Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ISOMERIC FORM - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ISOMERIC FORM

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ISOMERIC FORM

  • On the distillation of cryptographic key from multipartie entangled quantum states


    - Rok 2008

    Celem pracy było uzupełnienie ogólnego paradygmatu destylacji bezpiecznego klucza kryptograficznego z dwucząstkowych stanów splątanych, a w szczegolności znalezienie nowych konstrukcji stanów kwantowych o splątaniu związanym z niezerowym destylowanym kluczem kryptograficznym. Kolejnym celem pracy było uogólnienie powyższego paradygmatu dwucząstkowego na przypadek wielu cząstek. W szczególności sformułowanie definicji wielocząstkowych...

  • The impact of entrepreneurship on regional economy - evidence from empirical studies


    Rozdział poświęcony jest analizie wyników badań empirycznych dotyczących relacji pomiędzy przedsiębiorczością a wzrostem gospodarczym, prowadzonych w ostatnich latach na całym świecie. Autorzy przedstawiają rolę tzw. tkanki przedsiębiorczości i powiązań pośrednich (intermediate linkages).W rozdziale zaprezentowano również model relacji pomiędzy przedsiębiorczością a wzrostem gospodarczym.

  • Application of algorithms for reasoning from imperfect knowledge in it evaluation environment


    - Rok 2009

    The paper describes concept of building multi-agent system dedicated for information technology evaluation or selection for IT enterprises management (IT_MAS). Authors present the model of Knowledge Processing Environment, which is one of main components of the solution. Either facts or rules will be based on IT specialists' experience. However, knowledge which is being acquisited from IT domain is mostly imperfect - uncertain...

  • Characterization of a cryptic plasmid pSFKW33 from Shewanella sp. 33b


    A cryptic plasmid pSFKW33 from psychrotrophic bacterium Shewanella sp. 33B, an isolate from the Gulf of Gdansk (the Baltic Sea), was sequenced and characterized. It is an 8021 bpcircular molecule with 38% GC content, which shows a distinctive nucleotide sequence without homology to other known plasmids. The nucleotide sequence analysis predicts eight open reading frames. The deduced amino acid sequence of ORF-1 shared significant...

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  • An Improved Synthesis of Trisodium (R)-Homocitrate from Citric Acid

    A method of synthesis of trisodium (R)-homocitrate starting from citric acid is reported. The procedure affords the final product of high optical purity with satisfactory yield.

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  • Economic benefits from decreased mercury emissions: Projections for 2020

    • K. Sundseth
    • J. Pacyna
    • E. G. Pacyna
    • J. Munthe
    • M. Belhaj
    • S. Astrom


    Rozne procesy antropogenne zwiększyły ekspozycję ludzi i zwierząt na toksyczna metylortęć. Oszacowano, że emisje rtęci wzrosna o około 25% miedzy latami 2005 i 2020. Jeśli utrzyma się ich dzisiejszy trend. Stwierdzono, że straty społeczne w skali globalnej, związane ze spożywaniem metylortęci i mierzone w obniżaniu się IQ ludzi, moga wynieść około 3.7 biliona USD rocznie. Ten koszt zwiazany z wdychaniem par rtęci jest znacznie...

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  • Mercury emission from coal-fired power plants in Poland



    Przedstawiono główne źródła emisji rtęci w Polsce. W zwiazku z dużą ilością spalanego węgla, jak również planami na przyszłość węgiel kamienny i brunatny jest i będzie podstawowym źródłem produkcji energii w Polsce. Ponieważ węgiel zawiera rtęć, to podczas spalania węgla rtęć uwalniania jest do atmosfery. Spalanie węgla w elektrowniach jest i będzie w najbliższym czasie głównym źródłem emisji rtęci w Polsce. W pracy opisano metody...

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  • Pesticides in rain and roof runoff waters from an urban region


    The levels of organonitrogen, organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides were monitored in rain and roof runoff waters in Gdask (Poland) over a period of 6 months (October 2000 - March 2001). Buildings included in the study were of different ages, and covered with a variety of roofing materials. Samples were collected during the precipitation events. Pesticides were determined by gas chromatography combined with NPD and ECD...

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  • General paradigm for distilling classical key from quantum states



    In this paper, we develop a formalism for distilling aclassical key from a quantum state in a systematic way, expandingon our previous work on a secure key from bound entanglement(Horodecki et al., 2005). More detailed proofs, discussion, andexamples are provided of the main results. Namely, we demonstratethat all quantum cryptographic protocols can be recast in away which looks like entanglement theory, with the only changebeing...

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  • Zamki w Polsce - kryteria oceny i formy ochrony


    - Rok 2009

    Tekst przedstawia i uzasadnia model waloryzacji i klasyfikacji zabytków na przykładzie grupy zamków oraz podaje wynikające z nich propozycje dopuszczalnych sposobów ingerencji architektonicznej w takie obiekty.

  • Practises of entrepreneurs from SMEs sector related to risk management


    - Rok 2009

    Wyniki badań MSP dotyczące praktyk ubezpieczeniowych. Właściciele małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw wykazują się niewielką znajomością procesów zarządzania ryzykiem. Ich działania na rzecz ograniczania ryzyk w działalności gospodarczej dają podstawę do oceny poziomu świadomości ubezpieczeniowej tej grupy przedsiebiorców.

  • From evil demiurge to caring hero: images of geneticists in the movies


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  • Formy przestrzenne średniowiecznych wsi żuławskich. O krajobrazie żuławskim


    - Rok 2008

    Tekst zawiera omówienie charakterystycznych dla średniowiecznego okresu rozowju osadnictwa form rozplanowania wsi na wybranym terytorium Żuław Wiślanych. Pokazano wpływ danej odmiany rozplanowania wsi na postać kompozycyjną żuławskiego krajobrazu otwartego. Zilustrowano pogladowymi rysunkami powstałe w ten sposób specyficzne cechy krajobrazu jak czytelność panoramy i występowanie sekwencji wnętrz architektoniczno-krajobrazowych.

  • Spalanie w cementowniach jako forma odzysku energetycznego opon

    Combustion in cement mills as a form of energy recovery from tiressummary: the subject of used tires is an important issue in poland. in this article, special focus is aimed atmaterial recycling, i.e. tire burning. even though this is not the most energetically effective method, it is one ofthe main techniques used in tire utilization. tires are burned as alternative fuel in already existing cement mills.the high calorific value...

  • Wieloczynnikowy system wczesnego ostrzegania firm przed ryzykiem upadłości


    Artykuł dotyczy prognozowania upadłości przedsiębiorstw w Polsce. Porównano w nim dwie metody prognozowania zagrożeń firm upadłością: wieloczynnikowy system wczesnego ostrzegania oparty na działaniu sztucznej inteligencji oraz analizę dyskryminacyjną.

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  • Inwestycje w surowce jako alternatywna forma pomnażania kapitału


    - Rok 2017

    Opracowanie zawiera klasyfikację oraz charakterystykę inwestycji w surowce. Przedstawiono ponadto uczestników tego rynku inwestycyjnego wraz z możliwymi sposobami inwestowania. Wskazano i scharakteryzowano bazy danych, zawierające ceny dla poszczególnych inwestycji w surowce. Przedstawiono także wybrane indeksy na rynku surowców oraz stopy zwrotu i ryzyko dla inwestycji w surowce w okresie 2000-2015.

  • Thermoplastic polyurethanes with glycolysate intermediates from polyurethane waste recycling



    The polyol is a major component in polyurethane formulations and therefore introducing to the formulation recycled polyol (obtained during decomposition process) allows decreasing the usage of pure petrochemical components. In this work, thermoplastic polyurethanes were prepared using various mixtures of a petrochemical macrodiol poly(ethylene-butylene adipate)diol (PEBA) and a recycled glycolysate intermediate, called glycolysate...

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  • Mechanical Properties of a Dike Formed from a Soil-ash Composite


    The paper presents the research results on application of composite soils for dike construction. The composite soil is produced by mixing bottom ash (by-product of energetics) with dredged material (sand) taken from the mouth of The Vistula river. The optimum composite for dike core was chosen with respect to mechanical parameters: high internal friction angle, good compaction and reduced hydraulic conductivity. The test dike was...

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  • Determination of Local Corrosion Current from Individual Harmonic Components

    Harmonic analysis has been used in corrosion measurements for several decades. During this period the method has been refined and developed. Nevertheless, the technique has not been applied to properties determination in local scale yet. This paper is focused on local corrosion current measurements based on harmonic analysis. For this purpose, a non-linear nature of electrode processes is used and measured in local scale applying...

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  • Hydrogen production from wood waste by mean of dark fermentation


    - Rok 2016

    The utilization of wood wastes in clean and green chemistry method like by mean of dark fermentation, is a highly desired solution of waste management. In the article model for the estimation hydrogen potential of wood waste is given. The model has been used to calculate the potential theoretical hydrogen mass that can be produced from wood wastes in Pomerania and Silesia: pine, spruce, fir, beech and oak. In the introduction,...

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  • Expression of a GDSL esterase from Pseudomonas sp. S9 in Pichiapastoris

    Cold active lipolytic enzymes are promising to replace the conventional enzymes processes of biotechnological industries. One of the most important feature of the cold-active lipases and esterases is that they offer economic benefits through energy saving. In general, they exhibit high activity at low temperatures and low thermostability at moderate temperatures. Lipolytic enzyme EstS9 was isolated from Pseudomonas sp. S9. A multiple...

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  • Application of H2O2 to optimize ammonium removal from domestic wastewater



    The paper presents the results of application of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for the optimization of the effects of ammonia nitrogen removal from domestic wastewater. The investigations were carried out at a model wastewater treatment plant consisting of a preliminary sedimentation tank and a sand filter with a horizontal flow of wastewater at a constant hydraulic load of 1.44 L/day. The efficiency of ammonia nitrogen removal was...

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  • Barcelona - from the province to Metropolis.The cogent strategy of branding the city


    - Rok 2016

    The phenomenon of rebranding Barcelona's image, called the Barcelona effect or 'Barcelona Model', is exampled as one of the most spectacular transformations of the city perception in the last decade. Why has Barcelona been successful? Is it the effect of the recently intensified revitalization practice, or has the city of Barcelona built its brand market value for years? The aim of the research is to name these transition...

  • Alternative Methods of Preparation of Soluble Keratin from Chicken Feathers

    Huge amount of keratinous waste, especially birds’ feathers, demands more value-added application instead of dumping. The present work reports the results of experiments aimed at preparing soluble keratin useful for novel bioproduct formation. The effect of thermo-chemical treatments with various reducing agents, i.e. 2-mercaptoethanol, dithiothreitol, sodium m-bisulphite, and sodium bisulphite, as well as sodium hydroxide, on...

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  • Assembly of 1D Granular Structures from Sulfonated Polystyrene Microparticles

    • A. Mikkelsen
    • A. Kertmen
    • K. Khobaib
    • M. Rajnak
    • K. Juraj
    • Z. Rozynek

    - Materials - Rok 2017

    Being able to systematically modify the electric properties of nano- and microparticles opens up new possibilities for the bottom-up fabrication of advanced materials such as the fabrication of one-dimensional (1D) colloidal and granular materials. Fabricating 1D structures from individual particles offers plenty of applications ranging from electronic sensors and photovoltaics to artificial flagella for hydrodynamic propulsion....

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    The paper presents the study of the impact of vibration induced by the movement of the railway rolling stock on the Forum Gdańsk structure. This object is currently under construction and is located over the railway tracks in the vicinity of the Gdańsk Główny and Gdańsk Śródmieście railway stations. The analysis covers the influence of vibrations on the structure itself and on the people within. The in situ measurements on existing...

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  • From structures to landscapes – towards re-conceptualization of the urban condition


    - Rok 2017

    This paper presents an original approach towards the phenomena of re-naturalization of cities and indicates its possible consequences for the urban design and planning strategies. It focuses on the ongoing shift “from structures to landscapes” in understanding urban conditions. While modern architecture introduced geomet-ric compositions against the background of nature, early modern theories of architects and sociologists started...

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  • Growth Orientation and the Profile of Micro-Entrepreneurs From the Pomorskie Province


    The article begins with the presentation of the concept of Entrepreneurial Orientation. Entrepreneurial Orientation assumes that some enterprises, regardless of size, behave in an entrepreneurial way and are proactive, innovative and willing to take risks. The relationships between Entrepreneurial Orientation and the results of enterprises are also subject to research, although its results are not clear – mainly due to the different...

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  • Media architecture for post-modern society - new forms of participation


    - Rok 2018

    The article shows the relationship between the characteristics of the post-modern society, and the development of media architecture with the function of interactivity. In this context, the duality of the features of post-modern society was emphasized: taking into account its location between creativity and consumerism, as well as on the border between the real and virtual word. The development of media architecture has been linked...

  • Combining Road Network Data from OpenStreetMap with an Authoritative Database

    Computer modeling of road networks requires detailed and up-to-date dataset. This paper proposes a method of combining authoritative databases with OpenStreetMap (OSM) system. The complete route is established by finding paths in the graph constructed from partial data obtained from OSM. In order to correlate data from both sources, a method of coordinate conversion is proposed. The algorithm queries road data from OSM and provides...

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  • Low energy elastic scattering of electrons from hexafluoropropene (C3F6)

    • A. Sakaamini
    • S. Khakoo
    • B. Hlousek
    • M. Khakoo
    • M. Zawadzki
    • M. Kiataki
    • M. Bettega


    We present cross sections from a joint experimental and theoretical study on elastic electron scattering from hexafluoropropene (C3F6) in the gas phase. The experimental results, using low energy electron spectroscopy, were obtained at incident electron energies of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15 and 20 eV, for scattering angles ranging from 10°to 130°. The theoretical method used in the computation of the integral, momentum...

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  • Method of managing drill cuttings from shale gas formations


    Proposed management method of drill cuttings involves recycling for the expanded clay production. A theoretical presentation of the possibility, choosing planning path based on similarity between the materials used in the manufacture of expanded clay and oily cuttings. Application for the main stages of manufacture of expanded clay production of drill cuttings from shale gas extraction. Introduced into circulation solid waste partly...

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  • Beta-galactosidases from a psychrotolerant Arthrobacter isolates and their potential use

    Enzymes from extremophiles, especially psychrophiles and psychrotolerant microorganisms are currently intensively studied because of their unusual structural and functional properties. One of these enzymes is a cold-adapted - galactosidase (EC which catalyzes the hydrolysis of - 1,4-glycosidic bonds in -galactosides. The most common - galactoside is lactose, a disaccharide which makes up 2-7% of milk. The majority of...

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  • Immobilization on magnetic nanoparticles of therecombinant trehalose synthase from Deinococcusgeothermalis

    tIn our study the gene encoding trehalose synthase from Deinococcus geothermalis was cloned and overexpressed inEscherichia coli Rosetta (DE3)pLysS. Wild-type trehalose synthase has been purified from host protein after cell dis-ruption and precipitation at 20% ammonium sulphate saturation. Recombinant trehalose synthase was immobilizedonto glutaraldehyde activated silanized magnetic ferrous-ferric oxide by using covalent binding...

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  • Jan Buczkowski, widok z okna, view from the window


    - Rok 2013

    Katalog wystawy indywidualnej sztuki, która miała miejsce w Gdańskiej Galerii Güntera Grassa w terminie 2.03 – 14.04.2013. Katalog liczy 32 strony i zawiera tekst krytyczny oraz notę biograficzną autora w języku polskim i angielskim, oraz 17 kolorowych reprodukcji prac. Wydawcą katalogu jest Gdańska Galeria Güntera Grassa. ISBN 978-83-935408-3-9.

  • Monitoring of Odour Nuisance from Landfill Using Electronic Nose

    The paper presents the results of investigation on classification of atmospheric air samples collected in a vicinity of municipal landfill with respect to their odour nuisance. The research was conducted using a prototype of electronic nose instrument and a commercial electronic nose of Fast/Flash GC type –HERACLES II. The prototype was equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co.. Classification of the air samples...

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  • The accuracy of pulse rate estimation from the sequence of face images


    - Rok 2016

    The goal of this paper is to analyze the accuracy of pulse rate estimation from the sequence of face images. Simulated and real signals were used to evaluate two pulse rate estimators; one for frequency domain and the second one for time domain using the autocorrelation function. The results show that the mean difference between the reference measurements and estimated pulse rate values are about 2bpm. In the analysis of short...

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  • Directed percolation effects emerging from superadditivity of quantum networks

    Entanglement-induced nonadditivity of classical communication capacity in networks consisting of quantum channels is considered. Communication lattices consisting of butterfly-type entanglement-breaking channels augmented, with some probability, by identity channels are analyzed. The capacity superadditivity in the network is manifested in directed correlated bond percolation which we consider in two flavors: simply directed and...

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  • Isolation and identification of Mycobacterium avium subspecies silvaticum from a horse



    Po raz pierwszy opracowano metodę identyfikacji Mycobacterium avium subsp. silvaticum na podstawie analizy sekwencji DNA alfa antygenu. Zastosowanie enzymu HhaI do trawienia produktu PCR z uzyskanego z udziałem starterów specyficznych wobec genu kodującego alfa antygen pozwoliło na identyfikację Mycobacterium avium subsp. silvaticum. Opracowana nowa metoda pozwala na prowadzenie badań epidemiologicznych bezpośrednio z próbek pochodzących...

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  • Charge Distribution and Hyperfine Interactions in GdBa2Cu3O7 from First Principles


    - Rok 2012

    W rozdziale przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń "z zasad pierwszych" (''ab initio'') struktury elektronowej, rozkładu ładunku i struktury nadsubtelnej, w szczególności gradientu pola elektrycznego (EFG) i składnika kontaktowego pola nadsubtelnego (HFF), nadprzewodnika wysokotemperaturowego o wzorze GdBa2Cu3O7 (Gd123). Do obliczeń wykorzystano metodę FP-LAPW (full-potential linearized augmented plane wave). Efekty związane z oddziaływaniami...

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  • Functional Thin Films Resulting from Parylene-Vinyl Copolymerization

    W publikacji zawarto wyniki obliczeń kwantowych i kinetycznych dotyczących struktury 1-szo rzędowej kopolimerów uzyskiwanych w czasie CVD parylenu na cieczach.

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  • Kraty pomostowe w ujęciu norm i obliczeń numerycznych


    - Rok 2012

    W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono zastosowania, klasyfikacje oraz koncepcje obliczeń krat pomostowych. Nośności normowe dla obciążenia od pojazdu porównano z wynikami numerycznymi. Obliczenia w programie ABAQUS pozwoliły oszacować nośność graniczną oraz wpływ poszczególnych czynników (przekrojów płaskowników i prętów poprzecznych).



    - Rok 2019

    The aim of the article is to present the data about the conditions and perspectives of economic migration from Asia to Poland and data on the stream of this phenomenon in recent years based on work permission documents. The first part presents an introduction on the general migration situation to Poland in recent years and describes the theoretical approach to the aspect of migration. Then the legal conditions of migrants' work...

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  • Low-energy positron scattering from gas-phase benzene

    In this paper we are presenting calculations of the elastic cross section of positrons with gas-phase benzene for the energy range from 0.25 eV to 9.0 eV. The calculations are done with the molecular R-matrix method for positron-scattering from poly-atomic molecules using a scaling factor to scale the electron-positron interaction. The scaling factor influences the position of the poles of the R-matrix. We adjust the scaling factor...

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  • Review of Shoreline Extraction Methods from Aerial Laser Scanning


    - SENSORS - Rok 2023

    Autonomous technologies are increasingly used in various areas of science. The use of unmanned vehicles for hydrographic surveys in shallow coastal areas requires accurate estimation of shoreline position. This is a nontrivial task, which can be performed using a wide range of sensors and methods. The aim of the publication is to review shoreline extraction methods based solely on data from aerial laser scanning (ALS). This narrative...

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  • Nanoparticles and nanofiltration for wastewater treatment: From polluted to fresh water



    Water pollution poses significant threats to both ecosystems and human health. Mitigating this issue requires effective treatment of domestic wastewater to convert waste into bio-fertilizers and gas. Neglecting liquid waste treatment carries severe consequences for health and the environment. This review focuses on intelligent technologies for water and wastewater treatment, targeting waterborne diseases. It covers pollution prevention...

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    It is acknowledged that achieving product-based competitive advantage is a key task for a company. However, there is still a research gap in determining those specific actions in the process of developing new products that arise from companies' efforts to achieve product-based competitive advantage. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the specific actions in the new product development (NPD) process that result from...

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  • Enhanced supercapacitor materials from pyrolyzed algae and graphene composites

    • M. Szkoda
    • M. Skorupska
    • J. P. Lukaszewicz
    • A. Ilnicka

    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2023

    This study focuses on the synthesis and characterization of supercapacitor materials derived from pyrolyzed natural compounds. Four compounds were investigated: methylcellulose with lysine (ML), methylcellulose with lysine-graphene composite (MLG), algae (A), and algae-graphene composite (AG). The pyrolysis process was utilized to convert these natural compounds into carbon-based materials suitable for supercapacitor applications....

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  • Microplastics removal from aqueous environment by metal organic frameworks


    - BMC Chemistry - Rok 2023

    This paper provides an overview of recent research performed on the applications of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) for microplastics (MPs) removal from aqueous environments. MPs pollution has become a major environmental concern due to its negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems and human health. Therefore, developing effective and sustainable methods for removing them from aqueous environments is crucial. In recent years, MOFs...

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  • Pluralist View on Inequality from Luxemburg Income Study (LIS)


    - Rok 2023

    The authors start by reviewing the history of the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS), originating from an interdisciplinary project involving economists, sociologists, and political scientists, centered on the cross-country perspective in inequality analysis. They then conduct a meta-analysis of the papers produced by scholars who have taken advantage of the data availability, showing how the theme of income/wealth inequality has been...

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