


  • Reliable EM-driven size reduction of antenna structures by means of adaptive penalty factors

    Miniaturization has become of paramount importance in the design of modern antenna systems. In particular, compact size is essential for emerging application areas such as internet of things, wearable and implantable devices, 5G technology, or medical imaging. On the other hand, reduction of physical dimensions generally has a detrimental effect on antenna performance. From the perspective of numerical optimization, miniaturization...

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  • Method of managing drill cuttings from shale gas formations


    Proposed management method of drill cuttings involves recycling for the expanded clay production. A theoretical presentation of the possibility, choosing planning path based on similarity between the materials used in the manufacture of expanded clay and oily cuttings. Application for the main stages of manufacture of expanded clay production of drill cuttings from shale gas extraction. Introduced into circulation solid waste partly...

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  • When digital government matters for tourism: a stakeholder analysis


    - Information Technology and Tourism - Rok 2017

    Despite the importance of governance processes for destination management and the impact of digital technology on such processes, surprisingly little academic research has explored the use of digital technology to transform public governance in the tourism sector. This conceptual paper fills this gap by conducting a digital government stakeholder analysis for the tourism sector using the digital government evolution model as its...

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  • Milena Marycz dr inż.

  • Design aspects of a low-cost prosthetic arm for people with severe movement disabilities


    In this paper the main aspects of mechanical design behind the low-cost prosthetic arm are presented. The fundamentals of a proper design has been defined to obtain functional 3D printed 5 degree of freedom (DOF) prosthesis. The designed prosthetic arm is a part of the hybrid interface with eye tracking movement control. The main focus was to create affordable but usable prosthesis which corresponds in size and weights to the human...

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  • Relative Productivity, Country Size and Export Diversification

    This paper analyses the effects of productivity and country size on the extent of trade structure diversification. Using a testable version of the Ricardian model, we show that relative export variety is an outcome of two forces: a relative productivity change (technological progress) and a relative country size change (labour force growth). The model predictions are validated empirically using product-level trade data for a sample...

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  • A New Coupler Concept for Contactless High-Speed Data Transmission Monitoring

    This paper presents a new concept of a couplerthat can be applied to high-speed data transmission contactlessmeasurements. The proposed approach is dedicated for differentialsignal transmission monitoring in microstrip coupled lineson printed circuit boards (PCBs). The coupler, produced on aseparate PCB, is overlayed on the transmission line with thedifferential signal and delivers decoupled differential signal tothe main measurement...

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  • Multi-Criteria Approach in Multifunctional Building Design Process


    - Rok 2017

    The paper presents new approach in multifunctional building design process. Publication defines problems related to the design of complex multifunctional buildings. Currently, contemporary urban areas are characterized by very intensive use of space. Today, buildings are being built bigger and contain more diverse functions to meet the needs of a large number of users in one capacity. The trends show the need for recognition of...

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  • 3D point cloud as a representation of buildings: the Nanotechnology Center and the Auditorium Novum

    Dane Badawcze

    The product presents the point cloud in the collection of a three-dimensional database in spatial order as the representations of the Nanotechnology Center and the Auditorium Novum buildings (located on the campus of the Gdańsk University of Technology) acquired in the laser scanning technology. According to its high accuracy and precision of data acquisition...

  • Miscanthus × giganteus root anatomical traits measurements

    Dane Badawcze

    This data set presents the optical microscope measurements/ images of Miscanthus × giganteus (M×g) roots. The experiment was performed under work package 1: "Properties characterisation of two types of biochar", task D_RT: Phyto-analyses (stress response of plants on biochar amendments) in cooperation with Aarhus University. A short term pot experiment...

  • Bankruptcy Law Severity for Debtors: Comparative Analysis Among Selected Countries


    - European Research Studies Journal - Rok 2020

    Purpose: The objective of this paper is to propose the new indicator of bankruptcy law severity for debtors (BLSI-Bankruptcy Law Severity Index). On the basis of this index we conducted comparative analysis of debtor/creditor friendliness of bankruptcy laws among 27 selected countries. Design/Methodology/Approach: In the research the following methods were used: analysis of legal acts, literature review and expert method. Findings:...

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  • Do mistakes acceptance foster innovation? Polish and US cross-country study of tacit knowledge sharing in IT

    Abstract Purpose – This study aims to understand and compare how the mechanism of innovative processes in the information technology (IT) industry – the most innovative industry worldwide – is shaped in Poland and the USA in terms of tacit knowledge awareness and sharing driven by a culture of knowledge and learning, composed of a learning climate and mistake acceptance. Design/methodology/approach – Study samples were drawn from...

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  • EM-Driven Multi-Objective Optimization of a Generic Monopole Antenna by Means of a Nested Trust-Region Algorithm

    Antenna structures for modern applications are characterized by complex and unintuitive topologies that are difficult to develop when conventional experience-driven techniques are of use. In this work, a method for automatic generation of antenna geometries in a multi-objective setup has been proposed. The approach involves optimization of a generic spline-based radiator with adjustable number of parameters using a nested trust-region-based...

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  • Comprehensive analysis of low-temperature methods for reclaiming of ground tire rubber


    - Rok 2022

    Management of waste tires has become an important topic for decades. The lack of an effective method to manage the materials as mentioned above leads to illegal landfills. This problematic waste can be divided into two main categories depending on the physical condition of the waste: (i) partially used tires; (ii) end-of-life tires. While the first group can be reused or retreaded, the second group requires special measures to...

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    Paper presents conditions of science and industry cooperation in Poland (restrictions, barriers, good practice). A key role in initiation of collaboration between units has financial support. What is also important, it is much easier to create innovative solutions on the base of combining the potential of individuals. That is why many countries all over the world look for innovative solutions using budget funds to support grants...

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  • Kamil Brodnicki dr inż.

    Kamil Brodnicki jest asystentem w Katedrze Informatyki w Zarządzaniu na Wydziale Ekonomii i Zarządzania Politechniki Gdańskiej. Od 2017 roku jest kierownikiem laboratorium Customer Experience. Od 2011 roku pracuje w jednej z trójmiejskich firm IT jako Analityk Systemów Informatycznych, realizując projekty z branży finansowej. Jego zainteresowania badawcze koncentrują się w następujących obszarach: ergonomia i użyteczność w projektach...

  • Evaluation of Vehicle Routing Problem Algorithms for Transport Logistics Using Dedicated GIS System


    - Rok 2016

    The development and research related to optimization of fleet management is of high interest among many industrial and scientific entities related to logistics and transport. Optimal distribution of transportation resources leads to significant cost reduction. In this context, scientific research related to so called Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) which relies on determining the shortest transport routes for a strictly limited number...

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  • Istota chmury wartości - założenia podstawowe

    Obserwacje efektów działań gospodarczych przedsiębiorstw wsparte badaniami literatury pozwoliły na zdiagnozowanie niedostatku w zakresie ogólnych modeli tworzenia wartości. Punktem wyjścia było określenie celu działania przedsiębiorstwa, który wykazuje immanentną dychotomię. Dążenie do realizacja tak ujętego celu jest podstawą do konfigurowania wartości generowanych przez przedsiębiorstwo. W tym zakresie wykorzystujące wyniki prac...

  • ALIS-FLP: amplified ligation selected fragment-length polymorphism method for microbial genotyping

    A DNA fingerprinting method known as ALIS-FLP (amplified ligation selected fragment-length polymorphism) has been developed for selective and specific amplification of restriction fragments from TspRI restriction endonuclease digested genomic DNA. The method is similar to AFLP, but differs in that only one specific restriction enzyme (TspRI) is used. The cohesive ends of the DNA fragments are ligated with two types of oligonucleotide....

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  • Tworzenie miejskości po 1990r., Geneza niemieckiej urbanistyki współczesnych założeń mieszkaniowych

    Artykuł jest przyczyną do przypomnienia genezy współczesnej formy niemieckich miejskich struktur mieszkaniowych w kontekście zmian rozumienia ich wymiaru miejskości. Niemiecka myśl urbanistyczna łączy w sobie dwie wyraziste tradycje dwudziestego wieku - Gründerzeit i KlassischeModerne. Pozostaje jednak silnie otwarta na innowację generowaną nie tylko dzięki postępowi technicznemu, ale przede wszystkim poprzez planowanie interdyscyplinarne...

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  • Investigation of Continuous Wave Jamming in an IEEE 802.15.4 Network


    This paper presents how continuous wave jamming affects IEEE 802.15.4 network. To this end, an office-based measurement setup has been proposed. Within the measurement area, 25 nodes have been set up in order to create a IEEE 802.15.4 tree-based test network structure. A dedicated jamming device that generates and transmits a continuous wave signal has been developed. Several tests have been conducted and presented to demonstrate...

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  • Activity assay of O-Acetyl-L-homoserine sulfhydrylase (CaMet15p).

    The study aimed to obtain conditions optimal for the activity of O-acetyl-L-homoserine sulfhydrylase (CaMet15p) and a method suitable for its measurement. The selection of appropriate reaction conditions included the identification of the reaction buffer and its pH, substrate and enzyme concentrations. The activity of CaMet15p was measured by the detection...



    - Mechanik - Rok 2014

    : Przyrządy pomiarowe stanowią zasadniczy element złożonego systemu oceny jakości wyrobów na wszystkich etapach produkcji. Odpowiednio zaprojektowane procedury opisujące procesy kontrolne i pomiarowe, sprawnie zorganizowane i przeprowadzane operacje monitorowania i pomiarów parametrów procesów i produktów oraz skutecznie funkcjonujący nadzór nad wyposażeniem do monitorowania i pomiarów w organizacji są podstawą do wykazania, że...

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  • Miniature reconfigurable antenna

    • R. Baranowski

    - Rok 2020

    This work concerns the design of a miniature, low-profile reconfigurable antenna based on Huygens metamaterial sources for frequency f0 = 2.45 GHz. Two planar Huygens sources were designed consisting of near-field resonators. Sources are excited from a specially designed reconfigurable control system. Thanks to the two PIN diodes, the system can realize two cardioid radiation characteristics with...

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  • Criteria for evaluation and selection of the best offer for the Contract Engineer service

    The purpose of the legal regulations regarding public procurement in EU countries is to ensure effective funds' spending. When assessing and selecting the best offer, the contracting entities have at their disposal many different criteria, including non-price criteria. Their proper selection and application is necessary to ensure the high quality of the ordered product, delivery or service. Making an order for intellectual services,...

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  • Patrycja Klimas dr hab.


    Patrycja Klimas is an associate professor at Wroclaw University of Economics and Business in the Department of Advanced Research in Management. As a researcher, she researches within strategic management, focused on inter-organizational cooperation and coopetition considered under dyads, networks, and different types of ecosystems. Based on her research mainly on the aviation and the video game industry, she published several papers...

  • Waste Tyres Pyrolysis for Obtaining Limonene


    - Materials - Rok 2020

    This review deals with the technologies of limonene production from waste tyre pyrolysis. Thermal decomposition is attractive for tackling the waste tyre disposal problem, as it enables both: energy to be recovered and limonene to be obtained. This material management recycling of tyres is environmentally more beneficial than the burning of all valuable products, including limonene. Given this recoverability of materials from waste...

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  • A Method for the Evaluation of Urban Freight Transport Models as a Tool for Improving the Delivery of Sustainable Urban Transport Policy


    The article presents a method which helps local authorities to evaluate urban freight transport models. Given the complex requirements for input data and the inability to supply them for most cities, a proper quantitative evaluation of model functionality may be quite difficult for local authorities. Freight transport models designed to support sustainable urban freight transport objectives are a particular example. To overcome...

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  • Bridging the gap between architectural and environmental engineering education in the context of climate change

    Indicated in this article is the urgent need to adjust architectural education to the challenges triggered by climate change. Although reports on the future scenarios for cities are alarming, documents that set criteria for architectural education do not indicate competencies related to climate change adaptation and mitigation, mainly by avoiding environmental engineering considerations. An immediate answer to this problem could...

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  • Methods of Network Resource Provisioning for the Future Internet IIP Initiative

    • J. Gozdecki
    • M. Kantor
    • K. Wajda
    • J. Rak


    In this paper, we present specification, design and implementation aspects of a network resource provisioning module introduced for the Polish Initiative of Future Internet called System IIP. In particular, we propose a set of novel LP optimization models of network resource provisioning designed to minimize the network resource consumption, either bandwidth or node’s computational power, as well as to maximize the residual capacity....

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  • Comprehensive stabilization of all streams of solid residues formed during sewage sludge thermal treatment – Case study


    Modern wastewater treatment plants are currently struggling with the problem of processing and ecological management of sewage sludge. Thermal utilization is a frequently used practice of excess sludge utilization especially in large wastewater treatment plants, which seems to be a quite promising concept. However, during thermal treatment, fractions of ashes and dusts are generated. Such wastes, especially the dust fraction, can...

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  • Pipelined sceling of signed residue numbers with the mixed-radix conversion in the programmable gate array

    In this work a scaling technique of signed residue numbers is proposed. The method is based on conversion to the Mixed-Radix System (MRS) adapted for the FPGA implementation. The scaling factor is assumed to be a moduli product from the Residue Number System (RNS) base. Scaling is performed by scaling of terms of the mixed-radix expansion, generation of residue reprezentation of scaled terms, binary addition of these representations...

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  • Codesigned Digital Tools for Social Engagement in Climate Change Mitigation


    - Sustainability - Rok 2023

    Digital technologies and economies can strengthen participative processes and data- and knowledge-based sustainable urban development. It can also accelerate social integration and the efforts of urban dwellers towards more resilient urban environments. Gap: Most of the tools that strengthen participatory processes were not cocreated with stakeholders. Research shows that codesigned platforms driven by new technological advances...

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    • I. Medvediev
    • D. Muzylyov
    • N. Shramenko
    • P. Nosko
    • P. Eliseyev
    • V. Ivanov

    - Acta Logistica - Rok 2020

    : The study is aimed to develop the logic-linguistic models to design a number of rules for the correct calculation of the vehicles needed, taking into account the technical, technological, and weather and climate conditions of the harvesting and transport complex. The article has shown that the construction of the design of logic-linguistic models was not performed earlier to solve the problem of the agro-industrial production...

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  • Road Restraint Systems as a Basis for Roadside Safety Improvement

    Roadside-related crashes occur when vehicles run off the road. The majority of the crashes have severe outcomes, especially when an object is hit (tree, pole, supports, front wall of a culvert, barrier). These accidents represent app. 19% of all of Poland's road deaths. Roadside crashes involve: hitting a tree, hitting a barrier, hitting a sign or utility pole, vehicle roll-over on the roadside, vehicle roll-over on a slope and...

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  • Smart Services supporting Drivers in Effective Cars Parking


    - Rok 2017

    The paper shows how to design and implement intelligent, service oriented systems for management of free places in distributed car parks. The idea of SOA technology is widely used. It is assumed that a state of every car park is automatically determined by a special electronic infrastructure including IoT solutions. The information received from such an infrastructure is sent to the main management system, which processes it and,...

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  • Krzysztof Malik prof. dr hab.


    Krzysztof Malik, professor of economics, heads the Department of Economics, Finance, Regional and International Research at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Opole University of Technology. Prof. Malik conducts research on the regional economy, development strategy, knowledge transfer and specialization of regional development, economic evaluation of regional public programmes and policies. He is the author and co-author...

  • Innovative activity of SMEs In Poland


    - Rok 2010

    Innovative activity of enterprises is determined by many factors. On one hand, these are external factors creating a sort of innovative climate in the economy, on the other hand - there are many internal factors stimulating or reducing the intensity of innovative activities. What influences the innovativeness of enterprises is the effectiveness of the system supporting innovations, which was stated by for example Pyciński and Żołnierski...

  • Influence of ESPAR Antenna Radiation Patterns Shape on PPCC-Based DoA Estimation Accuracy


    - Rok 2018

    In the article, we show the influence of three different electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna radiation patterns on the overall direction of arrival (DoA) estimation accuracy when power-pattern cross-correlation (PPCC) algorithm, relying on received signal strength (RSS) values, is used for the estimation. The ESPAR antenna designs were obtained for three optimization...

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  • Miniaturization of ESPAR Antenna Using Low-Cost 3D Printing Process


    - Rok 2020

    In this paper, the miniaturized electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna is presented. The size reduction was obtained by embedding its active and passive elements in polylactic acid (PLA) plastic material commonly used in low-cost 3D printing. The influence of 3D printing process imperfections on the ESPAR antenna design is investigated and a simple yet effective method to...

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  • The contactless method of chip-to-chip high-speed data transmission monitoring

    This paper presents a technique of decoupling differential signals transmitted in a pair of microstrip lines on a printed circuit board (PCB), using dedicated coupler for high speed data transmission monitoring in chip-to-chip interconnections. The coupler used for signal probing is overlayed on the pair of microstrip lines under test, and provides a signal to the next blocks of the measurement system without disturbing transmission...

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  • Converting beach wrack into a resource as a challenge for the Baltic Sea (an overview)

    • B. Chubarenko
    • J. Woelfel
    • J. Hofmann
    • S. Aldag
    • J. Bełdowski
    • J. Burlakovs
    • T. Garrels
    • J. Gorbunova
    • S. Guizani
    • A. Kupczyk... i 7 innych


    The paper distinguishes beach wrack, the marine generated organic part of beach cast, as a separate management object and discusses research questions related to its management and economically viable use. Based on experiences from the Baltic Sea and existing practices from countries with different management systems clear distinction between the management of natural and anthropogenic components of cast material is seen as an...

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  • Igor Garnik dr inż.

    Jest absolwentem Wydziału Elektroniki Politechniki Gdańskiej (1992). Z Politechniką Gdańską związany zawodowo od 1997 roku – zatrudniony najpierw jako asystent w Zakładzie Ergonomii i Eksploatacji Systemów Technicznych na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii, a następnie – po uzyskaniu stopnia doktora w 2006 roku jako adiunkt. W latach 2009–2015 pełnił funkcję koordynatora Bałtyckiego Festiwalu Nauki na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii....

  • Antifungal Activity of Capridine β as a Consequence of Its Biotransformation into Metabolite Affecting Yeast Topoisomerase II Activity

    In the last few years,increasing importance is attached to problems caused by fungal pathogens. Current methods of preventing fungal infections remain unsatisfactory. There are several antifungal compounds whichare highly effective in some cases, however, they have limitations in usage: Nephrotoxicity and other adverse effects. In addition, the frequent use of available fungistatic drugs promotes drug resistance....

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  • Agata Pierścieniak dr hab. inż.


    Absolwentka Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wydziału Informatyki i Zarządzania (1992). Stopień naukowy doktora nauk ekonomicznych uzyskała w roku 2004 na SGGW w Warszawie, a stopień doktora habilitowanego w dyscyplinie nauki o zarządzaniu, w roku 2016 na SGH w Warszawie. W latach 1998-2018 pracowała na Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskim (Wydział Ekonomii), gdzie oprócz działalności naukowej w latach 2007-2014, koordynowała realizację projektów...

  • Bartosz Sawik


    Dr Bartosz Sawik is a Professor at the Department of Business Informatics and Engineering Management, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland and at the Institute of Smart Cities, GILT-OR Group, Department of Statistics, Computer Science and Mathematics, Public University of Navarre, Pamplona, Spain. He is a Visiting Researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. He has a Ph.D. and a M.Sc. and Eng....

  • Self-healing and shape memory polymers

    Kursy Online
    • J. T. Haponiuk

    The course "Self-Healing and Shape Memory Polymers" is a specialized elective designed for Chemical Engineering PhD students. This advanced course delves into the innovative realms of self-healing materials and shape memory polymers (SMPs), representing a significant breakthrough in material science and engineering. Throughout the course, students learn about the problems of failure of polymeric materials and explore the fundamental...

  • The potential of raw sewage sludge in construction industry – A review

    Excess sewage sludge produced in any municipal or industrial wastewater treatment plant becomes a serious problem due to its increasing amount. This increase is related to the improvement of treatment technologies, expansion of sewage systems and the development of new industrial plants. The implementation and development of new technologies related to the utilization of sewage sludge is currently based on treating it as a substrate....

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  • AFM investigation of electrode fabricated by 3D printing

    Dane Badawcze

    3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, has enjoyed great interest in recent years due to the versatility of this method of producing various shapes and details. Due to the possibility of precise control of the shape and composition of the printed elements, the discussed technique can be widely used in electrochemistry, including electrochemical...

  • Evaluation of mercury content in combustible tobacco products by employing cold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy and considering the moisture content: a comprehensive study

    Plants are mainly made up of water, which constitutes between 80 and 90% of their weight. Moisture factor comes across as one of the most important in tobacco products. Rapid determination of moisture content in tobacco products comes at neces- sity in any tobacco management plants (before and after production). Therefore, the concern has been raised in this study to evaluate the moisture content in four kinds of combustible tobacco...

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