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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: connected dominating set
A novel sensor for measuring temperature profile during the thermoablation
PublikacjaAbstract — A novel approach for monitoring a temperature distribution inside a tissue during thermoablation is presented in the paper. A thermal profile is measured using a set of serially connected thermistors each bypassed by a capacitor. This technique allows a two-wire and simultaneous multi- point measurements using a multi-frequency measurement of electrical impedance. It is...
Secure Italian domination in graphs
PublikacjaAn Italian dominating function (IDF) on a graph G is a function f:V(G)→{0,1,2} such that for every vertex v with f(v)=0, the total weight of f assigned to the neighbours of v is at least two, i.e., ∑u∈NG(v)f(u)≥2. For any function f:V(G)→{0,1,2} and any pair of adjacent vertices with f(v)=0 and u with f(u)>0, the function fu→v is defined by fu→v(v)=1, fu→v(u)=f(u)−1 and fu→v(x)=f(x) whenever x∈V(G)∖{u,v}. A secure Italian dominating...
Improving the production planning and control process
PublikacjaFocusing the activities of a production business on the strategy based on quality entails orientation on meeting the expectations of the customers with respect to the product itself, and the terms of its delivery. The article notes the role of the production planning and control process in improving the quality of the business offer. It identifies the objectives set for the process from the perspective of meeting the expectations...
Mobile mutual-visibility sets in graphs
PublikacjaGiven a connected graph G, the mutual-visibility number of G is the cardinality of a largest set S such that for every pair of vertices x, y ∈ S there exists a shortest x, y-path whose interior vertices are not contained in S. Assume that a robot is assigned to each vertex of the set S. At each stage, one robot can move to a neighbouring vertex. Then S is a mobile mutual-visibility set of G if there exists a sequence of moves of...
PublikacjaSocial entrepreneurs, very often operate with highly limited resources, not to say with virtually nothing. They possess motivation, but apart from financial or technical resources very often they also need complex set of skills, especially those connected with leadership. Social entrepreneurship is similar to business entrepreneurship in many way, however there are some differences. Both similarities and differences can be find...
Zastosowanie algorytmu MSA (Multiple Similar Areas) do wyznaczania map głębi w wielowidokowych systemach widzenia komputerowego
PublikacjaArtykuł podejmuje temat pozyskiwania map głębi (ang. depth map) na podstawie zdjęć z wielu kamer w wyniku widzenia stereoskopowego. Mapa głębi zawierająca odległości od obiektów będących w zasięgu widzenia kamer pozyskana może zostać na podstawie zdjęć z co najmniej dwóch kamer pełniących funkcję kamery stereoskopowej. W mapach głębi pozyskanych w ten sposób występują jednak błędy. Artykuł dotyczy metod redukcji błędów dzięki zwiększeniu...
Light intensity analysis of photovoltaic parameters for perovskite solar cells
PublikacjaThe number of publications on perovskite solar cells (PSC) continues to grow exponentially. Although the efficiency of PSC is exceeded 25.5%, not every research laboratory can reproduce this result or even pass the border of 20%. Unfortunately, it is not always clear which dominating mechanism is responsible for the performance drop. Here, we develop a simple method of light intensity analysis of JV parameters allowing the understanding...
Numerical Model of Femur Part
PublikacjaThe aim of the study is to create a new more accurate method of femur part modelling by using the finite element method. According to this new method, a femur part is treated as a complex structure composed of trabecular bone (internal part) and cortical bone (external part). The internal part is modelled as a scaffold, thus the external part is modelled as a coat (i.e. covering). Applying the programme ABAQUS, there were created...
Control of mass concentration of reagents by sound in a gas with nonequilibrium chemical reactions
PublikacjaThe weakly nonlinear dynamics of a chemically reacting gas is studied. Nonlinear interaction of acoustic and nonacoustic types of motion are considered. We decompose the base equations using the relationships of the gas-dynamic perturbations specific for every type of motion. The governing equation for the mass fraction of a reagent influenced by dominating sound is derived and discussed. The conclusions concern the equilibrium...
Analyzing the Impact of Simulated Multispectral Images on Water Classification Accuracy by Means of Spectral Characteristics
PublikacjaRemote sensing is widely applied in examining the parameters of the state and quality of water. Spectral characteristics of water are strictly connected with the dispersion of electromagnetic radiation by suspended matter and the absorp-tion of radiation by water and chlorophyll a and b.Multispectral sensor ALI has bands within the ranges of electromagnetic radia-tion: blue and infrared, absent in sensors such as Landsat, SPOT,...
Global defensive secure structures
PublikacjaLet S ⊂ V (G) for a given simple non-empty graph G. We define for any nonempty subset X of S the predicate SECG,S(X) = true iff |NG[X]∩S| ≥ |NG[X]\S|. Let H be a non-empty family of graphs such that for each vertex v ∈ V (G) there is a subgraph H of G containing v and isomorphic to a member of H. We introduce the concept of H-alliance extending the concept of global defensive secure structures. By an H-alliance in a graph G we...
Investigation into MPI All-Reduce Performance in a Distributed Cluster with Consideration of Imbalanced Process Arrival Patterns
PublikacjaThe paper presents an evaluation of all-reduce collective MPI algorithms for an environment based on a geographically-distributed compute cluster. The testbed was split into two sites: CI TASK in Gdansk University of Technology and ICM in University of Warsaw, located about 300 km from each other, both connected by a fast optical fiber Ethernet-based 100 Gbps network (900 km part of the PIONIER backbone). Each site hosted a set...
Lefschetz periodic point free self-maps of compact manifolds
PublikacjaLet f be a self-map of a compact connected manifold M. We characterize Lefschetz periodic point free continuous self-maps of M for several classes of manifolds and generalize the results of Guirao and Llibre [J.L.G. Guirao, J. Llibre, On the Lefschetz periodic point free continuous self-maps on connected compact manifolds,
PublikacjaThe paper deals with issues connected with the behaviour of a streamer cable towed by a survey seismic vessel when the cable undergoes a strike triggered by collision with an underwater moving object. The consequences of such collisions may be both threat to the life of marine animals or damage to underwater units and large economic losses suffered by vessel owners. The risk of such collisions has increased over the last years...
Quantitative risk assessment of new ship designs in damage conditions
PublikacjaThe paper is devoted to safety of ships in damage conditions. The novel contribution of the paper is connected with a new Multi-Task ship (MT-ship) design at the preliminary stage of design. There are a few problems at the preliminary stage that should be considered. One problem is connected with if the quantitative risk-based method is a reliable and formal method for safety assessment of such the new design (MT-ship) in damage...
The Backbone Coloring Problem for Small Graphs
PublikacjaIn this paper we investigate the values of the backbone chromatic number, derived from a mathematical model for the problem of minimization of bandwidth in radio networks, for small connected graphs and connected backbones (up to 7 vertices). We study the relationship of this parameter with the structure of the graph and compare the results with the solutions obtained using the classical graph coloring algorithms (LF, IS), modified...
Removal of indicator bacteria from treated wastewater using physical and chemical methods. Pilot plant study.
PublikacjaEven after highly efficient biological processes the effluents from wastewater treatment plants may contain significant number of fecal bacteria, from 104 to 106 CFU/100 mL. Since no standards are set on the bacteriological quality of treated wastewater in Poland the elimination of bacterial contaminants is not a priority in wastewater treatment policy. Thus microbiological hazards become particularly significant in the situation...
PublikacjaNanofluids came to be seen as a new generation of coolants, both in single- and two phase systems. Furthermore, nanofluids or nanocomposites may be used as a media in a thermal energy storage (TES) in such systems as sensible heat storage (SHS) and phase change materials (PCM). In the SHS systems the dominating mechanism of the heat transfer is natural convection. However, in the literature only a few investigations of free convection...
Experimental investigation of free convection of glycol-Al2O3 nanofluid from horizontal tube
PublikacjaNanofluids came to be seen as a new generation of coolants, both in single- and two phase systems. Furthermore, nanofluids or nanocomposites may be used as a media in a thermal energy storage (TES) in such systems as sensible heat storage (SHS) and phase change materials (PCM). In the SHS systems the dominating mechanism of the heat transfer is natural convection. However, in the literature only a few investigations of free convection...
Empirically adjusted and consistent set of EHT valence orbital parametersfor all elements of the periodic table. Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. [online]. 2004 vol. 12 [dostęp..] s. 21-32, 3 rys. 3 tab. bibliogr. 35 poz. Dostępny w Internecie 0965-0393 Jednorodny skorygowany empirycznie zbiór parametrów EHT dla orbitali walen- cyjnych pierwiastków.
PublikacjaModel atomu HFS został zmodyfikowany poprzez przypisanie każdemu z atomówindywidualnego parametru ŕ. Wartości ŕ dobrano w oparciu o pierwszy poten-cjał jonizacji atomu. Parametry EHT wyznaczono w oparciu o tak zmodyfikowa-ny model HFS.
Lefschetz periodic point free self-maps of compact manifolds
PublikacjaLet f be a self-map of a compact connected manifold M. We characterize Lefschetz periodic point free continuous self-maps of M for several classes of manifolds and generalize the results of Guirao and Llibre [J.L.G. Guirao, J. Llibre, On the Lefschetz periodic point free continuous self-maps on connected compact manifolds, Topology Appl. 158 (16) (2011) 2165-2169].
An Application Supporting Gastroesophageal Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance-pH Analysis
PublikacjaDue to a significant rise in the number of patients diagnosed with diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract and the high cost of treatment, there is a need to further research on one of the most popular diagnostic tests used in this case – esophageal Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance and pH measurement. This may lead to finding new diagnostically relevant information, used to quicken and improve the diagnostic procedure....
Innovation in the strategies of Polish provinces - a comparative study of selected cases
PublikacjaMany strategic management theorists and practitioners believe that the implementation of innovation is one of the key factors determining the company success and show the relationship between long-term innovation strategy and business development strategy. It has also been claimed that similar strategies should be developed for each unit of public administrationMinistry of Economy has set National Development Strategy 2007-2015...
Dynamic F-free Coloring of Graphs
PublikacjaA problem of graph F-free coloring consists in partitioning the vertex set of a graph such that none of the resulting sets induces a graph containing a fixed graph F as an induced subgraph. In this paper we consider dynamic F-free coloring in which, similarly as in online coloring, the graph to be colored is not known in advance; it is gradually revealed to the coloring algorithm that has to color each vertex upon request as well...
Analysis of Residual Stresses and Dislocation Density of AA6082 Butt Welds Produced by Friction Sir Welding
PublikacjaThe Friction Stir Welding (FSW) method was employed to join AA6082 sheets. The welds were produced with different tool traverse speed (200 and 250 mm/min), rotational speed (1000 and 1250 RPM) and tool tilt angle (0 and 2 deg). Based on the analysis of XRD patterns, the total precipitation volume fractions in the nugget zones and the base material were calculated. The FSW process resulted in a reduction in the fraction of precipitates...
An Influence of Factors of Flow Condition, Particle and Material Properties on Slurry Erosion Resistance
PublikacjaThe degradation of materials due to slurry erosion is the serious problem which occurs in the power industries. The paper presents actual knowledge about an influence of individual factors connected with flow conditions, particles and material properties on the slurry erosion resistance. Among the factors connected with operating conditions, an influence of impact angle, and velocity of impact, particle concertation and liquid...
A biochemical multi-species quality model of a drinking water distribution system for simulation and design
PublikacjaDrinking Water Distribution Systems (DWDSs) play a key role in sustainable development of modern society. They are classified as critical infrastructure systems. This imposes a large set of highly demanding requirements on the DWDS operation and requires dedicated algorithms for on-line monitoring and control to tackle related problems. Requirements on DWDS availability restrict the usability of the real plant in the design phase....
Gdynia City Centre as a Historical Monument
PublikacjaThe articel presents the experience connected with the legal protection and conservation of modern monuments built before WWII in Gdynia City Center
Opinion about causes of framing of Kingston chest (box cooler) damage, on PSV vessel VS4411 DF-PSV (B-855)
PublikacjaThe subject of analysis is a damage of welded connection of box cooler framing segments, made as separate bars 50mm thickness, connected by the welds in corners. Studies of documents delivered by Customer shows cracks on the fusion of filet welds and twisting of box cooler frame. The subject of analysis is a damage of welded connection of box cooler framing segments, made as separate bars 50mm thickness, connected by the welds...
Asynchronous Networked Estimation System for Continuous Time Stochastic Processes
PublikacjaIn this paper we examine an asynchronous networked estimation system for state estimation of continuous time stochastic processes. Such a system is comprised of several estimation nodes connected using a possibly incomplete communication graph. Each of the nodes uses a Kalman filter algorithm and data from a local sensor to compute local state estimates of the process under observation. It also performs data fusion of local estimates...
Hybrid stepless distribution transformer with four-quadrant AC/DC/AC converter at low voltage side - simulation tests
PublikacjaThe article presents the work of the stepless hybrid distribution transformer (HT), as an alternative to the so far applied Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) solutions, used to control the voltage in the power system in terms of the fundamental harmonic. The HT is a combination of a conventional distribution transformer and an AC/DC/AC converter connected in series with the transformers secondary winding. In the work the basic...
The shallow sea experiment with usage of linear hydrophone array
PublikacjaPurpose of this article is to present designed and made linear hydrophone array and the results obtained during in situ trails on Gulf of Gdańsk. The measuring system allowed to localize hydrophones in the selected points and perform measurements in both the horizontal antenna positioning and vertical. Made in this way recordings allow creating accurate 3D imaging of sound intensity/propagation. During research three floating objects...
Chemical, Physical, and Mechanical Properties of 95-Year-Old Concrete Built-In Arch Bridge
PublikacjaThis research aimed to determine the durability and strength of an old concrete built-in arch bridge based on selected mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of the concrete. The bridge was erected in 1925 and is located in Jagodnik (northern Poland). Cylindrical specimens were taken from the side ribs connected to the top plate using a concrete core borehole diamond drill machine. The properties of the old concrete were...
Estimation of the minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of odd dimensional real projective spaces
PublikacjaLet f be a smooth self-map of a closed connected manifold of dimension m⩾3. The authors introduced in [G. Graff, J. Jezierski, Minimizing the number of periodic points for smooth maps. Non-simply connected case, Topology Appl. 158 (3) (2011) 276-290] the topological invariant NJD_r[f], where r is a fixed natural number, which is equal to the minimal number of r-periodic points in the smooth homotopy class of f. In this paper smooth...
Uniqueness or uniformity - studies of media architecture
PublikacjaA development of media architecture is presented in light of to such phenomena as aesthetization, consumerism and digitization. This article deals with media architecture in commercial spaces. Media solutions impact on the architectural skin, making it into visible and dynamic points of the image of a post-modern city. This article presents the specificity of media solutions, depending on the function of commercial activity buildings...
Satellite Image Classification Using a Hierarchical Ensemble Learning and Correlation Coefficient-Based Gravitational Search Algorithm
PublikacjaSatellite image classification is widely used in various real-time applications, such as the military, geospatial surveys, surveillance and environmental monitoring. Therefore, the effective classification of satellite images is required to improve classification accuracy. In this paper, the combination of Hierarchical Framework and Ensemble Learning (HFEL) and optimal feature selection is proposed for the precise identification...
Hybrid no-signaling-quantum correlations
PublikacjaFundamental investigations in non-locality have shown that while the no-signaling principle alone is not sufficient to single out the set of quantum non-local correlations, local quantum mechanics and no-signaling together exactly reproduce the set of quantum correlations in the two-party Bell scenario. Here, we introduce and study an intermediate hybrid no-signaling quantum set of non-local correlations that we term HNSQ in the...
Stanowisko do diagnostyki i regulacji wyzwalaczy przekaźników w obwodach lokomotyw elektrycznych
PublikacjaFast circuit breaker and protective relays play an important role of protecting locomotive’s electrical circuits from damage caused by short circuit or overload. Undisturbed operation and proper circuit protection depends on the technical condition and fine calibration of the over-current trips. Therefore the relays should be subject to periodic inspection and adjustment due to locomotive maintenance schedule. A test stand for...
PublikacjaThe paper presents usage of a Particle Swarm Optimization [1] based algorithm for spectral-based modal parameters identification. The main algorithm consists of two groups of swarms, namely, scouts and helpers. For the first group additional penalizing process is provided to force separation of scouting swarms in frequency space. The swarms have an ability to communicate with each other. At first stage, each swarm focuses on a...
Changes in conditions of acoustic wave propagation in the Gdansk deep as an effect of climate changes in the Baltic Sea region
PublikacjaThe article presents the results from a research project investigating acoustic climate changes in the Gdansk Deep based on data extending from 1902 to 2019. This part of the southern Gotland Basin, is rarely discussed in the scientific literature. The speed of sound in the seawater is a function of temperature, salinity, and depth. In such shallow sea as Baltic Sea, the impact of depth is not substantial. The other two factors...
CM Voltage Compensators for Power Electronic Interfaces
PublikacjaThe experimental results presented in the paper have shown that the application of the PEIs might cause EMC related problems, especially in the case of the application of a group of connected converters. The most convenient way to reduce EMI currents and prevent aggregation of EMI currents introduced by a group of converters is through passive compensation of voltage interference sources inside of the single converters. In the...
Elastic wave propapagation in diagnostics of self-drilling system of grouted anchors
PublikacjaThe paper presents an experimental investigation of elastic wave propagation in a self-drilling hollow bar system, which is commonly used in geotechnical industry as the element of grouted ground anchors and soil nails. The single self-drilling hollow bar and self-drilling system of two bars connected by a coupler were considered. Longitudinal waves were excited at one end of the bar and registered at both ends, by means of PZT...
Modern technologies in energy demand reducing of public transport — Practical applications
PublikacjaCity of Gdynia (Poland) exploits one of the most modern trolleybus network in Europe, which has been involved in many projects related to the reduction of energy consumption. Some of them are connected with the improving of energy breaking recovery usage. An experimental stationary storage system at Północna substation, which was tested in 2012-2014, is a bright example of a system which is connected with the improving of the...
Students’ soft urban planning skills and local development are the benefits from the Fair of Good Practice. Small cities - big challengesprogramme
PublikacjaThe urban planner in practice needs soft skills when dealing with public consultations connected to local development plans. To improve the abilities of architecture and urban planning students to discuss solutions and to support the development of local public spaces of small towns in the Pomeranian voivodeship ( province) in Poland, the Fair of Good Practice. Small cities - big challenges programme...
Distributed graph searching with a sense of direction
PublikacjaIn this work we consider the edge searching problem for vertex-weighted graphs with arbitrarily fast and invisible fugitive. The weight function w provides for each vertex v the minimum number of searchers required to guard v, i.e., the fugitive may not pass through v without being detected only if at least w(v) searchers are present at v. This problem is a generalization of the classical edge searching problem, in which one has...
Structure and the space vector modulation for a medium-voltage power-electronic-transformer based on two seven-level cascade H-bridge inverters
PublikacjaThis study presents the structure and the space vector pulse-width modulation (SVPWM) for power electronic transformer (PET) based on two seven-level cascade H-bridge (CHB) inverters. The DC links of CHB inverters are coupled with nine dual-active bridge (DAB) converters with medium-frequency transformers. The DC-link voltages are equalised with two methods – through the control of DAB voltages...
Technique to improve CMRR at high frequencies in CMOS OTA-C filters
PublikacjaIn this paper a technique to improve the common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) at high frequencies in the OTA-C filters is proposed. The technique is applicable to most OTA-C filters using CMOS operational transconductance amplifiers (OTA) based on differential pairs. The presented analysis shows that a significant broadening of CMRR bandwidth can be achieved by using a differential pair with the bodies of transistors connected to...
Earthworks calculations due to reconstruction of railway geometrical layout
PublikacjaThe paper characterizes continuation of ongoing work of computer program MUGO which is connected with earthworks. The program is related to the modernization of the railway track layout. The methodology for the calculating the size of earthworks in the areas of embankments on the two way railway line is discussed in detail.
Data on LEGO sets release dates and worldwide retail prices combined with aftermarket transaction prices in Poland between June 2018 and June 2023
PublikacjaThe dataset contains LEGO bricks sets item count and pricing history for AI-based set pricing prediction. The data spans the timeframe from June 2018 to June 2023. The data was obtained from three sources: (LEGO sets retail prices, release dates, and IDs), official web page (ID number of each set that was released by Lego, its retail prices, the current status of the set) and web page (the retail...
Mulimedia manuals for descriptive geometry and engineering graphics
PublikacjaThe article discusses issues connected with ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) implementation in Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics Education. The presentation of the issues is supported by the author's multimedia manuals made in Multimedia Flash MX technology and published on the Gdańsk University of Technology net.