Search results for: EDGE MULTISUBDIVISION - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Independent Domination Subdivision in Graphs



    A set $S$ of vertices in a graph $G$ is a dominating set if every vertex not in $S$ is adjacent to a vertex in~$S$. If, in addition, $S$ is an independent set, then $S$ is an independent dominating set. The independent domination number $i(G)$ of $G$ is the minimum cardinality of an independent dominating set in $G$. The independent domination subdivision number $\sdi(G)$ is the minimum number of edges that must be subdivided (each...

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  • A CNN based coronavirus disease prediction system for chest X-rays

    • U. Hafeez
    • M. Umer
    • A. Hameed
    • H. Mustafa
    • A. Sohaib
    • M. Nappi
    • H. Madni

    - Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing - Year 2023

    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) proliferated globally in early 2020, causing existential dread in the whole world. Radiography is crucial in the clinical staging and diagnosis of COVID-19 and offers high potential to improve healthcare plans for tackling the pandemic. However high variations in infection characteristics and low contrast between normal and infected regions pose great challenges in preparing radiological reports....

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  • Implementacja w FPGA algorytmu detekcji krawędzi obrazu w czasie rzeczywistym

    W artykule przedstawiono projekt architektury oraz implementację układową toru przetwarzania wstępnego obrazu z modułem detekcji krawędzi. Układ został zaimplementowany w FPGA Intel Cyclone. Zrealizowany moduł wykorzystuje pięć wybranych algorytmów wykrywania krawędzi, w tym Robertsa, Sobela i Prewitt.

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  • Katarzyna Kubiszewska dr

    Katarzyna Kubiszewska has taught finance and banking at the Department of Finance since 2008. In his scientific work, he is interested in the transformation of banking systems in the Central and Eastern European region, but also in the financing of the cultural sector. The publications concern the field of social sciences in the discipline of economics and finance. Since 2019, he has been collaborating with journals such as Economic...

  • T-colorings, divisibility and circular chromatic number

    Let T be a T-set, i.e., a finite set of nonnegative integers satisfying 0 ∈ T, and G be a graph. In the paper we study relations between the T-edge spans espT (G) and espd⊙T (G), where d is a positive integer and d ⊙ T = {0 ≤ t ≤ d (max T + 1): d |t ⇒ t/d ∈ T} . We show that espd⊙T (G) = d espT (G) − r, where r, 0 ≤ r ≤ d − 1, is an integer that depends on T and G. Next we focus on the case T = {0} and show that espd⊙{0} (G) =...

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  • Fracture in composite/aluminium joints of variable adhesive properties


    - JOURNAL OF ADHESION - Year 2009

    A strain gauge technique recently developed with the wedge test, for estimating crack length and, thus, the fracture energy of structural adhesive bonding, has been employed on a system in which one adherend had two types of surface treatment. Simple polishing and polishing with subsequent sandblasting were the treatments used, with a distinct straight line, perpendicular to the sample edges, separating the two. Despite the clear-cut...

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  • Finite element models used in diagnostics of transverse cracks in bridge approach pavement

    Transverse cracks in the asphalt pavement were observed on bridge structures next to single-module expansion joints with a 5 meter approach slab set at the depth of 1 m. The finite element (FE) models of the approach pavement were created to investigate the reasons of premature cracking and crack initiation mechanism over the back edge of the abutment...

  • Polynomial triset metric for unrooted phylogenetic trees

    the following paper presents a polynomial triset metric for unrooted phylogenetic trees (based on weighted bipartite graphs and the method of determining a minimum edge cover) and its basic characteristics. also a list of further directions of research and examples of the wider use of this metric is presented.

  • Brief Announcement: Energy Constrained Depth First Search


    - Year 2018

    Depth first search is a natural algorithmic technique for constructing a closed route that visits all vertices of a graph. The length of such route equals, in an edge-weighted tree, twice the total weight of all edges of the tree and this is asymptotically optimal over all exploration strategies. This paper considers a variant of such search strategies where the length of each route is bounded by a positive integer B (e.g. due...

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  • Kodowanie kanałowe w cyfrowych systemach komórkowych

    W referacie przedstawiono metody kodowania kanałowego stosowane w systemach komórkowych. Zaprezentowano kody splotowe stosowane w systemie komórkowym GSM i podsystemach GPRS i EDGE. Przedstawiono również kody splotowe i turbokody stosowane w systemie UMTS i standardzie LTE.

  • Optical measurements of lithium titanate sol-gel derived thin films

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Nanocrystalline thin films with 800 nm thickness were prepared by sol–gel method. To examine the influence of the annealing time on as-prepared films crystallization, the coatings were heated at 550 °C for 10, 20 and 80 h. On the basis of transmission characteristic optical properties were calculated. It was found that transmission through the thin...

  • Multi-DBD plasma actuator for flow separation control around NACA 0012 and NACA 0015 airfoil models


    In this paper application of innovative multi-DBD plasma actuator for flow separation control is presented. The influence of the airflowgenerated by this actuator on the flow around NACA 0012 and NACA 0015 airfoil models was investigated. The results obtained from 2D PIVmeasurements showed that the multi-DBD actuator with floating interelectrode can be attractive for leading and trailing edge separation control.

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  • Scanning networks with cactus topology

    • Ł. Wrona

    - Year 2008

    The family of Pursuit and Evasion problems is widelystudied because of its numerous practical applications,ranging from communication protocols to cybernetic andphysical security. Calculating the search number of a graphis one of most commonly analyzed members of this problemfamily. The search number is the smallest number of mobileagents required to capture an invisible and arbitrarily fastfugitive, for instance piece of malicious...

  • On-line Ramsey Numbers of Paths and Cycles



    Consider a game played on the edge set of the infinite clique by two players, Builder and Painter. In each round, Builder chooses an edge and Painter colours it red or blue. Builder wins by creating either a red copy of $G$ or a blue copy of $H$ for some fixed graphs $G$ and $H$. The minimum number of rounds within which Builder can win, assuming both players play perfectly, is the \emph{on-line Ramsey number} $\tilde{r}(G,H)$. In...

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  • Experimental tests of lintel hybrid beams

    The results of experimental tests of lintel hybrid beams made of air concrete and prestressed concrete were presented in paper. Blocks of air concrete was a protective element for the construction one. The length of hybrid beams was 3.0 m, while total height 27 cm. It was assumed that hybrid beams will work in the simply-supported scheme (with a 10 cm support) loaded uniformly over the entire length. The object of the tests were...

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    - Year 2015

    Cutting forces (power) could be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. The developed cutting model, derived from fracture mechanics, includes work of separation (fracture toughness) in addition to plasticity and friction, and also dullness of the cutting edge described by the cutting edge radius. Moreover, forecasting of the shear plane angle for the cutting models, broaden possibilities of energetic effects...

  • Direct determination of paraquat herbicide by square-wave voltammetry by two-step transfer mechanism at heterogeneous boron-doped carbon nanowall electrodes



    Boron-doped carbon nanowalls (B:CNW) versus boron-doped diamond (BDD) materials were investigated for the effective electrochemical detection of highly toxic herbicide paraquat (PQ). Depending on the surface morphology and functional groups of BDD and B:CNWs, the electrochemical absorption and detection of the target analyte PQ revealed different detection mechanisms. The surface absorption mechanism was mainly observed for BDD,...

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  • On some open questions for Ramsey and Folkman numbers

    • S. Radziszowski
    • X. Xiaodong

    - Year 2016

    We discuss some of our favorite open questions about Ramsey numbers and a related problem on edge Folkman numbers. For the classical two-color Ramsey numbers, we first focus on constructive bounds for the difference between consecutive Ramsey numbers. We present the history of progress on the Ramsey number R(5,5) and discuss the conjecture that it is equal to 43.

  • Pressure Pulsations in Turbine Blade Seal

    The paper presents the results of experimental investigations into pressure forces generated in a turbine labyrinth seal. The experiments were performed on a single-stage air model turbine of the impulse type. The performed experimental research proved that in a shroud clearance the pressure pulsates and the effects of the nozzle trailing edge thickness as well as the influence of the rotor blades are observed. The exemplary results...



    - Wiadomości Konserwatorskie - Year 2015

    The cutting force is an energetic effect of splitting material, and might be therefore considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. The dedicated mathematical model developed for description of the wood cutting has been developed here on the base of fracture theory, and includes work of separation (fracture toughness) in addition to the material plasticity and friction. The effect of the cutting edge dullness is...

  • The Backbone Coloring Problem for Bipartite Backbones

    Let G be a simple graph, H be its spanning subgraph and λ≥2 be an integer. By a λ -backbone coloring of G with backbone H we mean any function c that assigns positive integers to vertices of G in such a way that |c(u)−c(v)|≥1 for each edge uv∈E(G) and |c(u)−c(v)|≥λ for each edge uv∈E(H) . The λ -backbone chromatic number BBCλ(G,H) is the smallest integer k such that there exists a λ -backbone coloring c of G with backbone H satisfying...

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  • Speaker Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Network with Minimal Training Data for Smart Home Solutions


    - Year 2018

    With the technology advancements in smart home sector, voice control and automation are key components that can make a real difference in people's lives. The voice recognition technology market continues to involve rapidly as almost all smart home devices are providing speaker recognition capability today. However, most of them provide cloud-based solutions or use very deep Neural Networks for speaker recognition task, which are...

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  • Permeability of Waterfronts—Contemporary Approach in Designing Urban Blue Spaces


    - Sustainability - Year 2022

    The constant struggle with rising sea levels and flood hazards has resulted in the change of the paradigm in shaping urban waterfronts towards increasing their permeability and creation of urban blue spaces. The aim of the paper was to indicate a new approach in designing public spaces at the sea–land interface by presenting a comparative study of the design solutions used in case of the four selected case studies: the Sea Organs...

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  • No-Wait & No-Idle Open Shop Minimum Makespan Scheduling with Bioperational Jobs


    In the open shop scheduling with bioperational jobs each job consists of two unit operations with a delay between the end of the first operation and the beginning of the second one. No-wait requirement enforces that the delay between operations is equal to 0. No-idle means that there is no idle time on any machine. We model this problem by the interval incidentor (1, 1)-coloring (IIR(1, 1)-coloring) of a graph with the minimum...

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  • On the connected and weakly convex domination numbers

    In this paper we study relations between connected and weakly convex domination numbers. We show that in general the difference between these numbers can be arbitrarily large and we focus on the graphs for which a weakly convex domination number equals a connected domination number. We also study the influence of the edge removing on the weakly convex domination number, in particular we show that a weakly convex domination number...

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  • Exploiting multi-interface networks: Connectivity and Cheapest Paths


    - WIRELESS NETWORKS - Year 2010

    Let G = (V,E) be a graph which models a set of wireless devices (nodes V) that can communicate by means of multiple radio interfaces, according to proximity and common interfaces (edges E). The problem of switching on (activating) the minimum cost set of interfaces at the nodes in order to guarantee the coverage of G was recently studied. A connection is covered (activated) when the endpoints of the corresponding edge share at...

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  • Wpływ drążenia pionowego w silikatowych elementach murowych na nośność kotew wklejanych


    The article is showing results of measurements of the effectiveness of the assembly anchor of inmates glued in in sunk vertically lime-sandy blocks. Examinations were performed for cases of the assembly anchor in different fragments of blocks: in part fullwall, in an axis of symmetry and on the edge of the aperture vertical. An influence of the location of places of settling was examined anchor to the way of the forming of uniting...

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  • Independence in uniform linear triangle-free hypergraphs



    The independence number a(H) of a hypergraph H is the maximum cardinality of a set of vertices of H that does not contain an edge of H. Generalizing Shearer’s classical lower bound on the independence number of triangle-free graphs Shearer (1991), and considerably improving recent results of Li and Zang (2006) and Chishti et al. (2014), we show a new lower bound for a(H) for an r-uniform linear triangle-free hypergraph H with r>=2.

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  • A Framework for Searching in Graphs in the Presence of Errors


    - Year 2019

    We consider a problem of searching for an unknown target vertex t in a (possibly edge-weighted) graph. Each vertex-query points to a vertex v and the response either admits that v is the target or provides any neighbor s of v that lies on a shortest path from v to t. This model has been introduced for trees by Onak and Parys [FOCS 2006] and for general graphs by Emamjomeh-Zadeh et al. [STOC 2016]. In the latter, the authors provide...

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  • Deformation of an elastic second gradient spherical body under equatorial line density of dead forces

    • I. dell'Isola
    • V. Eremeev
    • V. Korolenko
    • Y. Solyaev


    We consider deformations of an elastic body having initially a spherical shape. Assumed deformation energy depends on the first and second gradient of displacements. We apply an equatorial line density of dead loads, that are forces per unit line length directed in radial direction and applied along the equator of the sphere. We restrict ourselves our analysis to the case of linearized second strain gradient isotropic elasticity...

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  • Sundials of St Mary’s Church in Gdańsk / Zegary słoneczne kościoła pw. Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Panny Marii w Gdańsku


    The paper presents contemporary research evidence of form, function and history of the sundials of St Mary’s Church in Gdańsk. The discussed sundials are located on the southern wall of the church transept. The sundial, which is believed to be made by Lorenzo Zachau in 1533, is placed on the west side of the western window, at the edge of the wall. The face of this sundial is separated by a horizontal line into two parts. The upper...

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  • Endohedral gallide cluster superconductors and superconductivity in ReGa5

    • W. Xie
    • H. Luo
    • B. Phelan
    • T. Klimczuk
    • F. Cevallos
    • R. J. Cava


    We present transition metal-embedded (T@Gan) endohedral Ga clusters as a favorable structural motif for superconductivity and develop empirical, molecule-based, electron counting rules that govern the hierarchical architectures that the clusters assume in binary phases. Among the binary T@Gan endohedral cluster systems, Mo8Ga41, Mo6Ga31, Rh2Ga9, and Ir2 Ga9 are all previously known superconductors. The well-known exotic superconductor...

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  • Mutual Coupling Reduction in Antenna Arrays Using Artificial Intelligence Approach and Inverse Neural Network Surrogates


    - SENSORS - Year 2023

    This paper presents a novel approach to reduce undesirable coupling in antenna arrays using custom-designed resonators and inverse surrogate modeling. To illustrate the concept, two stand-ard patch antenna cells with 0.07λ edge-to-edge distance are designed and fabricated to operate at 2.45 GHz. A stepped-impedance resonator is applied between the antennas to suppress their mutual coupling. For the first time, the optimum values...

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  • Distribution of roughness and waviness components of turned surface profiles

    The paper presents a spectral formulation of surface profile irregularity in a wideband frequency range for roughness, waviness and shape components along the measured length. A unique distribution of roughness and waviness components is proposed, according to the nature of their origination in the course of machining with tools of defined cutting edge, as distinct from standard filtration in measurements of surface irregularities....

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  • Pressure pulsations in turbine blade seal clearance

    The paper presents the results of numerical and experimental investigations into pressure forces generated in a turbine labyrinth seal. The experiments were performed on a single-stage air model turbine of the impulse type, while the numerical results were obtained by means of CFD Fluent Code. The performed experimental research and numerical calculations prove that in a shroud clearance the pressure pulsates and the effects of...

  • Representing and Managing Experiential Knowledge with Decisional DNA and its Drimos® Extension


    - Year 2022

    The Semantic Web concept is proposing a future concept of the WorldWideWeb (WWW) where both humans and man-made systems are able to interconnect and exchange knowledge. One of the challenges of Semantic Web is smart and trusted accommodation of knowledge in artificial systems so it can be unified, enhanced, reused, shared, communicated and distributed with added aptitude. Our research represents an important component of addressing...

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  • Modele i algorytmy dla grafowych struktur defensywnych


    - Year 2023

    W niniejszej pracy przeprowadzono analizę złożoności istnienia struktur defensywnych oraz równowag strategicznych w grafach. W przypadku struktur defensywnych badano modele koalicji defensywnych, zbiorów defensywnych i koalicji krawędziowych – każdy z nich w wersji globalnej, tj. z wymogiem dominacji całego grafu. W przypadku modeli równowagi strategicznej badano równowagę strategiczną koalicji defensywnych, równowagę strategiczną...

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  • Highly-Miniaturized Dual-Mode Bandpass Filter Based on Quarter-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide with Wide Stopband


    - IEEE Access - Year 2022

    This paper presents a novel design of a highly-miniaturized dual-mode bandpass filter (BPF) employing a quarter-mode substrate integrated waveguide (QMSIW). The QMSIW resonator is based on a square cavity with metallic vias along two sides, and open-ended edges at the remaining sides that contain orthogonal feed lines. An open slot is introduced along the two sides of the square cavity with metallic vias to form a magnetic wall....

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  • Local atomic order in low Pt-content nanocatalysts investigated in situ by XAS


    - Year 2009

    The unique features of X-ray absorption spectroscopy allow investigations of nanosized catalysts for fuel cells under working conditions. We present the results of an experiment carried out on a low Pt content electrocatalyst supported by a mesoporous heteropolyacid salt and used at the cathode of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). The analysis of the EXAFS signal at the Pt L3-edge indicates that upon operating the fuel...

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  • Photoelectron spectroscopy of brominated derivative of pyrimidine: 2-bromopyrimidine


    - The European Physical Journal-Special Topics - Year 2013

    In this study the brominated derivative of pyrimidine, 2-bromopyrimidine, was investigated by photoelectron spectroscopy. Outer valence photoelectron spectra recorded at 21.22, 45 and 100 eV photon energy for this compound are presented. The recorded spectra have a higher resolution than that previously reported in the literature. The bromine 3d and 3p edge photoelectron spectra have also been recorded in a photon impact experiment...

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  • Rearrangeability in multicast Clos networks is NP-complete


    Przestrajalność w polach Closa z połączeniami jeden do jeden jest problemem wielomianowym. W pracy pokazano, że w polach z połączeniami jeden do wiele problem ten jest NP zupełny.Three-stage elos networks are commutation networks with circuit switching. So far, graph theory has been very useful tool for solving issues related to these networks with unicast connections. This is so because if elos network is represented as a bipartite...

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  • Thermal Image Processing for Respiratory Estimation from Cubical Data with Expandable Depth


    - Journal of Imaging - Year 2023

    As healthcare costs continue to rise, finding affordable and non-invasive ways to monitor vital signs is increasingly important. One of the key metrics for assessing overall health and identifying potential issues early on is respiratory rate (RR). Most of the existing methods require multiple steps that consist of image and signal processing. This might be difficult to deploy on edge devices that often do not have specialized...

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  • Hybrid P3HT: PCBM/GaN nanowire/Si cascade heterojunction for photovoltaic application



    Poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) are commonly used for the fabrication of organic photovoltaics (OPV). Efficiency limitations of OPVs could be circumvented by incorporation of inorganic nanostructures into organic blends. Again, integration of organic solar cells with well-developed silicon photovoltaic technology is ultimately desirable. In present work, GaN nanowires with diameters...

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  • Recovering Evaluation of Narrow-Kerf Teeth of Mini Sash Gang Saws


    - Materials - Year 2021

    Sash gang saws with narrow-kerf saw blades are used in the production of glued laminate flooring elements in plants where dry technology is applied. This means that boards or friezes are sawn into top layer lamellae in dry conditions (moisture content of about 10–12%) from expensive wood species, often exotic. The object of this research was stellite-tipped teeth of narrow kerf saw blades sharpened under industrial conditions....

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  • Brushing with additional cleaning restrictions


    In graph cleaning problems, brushes clean a graph by traversing it subject to certain rules. We consider the process where at each time step, a vertex that has at least as many brushes as incident, contaminated edges, sends brushes down these edges to clean them. Various problems arise, such as determining the minimum number of brushes (called the brush number) that are required to clean the entire graph. Here, we study a new variant...

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  • Marcin Potrykus dr inż.

    A graduate of the Faculty of Management and Economics at the Gdańsk University of Technology. Since 2008, he has been employed as an Assistant at the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. In 2015, he defended (in the discipline of economics) his doctoral dissertation entitled "Alternative investments - profitability and risk". Since 2016, he has been employed as...

  • Moduł platformy SyMEC odpowiedzialny za współpracę serwera MEC z sieciami komórkowymi i bezprzewodowymi sieciami dostępowymi WLAN

    Zaprezentowano moduł współpracy z sieciami dostępowymi, będący istotnym elementem serwera MEC (Multi-access Edge Computing), budowanego w ramach projektu SyMEC i umożliwiającego uruchamianie elementów aplikacyjnych na brzegu sieci. Przedstawiono różnice w wymaganiach dotyczących sposobu realizacji tego komponentu w przypadku sieci dostępowych standaryzowanych przez 3GPP oraz sieci WLAN. Zaproponowana została architektura umożliwiająca...

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  • Video data recorded on S7 road

    Open Research Data
    version 1.1 open access - series: INZNAK

    The set consists of video data recorded employing camera LevelOne FCS-5102. The purpose of the experiment was to gather vehicle traffic recordings in real conditions – on the S7 motorway, near Dworek village (54°14'40.0"N 18°59'59.0"E).

  • Deterministic Rendezvous in Restricted Graphs


    - Year 2015

    In this paper we consider the problem of synchronous rendezvous in which two anonymous mobile entities (robots) A and B are expected to meet at the same time and point in a graph G = (V;E). Most of the work devoted to rendezvous in graphs assumes that robots have access to the same sets of nodes and edges, where the topology of connections may be initially known or unknown. In our work we assume the movement of robots is restricted...

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  • Degradation of a nano-cutting tool: an MD simulation


    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki symulacji wielokrotnego oddziaływania realistycznie ukształtowanego ostrza tnącego z modelowym, nieskończenie twardym ziarnem, przy zastosowaniu metody dynamiki molekularnej. Ostrze składało się z kilkuset tysięcy atomów metalu fcc, traktowanego za pomocą potencjału Suttona-Chena, przesuwane było ze stałą prędkością 20 m/s. Obserwowane deformacje plastyczne pojawiające się na skutek kontaktu ostrza...

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