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Search results for: fischer reaction
Design Space Reduction for Expedited Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Antennas in Highly-Dimensional Spaces
PublicationA surrogate-based technique for efficient multi-objective antenna optimization is discussed. Our approach exploits response surface approximation (RSA) model constructed from low-fidelity antenna model data (here, obtained through coarse-discretization electromagnetic simulations). The RSA model enables fast determination of the best available trade-offs between conflicting design goals. The cost of RSA model construction for multi-parameter...
Evolutionary sets of safe ship trajectories with speed reduction manoeuvres within traffic separation schemes
PublicationIn the previous paper the author presented the evolutionary ship trajectory planning method designed to support Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS). This time the extensions of this method are described which allow to combine evolutionary trajectory planning with speed reduction manoeuvres. On TSS regions with higher than usual density of traffic and smaller distances between ships, the course alterations alone are not always sufficient...
Normal stress distribution in built‑up cold‑formed column in relation to interconnecting bolt spacing
PublicationIn order to increase a stiffness of cold-formed steel (CFS) elements it is practised to built-up the cross-section. In the analysed case, a main element is strengthened by adding extra chord in contact partially along the column. This additional chord acts as a longitudinal stiffener connected with the main section by series of bolts. Authors check whether rules applied over the years, for hot-rolled elements, can be indiscriminately...
Unequally-Spaced Slot Strategy for Radiation Null Reduction in Single SIW-Embedded Antenna Element
PublicationThe incorporation of higher-order modes (HOMs) can substantially augment the antenna gain and bandwidth, but this improvement is typically accompanied by compromised radiation performance including radiation nulls and higher side lobe levels. In this study, an inventive strategy is introduced to reduce the radiation nulls and the side lobe levels of a single antenna element by positioning multiple slots of the radiating element...
The Input of Nanoclays to the Synergistic Flammability Reduction in Flexible Foamed Polyurethane/Ground Tire Rubber Composites
PublicationCurrently, postulated trends and law regulations tend to direct polymer technology toward sustainability and environmentally friendly solutions. These approaches are expressed by keeping materials in a loop aimed at the circular economy and by reducing the environmental burdens related to the production and use of polymers and polymer-based materials. The application of recycled or waste-based materials often deals efficiently...
Creation of a map of optimal spindle speeds for a purpose of surveillance of high speed milling of flexible details
PublicationDrgania samowzbudne typu chatter często towarzyszą procesom frezowania szybkościowego. Ich skutkiem są nieodwracalne uszkodzenia powierzchni obrabianej. Mogą one również doprowadzić do intensywnego zużycia narzędzi skrawających, a nawet samej obrabiarki. W pracy przedstawiono metodę umożliwiającą tworzenie mapy optymalnych prędkości obrotowych wrzeciona. Stosowanie podczas procesu frezowania optymalnej prędkości obrotowej wrzeciona...
Cost-Efficient EM-Driven Size Reduction of Antenna Structures by Multi-Fidelity Simulation Models
PublicationDesign of antenna systems for emerging application areas such as the Internet of Things (IoT), fifth generation wireless communications (5G), or remote sensing, is a challenging endeavor. In addition to meeting stringent performance specifications concerning electrical and field properties, the structure has to maintain small physical dimensions. The latter normally requires searching for trade-off solutions because miniaturization...
Revalorisation of the Szewalski’s concept of the law of varying the last-stage blade retraction in a gas-steam turbine
PublicationThe article presents the implementations of the free vortex law to the blade of the last stage of a gas-steam turbine. First, a thermodynamic analysis was carried out, determining the parameters at the inlet, then the number of stages of the high and low-pressure part of the turbine was constructed, together with the kinematics and velocity vectors for subsequent stages of the axial turbine. The last step of article was to take...
Optimal spindle speed determination for vibration reduction during ball-end milling of flexible details
PublicationIn the paper a method of optimal spindle speed determination for vibration reduction during ball-end milling of flexible details is proposed. In order to reduce vibration level, an original procedure of the spindle speed optimisation, based on the Liao–Young criterion, is suggested. As the result, an optimal, constant spindle speed value is determined. For this purpose, on-stationary computational model of machining process is...
Greedy Multipoint Model-Order Reduction Technique for Fast Computation of Scattering Parameters of Electromagnetic Systems
PublicationThis paper attempts to develop a new automated multipoint model-order reduction (MOR) technique, based on matching moments of the system input–output function, which would be suited for fast and accurate computation of scattering parameters for electromagnetic (EM) systems over a wide frequency band. To this end, two questions are addressed. Firstly, the cost of the wideband reduced model generation is optimized by automating a...
Fast multi-objective optimization of antenna structures by means of data-driven surrogates and dimensionality reduction
PublicationDesign of contemporary antenna structures needs to account for several and often conflicting objectives. These are pertinent to both electrical and field properties of the antenna but also its geometry (e.g., footprint minimization). For practical reasons, especially to facilitate efficient optimization, single-objective formulations are most often employed, through either a priori preference articulation, objective aggregation,...
Reactive Sintering of Ground Tire Rubber (GTR) Modified by a Trans-Polyoctenamer Rubber and Curing Additives
PublicationThe proposed method of ground tire rubber (GTR) utilization involves the application of trans-polyoctenamer rubber (TOR), a commercially available waste rubber modifier. The idea was to investigate the influence of various curing additives (sulfur, N-cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazole sulfenamide (CBS), dibenzothiazole disulfide (MBTS) and di-(2-ethyl)hexylphosphorylpolysulfide (SDT)) on curing characteristics, physico-mechanical, thermal,...
Design-oriented modeling of antenna structures by means of two-level kriging with explicit dimensionality reduction
PublicationThe employment of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis is a practical necessity in the design of contemporary antenna structures. This is because simpler models are generally not available or of limited accuracy. At the same time, EM-based design is computationally expensive. Consequently, the ways of accelerating tasks such as parametric optimization or uncertainty quantification have to be sought. A possible workaround that...
W-dominance: Tradeoff-inspired dominance relation for preference-based evolutionary multi-objective optimization
PublicationThe paper presents a method of incorporating decision maker preferences into multi-objective meta-heuristics. It is based on tradeoffcoefficients and extends their applicability from bi-objective to multi-objective. The method assumes that a decision maker specifies a priori each objective’s importance as a weight interval. Based on this, w-dominance relation is introduced, which extends Pareto dominance. By replacing reference...
Kinetic analysis of the reduction of a ternary system of Bi, Sb and Te oxides by hydrogen for BiSbTe3 synthesis
PublicationReduction in a hydrogen atmosphere of Bi2O3, Sb2O3 and TeO2 mixes oxides for the synthesis of BiSbTe3 was analysed. The reduction reactions of Sb2O3 and Sb2O4 oxides, as well as Bi2O3+Sb2O3 and Sb2O3+3TeO2 mix- tures, were also evaluated. The reduction of Sb2O4 is investigated for the first time. The reactions of the mixed oxides systems also were not the subject of research so far despite being used for synthesis of the (Bi,Sb)2Te3...
Harnessing digital technologies for poverty reduction. Evidence for low-income and lower-middle income countries
PublicationThis paper contributes to understanding the relationship between ICT deployment and poverty alleviation in developing countries. It assess the digital technologies contribution to poverty reduction, through different channels of impact, like education, labor market, income and ICTtrade related activities. Using the sample of 40 developing countries between 1990 and 2019, it relies on macro data extracted from the World Bank Development...
Grafting and reactive extrusion technologies for compatibilization of ground tyre rubber composites: Compounding, properties, and applications
PublicationChemical modification of ground tyre rubber (GTR) to compatibilize it with the matrix is a well-known approach. Based on our recent review of the surface etching methods used in GTR modification, the purpose of the current work is to take a deeper look into more advanced methods such as grafting and reactive extrusion. While grafting is more efficient in achieving compatibility, however, it usually involves multi-step synthesis...
Studies on Aminoanthraquinone-Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode: Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance toward Oxygen Reduction
PublicationIn this paper, 9,10-anthraquinone (AQ) derivative-modified glassy carbon (GC) electrodes were studied towards the electrochemical reduction of oxygen in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions. The reaction of 1-chloro-9,10-anthraquinone with aliphatic diamines was applied for the synthesis of amino-9,10-anthraquinone derivatives. The obtained AQ derivatives were grafted onto the surface of glassy carbon electrodes by electropolymerisation...
Explicit Size-Reduction of Circularly Polarized Antennas through Constrained Optimization with Penalty Factor Adjustment
PublicationModern communication systems of high data capacity incorporate circular polarization (CP) as the preferred antenna radiation field configuration. In many applications, integration of the system circuitry with antennas imposes size limitations on CP radiators, which makes their development process a challenging endeavor. This can be mitigated by means of simulation-driven design, specifically, constrained numerical optimization....
Consideration of the safety of bungee jumping in relation to mechanical properties of the instalation based on a jump accident in Gdynia
PublicationThis paper considers a bungee jumping accident that took place in July 2019 in Gdynia, Poland. The authors conducted an investigation to determine the cause of the bungee rope failure. It was based on mechanical tests concerning the strength of the rope as well as the calculation of the force induced in the rope during the jump. Based on the theoretical and experimental results, the rope safety factor was estimated. It appeared...
Integration of the sulfate reduction and anammox processes for enhancing sustainable nitrogen removal in granular sludge reactors
PublicationThe Anammox and Sulfate Reduction Ammonium Oxidation processes were compared in two granular sequencing batch reactors operated for 160 days under anammox conditions. It was hypothesized that increasing the concentration of SO42− may positively influence the rate of N removal under anaerobic conditions and it was tested whether SO42− reduction and anammox occur independently or are related to each other. The cooperation of N-S...
Generalized Einstein relation in disordered organic semiconductors: Influence of the acoustic phonons–charge carriers scattering
PublicationIn this work, we analyze the generalized Einstein relation for disordered organic semiconductors with a non-equilibrium Druyvesteyn-type distribution function. The Druyvesteyn behavior of hot electrons in a solid state is associated with the acoustic phonons–charge carriers scattering. Such a case has been experimentally demonstrated in electroluminescent inorganic rare–earth–doped zinc chalcogenides. Therefore, we can assume that,...
Comparison of the Physical and Sensory Properties of Hybrid Citrus Fruit Jaffa® Sweetie in Relation to the Parent Fruits
PublicationIn the presented study, an overall Jaffa sweetie evaluation was made to find a correlation between Citrus grandis Osbeck × Citrus paradisi Macf. and its parent fruits’ (Citrus grandis Osbeck, Citrus paradisi Macf.) properties. Based on the sensory analysis, it was found that the taste and aroma of the new hybrid fruit are close to pummelo. By the use of chromatographic analysis, the selected monoterpenes present in the fruits were...
Inline Waveguide Sharp-Rejection Bandpass Filters With Transmission Zeros Using Resonant Coupling Slots
PublicationThis work presents a design methodology for synthesizing a category of compact inline sharp-rejection waveguide cavity bandpass filters based on novel frequency-variant coupling (FVC) structures. These FVCs consist of a rectangular slot placed in the top broadwall of the WR-90 rectangular waveguide and loaded with an additional top cavity above the slot coupled through the slot. Both the slot and the top cavity resonate in the...
Text analytics for co-creation in public sector organizations: a literature review-based research framework
PublicationThe public sector faces considerable challenges that stem from increasing external and internal demands, the need for diverse and complex services, and citizens’ lack of satisfaction and trust in public sector organisations (PSOs). An alternative to traditional public service delivery is the co-creation of public services. Data analytics has been fueled by the availability of immense amounts of data, including textual data, and...
Surface morphology of PrBa2Cu3O7-ë single crystals after the long lasting high temperature reduction. .
PublicationZaprezentowano wyniki szczegółowej analizy powierzchni kryształów poddanych długotrwałej redukcji wysokotemperaturowej. Badania za pomocą skaningowej mikroskopii (SEM) wykazały obecność niestabilnych strukturalnie krystalitów powstałych w wyniku rozpadu powierzchni kryształów. Zanikanie zaindukowanego przy pomocy obróbki wysokotemperaturowej nadprzewodnictwa może być spowodowane migracją defektów podsieci Pr-Ba z wnętrza...
Techniques of interference reduction in probe system for wafer level noise measurements of submicron semiconductor devices.
PublicationPrzedstawiono skrótowo system do ostrzowych pomiarów szumów struktur submikronowych. Znaczny wpływ na pomiary ostrzowe mają zakłócenia i szumy własne systemu, zwłaszcza zakłócenia o wysokim poziomie wpraowadzane przez ostrza (fluktuacje rezystancji styków ostrza do struktury powodowane przez wibracje i udary mechaniczne w środowisku pomiarowym)i środowisko elektromagnetyczne. Zakłócenia okresowe powodowane przez wibracje i pola...
Reduction of vibration level by the spindle speed optimisation during ball end milling of flexible details
PublicationPraca dotyczy nadzorowania drgań podczas skrawania przedmiotów podatnych frezem kulistym. Przedsatwiono wspomaganą komputerowo procedurę nadzorowania z optymalizacją prędkości obrotowej narzędzia. Przy modelowaniu wykorzystano niestacjonarny model obliczeniowy. Rezultatem modelowania jest układ hybrydowy, w którym oddzielono podukłady: modalny, łączący i strukturalny. Metoda wymaga identyfikacji częstości własnych co może być wykonane...
Detection of Helicobacter rodentium-like DNA in the liver tissue of patients with chronic liver diseases by polymerase chain reaction–denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and DNA sequence analysis
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Board cross-section errors while sawing on twin shaft multi-rip saws
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wpływ warunków pracy pił na powstawanie błędów przecinania w postaci uskoku na przekroju poprzecznym tarcicy.
Calculations of electron impact ionization cross section for simple biomolecules: formic and acetic acids
PublicationObliczono przekroje czynne na jednokrotną jonizację kwasu mrówkowego oraz kwasu octowego. Obliczenia przeprowadzono używając formalizmu BEB w zakresie energii od progu na jonizację do 400 eV. Wyniki porównano z dostępnymi danymi doświadczalnymi.
Selection of the cross-section area shape of the ducts used in the shelter ventilation systems – analysis
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Nonlinear Fuzzy Control System for Dissolved Oxygen with Aeration System in Sequencing Batch Reactor
PublicationBiological processes at a wastewater treatment plant are complex, multivariable, time varying and nonlinear. Moreover, interactions between the components are very strong. Control of dissolved oxygen is one of most important task at the plant. The level of dissolved oxygen in aerobic tanks has significant influence on behaviour and activity of microorganisms at the plant. Air for aerated tanks is supplied by the aeration system...
PublicationThe present paper is devoted to the numerical analysis and experimental tests of compressed bars with built–up cross section which are commonly used as a top chord of the roof trusses. The significant impact on carrying capacity for that kind of elements in case of out-of-plane buckling is appropriate choice of battens which are used to provide interaction between separate members. Linear buckling analysis results and nonlinear static...
Moment resistance of I-section end-plate roof girder splices; a case study
PublicationThis article deals with the problem of determining the resistance of end-plate connections. A nonlinear FEM model of the joint was constructed in order to predict its carrying capacity. A standard code procedure was done as well. The analyses have been done to assess atypical end-plate joints designed and constructed as a part of roof structures.
Scattering From a Cylindrical Object of Arbitrary Cross Section With the Use of Field Matching Method
PublicationA simple and intuitive solution to scattering problems in shielded and open structures is presented. The main idea of the analysis is based on the direct field matching technique involving the usage of projection of the fields at the boundary on a fixed set of orthogonal basis functions. Different convex shapes and various obstacle materials are considered to verify the validity of the method in open and closed structures. The...
Effect of liquid circulation in the draft-tube reactor on the precipitation of calcium carbonate via carbonation
PublicationWęglanu wapnia otrzymywano z wodorotlenku wapnia i ditlenku węgla.Precypitację CaCO3 prowadzono w reaktorze typu airlift z cyrkulacją wewnętrzną wyposażonym w mieszadło. Cyrkulację mieszaniny reakcyjnej powodował zarówno przepływ gazu jak i mieszanie mechaniczne. Obserwowano skracanie czasu reakcji i mniejsze zużycia gazowego reagenta wraz ze wzrostem prędkości cyrkulcji mieszaniny reakcyjnej. Wyższa prędkość cyrkulacji cieczy...
Numerical Investigation of Nuclear Reactor Kinetic and Heat Transfer Fractional Model with Temperature Feedback
PublicationAbstract—In the paper, the numerical results concerning the kinetics and proposed heat exchange models in nuclear reactor based on fractional calculus are presented for typical inputs. Two fractional models are proposed and compared with the model based on ordinary derivative. The first fractional model is based on one of the generalized Cattaneo equations. The second one is based on replacing the ordinary to fractional order of...
Fractional neutron point kinetics equations for nuclear reactor dynamics – Numerical solution investigations
PublicationThis paper presents results concerning numerical solutions to a fractional neutron point kinetics model for a nuclear reactor. The paper discusses and expands on results presented in (Espinosa-Paredes et al., 2011). The fractional neutron point kinetics model with six groups of delayed neutron precursors was developed and a numerical solution using the Edwards’ method was proposed (Edwards et al., 2002). The mathematical model...
Bearing Capacity of aluminum bars with built-up cross section and glued or welded connections
PublicationThe paper is focused on numerical analysis and experimental test of aluminum bars with glued and welded connections between separate members. The connection properties were tested experimentally. The numerical analysis were conducted for the beam and shell model of the structure. The shape and magnitude of initial geometric imperfection was taken into account
Multi-nodal PWR reactor model — Methodology proposition for power distribution coefficients calculation
PublicationIn the paper the multi-nodal Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) model called Mann’s model is presented. This models is used for modelling purposes of the heat transfer from fuel to coolant in reactor core. The authors expand widely used in literature approach by defining additional coefficients for the heat transfer model. These parameters approximate the power generation distribution in the PWR reactor core according to the to the...
A Model-Based Improved Control of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in Sequencing Wastewater Batch Reactor
PublicationBiochemical processes at wastewater treatment plant are complex, nonlinear, time varying and multivariable. Moreover, relationships between processes are very strong. One of the most important issues is exerting proper control over dissolved oxygen levels during nitrification phase. This parameter has a very large impact on activity of microorganisms in activated sludge and on quality of pollution removal processes. Oxygen is supplied...
Normalized Partial Scattering Cross Section for Performance Evaluation of Low-Observability Scattering Structures
PublicationThe development of diffusion metasurfaces created new opportunities to elevate the stealthiness of combat aircraft. Despite the potential significance of metasurfaces, their rigorous design methodologies are still lacking, especially in the context of meticulous control over the scattering of electromagnetic (EM) waves through geometry parameter tuning. Another practical issue is insufficiency of the existing performance metrics,...
Propagation in the Open Cylindrical Guide of Arbitrary Cross Section With the Use of Field Matching Method
PublicationA simple solution to propagation problem in open waveguides and dielectric fibers of arbitrary convex cross section is presented. The idea of the analysis is based on the direct field matching technique involving the usage of the field projection at the boundary on a fixed set of orthogonal basis functions. A complex root tracing algorithm is utilized to find the propagation coefficients of the investigated guides. Different convex...
How Chain Transfer Leads to a Uniform Polymer Particle Morphology and Prevents Reactor Fouling
PublicationABSTRACT: The effect of adding diethyl zinc as a chain transfer agent during the polymerization of propylene in heptane performed at 80 °C was studied. Although it was expected that the chain transfer would stop after precipitation of the polymer, the polymer molecular weight continued to increase throughout the whole of the polymerization. The presence of diethyl zinc had an additional effect that the polymerizations were devoid...
Distortional buckling of composite thin-walled columns of a box-type cross section with diaphragms
PublicationDistortional buckling of axially compressed columns of box-like composite cross sections with andwithout internal diaphragms is investigated in the framework of one-dimensional theory. The channel membersare composed of unidirectional fibre-reinforced laminate. Two approaches to the member orthotropic materialare applied: homogenization based on the theory of mixture and periodicity cells, and homogenization basedon the Voigt–Reuss...
Mathematical modeling of hydrogen production performance in thermocatalytic reactor based on the intermetallic phase of Ni3Al
PublicationThe main goal of the following work is to adjust mathematical modelling for mass transfer, to specific conditions resulting from presence of chemical surface reactions in the flow of the mixture consisting of helium and methanol. The thermocatalytic devices used for decomposition of organic compounds incorporate microchannels coupled at the ends and heated to 500 oC at the walls regions. The results of the experiment were compared...
Evaluation and start-up of an electro-Fenton-sequencing batch reactor for dairy wastewater treatment
PublicationThis study examined the performance of an integrated wastewater (WW) treatment system, namely an electro-Fenton (EF)-sequencing batch reactor (SBR), for dairy industry WW. The EF process was used as the first stage of the SBR. It degrades bio-refractory compounds via advanced oxidation processes, thereby resulting in the formation of simple biodegradable intermediates. Several factors, including the hydraulic retention time (HRT),...
The application of Monod equation to denitrification kinetics description in the moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR)
PublicationIn this paper, the kinetic constants Vmax and KCOD occurring in the Monod equation, which describe the denitrification process in the moving bed, are determined. For this purpose, a laboratory moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) was used. The filling of the reactor consisted of EvU Perl carriers. The experiment was carried out with an excess of nitrate, and denitrification rate was dependent on the concentration of external organic...
Electron-impact ionization cross section calculations for 5-chloropyridine and 5-bromopyridine molecules
PublicationThe total cross sections for the single electron-impact ionization of 5-chloropyridine (5-C5H4ClN) and 5-bromopyridine (5-C5H4BrN) molecules have been calculated using binary-encounter-Bethe method for electron energies ranging from the ionization threshold up to 5 keV.