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Search results for: bioactive modification
The effect of thermal modification on the quality of the milled surface of beech and pine wood
PublicationThe article deals with the effect of thermal modification on the quality of the created surface during milling on CNC milling cutters. The quality of the created surface is evaluated based on surface roughness, specifically its roughness parameter Ra. The observed surface is created by a shank cutter with a diameter of 20 mm and three cutting edges in a spiral at a standard speed of 18,000. min-1. The article compares thermally...
Effect of carbon nanotube modification on poly (butylene terephthalate)-based composites
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Surface modification of polypropylene membrane by helium plasma treatment for membrane distillation
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A simple modification of PCR thermal profile applied to evade persisting contamination
PublicationThe polymerase chain reaction (PCR), one of the most commonly applied methods of diagnostics and molecular biology has a frustrating downside known as the false positive signal or contamination. Several solutions to avoid and to eliminate PCR contaminations have been worked out to date but the implementation of these solutions to laboratory practice may be laborious and time consuming. A simple approach to circumvent the problem...
Synthesis and modification of reduced graphene oxide aerogels for biofuel cell applications
PublicationWe have carried out the preparation of reduced graphene oxide aerogels using eco-friendly method that is based on the Hummers method of graphite oxidation without the use of NaNO3 that produces toxic gases. To obtain a porous 3D structure of reduced graphene oxide, we performed the hydrothermal reduction at elevated temperature. We also prepared the rGO aerogel/CNT composite using multiwalled carbon nanotubes as linkers. The rGO...
Bulk-Surface Modification of Nanoparticles for Developing Highly-Crosslinked Polymer Nanocomposites
PublicationSurface modification of nanoparticles with functional molecules has become a routine method to compensate for diffusion-controlled crosslinking of thermoset polymer composites at late stages of crosslinking, while bulk modification has not carefully been discussed. In this work, a highly-crosslinked model polymer nanocomposite based on epoxy and surface-bulk functionalized magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) was developed. MNPs were...
Experimental examination and modification of chip suction system in circular sawing machine
PublicationThe article presents the results of experimental examination of the wood chip suction system in the existing sliding table saw before and after its modifi cation. The studies focused on the extraction hood of the mentioned system. The methodical experimental research of the pressure distribution inside the hood during wood chip removal for the selected rotational speed of saw blades of 3500 and 6000 min-1 with a diameter of 300...
Bioactive silica-based drug delivery systems containing doxorubicin hydrochloride: In vitro studies
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Chapter 14 : A new concept of highly porous bioactive titanium alloys with hydroxyapatite coatings
PublicationPrzedstawiono koncepcję biomateriału o wysokiej bioaktywności i odporności na korozję. Omówiono metody wytwarzania porowatych stopów tytanu, techniki utleniania, techniki nakładania porowatego hydroksyapatytu, nakładanie bioaktywnych polimerów, metody badan i modelowania struktur porowatych.
Bioactive peptides from beef products fermented by acid whey – in vitro and in silico study
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Assessment of the glycaemic index, content of bioactive compounds, and their in vitro bioaccessibility in oat-buckwheat breads
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Novel Milk Substitute Based on Pea, Bean and Sunflower Seeds with Natural Bioactive Stabilisers
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Novel Milk Substitute Based on Pea, Bean and Sunflower Seeds with Natural Bioactive Stabilisers
PublicationThe aim of this research was to create a plant-based beverage based on seeds of sunflower (Helianthus annuus), pea (Pisum sativum) and runner bean (Phaseolus multiflorus). The selection of the ingredients was based on the main objective to obtain the nutritional value and sensory characteristics of a formed product similar to cow's milk. The ingredient proportions were created by comparing the protein,...
American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolium L.) as a Source of Bioactive Phytochemicals with Pro-Health Properties
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Bioactive Ingredients with Health-Promoting Properties of Strawberry Fruit (Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne)
PublicationStrawberries (Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne) belong to the berry group and are characterized primarily by delightful sensory properties. Due to their chemical composition, these fruits are a rich source of bioactive compounds that can modify the metabolic and physiological functions of the body. The aim of this work is to present the current state of research on bioactive ingredients found in these fruits in the context of their...
The Effect of Hyperbaric Storage on the Nutritional Value and Retention of Certain Bioactive Proteins in Human Milk
PublicationHuman milk (HM) contains the essential macronutrients and bioactive compounds necessary for the normal growth and development of newborns. The milk collected by human milk banks is stored frozen and pasteurized, reducing its nutritional and biological value. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of hyperbaric storage at subzero temperatures (HS-ST) on the macronutrients and bioactive proteins in HM. As control samples,...
Comparison of bioactive compounds, antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of Mon Thong durian during ripening
PublicationCelem przeprowadzonych badań było oszacowanie zmian zawartości związków odżywczych, związków bioaktywnych, kwasów tłuszczowych oraz przeciwutleniaczy w owocach duriana w trakcie różnych etapów procesu dojrzewania. W badaniach wykorzystano testy CURRAC, DPPH, ABTS i FRAP. Stwierdzono, że całkowita zawartość polifenoli, flawonoidów, kwasu askorbimowego, tanin oraz poziom aktywności przeciwutleniającej jest dla owoców niedojrzałych,...
AFM visualization of Mg alloy surface modification
Open Research DataMagnesium alloys with additives improving their mechanical properties are valued as materials with low density and elasticity coefficient. Additionally, their biocompatibility and biodegradability make them interesting in prosthetic applications. However, the last of these features, valuable in medicine, contradicts the industrial needs for the described...
Influence of yttria surface modification on high temperature corrosion of porous Ni22Cr alloy
PublicationProtective coatings for porous alloys for high temperature use are relatively new materials. Their main drawback is high temperature corrosion. In this work protective coatings based the on Y-precursor infiltrated into the sintered Ni22Cr alloys are studied at 700°C. Effects of the amount of the protective phase on the resulting corrosion properties are evaluated in air and humidified hydrogen. Weight gain of the samples, their...
Influence of modification by superdispersed powder of aluminum oxide on lead-tin bronze structure
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Modification of ASM3 for the determination of biomass adsorption/storage capacity in bulking sludge control
PublicationSystemy osadu czynnego z selektorami (SAS) umożliwiają ograniczenie nadmiernego wzrostu bakterii nitkowatych, które odpowiadają za zjawisko zwanę ''puchnięciem osadu''. Celem tych badań było opracowanie modelu matematycznego opisującego szybkie usuwanie substratu w systemach SAS. W tym celu zmodyfikowano Model Osadu Czynnego nr 3 (ASM3) poprzez dodanie równań opisujących zjawiska adsorpcji i bezpośredniego wzrostu bakterii na zaadsorbowanym...
Effect of structure modification with potassium on grains layer creation process and phase transitions
PublicationZbadano szkła germanianowo-ołowiowe i krzemianowo bizutowe. Wartwy metalicznych granul wytwarzano w nich poprzez redukcję powierzchni w atmosferze wodoru. Praca dotyczy wpływu potasu na tworzenie się warstwy granul oraz na procesy topnienia i krzepnięcia granul w trakcie obróbki termicznej.
Characteristics, Chemical Modification Processes as well as the Application of Silica and its Modified Forms
PublicationThe variety of chemical modifications of the surface of silica and its modified forms cause thesematerials to find a consistently wider scope of application. In the publication, the characteristicsof silica, silica gel, aerogel and xerogel are presented. The obtainment, application and propertiesof these materials are discussed. Methods of chemical modifications of surface structures withthe use of different chemical compounds...
Significance of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) modification by zinc oxide nanoparticles for fungal biofilm formation
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Influence of Thermal Modification and Morphology of TiO2 Nanotubes on Their Electrochemical Properties for Biosensors Applications
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Surface Property Modification of Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid, and Chitosan Films with the Neodymium Laser
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Improvement of charge separation in TiO 2 by its modification with different tungsten compounds
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Influence of Laser Modification on the Surface Character of Biomaterials: Titanium and Its Alloys—A Review
PublicationLaser surface modification is a widely available and simple technique that can be applied to different types of materials. It has been shown that by using a laser heat source, reproducible surfaces can be obtained, which is particularly important when developing materials for medical applications. The laser modification of titanium and its alloys is advantageous due to the possibility of controlling selected parameters and properties...
Modification of the properties of gelatin from skins of Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) with transglutaminase.
PublicationCelem pracy było ustalenie optymalnych warunków otrzymywania żelatyny ze skór dorsza bałtyckiego oraz modyfikacja enzymatyczna właściwości tego białka. Rybna żelatyna usieciowana przy użyciu transglutaminazy tworzy żele, które nie topią się nawet podczas ogrzewania w temperaturze 100C.
Chemical modification of tannins from Acacia mearnsii to produce formaldehyde free flocculant
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Modal modification of structural damping applied to increase the stability and convergence of numerical integration
PublicationThe presented paper refers to numerical tests done on systems fused of multibody and finite-element parts. The appearance of its multibody part gives rise to significant nonlinear components, i.e., second-order nonlinear differential equations express the dynamics. We usually solve these equations by “step-by-step” integration methods. When using the currently available integration algorithms, we approximate these initial systems...
Modification of current-voltage characteristics of planar organic systems by nm-thick interlayer
PublicationEffect of nm-thick interlayer of copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) or perylene dye (MePTCDI) on current-voltage characteristics of planar organic systems is discussed in the work. The MePTCDI layer strongly limits injection of holes from ITO into CuPc, while CuPc limits injection of electrons from ITO into MePTCDI. In the systems with CuPc/MePTCDI heterojunction an explicit photovoltaic effect occurs.
Effect of kenaf fibre modification on morphology and mechanical properties of thermoplastic polyurethane materials
PublicationThe presented study examined the morphology and mechanical properties of biocomposites obtained from kenaf natural fibre and thermoplastic polyurethane. Kenaf was modified using various methods, namely: acetylation, blocked isocyanate, maleic anhydride and permanganate treatment. Those methods and ways of carrying out of surface modifications were not studied before on kenaf/thermoplastic polyurethane composites. Different fibre...
Modification of Selected Propagation Models in Terms of Path Loss Estimation in Container Terminal
PublicationIt is particularly important to look for any propagation model that could be useful for designing mobile radio networks in container terminal environment. Selected propagation models have been investigated. Firstly - basing on measurements results - they have been evaluated in this scope and the analysis has shown, that the adjustment is needed. This modification improved significantly the accuracy of path loss modelling. For the...
Influence of Laser Modification on the Surface Character of Biomaterials: Titanium and Its Alloys—A Review
PublicationLaser surface modification is a widely available and simple technique that can be applied to different types of materials. It has been shown that by using a laser heat source, reproducible surfaces can be obtained, which is particularly important when developing materials for medical applications. The laser modification of titanium and its alloys is advantageous due to the possibility of controlling selected parameters and properties...
Effectiveness of a dual surface modification of metallic interconnects for application in energy conversion devices
PublicationA dual surface modification of an SOFC metallic interconnect with a Gd2O3 layer and an MnCo2O4 coating was evaluated. The tested samples were oxidized for 7000 h in air at 1073 K. Oxidation products were characterized using XRD, SEM-EDS, and confocal Raman imaging, and ASR was measured. The effect of gadolinium segregation at grain boundaries in Cr2O3 was evaluated using S/TEM-EDS. Area specific-resistance was measured and fuel...
Influence of Surface Modification of Titanium and Its Alloys for Medical Implants on Their Corrosion Behavior
PublicationTitanium and its alloys are often used for long-term implants after their surface treatment. Such surface modification is usually performed to improve biological properties but seldom to increase corrosion resistance. This paper presents research results performed on such metallic materials modified by a variety of techniques: direct voltage anodic oxidation in the presence of fluorides, micro-arc oxidation (MAO), pulse laser treatment,...
Chromatographic Examinations of Tea's Protection Against Lipid Oxidative Modifications
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Effect of thermal modifications of potato starch on its selected properties
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Appraisement of modifications in dynamic routing protocols to support the IPng Protocol
PublicationW pracy, biorąc pod uwagę dynamiczny proces migracji sieci IPv4 do nowej wersji protokołu IP, przedstawiono konieczność realizacji w Internecie nowych protokołów routingu dynamicznego lub adaptacji już istniejących do nowego protokołu IPng. W artykule przedstawiono sposoby dostosowania protokołów routingu dynamicznego RIP, OSPF, BGP do nowego protokołu IP. Oceniono wpływ w/w dostosowywania na zbieżność i skalowalność protokołów...
Chemical modifications of natural oils and examples of their usage for polyurethane synthesis
PublicationNatural oils have been used in the production of plastics for a long time. However, the number of studies dedicated to polyurethane research has shown an increase only recently. Usually, petrochemical components are used in polyurethane synthesis. Nowadays, there have been attemptsmade to replace polyols in polyurethanes with the modified oils and other natural raw materials. It is a promising and important scenario because the...
Chemical modifications of graphene and their influence on properties of polyurethane composites: a review
PublicationPolyurethane composites are materials of great interest nowadays due to their wide range of available forms and applications in industry. Controlling and achieving unique properties via matrix modifications and addition of various specific nanofillers seems be one of the key elements to success. The purpose of this work is to briefly present some examples of graphene nanoderivatives, their syntheses, properties and influence on...
Bioactive silica-based nanomaterials for doxorubicin delivery: Evaluation of structural properties associated with release rate
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Formulation and In Vitro Characterization of Bioactive Mesoporous Silica with Doxorubicin and Metronidazole Intended for Bone Treatment and Regeneration
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Fragmental Method KowWIN as the Powerful Tool for Prediction of Chromatographic Behavior of Novel Bioactive Urea Derivatives
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Comparison of the main bioactive compounds and antioxidants in garlic and white and red onion after treatment protocols
PublicationPolski czosnek, biała i czerwona cebula była blanszowana, gotowana, smażona i poddawana działaniom promieniowania mikrofalowego. Następnie były w nich oznaczane m.in. takie związki jak polifenole, flawonoidy, kwas ascorbinowy i aktywne antyoksydanty. Udowodniono, że blanszowanie, smażenie i poddawanie działaniu promieniowania mikrofalowego nie wpływa znacząco na zmiejszenie zawartości badanych związków w czosnku i cebuli. Wyznaczono...
Mechanical Properties of Different Nanopatterned TiO2 Substrates and Their Effect on Hydrothermally Synthesized Bioactive Hydroxyapatite Coatings
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Studies on the bioactive properties of Penicillium mallochi ARA-1 pigment isolated from coffee plantation
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Potential Role of Bioactive Compounds: In Vitro Evaluation of the Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of Fermented Milk Thistle
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Wheat Roll Enhanced by Buckwheat Hull, a New Functional Food: Focus on the Retention of Bioactive Compounds