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Search results for: multi-phase flows
Heat transfer characteristics of a two-phase thermosyphon heat exchanger
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu geometrii parownika, rodzaju rur użytych do budowy parownika, rodzaju cieczy pośredniej oraz poziomu cieczy nad najwyższym rzędem rur na działanie dwufazowego, termosyfonowego wymiennika ciepła. Zaprezentowano algorytm obliczeń przedstawionego wymiennika.
Effect of lipid phase composition on autoxidation of water - in - oil emulsion
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono ocenę procesu autooksydacji emulsji W/O ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem składu fazy olejowej emulsji na postęp reakcji. Zbadano również wpływ wybranych antyoksydantów i emulgatorów na stabilność sporządzonych układów emulsyjnych.
Sensorless predictive control of three-phase parallel active filter
PublicationThe paper presents the control system of parallel active power filter (APF) with predictive reference current calculation and model based predictive current control. The novel estimator and predictor of grid emf is proposed for AC voltage sensorless operation of APF, regardless of distortion of this voltage. Proposed control system provides control of APF current with high precision and dynamics limited only by filter circuit parameters....
Corrosion degradation monitoring of ship stiffened plates using guided wave phase velocity and constrained convex optimization method
PublicationThe study presents an experimental investigation on the corrosion degradation level assessment using nondestructive wave-based methods. The degradation level of ship structural elements has been assessed in two different ways. The first one is based on the spectral decomposition and zero-crossing incorporated reconstruction of the dispersion curve approach of the antisymmetric Lamb wave mode and the best matching of the theoretical...
Application of normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography followed by gas chromatography for analytics of diesel fuel additives
PublicationThe paper presents the results of investigations on new procedures of determination of selected cleaning additives in diesel fuel. Two procedures: one-step analysis using gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID) or mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and a two-step procedure in which normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (NP-HPLC) was used for preliminary separation of the additives, were compared. The additive...
Studies on applicability of new solid-phase microextraction fibers for the selective extraction and determination of short - chain monocarboksylic acids
PublicationShort-chain monocarobxylic acids, sometimes referred to as volatile fatty acids (VFA), are a group of low molecular weight alkyl monocarboxylic acids that are widely distributed within the environment. These molecules contain any from 2 to 8 carbon atoms and originate from the anaerobic biodegradation of organic matter such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. These compounds are commonly found in the effluents from animal farming,...
Emissions and toxic units of solvent, monomer and additive residues released to gaseous phase from latex balloons
PublicationThis study describes the VOCs emissions from commercially available latex balloons. Nine compounds are determined to be emitted from 13 types of balloons of different colors and imprints in 30 and 60°C. The average values of total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) emitted from studied samples ranged from 0.054 up to 7.18 μg∙g-1 and from 0.27 up to 36.13 μg∙g-1 for 30oC and 60oC, respectively. The dataset is treated with principal...
Numerical and experimental investigation of guided ultrasonic wave propagation in non-uniform plates with structural phase variations
PublicationThe article presents the results of numerical and experimental investigations of guided wave propagation in aluminum plates with variable thickness. The shapes of plate surfaces have been specially designed and manufactured using a CNC milling machine. The shapes of the plates were defined by sinusoidal functions varying in phase shift, which forced the changes in thickness variability alongside the propagation path. The main aim...
Evaluation of the Influence of Farming Practices and Land Use on Groundwater Resources in a Coastal Multi-Aquifer System in Puck Region (Northern Poland)
PublicationThis study focuses on the modeling of groundwater flow and nitrate transport in a multi-aquifer hydrosystem in northern Poland, adjacent to Puck Bay (Baltic sea). The main goal was to investigate how changes in land use and farming practices may affect groundwater recharge and submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) to the sea and the associated N-NO3 fluxes. An integrated modelling approach has been developed, which couples the...
Multi-objective design optimization of antenna structures using sequential domain patching with automated patch size deter-mination
PublicationIn this paper, a simple yet efficient and reliable technique for fully automated multi-objective design optimization of antenna structures using sequential domain patching (SDP) is discussed. The optimization procedure according to SDP is a two-step process: (i) obtaining the initial set of Pareto-optimal designs representing the best possible trade-offs between considered conflicting objectives, and (ii) Pareto set refinement...
Cost‐efficient performance‐driven modelling of multi‐band antennas by variable‐fidelity electromagnetic simulations and customized space mapping
PublicationElectromagnetic (EM) simulations have become an indispensable tool in the design of contemporary antennas. EM‐driven tasks, for example, parametric optimization, entail considerable computational efforts, which may be reduced by employing surrogate models. Yet, data‐driven modelling of antenna characteristics is largely hindered by the curse of dimensionality. This may be addressed using the recently reported domain‐confinement...
Global EM-Driven Optimization of Multi-Band Antennas Using Knowledge-Based Inverse Response-Feature Surrogates
PublicationElectromagnetic simulation tools have been playing an increasing role in the design of contemporary antenna structures. The employment of electromagnetic analysis ensures reliability of evaluating antenna characteristics but also incurs considerable computational expenses whenever massive simulations are involved (e.g., parametric optimization, uncertainty quantification). This high cost is the most serious bottleneck of simulation-driven...
Miniaturized Solid Phase Extraction techniques for different kind of pollutants analysis: State of the art and future perspectives – PART 1
PublicationSolid Phase Extraction (SPE) has been practiced in a modern form for more than half a century. It was constantly developing, driven by the analysts needs. These needs are coming from the importance to select an appropriate analytical method, which should have satisfactory accuracy, precision and sensitivity. In the case of sorbent-based microextraction techniques, the choice of miniaturized variants that meet these requirements...
A Multi-Antenna Scheme for Early Detection and Mitigation of Intermediate GNSS Spoofing
PublicationThis article presents a method for detecting and mitigating intermediate GNSS spoofing. In this type of attack, at its early stage, a spoofer transmits counterfeit signals which have slight time offsets compared to true signals arriving from satellites. The anti-spoofing method proposed in this article fuses antenna array processing techniques with a multipath detection algorithm. The latter is necessary to separate highly correlated...
Bilateral multi-issue negotiation of execution contexts by proactive document agents
PublicationA proactive document can react to its actual environment by autonomously selecting and performing actions integrated into its body and interact with its user. When migrating over a network of execution devices it may encounter diverse execution contexts, each one set up according to temporal characteristics of a receiving device and preferences of its owner. A concept to augment proactive documents with negotiation capability is...
Solving Multi-Ship Encounter Situations by Evolutionary Sets of Cooperating Trajectories
PublicationAutor zaproponował nowe podejście do sytuacji kolizyjnych na morzu. Polega ono na zastąpieniu ewolucyjnej trajektorii własnej ewolucyjnym zbiorem trajektorii wszystkich obiektów. Podejście to umożliwia predykcję manewrowania obiektów obcych przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu efektywności algorytmów ewolucyjnych. Dodatkowo, opracowany już wstępnie przez autorów zbiór kryteriów, ograniczeń i operatorów specjalizowanych powinien zapewnić...
Ad Hoc Multi-WLAN: A Game-Theoretic Model of Correlated Play
PublicationZakładając pewien rozkład prawdopodobieństwa długości sesji danych, scharakteryzowano punkt równowagi korelowanej w przypadku wielodostępu w sieci bezprzewodowej z wieloma sieciami lokalnymi i dokonano porównania wydajności z punktem równowagi mieszanej dla różnych liczb terminali.
Compact scheduling of zero–one time operations in multi-stage systems
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Heat transfer investigations in a liquid that is mixed by means of a multi-ribbon mixer
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An application of the TCRBF neural network in multi-node fault diagnosis method
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową metodę samo-testowania części analogowej w systemach elektronicznych sterowanych mikrokontrolerami. Układ badany pobudzany jest przebiegiem sinusoidalnym przez generator zamontowany w systemie, a jego odpowiedź jest próbkowana w wybranych węzłach przez wewnętrzny przetwornik A/C mikrokontrolera. Detekcja i lokalizacja uszkodzenia jest dokontwana przez sieć neuronową typu TCRBF. Procedurę diagnostyczną zaimplementowano...
Rip currents in the southern Baltic Sea multi-bar nearshore zone
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A study of rigorous ODE integrators for multi-scale set-oriented computations
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Middle Eastern Christian Spaces in Europe: Multi-sited and Super-diverse
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Analysis of electrical patterns activity in artificial multi-stable neural networks
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Dynamical processes in a multi-motor gear drive of heavy slabbing mill
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Multi‐wall carbon nanotubes – a vehicle for targeted Irinotecan drug delivery
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Three-Layer Multi-UAVs Path Planning Based on ROBL-MFO
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Framework for multi-criteria assessment of classification models for the purposes of credit scoring
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Compact scheduling of zero-one time operations in multi-stage systems.
PublicationRozważamy szeregowanie zwarte na maszynach dedykowanych z zero-jedynkowymi operacjami w modelu otwartym, przepływowym i mieszanym. Harmonogramy zostały zmodelowane przy pomocy pokolorowań krawędzi grafu konfliktów z pewnymi dodatkowymi ograniczeniami. Dowodzimy NP-trudności problemów w przypadku ogólnym oraz prezentujemy przegląd znanych wielomianowych algorytmów szeregujących dla systemów o specyficznej budowie.
Fixed point theorems for weakly commuting and compatible multi-valued mappings.
PublicationW pracy podano twierdzenia o wspólnych punktach stałych czwórki odwzorowań: dwóch jednowartościowych T i S oraz dwóch wielowartościowych F i G, spełniających nieliniowy uogólniony warunek kontrakcyjny, przy pewnych założeniach dotyczących uogólnionej komutatywności T,S i F,G. W pracy zamieszczono przykłady ilustrujące udowodnione twierdzenia.
Application of multi-criteria mathematical programming models for assignment of services in a hospital
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Survey of multi-objective portfolio optimization by linear and mixed integer programming
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Sounding Mechanism of a Flue Organ Pipe—A Multi-Sensor Measurement Approach
PublicationThis work presents an approach that integrates the results of measuring, analyzing, and modeling air flow phenomena driven by pressurized air in a flue organ pipe. The investigation concerns a Bourdon organ pipe. Measurements are performed in an anechoic chamber using the Cartesian robot equipped with a 3D acoustic vector sensor (AVS) that acquires both acoustic pressure and air particle velocity. Also, a high-speed camera is employed...
On the Business Analyst's Responsibilities in an Agile Software Project - A Multi-Method Study
Publication[Context] Agile methods are now used in the majority of software projects, but the definitions of such methods rarely include the role of a business analyst (BA). [Objective] This paper investigates the responsibilities assigned to BAs participating in agile software projects. [Method] We identified potential responsibilities through a systematic literature review (3 databases) and interviews with 6 practitioners. The most commonly...
Multi-Criteria Early Warning System Against Enteprise Bankruptcy Risk
PublicationW artykule tym autor porównuje skuteczność opracowanego przez niego wielokryterialnego systemu wczesnego ostrzegania firm z tradycyjnym modelem analizy dyskryminacyjnej prognozowania upadłości. System wczesnego ostrzegania oparty został na metodzie logiki rozmytej. Badania te są jedną z pierwszych prób na świecie wykorzystania logiki rozmytej w prognozowaniu zagrożenia bankructwem firm. Uzyskane wyniki świadczą o dużym potencjale...
Bilateral Multi-Issue Negotiation Between Active Documents and Execution Devices
PublicationMobile document-agents are often in conflict with execution devices when attempting to perform activities of the business process they implement, since preferences of device owners may change depending on their current location and the actual class of the device in use. The paper proposes a bilateral negotiation mechanism based on a simple bargaining game that can effectively resolve such conflicts without any third party support.
Multi-Option Model of Railway Traffic Organization Including the Energy Recuperation
PublicationThe article presents the issue of organization of railway traffic within the station, taking into account energy recuperation. We identified a number of factors which affect the energy efficiency of recuperation, including the issue of transfer of energy technology between a few vehicles. We presented some aspects of the decision problem of graphic train timetable construction with regard to recuperation. As an indicator of quality...
Towards an efficient multi-stage Riemann solver for nuclear physics simulations
PublicationRelativistic numerical hydrodynamics is an important tool in high energy nuclear science. However, such simulations are extremely demanding in terms of computing power. This paper focuses on improving the speed of solving the Riemann problem with the MUSTA-FORCE algorithm by employing the CUDA parallel programming model. We also propose a new approach to 3D finite difference algorithms, which employ a GPU that uses surface memory....
A city is not a tree: a multi-city study on street network and urban life
PublicationChristopher Alexander, a British-American scholar, differentiated an old (natural) city from a new (planned) one by structure. The former resembles a “semilattice”, or a complex system encompassing many interconnected sub-systems. The latter is shaped in a graph-theoretical “tree”, which lacks the structural complexity as its sub-systems are compartmentalized into a single hierarchy. This structural distinction explains why, or...
Multi-scale modelling of concrete beams subjected to three-point bending
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numeryczne MES dwuskalowego modelowania belek betonowych z nacięciem na poziomie skali makro i mezo. Obliczenia wykonano przy wykorzystaniu modelu degradacji sztywności z nielokalnym osłabieniem. Beton został opisany na poziomie skali mezo jako stochastyczny materiał 3-składnikowy złożony z kruszywa, zaczynu cementowego oraz stref kontaktu. Natomiast na poziomie skali makro został opisany jako materiał...
Modeling two phase flow in large scale fractured porous media with an extended multiple interacting continua method
PublicationWe present a two phase flow conceptual model, the corresponding simulator (2pMINC) and a workflow for large-scale fractured reservoirs, based on a continuum fracture approach which uses the multiple interacting continua (MINC) method complemented with an improved upscaling technique. The complex transient behavior of the flow processes in fractured porous media is captured by subgridding the coarse blocks in nested volume elements...
Simultaneous Determination of Indolic Compounds in Plant Extracts by Solid-Phase Extraction and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with UV and Fluorescence Detection
PublicationA high-performance liquid chromatographic method with UV and fluorescence detection (HPLC-DAD-FLD) was developed for simultaneous determination of indolic compounds in plant material. Indole-3-carbinol (I3C), indole-3-acetic acid (I3AA), indole-3-acetonitrile (I3ACN), and 3,3′-diindolylmethane (DIM) were used as representative compounds that cover a wide spectrum of indole structures occurring in nature. For concentration and purification...
A negative effect of carbon phase on specific capacity of electrode material consisted of nanosized bismuth vanadate embedded in carbonaceous matrix
PublicationLithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are widely used all over the world. The LIBs belong to a renewable energy source and energy storage devices. The increase in energy demand causes that new materials of higher energy and higher power densities are still under investigation. Herein, we compare electrochemical properties of bismuth vanadate (BiVO4) embedded and not embedded into carbonaceous matrix as an anode material along with structural...
Induction of G2/M phase arrest and apoptosis of human pancreatic cancer BxPC-3 cells by potenet antitumor 1-nitroacridine derivative C-1748
PublicationPancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is among the most lethal human cancers, in part because it is insensitive to many chemotherapeutic drugs. Gemcitabine still remains the best chemotherapeutic agent available for the treatment of advanced pancreatic cancer. However, gemcitabine treatment results in only a marginal survival advantage. Thus, there is a strong need for the continuous development of novel therapeutic agents...
Bandwidth-size design trade-offs for compact spline-parameterised patch couplers by means of electromagnetic-driven multi-objective optimisation
PublicationBroad bandwidth and small size are the key performance figures for contemporary microwave couplers. These requirements are conflicting, i.e. improvement of one generally leads to degradation of the other assuming fixed topology of the circuit at hand. From a designer's perspective, the knowledge about available design trade-offs is indispensable as it permits for tailoring the circuit for particular applications as well as comparing...
Approximation of Message Inter-Arrival and Inter-Departure Time Distributions in IMS/NGN Architecture Using Phase-Type Distributions
PublicationCurrently it is assumed that requirements of the information society for delivering multimedia services will be satisfied by the Next Generation Network (NGN) architecture, which includes elements of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) solution. In order to guarantee Quality of Service (QoS), NGN has to be appropriately designed and dimensioned. Therefore, proper traffic models should be proposed and applied. This requires determination...
A Feasibility Study of Debonding Detection in Multi-Layered Marine Thin-Wall Structures Using a Non-Destructive Vibration-Based Approach
PublicationThis study analyses different debonding defect scenarios on a multi-layered material composed of carbon fibre- reinforced polymer as a composite coating applied to structural steel, with the aim of applying it to marine structures. The study utilises vibration-based experimental non-destructive diagnostics and numerical simulations to thoroughly examine the debonding extent at four different lengths: 0%, 25%, 75%, and 100% of the...
High-speed multi-stage gas-steam turbine with flow bleeding in a novel thermodynamic cycle for decarbonizing power generation
PublicationIn the global pursuit of sustainable energy and reduced carbon footprints, advances in power generation techniques play a crucial role, not only in meeting the ever-increasing energy demands but also in ensuring that environmental standards are maintained and that the health of our planet is prioritized for future generations. In the ongoing quest for sustainable energy solutions, novel high-speed multi-stage gas-steam turbine...
PublicationIn this paper, the comparative analysis of two wind farm construction projects was presented. This particular type of analysis is commonly applied before purchasing investment project being in a planning phase by a company interested in its development. Conduction of this type of analysis is prompted by the necessity to take into consideration the requirements of Polish legislation. Comparison of wind farm construction projects...