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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: VISTUAL DELTA

  • Production of six-degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) navigable audio using 30 Ambisonic microphones

    • B. Mróz
    • M. Kabaciński
    • T. Ciotucha
    • A. Rumiński
    • T. Żernicki

    - Rok 2021

    This paper describes a method for planning, recording, and post-production of six-degrees-of-freedom audio recorded with multiple 3rd order Ambisonic microphone arrays. The description is based on the example of recordings conducted in August 2020 with the Poznan Philharmonic Orchestra using 30 units of Zylia ZM-1S. A convenient way to prepare and organize such a big project is proposed – this involves details of stage planning,...

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  • Application of data driven methods in diagnostic of selected process faults of nuclear power plant steam turbine


    Article presents a comparison of process anomaly detection in nuclear power plant steam turbine using combination of data driven methods. Three types of faults are considered: water hammering, fouling and thermocouple fault. As a virtual plant a nonlinear, dynamic, mathe- matical steam turbine model is used. Two approaches for fault detection using one class and two class classiers are tested and compared.

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  • Endoscopic Videos Deinterlacing and On-Screen Text and Light Flashes Removal and Its Influence on Image Analysis Algorithms' Efficiency

    In this article, deinterlacing and removing on- screen text and light flashes methods on endoscopic video images are discussed. The research is intended to improve disease recognition algorithms' performance. In the article, four configurations of deinterlacing methods and another four configurations of text and flashes removal methods are described and examined. The efficiency of endoscopic video analysis algorithms is measured...

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  • Impact of Usability Website Attributes on Users’ Trust, Satisfaction and Loyalty

    This paper presents the results of an experimental study aimed at identifying possible relationships among website usability characteristics, consumer satisfaction, trust and loyalty. These factors regard not only customer satisfaction in a transactional sense, but in the long term they may affect e-customer behavior, opinions, recommendations and attitudes toward using on-line services in general. The study was performed with...

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  • Consciousness Study of Subjects with Unresponsive Wakefulness Syndrome Employing Multimodal Interfaces


    - Rok 2014

    The paper presents a novel multimodal-based methodology for consciousness study of individuals with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome. Two interfaces were employed in the experiments: eye gaze tracking system – CyberEye developed at the Multimedia Systems Department, and EEG device with electrode placement in the international 10-20 standard. It was a pilot study for checking if it is possible to determine objective methods based...

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  • Design and Evaluation of the Platform for Weight-Shifting Exercises with Compensatory Forces Monitoring

    Details of a platform for the rehabilitation of people with severe balance impairment are discussed in the paper. Based upon a commercially available static parapodium, modified to fit force sensors, this device is designed to give a new, safe tool to physiotherapists. It is designed for the patients who cannot maintain equilibrium during a bipedal stance and need to hold to or lean on something during the rehabilitation. Visual,...

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  • Daylighting Education in Practice Verification of a new goal within a European knowledge investigation

    • F. Giuliani
    • N. Sokół
    • R. M. Lo Verso
    • F. Caffaro
    • A. Diakite
    • R. Viula
    • B. Paule

    - Rok 2018

    Two independent surveys were conducted in 2017 and in 2018 among architecture students across Europe to investigate their knowledge on daylighting and the impact of that knowledge on the visual perception of daylit spaces. A total of 600 responders were involved. This paper presents findings from the second survey, which was distributed in six European countries. Based on the findings from the first survey, a new goal was set for...

  • Media architecture: participation through the senses


    - Rok 2012

    Pervasive media and interactive technologies have become inseparable not only from our everyday life but also from architecture and city spaces. However, the generic use of new technologies in the design process and material production that affects contemporary architecture, results in buildings that become mere visual objects losing their hapticity and non-visual qualities. Despite the substantial advancement in the research studies...

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  • Badania rozproszenia elektronów na cząsteczkach tlenu w szerokim zakresie kątów rozproszenia


    - Rok 2007

    Celem pracy były badania wzbudzenia cząsteczki tlenu od poziomów oscylacyjnych v=1 do v=5 stanu podstawowego X3 Sigma g- oraz stanu oscylacyjnego v=0 stanu wzbudzonego a1 delta g przeprowadzone dla energii elektronów padających równej 10eV oraz w szerokim zakresie kątów rozproszenia od 15 do 180 stopni. Aby wyznaczyć różniczkowe przekroje czynne dla tych stanów wzbudzonych, zmierzono różniczkowe przekroje czynne na rozproszenie...

  • Kolorowe Wiatrakowe. Autorskie warsztaty architektoniczne


    Warsztaty dla dzieci pt. „Kolorowe wiatrakowe” mają na celu przybliżyć najmłodszym tradycyjne budownictwo okolic Gdańska – Żuław Wiślanych. Są drugą częścią cyklu opartego na autorskiej publikacji dla dzieci: Raptularz Żuławski czyli sekretny dziennik poszukiwacza skarbów (2019). Zostały zorganizowane we współpracy z Izbą Architektów RP o. Gdańsk. W trakcie warsztatów omówione zostały elementy krajobrazu kulturowego Żuław Wiślanych...

  • L'economia mondiale dopo la guerra fredda


    - Rok 2018

    Che cosa è successo negli equilibri economici mondiali a partire dal 1989 e dalla dissoluzione del vecchio ordine sovietico? Dopo aver esaminato gli Usa e i suoi competitori asiatici, Giappone e Cina, il libro si concentra sull’Europa e sulle grandi trasformazioni portate dalla riunificazione tedesca, da Maastricht e dalla nascita dell’euro. Infine analizza, nell’ambito della globalizzazione, il ruolo dei BRICS, lo sviluppo economico...

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  • Report no WOiO/II/67/2015 - Expertise about load capacity of twistlock foundation and sliding foundation


    - Rok 2015

    Customer delivered to Laboratory 17 elements - twist lock foundations and sliding lock foundations (ship equipment for container lashing). Elements were selected from production series. Each element was loaded for braking load. After test visual inspection had been performed. The expertise contains: description of tested elements, test assumptions, test stand, results and conclusions

  • GIS three-dimensional Modelling with geo-informatics techniques

    The integration issue of virtual models and geo-referenced database have a very broad spectrum of potential applications. Before the integration issue was on the cusp, it was quite problematic to combine three-dimensional models with the geo-referenced database. An integrated database contains a variety of data including such as object orientated data model and raster data. Within this paper, authors present an integration process...

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    The paper studies the role of light in architectural creations of contemporary buildings of representative function. Based on the selected projects and completed buildings dedicated to culture and art, it analyzes and systematizes the examples of using light to obtain visual effects that mark the architecture with a universal and timeless message. The method of research is case study and critical analysis of literature. Light plays...

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  • Context-Aware Indexing and Retrieval for Cognitive Systems Using SOEKS and DDNA


    - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing - Rok 2019

    Visual content searching, browsing and retrieval tools have been a focus area of interest as they are required by systems from many different domains. Context-based, Content-Based, and Semantic-based are different approaches utilized for indexing/retrieving, but have their drawbacks when applied to systems that aim to mimic the human capabilities. Such systems, also known as Cognitive Systems, are still limited in terms of processing...

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  • Digital document life cycle development


    Przedstawiono model DDLC wytwarzania interaktywnych dokumentów cyfrowych z ich pierwowzorów papierowych. Model DDLC opracowany w ramach 5 PR UE IST-2002-33441 MEMORIAL wyróżnia 6 faz i odpowiednie grupy funkcjonalności narzędzi do ich realizacji. Cykl wytwarzanie realizuje politykę całkowitej kontroli jakości, wykorzystującej specjalnie opracowaną metodę Visual GQM.

  • Chapter 18. Emulsifying properties of nonionic surfactants in the context of soil remediation


    Powstające podczas remediacji gruntów emulsje są niekorzystne, gdyż mogą prowadzić do zatykania porów i unieruchomienia strumienia cieczy przemywającej. Czyni to proces przemywania nieefektywnym. Zbadano stabilność emulsji trzech olejów mineralnych i jednego syntetycznego (PAO 6). W badaniach wykorzystano aparat Turbiscan TLab Expert. Stabilność emulsji określono jako zależność delty transmisji od czasu. Spośród przebadanych emulsji...

  • Wieś Żuławska – Krajobraz Żuławski. Scenariusz lekcji.


    - Rok 2014

    W publikacji przedstawiono eksperymentalny, przykładowy scenariusz dotyczący tematyki dziedzictwa kulturowego na przykładzie wsi żuławskiej w krajobrazie (Wieś Żuławska – Krajobraz Żuławski). Prezentuje regionalną architekturę drewnianą Żuław Delty Wisły oraz związane z nią dziedzictwa kulturowe. Scenariusz opatrzony jest komentarzem dydaktycznym poruszanej problematyki, wskazuje na efekty kształcenia oraz podaje przykładowe zadania...

  • CMMI - an Assurance of Transferability of Knowledge andProjects in a Distributed Enterprise


    CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integrated)is a reference model fordefining and performing processes in software and systems engineeringorganizations.An organization implementing CMMI,among other things,assures thatacit knowledge is properly externalized into formal knowledge.This externalization gives an organization opportunity to assure that knowledge and development projects are easily transferable across adistributed enterprise...

  • Stereoscopy in Graphics APIs for CAVE Applications

    The paper compares the advantages and disadvantages of a variety of Graphics Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) from the perspective of obtaining stereoscopy in applications written for a CAVE virtual reality environment. A number of problems have been diagnosed and an attempt has been made to solve them using OpenGL, DirectX 11 and 12, Vulkan, as well as the Unity Engine which can internally use DirectX, OpenGL and Vulkan,...

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    The Intel Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) is a set of libraries and drivers for fast packet processing in Linux. It is a dedicated framework for building efficient high-speed data plane applications supporting QoS features with poll mode drivers which are supporting virtual and physical NIC’s so environment can be used to build efficient data plane applications for packet networks. The results of test on Quality of Service Metering...

  • Preliminary study on icebreaking operation on the Middle and Lower Odra River


    - Rok 2018

    The Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project (OVFMP) is implemented with the assistance of international financial institutions, including the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Council of Europe Development Bank, as well as with the support of funding from the Cohesion Fund and the state budget. Aside from others, the objective of the OVFMP is to increase flood protection for people living in selected areas...

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  • Integration of thermographic data with the 3D object model


    - Rok 2014

    The aim of the paper is to present new method for merging the 3D model data of the measured object with thermograms. Our technique is based on the combination of visual 3D imaging technique and thermal imaging technique, which maps the 2D thermograms on to 3D anatomical mesh model. The combination of these imaging modalities allows the generation of combined 3D and thermal data from which thermal signatures can be verified and...

  • COVID‐19: A systematic review and update on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment

    • H. Aghamirza Moghim Aliabadi
    • R. Eivazzadeh‐Keihan
    • A. Beig Parikhani
    • S. Fattahi Mehraban
    • A. Maleki
    • S. Fereshteh
    • M. Bazaz
    • A. Zolriasatein
    • B. Bozorgnia
    • S. Rahmati... i 11 innych

    - MedComm - Rok 2022

    Since the rapid onset of the COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in the world in 2019, extensive studies have been conducted to unveil the behavior and emission pattern of the virus in order to determine the best ways to diagnosis of virus and thereof formulate effective drugs or vaccines to combat the disease. The emergence of novel diagnostic and therapeutic techniques considering the multiplicity of reports from one side and contradictions...

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  • Determining horizontal curvature of railway track axis in mobile satellite measurements

    The article discusses the applicability of a novel method to determine horizontal curvature of the railway track axis based on results of mobile satellite measurements. The method is based on inclination angle changes of a moving chord in the Cartesian coordinate system. In the presented case, the variant referred to as the method of two virtual chords is applied which consists in manoeuvring with only one GNSS (Global Navigation...

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  • Monitoring Salt Water Intrusion During Construction of a Road Tunnel under the Martwa Wisła River in Gdańsk

    The paper presents results of groundwater monitoring carried out during the construction of a road tunnel under the Martwa Wisła river in Gdańsk, Poland. Martwa Wisła is one of the branches of Wisła (Vistula) river, heavily influenced by storm surges and saline water inflow from the Bay of Gdańsk. Increased values of chloride concentration were observed on both sides of the river, in particular on the western side, which was caused...

  • Independent dynamics of slow, intermediate, and fast intracranial EEG spectral activities during human memory formation


    - Rok 2021

    A wide spectrum of brain rhythms are engaged throughout the human cortex in cognitive functions. How the rhythms of various low and high frequencies are spatiotemporally coordinated across the human brain during memory processing is inconclusive. They can either be coordinated together across a wide range of the frequency spectrum or induced in specific bands. We used a large dataset of human intracranial electroencephalography...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Robust Object Detection with Multi-input Multi-output Faster R-CNN


    Recent years have seen impressive progress in visual recognition on many benchmarks, however, generalization to the out-of-distribution setting remains a significant challenge. A state-of-the-art method for robust visual recognition is model ensembling. However, recently it was shown that similarly competitive results could be achieved with a much smaller cost, by using multi-input multi-output architecture (MIMO). In this work,...

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  • Robust Object Detection with Multi-input Multi-output Faster R-CNN


    Recent years have seen impressive progress in visual recognition on many benchmarks, however, generalization to the out-of-distribution setting remains a significant challenge. A state-of-the-art method for robust visual recognition is model ensembling. However, recently it was shown that similarly competitive results could be achieved with a much smaller cost, by using multi-input multi-output architecture (MIMO). In this work,...

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  • Two-photon microperimetry with picosecond pulses


    - Biomedical Optics Express - Rok 2021

    Two-photon vision is a phenomenon associated with the perception of short pulsesof near-infrared radiation (900-1200 nm) as a visible light. It is caused by the nonlinear processof two-photon absorption by visual pigments. Here we present results showing the influence ofpulse duration and repetition rate of short pulsed lasers on the visual threshold. We comparedtwo-photon sensitivity maps of the retina obtained for subjects with...

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  • Computer-Supported Polysensory Integration Technology for Educationally Handicapped Pupils


    In this paper, a multimedia system providing technology for hearing and visual attention stimulation is shortly presented. The system aims to support the development of educationally handicapped pupils. The system has been presented in the context of its configuration, architecture, and therapeutic exercise implementation issues. Results of pupils’ improvements after 8 weeks of training with the system are also provided. Training...

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  • Zintegrowane środowiska projektowania aplikacji internetowych.


    - Rok 2002

    Zintegrowane środowiska, umożliwiające analizę, projektowanie i implementację aplikacji, stanowią wymarzone narzędzie pracy każdego inżyniera oprogramowania. Opisano próby dostarczenia takiego środowiska w postaci Borland Delphi 5.0 oraz w postaci Rational XDE - środowiska projektowania w UML przeznaczonego do integracji z istniejącymi środowiskami implementacji, takimi jak Microsoft Visual Studio.NET i IBM Web Sphere...

  • Analiza stateczności walcowego pionowego zbiornika dwupłaszczowego posadowionego na fundamencie gruntowym


    Omówiono wpływ nierównomiernego osiadania płaszcza wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego na nośność stalowego zbiornika dwupłaszczowego posadowionego za pośrednictwem podsypki piaskowej na uwarstwionym podłożu gruntowym. Analizę obliczeniową wykonano numerycznie przy zastosowaniu systemu komputerowego MSC Visual Nastran for Windows, version 2001. Stwierdzono, że przy zastosowaniu w obliczeniach podłoża typu Winklera otrzymuje się zbyt duże...

  • Early Oceanographical Data Collected by the Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk


    - Rok 2022

    Three data sets entitled Water currents in Głębinka Passage in late spring of 1975, Hydrometeorological and hydrochemical conditions in the Gulf of Gdańsk in the vicinity of Vistula river mouth in July of 1977, and Gulf of Gdańsk monitoring conducted by the Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk, in 1981–1994 contain archival field measurement results from the Gulf of Gdańsk (the southern Baltic). The data can be used...

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  • Test loading of the longest span arch bridge in Poland

    Bridge structures undergo thorough examination during test loading before they come into use. The aim of the examination is to check the correctness of the working structure and construction design assumptions. Test loading on the bridge is preceded by examination specification. This paper describes computational model and test loading results carried out during examibation of the bridge over the Vistula within the bypass of Puławy...

  • On exact two-dimensional kinematics for the branching shells


    - Rok 2010

    We construct the two-dimensional (2D) kinematics which is work-conjugate to the exact 2D local equilibrium conditions of the non-linear theory of branching shells. It is shown that the compatible shell displacements consist of the translation vector and rotation tensor fields defined on the regular parts of the shell base surface as well as independently on the singular surface curve modelling the shell branching. Several characteristic...

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  • Modeling of Human Tissue for Medical Purposes

    The paper describes the possibilities offered for medicine by modeling of human tissue using virtual and augmented reality. It also presents three proposals of breast modeling for the use in clinical practice. These proposals are the result of arrangements of medical and computer scientists team (the authors) and will be pursued and implemented in the near future. There is included also a brief description of the most popular methods...

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  • Towards hardware built-in support for computer system safety


    - Rok 2005

    Artykuł omawia dostępne technologie wirtualizacji zasobów pamięci i systemów I/O w systemach komputerowych takie jak Execute Disable Bit (EDB) capability i Virtual Machine Architecture (VMA). Nastepnie wprowadza założenia na rozszerzenie tych technologii w celu uzyskania funkcjonalności Safe Call Execution dzieki technologii Execution Disabling Policies (EDP). Wprowadzono również założenia na funkcjonalność Memory Virtualization...

  • The relationship between architectural detail and light in contemporary architecture


    The paper deals with the influence of modern artificial and natural lighting technology on contemporary architecture, especially in relation to architectural detail. Advanced complex lighting systems have an increasing importance in contemporary design solutions. Light itself, and the effect of its actions, and characteristic parts of the sophisticated lighting systems, play an essential role as independent architectural elements,...

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  • Con l’introduzione


    - Rok 2022

    Nata nel 1953 con l’obiettivo di portare l’Italia tra le nazioni avanzate anche in campo energetico, Eni rappresenta una delle principali imprese ad aver influenzato l’innovazione economica del Paese. La sua storia, legata a doppio filo alla figura di Enrico Mattei, consente di seguirne le traiettorie di sviluppo e le strategie di internazionalizzazione, nel quadro di un contesto in continua evoluzione. Questo volume ripercorre...

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  • Architektura Regionalna Żuław jako Dziedzictwo Kulturowe ( dom podcieniowy w krajobrazie Żuław) – Krajobraz Żuławski. Scenariusz lekcji.


    - Rok 2014

    W publikacji przedstawiono eksperymentalny, przykładowy scenariusz dotyczący tematyki dziedzictwa kulturowego na przykładzie wsi żuławskiej w krajobrazie (Architektura Regionalna Żuław jako Dziedzictwo Kulturowe – dom podcieniowy w krajobrazie Żuław). Prezentuje regionalną architekturę drewnianą Żuław Delty Wisły oraz związane z nią dziedzictwa kulturowe. Scenariusz opatrzony jest komentarzem dydaktycznym poruszanej problematyki,...

  • Perceptual and Motor Effects of Muscle Co-activation in a Force Production Task


    - NEUROSCIENCE - Rok 2020

    We tested several predictions of the theory of motor control with spatial referent coordinates related to effects of muscle coactivation on force production and perception. In particular, we predicted that subjects would produce unintentional force increase by finger flexors and be unaware of this force increase. Healthy subjects performed steady force production task in isometric conditions with visual feedback on the force level....

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  • Language material for English audiovisual speech recognition system developmen . Materiał językowy do wykorzystania w systemie audiowizualnego rozpoznawania mowy angielskiej


    - Rok 2013

    The bi-modal speech recognition system requires a 2-sample language input for training and for testing algorithms which precisely depicts natural English speech. For the purposes of the audio-visual recordings, a training data base of 264 sentences (1730 words without repetitions; 5685 sounds) has been created. The language sample reflects vowel and consonant frequencies in natural speech. The recording material reflects both the...

  • Awareness evaluation of patients in vegetative state employing eye-gaze tracking system

    Application of eye-gaze tracking system to awareness evaluation is demonstrated. Hitherto awareness evaluation methods are presented. The assumptions of proposed method based on analysis of visual activity of patients in vegetative state are demonstrated. The eye-gaze tracking system ''Cyber-Eye'' developed at the Multimedia Systems Department employed to conducted experiments is presented. Research described in the paper indicates...

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  • Guitar String Sound Retrieved from Moving Pixels

    The aim of this study was to develop a method of visual recording and analyzing the vibrations of guitar strings using high-speed cameras and dedicated video processing algorithms. The recording of a plucked string reveals the way in which the deformations propagate, composing the standing and travelling wave. The paper compares the results for a few selected models of classical and acoustic guitars, and it involves processing...

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  • Gesture-controlled Sound Mixing System With a Sonified Interface


    - Rok 2013

    In this paper the Authors present a novel approach to sound mixing. It is materialized in a system that enables to mix sound with hand gestures recognized in a video stream. The system has been developed in such a way that mixing operations can be performed both with or without visual support. To check the hypothesis that the mixing process needs only an auditory display, the influence of audio information visualization on sound...

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    MATERIALS April 18-22, 2022 / BOSTON, MA Abstract Book 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Day 5 Friday, April 22, 2022 Parallel Sessio II- (Virtual EST Zone) pp. 154 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING APRIL 18-22, 2022 | BOSTON, MAAt: Boston, MAAffiliation: UNICEF at: USA BOSTONVolume: 2022

  • A Method and Device for 3D Recognition of Cutting Edge Micro Geometry


    - Drvna Industrija - Rok 2014

    A very useful method was successfully applied in the investigation of tools for machining wood and wood based composites. It allows scanning of the cutting edge micro geometry in three dimensions and reproducing it in a virtual space as a 3D surface. The application of the method opens new possibilities of studying tool wear by scanning, including the calculation of volume loss and other analysis of tool wedge geometry along and...

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  • Sensorless five-phase induction motor drive with third harmonic injection and inverter output filter

    The paper presents a sensorless control approach for a five-phase induction motor drive with third harmonic injection and inverter output filter. In the case of the third harmonic injection being utilised in the control, the physical machine has to be divided into two virtual machines that are controlled separately and independently. The control system structure is presented in conjunction with speed and rotor flux observers that...

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  • On FEM analysis of Cosserat-type stiffened shells. Static and stability linear analysis

    The present research investigates the theory and numerical analysis of shells stiffened with beams in the framework based on the geometrically exact theories of shells and beams. Shell’s and beam’s kinematics are described by the Cosserat surface and the Cosserat rod respectively, which are consistent including deformation and strain measures. A FEM approximation of the virtual work principle leads to the conforming shell and beam...

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