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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: 2D AND 3D CULTURES
A new concept of PWM duty cycle computation using the Barycentric Coordinates in a Three-Dimensional voltage vectors arrangement
PublikacjaThe paper presents a novel approach to the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) duty cycle computing for complex or irregular voltage vector arrangements in the two (2D) and three–dimensional (3D) Cartesian coordinate systems. The given vectors arrangement can be built using at least three vectors or collections with variable number of involved vectors (i.e. virtual vectors). Graphically, these vectors form a convex figure, in particular,...
Modelling method for a class of distributed-lumped parameter systems
PublikacjaThe paper presents an alternative approach for modelling and order reduction of continuous system. The proposed methodology combines application of two methods: the modal decomposition method and the rigid finite element method. The given continuous structure is divided into 1D continuous substructures. For each 1D substructure modal decomposition and reduction procedure is applied. Interactions between substructures are described...
Kontrola parametrów obwodu wymuszającego w quasi-statycznych magnetycznych badaniach nieniszczących stali, cz. I: Model analityczny i 2D
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowane zostało dwuwymiarowe modelowanie Metodą Elementów Skończonych (MES) układu do badań nieniszczących (ang. non-destructive testing, w skrócie NDT), składającego się z elektromagnesu jarzmowego i płyty ferromagnetycznej magnesowanej w sposób quasi-statyczny. Wykazane zostały ograniczenia stosowalności opartych na równaniach Maxwella obliczeń analitycznych 1D, które przynoszą zadowalające wyniki jedynie w...
Chemical Pressure Tuning Magnetism from Pyrochlore to Triangular Lattices
PublikacjaGeometrically frustrated lattices combined with magnetism usually host quantum fluctuations that suppress magnetic orders and generate highly entangled ground states. Three-dimensionally (3D) frustrated magnets generally exist in the diamond and pyrochlore lattices, while two-dimensionally (2D) frustrated geometries contain Kagomé, triangular, and honeycomb lattices. In this work, we reported using chemical pressure to tune the magnetism...
Genetic programming extension to APF-based monocular human body pose estimation
PublikacjaNew method of the human body pose estimation based on a single camera 2D observation is presented, aimed at smart surveillance related video analysis and action recognition. It employs 3D model of the human body, and genetic algorithm combined with annealed particle filter for searching the global optimum of model state, best matching the object's 2D observation. Additionally, new motion cost metric is employed, considering current...
Application of Shape From Shading Technique for Side Scan Sonar Images
PublikacjaSide scan sonar (SSS) is one of the most widely used imaging systems in the underwater environment. It is relatively cheap and easy to deploy in comparison with more powerful sensors like multibeam echosounder or synthetic aperture sonar. Although, the SSS does not provide directly the seafloor bathymetry measurements. Its outputs are usually in a form of grey level acoustic images of seafloor. However, the analysis of such images...
Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel 3,6- amide and thioamide substituted- 2,3,4,9-tetrahydro-1H-carbazoles for anti-cancer activity
PublikacjaHerein, we report the synthesis of new compounds with demonstrated anticancer properties based on the 2,3,4,9- tetrahydro-1H-carbazole scaffold. The Fischer indolization method was used to close the heterocyclic motif. The synthesis method’s scope and limitations were thoroughly assessed through a series of experiments. Biological assays revealed that two thioamide compounds exhibited significant anticancer activity against MCF-7,...
Dynamic effect of the vehicle passing under lightweight footbridge.
PublikacjaThe paper describes a numerical study of dynamic response of cable-stayed steel footbridge for a big lorry passing underneath. The footbridge is an existing object crossing Wolska street in Warsaw. The structural model of footbridge was verified by dynamic test loading. A numerical study of a vehicle passing under footbridge is presented. 2D and 3D incompressible flow fields are modeled using sliding mesh in transient CFD computation....
Numerical investigations on early indicators of fracture in concrete at meso-scale.
PublikacjaFracture is a major reason of the global failure of concretes. The understanding of fracture is important to ensure the safety of structures and to optimize the material behaviour. In particular an early prediction possibility of fracture in concretes is of major importance. In this paper, concrete fracture under bending was numerically analysed using the Discrete Element Method (DEM). The real mesoscopic structure of a concrete...
2D Mathematical Model of the Commutator Sliding Contact of an Electrical Machine
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono model matematyczny 2D komutatorowego zestyku ślizgowego z wieloma stopniami swobody. W modelu uwzględniono zmienne wymuszenia działające na szczotkę. Wymuszenia te są wynikiem falistości wirującego komutatora. Szczotka została zamodelowana jako system wielu mas, elementów sprężystych i tłumików rozłożonych w kierunku stycznym i promieniowym. Zamodelowano wszystkie oddziaływania lepkosprężyste pomiędzy komutatorem...
PublikacjaThe paper describes experimental and numerical results of quasi-static splitting tensile tests on concrete specimens at meso-scale level. The loading strip was made of plywood or steel. Fracture in concrete was detected at the aggregate level by means of three non-destructive methods: 3D x-ray micro-computed tomography, 2D scanning electron microscope and manual 2D digital microscope. The discrete element method was used to directly...
Analysis of the bulk solid flow during gravitational silo emptying using X-ray and ECT tomography
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów zmian koncentracji piasku bezkohezyjnego zachodzących w prostokątnym modelu silosu opróżnianym grawitacyjnie. Pomiary wykonano z zastosowaniem kontynualnego promieniowania rentgenowskiego oraz z użyciem tomografii pojemnościowej. Badania wykonano dla zróżnicowanego zagęszczenia początkowego piasku oraz różnego stopnia szorstkości ścian. Szczególny nacisk położono na zachowanie sie materiału...
Long-distance quantum communication over noisy networks without long-time quantum memory
PublikacjaThe problem of sharing entanglement over large distances is crucial for implementations of quantum cryptography. A possible scheme for long-distance entanglement sharing and quantum communication exploits networks whose nodes share Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pairs. In Perseguers et al. [Phys. Rev. A 78, 062324 (2008)] the authors put forward an important isomorphism between storing quantum information in a dimension D and transmission...
A three-dimensional meso-scale approach to concrete fracture based on combined DEM with x-ray micro-CT images
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia wyniki numeryczne uzyskane stosując 3-wymiarowy mezoskopowy model do opisu pękania w betonie na poziomie kruszywa w belce z nacięciem podczas zginania. Do obliczeń użyto metodę elementów dyskretnych. Beton został opisany jako materiał 4-fazowy złożony z kruszywa, zaprawy, makro-porów i stref przejściowych miedzy kruszywem a zaprawą. Kształt i położenia kruszywa przyjęto na podstawie skanów z mikro-tomografu. Uzyskano...
PublikacjaThe paper describes two-dimensional meso-scale results of fracture in notched concrete beams under bending. Concrete was modelled as a random heterogeneous 4-phase material composed of aggregate particles, cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones and air voids. Within continuum mechanics, the simulations were carried out with the finite element method based on a isotropic damage constitutive model enhanced by a characteristic...
Contact with coupled adhesion and friction: Computational framework, applications, and new insights
PublikacjaContact involving soft materials often combines dry adhesion, sliding friction, and large deformations. At the local level, these three aspects are rarely captured simultaneously, but included in the theoretical models by Mergel et al., (2019). We here develop a corresponding finite element framework that captures 3D finite-strain contact of two deformable bodies. This framework is suitable to investigate sliding friction even...
PublikacjaThe paper describes two-dimensional meso-scale numerical results of fracture in notched concrete beams under quasi-static three-point bending. Concrete was modelled as a random heterogeneous 4-phase material composed of aggregate particles, cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones (ITZs) and air voids. As a numerical approach, the discrete element method (DEM) was used. The concrete micro-structure in calculations was directly...
Statyka i dynamika powłok wielopłatowych. Nieliniowa teoria i metoda elementów skończonych.
PublikacjaW części teoretycznej monografii sformułowano ścisłe 2D powierzchniowe zasady dynamiki powłok jako wynik całkowania po grubości odpowiednich 3D zasad dynamiki ośrodka ciągłego. Odpowiadająca im 2D kinematyka powłoki jest konstruowana również ściśle na poziomie dwuwymiarowym. Przybliżenia są wprowadzane jedynie do równań konstytutywnych, które są z definicji zależnościami przybliżonymi, opartymi o badania eksperymentalne. Konsekwencją...
Influence of soil anisotropic stiffness on the deformation induced by an open pit excavation.
PublikacjaIn this paper, the problem of deformation induced by an open pit excavation in anisotropic stiff soils is analysed by FE modelling. The presented research is focused on the influence of material model with anisotropic stiffness on the accuracy of deformation predictions as compared with the field measurements. A new hyperelastic-plastic model is applied to simulate anisotropic mechanical behaviour of stiff soils. It is capable...
Implementation of Solute Transport in the Vadose Zone into the “HYDRUS Package for MODFLOW”
PublikacjaThe “HYDRUS package for MODFLOW” is an existing MODFLOW package that allows MODFLOW to simultaneously evaluate transient water flow in both unsaturated and saturated zones. The package is based on incorporating parts of the HYDRUS‐1D model (to simulate unsaturated water flow in the vadose zone) into MODFLOW (to simulate saturated groundwater flow). The coupled model is effective in addressing spatially variable saturated‐unsaturated...
Benzene-induced hydro(solvo)thermal synthesis of Cu2+ and Zn2+ coordination polymers based on 1,3-benzenedicarboxylate
PublikacjaHydro(solvo)thermal reactions of Cu(NO3)2·2.5H2O or Zn(NO3)2·6H2O with 1,3-H2bdc provided two structurally different coordination polymers; a 2D network “metallacalixarene” based on the paddlewheel-type cluster with the formula [Cu(1,3-bdc)·H2O]·H2O (1) and a 3D framework [Zn(1,3-bdc)] (2), respectively. The use of a base was unnecessary in this synthesis; however, the presence of benzene played a crucial role in the crystallization...
Dobór cech elementu skończonego do wyznaczania naprężeń w tkance kostnej
PublikacjaBadania dotyczące obliczeń metodą elementów skończonych dla tkanki kostnej często wykorzystują metodologię budowy maszyn, gdzie używa się materiałów konstrukcyjnych o jednolitych właściwościach. Rzadko uwzględniają zróżnicowanie modułu Younga w obszarze elementów skończonych, gdzie informacje o rozkładzie sztywności tkanki pochodzą z obrazów tomograficznych. Celem pracy jest opracowanie metody modelowania tkanki kostnej uwzględniającej...
Thermostability and photophysical properties of mixed-ligand carboxylate/benzimidazole Zn(II)-coordination polymers
PublikacjaThe reaction between Zn(NO3)2*6H2O or Zn(CH3COO)2*2H2O and isophthalic acid (1,3-H2bdc) in the presence of benzimidazole (Hbzim) in dimethylformamide (DMF)/ethanol (EtOH)/H2O solvent mixture at room temperature yielded two structurally different coordination polymers: [Zn2(1,3-bdc)2(Hbzim)2] (1) and [Zn2(1,3-bdc)(bzim)2] (2). (1) is a 2D-layered framework with a molecule of benzimidazole coordinated to the Zn center, whereas (2)...
Influence of sheet/purlin fasteners spacing on shear flexibility of the diaphragm
PublikacjaThe paper presents the influence of sheet/purlin fasteners location (in reference to trapezoidal profile cross section) on shear flexibility of the cladding acting as a diaphragm. Analytical procedures were presented and their limitations were discussed. Next, selected schemes of fasteners location, known from engineering practice, but not included in European codes and recommendations, were analysed numerically in order to observe...
Fluid–Structure Interaction methods for the progressive anatomical and artificial aortic valve stenosis
PublikacjaCardiovascular system diseases, as aortic valve stenosis, are the main cause of mortality and morbidity among patients. There is still a room for enhancement of the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, which will lead to improvement of the treatment. One of the remedies are the computer tools to support the medical diagnoses and prostheses design. The development of a procedure for modeling the aortic valves: anatomical tricuspid...
A Selection of Starting Points for Iterative Position Estimation Algorithms Using Feedforward Neural Networks
PublikacjaThis article proposes the use of a feedforward neural network (FNN) to select the starting point for the first iteration in well-known iterative location estimation algorithms, with the research objective of finding the minimum size of a neural network that allows iterative position estimation algorithms to converge in an example positioning network. The selected algorithms for iterative position estimation, the structure of the...
On jump conditions at non-material singular curves in the resultant shell thermomechanics
PublikacjaThe global, refined, resultant, two-dimensional (2D) balance laws of mass, linear and angular momenta, and energy as well as the entropy inequality were formulated by Pietraszkiewicz (2011) as exact implications of corresponding laws of 3D rational thermomechanics. In case of a shell with the regular base surface and all resultant surface fields differentiable everywhere on it and at any time instant, the local laws of the resultant...
Simulations of the Derecho Event in Poland of 11th August 2017 Using WRF Model
PublikacjaThis series contains datasets related to the forecasting of a severe weather event, a derecho, in Poland on 11 August 2017. The simulations were conducted using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model version 4.2.1 with different initial and boundary conditions of the pressure and model levels derived from 5 global models: Global Forecast System (GFS), Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS), European Centre for Medium-Range...
Relationship between Telomere Length, TERT Genetic Variability and TERT, TP53, SP1, MYC Gene Co-Expression in the Clinicopathological Profile of Breast Cancer
PublikacjaThe molecular mechanisms of telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) upregulation in breast cancer (BC) are complex. We compared genetic variability within TERT and telomere length with the clinical data of patients with BC. Additionally, we assessed the expression of the TERT, MYC, TP53 and SP1 genes in BC patients and in BC organoids (3D cell cultures obtained from breast cancer tissues). We observed the same correlation in the...
Two- and three-dimensional elastic networks with rigid junctions: modeling within the theory of micropolar shells and solids
PublikacjaFor two- and three-dimensional elastic structures made of families of flexible elastic fibers undergoing finite deformations, we propose homogenized models within the micropolar elasticity. Here we restrict ourselves to networks with rigid connections between fibers. In other words, we assume that the fibers keep their orthogonality during deformation. Starting from a fiber as the basic structured element modeled by the Cosserat...
Induced-fit binding of laccase to gold and carbon electrodes for the biological fuel cell applications
PublikacjaAnalogues of laccase natural substrates (syringic, veratric, ferulic, vanillic, isovanillic, 3,5-dimethoxybenzoic aldehydes) were employed to bind and orient laccase molecules in a way which facilitates adsorption of the catalyst molecules and their electrical connection with the conductive support. Laccase was bound efficiently to these substrates both on gold and carbon electrodes forming, respectively, 2D and 3D films sensitive...
A Quasi-2D MOSFET Model — 2D-to-Quasi-2D Transformation
PublikacjaA quasi-two-dimensional (quasi-2D) representation of the MOSFET channel is proposed in this work. The representation lays the foundations for a quasi 2D MOSFET model. The quasi 2D model is a result of a 2D into quasi 2D transformation. The basis for the transformation are an analysis of a current density vector field and such phenomena as Gradual Channel Detachment Effect (GCDE), Channel Thickness Modulation Effect (CTME), and...
Shear fracture of longitudinally reinforced concrete beams under bending using Digital Image Correlation and FE simulations with concrete micro-structure based on X-ray micro-computed tomography images
PublikacjaThe paper presents experimental and numerical investigations of the shear fracture in rectangular concrete beams longitudinally reinforced with steel or basalt bar under quasi-static three point bending. Shear fracture process zone formation and development on the surface of beams was investigated by Digital Image Correlation (DIC) whereas thorough analyses of 3D material micro-structure, air voids, width and curvature of shear...
Production of six-degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) navigable audio using 30 Ambisonic microphones
PublikacjaThis paper describes a method for planning, recording, and post-production of six-degrees-of-freedom audio recorded with multiple 3rd order Ambisonic microphone arrays. The description is based on the example of recordings conducted in August 2020 with the Poznan Philharmonic Orchestra using 30 units of Zylia ZM-1S. A convenient way to prepare and organize such a big project is proposed – this involves details of stage planning,...
Separability Assessment of Selected Types of Vehicle-Associated Noise
PublikacjaMusic Information Retrieval (MIR) area as well as development of speech and environmental information recognition techniques brought various tools in-tended for recognizing low-level features of acoustic signals based on a set of calculated parameters. In this study, the MIRtoolbox MATLAB tool, designed for music parameter extraction, is used to obtain a vector of parameters to check whether they are suitable for separation of...
Superconductivity in CaBi2
PublikacjaSuperconductivity is observed with critical temperature Tc = 2.0 K in self-flux-grown single crystals of CaBi2. This material adopts the ZrSi2 structure type with lattice parameters a = 4.696(1) Å, b = 17.081(2) Å and c = 4.611(1) Å. The crystals of CaBi2 were studied by means of magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and electrical resistivity measurements. The heat capacity jump at Tc is DC/gTc = 1.41, confirming bulk superconductivity;...
Enhanced Gain and Isolation Dual-Band Dual-Port MIMO Antenna with Integrated Lens for Millimeter-wave 5G Internet-of-Things Applications
PublikacjaThis paper proposes a dual-band dual-port Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) antenna with enhanced gain and port isolation for 5G millimeter-wave (mm-wave) Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The gain enhancement is achieved using a 3D-printed dielectric lens integrated with the antenna, whereas port isolation is improved using a novel 2D compact metamaterial incorporated between the MIMO elements. The proposed integrated...
Modelowanie i analiza nierówności powierzchni elementów wykonywanych metodą stereolitografii
PublikacjaStereolitografia jest jedną z metod szybkiego prototypowania, w której przedmiot (model) uzyskujemy poprzez utwardzanie ciekłego polimeru za pomocą promieniowania laserowego. Metoda tą uzyskuje się dość dokładne przedmioty (modele) biorąc pod uwagę wymiar i kształt. Ten sposób wykonywania przedmiotów powoduje powstawanie specyficznej struktury powierzchni zwanej efektem schodkowym (stair-step effect, staircase). Struktura ta powoduje...
Analysis of the Surface Stereometry of Alloyed Austenitic Steel after Fibre Laser Cutting using Confocal Microscopy
PublikacjaThe paper extends the concept of cut edge quality and examines the fibre laser cutting process. A Prima Power Platino Fiber Evo device with a reference speed (RS) of 3500 mm/min was used for laser cutting. In order to analyse the influence of the laser cutting speed on the cut edge quality of X5CrNi18-10 stainless steel sheets, macroscopic studies were conducted on a stereoscopic microscope and surface stereometry on a confocal...
Modelling tunnelling-induced deformation in stiff soils with a hyperelastic–plastic anisotropic model
PublikacjaIn this paper, the tunnelling-induced deformation in anisotropic stiff soils is analysed using FE modelling. The influence of material description is investigated rather than an advanced simulation of the tunnelling method. A new hyperelastic– plastic model is proposed to describe the anisotropic mechanical behaviour of stiff highly overconsolidated soil. This model can reproduce the superposition of variable stress-induced anisotropy...
Morphology changes in Fe-Cr porous alloys upon high-temperature oxidation quantified by X-ray tomographic microscopy
PublikacjaThe effect of high-temperature oxidation at 850 C (10 h, 30 h, 100 h) and 900 C (10 h) on porous (30 % porosity) ferritic stainless steel (Fe22Cr) has been investigated using synchrotron tomographic microscopy, which allowed for visualisation, separation and quantitative analysis of the metallic core, closed pores, open pores and oxide scale phase. The same regions within the samples were investigated before and after oxidation...
Heat exchange enhancement of jet impingement cooling with the novel humped-cone heat sink
PublikacjaJet impingement cooling technology is applicable to control temperature of devices, where very high heat flux is generated within a small area. This paper is about the improvement of the jet impingement cooling efficiency by the heat sink geometry modification. Two reference cases were sourced from the literature – flat heat sink and modified one with cone in the jet stagnation region. Such a change improves cooling capability...
An unusual four-nuclear Pb(II)-pyrrole-2-carboxylato polymer: The effect of the lone pair and non-covalent interactions on the supramolecular assembly and fluorescence properties
PublikacjaThe reaction of Pb(NO3)2 with 1H-pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid (2prCOOH) leads to the formation of a new four-nuclear Pb(II) polymer, [Pb4(2prCOO)8(H2O)]n, which has been characterized by CHN, FT-IR, TG, PL and single-crystal X-ray diffraction methods. In view of the primary Pb–O bonds, Pb1 and Pb3 show hemidirected pentagonal pyramidal geometries, while Pb2 and Pb4 display hemidirected octahedral geometries. The topology of the strongest...
Structural analysis and physico-chemical characterization of mononuclear manganese(II) and polynuclear copper(II) complexes with pyridine-based alcohol
PublikacjaTwo novel manganese(II) and copper(II) complexes, mononuclear [Mn(H2O)2(2-(CH2)2OHpy)2](NO3)2 (1) and polynuclear [Cu(SO4)(2-(CH2)2OHpy)2]n (2), based on 2-(hydroxyethyl)pyridine (2-(CH2)2OHpy) were synthesised and fully characterised using X-ray structure analysis as well as spectroscopic, magnetic and thermal methods. Both central metal ions Mn(1) and Cu(1) are coordinated by two N,O-donor 2-(CH2)2OHpy ligands and possess an...
Chiral and achiral crystals, charge-assisted hydrogen-bond patterns and self-organization of selected solid diaminium thiosulfates
PublikacjaAbstract A series of diaminium thiosulfates, derivatives of diamines: NH2CH2CH(CH3)NH2 (1) and NH2(CH2)nNH2, n = 3-6 (2-5 respectively)and thiosulfuric acid were prepared and their structures determined by crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. Compounds 1, 2 and 4 turned out to be hydrates. The crystal structure of 1,2-proylenediaminium thiosulfate is chiral and exhibits spontaneous resolution. Crystals for both enantiomers...
Komputerowe modelowanie geometryczne w kształceniu architektonicznym I stopnia
PublikacjaDynamiczny rozwój technik cyfrowych i wynikające stąd postępujące zmiany w oprogramowaniu powodują wzrost znaczenia znajomości komputerowych metod wspomagania projektowania w warsztacie zawodowym architekta. W trosce o zapewnienie studentom możliwości rozwijania kompetencji w tym zakresie, konieczna jest stała analiza oraz potrzeba rozszerzania i wzbogacania treści programowych w ramach istniejąch programów kształcenia. Tematyka...
Structural motifs in the Cu(II), Mn(II) and Zn(II) complexes based on N,N,N-donor dipodal or N,N,N,N-donor tripodal ligands obtained in situ: Synthesis, crystal structures and xanthine oxidase inhibition properties
PublikacjaA series of four novel transition metal complexes, [Cu(NCS)2L1] (1), [Mn(NCS)2L1] (2) where L1 = bis(1-(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)methyl)amine, [Mn(NCS)2L2] (3) and [Zn(NCS)L2]2[Zn(NCS)4] (4) where L2 = tris(1-(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)methyl)amine, has been obtained in situ by a one-step, one-pot synthetic path starting from 1-hydroxymethyl-3,5-dimethylpyrazole (L). The isolated complexes were fully characterised by elemental analysis,...
Nowa metoda diagnostyki stanu technicznego nakładek stykowych
PublikacjaThe current collection system, which consists of the overhead contact line and a current collector, is particularly important in electric rail vehicles, where their reliability is concerned. Faultless current collection is conditioned not only by suitable construction of these elements but also by their proper maintenance. Retaining permanent electrical contact is essential in DC systems, where current demand is relatively high. In...
Ionic liquids for nano- and microstructures preparation. Part 2: Application in synthesis
PublikacjaIonic liquids (ILs) are widely applied to prepare metal nanoparticles and 3D semiconductor microparticles. Generally, they serve as a structuring agent or reaction medium (solvent), however it was also demonstrated that ILs can also play a role of a co-solvent, metal precursor, reducing as well as surface modifying agent. The crucial role and possible types of interactions between ILs and growing particles have been presented in...
The Cultures of Knowledge Organizations: Knowledge, Learning, Collaboration (KLC)
PublikacjaThis book focuses on seeing, understanding, and learning to shape an organization’s essential cultures. The book is grounded on a fundamental assumption that every organization has a de facto culture. These “de facto cultures” appear at first glance to be serendipitous, vague, invisible, and unmanaged. An invisible and unrecognized de facto culture can undermine business goals and strategies and lead to business failures. The authors...