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  • Universal and contextualized public services: Digital public service innovation framework



    In view of the rising social and economic inequalities, public service delivery should be both universal, i.e. independent of the recipients' social or economic status, and contextualized, i.e. able to compensate for different local needs and conditions. Reconciling both properties requires various forms of innovations, chief among them innovations in digital public services. Building upon the four-stage model underpinning the...

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  • Financial Markets and Bankruptcy Systems: Is there a Relationship?


    - European Research Studies Journal - Rok 2021

    Purpose: Filling the cognitive gap in the theory of ex-post transaction costs, i.e., at the stage of enforcing market transactions by examining the relationship between friendliness/severity of the bankruptcy and restructuring law towards debtors, the level of development of financial markets, the effectiveness of the judicial system and the rate of debt recovery. Design/Methodology/Approach: In the research, the following methods...

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  • Spatial planning on regional level


    Polish spatial planning results from typical for countries of Central and Eastern Europe transition . They have undergone the transformation from decentralized management system based on the dominance of state to the system of representative democracy, based on self-government administration; also territorial on regional level.

  • Ageing of Society — Local Disparities. Classification of the Pomorskie Voivodship Communes According to the Pace and Progress of Local Communities’ Ageing

    The article deals with the issues of local disparities in the field of advancement and pace of demographic ageing. The subjects of the research were communes of the Pomorskie Voivodship. The purpose of the article — i.e., diagnosing and assessing the progress and pace of ageing of local communities in all 123 communes of the Pomorskie Voivodship, was achieved using a combination of traditional measures of ageing: age factor,...

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  • Comparison of Polish and Danish Approach to Promotion of Cycling


    - Rok 2017

    The article describes two different approaches to promotion of cycling from Denmark and Poland. In the former the promotion locally from 2009 to 2015 has been supported financially by the national government and where initiatives partly have been financed by the national level. In Poland, the promotion has been implemented often as a result of bottom up initiatives and financed solely on local level often with the support of EU...

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  • Measurement of expenditure efficiency of Polish cities with county rights in the context of quality of life


    - Rok 2020

    The article is devoted to the measurement of efficiency of overall expenditures. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the efficiency of use of budget resources by local government units in the context of fostering quality of life. The subject of the study is 65 Polish cities with county rights (county status). Calculations were carried out using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The results of analysis confirm the two research...

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  • Multi-factor fuzzy sets decision system forecasting consumer insolvency risk


    - Decision - Rok 2024

    The objective of this study is to develop a multi-factor decision system predicting insolvency risk for natural persons with the use of fuzzy sets. Considering that the financial situation of households is affected by various endogenous and exogenous factors, the main assumption of this study is that the system for predicting financial difficulties should not be limited to the use of only a few financial variables concerning consumers,...

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  • Historia budowy i reaktywacji Kolei Kokoszkowskiej w postaci Pomorskiej Kolei Metropolitalnej


    W artykule została przedstawiona historia budowy Kolei Kokoszkowskiej (otwarcie w 1914 r. i zburzenie w 1945 r.), jej znaczenie dla powiązań przestrzennych Wolnego Miasta Gdańsk i polskich Kaszub, próba jej reaktywacji w związku z rozwojem aglomeracji trójmiejskiej w II połowie XX wieku i ostatecznie budowa po jej śladzie Pomorskiej Kolei Metropolitalnej na początku XXI wieku. W artykule poruszono zagadnienia związane ze sporami...

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  • Urban regeneration in urban functional areas in Poland as an instrument of implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy

    This study examines the role of urban regeneration policies in planning and governance within urban functional areas (UFAs) in Poland, in the context of the EU Cohesion Policy (CP). The empirical part of this study is based on comparing the approaches adopted in two Polish regions: Pomerania and Silesia. We describe the first successes but also the bottlenecks of the process, from negotiations and programming up to the implementation...

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    - Studi Storici - Rok 2020

    Giuseppe Volpi di Misurata represented a mediation point between different interests both in the economic field and in the complex national – but also regional and local – political balance that long underpinned the fascist regime. This article intends to revisit this figure between the 1920s and the Second World War. The attempt will be made to identify, through an approach that will be chronological and thematic, the passages...

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  • Should Polish banks be domesticated?


    - Rok 2013

    The financial crisis revealed vulnerabilities in the regulation and supervision of the banking system. The overarching goal of the proposal (Bazylea III and CRD IV) is to strengthen the resilience of the EU banking sector. The effects of these regulations will be detrimental to the Polish banking system and economy. This follows from the fact that listed banks in Poland are subsidiaries of international banking groups. The article...

  • How to fund an additional secular function in the monumental church?


    - Rok 2018

    The implementation of a new public function into the non-used church spaces like attics or cellars in context of revitalizing a lawfully protected historical city areas have diversified aspects. The article describes the financial aspect of adaptation of omitted spaces of monumental sacral buildings by presenting funding possibilities in the European Union countries available in period of 2017-2018 and the funds planned for the...

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  • Innovative activity of SMEs In Poland


    - Rok 2010

    Innovative activity of enterprises is determined by many factors. On one hand, these are external factors creating a sort of innovative climate in the economy, on the other hand - there are many internal factors stimulating or reducing the intensity of innovative activities. What influences the innovativeness of enterprises is the effectiveness of the system supporting innovations, which was stated by for example Pyciński and Żołnierski...

  • Legislation and Practice of Selected State Aid Issues, According to EU and Polish Law


    - Rok 2022

    The dataset encompasses several tables, each consisting of three elements: legislation, jurisprudence and scientific articles on numerous subjects and economic activities receiving public financial support in the form of state aid instruments. The set includes a subjective list of the most commonly used and/or disputable examples of granting aid, such as for (local) airports and airlines, steel production, shipyards, and coalmines....

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    The COVID-19 pandemic, apart from health threats, has shown the problem of older adults’ social isolation and loneliness in aging societies that has been progressing for several decades. Older adults’ singularisation, loosening family relations, diminishing families’ caring potential, caused that during the lockdown, many older adults – without the neighbours’ or NGOs’ support or the activities undertaken by local authorities –...

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  • Spatial Heterogeneity Impacts of Bilateral Foreign Direct Investment on Green Energy Efficiency in China


    - Rok 2022

    At present, green energy transformation and climate policy are increasingly connected. The need to improve national competitiveness and implement climate and energy strategies means that an energy-consuming country like China must rapidly enhance its green energy efficiency (GEE) and energy consumption structure. The following paper contributes to the existing literature by analyzing the effects of bilateral FDI on GEE from...

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    The appropriate level of treatment during periods of increasing workload in the health care system or a particular hospital is ensured either by changing the organization of the system and the principles of use of resources such as space, staff and consumables or their redistribution, or by financial resources such resources are increased or replenished. This article contributes to improve the concept of resource allocation as...

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  • Trust and distrust in electoral technologies: what can we learn from the failure of electronic voting in the Netherlands (2006/07)


    - Rok 2024

    This paper focuses on the complex dynamics of trust and distrust in digital government technologies by approaching the cancellation of machine voting in the Netherlands (2006-07). This case describes how a previously trusted system can collapse, how paradoxical the relationship between trust and distrust is, and how it interacts with adopting and managing electoral technologies. The analysis stresses how, although...

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  • Damage Detection Strategies in Structural Health Monitoring of Overhead Power Transmission System


    Overhead power transmission lines, their supporting towers, insulators and other elements create a highly distributed system that is vulnerable to damage. Typical damage scenarios cover cracking of foundation, breakage of insulators, loosening of rivets, as well as cracking and breakage of lines. Such scenarios may result from various factors: groundings, lightning strikes, floods, earthquakes, aeolian vibrations, conductors galloping,...

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  • City as a product. Architecture as an Economic Instrument. Are Global Cities People-Friendly Places?


    - Rok 2014

    While spending time in our everyday urban environment do we ever think how particular architecture influences the economic value of that space? Space has its measurable financial value. From the economic point of view a place can be treated as a product that fights for appearing in tourists’ and investors’ consciousnesses. Space - treated as an object of demand and supply - becomes an element in a marketing game. To reach its...

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  • Asynchronous Networked Estimation System for Continuous Time Stochastic Processes


    In this paper we examine an asynchronous networked estimation system for state estimation of continuous time stochastic processes. Such a system is comprised of several estimation nodes connected using a possibly incomplete communication graph. Each of the nodes uses a Kalman filter algorithm and data from a local sensor to compute local state estimates of the process under observation. It also performs data fusion of local estimates...

  • Managing Unemployment under COVID-19 Conditions (States of Emergency or Crisis)

    • P. Banasik
    • S. Morawska
    • M. Porada - Rochoń
    • I. Rudawska
    • M. Godlewska
    • B. Kryk
    • D. Jaskuła
    • N. Skalska

    - Rok 2022

    Rising unemployment is one of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in many countries. This, in turn, has forcedpolicymakers to respond immediately with policy tools to minimize unemployment. The purpose of our study is to contribute toempirical knowledge by looking at activities of 40 local government units to counteract unemployment in the cross-border regionon the Polish side. In doing this, our study contributes to the...

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  • Predicting bankruptcy with the use of macroeconomic variables

    Regarding the current global financial crisis, the firms can expect the increased uncertainty of their existence. The relevant literature includes extensive studies on bankruptcy prediction. Studies show that the most popular method used for prediction of firms' failures are discriminant analyses (30,3% of all models), then logit and probit models (21,3%), which all three are parametric models. The nature, the structure of the...

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  • Russian companies on foreign stock markets: alternative to domestic market?


    - Rok 2014

    First aim of this study is to present the main aspects of the Russian stock market, including obstacles for local companies and investors. Second aim is presentation of the Russian companies listed on foreign stock exchanges. In order to perform such analysis, descriptive statistics and information about qualitative features were used. Assessment of the Russian stock market’s development level covered 2003-2012 time period. According...

  • Maturity Mismatch in the Polish Banking System and its Impact on the Economy


    - Rok 2013

    In the article maturity mismatch in the Polish banking system is estimated based on the publicly available data. Then the impact on the economy is discussed. Based on Polish central bank’s data it may be estimated that between 1996 and 2012 the maturity gap increased significantly – average residual maturity of assets exceeds 6 years in 2012 (less than 2 years in 1996), while that of liabilities remains below 1 year. The gap...

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  • Sustainable Investing. Socio-Economic Impacts of Exchange-Traded Funds


    - Rok 2023

    Sustainable Investing: Socio-Economic Impacts of Exchange-Traded Funds examines the social and economic effects of sustainable investing ETFs and their impacts on the global financial system. The book presents the key issues with regard to sustainable investing, discussing exchange-traded funds mechanisms and categories in comparison to competing investment funds. The book outlines the theoretical determinants of ETF markets development...

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  • Is it possible to create a unified urban greenery management system (UGMS) on a national scale? The concept for EU Member State of Poland



    Motives: Currently developed urban greenery management systems (UGMS) are limited in scope and profiled towards solving particular issues. Moreover, due to the lack of common standards and solutions, UGMS implementation requires considerable financial effort, which is only feasible for wealthy urban centres. There is a need for universal, cost-effective technological solutions which could constitute a common urban green infrastructure...

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  • The Urban Mentoring as a New Method of Participatory Urban Planning in Poland

    Twenty-five years after the return of democracy and the beginning of basing the country's economy on neoliberal developmental paradigm, Poland adopted the regulations regarding management of urban policy, which had been wait for over a decade (accession to the EU). The National Urban Policy as well as the Act on revitalization have defined, in a modern manner, the field of cooperation between the local government, the administration...

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  • Asynchronous distributed state estimation for continuous-time stochastic processes

    We consider the problem of state estimation of a continuous-time stochastic process using an asynchronous distributed multi-sensor estimation system (ADES). In an ADES the state of a process of interest is estimated by a group of local estimators. Each local estimator based, for example, on a Kalman filter, performs single sensor filtration but also fusion of its local results and results from other (remote) processors to compute...

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  • Local basis function estimators for identification of nonstationary systems


    The problem of identification of a nonstationary stochastic system is considered and solved using local basis function approximation of system parameter trajectories. Unlike the classical basis function approach, which yields parameter estimates in the entire analysis interval, the proposed new identification procedure is operated in a sliding window mode and provides a sequence of point (rather than interval) estimates. It is...

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  • The newest researches and applications of treatment wetlands in sewage sludge management

    In the paper the newest researches and applications of treatment wetlands conducted by re-searchers of Civil and Environmental Faculty are presented. Among others it was proved that this technology could be successfully implemented for highly polluted wastewater treatment. Within the research project two multistage treatment wetlands, one for landfill leachate and the second for reject water from digested sewage sludge centrifugation,...

  • Zrównoważony rozwój lokalny. Podstawy teoretyczne i działania praktyczne

    • A. Sekuła
    • A. Miszczuk
    • J. Wojciechowska-Solis
    • J. Nucińska,

    - Rok 2022

    Rozwój zrównoważony to jedna z koncepcji rozwoju lokalnego. Celem monografii jest prezentacja podstaw tego rozwoju na poziomie lokalnym oraz ukazanie jego przejawów i działań praktycznych w sferach gospodarczej, społecznej i ekologicznej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dwóch wewnętrznych czynników rozwojowych – turystyki i oświaty. W pierwszym rozdziale przedstawiono teoretyczne podstawy rozwoju lokalnego. Omówiono najpowszechniej...

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  • Multi-region fuzzy logic controller with local PID controllers for U-tube steam generator in nuclear power plant

    In the paper, analysis of multi-region fuzzy logic controller with local PID controllers for steam generator of pressurized water reactor (PWR) working in wide range of thermal power changes is presented. The U-tube steam generator has a nonlinear dynamics depending on thermal power transferred from coolant of the primary loop of the PWR plant. Control of water level in the steam generator conducted by a traditional PID controller...

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  • Una crisi diversa?


    - Rok 2017

    Il capitolo tratta della recente crisi finanziaria, analizzandone cause e conseguenze per il sistema bancario e finanziario mondiale

  • Non-places in the centre of the historic Main Town in Gdansk? – Design Thinking as a method of solving problems in cities

    The interiors of reconstructed extensive blocks of the historic Main Town in Gdansk are nowadays degraded areas, full of cars, with “holes” after never-finished archaeological excavations. It is not surprising that inhabitants avoid them. These are NON-PLACES. This situation prompts social movements to act. The first step towards the change was the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary project of revitalization of one of the...

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  • Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure in the Top 30 Listed Non Financial Companies in Poland


    - Rok 2014

    This paper offers a first analysis of the relationships between corporate governance models and rules and ownership structure of the top 30 Polish firms listed at the WSE (not considering foreign firms and/or the Polish branches of foreign firms listed at the same stock exchange, nor the financial companies and the banks). The general picture depicted by this analysis is putting into evidence the increasing importance of institutional...

  • Upoważnienie do zaciągania zobowiązań na rzecz jednostek samorządu terytorialnego jako naruszenie dyscypliny finansów publicznych


    Artykuł poświęcony jest zagadnieniu upoważnienia do zaciągania zobowiązań na rzecz jednostek samorządu terytorialnego. W teoretycznej części zdefiniowano dwa pojęcia: zobowiązań oraz zaciągania zobowiązań. Następnie scharakteryzowano zagadnienie podmiotowego i przedmiotowego zaciągania zobowiązań. Nieprzestrzeganie przepisów dotyczących zaciągania zobowiązań, które zawarte są głównie w ustawie o finansach publicznych, prowadzi...

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    Any SBAS system should deliver to the user corrections to pseudoranges as well as information about the system integrity. In theory, as soon as the system is permanently monitored by RIMS stations, it is impossible to deliver the fault information to the user. However many observations shows that accuracy of EGNOS service in the same time are different in different places, which shows the influence of local conditions on them....

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  • Digital Public Service Innovation: Framework Proposal


    - Rok 2016

    This paper proposes the Digital Public Service Innovation Framework that extends the "standard" provision of digital public services according to the emerging, enhanced, transactional and connected stages underpinning the United Nations Global e-Government Survey, with seven example "innovations" in digital public service delivery -- transparent, participatory, anticipatory, personalized, co-created, context-aware and context-smart....

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    The article is an overview of the literature output in the field of banking sector stability. In the literature a plethora of definitions of the term may be encountered. There is no universal definition of the term. Therefore, the article proposes a unique division of the existing explanations into the following groups: stability determined by the quality of the banking sector, stability in terms of its influence on the macroeconomic...

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  • Dynamic Charging of Electric Buses as a Way to Reduce Investment Risks of Urban Transport System Electrification


    - Rok 2020

    Night charging and fast charging are currently the two most common systems for charging electric buses. Despite the fact that numerous trial installations were started, neither of these two systems has obtained unqualified approval of the users. The alternative is to charge vehicles in motion - dynamic charging which combines the advantages of trolleybus transport and of electric buses. One of the advantages is the reduction of...

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  • Possible directions for development of C-ITS services in cities on the example of the TRISTAR System

    During the previous EU financial perspective (2007 - 2013), we observed an intensification of the evelopment of transport management systems using ITS services in Polish cities. One of the biggest territorially and functionally system is Tri-city TRISTAR system, the implementation of which was completed in 2015. The concept of the TRISTAR system and its architecture was developed in the years 2002-2007. Currently, we can observe...

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  • An algorithm for enhancing macromodeling in finite element analysis of waveguide components


    - Rok 2017

    An algorithm for enhancing the finite element method with local model order reduction is presented. The proposed technique can be used in fast frequency domain simulation of waveguide components and resonators. The local reduction process applied to cylindrical subregions is preceded by compression of the number of variables on its boundary. As a result,the finite element large system is converted into a very compact set of linear...

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  • Digestate Quality Originating from Kitchen Waste

    This paper examines the influence of biomass directed to anaerobic digestion on the quality of digestate, specifically focusing on the presence of undesirable substances, such as plastics, including biodegradable ones. It analyses the susceptibility of selected bioplastics to degradation and addresses the problem of reliable identification of microplastics in both feedstock—directed to anaerobic digestion—and produced digestate....

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    • B. Detyna
    • A. Gardocki
    • S. Kaczyński
    • M. F. Kaszubowski
    • U. Kobylińska
    • A. Mroczek-Czetwertyńska
    • Ł. Siemieniuk

    - Rok 2019

    This book is dedicated to widely understood entrepreneurship and financial system in different polish ecosystems. In particular, there is described influence of supporting entrepreneurship to investment development in Walbrzych agglomerations communes with the results of questionnaires for varied groups of inhabitants, entrepreneurs and territorial self-governments. There is also presented analysis of relations within academic...

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  • Arithmetic Loophole in Bell's Theorem: Overlooked Threat to Entangled-State Quantum Cryptography


    Bell’s theorem is supposed to exclude all local hidden-variable models of quantum correlations. However,an explicit counterexample shows that a new class of local realistic models, based on generalized arith-metic and calculus, can exactly reconstruct rotationally symmetric quantum probabilities typical oftwo-electron singlet states. Observable probabilities are consistent with the usual arithmetic employedby macroscopic observers...

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  • Determination of Local Dye Concentration in Hybrid Porous Silica Thin Films

    • A. Synak
    • P. Bojarski
    • B. Grobelna
    • L. Kułak
    • A. Lewkowicz

    - Journal of Physical Chemistry C - Rok 2013

    The idea of determination of local dye concentration in a nanoporous matrix is proposed based on donor − acceptor energy transfer. The method was tested for a Rhodamine 110 − Rhodamine 101 system in silica and methylated silica nanolayers. Evaluation of acceptor (Rhodamine 101) local concentration was carried out by comparing the results of Monte Carlo simulation of energy transfer from donor (Rhodamine 110) to acceptor (Rhodamine...

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  • Robustness Analysis of a Distributed MPC Control System of a Turbo-Generator Set of a Nuclear Plant – Disturbance Issues


    - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing - Rok 2021

    Typically, there are two main control loops with PI controllers operating at each turbo-generator set. In this paper, a distributed model predictive controller with local quadratic model predictive controllers for the turbine generator is proposed instead of a set of classical PI controllers. The local quadratic predictive controllers utilize step-response models for the controlled system components. The parameters of these models...

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  • Organizacja systemu opieki nad seniorami wyzwaniem dla samorządów lokalnych

    A significant part of the activities undertaken so far under the senior policy, also at the local level, have been focused on seniors’ social (physical and educational) activation. The growing number of the oldest seniors, with limited independence, living alone in single‑person households, away from their families, will force the policy priorities to be reoriented in such a way as to develop efforts to provide different types...

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  • Simulation of the Dynamics of Renewable Energy Sources with Energy Storage Systems

    The intermittency of renewable energy sources (RES) constitutes a challenge for effective power system control. Fossil-fuel-based units offering ancillary power services to meet the short-term power imbalance are a financial and environmental burden for the society. Energy storage systems (ESS) can be the solution in view of the electricity market development and growing environmental concern. The major questions are, in what circumstances...

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