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Method for the determination of carboxylic acids in industrial effluents using dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction with injection port derivatization gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
PublicationThe paper presents a new method for the determination of 15 carboxylic acids in samples of postoxidative effluents from the production of petroleum bitumens using ion-pair dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry with injection port derivatization. Several parameters related to the extraction and derivatization efficiency were optimized. Under optimized experimental conditions,the...
Sample preparation procedure using extraction and derivatization of carboxylic acids from aqueous samples by means of deep eutectic solvents for gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis
PublicationThe paper presents a new procedure for the determination of organic acids in a complex aqueous matrixusing ultrasound-assisted dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction followed by injection port derivati-zation and GC–MS analysis. A deep eutectic solvent (choline chloride: 4-methylphenol in a 1:2 mol ratio)was used both as an extracting solvent and as a derivatizing agent to yield ion pairs which were next con-verted to methyl...
“Green” nature of the process of derivatization in analytical sample preparation
PublicationNowadays, the idea of Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) is of high importance what impacts on the rapid growth in the sample preparation area with special emphasis on sample preparation simplification, miniaturization, and automation. Because the derivatization process is often an essential element of the analytical procedure, it should be important to focus on this issue from GAC perspective and conduct a series of experiments...
Improvement of derivatized amino acid detection sensitivity in micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography by means of acid-induced pH-mediated stacking technique
PublicationDerivatization is a frequently used sample prepara-tion procedure applicable to the enhancement of analyte de-tection sensitivity. Amino acids mostly require derivatization prior to electrophoretic or chromatographic analysis, especial-ly if spectrophotometric detection is used. This study presents an on-line preconcentration technique for derivatized amino acids. The sensitivity of the method was improved by the utilization of...
PublicationTransient states are an important part of the spectrum of engine loads, especially the traction engines. In the case of marine diesel engines, transient states are of particular importance in reducing the analysis of motion units for special areas and maneuvering in port, the participation of transient states in the load spectrum significantly increases, also, the emission of toxic compounds from this period increases proportionally....
Gdynia - Puerto y ciudad. Patrimonio industrial y maritimo comun :Gdynia - Port and Town. Common Maritime Industrial Heritage.
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy znaczenia morskiego dziedzictwa przemysłowego dla kształtowania powstania i rozwoju nowoczesnego fenomenu architektonicznego portowo-miejskiego jakim jest Gdynia. Historia, związki z morzem, Polską, walka o niepodległość i dostęp do morza mają swój materialny wyraz w przemysłowych obiektach architektonicznych. Współczesny dostęp do środków i projektów unijnych tworzy zupełnie nowe możliwości dla ich rewitalizacji...
The Revitalization Processes of the Port Structures in Gdynia and Gdansk on the Background of Contemporary Port Changes
PublicationTransformations of the port facilities against the modernization of the port structures are present in many city-port centers since more than 50 years. The modernization taking place in the ports located in Gdynia-Gdansk mainly concerns communication availability and adapted to the multimodal technology of transport and transshipment. Developing specialized tech-terminals serving a specific type of load, causes development of the...
Port knocking - alternatywne rozwiązania
PublicationOmówiono techniki pukania w porty (ang. Port Knocking). Zaproponowano nowe wersje mechanizmu oparte o wykonanie sekwencji puknięć wieloma pakietami w jeden port: pukanie pakietami o różnej długości, przy czym długości te stanowiłyby sekwencję kodową, oraz pukanie, w którym sekwencją kodową są odcinki czasu pomiędzy pojawianiem się na porcie kolejnych pakietów. Rozważono możliwości zastosowania tego typu port knockingu i zaproponowano...
Port Cities within Port Regions: Shaping Complex Urban Environments in Gdańsk Bay, Poland
PublicationPort cities located within various metropolitan or functional regions face very different development scenarios. This applies not only to entire municipalities but also to particular areas that play important roles in urban development—including ports as well as their specialized parts. This refers also to the various types of maritime industries, including the processing of goods, logistics operations, shipbuilding, or ship repairing,...
Chemical Derivatization Processes Applied to Amine Determination in Samples of Different Matrix Composition
PublicationAmines are important biological compounds, and so their analysis and monitoring in various matrices is worthy of investigation and development.Due to the polar nature of amines, chromatographic analysis of free amines is generally unsatisfactory owing to adsorption and decomposition of the solute on the column, resulting in peak tailing and losses. Therefore, many derivatization reactions are employed to reduce the polarity, improve...
The Contemporary aspects of revitalization of the buildings and the port areas
PublicationPort cities are the forefront of globalization. The continued growth of international trade of goods and services has now played a major role in shaping the economic and social world. Strategies for mutual cooperation and follow-up between countries, cities and regions are increasingly complex. On the one hand it brings profits, on the other leads to destabilization and the need for transformation and constant modernization. Port...
Port-based approach to distributed transfer function method
PublicationIn the paper there is presented an uniform, port-based approach to modeling of both lumped and distributed parameter systems. Port-based model of distributed system has been defined by application of distributed transfer function method (DTFM). The approach proposed combines versatility of port - based modeling and accuracy of distributed transfer function method. It enables to formulate appropriate input data for computer analysis...
Port-Based Modelling of Distributed-Lumped Parameter Systems
PublicationThere in the paper is presented an uniform, port-based approach to modelling of both lumped and distributed parameter systems. Port-based model of the distributed system has been defined by application of bond graph methodology and distributed transfer function method (DTFM). The approach proposed combines versatility of port-based modelling and accuracy of distributed transfer function method. The concise representation of lumped-distributed...
Maritime heritage of small port towns of the Polish coast
PublicationThe article describes problems of the gradual disappearance of real maritime heritage in small Polish port cities. The maritime heritage of small port cities was shaped by coastal processes and urban historical conditions what has led to creation of specific types of landscapes. Special architectural objects of the post-port heritage of small ports of the Polish coast are hydrotechnical constructions (i.e. breakwaters, quays),...
Research into the Movements of Surface Water Masses in the Basins Adjacent to the Port
PublicationThis paper presents the results of the practical and simulation research into determining the routes of movement of small objects moving together with surface water masses in basins adjacent to the port. The results of this research were referenced against the modelling of routes of small objects in port channel basins. The results of practical research concerning the movement of small objects in basins adjacent to the port were...
Application of a commercially available derivatization instrument and commonly used reagents to HPLC on-line determination of antioxidants
PublicationThis study demonstrates the potential of a commercially available derivatization instrument coupled with HPLC for separation and on-line determination of antioxidants detected with widely used screening reagents - DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), ABTS (2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) or FCR (Folin-Ciocalteu's phenol reagent ). As the result of optimization, key parameters of the analytical procedure,...
Modernist Industrial Architecture and Its Protection - the Port of Gdynia
PublicationOchrona międzywojennej architektury przemysłowej na tak specyficznym obszarze jak funkcjonujący port morski, jest zadaniem trudnym - niezbędne są kompromisy pomiędzy względami konserwatorskimi i użytkowymi. Artykuł prezentuje architekturę portu gdyńskiego oraz złożoną problematykę jej ochrony konserwatorskiej.
Asynchronous Charge Carrier Injection in Perovskite Light-Emitting Transistors
PublicationUnbalanced mobility and injection of charge carriers in metal-halide perovskite light-emitting devices pose severe limitations to the efficiency and response time of the electroluminescence. Modulation of gate bias in methylammonium lead iodide light-emitting transistors has proven effective in increasing the brightness of light emission up to MHz frequencies. In this work, a new approach is developed to improve charge carrier...
Various cases of preservation and adaptive reuse Heritage Buildings in the Port of Gdynia
PublicationThe port of Gdynia contains a diverse range of heritage assets, starting with its spatial layout which is an urban concept designed in the first half of the 1920s. It is important to point out, this historically-shaped harbor space is preserved in its general idea and still functioning in port activities. Another significant element is the structural, technological solution which was the basis for constructing the entire port area...
Selected Problems of Transport in Port Towns – Tri-City as an Example
PublicationPort towns are strategic places from the point of view of transport systems. They form integration junctions for various transport branches , apart from the traditional - road and railway ones , also for water( sea) transport which is active there. Moreover, air transport comes also into consideration , whose efficient functioning must be connected with good accessibility, that concerns sea transport as well. Efficient and...
Microstrip four-port circulator using a ferrite coupled line section
PublicationThis paper describes an alternative configuration of a four-port circulator realized in a microstrip ferrite coupled line technology. The proposed fully planar device employs two three-port circulators consisting of a ferrite coupled line junction and T junction. Both circulators are connected through the same arm, hence, the problem of anti-parallel magnetization met in this type of circulators is avoided without the increase...
Load Tests of the Movable Footbridge Over the Port Canal in Ustka
PublicationThe paper presents the acceptance tests carried out on the open footbridge over the port canal in the Port of Ustka. The steel footbridge construction is created by a single pylon to which a movable truss span is suspended with a theoretical span of 52.3 m. The studies about load test of the object included static and dynamic extortion and measurements. In static tests the ballast was of pallets with concrete blocks. Dynamic studies...
How the Depths of the Danish Straits Shape Gdańsk's Port and City Spatial Development
PublicationThe depths of the Danish Straits limit the drafts of ships entering the Baltic Sea. The largest ships calling the Baltic in a laden condition are called Baltimax. The article presents how the dredging works carried out in the Danish Straits in the 1970s enabled the development of the Port of Gdańsk and consequently also influenced the city, being a residential base for employees of the new port and shipyards. The analysed case...
Sustainable Waste Management for Implementation of a Circular Economy Model in a Port
PublicationThe manuscript presents the management of waste from marine vessels and cargo handling companies in a selected European Union port. The main objective of the paper is to analyse and evaluate the existing waste management model in the port of Szczecin in the context of circular economy. The expert research carried out is aimed, inter alia, at identifying which of the solutions currently in use need to be improved from an environmental...
Power augmentation of PGE Gorzow's gas turbine by steam injection - thermodynamic overview
PublicationThe impact of steam injection upon a gas turbine and a combined power plant performance has been investigated. This article describes and summarizes possibilities of modification for current gas turbine in PGE Gorzow power plant into the Cheng cycle. Our modification deals with a thermal cycle, in which steam produced in a heat recovery steam generator is injected into the gas turbine's combustion chamber. It has been proved that...
The Application of a Mobile Unmanned Device for Monitoring Water and Sediment Pollution in the Port of Gdynia
PublicationPollution in the Port of Gdynia can encompass various types of substances and contaminants that affect the quality of water and sediment in this region. Ships entering and leaving the port can release pollutants such as oil, fuel, waste, and chemicals into the water. Controlling and monitoring these pollutants is a crucial part of environmental stewardship. In recent years, uncrewed units have been increasingly in use for in situ...
Towards a process based management system for oil port infrastructure in context of insurance
PublicationThis article addresses selected methodological aspects of a process based management system based on analysis of hazards and threats and risk evaluation for an oil port infrastructure in context of insurance. The oil port terminal is regarded as important system of the critical infrastructure that require careful system oriented approach to deal with integrated aspects of environmental, safety and security management to reduce...
Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Parts and Their Injection Molded Alternatives Subjected to Environmental Aging
PublicationAdditive manufacturing is the technology used in medical, industrial, or lifestyle applications. The scientific literature include works reporting various manufacturing parameters’ influence on changes in additive manufacturing components’ mechanical behavior, especially with fused filament fabrication (FFF). The changes in mechanical strength and toughness of FFF compared to injection molding parts were studied. In the study,...
Simultaneous determination of individual isothiocyanates in plant samples by HPLC-DAD-MS following SPE and derivatization with N-acetyl-l-cysteine
PublicationThe procedure for the isothiocyanates (ITCs) determination that involves derivatization with N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC) and separation by HPLC was developed. Prior to derivatization, plant ITCs were isolated and purified using solid-phase extraction (SPE). The optimum conditions of derivatization are: 500 μL of isopropanolic eluate obtained by SPE combined with 500 μL of derivatizing reagent (0.2 M NAC and 0.2 M NaHCO3 in water)...
Corrosion hazards and inhibitor protection in the seawater injection system on the Baltic sea rig
PublicationOil extraction efficiency in LOTOS Petrobaltic Company is increased by means of injection of seawater into an oilfield aquifer, which is implemented on the Baltic Beta rig, operating on the Baltic Sea. Operational experience has shown a significant degree of corrosion aggressiveness in the injected water, which necessitates frequent repairs of the seawater injection installation. Evaluation of the corrosion phenomena is crucial...
Sensorless five-phase induction motor drive with third harmonic injection and inverter output filter
PublicationThe paper presents a sensorless control approach for a five-phase induction motor drive with third harmonic injection and inverter output filter. In the case of the third harmonic injection being utilised in the control, the physical machine has to be divided into two virtual machines that are controlled separately and independently. The control system structure is presented in conjunction with speed and rotor flux observers that...
PublicationThis study presents the results of students’ work from Hafen City University in Hamburg and Gdansk University of Technology, carried out as part of a joint studio dealing with Nowy Port problem area. It refers to the methodology and design proposals, as well as to individual projects of students from Gdansk University of Technology - Spatial Management and Architecture. The aim of this study is to present framework project guidelines...
Container port expansion towards the sea in the context of maritime spatial planning
PublicationThe growth of ships causes a significant increase in demand for new port surfaces and demands for the depths of water bodies in the ports. Due to technological changes in the transshipment and development pressure ports lacks space and they move towards the sea with their activities. The paper discusses the reasons for the phenomenon of expansion of ports towards the sea and its effects on maritime spatial planning.
Sensorless Disturbance Detection for Five Phase Induction Motor with Third Harmonic Injection
PublicationThe paper presents a sensorless disturbance detection procedure that was done on a five phase induction motor with third harmonic injection. A test bench was developed where a three phase machine serves as disturbance generator of different frequencies. The control of the machines is based on multi scalar variables that ensures an independent control of the motor EMF and the rotor flux. For disturbance identification a speed observer...
A new model of fuel spray shape at early stage of injection in a marine Diesel engine
PublicationIn the cylinders of a marine diesel engine, self-ignition occurs in very shortly time after the fuel injection into the combustion chamber. Therefore, the paper present was to develop a model of diesel fuel spray for the early stage of fuel spray for in marine diesel engine. There were taken into consideration the main aspects technical such as nozzle diameter of marine engine injector and backpressure in combustion chamber. In...
Rekonstrukcja ewolucji układu przestrzennego średniowiecznego miasta i portu Szczecin Reconstruction of the Spatial Evolution of the Medieval City and Port of Szczecin
PublicationPraca rekonstruuje ewolucję układu osadniczego Szczecina w okresie od połowy VIII w. do początku XIV w., w oparciu o interpretację dostępnej literatury naukowej dotyczącej historii i archeologii Szczecina oraz metodę analizy planistycznej. Bardzo istotnym elementem opisu struktury urbanistycznej wczesnośredniowiecznego Szczecina było określenie roli i położenia portu. W wyniku analizy zmian układu przestrzennego miasta w omawianym...
Port hinterland connections: a comparative study of Polish and Belgian cases
PublicationW badaniu zastosowano podejście porównawcze - zestawiono symulację oddziaływania na zaplecze lądowe dwóch różnych europejskich obszarów portowych: Antwerpii (Belgia) oraz aglomenracji Gdańska i Gdyni (Polska. Oba ośrodki posiadają ważne powiązania drogowe z zapleczem ladowym, z którym próbują konkurować inne formy transportu towarowego. Niemniej, port w Antwerpii jest już jednym z wiodących portów na kontynencie, podczas gdy porty...
Evaluation of sample injection precision in respect to sensitivity in capillary electrophoresis using various injection modes
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Investigation of Wood Flour Size, Aspect Ratios, and Injection Molding Temperature on Mechanical Properties of Wood Flour/Polyethylene Composites
PublicationIn the present research, wood flour reinforced polyethylene polymer composites with a coupling agent were prepared by injection molding. The effects of wood flour size, aspect ratios, and mold injection temperature on the composites’ mechanical properties were investigated. For the preparation of the polymer composites, five different formulations were created. The mechanical properties including tensile strength and the modulus,...
Four-Port Circulator Using Reduced Ground Plane Ferrite Coupled Line Junction
PublicationIn this paper the investigations of four-port circula-tor using longitudinally magnetized ferrite coupled line section are presented. The device is designed by cascading ferrite section with magic-T junction ensuring its even and odd mode excitation. The scattering parameters of ferrite coupled line junction are calculated using own software and verified with the use of commercial software. The even and odd excitation of ferrite...
Determination of amikacin and ciprofloxacin by liquid chromatography with pre-column derivatization to evaluate sustained delivery of antibiotics from Drug-Eluting Biopsy Needle
PublicationDetermination of chosen antibacterial antibiotics: amikacin and ciprofloxacin was carried out by HPLC-UV after derivatization with 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate and in their native form by HPLC-MS/MS. Developed methods have been applied to control the kinetics of antibiotic release from polymer-based controlled drug delivery system.
Nonlinear control of five phase induction motor with synchronized third harmonic flux injection
PublicationThe paper deals with the novel control system for five phase induction motor (IM) that enables the injection of the rotor flux 3rd harmonic component. Two multiscalar models are transformed from the 1-1 and 2-2 vector models developed in the 1st and 3rd harmonic planes. Based on the obtained multiscalar models the synthesis of dual multiscalar control is established. The obtained two multiscalar control systems can independently...
The Use of Gravimetric Measurements to Determine the Orthometric Height of the Benchmark in the Port of Gdynia
PublicationThis paper contains a description of the technology used to make gravimetric measurements of the height of a reference point located in the Port of Gdynia, Poland. Measurements were made using a CG-5 gravimeter manufactured by LaCoste & Romberg Scintrex Inc., and determinations of position used a Leica Viva GS15 receiver integrated with a network of HxGN SmartNet GNSS reference stations. The measuring methodology required gravimeter...
PublicationIt is of utmost importance in the design process that a suitable, safe and concurrently economic solution be chosen. Issues connected with foundations require adopting a special approach. Soil is a composite medium, and it is essential to describe as precisely as possible the interaction taking place between the subgrade and the structure. There are many design methods of pile foundation that are based on in-situ test of soils....
Polish waterfront in the process of transformation: The case of Elbląg port city
PublicationThe topic of waterfront transformation is a vast and challenging issue, which in small and medium-sized cities is still unexplored. With growing global interest in the matter of regeneration of city-water relationship and increasing public awareness of the value of waterfront public spaces, actions to transform abandoned waterfront areas have been undertaken in many Polish port cities. City of Elbląg, located in northern Poland,...
Dead time effects compensation strategy by third harmonic injection for a five-phase inverter
PublicationThis paper proposes a method for compensation of dead-time effects for a fivephase inverter. In the proposed method an additional control subsystem was added to the field-oriented control (FOC) scheme in the coordinate system mapped to the third harmonic. The additional control loop operates in the fixed, orthogonal reference frame ( α - β coordinates) without the need for additional Park transformations. The purpose of this method...
Autonomous port management based AGV path planning and optimization via an ensemble reinforcement learning framework
PublicationThe rapid development of shipping trade pushes automated container terminals toward the direction of intelligence, safety and efficiency. In particular, the formulation of AGV scheduling tasks and the safety and stability of transportation path is an important part of port operation and management, and it is one of the basic tasks to build an intelligent port. Existing research mainly focuses on collaborative operation between...
Implementation of spatial information for monitoring and analysis of the area around the port using laser scanning techniques
PublicationNowadays, maritime infrastructure is heavily exploited, which requires monitoring. The article presents the implementation of spatial information which are point clouds for monitoring and analysis of the area around the port (buildings and wharves). For this study, point clouds coming from terrestrial (TLS) and airborne laser scanning (ALS), each of them having different accuracy, were used. An important part of the analysis was...
PublicationThe purpose of the article is to present the results of the research on the aspects of the Port of Gdynia modernist architecture aesthetics. Its construction was one of the two major projects carried out in the interwar period in Poland. In the course of analyses it has been attempted to answer the question whether an individual aesthetic language has been created in the 1920s and 1930s for the industrial architecture of the Polish...
On energy, exergy, and environmental aspects of a combined gas-steam cycle for heat and power generation undergoing a process of retrofitting by steam injection
PublicationThe paper presents a study of retrofitting of a combined heat and power (CHP) plant aimed to increase the electric to heating power ratio. The modification would involve diverting part of the steam to the gas turbine, instead of letting it go to the steam turbine, using injection technique into a combustion chamber. Therefore, two potential retrofitting approaches are analyzed: steam injection gas turbine (STIGT) and combined steam...