Search results for: public space
High-quality academic teachers in business school. The case of The University of Gdańsk, Poland
PublicationThe Bologna process, the increasing number of higher education institutions, the mass education and the demographic problems make the quality of education and quality of the academic teachers a subject of wide public debate and concern. The aim of the paper is to identify the most preferred characteristics of a teacher working at a business school. The research problem was: What should a high-quality business school academic teacher...
Development of Intelligent Control for Annealing Unit to Ensure the Minimization of Retroactive Effects on the Supply Network
PublicationResearch conducted by our team focused on the development of a complete annealing unit, using modern technologies and components, such as a programmable logic controller, an industrial computer and microcontrollers, ensuring an intelligent way to control power semiconductor elements (SSR relays), with regard to minimizing retroactive effects on the supply network. This modern configuration offers a number of new possibilities of...
Analysis of Signalized Intersections in the Context of Pedestrian Traffic
PublicationGdynia is a city in the Pomeranian Voivod e ship of Poland with a population of about 250,000. It faces a growing motorization rate th at needs to be addressed. Car ownership in Gdynia now exceed s 500 vehicles per 1000 residents. Travel by public transport is decreasing and the rate of walking and cycling remains low. It is necessary to reverse these negative trends by implementing solu tions based...
The Cluster Organization. Analyzing the Development of Cooperative Relationships
PublicationCluster organizations are becoming more and more popular, both in developing and developed countries. Considering the development of cluster policy and the related dynamic growth of cluster initiatives in the world, the lack of sufficient knowledge on the development of cooperation in cluster organizations inhibits their development and, in many cases, causes their complete disintegration. The book provides new important elements...
Ensuring sustainable development of urban public transport: A case study of the trolleybus system in Gdynia and Sopot (Poland)
PublicationElectromobility is a vital tool in reducing the environmental impact of transportation. A technologically mature means of public transport is the trolleybus. Based on a case study of the Polish cities of Gdynia and Sopot, this paper explores the factors that influence the development of the trolleybus system. Recent developments of in-motion charging (IMC) technology are analysed what provides a new analytical framework for the...
Improving Accuracy of Respiratory Rate Estimation by Restoring High Resolution Features With Transformers and Recursive Convolutional Models
PublicationNon-contact evaluation of vital signs has been becoming increasingly important, especially in light of the COVID- 19 pandemic, which is causing the whole world to examine people’s interactions in public places at a scale never seen before. However, evaluating one’s vital signs can be a relatively complex procedure, which requires both time and physical contact between examiner and examinee. These re- quirements limit the number...
Comparison of Selected Neural Network Models Used for Automatic Liver Tumor Segmentation
PublicationAutomatic and accurate segmentation of liver tumors is crucial for the diagnosis and treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma or metastases. However, the task remains challenging due to imprecise boundaries and significant variations in the shape, size, and location of tumors. The present study focuses on tumor segmentation as a more critical aspect from a medical perspective, compared to liver parenchyma segmentation, which is the...
Data and knowledge supporting decision-making for the urban Food-Water-Energy nexus
PublicationCities are hubs of innovation and wealth creation, and magnets for an increasing urban population. Cities also face unprecedented challenges in terms of food, water and energy scarcity, and governance and management. Urban environmental issues are no longer problems for experts to address but have become issues of public debate, in which knowledge from multiple sectors is needed to support inclusive governance approaches. Consequently,...
A framework of open government data (OGD) e-service quality dimensions with future research agenda
PublicationPurpose This research paper aims to present a framework of open government data (OGD) relating to e-service quality dimensions. In addition, it provides a research agenda for the e-service delivery of OGD. Design/methodology/approach A literature review pertaining to e-service quality with special reference to e-government was delivered to deduce the key dimensions of e-service quality for OGD. Findings Five e-service quality dimensions...
Superheroes or Super Spreaders? The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Social Attitudes towards Nurses: A Qualitative Study from Poland
PublicationThe social perception of the nursing profession in Poland is profoundly affected by social stereotypes that may discourage young people from entering the profession and lead to prejudice towards nurses. During the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses gained visibility, which caused the social image of nurses to likewise grow. In this study, we explore nurses’ experiences with respect to how the COVID-19 pandemic influenced the social image...
Circular economy in Poland: Good practices and recommendations – case study
PublicationThis review paper explores circular economy (CE) initiatives and Green Public Procurement (GPP) practices in Poland, focusing on practical implementation and regulatory frameworks. The concept of CE is explored in depth, focusing on its potential to mitigate climate change and resource depletion by extending product lifecycles and reducing waste generation. Transitioning to a CE model offers numerous environmental and economic...
Vehicle Type Recognition Based on Audio Data
PublicationIdentifying different vehicle types can help manage traffic more efficiently, reduce congestion, and improve public safety. This study aims to create a classification model that can recognize vehicle types based on the sound of passing vehicles. To achieve this, a database of raw audio files containing 1763 samples from two sources was assembled. The time-domain signals were converted to a time-frequency representation using the...
The determinants of European universities patenting and co‑patenting with companies
PublicationThis study examines the determinants of European universities patenting and co-patenting with companies. The analysis takes into account more than 400 universities from 17 countries over the period 2011–2018. We test several determinants of the commercial activity of universities, such as: student enrolment (size), age, public or private nature of the institution, students per academic staff, publications per academic staff (research...
When digital government matters for tourism: a stakeholder analysis
PublicationDespite the importance of governance processes for destination management and the impact of digital technology on such processes, surprisingly little academic research has explored the use of digital technology to transform public governance in the tourism sector. This conceptual paper fills this gap by conducting a digital government stakeholder analysis for the tourism sector using the digital government evolution model as its...
Economic significance of initial public offerings in China and India
PublicationRapid economic growth in China and India has attracted attention of many researchers, focusing on various social and economic factors underlying the success of these countries. One of the key components of country’s economy is financial system which consists of segments such as banking sector and equity market. The topic of initial public offerings (IPOs), one of the corporate financing sources, involving raising funds through...
Selected elements of the methodology and method of designing amphibious flood rescue vehicles
PublicationThe methodology of designing amphibious flood rescue vehicles at the preliminary stage of the design process has been presented. The study has been focused on the properties of such vehicles when afloat, with their on-land behaviour and performance characteristics having been left aside. In the study, a general assumption has been made that the amphibious flood rescue vehicles should be designed as, above all, watercraft that additionally...
Multiaspect measurement analysis of breaking energy recovery
PublicationNowadays the issue of electric energy saving in public transport is becoming a key area of interest, which is connected both with a growth of environmental awareness in the society and an increase in the prices of fuel and electricity. That is why the reduction of energy consumption by increasing electrified urban transport, such as trams, trolleybuses, light rail and underground is becoming an increasingly important issue. Energy...
Smart sustainable cities : Reconnaissance Study
PublicationThe global urban population is expected to grow by 63 percent between 2014 and 2050 – compared to an overall global population growth of 32 percent during the same period. Megacities with over 20-million inhabitants will see the fastest increase in population – and at least 13 new megacities are expected by 2030, in addition to the 28 existing today. The fastest growing urban centres contain around one-million inhabitants, and...
Principles and Practices of Corporate Governance in the Global Economy
PublicationThe book places ownership at the centre of all relevant choices that the company makes. In particular, it addresses the issue of governance from the perspective of ownership, and in a broader and more articulated sense than most Anglo-Saxon studies do. The authors analyse the relationship between ownership, governance, and corporate strategy, with a dual objective. On the one hand, the aim is to identify the consistency relationships...
Analysing the Residential Market Using Self-Organizing Map
PublicationAlthough the residential property market has strong connections with various sectors, such as construction, logistics, and investment, it works through different dynamics than other markets; thus, it can be analysed from various perspectives. Researchers and investors are mostly interested in price trends, the impact of external factors on residential property prices, and price prediction. When analysing price trends, it is beneficial...
PublicationIncreasing a city’s resilience against climate change is one of the major concerns of today. Sustainable stormwater management, using Green Infrastructure units (GI) integrated with an urban area, has proved to be effective in flooding control and to offer extra benefits encompassing groundwater recharge, stormwater treatment, mitigation of air pollution, and an urban micro-climate. Moreover, GI brings cultural benefits for the...
A unified approach to the analysis of electric energy and fuel consumption of cars in city traffic
PublicationForecasting fuel and electricity consumption is an important factor determining the direction of changes in road engineering solutions, traffic management, selection of routes for public transport and development more efficient car drive systems. With a reliable and easy-to-use computational tool, it is possible to reduce the consumption of primary energy sources and reduce the emission of toxic compounds in cities. An analysis...
A Study of Transport Behaviour of Academic Communities
PublicationAn important challenge to achieving sustainable university campuses is ensuring that the academic community makes sustainable transport choices. The objective of this study was to investigate the daily commuting patterns, identify the potential for change, and determine the factors and criteria affecting the transport decisions of academic communities of two universities located in Gdansk, Poland. This paper summarizes the results...
Value co‐creation (VCC) and value co‐destruction (VCD) via open government data (OGD): Empirical case of Tanzania
PublicationHaving emphasized upon the potential benefits of Open Government Data (OGD) initiatives via value derivation and innovation pursuits of the stakeholders, it falls in place to complement this line of OGD research in the specific case of Tanzania, a developing country, to support the inferences. Specifically, it is important to understand the manner in which OGD VCC-one of the hinges of OGD initiatives- and OGD VCD-a possible fall...
Verification and Benchmarking in MPA Coprocessor Design Process
PublicationThis paper presents verification and benchmarking required for the development of a coprocessor digital circuit for integer multiple-precision arithmetic (MPA). Its code is developed, with the use of very high speed integrated circuit hardware description language (VHDL), as an intellectual property core. Therefore, it can be used by a final user within their own computing system based on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs)....
Religious social action and its organizational profiles
PublicationPurpose Social action implemented by the Church via its affiliated entities, foundations and associations may be viewed as a uniform activity. In reality, however, several organizational profiles exist that depend on the origin of these organizations (lay or religious), the scope of their activities (local or general) and their dependence on resources (whether from public administration or civil society). The paper aims to discuss...
The use of fungi in biofiltration to remove hydrophobic volatile organic compounds
PublicationThe growing importance placed on air quality by environmental regulations and public opinion necessitate the minimization and removal of volatile organic compound emissions (VOCs), including odours. The removal of hydrophobic VOCs from the air by biological methods remains a major technical challenge (despite its importance in the shift to green engineering). A potential solution to this challenge is the use of fungi in biofiltration....
Toxoplasma gondii Tetravalent Chimeric Proteins as Novel Antigens for Detection of Specific Immunoglobulin G in Sera of Small Ruminants
PublicationThe detection of Toxoplasma gondii infection in small ruminants has important significance for public health and veterinary medicine. This study, for the first time, describes the reactivity of four tetravalent chimeric proteins (AMA1N-SAG2-GRA1-ROP1, AMA1C-SAG2-GRA1-ROP1, AMA1-SAG2-GRA1-ROP1, and SAG2-GRA1-ROP1-GRA2) containing immunodominant regions from the AMA1 (apical membrane antigen 1), SAG2 (surface antigen 2), GRA1 (dense...
Damage Detection Strategies in Structural Health Monitoring of Overhead Power Transmission System
PublicationOverhead power transmission lines, their supporting towers, insulators and other elements create a highly distributed system that is vulnerable to damage. Typical damage scenarios cover cracking of foundation, breakage of insulators, loosening of rivets, as well as cracking and breakage of lines. Such scenarios may result from various factors: groundings, lightning strikes, floods, earthquakes, aeolian vibrations, conductors galloping,...
Problematyka konstrukcyjna zabytkowego obiektu przywracanego do użytkowania na przykładzie kamienicy przy ul. Staromiejskiej w Olsztynie = Structural aspects in restoring historical buildings for re-use: the case of a tenement building on Staromiejska Street in Olsztyn
PublicationThe paper discusses the issue of introducing structural changes into a historical building referring to the example of conservation work carried out in the tenement house at 6 Staromiejska in Olsztyn. Building work involved a general renovation. The paper reviews actions carried out in the restoration work, including strengthening and deepening of the foundations, introducing a post and beam system, and putting...
Moving Towards Competence in Teaching Architecture: The Relationship of Research and Design in Academia
PublicationArchitecture is truly a profession of public trust requiring special care at all stages in academic education. European educational reforms initiated by the 1999 Bologna Process affected architecture education, and shifted the role of research. The number of doctoral programs increased, so the involvement of PhD students in teaching also expanded. This study aims to identify how these changes affect quality in architecture education....
Face with Mask Detection in Thermal Images Using Deep Neural Networks
PublicationAs the interest in facial detection grows, especially during a pandemic, solutions are sought that will be effective and bring more benefits. This is the case with the use of thermal imaging, which is resistant to environmental factors and makes it possible, for example, to determine the temperature based on the detected face, which brings new perspectives and opportunities to use such an approach for health control purposes. The...
PublicationCyclists are a vulnerable group of road users, especially when no separate infrastructure for cyclists is provided. Then, road factors such as distance and altitude differences can indirectly affect cyclists' safety. Therefore, the authors proposed a procedure based on the geometric characteristics of the road that can determine riding difficulties for cyclists. The proposed procedure can be used both by the public authorities who...
Energy Yield Generated by a Small Building Integrated Photovoltaic Installation
PublicationIn the recent years photovoltaic (PV) industry has experienced a major growth, caused by the ever present annual decrease in module production prices and the expanding awareness of the general public in terms of renewable energy. There are numerous ways to implement PV modules as an additional energy source for a building, be it mounted on the rooftop, or building integrated (BIPV). An analysis of BIPV consisting of 8 modules with...
Digital Innovations and Smart Solutions for Society And Economy: Pros and Cons
PublicationRecent developments in artificial intelligence (AI) may involve significant potential threats to personal data privacy, national security, and social and economic stability. AI-based solutions are often promoted as “intelligent” or “smart” because they are autonomous in optimizing various processes. Be-cause they can modify their behavior without human supervision by analyzing data from the environ-ment, AI-based systems may be...
Examining Government-Citizen Interactions on Twitter using Visual and Sentiment Analysis
PublicationThe goal of this paper is to propose a methodology comprising a range of visualization techniques to analyze the interactions between government and citizens on the issues of public concern taking place on Twitter, mainly through the official government or ministry accounts. The methodology addresses: 1) the level of government activity in different countries and sectors; 2) the topics that are addressed through such activities;...
Presence of antibiotics in the aquatic environment in Europe and their analytical monitoring: Recent trends and perspectives
PublicationThe presence of antibiotics and their metabolites in the aquatic environment exerts a negative impact on all organisms. Moreover, the easy migration of these substances to drinking water may also have serious consequences for public health, such as drug resistance. Although antibiotics and their metabolites are detected in surface waters and wastewater, there are still no systemic solutions preventing environmental pollution with...
Digital transformation and economic growth - DESI improvement and implementation
PublicationThe paper aims to improve the methodology of the Digital Economic and Society Index (DESI), the European Commission’s newest index to assess the development of the digital economy. In particular, we investigate whether methodological changes to the structure of DESI improve its ability to capture the digital transformation of EU economies. Using the sensitivity- based analysis, we check whether the selection of weights of individual...
Health Enhancing Physical Activity Policies in Poland: Findings from the HEPA PAT Survey
PublicationInsufficient physical activity (PA) is one of major risk factors for serious diseases and premature mortality worldwide. Public policies to enhance PA across society are recognized as an effective tool against the problem. This paper presents the results of a comprehensive assessment of national-level PA policy approach in Poland. A standardized survey of Word Health Organization named the Health-Enhancing Physical Activity Policy...
Mind the framing: Match purpose and context
PublicationIn several ways, the following chapters will allude to the concept of frames. The assumptions of a mathematical model tell us what it can explain and what it cannot (see chapter 5). The trade-off between the usefulness of a mathemati- cal model and the scale of complexity it seeks to capture further conditions the narrative, highlighting or downsizing cognitive elements relevant to responsible modelling (see ‘Mathematics and tales’...
Detection of Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Small Ruminants: Old Problems, and Current Solutions
PublicationToxoplasmosis is a parasitic zoonosis of veterinary importance, with implications for public health. Toxoplasma gondii infection causes abortion or congenital disease in small ruminants. Moreover, the consumption of infected meat, cured meat products, or unpasteurized milk and dairy products can facilitate zoonotic transmission. Serological studies conducted in various European countries have shown the high seroprevalence of specific...
A comprehensive lipidomic analysis of oilseeds using LC-Q-TOF-MS and dispersive micro-solid phase (D-μ-SPE) extraction techniques
PublicationGrowing public health awareness increased the demand for natural products with positive health benefits. Vegetable oils containing omega-3 fatty acids (FA) such as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) has been proposed as a possible source of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). In this work, a comprehensive lipidome analysis and comparison of seven oilseeds, including flaxseed, chia, hemp, black cumin, white sesame,...
Exploring COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories: Education, Religiosity, Trust in Scientists, and Political Orientation in 26 European countries
PublicationThe COVID-19 virus disseminated globally at an accelerated pace, culminating in a worldwide pandemic; it engendered a proliferation of spurious information and a plethora of misinformation and conspiracy theories (CTs). While many factors contributing to the propensity for embracing conspiracy ideation have been delineated, the foremost determinant influencing individuals’ proclivity towards CT endorsement appears to be their...
A review on gasification and pyrolysis of waste plastics
PublicationGasification and pyrolysis are thermal processes for converting carbonaceous substances into tar, ash, coke, char, and gas. Pyrolysis produces products such as char, tar, and gas, while gasification transforms carbon-containing products (e.g., the products from pyrolysis) into a primarily gaseous product. The composition of the products and their relative quantities are highly dependent on the configuration of the overall process...
Collaborative development model and strategies of multi-energy industry clusters: Multi-indicators analysis affecting the development of coastal energy clusters
PublicationThe paper explores Coastal Energy-Based Industrial Clusters (EBICs) and their role in advancing energy efficiency and sustainability through collaborative innovation. Economic growth theory and energy sustainability have been introduced into industrial clusters to illustrate indicators that have a greater impact on the development of EBICs. This paper proposes an EBICs development model based on the Cobb-Douglas function, in which...
An evaluation and explanation of (in)efficiency in higher education institutions in Europe and the U.S. with the application of two-stage semi-parametric DEA
PublicationThis study uses data envelopment analysis (DEA) to evaluate the relative efficiency of 500 higher education institutions (HEIs) in ten European countries and the U.S. for the period between 2000 and 2010. Efficiency scores are determined using different input-output sets (inputs: total revenue, academic staff, administration staff, total number of students; outputs: total number of publications, number of scientific articles, graduates)...
An audio-visual corpus for multimodal automatic speech recognition
Publicationreview of available audio-visual speech corpora and a description of a new multimodal corpus of English speech recordings is provided. The new corpus containing 31 hours of recordings was created specifically to assist audio-visual speech recognition systems (AVSR) development. The database related to the corpus includes high-resolution, high-framerate stereoscopic video streams from RGB cameras, depth imaging stream utilizing Time-of-Flight...
On Software Unit Testing For Security and Performance Gain At Unit Level
PublicationPerformance and security are software (SW) application attributes situated on the opposite corners of system design. In the most drastic example the most secure component is the one totally isolated from the outside world, with communication performance reduced to zero level (e.g. disconnected physically from the network, placed inside a Faraday cage to eliminate possible wireless accessibility). On the other hand the most performance-optimized...
On Software Unit Testing For Improving Security And Performance Of Distributed Applications
PublicationPerformance and security are software (SW) application attributes situated on the opposite corners of system design. In the most drastic example the most secure component is the one totally isolated from the outside world, with communication performance reduced to zero level (e.g. disconnected physically from the network, placed inside a Faraday cage to eliminate possible wireless accessibility). On the other hand the most performance-optimized...
Implementing Sustainable Development Goals with Digital Government – Aspiration-capacity gap
PublicationSustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a commitment by all United Nations Member States to pursue development efforts, including ending poverty and hunger, promoting well-being and education, reducing inequalities, fostering peace, and protecting the planet. Member States and their governments are supposed to take ownership of the SDGs, strengthen the implementation means, and improve public governance as both the means...