Search results for: banefits
Machine-Learning-Powered EM-Based Framework for Efficient and Reliable Design of Low Scattering Metasurfaces
PublicationPopularity of metasurfaces has been continuously growing due to their attractive properties including the ability to effectively manipulate electromagnetic (EM) waves. Metasurfaces comprise optimized geometries of unit cells arranged as a periodic lattice to obtain a desired EM response. One of their emerging application areas is the stealth technology, in particular, realization of radar cross section (RCS) reduction. Despite...
Knowledge Sharing and Managing Intellectual Capital in the Times of COVID-19: Evidence from Polish Restaurant Industry
PublicationPurpose: The aim of this paper is to show how restaurants in Poland managed their intellectual capital (IC) in the COVID-19 crisis and how knowledge sharing (KS) helped them to survive in those dynamically changing conditions. Methodology: The study is based on qualitative research – semi-structured interviews with a few restaurant owners and managers responsible for the business operations during...
Dimensionality-Reduced Antenna Modeling with Stochastically Established Constrained Domain
PublicationOver the recent years, surrogate modeling methods have become increasingly widespread in the design of contemporary antenna systems. On the one hand, it is associated with a growing awareness of numerical optimization, instrumental in achieving high-performance structures. On the other hand, considerable computational expenses incurred by massive full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analyses, routinely employed as a major design tool,...
Chemical characterization of wild populations of Brassica oleracea complex species (n=9) for the content of their bioactive compounds
PublicationThe wild species belonging to Brassica oleracea complex species (n=9) are widespread in the Mediterranean basin and represent the relative species of several vegetable crops, such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage. They are characterized by the high level of bioactive compounds, such as glucosinolates (GLSs), known for their benefits for human health. Four accessions were evaluated: B. macrocarpa (BM) from Favignana (Trapani),...
Sprawiedliwość agrarna Thomasa Paine’a i narodziny dyskursu egalitarnego
PublicationThomas Paine napisał Sprawiedliwość agrarną we Francji w roku 1796 w szczycie posttermidoriańskiego zamętu, krótko po wprowadzeniu Konstytucji Roku III. W swoim ostatnim wielkim pamflecie domaga się opodatkowania wielkich właścicieli ziemskich i pomoc biednym oraz wywłaszczonym. Artykuł krótko omawia propozycję Paine i analizuje jego strukturę argumentacyjną. Stawiam w niej tezę, że Paine nie do końca świadomie przechodzi od dowodu...
Interdisciplinary e-collaboration tools / Narzędzia interdyscyplinarnej e-współpracy
PublicationW projektach interdyscyplinarnych niezwykle ważnym czynnikiem jest aktywne konsultowanie i bezpośrednie zastosowanie relatywnie nowo powstałej dziedziny zwanej współpracą interdyscyplinarną. Nawiązywanie interdyscyplinarnej współpracy przynosi wiele korzyści, jednakże niejednokrotnie wiąże się z licznymi problemami i niedogodnościami, a także koniecznością ciągłego doszkalania się i rozszerzania kompetencji zawodowych. Na podstawie...
Warstwowa ocena epidemiologiczna architektury zakładów opiekuńczo-leczniczych i zakładów gieriatycznych = Layer based epidemiological quality assessment of architecture of care security and geriatric wards
PublicationW artykule opisano możliwość wykorzystania autorskiej metody warstwowej oceny epidemiologicznej (WOE) do oceny potencjalnego ryzyka zakażeń w obiektach przeznaczonych dla osób starszych. Materiał i metody: W celu weryfikacji możliwości użycia metody WOE do oceny zagrożeń w zakresie bezpieczeństwa epidemiologicznego środowiska zbudowanego poddano analizie dostępne źródła literatury związane z obowiązującymi w Polsce wymaganiami...
PublicationThe problems of young people guidance on the choice of profession according to the labour market requirements and the education quality are considered. The problem of youth education and employment is very topical, and in relation to vocational education the main theoretical and practical approaches to its modernization should be changed. The paper is determined the key aspects for choosing the University to receive education and...
Unique agreement of experimental and computational infrared spectroscopy: a case study of lithium bromide solvation in an important electrochemical solvent
PublicationInfrared (IR) spectroscopy is a widely used and invaluable tool in the studies of solvation phenomena in electrolyte solutions. Using state-of-the-art chemometric analysis of a spectral series measured in a concentration-dependent manner, the spectrum of the solute-affected solvent can be extracted, providing a detailed view of the structural and energetic states of the solvent molecules influenced by the solute. Concurrently,...
Thriving in multicultural work settings
PublicationOwing to globalization and the global mobility of workforce, working in multicultural environments has become a daily reality for an increasing number of manpower. Such an environment does introduce unique challenges to individuals, enabling some of them to thrive. The aim of the paper, therefore, is to explore the antecedents of thriving and its components in multicultural work settings of multinational corporations (MNCs). The...
Aptamer based tools for environmental and therapeutic monitoring: A review of developments, applications, future perspectives
PublicationNucleic acids in the form of aptamers play a growing and significant role in the targeted and rapid analysis of environmental sample composition and medical analyses. In this paper, the review of both aptamers synthesis methods as well as application of these short chain oligonucleotides (with critical comments on their strong and weak features) are given. The first ones include: systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment...
The youth in polish legations and government
PublicationUntil the 2015 elections, youth policy in Poland was treated as a separate domain. There is no uniform legal basis concerned with the matters of young people. Youth rights are dealt with in several articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland as well as a number of Acts: on Public Administration Branches, on the Education System, on Higher Education, on Employment Promotion and Labour Market Institutions, on NFZ General...
Deep neural networks for human pose estimation from a very low resolution depth image
PublicationThe work presented in the paper is dedicated to determining and evaluating the most efficient neural network architecture applied as a multiple regression network localizing human body joints in 3D space based on a single low resolution depth image. The main challenge was to deal with a noisy and coarse representation of the human body, as observed by a depth sensor from a large distance, and to achieve high localization precision....
New synthesis route of highly porous InxCo4Sb12 with strongly reduced thermal conductivity
PublicationHighly porous, In-filled CoSb3 skutterudite materials with an attractive thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT * 1) and corresponding dense samples were fabricated through the cost-effective method of reduction in oxides in dry hydrogen and the pulsed electric current sintering (PECS) method, respectively. The reduction process was described in detail using in situ thermogravimetric analysis of Co2O3, Sb2O3 and In(NO3)35H2O separately...
Briding the communicational gap between client and software developer
PublicationOften is it the case that people find it difficult to bridge thecommunicational gap between themselves and others. This is something of a problem, to say the least. My aim is to explain and to clarify the reasons behind this and to hopefully overcome any obstacles, to allow for a much smoother and more accurate means of fulfilling client and software developer needs.I have found through my own personal experience something which...
The importance of trust and altruistic social orientation for COVID-19 distress
PublicationBackground: The COVID-19 pandemic, the biggest global health crisis in decades, has been a difficult experience for nations all over the world. In the present study we wanted to assess to what extent a positive attitude towards others, expressed in altruistic social orientation and a high level of trust, would be linked to lower levels of COVID-19 distress in infected and non-infected individuals. Participants and procedure:...
Electrochemistry from first-principles in the grand canonical ensemble
PublicationProgress in electrochemical technologies, such as automotive batteries, supercapacitors, and fuel cells, depends greatly on developing improved charged interfaces between electrodes and electrolytes. The rational development of such interfaces can benefit from the atomistic understanding of the materials involved by first-principles quantum mechanical simulations with Density Functional Theory (DFT). However, such simulations are...
A novel architecture of Web-GIS for mapping and analysis of echinococcosis in Poland
PublicationEchinococcosis is an infectious disease transferred through ingestion of food or water which have been contaminated with eggs of the Echinococcus tapeworm, which are spread by intermediate parasite hosts. Because the latter are primarily territorial, research related to diagnosis and prevention of echinococcosis requires investigation of environmental factors, which can be supported with the use of a Geographical Information System...
An overview of the cognitive and biological effects of city nighttime illumination including a London case study
PublicationCurrent scientific research demonstrates how critical the effects of city nighttime illumination are upon cognitive and biological health1 – which needs to be adequately acknowledged, understood and addressed by conscious cities and the plans they develop. Until recent decades, the design of nighttime lighting was determined mostly by electrical engineers who often applied technical standards to meet the requirements of vehicle-focused...
Analysis of IPv6 handovers in IEEE 802.16 environment
PublicationThe second generation of WiMAX solutions, based on IEEE 802.16-2005 standard, offers limited mobility support. Unfortunately, after quickly changing the point of attachment on the WiMAX data link layer (DLL), very slow and inefficient IPv6 reconfiguration takes place. Delays introduced by automatic configuration (DHCPv6 and IPv6 protocols) and Mobile IPv6 can easily diminish or even render useless all benefits gained using the...
Smart Materials in Architecture: Useful Tools with Practical Applications or Fascinating Inventions for Experimental Design?
PublicationFor at least several decades smart or so-called intelligent materials, being the result of great advancements in material engineering, appear in architecture in different applications. Most of them are called "smart" because of their inherent properties: a real-time response to environmental stimuli. There are also those considered to be "smart" due to smart design: their original structure or the composition of their materials...
Cooperation areas between universities and industry - case studies in the area of civil engineering
PublicationThe paper describes the areas of cooperation between universities and industry in the area of civil engineering. Presented examples are related to didactics, research grants and commissioned works. On the basis of the authors own experiences the mutual benefits of cooperation in different areas are described. As well as the assessment criteria of the areas of cooperation by the scientific community. The first area of cooperation...
On Accelerated Metaheuristic-Based Electromagnetic-Driven Design Optimization of Antenna Structures Using Response Features
PublicationDevelopment of present-day antenna systems is an intricate and multi-step process requiring, among others, meticulous tuning of designable (mainly geometry) parameters. Concerning the latter, the most reliable approach is rigorous numerical optimization, which tends to be re-source-intensive in terms of computing due to involving full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simu-lations. The cost-related issues are particularly pronounced whenever...
Regenarative tourism – between theory and practice
PublicationPurpose: The aim of this article is to present a shift in thinking in terms of implementing the systems and practices needed to transition to a regenerative approach in tourism. The article aims to provide concrete ways to change thinking and move towards a regenerative paradigm in the tourism industry. Design/methodology/approach: This viewpoint paper defines regenerative tourism and explores its principles and the possibilities...
PublicationThe article presents a comprehensive method for using vibration signals to diagnose railway tracks. The primary objective is to gather detailed information on track conditions through a passive experiment. This involves using mobile diagnostic tools and techniques to assess railway infrastructure. The article elaborates on the range of diagnostic activities conducted in accordance with detailed railway regulations and highlights...
A study of a compact high-efficiency zero-emission power plant with oxy-fuel combustion
PublicationThis paper discusses the application of global trends in gas cycles technology using oxy-fuel combustion. This is followed by a demonstration of a design solution for a new cycle with two enhanced energy-converting devices, namely a wet combustion chamber and a spray-ejector condenser. The proposed gas and steam cycle unit is contained within a single turbine, whose benefits combine those offered by gas turbines (high inlet temperatures)...
New Unsymmetrical Bisacridine Derivatives Noncovalently Attached to Quaternary Quantum Dots Improve Cancer Therapy by Enhancing Cytotoxicity toward Cancer Cells and Protecting Normal Cells
PublicationThe use of nanoparticles for the controlled drug delivery to cells has emerged as a good alternative to traditional systemic delivery. Quantum dots (QDs) offer potentially invaluable societal benefits such as drug targeting and in vivo biomedical imaging. In contrast, QDs may also pose risks to human health and the environment under certain conditions. Here, we demonstrated that unique combination of nanocrystals core components...
Macro-nutrients recovery from liquid waste as a sustainable resource for production of recovered mineral fertilizer: Uncovering alternative options to sustain global food security cost-effectively
PublicationGlobal food security, which has emerged as one of the sustainability challenges, impacts every country. As food cannot be generated without involving nutrients, research has intensified recently to recover unused nutrients from waste streams. As a finite resource, phosphorus (P) is largely wasted. This work critically reviews the technical applicability of various water technologies to recover macro-nutrients such as P, N, and...
Knowledge-based performance-driven modeling of antenna structures
PublicationThe importance of surrogate modeling techniques in the design of modern antenna systems has been continuously growing over the recent years. This phenomenon is a matter of practical necessity rather than simply a fashion. On the one hand, antenna design procedures rely on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. On the other hand, the computational costs incurred by repetitive EM analyses involved in solving common tasks...
Metabolomic and antioxidant properties of different varieties and origins of Dragon fruit
PublicationDragon fruit has appealed much concern from consumers as a novelty fruit with potent nutritional and medicinal benefits. Dragon fruit quality warrants comprehensive evaluation, based on the contents of pigments and health- promoting natural compounds in different varieties. This study was aimed to evaluate the differences among dragon fruit varieties extracted with methanol–water (CD3OD-D2O) and methanol (CD3OD) by proton nuclear magnetic...
Nutritional Characterization of Whole Mangosteen Pulp with Seeds and Its Application as an Alternate Functional Ingredient in Crackers
PublicationMangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) fruits are high in nutrients and phytochemical compounds. The use of fresh whole mangosteen fruit pulp, including the seeds (MFS), instead of flour and sugar in crackers not only enhances the functional nutritional and medicinal benefits for consumers but also adds value to the products. The study investigated the nutritional value of MFS and then employed MFS to formulate MFS-based crackers...
Carbon dioxide sequestration by industrial wastes through mineral carbonation: Current status and perspectives
PublicationMineral carbonation using natural minerals or industrial wastes is a safe and promising strategy for CO2 sequestration. Application of industrial wastes for this purpose has significant ecological and environmental value, which is one of the key green technologies in the global carbon mitigation. This review summarizes the current research status of CO2 mineralization by industrial wastes. This work surveys the mechanisms and capacities...
Method of selecting programming practices for the safety-critical software development projects
PublicationIn recent years a plan-driven approach traditionally used in safety-critical software development has been put to a test by rapidly changing technologies, more diverse group of clients and volatile market requirements. The need to deliver good quality systems, faster and at lower cost in comparison to competitors encouraged companies to look for more efficient solutions. Agile methodologies are known to successfully address these...
Social learning in cluster initiatives
PublicationPurpose – The purpose of the paper is to portray social learning in cluster initiatives (CIs), namely: 1) to explore, with the lens of the communities of practice (CoPs) theory, in what ways social learning occurs in CIs; 2) to discover how various CoPs emerge and evolve in CIs to facilitate a collective journey in their learning process. Subsequently, the authors address the research questions: In what ways does social learning...
Evaluating the effect of different operational strategies on the carbon footprint of wastewater treatment plants – case studies from northern Poland
PublicationNowadays, low greenhouse gas (GHG) emission is expected at wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). However, emission quantification and evaluation still faces difficulties related to data availability and uncertainty. The objective of this study was to perform carbon footprint (CF) analysis for two municipal WWTPs located in northern Poland. Slupsk WWTP is a large biological nutrient removal (BNR) facility (250,000 PE) which benefits...
The evidence for the impact of policy on physical activity outcomes within the school setting: A systematic review
PublicationPurpose Despite the well-established health benefits of physical activity (PA) for young people (aged 4–19 years), most do not meet PA guidelines. Policies that support PA in schools may be promising, but their impact on PA behavior is poorly understood. The aim of this systematic review is to ascertain the level and type of evidence reported in the international scientific literature for policies within the school setting that...
PublicationPurpose: This paper aims at providing comparative analysis of the influence of cultural determinants on the managers’ perceptions of human resources management practices, as a factor conditioning application of evidence-based management. Design/methodology/approach: This article presents the study of 121 managers in Poland, on their perception of HRM practices and analyses the consistency of findings with the Hofstede cultural...
On Nature-Inspired Design Optimization of Antenna Structures Using Variable-Resolution EM Models
PublicationNumerical optimization has been ubiquitous in antenna design for over a decade or so. It is indispensable in handling of multiple geometry/material parameters, performance goals, and constraints. It is also challenging as it incurs significant CPU expenses, especially when the underlying computational model involves full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis. In most practical cases, the latter is imperative to ensure evaluation reliability....
The role of nanomaterials in tailoring electromembrane extraction performance: A review
PublicationElectromembrane extraction (EME) is a membrane-based miniaturized microextraction technique used to extract ionized analytes from complex mixtures. EME extracts can be analyzed using all major analytical instrumental techniques. The major advantages of EME include short extraction time, low consumption of organic solvents and chemicals, high extraction capability, high selectivity, and efficient sample cleanup. Numerous modifications...
Impressions about people with intellectual disability of Polish high school students who participated in a workshop led by self-advocates
PublicationThe research question is whether participation in a two-session workshop led by self-advocates with mild intellectual disability, supported by professional staff, affects high school students’ impression of people with intellectual disability, measured by a self-report questionnaire based on a semantic differential. The study was paper-pencil questionnaire-based and anonymous, conducted in Warsaw, Poland. Three measurements...
Technology transfer centers as an instrument for the development of technological capabilities
PublicationPurpose of the article is to show how technology transfer centers (TTCs) can affect the development of technological capabilities as a result of cooperation between the science and business sectors on the example of Polish experiences in this field. Scientific aims: The first scientific aim was to present the role of TTCs in the development of technological capabilities. The second scientific aim was to discuss the research results...
Functional safety and reliability analysis methodoloogy for hazardous industrial plants
PublicationThis monograph is devoted to current problems and methods of the functional safety and reliability analyses of the programmable control and protection systems for industrial hazardous plants. The results of these analyses are useful in the process of safety management in life cycle, for effective reducing relevant risks at the design stage, and then controlling these risks during the operation of given installation. The methodology...
Impact of high-pressure processing on the bioactive compounds of milk - A comprehensive review
PublicationHigh-pressure processing (HPP) is a promising alternative to thermal pasteurization. Recent studies highlighted the effectivity of HPP (400–600 MPa and exposure times of 1–5 min) in reducing pathogenic microflora for up to 5 logs. Analysis of modern scientific sources has shown that pressure affects the main components of milk including fat globules, lactose, casein micelles. The behavior of whey proteins under HPP is very important...
Low-Loss 3D-Printed Waveguide Filters Based on Deformed Dual-Mode Cavity Resonators
PublicationThis paper introduces a new type of waveguide filter with smooth profile, based on specially designed dual-mode (DM) cavity resonators. The DM cavity design is achieved by applying a shape deformation scheme. The coupling between the two orthogonal cavity modes is implemented by breaking the symmetry of the structure, thus eliminating the need for additional coupling elements. The modes operating in the cavity are carefully analyzed...
Valorization of paper-mill sludge laden with 2-chlorotoluene using hydroxyapatite@biochar nanocomposite to enrich methanogenic community: A techno-economic approach
PublicationWhile several studies have investigated the anaerobic digestion of paper-mill sludge (PMS), this technology suffers from nutrient insufficiency, inhibition by aromatic compounds, and low bio-CH4 yield. Hence, PMS was anaerobically co-digested with chicken manure (CM) and supplemented by hydroxyapatite@biochar (HAP@BC) nanocomposite for enhancing 2-chlorotoluene degradation and enriching the methanogenic archaea. Multiple continuous...
Physicochemical properties of La0.5Ba0.5Co1-xFexO3-δ (0≤x≤1) as positrode for proton ceramic electrochemical cells
PublicationWe report on essential properties of materials in the series La0.5Ba0.5Co1-xFexO3-δ as positrodes for proton ceramic electrochemical cells (PCECs). The unit cell and thermochemical expansion coefficient (TCEC) of these cubic perovskites decrease with iron content x, the TCEC of La0.5Ba0.5FeO3-δ going as low as 11·10-6 1/K. The materials behave as LaMO3 perovskites with small band gaps and Ba acting as acceptors compensated by electron...
Advanced nanomaterials and metal-organic frameworks for catalytic bio-diesel production from microalgal lipids – A review
PublicationIncreasing energy demands require exploring renewable, eco-friendly (green), and cost-effective energy resources. Among various sources of biodiesel, microalgal lipids are an excellent resource, owing to their high abundance in microalgal biomass. Transesterification catalyzed by advanced materials, especially nanomaterials and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), is a revolutionary process for overcoming the energy crisis. This review...
Improved-Efficacy Optimization of Compact Microwave Passives by Means of Frequency-Related Regularization
PublicationElectromagnetic (EM)-driven optimization is an important part of microwave design, especially for miniaturized components where the cross-coupling effects in tightly arranged layouts make traditional (e.g., equivalent network) representations grossly inaccurate. Efficient parameter tuning requires reasonably good initial designs, which are difficult to be rendered for newly developed structures or when re-design for different operating...
Nested Kriging with Variable Domain Thickness for Rapid Surrogate Modeling and Design Optimization of Antennas
PublicationDesign of modern antennas faces numerous difficulties, partially rooted in stringent specifications imposed on both electrical and field characteristics, demands concerning various functionalities (circular polarization, pattern diversity, band-notch operation), but also constraints imposed upon the physical size of the radiators. Conducting the design process at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations, otherwise...
Robot-Based Intervention for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Literature Review
PublicationChildren with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have deficits in the socio-communicative domain and frequently face severe difficulties in the recognition and expression of emotions. Existing literature suggested that children with ASD benefit from robot-based interventions. However, studies varied considerably in participant characteristics, applied robots, and trained skills. Here, we reviewed robot-based interventions targeting...