wszystkich: 4247
wyświetlamy 1000 najlepszych wyników Pomoc
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Characteristics of orthopaedic implants damage and mechanisms of its initiation
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Low-frequency tripping characteristics of residual current devices
PublikacjaFast development of various types of converters makes their utilization in industry and in domestic installations very common. Due to converters, an earth fault current waveform in modern circuits can be distorted or its frequency can be different than 50/60 Hz. Frequency of earth fault (residual) current influences tripping of residual current devices which are widely used in low voltage systems. This paper presents the behaviour...
Au-RE-TiO2 nanocomposites: Surface characteristics and photoactivity
PublikacjaThe photocatalysts based on TiO2 co-doped with rare earth metal (RE) and gold nanoparticles have been prepared using a sol-gel method and followed by gold reduction. Specific surface areas of the modified photocatalysts were calculated by the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller method (BET). Diffuse reflectance spectra of the obtained photocatalysts were recorded in a UV-Vis spectrophotometer (DRS UV-Vis). The influence of the type of rare...
Research and analysis of operating characteristics of energetic biomass micronizer
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Physicochemical Characteristics and Consumers’ Preferences for Milk Fat Products
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Wideband Off-Body Channel Characteristics with Dynamic User
PublikacjaThis paper presents the preliminary results of a dynamic off-body channel characterisation study, based on wideband measurements at 5.8 GHz in an indoor environment. The Channel Impulse Response (CIR) was measured for a scenario with the user approaching and departing from the off-body antenna. A CIR deconvolution procedure was performed jointly in two polarisations, and the received signal power, Cross-Polarisation Discrimination...
Rational determination of dynamic characteristics of fluid-flow Reactors
PublikacjaPodstawowa charakterystykę reaktorów stanowi krzywa rozkładu czasu zatrzymania. Jej dokładne wyznaczenie jest trudne i kosztowne. W pracy zaproponowano wykorzystanie metody aproksymacyjnej, polegającej na zastąpieniu rzeczywistej funkcji przez jej przebieg uproszczony. Zaproponowano aproksymację rozkładem trójkątnym. Na konkretnym przykładzie pokazano, że metoda ta daje lepsze wyniki niż powszechnie stosowany model przepływu tłokowego.
Characteristics of the Radunia river and its catchment in view of WFD
PublikacjaCelem Ramowej Dyrektywy Wodnej (RDW), między innymi problemami jest ochrona śródlądowych wód powierzchniowych, zabezpieczenie przed dalszym pogorszenien ich stanu i poprawa stanu ekosystemów wodnych. Badania Rzeki Raduni i jej zlewni zostały wykonane przez Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego i Politechnikę Gdańską. Dotyczyły one wód śródlądowych (rzeki, jeziora, zbiorniki), ich hydrologii, hydrauliki i jakości wody. Rzeka jest istotna...
A stochastic approach to the problem of bearing capacity by the method of characteristics
PublikacjaW pracy omówiono zagadnienie nośności granicznej podłoża o własnościach losowych, przy obciążeniu od spoczywającego na nim fundamentu. Zaproponowano stochastyczną modyfikację metody charakterystyk bazującej na metodzie różnic skończonych. Analizowano zagadnienia związane z dyskretyzacją losowego ośrodka gruntowego, symulacją pola losowego oraz ze zbieżnością i stabilnością rozwiązania. Przedstawione podejście umożliwiło uwzględnienie...
Organic light-emitting diodes. Principles, characteristics and processes.
PublikacjaJest to pierwsze monograficzne opracowanie zjawiska elektroluminescencji w organicznych ciałach stałych. W sześciu rozdziałach książki opisano między innymi wytwarzanie stanów wzbudzonych w wyniku rekombinacji ładunku, sposoby zaniku stanów wzbudzonych i ich rozkład przestrzenny, elektryczne i optyczne własności organicznych diod elektroluminescencyjnych oraz procesy warunkujące wydajne świecenie takich diod.
The surface contact characteristics after sliding and rolling burnishing.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono zastosowanie nowej metody SCGC i odpowiedniego programu komputerowego JKC do oceny pomierzonej mikrostereometrii powierzchni części maszyn, głównie na potrzeby kontroli jakości. Na przykładzie powierzchni nagniatanych wykazano cechy nowej metody: wizualizację ułatwiającą wyobrażenie pomierzonej sfery chropowatości, położenie w niej najważniejszych parametrów oceny (rozkład geometrycznej powierzchni kontaktu,...
Experimental measurements of the hydrodynamic characteristics of the pod propulsor models
PublikacjaPraca przedstawia wyniki pomiarów charakterystyk hydrodymicznych trzech wariantów modelu pędnika azymutalnego. Charakterystyki obejmują napór pędnika, siłę boczną i moment względem osi pionowej w zależności od współczynnika posuwu i kąta dryfu.
Inverse determination of sliding surface temperature based on measurements by thermocouples with account of their thermal inertia
PublikacjaThis study developed an inverse heat conduction algorithm to determine temperature at a sliding surface taking account of thermocouple thermal inertia. The direct heat conduction problem was solved analytically based on the Laplace integral transform approach. The inverse algorithm was applied to the problem of friction of a brake material against a steel. The experiments were conducted on a pin-on-disc tribometer for three short-time...
On Inadequacy of Sequential Design of Experiments for Performance-Driven Surrogate Modeling of Antenna Input Characteristics
PublikacjaDesign of contemporary antennas necessarily involves electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. Their employment is imperative to ensure evaluation reliability but also to carry out the design process itself, especially, the adjustment of antenna dimensions. For the latter, traditionally used parameter sweeping is more and more often replaced by rigorous numerical optimization, which entails considerable computational expenses, sometimes...
Thermal and Electrodynamic Risk of Residual Current Devices in the Case of Back-Up Protection by Overcurrent Circuit Breakers
PublikacjaResidual current operated circuit breakers without integral overcurrent protection should be back-up protected. As back-up protection devices, overcurrent circuit breakers are used. The maximum let-through energy and let-through current of the overcurrent devices were evaluated under laboratory conditions. The thermal and electrodynamic risk of residual current devices was analyzed.
Native-oxide limited cross-plane thermal transport in suspended silicon membranes revealed by scanning thermal microscopy
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DC and AC Conductivity, Biosolubility and Thermal Properties of Mg-Doped Na2O–CaO–P2O5 Glasses
PublikacjaBioactive glasses have recently been extensively used to replace, regenerate, and repair hard tissues in the human body because of their ability to bond with living tissue. In this work, the effects of replacing Na2O with MgO on the electrical, biosolubility, and thermal properties of the target glass 10Na2O–60P2O5–30CaO (in mol%) were investigated. The electrical properties of the glasses were studied with the impedance spectroscopy...
Comparison of the exponential thermal transient parameterization methods with the SMTP method in the unipedicled DIEP flap computer modelling and simulation
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to compare the spatial contrast of the image descriptors obtained via three different thermal transient parameterization methods in Active Dynamic Thermography. The thermal constants and amplitude values of the one- and two- exponential parametrization are compared to the Simplified Magnitude-Temporal Parametrization method (SMTP). The comparison is performed using the data obtained by simulating the cold...
Synthesis of reduced graphene oxide nanosheets using nanofibers from methane and biogas thermal decomposition with various catalysts
PublikacjaReduced graphene oxide and graphene oxide (rGO, GO) were synthesised from carbon nanofibers, which were formed in catalytic thermal decomposition of methane (CDM) and biogas with different catalysts used in the process. The aim of the work was valorization of CDM carbon nanofiber products. The samples were characterized using Raman spectra, a scanning electron microscope and a transmission electron microscope. As a result, we observe...
Właściwości termoizolacyjne kompozytu wapienno-cementowego z udziałem paździerzy konopnych=Thermal insulation properties of the lime-cement composite with hemp shives
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań kompozytów wykonanych na bazie wapna budowlanego, cementu i dolomitu - spoiwa wiążącego z udziałem paździerzy konopi. Określono ich podstawowe właściwości, tj.: gęstość objętościową, współczynnik przewodzenia ciepła oraz wytrzymałości na ściskanie. Otrzymane wyniki dowodzą, że wytworzone kompozyty wapienno-cementowe z udziałem paździerzy konopnych są lekkie i charakteryzują się niskim współczynnikiem...
Thermal buckling of functionally graded piezomagnetic micro- and nanobeams presenting the flexomagnetic effect
PublikacjaGalerkin weighted residual method (GWRM) is applied and implemented to address the axial stability and bifurcation point of a functionally graded piezomagnetic structure containing flexomagneticity in a thermal environment. The continuum specimen involves an exponential mass distributed in a heterogeneous media with a constant square cross section. The physical neutral plane is investigated to postulate functionally graded material...
Method of reconstructing two-dimensional velocity fields on the basis of temperature field values measured with a thermal imaging camera
PublikacjaThis paper describes a novel numerical reconstruction procedure (NRP) of the velocity field during natural convective heat transfer from a two-sided, isothermal, heated vertical plate based only on the known temperature field obtained, e.g. with a thermal imaging camera. It has been demonstrated that with a knowledge of temperature distributions, the NRP enables the reconstruction of velocity fields by solving the Navier-Stokes...
Thermal utilization of meat-and-bone meal using the rotary kiln pyrolyzer and the fluidized bed boiler – The performance of pilot-scale installation
PublikacjaThermal utilization of meat-and-bone meal (MBM) is subject to stringent regulations that are meant to provide elimination of any potential pathogens. Incineration as well as other possible routes for thermal conversion of MBM are still at the research state. The universal technology was developed that allows to combust various types of waste organic materials, including animal waste, municipal solid waste and sludge, mixed at any...
PublikacjaT his article is devoted to the investigation of the characteristics of a low-emission gas turbine combustion chamber, which can be used in Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels and operates on a mixture of natural gas and hydrogen. A new approach is proposed for modelling the processes of burning out a mixture of natural gas with hydrogen under preliminary mixing conditions in gaseous fuel with an oxidizer...
Environmental characteristics of a tundra river system in Svalbard. Part 2: Chemical stress factors
PublikacjaBacterial communities in the Arctic environment are subject to multiple stress factors, including contaminants, although typically their concentrations are small. The Arctic contamination research has focused on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) because they are bioaccumulative, resistant to degradation and toxic for all organisms. Pollutants have entered the Arctic predominantly by atmospheric and oceanic long-range transport,...
Effect of crystallinity on structural, thermal, and in vitro dissolution properties of Na2O-CaO-Nb2O5/MgO-P2O5 glass-ceramics
PublikacjaThe impact of the crystallinity on structural, thermal, and in vitro dissolution properties were examined for Na2O- CaO-Nb2O5/MgO-P2O5 glasses/glass-ceramics. Glass-ceramics were synthesized via a spontaneous crystallization process. The Nb content in the materials increased with melting temperature, furthermore, the crystallinity is proportional to the Nb content. The presence of crystalline niobates and phosphates is confirmed...
Sewage sludge pretreatment by low thermal disintegration for better efficacy of sludge digestion process
PublikacjaThe wastewater water treatment plant (WWTP) sector and it is developing technologies strive to be implement circular economy. The methane production from the sludge digestion process constitute promising source of the renewable energy for WWTP and approaching circular economy assumptions. For this reason, the objective of the study was to examine the modification of sludge characteristics due to the low temperature pretreatment....
Implementation of the FOPID Algorithm in the PLC Controller - PWR Thermal Power Control Case Study
PublikacjaIn the paper authors describe proposition of design and verification procedures of the discrete Fractional Order PID (FOPID) algorithm for control of the Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) thermal power near its nominal operating point. The FOPID algorithm synthesis consists of: off-line optimal tunning of its parameters in continuous time-domain with LQ (Linear Quadratic) performance index and simplified models of nuclear reactor...
Effect of Thermal Treatment and Erosion Aggressiveness on Resistance of S235JR Steel to Cavitation and Slurry
PublikacjaS235JR steel is used in many applications, but its resistance to the erosion processes has been poorly studied. To investigate this resistance, cavitation, and slurry erosion tests were conducted. These tests were carried out at different erosion intensities, i.e., different flow rates in the cavitation tunnel with a system of barricades and different rotational speeds in the slurry pot. The steel was tested as-received and after...
Multiple Reprocessing of Conductive PLA 3D-Printing Filament: Rheology, Morphology, Thermal and Electrochemical Properties Assessment
PublikacjaAdditive manufacturing technologies are gaining more and more attention, resulting in the development or modification of 3D printing techniques and dedicated materials. On the other hand, economic and ecological aspects force the industry to develop material recycling strategies. In this work, the multiple reprocessing of a commercially available PLA conductive composite with carbon black filler, dedicated to 3D printing, was investigated....
Thermal analyses of multiple times processed poly(lactic acid)-carbon black composites
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains thermal analyses (TGA, DTG, DSC) studies of commercially available ProtoPasta 3D printable filament, composed of poly-lactic acid (PLA) and conductive carbon black (CB) filler. The aim of the study is to observe structural differences and applied properties changes under multiple reprocessing of the composite material at different...
Novel Cast Polyurethanes Obtained by Using Reactive Phosphorus-Containing Polyol: Synthesis, Thermal Analysis and Combustion Behaviors
PublikacjaPhosphorus-containing polyol applications in polyurethane synthesis can prevent volatilization of flame retardants and their migration on the surface of a material. In this work, novel cast polyurethanes were prepared by a one-step method with the use of different amounts of phosphorus-containing polyol, 4,4′–diphenylmethane diisocyanate and 1,4-butanediol. The chemical structure, thermal, physicochemical and mechanical properties...
Study on effective front region thickness of PCM in thermal energy storage using a novel semi-theoretical model
PublikacjaThermal energy storage in mobile applications, particularly battery of electric vehicles, is currently gaining a lot of importance. In this paper, a semi-theoretical time-dependent mathematical model of the phase change in a double shell thermal energy storage module has been developed where the inner tube is a heat exchange surface. An effective front region thickness for the melting and solidification process has been studied....
Electrical characteristics simulation of top-gated graphene field-effect transistor (GFET) with 10 μm x 3 μm graphene channel
Dane BadawczeThe presented data set is part of the research on graphene field-effect transistor (GFET) modelling. The calculations were performed with the use of GFET Tool program ( DOI: 10.4231/D3QF8JK5T), which enabled simulation of the drain current (Id) vs. drain voltage (Vd) characteristics for different gate voltages (Vg)...
Electrical characteristics simulation of top-gated graphene field-effect transistor (GFET) with 10 μm x 10 μm graphene channel
Dane BadawczeThe presented data set is part of the research on graphene field-effect transistor (GFET) modelling. The calculations were performed with the use of GFET Tool program ( DOI: 10.4231/D3QF8JK5T), which enabled simulation of the drain current (Id) vs. drain voltage (Vd) characteristics for different gate voltages (Vg)...
Investigation of the thermal conductivity of λ gypsum using the hot wire method
Dane BadawczeAn experimental study was conducted to determine the thermal conductivity coefficient λ using the ‘hot wire’ method for a building material. Gypsum specimens measuring 400 x 60 x 50 mm were made for the experiment. Along the long axis of the model, an insulated resistance wire with a diameter of 0.2 mm was poured into the gypsum slurry in the centre...
Chemical Structure and Thermal Properties versus Accelerated Aging of Bio-Based Poly(ether-urethanes) with Modified Hard Segments
PublikacjaAging of polymers is a natural process that occurs during their usage and storage. Predicting the lifetime of polymers is a crucial aspect that should be considered at the design stage. In this paper, a series of bio-based thermoplastic poly(ether-urethane) elastomers (bio-TPUs) with modified hard segments were synthesized and investigated to understand the structural and property changes triggered by accelerated aging. The bio-TPUs...
Thermal Image Processing for Respiratory Estimation from Cubical Data with Expandable Depth
PublikacjaAs healthcare costs continue to rise, finding affordable and non-invasive ways to monitor vital signs is increasingly important. One of the key metrics for assessing overall health and identifying potential issues early on is respiratory rate (RR). Most of the existing methods require multiple steps that consist of image and signal processing. This might be difficult to deploy on edge devices that often do not have specialized...
Cost-Efficient Bi-Layer Modeling of Antenna Input Characteristics Using Gradient Kriging Surrogates
PublikacjaOver the recent years, surrogate modeling has been playing an increasing role in the design of antenna structures. The main incentive is to mitigate the issues related to high cost of electromagnetic (EM)-based procedures. Among the various techniques, approximation surrogates are the most popular ones due to their flexibility and easy access. Notwithstanding, data-driven modeling of antenna characteristics is associated with serious...
Curing characteristics, mechanical properties and morphology of butyl rubber filled with ground tire rubber (GTR)
PublikacjaThe results on testing application of ground tire rubber (GTR), as potential filler for butyl rubber, are pre- sented. The GTR content variation, within the range of 10–90 phr, was studied with respect to the vulcanization process, static mechanical properties (tensile strength, elongation-at-break, hardness and resilience), dynamic mechanical properties and the morphology of the obtained vulcanizates. Butyl rubber was characterized...
On description of periodic magnetosonic perturbations in a quasi-isentropic plasma with mechanical and thermal losses and electrical resistivity
PublikacjaMagnetosonic periodic perturbations in a uniform and infinite plasma model are considered. Damping due to compressional viscosity, electrical resistivity, and thermal conduction are taken into account, as well as some heating–cooling function, which may destroy the isentropicity of wave perturbations. The wave vector forms arbitrary angle h with the equilibrium straight magnetic field, and all perturbations are functions...
Joint estimation of hydraulic conductivities of two sand samples in a W-tube system with a bi-exponential response
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Hydraulic Conductivity Estimation Test Impact on Long-Term Acceptance Rate and Soil Absorption System Design
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Hydraulic Conditions of Flood Wave Propagation in the Valley of the Narew River after the Siemianówka Dam Overtopping Failure
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono prognozę propagacji fali powodziowej w dolinie rzeki Narwi wywołanej potencjalną przelaniem się wody przez koronę zapory Siemianówka. Do modelowania hydrodynamiki przepływu powodziowego wykorzystano model jednowymiarowy w formie równań de Saint-Venanta. Opisano również mechanizm powstawania rozmycia w ziemnej zaporze zbiornika i przedstawiono model tworzenia się wyrwy w korpusie zapory. Wykonane obliczenia...
Effect of gas content in macropores on hydraulic fracturing in rocks using a fully coupled DEM/CFD approach
PublikacjaW pracy skupiono się na wpływie zawartości gazu w makroporach skał na proces szczelinowania hydraulicznego. Proces został zasymulowany przez połączenie metody elementów dyskretnych (DEM) z obliczeniową dynamiką płynów (CFD) w ramach dwuwymiarowych (2D) warunków izotermicznych. Mechaniczne zachowanie skały zostało zasymulowane za pomocą DEM, a CFD została wykorzystana do opisu zachowanie przepływu laminarnego, dwufazowego płynu...
Inter-laboratory proficiency tests in measuring thermal insulation and evaporative resistance of clothing using the Newton-type thermal manikin
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Thermal analysis and experimental verification of permanent magnet synchronous motor by combining lumped-parameter thermal networks with analytical method
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Characteristics of selected Anabaena isolates from CCNP Collection
Dane BadawczeEN: This dataset includes information about Anabaena strains (cyanobacteria) deposited in the Culture Collection of Northern Poland (CCNP), at the Division of Marine Biotechnology, Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk, Poland. Presented data concern Anabaena strains their (1) isolation and culture conditions, (2) taxonomic position, (3) morphology...
The Application of the Thermal Stabilization Prompted by the Ice Cover Expansion Considering the Energy Production Optimization in the Dam-Reservoir Coupled Systems on the Vistula River
PublikacjaIn this study, the thermal stabilization of a water resource together with an energy production optimization in the power plant of the dam–reservoir coupled system is conducted. This coupled dam system is designed to consist of a primary (Włocławek) and secondary (Siarzewo) dam due to the erosion control aspect. The other beneficial aspect of this coupled dam design is to have an additional power plant, with the aim of achieving...