mangiferin: A comprehensive review on its extraction, purification and uses in food systems
PublicationWith the target of fabricating healthier products, food manufacturing companies look for natural-based nutraceuticals that can potentially improve the physicochemical properties of food systems while being nutritive to the consumer and providing additional health benefits (biological activities). In this regard, Mangiferin joins all these requirements as a potential nutraceutical, which is typically contained in Mangifera indica...
A closer look at how the dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction method works. Investigation of the effect of solvent mixture composition on the quality and stability of the cloudy state
PublicationThe dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction (DLLME) is one of the most popular miniaturized extraction procedures. In this paper, the degree of dispersion and dispersion stability were studied with the aim to assess the correlations of these parameters with efficiency for the selected analytical application. The dependence between the degree of dispersion (cloudy state quality) and its stability obtained by various emulsification...
A review: Fabrication of porous polyurethane scaffolds
PublicationThe aim of tissue engineering is the fabrication of three-dimensional scaffolds that can be used for the reconstruction and regeneration of damaged or deformed tissues and organs. A wide variety of techniques have been developed to create either fibrous or porous scaffolds from polymers, metals, composite materials and ceramics. However, the most promising materials are biodegradable polymers due to their comprehensive mechanical...
Application of Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARSplines) for Predicting Hansen Solubility Parameters Based on 1D and 2D Molecular Descriptors Computed from SMILES String
PublicationA new method of Hansen solubility parameters (HSPs) prediction was developed by combining the multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARSplines) methodology with a simple multivariable regression involving 1D and 2D PaDEL molecular descriptors. In order to adopt the MARSplines approach to QSPR/QSAR problems, several optimization procedures were proposed and tested. The effectiveness of the obtained models was checked via standard...
Application of dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction for the determination of selected organochlorine pesticides in honey by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry
PublicationDispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) is a rapid and easy technique that consumes minute amounts of organic solvents. In this work, we present chemometric study on optimization of DLLME parameters for the extraction of aldrin, endrin, lindane, alfa-endosulfan, 4,4'-DDT and its metabolites from honey matrix. Method quantification limits (MQLs) vary between 0.3 ng/g for 2,4'-DDE and 4,4'-DDE to 13.2 ng/g for alfa-endosulfan...
Microscopic Imaging to Visualize the Distribution of Dietary Nucleic Acids in Food Products of Various Origins
PublicationDietary nucleic acids (dietNAs) are being increasingly recognized as important food components with nutritional value. However, the precise dietary recommendations for dietNAs are limited, because established methods for determining the quantity and nutritional role of dietNAs are still lacking. One of the tools to narrow this gap could be microscopic imaging, as a convenient approach to visualize the abundance and distribution...
Green analytical chemistry metrics: A review
PublicationGreen analytical chemistry encourages reducing the use of toxic chemicals/reagents, using energy-efficient equipment, and generating minimal waste. The recent trends in analytical method development focus on the miniaturization of the sample preparation devices, the development of solventless or solvent-minimized extraction techniques, and the utilization of less toxic solvents. The twelve principles of GAC serve as a basic guideline...
Effect of the ionic liquids on extraction of aromatic and sulfur compounds from the model petrochemical stream
PublicationSuitability of a imidazolium ionic liquids (ILs) as solvents in dearomatization and desulfurization in the ternary systems and in a model multicomponent systems has been analyzed. With this aim, ternary liquid-liquid phase equilibrium data (LLE) have been obtained for ternary mixtures of {IL + benzene, or toluene, or thiophene, or 2-butanethiol + hexane}, or {IL + benzene + 2-methylpentane} at T = 298.15 K and ambient pressure,...
New approach for e-cigarette aerosol collection by an original automatic aerosol generator utilizing melt-blown non-woven fabric
PublicationCurrently, there is lack of standardized conditions for the collection and analysis of e-cigarette (EC) aerosol. Considering the urgent need for the development of these guidelines, a procedure for EC aerosol analysis was developed. A novel automatic e-cigarette aerosol generator was designed. For the first time, melt-blown non-woven fabric was applied for the effective uptake of compounds released from vaporized e-liquid. The...
Ionogel fibres of bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide anion-based ionic liquids for the headspace solid-phase microextraction of chlorinated organic pollutants
PublicationIonogels, a family of hybrid materials in which ionic liquids (ILs) are confined in a sol–gel network, are receiving much attention in a variety of scientific and technological fields. In this work, ionogels derived from three different ILs based on the anion bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (TFSI), namely 1-butyl- 3-methylpyridinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide ([C4C1Py][TFSI]), 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide...
Development and Validation of SPE-HPLC-MS/MS Method for Determining Cyclophosphamide in Surface Waters
PublicationA rapid and selective method for trace amounts determination of cyclophosphamide in surface water samples has been developed. A solid phase extraction SPE method for extraction and clean-up procedure has been optimized for determination by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. The analyses proceed in the positive ion mode by means of the electrospray ionization method (ESI). Clean...
Separation of C6 hydrocarbons on sodium dithionite reduced graphene oxide aerogels
PublicationThe ability of reduced graphene oxide aerogels (rGOAs) for challenging gas-phase separation was investigated with hexane isomers and benzene (C6 hydrocarbons) using inverse gas chromatography (IGC). For the first, rGOAs were synthesized with sodium dithionite (DTN) as a reductant. Experiments revealed that the most optimal DTN to graphene oxide mass ratio was 2:1, resulting in the highest specific surface area of 432.3 m2 g−1 and...
Comparative Study on Assisted Solvent Extraction Techniques for the Extraction of Biologically Active Compounds from Sideritis raeseri and Sideritis scardica
PublicationThe plants in the Sideritis genus are postulated to exhibit several important medicinal properties due to their unique chemical composition. To isolate the targeted phytochemical compounds, the selection of a suitable extraction method is of primary importance. In this work, a comparative study on the phytochemical profiles of various Sideritis raeseri and Sideritis scardica extracts has been carried out. An untargeted metabolomics...
Optimization of vortex-assisted hydrophobic magnetic deep eutectic solvent-based dispersive liquid phase microextraction for quantification of niclosamide in real samples
PublicationIn this manuscript, a green and fast vortex-assisted hydrophobic magnetic deep eutectic solvent-based dispersive liquid phase microextraction (VA-HMDES-DLPME) method was developed for the selective extraction and determination of niclosamide in read samples, including rice, medicine tablets, and water samples. Here, hydrophobic magnetic deep eutectic solvents were used as the extracting solvent without requiring any centrifugation...
Extraction pathways and purification strategies towards carminic acid as natural-based food colorant: A comprehensive review
PublicationAs a current trend of fabricating healthier products, food manufacturing companies seek for natural-based food colorant aiming to replace the synthetic ones, which apart from meeting sensorial and organoleptic aspects, they can also act as health promoters offering additional added value. Carminic acid is a natural based food colorant typically found in several insect taxa. However, there are current approaches which pursue the...
Polyether-block-amide PEBA membranes for gas separation and pervaporation; current design and applications
PublicationPolyether-block-amide (PEBA) membranes have attracted considerable attention for their exceptional efficacy in gas separation and pervaporation processes. This comprehensive review delves into the precise definition, distinguishing characteristics, and diverse applications of PEBA membranes over the past five years. A primary research objective focuses on enhancing gas separation efficiency, primarily through augmenting membrane...