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Rok 2016
The difficulties in polybrominated diphenyl ethers identification by GC-EI-MS technique
PublikacjaAwareness about the harmful effects of brominated flame retardants on living organisms increases mainly due to link their presence in the human environment with health disorders. Therefore is a need to conduct research aimed at content control of these chemicals in the environment. Recent improvements in injection techniques and mass spectrometer ionization methods have led to a variety of options to determine PBDEs in environmental...
The effect of anthropogenic activity on BTEX, NO2, SO2, and CO concentrations in urban air of the spa city of Sopot and medium-industrialized city of Tczew located in North Poland
PublikacjaThe major goal of the present study is to compare the air quality of two urban locations situated in Northern Poland – the spa City of Sopot and the medium-industrialized city of Tczew using chemometric methods. As a criterion for the assessment of atmospheric air quality, measurements of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes were used (collected from atmospheric air using diffusion-type passive samplers) as well as...
The estimation of total volatile organic compounds emissions generated from peroxide cured natural rubber/polycaprolactone blends
PublikacjaNatural rubber (NR)/polycaprolactone (PCL) blends at the ratio of 90/10% wt. (NR/PCL90/10) and 70/30% wt. (NR/PCL70/30), with a constant amount of dicumyl peroxide, were prepared by compounding in an internal mixer. Obtained NR/PCL bio-based blends were cured at three different temperatures (150 °C, 160 °C and 170 °C). The total content of volatile organic compounds (TVOC) as a function of the NR/PCL blends ratio, and their curing...
The impact of addition of olive oil on thermal degradation of refined rapeseed oil
PublikacjaFats are an important component of the everyday diet and have a significant impact on the proper functioning of human organism. However, during the process of frying chemical transformations take place in the oil; hence fats characterised by high oxidative stability should be given preference. The aim of this work was to determine the quality of rapeseed oil, blended oil, and refined olive oil, all sourced from the domestic market....
The role of heterotrophic plate count bacteria in bottled water quality assessment
PublikacjaThe ever-growing popularity of bottled water is the result of many factors. One of the most relevant is the widespread belief that bottled water is safer for drinking than tap water. In fact many literature sources describe the rapid growth of the amounts of microorganisms in bottled water samples following the bottling process. The main purpose of this article is to collect the information on the factors which may affect this...
The use of HPLC-Q-TOF-MS for comprehensive screening of drugs and psychoactive substances in hair samples and several “legal highs” products
PublikacjaNon-targeted screening of drugs present in herbal products, known as “legal high” drugs and in hair as a biological matrix commonly used in toxicological investigations was accomplished with the use of high pressure liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HPLC-Q-TOF-MS). In total, 25 and 14 therapeutical drugs and psychoactive substances/metabolites were detected in investigated hair samples...
The Verification of the Usefulness of Electronic Nose Based on Ultra-Fast Gas Chromatography and Four Different Chemometric Methods for Rapid Analysis of Spirit Beverages
PublikacjaSpirit beverages are a diverse group of foodstuffs. They are very often counterfeited which cause the appearance of low quality products or wrongly labelled products on the market. It is important to find a proper quality control and botanical origin method enabling the same time preliminary check of the composition of investigated samples, which was the main goal of this work. For this purpose, the usefulness of electronic nose...
Troubleshooting of the determination of bisphenol A at ultra-trace levels by liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry
PublikacjaDetermination of trace amounts of bisphenol A (BPA) may cause problems mainly related to the presence of BPA in solvents (even in LC-MS grade), laboratory vessels, and plastic equipment used for sample preparation. Variable and sometimes significant amounts of BPA present in the background cause problems in obtaining good repeatability of measurements at the ultra-trace levels. Such observations (i.e., poor repeatability of results)...
Uciążliwość zapachowa powietrza atmosferycznego z terenów oczyszczalni ścieków. CZ. I Charakterystyka emisji odorów
PublikacjaOdory emitowane z terenów oczyszczalni ścieków komunalnych należą do grupy zanieczyszczeń będącej głównym powodem skarg ludności na jakość powietrza atmosferycznego. Ograniczenie emisji nieprzyjemnych zapachów generowanych przez oczyszczalnie ścieków poprzez zastosowanie odpowiednich metod dezodoryzacji jest niejednokrotnie pomijane. Może to negatywnie wpływać na zaufanie publiczne oraz jakość powietrza atmosferycznego. W artykule...
Untargeted Lipidomics Reveals Differences in the Lipid Pattern among Clinical Isolates of Staphylococcus aureus Resistant and Sensitive to Antibiotics
PublikacjaStaphylococcus aureus resistance to antibiotics is a significant clinical problem worldwide. In this study, an untargeted lipidomics approach was used to compare the lipid fingerprints of S. aureus clinical isolates that are resistant and sensitive to antibiotics. High-performance liquid chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry was employed to rapidly and comprehensively analyze bacterial lipids. Chemometric...
Urban dew formation efficiency and chemistry in Poland
PublikacjaThe measurements of dew formation efficiency and chemistry were performed in Poland in September 2009, as a part of a longer, two-year sampling campaign. Pairs of sites, representing centers of major Polish cities and rural conditions in three different regions, were compared. With the aim to get more detailed landuse-oriented characteristics of dew, two additional sites were set close to Wroclaw. Collection of dew at each site...
Wykorzystanie chromatografii jonowej w analityce jonów cyjankowych
PublikacjaNazwa cyjanki obejmuje związki, które zawierają w swojej cząsteczce grupę –C≡N, w której atom węgla i azotu są połączone wiązaniem potrójnym. Są to trujące i niebezpieczne związki, które znalazły swoje zastosowanie w różnych dziedzinach. Cyjanki wykorzystywane są w różnych strefach działalności przemysłowej, włączając w to przemysł wydobywczy i chemiczny. Naturalnym źródłem cyjanków są rośliny maniok, migdały, fasola, siemię...
PublikacjaDynamiczne postępujący rozwój gospodarczy i ekonomiczny wielu krajów przyczynia się do wzrostu emisji zanieczyszczeń do powietrza atmosferycznego. Większość z nich wpływa negatywnie na zdrowie i życie człowieka, oraz przyczynia się do pogorszenia stanu środowiska naturalnego. Na szczególną uwagę zasługują gazy złowonne określane także mianem odorów. Zdecydowaną większość emiterów, których funkcjonowanie wiąże się z uwalnianiem...
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych na obszarach sąsiadujących ze składowiskiem odpadów komunalnych w Gdańsku-Szadółkach. Do oceny uciążliwości zapachowej powietrza atmosferycznego wykorzystano technikę olfaktometrii terenowej. Narzędziami, których wykorzystanie umożliwia badanie właściwości zapachowych odorantów występujących w powietrzu atmosferycznym in-situ są olfaktometry terenowe, których zastosowanie umożliwia...
Rok 2015
A solvent selection guide based on chemometrics and multicriteria decision analysis
PublikacjaThe selection of suitable solvents is a crucially important subject in a wide range of chemical processes. This study presents a solvent selection guide where 151 solvents were assessed, including a significant number of recently reported bio-based solvents. The assessment procedure involves grouping of solvents according to their physicochemical parameters and ranking within clusters according to their toxicological and hazard...
Air quality policy in the U.S. and the EU – a review
PublikacjaThe high level of atmospheric pollution is a global problem that has taken on particular significance in recent years and will continue to grow in the near future. Air pollution directly affects the health, living organisms, vegetation, water, soil and buildings. Additionally, it moves easily even over long distances. Certain air pollutants influence the climate, cause negative processes in the protective ozone layer and contribute...
Analityka chemiczna w oczyszczalni ścieków
PublikacjaAnalityka chemiczna może być zarówno narzędziem pomocniczym na etapie projektowania linii technologicznej, jak i jest niezbędnym elementem na kolejnych etapach kontroli i monitoringu poszczególnych składników środowiska, zwłaszcza że na chwilę obecną całkowite uniknięcie składowania zagospodarowywanych osadów jest niemożliwe
Analytical aspects of model compounds toxicity assessment using MTT and Microtox bioanalytica assays
PublikacjaMore and more increased intensity of anthropopressure processes can be observed, among other things, in the release of great quantities of synthetic substances into the environment, including the Endocrine Disrupting Compounds. The effects of the above-mentioned human impact on the environment not only can be noticed in the homeostasis disturbance in ecosystems, but they are also visible with respect to human. The high incidence...
Application of bioassays in studies on the impact of pharmaceuticals on the environment
PublikacjaDrug interactions are often desirable particularly in medicine, when treatment of a patient requires using a mixture of drugs in specific doses to produce the adequate therapeutic effect. Unfortunately, interactions between drugs in the environment are not as desirable, despite the fact that drugs are present in the environment at low concentration levels [1]. Pharmaceuticals are present in the environment in a mixture of compounds,...
Application of electronic nose based on fast GC for comparison of aroma profiles of homemade cherry "Nalewka" made with addition of different amount of sugar
PublikacjaNalewka is a traditional Polish homemade spirit beverage and there are many different recepies for the production of nalewkas. However, it is not knownwhat amount of sugar can have influence of their aroma profiles. There is little information on the comparison of aroma profiles of Polish cherry nalewkas made with addition of different amount of sugar. For this purpose electronic nose based on fast GC has been used. Electronic...
Application of electronic nose based on fast GC for comparison of aroma profiles of homemade cherry "Nalewka" made with addition of different amount of sugar
PublikacjaNalewka is a traditional Polish homemade spirit beverage and there are many different recepies for the production of nalewkas. However, it is not knownwhat amount of sugar can have influence of their aroma profiles. There is little information on the comparison of aroma profiles of Polish cherry nalewkas made with addition of different amount of sugar. For this purpose electronic nose based on fast GC has been used. Electronic...
Application of gas chromatography to the analysis of spirit-based alcoholic beverages
PublikacjaSpirit-based beverages are alcoholic drinks, which production processes are dependent on the type and origin of raw materials. The composition of this complex matrix is difficult to analyze and scientists commonly choose a gas chromatography techniques for this reason. With a wide selection of extraction methods and detectors it is possible to provide qualitative and quantitative analysis for many chemical compounds with a various...
Application of passive sampling techniques as a usable tool in the field of environmental quality monitoring
PublikacjaAnalysis of literature data published for the past 20 years leads to the conclusion, that passive sampling technique has been developing very quickly and is commonly used in the field of monitoring pollutants in air, water and soil environment. The popularity of application of passive sampling techniques in analytical and environmental chemistry results from its many advantages e.g.: Simplicity in use, low costs of exploitation,...
Arctic as a reservoir for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls- water samples from Foxfonna glacier
PublikacjaPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls are groups of stable compounds, hard to biodegrade, potentially toxic. Their presence in Arctic environment may have a big impact on natural balance, fauna and flora. Although Arctic areas should be unpolluted, some amounts of pollutants are transferred from lower latitudes with sea currents and air masses. This paper presents the amounts of selected persistent organic...
Assessment of cytotoxic and endocrine potential of selected xenobiotics commonly present in food products
PublikacjaMore and more increased intensity of anthropopressure processes can be observed, among other things, in the release of great quantities of synthetic substances into the environment, including the Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDC). A vast number of chemical substances is considered to belong to the this group, including substances which occur naturally in the environment, such as mycotoxins and phytoestrogens, and substances...
PublikacjaIn the scientific literature related to the widely understood issue of packaging materials designed to have contact with food there is much information on raw materials used for their production, their physiochemical properties, types and parameters. There is also a great number of publications on the management and disposal of used packaging. Unfortunately, not much attention is given to the matters concerning migration of toxic...
Blue-berried honeysuckle a promising cancer preventing fruit; Polish genotypes as a source of bioactive phytochemicals
PublikacjaFrom the ancient times, plants containing health-oriented compounds in their matrices are used in the treatment of different complaints and diseases. One of these groups are plant secondary metabolites (PSM), especially phenolic compounds, terpenes and terpenoids. A large number of PSM exhibit cytotoxicity against a variety of tumor cells, as well as cancer preventive and anticancer efficacy in preclinical animal models. For this...
Chemical composition analysis and authentication of whisky
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono informacje dotyczące porównania różnych rodzajów whisky i innych napojów alkoholowych, identyfikacji różnych rodzajów whisky, oceny jakości i potwierdzania autentyczności whisky. Ponadto w pracy omówiono różne techniki stosowane w analizie whisky, takie jak gazową i cieczową chromatografię z różnymi detektorami (FID, AED, UV-vis), nos elektroniczny, spektrometrię absorpcji atomowej i spektrometrię mas. Ponadto...
Chemical Derivatization Processes Applied to Amine Determination in Samples of Different Matrix Composition
PublikacjaAmines are important biological compounds, and so their analysis and monitoring in various matrices is worthy of investigation and development.Due to the polar nature of amines, chromatographic analysis of free amines is generally unsatisfactory owing to adsorption and decomposition of the solute on the column, resulting in peak tailing and losses. Therefore, many derivatization reactions are employed to reduce the polarity, improve...
Chromatografia jonowa - efektywne narzędzie w badaniach analitycznych
PublikacjaMonitoring środowiska a co za tym idzie dostarczenie rzetelnych informacji o stanie poszczególnych jego elementów jest obecnie jednym z najważniejszych zadań stawianych przed chemikami analitykami. Nie ulega żadnym wątpliwością fakt, że w analityce próbek środowiskowych szczególną rolę odgrywają techniki chromatograficzne. W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe informacje o chromatografii jonowej - technice, która obecnie uważana...
Climate Change Impacts on Environmental and Human Exposure to Mercury in the Arctic
PublikacjaThis paper reviews information from the literature and the EU ArcRisk project to assess whether climate change results in an increase or decrease in exposure to mercury (Hg) in the Arctic, and if this in turn will impact the risks related to its harmful effects. It presents the state-of-the art of knowledge on atmospheric mercury emissions from anthropogenic sources worldwide, the long-range transport to the Arctic, and it discusses...
PublikacjaThe concentration of carbon dioxide dissolved in water (CO2(aq)) was measured in consecutive phases of the hydrological cycle. Its potentially possible degassing from groundwaters to the atmosphere was also assessed. The research was conducted in the area of occurrence of carbonate rocks of the Lublin Upland and Roztocze (SE Poland). The results of the measurements of CO2(aq) concentration varied as follows (min-max/mean): precipitation...
Comparison of PCBs and PAHs levels in European coastal waters using mussels from the Mytilus edulis complex as biomonitors
PublikacjaMussels from the Mytilus edulis complex were used as biomonitors for two groups of organic pollutants: polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs, congeners: 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 and 180) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs, naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benz(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene,...
Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography and three-dimensional fluorometry for detection of volatile and bioactive substances in some berries
PublikacjaThe volatilefractionsofCapegooseberryandblueberryweredeterminedbyheadspacesolid-phase microextractioncoupledwithcomprehensivetwo-dimensionalgaschromatographywithtime-of-flight mass spectrometry(HS-SPME/GCGC-TOFMS).Thehighestamountofalcohol(51.8%),ester(32.8%)and carboxylicacid(6.9%)wasinblueberryincomparisonwithgooseberryandoppositelyketones(14.7%), aldehydes(9.9%)andterpenes(8%)werefoundingooseberry.Thebioactivecompoundsandantioxidant capacities...
Concentration and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in surface soil near a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill
PublikacjaDue to a continuous demand of land for infrastructural and residential development there is a public concern about the condition of surface soil near municipal solid waste landfills. A total of 12 surface (0–20 cm) soil samples from a territory near a landfill were collected and the concentration of 16 PAHs and 7 PCB congeners were investigated in these samples. Limits of detection were in the range of 0.038–1.2 μg/kg for PAHs...
Current air quality analytics and monitoring: A review
PublikacjaThis review summarizes the different tools and concepts that are commonly applied in air quality monitoring. The monitoring of atmosphere is extremely important as the air quality is an important problem for large communities. Main requirements for analytical devices used for monitoring include a long period of autonomic operation and portability. These instruments, however, are often characterized by poor analytical performance....
Cyjanki - właściwości, toksyczność i analityka
PublikacjaMonitorowanie poziomu jonów cyjankowych jest ważnym krokiem w celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa pracy i życia człowieka. Konieczne jest prowadzenie badań mających na celu kontrolowanie poziomu związków zawierających grupy cyjankowe w poszczególnych obszarach środowiska i życia człowieka.
Derywatyzacja analitów- sposób na poprawę skuteczności procesu rozdzielania chromatograficznego
PublikacjaWiele badanych związków nie wykazuje takich właściwości, aby możliwe było ich oznaczanie przy użyciu technik chromatograficznych sprzężonych z danym typem detekcji, dlatego też konieczne staję się przeprowadzenie analitów w odpowiednie pochodne o pożądanych właściwościach umożliwiających ich oznaczenie, czyli przeprowadzenie tak zwanego procesu derywatyzacji.
Determination of 3,4-methylenedioxy-α-pyrrolidinobutiophenone (MDPB) in blood. A case report
PublikacjaSynthetic drugs, known as ‘‘legal highs’’, are still very popular on black market. The determination of their composition are required in courts of law and also to understand what potential users may be subjected to. The interest of new cathinones, e.g. MDPBP, is in view of psychoactive effects that they cause and that, in many cases, they are not controlled by law. The case outlined here concerns 19 years-old man, who was found...
Determination of benzo(a)pyrene content in PM10 using regression methods
PublikacjaThe paper presents an attempt of application of multidimensional linear regression to estimation of an empirical model describing the factors influencing on B(a)P content in suspended dust PM10 in Olsztyn and Elbląg city regions between 2010 and 2013. During this period annual average concentration of B(a)P in PM10 exceeded the admissible level 1.5-3 times. Conducted investigations confirm that the reasons of B(a)P concentration...
Determination of eight artificial sweeteners and common Stevia rebaudiana glycosides in non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages by reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry.
PublikacjaThe method for the determination of acesulfame-K, saccharine, cyclamate, aspartame, sucralose, alitame, neohesperidin dihydrochalcone, neotame and five common steviol glycosides (rebaudioside A, rebaudioside C, steviol, steviolbioside and stevioside) in soft and alcoholic beverages was developed using high-performance liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry with electrospray ionisation (HPLC-ESI-MS/MS). To the best of...
Determination of Hydroxy Groups in the Modified Epoxy Oligomers Using IR-Spectroscopy
PublikacjaThe use of IR-spectroscopy has been proposed to determine the content of hydroxy groups in the modified functional oligomers based on bisphenol A diglycidyl ether. Apart from hydroxy groups the investigated oligomers contain epoxy or peroxy, carboxy or acrylic groups.
Development of different methods for drugs and psychoactive substances extraction from hair samples and their identification based on HPLC-ESI-QTOF analysis
PublikacjaOver the past decade, the use of non-controlled designer drugs and drug of abuse has rapidly increased. Hair, as a human matrix, enables detection of drugs incorporated into its structure. Studies of presence and identification of drug metabolites in human hair samples has been performed using liquid chromatography electrospray ionization quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS) with steady alternation of...
Development of gas chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry procedure for development of pesticide residues in honey and honeybee samples
PublikacjaA new analytical procedure of determination of multiresidue of pesticides based on application of the modified QuEChERS approach at the step of sample preparation and technique GC-MS/MS has been developed and applied for studies the real honey and honeybee samples. Samples were collected from northern Poland (Pomerania). The proposed procedure enables for the determination of 34 and 30 pesticides residues respectively on honey...
Dew and hoarfrost frequency, formation efficiency and chemistry in Wroclaw, Poland
PublikacjaThis article presents the results of a research study concerning a comparison of frequency, formation efficiency and basic physico-chemical properties of dew and hoarfrost in urban conditions. Longer than two-year series of measurements was carried out from 1 February 2008 to 10 March 2010 in Wroclaw, Poland. Sampling of atmospheric deposits was made by means of insulated plain passive radiative condensers, which allowed to collect...
Ekstrakcja za pomocą rozpuszczalnika wspomagana ultradźwiękami. CZ. II. ZASTOSOWANIA
PublikacjaW drugim artykule poświęconym technice ekstrakcji za pomocą rozpuszczalnika wspomaganej ultradźwiękami przedstawiono różne rozwiązania metodyczne oraz aparaturowe i informacje o ich wykorzystaniu w praktyce analitycznej.
Elimination of excretion of ibuprofen and its metabolites in horses
PublikacjaAnalytical procedure based on application of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) at the step of detection, identification and quantitation of ibuprofen (IBU) and detection of its metabolites – 1-hydroxyibuprofen (1-OH IBU) and carboxyibuprofen (CBX IBU) in horse urine by selected ion monitoring mode after sample preparation covering extraction at pH 3-4 and methylation has been used. The ions at m/z 161, 220 (methylated...
Endocrine Disrupting Compounds – Problems and Challenges
PublikacjaIn this chapter, information about some of the estrogenic compounds and their environmental fate and biological influence can be found. Special attention is paid to the review of the analytical approaches used at the stages of detection and determination of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs) in the environmental samples. Also, a brief characterization of both cellular and non-cellular bioassays is presented. The discovery of...
Environmentally Oriented Models and Methods for the Evaluation of Drug x Drug Interaction Effects
PublikacjaThis detailed review compares known and widely used methods for drug interaction estimation, some of which now have historical significance. Pharmaceutical application has been noted as far back as several thousand years ago. Relatively late in the 20th century, however, researchers became aware that their fate and metabolism, which still remain a great challenge for environmental analysts and risk assessors. For the patient’s...
Estimating the Impact of Inflow on the Chemistry of Two Different Caldera Type Lakes Located on the Bali Island (Indonesia)
PublikacjaThis paper is a preliminary attempt to assess the composition of pollutants in two different caldera lakes situated in the Indonesian Archipelago: Batur and Bratan. Both lakes are characterized by largely different physico-chemical regimes; Batur Lake is located in an area that is currently volcanically active, unlike Bratan Lake. The latter is much smaller and shallower than Batur Lake. The concentration of pollutants in the Indonesian...