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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: NUMERICAL MODEL
MHD Casson flow across a stretched surface in a porous material: a numerical study
PublikacjaIn this study, we examine the nature of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Casson flow of fluid across a stretched surface in a porous material. It studies how the behaviour of Casson fluids is affected by a number of variables, including thermal radiation, chemical processes, Joule heating, and viscosity dissipation. The Keller box strategy, based on the finite difference method (FDM), is used to tackle the complex numerical problem. Graphical...
Application of extended Finite Element Method to cracked concrete elements - numerical aspects
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia zastosowanie rozszerzonej metody elementów skończonych do zarysowanych elementów betonowych. Obliczenia wykonano dla elementów poddanych zginaniu i mieszanemu ściskaniu - rozciąganiu. Wyniki porównano z doświadczeniami.
Determination of model's fixing boundary conditions for the numerical simulations of the dynamic experimental tests
PublikacjaZaprezentowano badania eksperymentalne oraz ich symulacje numeryczne przeprowadzone na płytach obciążanych impulsowo (wybuch mieszanki gazowej). Głównym obszarem zainteresowania pracy jest wyznaczenie warunków brzegowych w stosowanym modelu.
Advanced coating of interior of tanks for rising environmental safety - numerical simulation of grounding
PublikacjaZwiększanie bezpieczeństwa środowiska naturalnego podczas transportu materiałów ropopochodnych stale stanowi ważny i aktualny problem badawczy. W pracy prezentowane są wyniki badań innowacyjnych powłok ochronnych zmniejszających ryzyko rozlewu olejowego podczas kolizji środków transportu - w szczególności statków. Prace badawcze prowadzone były w ramach programu Eureka E!3614 CORET.
Numerical simulation of the quaternary aquifer groundwater flow of the northern Vistula delta plain
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń krążenia wód podziemnych w czwartorzędowym poziomie wodonośnym rejonu Żuław Gdańskich. Czwartorzędowy poziom wodonośny odgrywa najważniejszą rolę w zaopatrzeniu w wodę aglomeracji gdańskiej. W obliczeniach wykorzystano programy Modflow i Modpath zawarte w pakiecie (GMS 3.1). Odtworzono warunki przed uruchomieniem ujecia Lipce wykorzystując obliczenia dla stanu ustalonego krążenia wody w warstwie...
Membrane shell finite element for textile fabric modelling numerical and experimental aspects
PublikacjaW pracy omówiono podstawowe problem numeryczne pojawiające się przy projektowaniu przekryć z tkanin technicznych. Przedstawiono eksperymenty potrzebne do identyfikacji właściwości mechanicznych takich tkanin.
Stability Assessment of Coastal Cliffs Incorporating Laser Scanning Technology and a Numerical Analysis
PublikacjaWe investigated the cli coast in Jastrzebia Gora, Poland. The measurements that were taken between 2014 and 2018 by applying terrestrial, mobile, and airborne laser scanning describe a huge geometric modification involving dislocations in a 2.5 m range. Dierential maps and a volumetric change analysis made it possible to identify the most deformed cli’s location. Part of the monitoring of coastal change involved the measurement...
Numerical simulation of natural convection of Glycol-Al2O3 nanofluids from a horizontal cylinder
PublikacjaThis paper deals with natural convection around a circular cylinder with constant heat flux in a cavity using computational fluid dynamics. As fluids ethylene glycol and a mixture of ethylene glycol with Al2O3 nanoparticles (mass concentrations of nanoparticles: 0.1% and 1%) are chosen. Rayleigh number ranges from 3104 to 3105. The nanofluids are modeled with single-phase approach. For the investigated range of nanoparticle concentration, the...
Historical carpentry corner log joints—Numerical analysis within stochastic framework
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of numerical analysis performed on historical, traditional carpentry corner logjoints of two basic topologies: the short-corner dovetail connection and the saddle notch connection. These types of carpentry joints are commonly used in currently preserved objects of wooden architecture. All connections have been modelled in pinewood, which has been defined in the Finite Element software MSC.Marc/Mentat...
Response of high voltage disconnector under seismic excitation - experimental and numerical study
PublikacjaThe efficiency of the energetic infrastructure system is a very import safety issue in the region experienced by the ground motion. The aim of the present paper is to show the results of the experimental and numerical study focused on the earthquake-induced response of the high voltage disconnector, which is an important element of energetic network. First, the impact tests as well as the sweep-sine shaking table tests were conducted....
Space-Time Conservation Method applied to numerical solution of water hammer equations
PublikacjaArtykuł poświęcony jest metodzie czasoprzestrzennych objętości skończonych (STC) zastosowanej do przypadku uderzenia hydraulicznego w stalowym przewodzie pracującym pod ciśnieniem. Metoda STC ze względu na swoje własności numeryczne - m.in. wysoką dokładność - może być interesującą alternatywą dla tradycyjnych metod numerycznych, szczególnie w przypadku, gdy efekty numeryczne mają bardzo silny wpływ na rozwiązanie, tym samym utrudniając...
Modelling of wave propagation in spatial frame elements - numerical simulations and experimental works
PublikacjaW pracy porównano rozwiązania propagacji fal sprężystych w ośrodku typu belka Timoszenki, uzyskane na drodze eksperymentalnej i numerycznej. Do obliczeń numerycznych wykorzystano wielowęzłowe spektralne elementy skończone klasy C0.Omówiono algorytm całkowania po czasie i sformułowano wnioski dotyczące liczby węzłów na długość fali.
Numerical study on seismic response of a base-isolated building modelled with shell elements
PublikacjaSeismic isolation is counted among the most popular and effective means of protecting structures against earthquake forces. Base isolators, like Lead-Rubber Bearings (LRB), High-Damping Rubber Bearings (HDB) or Friction Pendulum Systems (FPS) are extensively used in practice in many earthquake-prone regions of the world. The present paper reports the results obtained from the numerical study on seismic response of a base-isolated...
Numerical Analysis of Impact of Energy Buoy Anchoring Configurations on its Motion and Efficiency
PublikacjaThis paper presents a numerical analysis of the impact of energy buoy mooring configurations on its movement on the wave and effectiveness. The method used to analyse the buoy movement modelling in six degrees of freedom was described in a paper presented at the Conference 2011. Simulations of the buoy movement in regular wave and power calculations were conducted for several configurations of anchoring systems and position of...
Experimental and numerical studies of guided wave damage detection in bars with structural discontinuities
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy analizy propagacji fal podłużnych i poprzecznych w elementach prętowych z nieciągłościami strukturalnymi. Symulacje numeryczne przeprowadzone przy zastosowaniu metody elementów spektralnych zostały porównane z wynikami badań eksperymentalnych dla pręta w stanie nienaruszonym oraz dla prętów z rysą, spawem oraz dodatkową masą.
Numerical Analysis of Magnetic Core Properties Influence on Residual Current Device Behaviour
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono analizę wpływu kształtu prądu w uzwojeniu pierwotnym transformatora prądowego na pracę przekładnika różnicowo-prądowego. Przeprowadzono obliczenia symulacyjne dla wymuszenia o kształcie sinusoidy i sinusoidy wyprostowanej dla częstotliwości 50 Hz. Wzięto pod uwagę dwa typy charakterystyki magnesowania transformatora: dla materiału magnetycznie miękkiego i materiału o prostokątnej pętli histerezy. Analiza...
Numerical and experimental investigation of thermal convection near electric devices with vertical channels
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of numerical and experimental investigation of thermal convection near heat emitting surfaces of an electric device. For the intensification of thermal convection, special vertical channels were formed near the heat emitting surfaces of the device. An experimental test has proved that there is an optimal length of the channels – thermal convection is the most intensive then. Air velocity vectors...
Use of numerical methods in the analysis of traction energy systems—an overview of the practical examples
PublikacjaA characteristic feature of trolleybus transport is the random nature of traffic caused by congestion. It predestinates statistical and numerical methods for the analysis of trolleybus energy system. There are presented 3 methods of trolleybus traction system analysis: simulation of supply system based on Monte Carlo method, analysis of energy recovery potential based on statistical data analysis and benchmark of trolleybus supply...
PublikacjaIn the time of high urbanization, the need to build closely-spaced structures forces the designers to take into account earthquake-induced collisions between adjacent buildings and their effects on the response of structures. Past and recent investigations confirmed that interactions between adjacent buildings during earthquakes may cause serious damages to the structural elements and may even lead to total collapse of the structure....
Earthquake–induced pounding on response of adjacent structures in series: experimental and numerical study
PublikacjaPounding between structures in series during earthquakes may cause serious damage in the structur-al elements. The aim of this paper is to show the results of an experimental and numerical study that is focused on pounding between more than two structures which may be called "structures in series". In this study, the shaking table experiments, as well as the numerical analyses, were performed using three tower models including...
Minichannel and minigap classification criteria based on the aspect ratio of the minigeometry: A numerical study
PublikacjaA detailed numerical investigation has been carried out to analyze the diabatic flow distribution and velocity profile in 18 minigeometries with various aspect ratios for V-type and I-type flow configurations (for 36 cases) assuming ethanol as a working fluid. The aim of the study is to distinguish the value of the aspect ratio for which the flow in minigeometry starts to be two-dimensional (minigap). Cases with a constant Reynolds...
Effect of Flow Normalization in Micro-Pin-Finned Heat Sink: Numerical Study
PublikacjaThe micro-pin-fin heat sink (MPFHS) is widely employed for the heat transfer enhancement of microchannel heat sinks. In the current paper, the effect of flow normalization on the thermohydraulic performance of micro-pin-finned heat sinks is studied numerically. Two geometries of MPFHSs, the conventional design micro-pin-fin heat sink (CD-MPFHS) with a uniform-width micro pin fin and the proposed design micro-pin-fin heat sink (PD-MPFHS)...
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Concretes (LWCs) with Various Aggregates
PublikacjaHigh requirements for the properties of construction materials and activities directed at environment protection are reasons to look for new solutions in concrete technology. This research was directed at solutions affecting the reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The use of lightweight concretes (LWCs) allows one to meet both conditions at the same time. The purpose of the research presented in this paper was to...
Experimental and numerical analysis of the modified TB32 crash tests of the cable barrier system
PublikacjaRoad restraint systems, including safety barriers, are one of the means used to improve road safety. Currently, they can be allowed to general use after passing the specific crash tests. However, it is always important and desirable to evaluate their performance under various realistic conditions, which can happen on the roads. In this study, the behaviour of the cable barrier system in impact conditions different than assumed...
Comparison of AHP and Numerical Taxonomy Methods Based on Biogas Plant Location Analysis
PublikacjaThe paper presents a comparison of the multi-criteria Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and numerical taxonomy in biogas plant location selection. Biogas plants are sources that will significantly contribute to the implementation of the provisions of the energy and climate package for Poland by 2030. Increasing the share of energy produced from renewable sources, e.g. biogas plants, will increase the country’s energy security....
PublikacjaThe issue of how to price options embedded in callable bonds has attracted a lot of interest over the years. The usual bond valuation methods rely on yield curves, risk premium, and other parameters to estimate interest rates used in discounted cash flow calculations. The option to retire the bond is, however, neglected in the standard pricing models, causing a systematic overvaluation of callable bonds. In the event of a decline...
Experimental and Numerical Study on Mechanical Characteristics of Aluminum/Glass Fiber Composite Laminates
PublikacjaThe fiber-metal composites made of aluminum sheets and glass fibers reinforced with a polyester resin as the matrix were studied. The composites were prepared by hand lay-up method. Some aspects of manufacturing affecting the composite behavior were considered. In particular, the influences of the arrangement of layers and their number on the mechanical and physical properties of composites with ten different compositions were...
Nonlinear numerical simulation of earthquake-induced pounding between timber frame buildings
PublikacjaEarthquakes may induce serious dynamic loads acting on buildings, which can lead to damage or even destruction of the whole structure. In densely populated areas, it is quite common that buildings are located very close one to another which can result in pounding between them during ground motions. Due to the environmental awareness, multi-story timber frame buildings are gaining popularity and therefore there is a need to investigate...
Numerical investigations of effect of indoor air quality on thermal comfort in residential buildings.
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia wyniki numeryczne MES odnośnie wpływu koncentracji CO2 w lokalnej strefie powietrza w budynkach mieszkalnych naturalnie wentylowanych na zachowanie mieszkańców. Obliczenia wykonano w 2 wymiarach. Zbadano wpływ położenia mieszkańców i prędkości wchodzącego powietrza.
Tests of bond between concrete and steel bars – literature background and program of own research
PublikacjaThis article deals with the issue of the bond between concrete and reinforcement. The bond is crucial for reinforced concrete elements because it is possible to transfer forces (stresses) from concrete to the reinforcement. Basic information related to the cooperation of concrete and rebars was recalled in the article. Selected issues concerning theoretical and numerical analysis as well as experiments of the bond phenomenon were...
The influence of brace to chord rotational connection stiffness on stability of the truss
PublikacjaThe paper is devoted to the numerical analysis of the roof truss subjected to upward wind loading and braced at the tensioned top chord. The linear buckling analysis were performed for the beam and shell model of the structure. As the result the influence of rotational connection stiffness between the brace and the top chord on the truss stability was appointed. The biaxial strength testing machine was used to conduct the experimental...
Mariusz Józef Figurski prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyDyrektor Centrum Modelowania Meteorologicznego Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy. Urodził się 27 kwietnia 1964 roku w Łasinie. Egzamin maturalny złożył w 1983 roku po ukończeniu II Liceum Ogólnokształcącego im. Jana III Sobieskiego w Grudziądzu, Studia wyższe w trybie indywidualnym ukończył w 1989 (10.07.1989) na Wydziałach Elektromechanicznym i Inżynierii Lądowej i Geodezji Wojskowej Akademii...
Low-cost multiband compact branch-line coupler design using response features and automated EM model fidelity adjustment
PublikacjaDesign closure of compact microwave components is a challenging problem because of significant electromagnetic (EM) cross-couplings in densely arranged layouts. A separate issue is a large number of designable parameters resulting from replacement of conventional transmission line sections by compact microstrip resonant cells. This increases complexity of the design optimization problem and requires employment of expensive high-fidelity...
Insights into the flow characteristics during hydraulic fracturing
PublikacjaThis paper presents a numerical model to study fracture propagation during water-based hydraulic fracturing. To address the computational challenges associated with the numerical model, the proposed approach employs a set of overlapping spheres arranged in a monolayer to construct a porous specimen containing pre-existing cracks. The fluid-filled cracks represent various stages of initiation and propagation of fluid-driven fracture....
Rapid Microwave Design Optimization in Frequency Domain Using Adaptive Response Scaling
PublikacjaIn this paper, a novel methodology for cost-efficient microwave design optimization in the frequency domain is proposed. Our technique, referred to as adaptive response scaling (ARS), has been developed for constructing a fast replacement model (surrogate) of the high-fidelity electromagnetic-simulated model of the microwave structure under design using its equivalent circuit (low-fidelity model). The basic principle of ARS is...
Finite Element Approaches to Model Electromechanical, Periodic Beams
PublikacjaPeriodic structures have some interesting properties, of which the most evident is the presence of band gaps in their frequency spectra. Nowadays, modern technology allows to design dedicated structures of specific features. From the literature arises that it is possible to construct active periodic structures of desired dynamic properties. It can be considered that this may extend the scope of application of such structures. Therefore,...
3D buckling analysis of a truss with horizontal braces
PublikacjaThe present research is devoted to the study of out-of-plane buckling of a truss with horizontal braces. The truss is a model of real roof truss scaled by factor ¼. A linear buckling and a non-linear analysis with geometric and material nonlinearity were carried out. The truss buckling and limit load for different stiffnesses and number of braces are found. Numerical analysis are verified by experiment. Threshold bracing stiffness...
Modeling of Transient Photocurrent in Organic Semiconductors Incorporating the Annihilation of Excitons on Charge Carriers
PublikacjaThe role of the annihilation of excitons on charge carriers has been theoretically investigated in organic semiconductors. We have developed the numerical drift-diffusion model by incorporation terms which describe the annihilation process. The transient photocurrent has been calculated for different injection barrier heights, exciton mobilities, and annihilation rate constants. We have demonstrated that the annihilation has a...
On the convergence of a nonlinear finite-difference discretization of the generalized Burgers–Fisher equation
PublikacjaIn this note, we establish analytically the convergence of a nonlinear finite-difference discretization of the generalized Burgers-Fisher equation. The existence and uniqueness of positive, bounded and monotone solutions for this scheme was recently established in [J. Diff. Eq. Appl. 19, 1907{1920 (2014)]. In the present work, we prove additionally that the method is convergent of order one in time, and of order two in space. Some...
Coupled Urban Areas Inundation Model with Interaction Between Storm Water System and Surface Flow - Case Study of Sea Level Impact on Seaside Areas Flooding
PublikacjaInundations are becoming more frequent than ever. What is connected with increasing area of impervious surface in cities. This makes predicting urban flooding and its scale especially important. At the seaside we observe additional conditions such as sea level that makes accurate numerical modelling of issue even harder. With complex approach to the matter which is simultaneous calculation of storm water conduit flow and overland...
Mixed, quantum-classical description of electron density transfer in the collision process
PublikacjaIn this work, we investigate an ion-atom model describing the time-dependent evolution of electron density during the collision. For a S3+- H system, numerical simulations are based on classical trajectory calculations, and the electron density behaviour is described with the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. We apply the finite difference method to obtain quantitative insights into the charge transfer dynamics, providing detailed...
Calculation method for flow boiling and flow condensation of R134a and R1234yf in conventional and small diameter channels
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of calculations performed using the authors’ model to predict the heat transfer coefficient during flow boiling for two refrigerants R134a and R1234yf. The experimental data from various past studies have been collected and the calculations have been conducted for the full range of quality variation and a wide range of mass velocity. The aim of the study was to test the sensitivity of the in-house...
How to choose drive’s rated power in electrified urban transport?
PublikacjaSelection of drive's rated power influences not only vehicle's dynamics, but also its energy efficiency. Mentioned above approach requires a multiphysical model, which covers both mechanical and electrical phenomena. This paper discusses how selection of traction drive's rated power influences vehicle energy consumption on example of a trolleybus. A complex mathematical model was developed in Matlab/Simulink to describe the multiphisical...
Mechanical properties of Precontraint 1202S coated fabric under biaxial tensile test with different load ratios
PublikacjaThe paper describes a method of laboratory tests necessary for identifying the mechanical properties of polyester coated fabrics named Precontraint 1202S with PVDF surface treatment. Two sets of initial material parameters for dense net model and orthotropic model are specified. Material parameters for Precontraint 1202S coated fabric are specified on the basis of the biaxial tensile tests for different load ratios. In order to...
Free Vibration of Flexomagnetic Nanostructured Tubes Based on Stress-driven Nonlocal Elasticity
PublikacjaA framework for the flexomagneticity influence is here considered extending the studies about this aspect on the small scale actuators. The developed model accommodates and composes linear Lagrangian strains, Euler-Bernoulli beam approach as well as an extended case of Hamilton’s principle. The nanostructured tube should subsume and incorporate size effect; however, for the sake of avoiding the staggering costs of experiments,...
Influence of the air phase on water flow in dikes
PublikacjaNumerical models are often used to describe flow and deformation processes occurring in dikes during flood events. Modeling of such phenomena is a challenging task, due to the complexity of the system, consisting of three material phases: soil skeleton, pore water and pore air. Additional difficulties are transient loading caused by variable in time water levels, heterogeneity of the soil or air...
Modelling of the Baumann turbine stage operation Part II. Free and kinetic vibrations
PublikacjaIn this paper has been presented a methodology of validation a novel mathematical model dedicated to evaluation and prediction of material degradation and demage of steam turbine elements such as blades, valves and pipes due to three mechanisms: stress-corosion, high-temperature creep and low-cyclic fatigue. The validation concept is based on an experimental setup manufactured in the Laboratory of Faculty of Mechanical and Power...
Modelling of Longitudinal Elastic Wave Propagation in a Steel Rod Using the Discrete Element Method
PublikacjaThe paper deals with the issue of modelling elastic wave propagation using the discrete element method (DEM). The case of a longitudinal wave in a rod with a circular cross-section was considered. A novel, complex algorithm consisting of the preparation of models and simulation of elastic waves was developed. A series of DEM models were prepared for simulations, differing in discretisation and material parameters. Additional calculations...
Rotor Blade Geometry Optimisation in Kaplan Turbine
PublikacjaThe paper presents the description of method and results of rotor blade shape optimisation. The rotor blading constitutes a part ofturbine flow path. Optimisation consists in selection of the shape that minimises ratio of polytrophic loss. Shape of the blade isdefined by the mean camber line and thickness of the airfoil. Thickness is distributed around the camber line based on the ratio ofdistribution. Global optimisation was done...
Finite element modelling of a historic church structure in the context of a masonry damage analysis
PublikacjaThe paper includes a case study of modelling a real historic church using the finite element method (FEM) based on laser scans of its geometry. The main goal of the study was the analysis of the causes of cracking and crushing of masonry walls. An FEM model of the structure has been defined in ABAQUS. A non-linear dynamic explicit analysis with material model including damage plasticity has been performed. A homogenization procedure...