Search results for: RAILWAY TRANSPORT
Analysis of energy efficiency of suburban railway transport network
PublicationRising numbers of agglomeration residents cause increased need for people movement on daily basis. Because of congestion of local roads, air pollution and limited parking space, providing mass transit based on electric traction is reasonable. While the electric rail vehicles are considered highly efficient in themselves, they need to be analyzed as a part of a transport network, because energy consumption depends on operating conditions...
Research on and Assessment of the Reliability of Railway Transport Systems with Induction Motors
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The sensors-based artificial intelligence Train Control and Monitoring System (TCMS) for managing the railway transport fleet
PublicationRailways deliver a safe and sustainable form of transport and are typically pointed as one the safest form of transportation. Nevertheless, train accidents still happen, and when they happen, the consequences concern serious fatalities and injuries. Since every case is unique, the most frequent causes of train accidents are mechanical derailments, failures, as well as human errors and ignorance. In order to mitigate the risks posed...
Transport of dangerous goods by rail, and threats to the subsoil of the railway surface in the event of a disaster
PublicationIn Poland, in 2020, the mass of dangerous goods (loads) transported by rail was 26 151.06 thousand tone. This translated into the performance of 8 899 691.89 thousand tone - km of transport performance. In 2020, these figures accounted for 11.72% of the weight of goods transported by rail. The situation is similar in other countries around the world. With such a large volume of transport of dangerous...
Issue of reliability–exploitation evaluation of electronic transport systems used in the railway environment with consideration of electromagnetic interference
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PublicationThe article presents a comprehensive method for using vibration signals to diagnose railway tracks. The primary objective is to gather detailed information on track conditions through a passive experiment. This involves using mobile diagnostic tools and techniques to assess railway infrastructure. The article elaborates on the range of diagnostic activities conducted in accordance with detailed railway regulations and highlights...
Monitoring of current collectors on the railway line
PublicationProper cooperation the current collectors and the overhead line is a pre-requisite for reliable and safe operation of railway transport. Instances of maladjustment and, in some cases, damage to the current collectors, occur between periodic inspections of the rolling stock. In order to detect such anomalies quickly, the test stand was developed, with the aim of monitoring the technical state of the current collectors under operating...
Innovative Railway Stations
PublicationIn relation to modern demographic trends, evolving technologies and environmentfriendly solutions increases the potential of rail considered as sustainable form of public transport. Contemporary tendencies of designing railway stations in Europe are focused on lowering energy consumption and reducing carbon emission. The main goal of the designers is to create a friendly and intuitive space for its users and at the same time a...
Revitalization of the Narrow-Gauge Żuławy Commuter Railway and its effect on shipping conditions in the Vistula delta
PublicationThe article presents the Żuławy Access Railway and the effect of its revitalization on the change of navigational conditions in the Vistula delta. One of the problems analyzed in the article is the intersection of two different transport branches - the inland waterway and rail transport branches. A solution to the problem of their functioning is presented, without any major restrictions. Possible changes in navigational conditions...
Selected Problems of Transport in Port Towns – Tri-City as an Example
PublicationPort towns are strategic places from the point of view of transport systems. They form integration junctions for various transport branches , apart from the traditional - road and railway ones , also for water( sea) transport which is active there. Moreover, air transport comes also into consideration , whose efficient functioning must be connected with good accessibility, that concerns sea transport as well. Efficient and...
Identification of safety hazards and their sources in tram transport
PublicationBoth in Poland and in most countries of the European Union, the tram infrastructure is extensively expanding. Contemporary low-floor trams are constructed according to different technical assumptions than typical railway vehicles or high floor trams. In Poland such vehicles rides often on lines designed according to standards developed to the classical vehicles. At the same time, the intensity of road traffic and the number of...
Determination of safety indicators of the freight wagons by mobile systems
PublicationThe organization of the movement of freight trains in Ukraine is an important factor in integrating the country’s railway transport into the European system. A situation that requires a significant renewal of the freight wagon park with modern wagons to meet the freight transportation requirements has arisen. Also, a significant drawback of railway transport in Ukraine is the limitation of the speed of trains, which include freight...
3D scanning system for railway current collector contact strips
PublicationUndisturbed collection of current from a contact wire of the catenary constitutes one of the basic elements in reliable operation of electrified rail transport, particularly when vehicles move at high speed. Quality of current collection is influenced by the construction of catenary and current collectors, as well as by the technical condition and regulation of these two elements. Total contact force of a current collector head...
Analysis of measurement uncertainty for contact-less method used to measure the position of catenary contact wire, performed with the use of Monte Carlo method
PublicationCurrently the majority of main railway lines in Europe are electrified, and electric trains have the biggest share in the entire amount of rail transport. Reliability of electrified railways is closely related to the issue of supplying traction vehicles with energy. The problems connected with diagnostics of energy consumption node, namely the contact line and the current collector, are therefore of fundamental importance for maintaining...
Jarosław Guziński prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleJaroslaw Guzinski received M.Sc., Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees from the Electrical Engineering Department at Technical University of Gdansk, Poland in 1994, 2000 and 2011 respectively. Since 2016 he is Associate Professor at Gdansk University of Technology. Currently he is the head of the Department of Electric Drives and Energy Conversion. From 2006 to 2009 he was involved in European Commission Project PREMAID Marie Curie, ‘Predictive...
Optimization of Energetic Train Cooperation
PublicationIn the article, possible ways of using energy recovered during regenerative braking of trains are presented. It is pointed out that the return of recovered electricity directly to the catenary and its use in the energy cooperation of vehicles can be a no-cost method (without additional infrastructure). The method of energy cooperation between trains and its main assumptions, that uses the law of conservation of energy, are described...
Prospects in elongation of railway transition curves
PublicationThe paper presents an analysis of the elongation of transition curves in relation to railway track alignment correction and modernisation. The analysis is based on numerical computations for a wide range of parameters describing a typical railway geometrical layout with transition curves. The differences between the horizontal ordinates of the existing layout and the layout with the elongated transition curves are evaluated and...
The fate and contamination of trace metals in soils exposed to a railroad used by Diesel Multiple Units: Assessment of the railroad contribution with multi-tool source tracking
PublicationSoil samples from cut slopes from lightly loaded railway lines used by Diesel Multiple Units for 5 years in Gdansk (Poland) were collected and analyzed for trace metals (TMs): Zn, Pb, Cd, Ni, Cr, Cu, and Fe. The main aim was to assess soil enrichment, contamination status, and distribution of TMs relative to the distance from the railway track. Extensive source tracking analyses were performed using cluster analysis (CA) and the...
Leszek Jarzębowicz dr hab. inż.
PeopleLeszek Jarzebowicz received the M.Sc., Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees from Gdansk University of Technology (GUT), Poland, in 2005, 2010 and 2019, respectively. His research areas include control and modeling of electric drives, diagnostics of railway vehicles, analysis of energy efficiency in electrified transport, and microprocessor implementation of control algorithms. His teaching interests focus on electric vehicles, electrical engineering...
Results of accelerometer measurements in rail passenger transport vehicles
Open Research DataAs part of the project, field research was done to better understand how unbalanced accelerations affect passenger comfort in rail transport and to compare this with passengers’ actual, subjective feelings. Data were collected from different types of rail vehicles, like trains and trams, using common mobile devices with MEMS accelerometer sensors.
Study on the Positioning Accuracy of the GNSS/INS System Supported by the RTK Receiver for Railway Measurements
PublicationCurrently, the primary method for determining the object coordinates is positioning using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) supported by Inertial Navigation Systems (INS). The main goal of this solution is to ensure high positioning availability, particularly when access to satellite signals is limited (in tunnels, areas with densely concentrated buildings and in forest areas). The aim of this article is to determine whether...
Modelling of Curvature of the Railway Track Geometrical Layout Using Particle Swarm Optimization
PublicationA method of railway track geometrical layout design, based on application of cubic C-Bezier curves for describing the layout curvature is presented in the article. The control points of a cubic C-Bezier curve are obtained in an optimization process carried out using Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm. The optimization criteria are based on the evaluation of the dynamic interactions and satisfaction of geometrical design requirements.
Practical Eco-Driving Strategy for Suburban Electric Multiple Unit
PublicationIn this paper, a practical approach to velocity profile optimization for electric multiple unit was presented. The study focuses on a case of fast urban railway, which is a popular mean of transport across Tricity, Poland. Based on observations and measurements, a potential for improvement of energy efficiency by modifying the speed profile was recognized. In order to conduct necessary calculations, simulation model of railway...
The significance of the underground experience: Selection of reference design cases from the underground public transport stations and interchanges of the European Union
PublicationAbstract Background Recent research into the way public transport users appreciate stations and interchanges has highlighted several key aspects. Importantly, the optimization of these facilities should not simply aim to resolve dissatisfiers, but should also focus on addressing satisfiers, through the incorporation of factors such as comfort and experience. ‘Soft requirements,’ which have emerged in architecture and urban design,...
Optimization of the efficiency of braking energy recovery in rail transport by changing arrival time
PublicationThe article refers to the previous work of the authors, in which the model of traffic organization of cooperating trains including the optimization of the use of energy returned to the catenary was presented. In the presented article, the model was modified by changing the main control variable, which affects the efficient use of energy. Departure time was changed for the arrival time of the train to the stop or station. The optimization...
Optimization of Train Energy Cooperation Using Scheduled Service Time Reserve
PublicationThe main aim of the paper was to develop an innovative approach to the preliminary estimation possibility of train energy cooperation based on data from timetables, without traction calculations. The article points out the need to strive for sustainable and environmentally friendly transport. It was pointed out that rail transport using electric traction is one of the more ecological branches of transport. It also offers a number...
Bypass kolejowy dla wiaduktu łukowego i kratownicowego w ciągu modernizowanej linii kolejowej E59 na odcinku Wronki – Dobiegniew
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono realizacje bypassu kolejowego, zlokalizowanego nieopodal miejscowości Krzyż Wielkopolski w ciągu linii kolejowej E59 na skrzyżowaniu z linią kolejową 203. Wariantowa analiza kilku zaproponowanych rozwiązań wykazała, ze wykonstruowanie bypassu na czas prowadzenia prac modernizacyjnych pozwoli na utrzymanie ciągłości ruchu kolejowego, nie stworzy nadmiernych problemów podróżnym, a jednocześnie pozwoli na...
Energy efficiency of electric multiple units in suburban operation
PublicationThis thesis presents approach to analysis of energy efficiency of a suburban rail network, using novel models developed on the Matlab/Simulink basis. Necessary features and requirements for such models were determined thru in-depth review of the source literature in all applicable fields: electrified transportation systems, electric multiple units construction, vehicle drivetrains and finally, existing simulation methods. Existing...
PublicationW aspekcie współcześnie zachodzących zmian demograficznych, rozwijających się technologii oraz poszukiwania rozwiązań proekologicznych wzrasta potencjał transportu kolejowego. Po okresie upadku znaczenia kolei jesteśmy świadkami jej postępującej transformacji w Europie. Do obsługi ruchu pasażerskiego służy w Polsce prawie 600 dworców kolejowych, z których większość nie jest jeszcze przystosowana do aktualnych potrzeb użytkownika...
Identification of transition curves in vehicular roads and railways
PublicationIn the paper attention is focused on the necessity to systematize the procedure for determining the shape of transition curves used in vehicular roads and railway routes. There has been presented a universal method of identifying curvature in transition curves by using differential equations. Curvature equations for such known forms of transition curves as clothoid, quartic parabola, the Bloss curve, cosinusoid and sinusoid, have...
Experimental bases for the rail track surface damage detection system
PublicationA diagnosis of rail surface is generally based on the classical method of direct assessment and track geometry measurements. Identification and qualification of inequality and damage on the surface rails is depend on the skills and experience person who conducting inspection. In times of increasing exploitation of railways, infrastructure managers decide to use systems supporting the assessment of technical condition of the railways....
A model for agribusiness supply chain risk management using fuzzy logic. Case study: Grain route from Ukraine to Poland
PublicationIn order to establish new logistics routes, it is necessary to address several technical and organizational issues, among others. One of the most important criteria for evaluating the performance of a supply chain is the delivery time, proactive consideration of potential hazards and associated uncertainties that may occur along the route. However, the existing solutions are often passive and reactive, based on statistics, thus...
Endoscopic image processing and analysis of pistons' service failures of marine diesel engines
PublicationThe paper deals with diagnostic issues concerning endoscopic examinations of working spaces within marine diesel engines. In the beginning, endoscopy apparatus being on laboratory equipment of the Department of Ship Power Plants of Gdansk University of Technology has been characterized. The endoscopy considerations have been focused on theoretical bases of a digital image processing and especially - on the "Shadow" measurement...
The issue of uncertainty of visual measurement techniques for long distance measurements based on the example of applying electric traction elements in diagnostics and monitoring
PublicationRail transport is the most economical and energy-effective in the field of land transport, in particular electrified. In order to ensure efficient and reliable operation of electrified rail transport, the issues of monitoring and diagnostics of the traction infrastructure and vehicles are extremely important. The most critical point in the transmission of electric energy to the vehicle is the sliding contact of the current collector...
Vehicular Communication Environments
PublicationCommunication to and between road vehicles (cars, truck, buses, trains, etc.) are of growing interest. This is partly due to the attractive services that cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITSs) provides, mainly in the areas of traffic safety and traffic efficiency. An enabler for C-ITS is wireless vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication, collectively referred to as vehicle-to-X (V2X)...
Historia budowy i reaktywacji Kolei Kokoszkowskiej w postaci Pomorskiej Kolei Metropolitalnej
PublicationW artykule została przedstawiona historia budowy Kolei Kokoszkowskiej (otwarcie w 1914 r. i zburzenie w 1945 r.), jej znaczenie dla powiązań przestrzennych Wolnego Miasta Gdańsk i polskich Kaszub, próba jej reaktywacji w związku z rozwojem aglomeracji trójmiejskiej w II połowie XX wieku i ostatecznie budowa po jej śladzie Pomorskiej Kolei Metropolitalnej na początku XXI wieku. W artykule poruszono zagadnienia związane ze sporami...
Ocena klimatu akustycznego w przestrzeni pasażerskiej elektrycznego zespołu trakcyjnego serii EN57
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań poziomów dźwięku w przestrzeni pasażerskiej elektrycznego zespołu trakcyjnego (EZT) serii EN57 podczas postoju, rozruchu, jazdy oraz hamowania. Badania przeprowadzono na podstawie autorskiej metodyki badawczej bazując na normie PNEN ISO 3381:Kolejnictwo. Akustyka. Pomiar hałasu wewnątrz pojazdów szynowych. Badania przeprowadzono na linii kolejowej nr 250 od przystanku Gdańsk Śródmieście do stacji...
Evaluation of electrical parameters of traction supply system for complex railway traffic conditions, using simulation methods
PublicationDevelopment of electrified transport systems, railways modernization, expansion of urban transport networks, purchases of modern rolling stock causes that updating of electric traction supply system is necessary. This chapter presents an effective method for electrical parameters of traction supply system evaluation, using simulation methods.
The accuracy assessment of determining the axis of railway track basing on the satellite surveying
PublicationW 2009 roku na Politechnice Gdańskiej rozpoczęto badania nad wykorzystaniem serwisu pomiarów fazowych NAVGEO aktywnej sieci geodezyjnej ASG-EUPOS dla przeprowadzania ciągłych pomiarów przebiegu trasu kolejowej. Celem kontynuowanych badań jest próba oceny możliwości zastosowania pomiarów fazowych GNSS, realizowanych przez kilka odbiorników, dla projektowania oraz inwentaryzacji toru kolejowego. Do oceny dokładności określenia osi...
SiC-Based Power Electronic Traction Transformer (PETT) for 3 kV DC Rail Traction
PublicationThe design of rolling stock plays a key role in the attractiveness of the rail transport. Train design must strictly meet the requirements of rail operators to ensure high quality and cost-eective services. Semiconductor power devices made from silicon carbide (SiC) have reached a level of technology enabling their widespread use in traction power converters. SiC transistors oering energy savings, quieter operation, improved reliability...
Selected problems of determining the course of railway routes by use of GPS network solution
PublicationW 2009 roku Politechnika Gdańska rozpoczęła prace nad wykorzystaniem ciągłych pomiarów pozycji systemów geodezji satelitarnej dla wyznaczania przebiegu trasy kolejowej z wykorzystaniem fazowych metod GPS opartych o serwis NAVGEO polskiej Aktywnej Sieci Geodezyjnej ASG-EUPOS. W celu eliminacji błędów przypadkowych wpływających na dokładność wyznaczenia trasy kolejowej w następnym roku zespół przeprowadził dwie kampanie pomiarowe...
Design of compound curves adapted to the satellite measurements
PublicationThe paper deals with a novelty related to the design of a region for an alternative railway track direction adequate for mobile satellite measurements. The new approach may become particularly useful in the design of the existing track axis control when the determination of both the main track directions becomes impossible. The only solution in that case is to apply to the geometrical system two circular arcs of a different radius,...
Visual method for detecting critical damage in railway contact strips
PublicationEnsuring an uninterrupted supply of power in the electric traction is vital for the safety of this important transport system. For this purpose, monitoring and diagnostics of the technical condition of the vehicle's power supply elements are becoming increasingly common. This paper presents a new visual method for detecting contact strip damage, based on measurement and analysis of the movement of the overhead contact line (OCL)...
Urban Railway within the Linear Urban Structure: the Case Study of Perm, Russia
PublicationThe paper analyses the ten years’ experience of Perm to develop its system of the urban train trying to reveal the reasons for its modest performance and decline in the passenger traffic. The authors show how the Urban Train fits within the city urban structure and eval uate the potential of the Urban Train to become a feasible solution to the problem of connecting the periphery with the city centre. Furthermore,...
Paweł Szymon Dąbrowski dr inż.
PeopleDr. Eng. Paweł Szymon Dąbrowski studied geodesy and cartography at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn from 2004-2009, where he obtained the title of Master of Science in Engineering. In the years 2009-2016, he worked as a land surveyor in Iława and Gdańsk. He gained professional experience during the construction of the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway, which helped him obtain a national surveying license in 2015. In...
Wybrane zagadnienia optymalizacji organizacji ruchu kolejowego w celu minimalizacji kosztów energii elektrycznej
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono podział kosztów w transporcie kolejowym z uwzględnieniem kosztów wewnętrznych przedsiębiorstwa, do których zaliczają się między innymi koszty dostępu do infrastruktury, czy koszty energii. Stwierdzono, że przy odpowiedniej organizacji ruchu pociągów na sieci kolejowej, bez ponoszenia dodatkowych nakładów na infrastrukturę i specjalistyczne urządzenia, można znacznie ograniczyć zużycie energii, a co za tym...
Computer application for railway track realignment
PublicationThe topic of this article is the issue of railway track realignment. For this purpose, a computer software application was created that supports computations and generates a report needed for regulation of the trajectory of the railway. This program gives the ability to import data from measurement of the railway trajectory and then perform the calculation of the mathematical realignment. The result of this calculation is the basis...
Conservation aspects of cast-iron platform shelters on the example of Vistula Pomerania railway stations
PublicationCast-iron shelters were used in the 19th century as cheaper alternatives to large platform halls. Nevertheless, they were aesthetically distinguishable from later riveted solutions. Because of their durability and continuous utility, they were not the subject of disassembly, as numerous transport infrastructure objects have been in recent decades. This article aims to indicate proper conservation practices during construction works...
Verification of Satellite Railway Track Position Measurements Making Use of Standard Co-Ordinate Determination Techniques
PublicationThe article presents the results of satellite railway track position measurements performed by a multidisciplinary research team, the members of which represented Gdansk University of Technology and Gdynia Maritime University. Measuring methods are described which were used for reconstructing the railway track axis position and diagnosing railway track geometry deformations. As well as that, the description of the novel method...
Effect of Different Structure Type Traffic On Railway Line Capacity
PublicationThe article points to methods of analyzing railway traffic conditions based on two parameters: capacity and delay of trains. The impact of the differentiated railway type structure on the capacity of the railway line was presented. Particular attention has been paid to the assessment of commonly used simplifications in analyzes.