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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TIME-VARYING FIR
Zastosowanie analizy szeregów czasowych do oceny zanieczyszczenia powietrza atmosferycznego w rejonie Trójmiasta. Application of time series analysis on air quality assessment in the region of Tricity
PublikacjaNa podstawie analizy wyników pomiarów poziomów stężenia: NO3-, SO42-, F- ,Cl-, NH4+, PO43-, Ca2+, K+, Mg2+ oraz pomiarów pH i przewodności elektrolitycznej próbek wód opadowych na terenie Trójmiasta z zastosowaniem techniki analizy szeregów czasowych wykazano, że cykliczne wahania poziomów depozycji SO42-, F-, NO3- i Ca2+ w próbkach są skorelowane z cyklicznymi 9 zmianami przeważających kierunków wiatrów. Analiza struktury szeregów...
Two-Stage Identification of Locally Stationary Autoregressive Processes and its Application to the Parametric Spectrum Estimation
PublikacjaThe problem of identification of a nonstationary autoregressive process with unknown, and possibly time-varying, rate of parameter changes, is considered and solved using the parallel estimation approach. The proposed two-stage estimation scheme, which combines the local estimation approach with the basis function one, offers both quantitative and qualitative improvements compared with the currently used single-stage methods.
Self-optimizing generalized adaptive notch filters - comparison of three optimization strategies
PublikacjaThe paper provides comparison of three different approaches to on-line tuning of generalized adaptive notch filters (GANFs) the algorithms used for identification/tracking of quasi-periodically varying dynamic systems. Tuning is needed to adjust adaptation gains, which control tracking performance of ANF algorithms, to the unknown and/or time time-varying rate of system nonstationarity. Two out ofthree compared approaches are classical...
In search of molecular precursors for cadmium sulfide-new complexes with a sulfur-rich kernel: cadmium(II) tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolates with additional diethyldithiocarbamato ligand
PublikacjaW ramach rozprawy opracowano metodę syntezy związków koordynacyjnych kadmu zawierających mieszane ligandy S-donorowe, które stanowią reszta tri-tert-butoksysilanotiolanowa oraz ditiokarbaminianowa. Zostały one poddane badaniom za pomocą analizy składu pierwiastkowego, metod spektroskopowych (FTIR, FIR, UV-Vis, NMR, MS) oraz termicznych. W celu osadzenia cienkich warstw wybranych związków posłużono się techniką nakładania obrotowego...
Short-term Cultivation of Porcine Cumulus Cells Influences the Cyclin-dependent Kinase 4 (Cdk4) and Connexin 43 (Cx43) Protein Expression—A Real-time Cell Proliferation Approach
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International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems
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Australasian Conference on Parallel and Real-Time Systems
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Wear in siding friction tests. Ring-on-ring contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%). Paraffin oil lubrication. Specim. sets #20-#21, #22-#23, #24-#25, #26-#27, #28-#29,#30 - #31. Run time: 0-4h.
Dane BadawczeWear in sliding friction tests in ring-on-ring contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%) in self-mated contact. Lubrication: paraffin oil. Sliding velocity: 0.2 m/s. Mean contact stress: 10 MPa. Test rig: PT-3 Tribometer.Running time: 0 - 4h.Specimen sets:Specim. sets (# [upper, rotating] - #[lower, non-rotating]):#20-#21, #22-#23, #24-#25, #26-#27,...
Wear in siding friction tests. Ring-on-ring contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%). Paraffin oil lubrication. Specim. sets #20-#21, #22-#23, #24-#25, #26-#27, #28-#29,#30 - #31. Run time: 4-8h.
Dane BadawczeWear in sliding friction tests in ring-on-ring contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%) in self-mated contact. Lubrication: paraffin oil. Sliding velocity: 0.2 m/s. Mean contact stress: 10 MPa. Test rig: PT-3 Tribometer.Running time: 4-8h.Specimen sets:Specim. sets (# [upper, rotating] - #[lower, non-rotating]):#20-#21, #22-#23, #24-#25, #26-#27,...
Krzysztof Goczyła prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyKrzysztof Goczyła, profesor zwyczajny Politechniki Gdańskiej, informatyk, specjalista z inżynierii oprogramowania, inżynierii wiedzy i baz danych. Ukończył studia wyższe na Wydziale Elektroniki Politechniki Gdańskiej w 1976 r. jako magister inżynier elektronik w specjalności automatyka. Na Politechnice Gdańskiej pracuje od 1976. Na Wydziale Elektroniki PG w 1982 r. uzyskał doktorat z informatyki, a w 1999 r. habilitację. W 2012...
X-ray diffraction spectra of the NiCo2O4 modified by carbon
Dane BadawczeThis dataset comprises XRD results for NiCo2O4 modified with carbon, varying according to the amount of carbon. In this context, the XRD data provide insights into the crystalline structure and phase composition of the NiCo2O4 material as it is modified with varying quantities of carbon. This investigation is valuable for understanding how the presence...
Representative open-circuit potential vs. time and potentiodynamic polarization data recorded for uncoated Ti13Zr13Nb and 136_600_sin_300 specimens and XRD results for uncoated and all coated specimens
Dane BadawczeThis dataset includes open-circuit potential and potentiodynamic polarization data for uncoated and MAO/UMAO-treated Ti13Zr13Nb specimens. It also contains XRD phase analysis results. The study explores the impact of ultrasound-assisted MAO on coating properties, including morphology, composition, thickness, hardness, corrosion resistance, and cytocompatibility...
Discrete identification of continuous non-linear and non-stationary dynamical systems that is insensitive to noise correlation and measurement outliers
PublikacjaThe paper uses specific parameter estimation methods to identify the coefficients of continuous-time models represented by linear and non-linear ordinary differential equations. The necessary approximation of such systems in discrete time in the form of utility models is achieved by the use of properly tuned `integrating filters' of the FIR type. The resulting discrete-time descriptions retain the original continuous parameterization...
Self-adjusting sub-sample delay estimator based on fractional delaying Hilbert transform filter
PublikacjaZaprezentowano nowe rozwiązanie samo-nastrajalnego estymatora opóźnienia sygnału sinusoidalnego, działającego w czasie dyskretnym. Zastosowano filtr Hilberta o skończonej odpowiedzi ipulsowej (FIR od ang. finite impulse response) zagregowany z filtrem ułamkowo-opóźniającym. Zilustrowano performancję estymatora, również w obecności szumu. Przeanalizowano jego złożoność numeryczną.
Ageing-Time Dependent Changes of Angiotensin I-Converting Enzyme-Inhibiting Activity of Protein Hydrolysates Obtained from Dry-Cured Pork Loins Inoculated with Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria
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Novel analytical approach for real-time monitoring of volatile Maillard reaction products emitted from the sugar-amino acid model system using proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry
PublikacjaIn the presented research, volatile Maillard reaction products formation in the two sugar-amino acid model systems, namely glucoselysine and ribose-lysine model systems were investigated using proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry. Obtained data were supported by the reference method, i.e., UV/Vis spectrometry. A number of volatile organic compounds were selected based on the correlation of the effect of Maillard reaction...
Marek Czachor prof. dr hab.
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Fast Basis Function Estimators for Identification of Nonstationary Stochastic Processes
PublikacjaThe problem of identification of a linear nonsta-tionary stochastic process is considered and solved using theapproach based on functional series approximation of time-varying parameter trajectories. The proposed fast basis func-tion estimators are computationally attractive and yield resultsthat are better than those provided by the local least squaresalgorithms. It is shown that two...
Komunikacja on-line [on-line]. lipiec 2002 [dostęp 13 grudnia 2002]. Dostę-pny wWorld wide web:<>.
PublikacjaW wielu opracowaniach mówiących o roli Internetu w działalności organizacjigospodarczych można spotkać się ze stwierdzeniem, że Internet stwarza fir- mom ogromne możliwości rozwoju. Artykuł prezentuje podejście, w którym na- cisk jest położony na nawiązanie relacji z klientami, warunkującymi wytwo- rzenie silnych więzów pomiędzy nimi a organizacją.
Sensitivity of entanglement decay of quantum-dot spin qubits to the external magnetic field
PublikacjaWe study the decay of entanglement of quantum-dot electron-spin qubits under hyperfine-interaction-mediated decoherence.We show that two-qubit entanglement of a single entangled initial state may exhibit decay characteristic of two disentanglement regimes in a single sample, when the externalmagnetic field is changed. The transition is manifested by the suppression of time-dependent entanglement oscillations which are superimposed...
Ontology groups representing angiogenesis and blood vessels development are highly up-regulated during porcine oviductal epithelial cells long-term real-time proliferation – a primary cell culture approach
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Discussion of “Development of an Accurate Time integration Technique for the Assessment of Q-Based versus h-Based Formulations of the Diffusion Wave Equation for Flow Routing” by K. Hasanvand, M.R. Hashemi and M.J. Abedini
PublikacjaThe discusser read the original with great interest. It seems, however, that some aspects of the original paper need additional comments. The authors of the original paper discuss the accuracy of a numerical solution of the diffusion wave equation formulated with respect to different state variables. The analysis focuses on nonlinear equations in the form of a single transport equation with the discharge Q (volumetric flow rate)...
Measurement of Impulse Response of Shallow Water Communication Channel by Correlation Method
PublikacjaPerformances of underwater acoustic communication (UAC) systems are strongly related to specific propagation conditions of the underwater channel; conditions that can additionally change in time due to the movement of the acoustic system transmitter and receiver or to reflection by underwater objects of the transmitted signal. The time-varying impulse response is a comprehensive description of dynamically changing transmission...
Non-adiabatic coupling elements between the diatomic silver anion and neutral silver dimer plus continuum electron
Dane BadawczeThe process of a two-channel decay of the diatomic silver anion (Ag2-), namely the spontaneous electron ejection giving Ag2 + e- and the dissociation leading to Ag- + Ag is theoretically studied. The ground state potential energy curves (PECs) of the neutral silver dimer and anionic silver diatomic molecule are calculated using the single reference...
Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault Tolerant Systems
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IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium
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International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications
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International Conference on Embedded and Real Time Computing Systems and Applications (International Conference on Real-Time and Embedded Computing Systems and Applications)
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IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing (IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing)
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Effect of the Cooling Time in Annealing at 350°C on the Phase Transformation Temperatures of a Ni<sub>5</sub><sub>5</sub>Ti<sub>4</sub><sub>5</sub> wt. Alloy
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Thermal analysis of manganese(II) complexes of general formula (Bu4N)2[MnBrnCl4−n]
PublikacjaBadano termiczną dekompozycję związków zawierających aniony tetrahalogenomanganese(II), [MnBrnCl4−n]2−(n = 0-4) i kationy tetrabutylammonium. Stosowane metody to: DSC, TG-FTIR, TG-MS i DTA. Pomiary prowadzono w argonie i powietrzu w zakresie temperatur 173-450K (DSC) i 300-1073K (TG). Stałe produkty dekompozycji identyfikowano metodami spektroskopii FT-FIR i dyfraktometrii rentgenowskiej.
Wear in siding friction tests. Ring-on-ring contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%). Paraffin oil lubrication. Specim. sets #20-#21, #22-#23, #24-#25, #26-#27, #28-#29,#30 - #31. Run time: 0-4h. High frequency burst recording.
Dane BadawczeWear in sliding friction tests in ring-on-ring contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%) in self-mated contact. Lubrication: paraffin oil. Sliding velocity: 0.2 m/s. Mean contact stress: 10 MPa. Test rig: PT-3 Tribometer. High frequency burst recording.Running time: 0 - 4h.Specimen sets:Specim. sets (# [upper, rotating] - #[lower, non-rotating]):#20-#21,...
Kinetics and mechanism of the chemically modified starches during gelatinization.
PublikacjaNative starch was silicated by means of microwave-assisted reactions with varying doses of reagents. Resulting products were characterized by DSC and HMR-relaxation methods. It was observed that the hydratation of the silicated starches during gelatinization decreases when compared to that of the native potato starch. The amount of unfrozen water for ungelitinizated silicated starches are less than in control samples. At the same...
Kamila Kokot-Kanikuła mgr
OsobyKamila Kokot-Kanikuła pracuje w Bibliotece Politechniki Gdańskiej w Sekcji Budowy Zbiorów Cyfrowych i Multimedialnych na stanowisku starszego bibliotekarza. Jest absolwentką Instytutu Historycznego oraz Informacji Naukowej i Bibliotekoznawstwa na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim. Główne kierunki zainteresowań to starodruki, biblioteki cyfrowe, repozytoria instytucjonalne, Otwarte Zasoby Edukacyjne, Open Access i Open Data. W bibliotece...
Thermal analysis of copper(II) complexes of general formula [Et4N]2[CuBrnCl4-n]
PublikacjaBadano dekompozycję termiczną związków składających sie z anionów: [CuBrnCl4-n]2- (n=0-4) i kationów tetrametyloamoniowych. Stosowano następujące metody badawcze: TG-FTIR, TG-MS, DTA i DTG. Pomiary przeprowadzono w atmosferze argonu i powietrza w zakresie temperatur od 293 K do 1073 K. Produkty dekompozycji identyfikowano metoda spektroskopii w podczerwieni (IR i FIR) oraz metodą dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego.
On the preestimation technique and its application to identification of nonstationary systems
PublikacjaThe problem of noncausal identification of a nonstationary stochastic FIR (finite impulse response) sys- tem is reformulated, and solved, as a problem of smoothing of preestimated parameter trajectories. Three approaches to preestimation are critically analyzed and compared. It is shown that optimization of the smoothing operation can be performed adaptively using the parallel estimation technique. The new approach is computationally...
Józef Kotus dr hab. inż.
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Work Safety and Ergonomics - L-15/C-0/L-0/P-0, Design and Production Engineering, WIMiO, undergraduate studies, engineering studies, full-time (stationary) studies, 2021/2022, se04, (M:32013W0), summer semester 2023/2024
Kursy OnlineWydział Mechaniczny Mechanika i budowa maszyn (w języku angielskim). Kurs: Specjalność: Design and Production Engineering (WM), I stopnia - inżynierskie, stacjonarne, 2018/2019 - zimowy (obecnie sem. 4), Semestr: 2019/2020 - letni. Student explains the concepts of ergonomics. Describes its goals and area of application. Defines the human - machine - environment system. Designs the human working environment taking into account...
Autonomous Ship Utility Model Parameter Estimation Utilising Extended Kalman Filter
PublikacjaIn this paper, a problem of autonomous ship utility model identification for control purposes is considered. In particular, the problem is formulated in terms of model parameter estimation (one-step-ahead prediction). This is a complex task due to lack of measurements of the parameter values, their time-variability and structural uncertainty introduced by the available models. In this work, authors consider and compare two utility...
Obyś cudze dzieci uczył! Magia zawodu czy przekleństwo wszech czasów? Na wstępie od redaktorki – bardzo osobiście [Teaching as such. A glamorous profession or a curse of all time? Some introductory remarks from the editor]
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Application of TMS320c67xx signal processors for SONIC-self-optimizing narrowband interference canceler
PublikacjaThe paper presents a laboratory system for testing active control algorithms of acoustics noise in ducts. An applied algorithm - self-optimizing narrowband interference canceller (SONIC), allows one to remove narrowband disturbances of constant or slowly time-varying frequencies. Example experimental results of using the laboratory system for supression of sinusoidal disturbance are described. An electronic part of the system was...
On noncausal weighted least squares identification of nonstationary stochastic systems
PublikacjaIn this paper, we consider the problem of noncausal identification of nonstationary, linear stochastic systems, i.e., identification based on prerecorded input/output data. We show how several competing weighted (windowed) least squares parameter smoothers, differing in memory settings, can be combined together to yield a better and more reliable smoothing algorithm. The resulting parallel estimation scheme automatically adjusts...
On noncausal identification of nonstationary stochastic systems
PublikacjaIn this paper we consider the problem of noncausal identification of nonstationary,linear stochastic systems, i.e., identification based on prerecorded input/output data. We show how several competing weighted least squares parameter smoothers, differing in memory settings, can be combined together to yield a better and more reliable smoothing algorithm. The resulting parallel estimation scheme automatically adjusts its smoothing...
FTIR spectra of V2O5 nanostructures
Dane BadawczeThe DataSet contains FTIR spectra of vanadium pentaoxide nanostructures obtained by the sol-gel with different annealing temperatures under synthetic air.
Karolina Sobieraj mgr inż.
OsobyMgr inż. Karolina Sobieraj w 2018 r. ukończyła dwustopniowe studia na kierunku Odnawialne Źródła Energii i Gospodarka Odpadami w specjalności Gospodarka Odpadami, z wyróżnieniem w postaci stypendium Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego dla studentów za wybitne osiągnięcia naukowe w roku akademickim 2017/2018. Od października 2019 r. podjęła studia w Szkole Doktorskiej UPWr w dyscyplinie inżynieria środowiska, górnictwo i energetyka....
Evaluation of the content of zinc compounds in polyethylene films using scanning electron microscopy
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the results of in the form of micrographs made using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) S–3400N (Hitachi, Hyogo, Japan) using backscattered electron (BSE) detector. SEM was equipped with tungsten filament. The accelerating voltage was 25 kV. Utilization of BSE detector allowed to increase the contrast of local areas varying in...
A novel genetic approach to provide differentiated levels of service resilience in IP-MPLS/WDM networks
PublikacjaThis paper introduces a novel class-based method of survivable routing for connection-oriented IP-MPLS/WDM networks, called MLS-GEN-H. The algorithm is designed to provide differentiated levels of service survivability in order to respond to varying requirements of end-users. It divides the complex problem of survivable routing in IP-MPLS/WDM networks into two subproblems, one for each network layer, which enables finding the...
A new look at the statistical identification of nonstationary systems
PublikacjaThe paper presents a new, two-stage approach to identification of linear time-varying stochastic systems, based on the concepts of preestimation and postfiltering. The proposed preestimated parameter trajectories are unbiased but have large variability. Hence, to obtain reliable estimates of system parameters, the preestimated trajectories must be further filtered (postfiltered). It is shown how one can design and optimize such...
Karhunen-Loeve-based approach to tracking of rapidly fading wireless communication channels
PublikacjaWhen parameters of wireless communication channels vary at a fast rate, simple estimation algorithms, such as weighted least squares (WLS) or least mean squares (LMS) algorithms, cannot estimate them with the accuracy needed to secure the reliable operation of the underlying communication systems. In cases like this, the local basis function (LBF) estimation technique can be used instead, significantly increasing the achievable...
The role of hydrogen bonding on tuning hard-soft segments in bio-based thermoplastic poly(ether-urethane)s
PublikacjaThis work describes the preparation of bio-based thermoplastic poly(ether-urethane)s (TPU) via a prepolymer method and investigates the effect of varying the interphase hydrogen-bonding (H-bonding) on physicochemical, thermal and mechanical properties. This was achieved by varying the glycol type and molar ratio of [NCO]/[OH] groups used during the prepolymer chain extending step. The TPUs’ chemical structure was analyzed by Fourier...