Search results for: SURFACE ROUGHNESS
Surface Texture after Turning for Various Workpiece Rigidities
PublicationIn the paper, we present an analysis of the surface texture of turned parts with L/D (length/diameter) ratios of 6 and 12 and various rigidity values. The studies were carried out on samples made of S355JR steel and AISI 304 stainless steel. A detailed analysis of 2D surface profiles was carried out by using a large number of parameters that allowed us to distinguish significant differences in the surface microgeometry, which confirmed...
The effect of thermal modification on the quality of the milled surface of beech and pine wood
PublicationThe article deals with the effect of thermal modification on the quality of the created surface during milling on CNC milling cutters. The quality of the created surface is evaluated based on surface roughness, specifically its roughness parameter Ra. The observed surface is created by a shank cutter with a diameter of 20 mm and three cutting edges in a spiral at a standard speed of 18,000. min-1. The article compares thermally...
Impact of roughness on hydrophobicity of particles measured by the Washburn method
PublicationZwilżalność powierzchni jest ważną własnością w wielu aplikacjach, włączając flotację i wymywanie. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że szorstkość powierzchni ma znaczący wpływ na kinetykę penetracji cieczy przez cząstki, natomiast nie ma wpływu na wartości kątów zwilżania. Wyniki wskazują na fakt, że hydrofobowość w przypadku flotacji w przeciwieństwie do kinetyki flotacji nie powinna mieć związku z szorstkościa powierzchni.
Laser microscope profilometry of (Ce0.80Gd0.20)O1.90 surface before polishing
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of a surface image and topography obtained using a Keyence VK-X1000 confocal laser microscope for (Ce0.80Gd0.20)O1.90 substrate (CGO-20). Imaging was performed to determine surface roughness. The Keyence VK-X1000 uses a 404 nm laser to map and measure the surface of samples via confocal scanning or a wide-field variable focus. The...
Impact of the surface evenness and texture on tire/road rolling resistance
PublicationThis paper deals with the issue of a surface's roughness and texture impact on tire/road rolling resistance. It includes a brief description of research aims, measurements and an analysis of results. It also presents observations and conclusions regarding drum facility modernisation which allows studies concerning surface's roughness and texture impact on tire/road rolling resistance.
Laser microscope profilometry of SrTi0.3Fe0.7O3-d electrode surface after quickly drying
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of a surface image, topography and profilometry obtained using a Keyence VK-X1000 confocal laser microscope for SrTi0.3Fe0.7O3-d electrode (STF70). Imaging was performed to determine surface roughness. The Keyence VK-X1000 uses a 404 nm laser to map and measure the surface of samples via confocal scanning or a wide-field variable...
Effects of Surface Pretreatment of Titanium Substrates on Properties of Electrophoretically Deposited Biopolymer Chitosan/Eudragit E 100 Coatings
PublicationThe preparation of the metal surface before coating application is fundamental in determining the properties of the coatings, particularly the roughness, adhesion, and corrosion resistance. In this work, chitosan/Eudragit E 100 (chit/EE100) were fabricated by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) and both their microstructure and properties were investigated. The present research is aimed at characterizing the effects of the surface...
Thickness profile of thin diamond films on glass substrates
Open Research DataThickness profile of thin diamond layers on glass. Results obtained using the Dektak XT device (Bruker). They present a layer thickness profile. allowing to determine the surface roughness and the thickness of the fusion diamond thin layer.
Method of Monitoring of the Grinding Process with Lapping Kinematics Using Audible Sound Analysis
PublicationUtilising microphones as audible sound sensors for monitoring a single-side grinding process with lapping kinematics is presented in the paper. The audible sound generated during grinding depended on the cutting properties of electroplated tools with D107 diamond grains and different thicknesses of the nickel bond. The tool wear affected the obtained technological effects such as material removal rate and the surface roughness...
Dimensional accuracy and roughness of lamellas when sawing frozen wood
PublicationPrzedstawiono wpływ obniżania temperatury drewna sosnowego (-5°C i -20°C) i prędkości posuwu na dokładność wymiarową deszczułek oraz chropowatość powierzchni po przecinaniu. Badania prowadzono na pilarce ramowej wielopiłowej PRW15M z użyciem cienkich pił z ostrzami stellitowanymi. Otrzymywane wyniki odnoszono do wyników przecinania drewna o temperaturze +18°C. Profil grubości określano metodą kontaktową z pomiarem ciągłym na długości...
Laser microscope profilometry of SrTi0.3Fe0.7O3-d electrode surface after slowly drying
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of a surface image, topography and profilometry obtained using a Keyence VK-X1000 confocal laser microscope for SrTi0.3Fe0.7O3-d electrode (STF70). Imaging was performed to determine surface roughness. The Keyence VK-X1000 uses a 404 nm laser to map and measure the surface of samples via confocal scanning or a wide-field variable...
Corrosion Resistance and Surface Bioactivity of Ti6Al4V Alloy after Finish Turning under Ecological Cutting Conditions
PublicationThe influence of cooling conditions and surface topography after finish turning of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy on corrosion resistance and surface bioactivity was analyzed. The samples were machined under dry and minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) conditions to obtain different surface roughness. The surface topographies of the processed samples were assessed and measured using an optical profilometer. The produced samples were subjected...
Production and Properties of the Porous Layer Obtained by the Electrochemical Method on the Surface of Austenitic Steel
Publication: The growing demand for implants has seen increasing interest in the introduction of new technologies and surface modification methods of metal biomaterials. This research aimed to produce and characterize a porous layer grown on austenitic stainless steel 316L, obtained via the anodization process near the micro-arc oxidation, i.e., low voltage micro-arc oxidation (LVMAO). The discussed layer significantly influences the properties...
Topography measurement methods evaluation for entire bending-fatigued fracture surfaces of specimens obtained by explosive welding
PublicationIn this paper, the methods of compensation of differences in the results of entire bending-fatigued fracture surface topographies were presented. The roughness evaluation was performed with a focus variation microscope and confocal surface topography measurement techniques. The differences in the ISO 25178 roughness parameters were investigated and procedures for their compensation were studied. It was found that various types...
Microstructure and mechanical properties of laser surface-treated Ti13nb13zr alloy with MWCNTs coatings
PublicationLaser surface modification of titanium alloys is one of the main methods of improving the properties of titanium alloys used in implantology. This study investigates the microstructural morphology of a laser-modified surface layer on a Ti13Nb13Zr alloy with and without a carbon nanotube coating deposited by electrophoretic deposition. Laser modification was performed for samples with and without carbon nanotube coating for two...
Laser microscope profilometry of (Ce0.80Gd0.20)O1.90 after ∼3 μm surface finish
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of a surface image and topography obtained using a Keyence VK-X1000 confocal laser microscope for (Ce0.80Gd0.20)O1.90 substrate (CGO-20). Imaging was performed to determine surface roughness. The Keyence VK-X1000 uses a 404 nm laser to map and measure the surface of samples via confocal scanning or a wide-field variable focus. The...
The influence of chitosan's molecular weight, concentration, and dissolution method on the properties of electrophoretically deposited coatings on the Ti13Nb13Zr alloy surface
PublicationIn this study, the effects of molecular weight (high, medium, and low), concentration (0.1 and 0.5 %) and dissolution method (in a rarely used hydroxyacetic acid and utilizing a novel CO2 saturation) of chitosan on the microstructure, chemical composition, wettability, surface roughness, adhesion, corrosion resistance and antibacterial activity of chitosan coatings electrophoretically deposited (10 V, 1 min) on β titanium alloy...
Influence of novolac phenolic resins and butadiene rubbers on airborne wear particles emission from train brake friction materials against steel brake discs with roughness of Ra2.5
Open Research DataThree train brake materials based on straight or resorcinol-modified novolac phenolic resin and nitrile or styrene-butadiene rubber were tested during pin-on-disc tribological tests. Each material was tested and retested at 9 different friction regimes with various contact pressure values (0.33, 0.66 and 1 MPa) and various sliding velocity values (0.6,...
Effect of pavement roughness and vehicle dynamic loads on decrease of fatigue life of flexible pavements
PublicationDue to the fact that pavement surfaces are not ideally even, dynamic loads of vehicle axles deviate from static loads. Higher dynamic loads contribute to faster pavement distress. The distribution of dynamic loads is similar to normal distribution and can be described by static load and factors DI (dynamic impact) and DLC (dynamic load coefficient). With the deterioration of pavement condition its evenness decreases as well and...
The theoretical description of friction force in bio-joints as function of cartilage roughness
PublicationWartości sił tarcia w naturalnych stawach człowieka a szczególnie w endoprotezach stawu biodrowego rzutują na proces zużywania się powierzchni stawowych. Dlatego problem wyznaczania sił tarcia w biołożyskach jest bardzo istotny. W trakcie chodzenia mamy co najmniej ruch sferycznej powierzchni głowy w dwóch różnych kierunkach dla naturalnych i sztucznych stawów biodrowych człowieka. Dlatego też siły tarcia występują co najmniej...
Sustainable Chemically Modified Mater-Bi/Poly(ε-caprolactone)/Cellulose Biocomposites: Looking at the Bulk through the Surface
PublicationSustainable polymer composites are progressively under development in a technological paradigm shift from "just use more and more" to "convert into value-added products". The bio-based blends based on Mater-Bi bio-plastic (A) and poly(ε-caprolactone) (B), at a weight ratio of 70:30 (A:B) were developed, followed by the addition of UFC100 cellulose (C) filler to yield 70/30 (w/w) (A:B)/C sustainable biocomposites. The effects of...
Laser-textured cross-hatched surface topography analysis with evaluation of high-frequency measurement noise
PublicationThe precision of surface roughness determination using ISO 25178 parameters relies on various factors that directly impact the measurement process. In industry applications, the contactless roughness measurement reduces data collection time. However, it introduces several potential errors, including those stemming from the environment. One of the main types of errors encountered during topography analysis is measurement noise,...
The AFM topographic measurements of the surface heterogeneity of iron hexacyanoferrate on a steel surface
Open Research DataMeasurements in semi-contact mode. NTEGRA Prima (NT-MDT) device. NSG 01 probe.
Novel strategies to enhance hydrodynamic cavitation in a circular venturi using RANS numerical simulations
PublicationHydrodynamic cavitation is a popular advanced oxidation technique and it has received wide range of applications from waste water treatment to the nanoparticles synthesis in recent years. The enhancement of the intensity of the hydrodynamic cavitation is always been an emerging field of research. Within this framework, we have proposed and investigated three distinct strategies to enhance the intensity of cavitation in a circular...
Influence of Laser Modification on the Surface Character of Biomaterials: Titanium and Its Alloys—A Review
PublicationLaser surface modification is a widely available and simple technique that can be applied to different types of materials. It has been shown that by using a laser heat source, reproducible surfaces can be obtained, which is particularly important when developing materials for medical applications. The laser modification of titanium and its alloys is advantageous due to the possibility of controlling selected parameters and properties...
Influence of Laser Modification on the Surface Character of Biomaterials: Titanium and Its Alloys—A Review
PublicationLaser surface modification is a widely available and simple technique that can be applied to different types of materials. It has been shown that by using a laser heat source, reproducible surfaces can be obtained, which is particularly important when developing materials for medical applications. The laser modification of titanium and its alloys is advantageous due to the possibility of controlling selected parameters and properties...
Influence of Surface Laser Treatment on Mechanical Properties and Residual Stresses of Titanium and its Alloys
PublicationSurface modification of the titanium and its alloys used in implantology with a long-pulse laser can change the surface topography, but it also leads to changes in the stress sign and magnitude in the resulting subsurface layer. The presented research was aimed at evaluating the state of stress after laser remelting with the Nd:YAG laser of pre-etched titanium alloys Ti6Al4V and Ti13Nb13Zr and pure titanium. The obtained surface...
Multi-response optimization on the effect of wet and eco-friendly cryogenic turning of D2 steel using Taguchi-based grey relational analysis
PublicationMaterial removal processes, including turning and milling, are still commonly used operations for manufacturing most of mechanical components in modern industry. Apart from the cutting parameters, the cooling method has the great impact on the technological efects and, above all, on the environmental friendliness of production. In this study, multi-response optimization on the efect of wet and cryogenic machining is performed during...
Comparison of Surface Quality and Tool-Life of Glulam Window Elements after Planing
PublicationThe quality of the surface of wooden elements, that have been planed, has a crucial importance in the whole production process, since the obtained effects affect the quality of wooden surface after fi nishing (painting). The occurrence of defects is usually the reason for qualifying a workpiece as scrap or for requiring additional work. This paper presents the selected results of research of the effect of the cutting tool wear...
Surface modification of PMMA polymer and its composites with PC61BM fullerene derivative using an atmospheric pressure microwave argon plasma sheet
PublicationThis paper presents the results of experimental investigations of the plasma surface modification of a poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) polymer and PMMA composites with a [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester fullerene derivative (PC61BM). An atmospheric pressure microwave (2.45 GHz) argon plasma sheet was used. The experimental parameters were: an argon (Ar) flow rate (up to 20 NL/min), microwave power (up to 530 W), number...
Sliding burnishing technology of holes in hardened steel
PublicationNew technology with sliding burnishing of holes with cylindrical surface, made of hardened steel /60 HRC/, is presented in the paper.After burnishing operation on hole diameter 30 mm in satellite gear wheel the surface roughness parameter Ra=0,02-0,04 micrometers was obtained. The method and results of research as technological conclusion are presented.
The importance of the shape of the protein-water interface of a kinesin motor domain for dynamics of the surface atoms of the protein
PublicationSingle kinesin motor domain immersed in water has been investigated using molecular dynamics. It has been found that local properties of water in solvation shell change along with the nature of neighboring protein surface. However, a detailed analysis leads to the conclusion that the geometrical features of hydrogen bonds and overall structure of kinesin hydration water is not very different from bulk water. The local values of...
The importance of the shape of the protein–water interface of a kinesin motor domain for dynamics of the surface atoms of the protein
PublicationA single kinesin motor domain immersed in water has been investigated using molecular dynamics. It has been found that local properties of water in the solvation shell change along with the nature of the neighboring protein surface. However, a detailed analysis leads to the conclusion that the geometrical features of hydrogen bonds and overall structure of kinesin hydration water are not very different from bulk water. The local...
AFM images of the platinum (111) single crystal surface as delivered, without the polishing treatment
Open Research DataPlatinum (111) single crystal surface images as delivered, without polishing treatment. Topographic measurements in contact mode. NTEGRA Prima (NT-MDT) device. CSG probe 10.
Analysis of Roughness, the Material Removal Rate, and the Acoustic Emission Signal Obtained in Flat Grinding Processes
PublicationIn this work, the analysis of the acoustic emission (AE) signal in grinding processes is addressed. The proposed analysis method decomposes the acoustic signal into three frequency ranges. The total energy of each range is determined, as well as the highest frequency. Different grinding experiments were carried out, according to a full factorial design of experiments (DOE), in which feed speed, depth of cut, and transversal step...
PublicationSurface quality of holes plays an important role in machine manufacturing industry especially in the production of car engines and hydraulic cylinders. Investigations of honing process were carried out by 6 years on horizontal CNC Sunnen’s honing machine HTH 4000S, on vertical conventional honing machine WMW’s SZS 200 and on CNC milling machine of Haas VF 3SS with equipment of Honingtec for honing. Measurements of cylindricity...
Mechanical Properties and Wear Susceptibility Determined by Nanoindentation Technique of Ti13Nb13Zr Titanium Alloy after “Direct Laser Writing”
PublicationLaser treatment has often been applied to rebuild the surface layer of titanium and its alloys destined for long-term implants. Such treatment has always been associated with forming melted and re-solidified thin surface layers. The process parameters of such laser treatment can be different, including the patterning of a surface by so-called direct writing. In this research, pulse laser treatment was performed on the Ti13Nb13Zr...
Concept of cavitation erosion assessment of austenitic 1.4301 stainless steel based on roughness development
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Numerical simulations of sand behavior using DEM with 2 different descriptions of grain roughness
PublicationW rozdziale przedstawiono wyniki dyskretnych symulacji jednorodnego trójosiowego ściskania piasku przy zastosowaniu metody elementów dyskretnych. Obliczenia wykonano stosując 2 różne opisy szorstkości ziaren: kule z uwzględnieniem momentów kontaktu oraz grona kul. Obliczono energię sprężystą i dysypację plastyczną. Wyniki symulacji numerycznych porównano z wynikami doświadczalnymi.
DEM Analyses of Interface Behaviour Between Cohesionless Sand and Rigid Wall of Different Roughness
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy trójwymiarowych symulacji numerycznych quasi-statycznego ścinania między niespoistym piaskiem a sztywnymi ścianami w aparacie bezpośredniego ścinania ścian. Chropowatość ścian sztywnych wahała się od gładkiej do bardzo szorstkiej. Na górną ścianę działało stałe ciśnienie normalne. Symulacje numeryczne przeprowadzono metodą elementów dyskretnych (DEM). Ziarna piasku opisywano jako kulki z momentami kontaktowymi...
Integrated production technology of cylindrical surfaces by turning and burnishing
PublicationThe method is based on a combination of previously used two separate operations namely machining and burnishing in a one complex operation implemented on a lathe.In the case of machining shafts and hydraulic cylinders of steel C45 is possible to obtain a surface roughness Ra=0,16 - 0,32 micrometers, dimensional accuracy class 7-8 according to ISO standards, and increase in the hardness of the surface up to 40%.
Fracture surface topography measurements analysis of low-alloyed corrosion resistant steel after bending-torsion fatigue tests
PublicationIn this paper, an assessment of a topography measurement method for fracture surfaces of 10HNAP steel after bending-torsion fatigue tests was performed. Surface roughness was measured by using a non-contact Focus Variation Microscopy (FVM) technique in which the non-measured points (NMPs) and outliers (spikes) were removed by the application of general methods. The results revealed, that the optical measurement method introduced...
The resistance of S235JR steel to cavitation erosion
PublicationThe erosion resistance of S235JR steel to flow cavitation was investigated. In order to understand an influence of steel properties and cavitation intensities on the degradation mechanisms, low-carbon S235JR steel was tested in the as-received state and after thermal treatment (annealing) under four different flow velocities. Annealing decreased steel hardness, which made S235JR steel less resistant to cavitation erosion. The performed...
Hydroxyapatite deposition on the laser modified Ti13Nb13Zr alloy
PublicationThe Ti13Nb13Zr alloy was subjected to laser modification with the Nd:YAG laser provided that such treatment would increase the surface roughness followed improved adhesion of hydroxyapatite (HAp) coatings The hydroxyapatite was deposited by electrophoretic method in suspension of 0.5 g HA powder and 100 ml ethyl alcohol. The deposition was carried out for 10 min at 10 V voltage followed by drying at room temperature for 24 h and...
Sustainable chemically modified poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate)/thermoplastic starch/poly(ε-caprolactone)/cellulose biocomposites: looking at the bulk through the surface
PublicationSustainable polymer composites (or biocomposites) based on renewable and green polymers are progressively under development in a technological paradigm shift from “just use more and more” to “convert into value-added products”. Therefore, significant efforts should focus not only on their reduced environmental impact but also on maximizing their performance and broadening their application range. Herein, the bio-based blends based...
Study of vibrational surface topography measurement errors of LPBF Inconel 718 alloy after shot peening process
PublicationA study of surface topography can provide valuable information on the product. Since the material finishing relies on the measured topography, the manufacturing process can be controlled by studying the roughness. The Laser Power Bed Fusion (LPBF) materials belong to the commonly used surfaces in the industry. Measuring this type of material with a contactless method can be found in many practical implementations. The white light interference...
Analysis of fracture roughness parameters of S355J2 steel and EN AW-2017A-T4 aluminium alloy
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Measurements of fundamental properties of homogeneous tissue phantoms
PublicationWe present the optical measurement techniques used in human skin phantom studies. Their accuracy and the sources of errors in microscopic parameters’ estimation of the produced phantoms are described. We have produced optical phantoms for the purpose of simulating human skin tissue at the wavelength of 930 nm. Optical coherence tomography was used to measure the thickness and surface roughness and to detect the internal inhomogeneities....
Hyaluronic acid/tannic acid films for wound healing application
PublicationIn this study, thin films based on hyaluronic acid (HA) with tannic acid (TA) were investigated in three different weight ratios (80HA/20TA, 50HA/50TA, 20HA/80TA) for their application as materials for wound healing. Surface free energy, as well as their roughness, mechanical properties, water vapor permeability rate, and antioxidant activity were determined. Moreover, their compatibility with blood and osteoblast cells was investigated....
Fracture Surface Topography Parameters for S235JR Steel Adhesive Joints After Fatigue Shear Testing
PublicationThis paper presents the experimental results of a study investigating the effect of holes and notches made on the overlap ends on the strength of adhesive joints. Single-lap joints made of S235JR steel sheets bonded with Araldite 2024-2 epoxy adhesive were tested. For comparative reasons, static shear strength tests and high-cycle fatigue strength tests were performed. Adhesive-filled joints having three holes, each with a diameter...