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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: album covers analysis
Relationship between album cover design and music genres.
PublikacjaThe aim of the study is to find out whether there exists a relationship between typographic, compositional and coloristic elements of the music album cover design and music contained in the album. The research study involves basic statistical analysis of the manually extracted data coming from the worldwide album covers. The samples represent 34 different music genres, coming from nine countries from around the world. There are...
PublikacjaKonkurencyjność uznawana jest za jeden z ważniejszych elementów globalnego życia społeczno-ekonomicznego. W skali makro konkurencyjność danej gospodarki jest utożsamiana z jej zdolnością do tworzenia w długim okresie większego bogactwa w stosunku do innych gospodarek narodowych oraz zdolności do budowania przewagi konkurencyjnej na rynku. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest wskazanie wpływu zmian metodologicznych w rachunkach narodowych...
PublikacjaPolska, podobnie jak i inne kraje europejskie doświadcza w przyspieszonym tempie zmian demograficznych, które w krajach o rozwiniętych gospodarkach rynkowych rozpoczęły się w latach 60. XX wieku. Procesy nieodwracalne, związane ze starzeniem się społeczeństwa na początku zaobserwowano w Skandynawii, następnie proces ten objął kraje Europy Zachodniej, Europy Południowej, w latach 90. XX wieku – również Europę Środkową i Wschodnią....
PublikacjaPracę definiuje się w różny sposób w zależności od przyjętego kryterium i dyscypliny naukowej, której jest ona przedmiotem badań. Może być traktowana jako źródło dochodów umożliwiających zaspokojenie potrzeb człowieka lub jako podstawowy czynnik produkcji wpływający na efektywność funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstwa. Z punktu widzenia gospodarki praca stanowi jeden z głównych czynników wzrostu i rozwoju gospodarczego. Praca pełni...
Limit States of Shallow Bridge Foundations With Sheet Piling Covers
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PublikacjaGłównym celem artykułu było określenie determinant eksportu polskiego przemysłu przetwórczego na podstawie danych pochodzących z 13 podsekcji przetwórstwa przemysłowego wyodrębnionych zgodnie z NACE 1.1. Analiza z wykorzystaniem modelu ECM objęła lata 1995–2011 i została przeprowadzona dwutorowo – dla całej sekcji przemysłu przetwórczego oraz dla poszczególnych jego podsekcji. Autorki zbadały, jak popyt zagraniczny, popyt krajowy,...
Współpracować i konkurować w szkolnictwie wyższym – czy to ma sens? Analiza wybranych związków statystycznych
PublikacjaCel: Celem głównym artykułu jest wykazanie, że współpraca i pozycja konkurencyjna uczelni są ze sobą powiązane. Celem szczegółowym jest wykazanie, że sukces, jakim jest uzyskanie finansowania projektu badawczego jest powiązany z poziomem współpracy międzynarodowej konkurujących uczelni, a także z relacją liczby studentów do liczby nauczycieli akademickich. Materiał i metoda: W artykule przyjęto metodę ilościową, której elementem...
Zmiany udziału pracy w dochodzie narodowym a nierówności społeczne na przykładzie państw Grupy Wyszehradzkiej
PublikacjaDokonująca się liberalizacja handlu, rynków pieniężnych i kapitałowych, umiędzynaro-dowienie produkcji oraz szybkie i szerokie wykorzystanie technologii stanowiące siłę napędową globalizacji włączyły, transformującą się gospodarkę polską w ten proces. Globalizacja określa rozprzestrzenianie się charakterystycznych trendów światowej ekonomii, polityki, życia społecznego i kultury na całym świecie, niezależnie od stopnia zaawansowania...
Synteza układu sterowania statkiem morskim dynamicznie pozycjonowanym w warunkach niepewności
PublikacjaNiniejsza monografia obejmuje zagadnienia związane z syntezą układu dynamicznego pozycjonowania statku w środowisku morskim z zastosowaniem wybranych nieliniowych metod sterowania. W ramach pracy autorka rozważała struktury sterowania z zastosowaniem wektorowej adaptacyjnej metody backstep oraz metod jej pokrewnych, takich jak regulatory MSS (ang. multiple surface sliding), DSC (ang. dynamic surface control), NB (ang. neural backstepping)....
The Effect of the Method of Plant Protection on the Quality of Remontant Strawberry Cultivars Grown in a Gutter System under Covers
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Nadmiarowe zgony podczas pandemii COVID-19 w Polsce i ocena skuteczności szczepień
PublikacjaZ powodu pandemii COVID-19 zmarły miliony ludzi na całym świecie. Jak wynika z wielu badań, szczepienia przeciw chorobie wywołanej wirusem SARS-CoV-2 okazały się środ-kiem ograniczającym skalę zachorowań i liczbę zgonów. Celem badania omawianego w artyku-le jest pomiar skali pandemii w Polsce za pomocą liczby nadmiarowych zgonów w podregio-nach według klasyfikacji NUTS 3 i w grupach wieku, a następnie określenie zależności pomiędzy...
CO2 Capture by Virgin Ivy Plants Growing Up on the External Covers of Houses as a Rapid Complementary Route to Achieve Global GHG Reduction Targets
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Phytochemical screening and effect of Viscum album L. on monoamine oxidase A and B activity and serotonin, dopamine and serotonin receptor 5-HTR1A levels in Galleria mellonealla (Lepidoptera)
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Social development – a multidimensional approach to social development analysis. Country level evidence.
PublikacjaThe paper constitutes an extensive analysis of level of social development in multidimensional and complex way. The study covers 144 world countries. Each country is analyzed in from the perspective of 8 non-income variables in 2011.
System subwencjonowania jednostek samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce: dysfunkcje i pożądane kierunki racjonalizacji
PublikacjaMonografia poświęcona jest problematyce racjonalizacji subwencjonowania samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce. Jej głównym celem jest określenie roli i znaczenia subwencji w systemie finansowym jednostek samorządu terytorialnego. Za dysfunkcje w największym stopniu zniekształcające system subwencjonowania uznano: ― brak powiązania globalnej kwoty subwencji ogólnej ze składowymi budżetu państwa, ― pomijanie, przy ocenie potencjału...
Analysis of the process of water entry of an amphibious vehicle
PublikacjaThe paper presents a method of computational and experimental analysis of the process of water entry of an amphibious vehicle. The computational method is based on the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations (RANSE) solver and the xperiment was carried out in the towing tank at Ship Design and Research Centre S.A. with the use of a scale model. The analysis was focused on the safety of water entry, i.e. the maximum pitch and...
Times Series Analysis Of Road Safety Trends At The Regional Level In Poland
PublikacjaThe paper presents possibility of applying a structural times series modeling with explanatory and intervention variables as a tool capable for explaining the changes in the monthly number of fatalities and seriously injured in traffic accidents. The analysis covers regional level and takes into consideration traffic accidents data of two regions: Pomorskie and Warmia-Mazury. In addition short-term forecasts for the two regions...
Global value chains and productivity gains: a cross-country analysis
PublikacjaThe main aim of this article is to assess the implications of involvement in global value chains (GVC) on sectoral productivity growth from the international perspective. Our panel data analysis covers 40 countries, 20 industries (13 manufacturing and 7 services sectors) in the period 1995–2011. Estimation results suggest that there is a positive link between TFP growth and the involvement of sectors in global value chains (measured...
Informal employment in Poland: an empirical spatial analysis
PublikacjaThe main goal of our article is to bridge the gap in the regional analysis of informal employment in Poland and in particular to indicate the propensity for informal work in the working-age population, to test if informal activities are typical for marginalized people (less educated, unemployed, older) and to identify the regional and spatial heterogeneity in the propensity. We use data from the ‘Human Capital Balance 2010–2014’...
Analysis of the Impact of Galileo Observations on the Tropospheric Delays Estimation
PublikacjaIn this study we present analysis of the impact of Galileo observations on the ZTD and tropospheric gradients estimation. The tropospheric parameters were obtained in various scenarios, which differ from each other only in used satellite systems: Galileo-only, GPS-only, GPS/Galileo, GPS/GLONASS and GPS/GLONASS/Galileo. Then, comparative analysis between Galileo-only solution and the other ones, was carried out. As a reference,...
PublikacjaNew food products and diverse formulations containing the regulated steviol glycoside(s) as well as Stevia extracts or Stevia leaves have been brought on the global market. The upcoming multitude of such food products, but also their falsification and adulteration, does have impact on food analysis. Robust high-throughput methods that cope with different food matrices are required for food control to ensure food safety. The analysis...
Analysis of the Environmental Impact of the Hull Construction of a Small Vessel Based on LCA
PublikacjaIn recent years, issues related to the impact of human activity on the natural environment have become pressing, and the challenge of global warming necessitates immediate action. To support environmental protection efforts, it has become imperative to adopt a broader perspective when evaluating various products and systems. A valuable tool for such assessments is a life cycle assessment (LCA), which enables a comprehensive analysis...
Finite element modelling of a historic church structure in the context of a masonry damage analysis
PublikacjaThe paper includes a case study of modelling a real historic church using the finite element method (FEM) based on laser scans of its geometry. The main goal of the study was the analysis of the causes of cracking and crushing of masonry walls. An FEM model of the structure has been defined in ABAQUS. A non-linear dynamic explicit analysis with material model including damage plasticity has been performed. A homogenization procedure...
Combined thrust radial bearing of a submarine main shaft – Design and analysis of failure
PublikacjaThis paper presents an analysis of the combined thrust radial bearing of a submarine propulsion shaft. The lubrication system of the bearing is based on a fixed ring. The efficiency of the lubrication system depends on the shaft speed and temperature, which affects oil viscosity. In turn, the thrust bearing load also depends on the rotational speed of the shaft, because as the speed increases, the drag of the ship increases simultaneously,...
Applications of Tensor Analysis in Continuum Mechanics
PublikacjaA tensor field is a tensor-valued function of position in space. The use of tensor fields allows us to present physical laws in a clear, compact form. A byproduct is a set of simple and clear rules for the representation of vector differential operators such as gradient, divergence, and Laplacian in curvilinear coordinate systems. The tensorial nature of a quantity permits us to formulate transformation rules for its components...
Geometrically nonlinear analysis of shells - Benchmark problems for Autocad Robot Analysis Professional
PublikacjaThe aim of this work is to verify the suitability of commercial engineering software for geometrically nonlinear analysis of shells. This paper deals with the static, geometrically nonlinear analysis of shells made of an isotropic material. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is chosen to solve the problem. The results of the commercial software Autocad Robot Structural Analysis Professional (ARSAP) are compared with the litera-ture...
Numerical analysis of elastic wave propagation in unbounded structures
PublikacjaThe main objective of this paper is to show the effectiveness and usefulness of the concept of an absorbing layer with increasing damping (ALID) in numerical investigations of elastic wave propagation in unbounded engineering structures. This has been achieved by the authors by a careful investigation of three different types of structures characterised by gradually increasing geometrical and mathematical description complexities....
PLE in the analysis of plant compounds
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PLE in the analysis of plant compounds
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How ethics combine with big data: a bibliometric analysis
PublikacjaThe term Big Data is becoming increasingly widespread throughout the world, and its use is no longer limited to the IT industry, quantitative scientific research, and entrepreneurship, but entered as well everyday media and conversations. The prevalence of Big Data is simply a result of its usefulness in searching, downloading, collecting and processing massive datasets. It is therefore not surprising that the number of scientific...
Proposition of the methodology for Data Acquisition, Analysis and Visualization in support of Industry 4.0
PublikacjaIndustry 4.0 offers a comprehensive, interlinked, and holistic approach to manufacturing. It connects physical with digital and allows for better collaboration and access across departments, partners, vendors, product, and people. Consequently, it involves complex designing of highly specialized state of the art technologies. Thus, companies face formidable challenges in the adoption of these new technologies....
An annotated timeline of sensitivity analysis
PublikacjaThe last half a century has seen spectacular progresses in computing and modelling in a variety of fields, applications, and methodologies. Over the same period, a cross-disciplinary field known as sensitivity analysis has been making its first steps, evolving from the design of experiments for laboratory or field studies, also called ‘in-vivo’, to the so-called experiments ‘in-silico’. Some disciplines were quick to realize the...
Sensitivity analysis of a composite footbridge
PublikacjaThis work include an example of sensitivity analysis for the design of a composite footbridge. A sandwich structure is used, consisting two high-strength skins separated by a core material. The analysis was conducted for two numerical models. The first one is a simple, single-span beam of a composite cross-section (laminate and foam), with different Young’s modulus for each material. Calculations were made by means of a MATLAB-based...
Data Analysis in Bridge of Data
PublikacjaThe chapter presents the data analysis aspects of the Bridge of Data project. The software framework used, Jupyter, and its configuration are presented. The solution’s architecture, including the TRYTON supercomputer as the underlying infrastructure, is described. The use case templates provided by the Stat-reducer application are presented, including data analysis related to spatial points’ cloud-, audio- and wind-related research.
PublikacjaThe paper covers basics of the vortex model used for propeller-stator systems. The outline of the design algorithm is given and the results of its application are shown. The designed propeller-stator system was the subject of model tests run at the CTO model basin and cavitation tunnel. Stator’s influence on the delivered power required by the propeller and its revolution rate has been examined by conducting self-propulsion...
Using Principal Component Analysis and Canonical Discriminant Analysis for multibeam seafloor characterisation data
PublikacjaThe paper presents the seafloor characterisation based on multibeam sonar data. It relies on using the integrated model and description of three types of multibeam data obtained during seafloor sensing: 1) the grey-level sonar images (echograms) of seabed, 2) the 3D model of the seabed surface which consists of bathymetric data, 3) the set of time domain bottom echo envelopes received in the consecutive sonar beams. The classification...
Analysis of The Behavior of Foundations of Historical Buildings
PublikacjaThe article is devoted to the analysis of the behavior of the foundations of historic buildings. Some basic aspects of foundation engineering are discussed, with an emphasis placed on its development, applied techniques, and materials. Several different approaches and methods for the analysis of foundations of historical buildings are presented. A particular analysis has been focused on an example of a typical stone foundation...
Analysis of the chemical composition of sediments
PublikacjaAnalysis of sediments and corrosion products was carried out, including microscoping and spectroscopic measurements with SEM/EDX
The labor market in industrial cluster analysis
PublikacjaThe paper offers a description of methodologies used in industrial cluster analysis in conjunction with the labor market analysis. The author explores many tools utilized in cluster identi-fication: quantitative methods (LQ, shift-share), qualitative methods (MSQA) and mixed tools (cluster analysis in conjunction with discriminant analysis, spider diagram, GEM model, ne-twork analysis). Each tool is described in terms of its connection...
A risk analysis of winter navigation in Finnish sea areas
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The analysis of firms’ involvement in internationalisation and determinants of its intensity – an analysis for developing and post-transition economies
PublikacjaThe study presents the empirical analysis of firms’ involvement in different forms of internationalisation: export, indirect export, import, indirect import and finally simultaneous exporting and importing. The analysis is based on firm-level data from the World Bank Enterprise Survey (March 2017 release). The empirical part is divided into two stages. Firstly account is taken of firms’ heterogeneity and then a Melitz type analysis...
Characterisation of asbestos-containing wastes by thermal analysis
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Urine headspace analysis in medical diagnostics
PublikacjaThe analysis of the volatile organic compounds in the bodily fluids such as urine may provide useful information on the patients’ general health. The potential application of urine headspace analysis could facilitate the diagnostics of various diseases such as metabolic disorders, urinary tract diseases and gastrointestinal conditions. Described in this paper are the currently available techniques of urine sample analysis as well...
Food analysis using artificial senses.
PublikacjaNowadays, consumers are paying great attention to the characteristics of food such as smell, taste, and appearance. This motivates scientists to imitate human senses using devices known as electronic senses. These include electronic noses, electronic tongues, and computer vision. Thanks to the utilization of various sensors and methods of signal analysis, artificial senses are widely applied in food analysis for process monitoring...
A higher order transversely deformable shell-type spectral finite element for dynamic analysis of isotropic structures
PublikacjaThis paper deals with certain aspects related to the dynamic behaviour of isotropic shell-like structures analysed by the use of a higher order transversely deformable shell-type spectral finite element newly formulated and the approach known as the Time-domain Spectral Finite Element Method (TD-SFEM). Although recently this spectral approach is reported in the literature as a very powerful numerical tool used to solve various...
Interface analysis of compatibilized polymer blends
PublikacjaThis chapter seeks to address the interface location in the compatibilized polymer blends and paves the way for quantitative analysis of interface in terms of interfacial tension and interfacial adhesion to provide support for understanding the relationship between morphology and ultimate properties in the compatibilized polymer blends through the lens of interface. Since understanding and analysis of interfacial phenomena in the...
Security aspects in functional safety analysis
PublikacjaA security level of distributed control and protection system may have a significant impact on the results of functional safety analysis. However, the issue of integrating the safety and security aspects is difficult and usually is neglected during the functional safety analysis. This article presents a method of functional safety analysis which takes into consideration a concept of integrating these two aspects. It is based on...
On analysis of nanocomposite conical structures
PublikacjaThis research examines the analysis of rotating truncated conical baskets reinforced by carbon nanotubes around the two independent axes. A time-dependent analysis is considered, and the nonlinear dynamic governing equations are extracted using the energy method. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) reinforced the conical basket, and the structure's mechanical properties are determined based on the several distributions of carbon nanotubes....
On FEM analysis of Cosserat-type stiffened shells. Static and stability linear analysis
PublikacjaThe present research investigates the theory and numerical analysis of shells stiffened with beams in the framework based on the geometrically exact theories of shells and beams. Shell’s and beam’s kinematics are described by the Cosserat surface and the Cosserat rod respectively, which are consistent including deformation and strain measures. A FEM approximation of the virtual work principle leads to the conforming shell and beam...
Analysis of aircraft magnetic interference
PublikacjaThe magnetometric method is used among other things on mobile platforms (planes, helicopters) in military systems and in geological research. Optically-pumped and SQUID magnetometers are used in magnetic systems on airplanes. To be able to attain the sensitivity of modern magnetometers in flight, it is important that maneuver-related magnetic interference effects be minimized. The mathematical model of an aircraft as a source of...