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Proton affinity and proton transfer energy for selected organic molecules
PublicationThe Hartree-Fock method in 6-311G** molecular orbitals basis set has been applied to calculations of proton affinities and proton transfer reaction energies for water, methanol, acetaldehyde, ethanol, acetone, acetic acid, methyl acetate and ethyl acetate.
The Reactivity of Phosphanylphosphinidene Complexes of Transition Metals Toward Terminal Dihaloalkanes
PublicationThe reactivities of phosphanylphosphinidene complexes [(DippN)2W(Cl)(η2-P−PtBu2)]− (1), [(pTol3P)2Pt(η2- P=PtBu2)] (2), and [(dppe)Pt(η2-P=PtBu2)] (3) toward dihaloalkanes and methyl iodide were investigated. The reactions of the anionic tungsten complex (1) with stochiometric Br(CH2)nBr (n = 3, 4, 6) led to the formation of neutral complexes with a tBu2PP(CH2)3Br ligand or neutral dinuclear complexes with unusual tetradentate...
Emulsification alters simulated gastrointestinal proteolysis of β-casein and β-lactoglobulin
PublicationWe have studied the effect of the adsorption of milk proteins at the oil-water interface on their digestibility in simulated gastrointestinal environment. The investigations aimed to characterize how both the breakdown of the adsorbed proteins and the interactions with physiological surfactants, phosphatidylcholine (PC) and bile salts (BS), influence structural transformations of model, protein-stabilized food emulsions in the...
A novel methodology for the enantiomeric resolution of methamphetamine, its precursors and intermediates by GC-MS
PublicationImpurity profiling and classification of abused drugs using chiral analytical techniques is of particular interest and importance because of the additional information obtained from this approach. When these methods are applied to the synthesis of illicitly used substances, they can supply valuable information about the conditions/chemicals used in the synthesis. In this study, simultaneous chiral separation of methylamphetamine,...
Stimulated by cyclodextrins high yield synthesis of azocrown analogues comprising pyrrole or imidazole residues
PublicationThe influence of cyclodextrins (CDs) on the formation of azocrown ethers comprising pyrrole, imidazole and substituted imidazole has been studied. Pyrrole, imidazole, 2-methyl-, 4-methyl- and 4-phenylimidazole were coupled with bisdiazonium salts derived from bis-1,5-(2-aminophenoxy)-3-oxapentane or bis-1,8-(2-aminophenoxy)-3,6-dioxaoctane to form macrocyclic compounds with two azo units. The syntheses were performed under standard...
Structure and paramagnetism in weakly correlated Y8Co5
PublicationWe report the basic physical properties of monoclinic Y8Co5 determined by means of magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, and specific heat measurements. The crystal structure of Y8Co5 is monoclinic (P21/c) with lattice parameters a = 7.0582(6) Å, b = 7.2894(6) Å, c = 24.2234(19) Å, and β = 102.112(6)° as refined by using synchrotron powder x-ray diffraction data. The compound shows temperature independent paramagnetism...
Bis(di-n-propylamine-κN)bis(tri-tert -butoxysilanethiolato-κS)chromium(II)
PublicationAtom chromu w tytułowym kompleksie jest czterokrotnie koordynowany: przez dwa atomy siarki grup tri-tert-butoksysilanotiolanowych oraz dwa atomy azotu z dwóch cząsteczek di-n-propyloaminy. Atom Cr leży w centrum inwersji w pozycji Wyckoffa a (1/2, 1/2, 1/2).
Applications of semi-definite optimization in quantum information protocols
PublicationThis work is concerned with the issue of applications of the semi-definite programming (SDP) in the field of quantum information sci- ence. Our results of the analysis of certain quantum information protocols using this optimization technique are presented, and an implementation of a relevant numerical tool is introduced. The key method used is NPA discovered by Navascues et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 010401 (2007)]. In chapter...
Natural deep eutectic solvent based ultrasound assisted liquid-liquid micro-extraction method for methyl violet dye determination in contaminated river water
PublicationSimple and green natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES) based ultrasound assisted liquid-liquid micro-extraction (UA-LLME) method was developed for extraction and determination of methyl violet dye in contaminated river water samples using UV/Vis spectrophotometry. Choline chloride - decanoic acid based natural deep eutectic solvent was used for extraction. Important analytical parameters like pH, deep eutectic solvent volume/phase...
Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of 6-sulfo-6-deoxy-D-glucosamine and its derivatives
Publication6-Sulfo-6-deoxy-D-glucosamine (GlcN6S), 6-sulfo-6-deoxy-D-glucosaminitol (ADGS) and their N-acetyl and methyl ester derivatives have been synthesized and tested as inhibitors of enzymes catalyzing reactions of the UDP-GlcNAc pathway in bacteria and yeasts. GlcN6S and ADGS at micromolar concentrations inhibited glucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN6P) synthase of microbial origin. The former was also inhibitory towards fungal GlcN6P N-acetyl...
Multiple Solutions to Third-Order Differential Equations with Derivative Dependence and Deviating Arguments
PublicationIn this paper, we give some new results for multiplicity of positive (nonnegative) solutions for third-order differential equations with derivative dependence, deviating arguments and Stieltjes integral boundary conditions. We discuss our problem with advanced argument α and arbitrary β ∈ C([0,1],[0,1]), see problem (2). It means that argument β can change the character on [0,1], so β can be delayed in some set J ⊂ [0,1] and advanced...
Time-varied-gain correction for digital echosounders. W: [CD-ROM] Forum A-custicum Sevilla 2002. 3rd European Congres on Acoustics. XXXIII Spanish Congress on Acoustics - TECNIACUSTICA 2002. European and Japanese Symposium on Acoustics. Sevilla, Spain 16-20 September 2002. Madrid: Sociedad Espano- la de Acustica**2002 vol. 33, [6 s.] 6 rys. bibliogr. 2 poz. ISBN: 84-87985-06-8 Special Issue of the Journal Revista de Acustica, vol.XXXIII, ano 2002. Korekcja zasięgowej regulacji wzmocnienia dla echosond cyfrowych.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono modyfikację statystycznej metody EMS stosowanej w za-gadnieniach odwrotnych, polegającą na iteracyjnym rozwiązaniu równania Fred-holma. Pokazano jej zastosowanie do pośredniej estymacji siły celu ryb sto-sowanej dla danych pozyskanych przez hydrakustyczne systemy jednowiązkowewykorzystywane w przeszukiwaniach akustycznych. Wyniki porównano z rezulta-tami uzyskanymi technikami dekompozycji SVD.
Wykorzystanie syntetycznych modeli wskaźnikowych do oceny zagrożenia upad- łością. W: Wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne determinanty procesów decyzyjnych w za- rządzaniu finansami przedsiębiorstw. Monografia Katedry Finansów Nr 1. Gdańsk: P. Gdań. Wydz. Zarz. i Ekon.**2003 s. 87-96, 5 rys. 2 tab. bibliogr. 6 poz.
PublicationW artykule poruszana jest problematyka diagnozy kondycji finansowej przed-siębiorstwa oraz modeli służacych ocenie zagrożenia upadłością. Omawiane są narzędzia pozwalające na wykrycie symptomów zakłóceń działalności. Zawarta jest charakterystyka modeli służących ocenie kondycji finansowej przedsię-biorstwa. Szczegółowo omówiony został model wskaźnikowy E.J. Altmana i mode-le pochodne oraz ich wady i zalety.
N-acylpeptides with glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase inhibitors - synthesisand antifungal activity
PublicationOpracowano syntezę kilku peptydów (di i tripeptydów) zawierających inhibitory syntazy glukozamino-6-fosforanu oraz przeprowadzono je w N-acylopochodne (acetylowe, heksanoilowe, dekanoilowe) oraz zbadano ich aktywność przeciwgrzybową w stosunku do szczepów Candida albicans z opornością wielolekową. Stwierdzono, że N-acylopeptydy wykazują aktywność przeciwgrzybową oraz określono wartości MIC.
Formation of carbon monoxide by radiative association: a quantum dynamical study
PublicationRate coefficients for the formation of carbon monoxide (CO) by radiative association of carbon and oxygen atoms are computed using quantum dynamical simulations. At temperatures above 10 K CO radiative association is dominated by C(3P) and O(3P) approaching on the A1Π potential energy curve. The rate coefficient is estimated as k=A(T/300 K)αexp−β/T with A= 1.39 × 10−18 cm3 s−1, α=−0.016 and β= 92.2 for temperatures between 6 and...
Synthesis, photophysical characterisation, quantum-chemical study and in vitro antiproliferative activity of cyclometalated Ir(iii) complexes based on 3,5-dimethyl-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazole and N,N-donor ligands
PublicationIn this paper, we present the synthesis of four new complexes: the dimeric precursor [Ir(dmppz)2(μ-Cl)]2 (1) (Hdmppz – 3,5-dimethyl-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazole) and heteroleptic bis-cyclometalated complexes: [Ir (dmppz)2 (Py2CO)]PF6 · 1 2 CH2 Cl2 (2), [Ir(dmppz)2 (H2biim)]PF6·H 2 O (3), and [Ir(dmppz)2 (PyBIm)]PF 6 (4), with auxiliary N,N-donor ligands: 2-di(pyridyl)ketone (Py2CO), 2,2’-biimidazole (H 2biim) and 2-(2’-pyridyl)ben- zimidazole...
Carboxylation Enhances Fragmentation of Furan upon Resonant Electron Attachment
PublicationWe report a dissociative electron attachment study to 2-furoic acid (C5H4O3) isolated in a gas phase, which is a model molecule consisting of a carboxylic group and a furan ring. Dissociation of furan by low energy electrons is accessible only via electronic excited Feshbach resonances at energies of incident electrons above 5 eV. On the other hand, carboxylic acids are well- known to dissociate via attachment of electrons at subexcitation energies....
PublicationW przypadku tytułowego związku di-{bis(tri-tert-butoksysilanotiolano-S)(dimetylformamid-O)kadm(II)}-μ-trans-1,2-di-4-pirydyloeten [Cd(C12H27O3SSi)4(C3H7NO)2(C12H10N2)], centralny atom kadmu jest skoordynowany z czterema atomami donorowymi, tworząc rdzeń typu CdNOS2. Jest to pierwszy kompleks Cd(II) o tego typu centrum i ze względu na obecność dwóch reszt tiolanowych, N- i O-donora może on służyć za model centrum katalitycznego...
The stereoselective formation of β-lactams with acyl ketenes generated from 5-acyl-Meldrum's acids
PublicationAcyl ketenes formed during thermal decompositions of 5-acyl-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxa-4,6-diones undergo stereoselective [2+2] cycloaddition to chiral aldimines. We report the first example of optically active 3-acyl-β-lactams formation from Meldrum’s acid derivatives.
Proton affinities of simple organic compounds
PublicationThe Restricted Hatree-Fock method with 6-311G** split-valence molecular orbitals basis sets has been applied to geometrical optimizations and calculations of total electronic, zero point vibrational energies and proton affinities at 298 K for small neutral and protonated alkanes, alcohols, acetic acid, methyl and ethyl acetate, acetone, and acetaldehyde. Calculated values of proton affinities are compared with experimental data.
Rekonstrukcja ewolucji układu przestrzennego średniowiecznego miasta i portu Szczecin Reconstruction of the Spatial Evolution of the Medieval City and Port of Szczecin
PublicationPraca rekonstruuje ewolucję układu osadniczego Szczecina w okresie od połowy VIII w. do początku XIV w., w oparciu o interpretację dostępnej literatury naukowej dotyczącej historii i archeologii Szczecina oraz metodę analizy planistycznej. Bardzo istotnym elementem opisu struktury urbanistycznej wczesnośredniowiecznego Szczecina było określenie roli i położenia portu. W wyniku analizy zmian układu przestrzennego miasta w omawianym...
Nadzorowanie drgań układu nośnego robota przemysłowego IRB-6 za pomocą ste-rowania modalnego przy energetycznym wskaźniku jakości. W: Zagadnienia ana- lizy modalnej konstrukcji mechanicznych. Praca zbiorowa pod red. T. Uhla. Kraraków: Kated. Robotyki i Dynam. Masz. AGH**2003 s. 115-122, 2 rys. 1 tab. bibliogr. 4 poz.
PublicationW pracy rozważa się drgania modelowanego dyskretnie niestacjonarnego układunośnego manipulatora IRB6 metodą sztywnych elementów skończonych. Do nadzo-rowania drgań wykorzystano algorytm sterowania optymalnego przy energetycz-nym wskaźniku jakości w dziedzinie współrzędnych modalnych. Uwzględnia on zmianę w czasie, względem trajektorii ruchu zadanego, energii potencjalnej, kinetycznej oraz energii sygnału sterującego.
Structure-property relationships in peroxide-assisted blends of poly(ε-caprolactone) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)
PublicationPoly(ε-caprolactone) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PCL/PHB) blends in two weight ratios (75/25 and 50/50) were reactively compatibilized in the presence of di-(2-tert-butyl-peroxyisopropyl)-benzene and dicumyl peroxide as free radical initiators. Rheological, mechanical, thermal properties and morphological features, as well as the chemical structure of PCL/PHB blends were investigated. It was found that regardless of PCL/PHB blend...
Synthesis and Structure of Novel Copper(II) Complexes with N,O- or N,N-Donors as Radical Scavengers and a Functional Model of the Active Sites in Metalloenzymes
PublicationToevaluatetheantioxidantactivityofpotentialsyntheticenzymemimetics,wepreparednewfivecopper(II)complexesviaaself‐assemblymethodandnamedthem[Cu(2‐(HOCH2)py)3](ClO4)2(1),[Cu(2‐(HOCH2)py)2(H2O)2]SiF6(2),[Cu2(2‐(HOCH2CH2)py)2(2‐(OCH2CH2)py)2](ClO4)2(3),[Cu(pyBIm)3](BF4)2∙1.5H2O(4)and[Cu(py2C(OH)2)2](ClO4)2(5).ThesyntheticprotocolinvolvedN,O‐ orN,N‐donors:2‐(hydroxymethyl)pyridine(2‐(HOCH2)py),2‐(hydroxyethyl)pyridine(2‐(HOCH2CH2)py),2‐(2‐pyridyl)benzimidazole(pyBIm),di(2‐pyridyl)ke‐tone(py2CO).TheobtainedCu(II)complexeswerefullycharacterisedbyelementalanalysis,FTIR,EPR,UV‐Vis,single‐crystalX‐raydiffractionandHirshfeldsurfaceanalysis.Crystallographicandspectroscopicanalysesconfirmedchromophoresofbothmonomeric({CuN3O3}(1),{CuN2O4}(2),{CuN6}(4),{CuN4O2}(5))anddimericcomplex({CuN2O3}(3)).Mostoftheobtainedspeciespos‐sessedadistortedoctahedralenvironment,exceptdimer3,whichconsistedoftwocoppercentreswithsquarepyramidalgeometries.Thewater‐solublecompounds(1,3and5)wereselectedforbiologicaltesting.Theresultsofthestudyrevealedthatcomplex1insolutionsdisplayedbetterradicalscavengingactivitythancomplexes3,5andfreeligands.Therefore,complex1hasbeenselectedforfurtherstudiestotestitsactivityasanenzymemimetic.Thechosencompoundwastestedontheerythrocytelysateoftwogroupsofpatientsafterundergoingchemotherapyandchemoradiotherapy.Theeffectofthetestedcompound(1)onenzymeactivitylevels(TAS,SODandCAT)suggeststhattheselectedcomplexcanbetreatedasafunctionalmimeticoftheenzymes.
Chromogenic macrocyclic derivatives of azoles - synthesis and properties,
PublicationNew azocrown ethers comprising imidazoles in the macrocycle have been synthesized. Imidazole, 2-methyl-, 4-methyl-, and 4-phenylimidazole were incorporated to form macrocyclic units by coupling with the appropriate bis-diazonium salts. The syntheseswere performed under high dilution conditions. The X-ray structure of a water adduct of the 21-membered crown ether derivative of 4-methylimidazole 8 has been solved. Metal...
Azomacrocyclic derivatives of imidazole: synthesis, structure, and metal ion complexation properties
PublicationNew azocrown ethers comprising imidazoles in the macrocycle have been synthesized. Imidazole, 2-methyl-, 4-methyl-, and 4-phenylimidazole were incorporated to form macrocyclic units by coupling with the appropriate bis-diazonium salts. The syntheseswere performed under high dilution conditions. The X-ray structure of a water adduct of the 21-membered crown ether derivative of 4-methylimidazole 8 has been solved. Metal...
Impact of the Alkyl Side Chains of Cations and Anions on the Activity and Renaturation of Lysozyme: A Systematic Study Performed Using Six Amino‐Acid‐Based Ionic Liquids
PublicationThe impact of the structure of ionic liquid on the activity and renaturation of lysozyme from the hen egg white (HEWL) was investigated. A set of six ionic liquids based on morpholinium cation and N-acylated amino acids as anions were exploited. The matrix used was based on two homologous series: one with N-acetyl-L-valinate [Val] as a common anion and morpholinium cation with a different number of carbon atoms in the n-alkyl chain...
PublicationINTRODUCTION. β-Galactosidase [EC] is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of O-glycosidic linkages in galactosides. It is commercially used in dairy industry for the production of milk with reduced lactose content. Potentially, the best method for lactose removal under cooling conditions should be carried out with a cold-adapted enzyme. AIM. The aim of this study was to determine the taxonomic affiliation of the isolate...
PublicationINTRODUCTION: β-Galactosidase is an enzyme which catalyzes the hydrolysis of O glycosidic bond in β-galactosides. Another activity of β galactosidase is a transglycosylation activity. The main industrial use of this protein is the hydrolysis of lactose in milk in a cooling conditions. Synthesis of galactooligosaccharides, which are mostly used as a prebiotics added to some foods or available as dietary supplements, is only one...
Opracowanie technologii spawania naprawczego szyn poddźwigowych A120 oraz badania nieniszczące jakości szyn w DCT w Porcie Północnym
PublicationEkspertyza dotyczy realizacji zlecenia związanego z naprawą spoin szyn poddźwigowych na terenie terminalu kontenerowego - Deep Water Terminal (DCT) w Porcie Północnym w Gdańsku. W ramach opracowania: 1. Wykonano badania ultradźwiękowe (UT) i magnetyczno-proszkowe (MT) spoin czołowych szyn poddźwigowych typu A120, według schematu dostarczonego przez firmę SKANSKA S.A. 2. Wykonano analizę wyników badań...
Synthesis, spectroscopy and computational studies of some biologically important hydroxyhaloquinolines and their novel derivatives
PublicationA series crystalline compounds of methyl and phosphinyl derivatives of 2-methylquinolin-8-ol (1a) and related 5,7-dichloro-2-methylquinolin-8-ol (1b) were quantitatively prepared and characterized by microanalysis, IR, UV-vis and multinuclear NMR spectroscopy. Five of them have been characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction method. The known compounds, 8-methoxy-2-methylquinoline (2a) and 8-methoxyquinoline (2d), were synthesised...
Synthesis, spectroscopy and computational studies of some novelphosphorylated derivatives of quinoline-5,8-diones
PublicationThe neutral phosphorus nucleophiles such as R2P(=Y)M allowed the radical addition to 2-methyl-5,8-dioxo-5,8-dihydroquinoline-7-amine and N-(2-methyl-5,8-dioxo-5,8-dihydroquinolin-7-yl)acetamide giving exclusively O-phosphorylated products. All products were quantitatively prepared and characterized by microanalysis, and multinuclear NMR spectroscopy. Seven of them, have been characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction method....
Molecular modelling of transition state analogue inhibitors of glucosamine-6-P synthase and glucose-6-P isomerase.
PublicationStruktura kompleksu 2-amino-2-deoksy-D-glucitolo-6-P (ADGP) z centrum aktywnym syntazy GlcN-6-P z E. coli została wykorzystAna jako punkt wyjścia do modelowania molekularnego analogów ADGP. Używając programu GROMOS96 wygenerowano konformacje analogów o najniższych energiach wewnętrznych, które następnie ''dokowano'' w centrum aktywnym enzymu. Dokonano syntezy wybranych związków i określono parametry kinetyczne i termodynamiczne...
PublicationThe method for obtaining coumarone-indene resins with methacrylic fragments (CIRM) was developed with the addition of methyl ethacrylate, using a light fraction of coal tar and its fraction boiling within 423–463 К. CIRM was obtained via radical cooligomerization using 2,2'-azobis (2-methyl-propionitrile) as the initiator. The effect of the initiator amount, temperature and reaction time on the yield, softening temperature and...
A new 1-nitro-9-aminoacridine derivative targeting yeast topoisomerase II able to overcome fluconazole-resistance
PublicationFungal resistance remains a significant threat and a leading cause of death worldwide. Thus, overcoming microbial infections have again become a serious clinical problem. Although acridine derivatives are widely analyzed as anticancer agents, only a few reports have demonstrated their antifungal activity. In an effort to develop biologically active antifungals, twelve novel C-857 (9-(2′ -hydroxyethylamino)-1-nitroacridine) and...
Transport deficiency is the molecular basis of Candida albicans resistance to antifungal oligopeptides
Publication(FMDP), an inhibitor of glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase, exhibited growth inhibitory activity against Candida albicans, with minimal inhibitory concentration values in the 0.05–50 mg/L range. Uptake by the peptide permeases was found to be the main factor limiting an anticandidal activity of these compounds. Di- and tripeptide containing FMDP (F2 and F3) were transported by Ptr2p/Ptr22p peptide transporters (PTR) and FMDP-containing...
Heterologous Production, Purification and Characterization of Two Cold-Active β- D-Galactosidases with Transglycosylation Activity from the Psychrotolerant Arctic Bacterium Arthrobacter sp. S3* Isolated from Spitsbergen Island Soil
PublicationCold-adapted microorganisms possess cold-active enzymes with potential applications in different industries and research areas. In this study, two genes encoding β-D-galactosidases belonging to Glycoside Hydrolase families 2 and 42 from the psychrotolerant Arctic bacterium Arthrobacter sp. S3* were cloned, expressed in Escherichia coli and Komagataella phaffii, purified and characterized. The GH2 β-D-galactosidase is a tetramer...
3-Acyloketeny generowane z 5-acylo-2,2-dimetylo-1,3-dioksa-4,6-dionów w syntezie mono i bicyklicznych układów β-laktamowych
PublicationZakres rozprawy obejmuje dwa zróżnicowane tematycznie zagadnienia. Zasadniczy fragment opisuje próby stereoselektywnej syntezy układów β-laktamowych na drodze cykloaddycji ketenów generowanych termicznie z pochodnych kwasu Meldruma z iminami. Pozostałą część badań stanowi wątek cyklizacji metatetycznych. Zagadnienie stereoselektywnej syntezy β-laktamów w wyniku cykloaddycji aldimin do generowanych termicznie z rozkładu pochodnych...
N-alkyl derivatives of 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucose
PublicationMono- i di-N-alkilowe pochodne 1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetylo-2-amino-2-deoksy-beta-D-glukozy (alkil = metyl, etyl, propyl, butyl, pentyl, heksyl, benzyl) otrzymano w wyniku redukcyjnej alkilacji per-O-acetylo-D-glukozaminy. (N-etylo, N-propylo, N-butylo, N-pentylo, N-heksylo)-1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetylo-2-amino-2-deoksy-beta-D-glukozy deacetylowano w celu podjęcia prób enzymatycznej fosforylacji. Wszystkie produkty scharakteryzowano za pomocą...
Ultrafast Intramolecular Relaxation and Wave-Packet Motion in a Ruthenium-Based Supramolecular Photocatalyst
PublicationThe hydrogen-evolving photocatalyst [(tbbpy)2 Ru(tpphz)Pd(Cl)2 ](2+) (tbbpy=4,4'-di-tert-butyl-2,2'-bipyridine, tpphz=tetrapyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c:3'',2''-h:2''',3'''-j]phenazine) shows excitation-wavelength-dependent catalytic activity, which has been correlated to the localization of the initial excitation within the coordination sphere. In this contribution the excitation-wavelength dependence of the early excited-state relaxation...
Predictive current controller with simplified load model operating for allfrequencies. Vestnik Nacionalnogo tehniceskogo universiteta ''Harkovskij po- litehniceskij institut'' Problemy avtomatizirowannogo elektroprivoda. Teo- ri i praktika.**2002 vyp. 12 t. 2 s. 355-357, 6 rys. bibliogr. 4 poz. Seri ''Elektrotehnika, elektronika i elektroprivod''. Predykcyjny regulator prądu z uproszczonym modelem obciążenia pracujący wszerokim zakresie częstotliwości.
PublicationZaprezentowano nowy rodzaj regulatora predykcyjnego prądu, umożliwiającydziałanie w szerokim zakresie częstotliwości. Rozpatrzono aspekty praktycznepraktyczne realizacji algorytmu sterowania.
Photochemical and thermal reaction of intermediates in the phenylnitrene rearangment inside a hemicarcerand
PublicationBroadband irradiation (λ > 320 nm) of hemicarceplex H1 between −74 °C and −84 °C, produces encapsulated didehydroazepine (2), triplet phenylnitrene (3PN), 2-azabicyclo[3.2.0]hepta-1,3,6-triene (6), and 4-azaspiro[2.4]hepta-1,4,6-triene (7). The highly strained anti-Bredt imine 6 is formed from 2 via a photochemical four-electron electrocyclization. Under the irradiation conditions, 6 rearranges further to azaspirene 7. In addition,...
Measurements of angular distribution for photoionization of mercury into the 5d9 2D5/2 ionic state over the energy range from 15 eV to 17 eV
PublicationWykonano pomiary różniczkowych przekrojów czynnych na fotojonizację atomów rtęci do stanu 5d9 2D5/2 jonu w zakresie energii fotonów od 15 eV do 17 eV. Wyznaczono parametr β asymetrii dla stanu 2D5/2 jonu z pomiarów emisji fotoelektronów pod kątami 0˚ i 90˚ stopni względem osi głównej elipsy polaryzacji. Zarejestrowano trzy serie stanów autojonizacyjnych zbieżnych do energii jonizacji do stanu 2D3/2. Badania wykonano w ośrodku synchrotronowym...
Synthesis of Novel Polycationic Quaternary Di- and Trispirocyclic Benzenes
PublicationTreatment of hexakis(bromomethyl)benzene with a cyclic amine {morpholine, 1-methylpiperazine, 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine, isonipecotamide, 4-hydroxypiperidine, 4-[3-(4-piperidyl)propyl]-1-piperidineethanol} gave a range of di- and trispirocyclic ammonium salts in satisfactory yields (22-62%). Presumably, the electrostatic and repulsion forces play an important role in their formation. The structure in soln. and the protonation...
Frequency of use, moral incongruence, and religiosity and their relationships with self-perceived addiction to pornography, internet use, social networking and online gaming
PublicationBackground and Aims Moral incongruence involves disapproval of a behaviour in which people engage despite their moral beliefs. Although considerable research has been conducted on how moral incongruence relates to pornography use, potential roles for moral incongruence in other putative behavioural addictions have not been investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of moral incongruence in self‐perceived...
Photocatalytic selectivity oxidation of 2-phenoxy-1-phenylethanol coupled with Cd-MOF/S/Ni-NiO for hydrogen evolution performance and mechanism
PublicationIn this study, Cd-MOF/S/Ni–NiO (MOF = metal–organic framework) composite materials were prepared using a hydrothermal synthesis method and employed for the high-efficiency photocatalytic oxidation of the lignin β-O-4 model compound 2-phenoxy-1-phenylethanol, coupled with water splitting hydrogen evolution. The Cd-MOF/S/Ni–NiO composite material retained the petal-like morphology of Cd-MOF, with Ni-BTC acting as the precursor for...
Structural analogues of reactive intermediates as inhibitors of glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase and phosphoglucose isomerase
PublicationCentra aktywne izomerazy fosfoglukozowej (PGI) oraz domeny izomerazowej (HPI) syntazy glukozamino-6-fosforanu (GlcN-6-P), wykazują podobieństwo ułożenia przestrzennego kluczowych reszt aminokwasowych, z wyjątkiem reszty Arg272 PGI i reszt Lys603 i Lys485 HPI. Dziesięć pochodnych D-heksitolo-6-P, kwasu 5-fosfoarabonowego i kwasu 6-fosfoglukonowego, strukturalnych analogów cis-enolaminy lub cis-enolanu, przypuszczalnych stanów przejściowych...
Evaluating Pornography Problems Due to Moral Incongruence Model
PublicationIntroduction To date, multiple models of problematic pornography use have been proposed, but attempts to validate them have been scarce. Aim In our study, we aimed to evaluate the Pornography Problems due to Moral Incongruence model proposing that self-appraisals of pornography addiction stem from (i) general dysregulation, (ii) habits of use, and (iii) moral incongruence between internalized norms and behavior. We investigated...
Ruthenium(II) and Iridium(III) Complexes as Tested Materials for New Anticancer Agents
PublicationThe oncological use of cisplatin is hindered by its severe side eects and a very important resistance problem. To overcome these problems, scientists have attempted to design new generation transition-metal anticancer complexes. In this study, we present new complexes, ruthenium(II) [(6-p-cymene)RuCl(py2CO)]PF6 (1), iridium(III) [(5-Cp)IrCl(py2CO)]PF6 (2), and NH4[IrCl4(py2CO)]H2O (3), based on di-2-pyridylketone (py2CO). The prepared...
Impact of the Alkyl Side Chains of Cations and Anions on the Activity and Renaturation of Lysozyme: A Systematic Study Performed Using Six Amino‐Acid‐Based Ionic Liquids
PublicationThe impact of the structure of ionic liquid on the activity and renaturation of lysozyme from the hen egg white (HEWL) was investigated. A set of six ionic liquids based on morpholinium cation and N-acylated amino acids as anions were exploited. The matrix used was based on two homologous series: one with N-acetyl-L-valinate [Val] as a common anion and morpholinium cation with a different number of...