Publications - Catalog Publications - Bridge of Knowledge


Catalog Publications


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Catalog Publications

Year 2016

Year 2015

  • Games and play with light in architecture

    The paper deals with the issue of the influence of daylight on the creation of architecture in the view of designers` play with light in the architectural space. Using the examples of contemporary realizations of some art museums, the work demonstrates the impact of exploration and experimentation conducted by the creators of visual arts on the design styles and architectural solutions. It also reveals the historical continuity...

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  • Gamma oscillations precede interictal epileptiform spikes in the seizure onset zone
    • L. Ren
    • M. T. Kucewicz
    • J. Cymbalnik
    • J. Matsumoto
    • B. H. Brinkmann
    • W. Hu
    • W. R. Marsh
    • F. Meyer
    • S. M. Stead
    • G. A. Worrell

    - NEUROLOGY - Year 2015

    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the generation, spectral characteristics, and potential clinical significance of brain activity preceding interictal epileptiform spike discharges (IEDs) recorded with intracranial EEG. METHODS: Seventeen adult patients with drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy were implanted with intracranial electrodes as part of their evaluation for epilepsy surgery. IEDs detected on clinical macro- and research microelectrodes...

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  • Gas selectivity enhancement by sampling-and-hold method in resistive gas sensors

    Commercial resistive gas sensors exhibit various sensitivity to numerous gases when working at different elevated temperatures. That effect is due to a change in velocity of adsorption and desorption processes which can be modulated by temperature. Thus, to reach better selectivity of gas detection, we propose to apply a known method (called the sampling-and-hold method) of cooling down the gas sensor in the presence of the investigated...

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  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Children with Cystic Fibrosis
    • M. Dziekiewicz
    • A. Banaszkiewicz
    • A. Urzykowska
    • A. Lisowska
    • M. Rachel
    • D. Sands
    • J. Walkowiak
    • A. Radzikowski
    • P. Albrecht

    - Year 2015

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  • Gazowa mikrosiłownia domowa z modułem ORC - doświadczenia z badania prototypu

    Artykuł zawiera rozważania nad ideą wykorzystania obiegu parowego ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) do skojarzonej produkcji ciepła i energii elektrycznej dla pokrycia potrzeb indywidualnego odbiorcy. Dokonano w nim podsumowania dotychczasowych prac prowadzonych przez Autorów, które zaowocowały budową demonstracyjno-badawczego stanowiska mikro-CHP z technologią ORC w skali „domowej”, współpracującą z komercyjnym kotłem gazowym. W publikacji...

  • Gdańsk palimpsest. On obscuring and retrieving traces of memory

    The article deals with the problems of collective identity resulting from over one thousand year history of the city on the Motława river and the role of historical policy of the local authorities regarding the material cultural heritage of many nations and cultures. In our opinion, the palimpsestic (palimpsestueuse) character of the city plays a significant role in the discourse about the past of Gdańsk. We use that notion after...

  • Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre

    - Year 2015

    Text on Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre.

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