Search results for: PROPULSION SYSTEM
Assessment of under power ed propulsion machinery in electrically driven small inland waterway passenger ships from classification society point of view
PublicationPaper presents short operat ional a nd engineering analysis of underpowered propulsion in small electrically propelled small inland passenger ships. There is evidence that in certain weather conditions the phenomena of added aerodynamic resistance of small water crafts may have seriou s influence on their speed and manoeuvrability. Existing regulations like class societies rules for ship classification and construction or EU Directive 2006/87/EC do...
Team project I (2020/21)
e-Learning CoursesWithin this team project, students will be designing a space mission. Each student will choose a subsystem: mission analysis, propulsion, communication, structure, mechanisms, power, thermal, onboard data handling. Together, by means of concurrent engineering a primary system definition will be completed.
Balancing energy processes in turbine engines
PublicationThe article discusses the issue of balancing energy processes in turbine engines in operation in aeronautic and PDULQHSURSXOVLRQV\VWHPVZLWKWKHDLPWRDQDO\VHDQGHYDOXDWH EDVLFRSHUDWLQJSDUDPHWHUV7KH¿UVWSDUWSUHVHQWV the problem of enormous amounts of energy needed for driving fans and compressors of the largest contemporary turbofan engines commonly used in long-distance aviation. The amounts of the transmitted power and the effect RIÀRZSDUDPHWHUVDQGFRQVWUXFWLRQDOSURSHUWLHVRIWKHHQJLQHV RQWKHLUSHUIRUPDQFHDQGUHDOHI¿FLHQF\DUH evaluated....
A method to assess transverse vibration energy of ship propeller shaft for diagnostic purposes
PublicationThe article discusses a key problem of ship propulsion system vibration diagnostics, which concerns assessing this part of mechanical energy transmitted from the main engine to the ship propeller which is dissipated due to propeller shaft vibration. A simplified calculation model is proposed which allows the total energy of the generated torsional vibration to be assessed from the shaft deflection amplitude measured at the mind-span...
An Intergrated Model of Motion, Steering, Positioning and Stabilization of an Unmanned Autonomous Maritime Vehicle
PublicationIn the paper the aim of an interdisciplinary research is presented. The research method is introduced. An object the unmanned autonomous maritime vehicle is briefly described. The key research problem concerns a combined model of the vehicle motion including the loads of lift and hydrodynamic nature. The model takes into account the gravity and displacement forces, resistance and thrust forces, lift and other hydrodynamic forces....
Equivalent standard manoeuvres for pod-driven ships
PublicationProcedures for carrying out the manoeuvring tests presented in International Maritime Organisation (IMO) resolution MSC.137(76) are based on the capabilities of ships with conventional steering-propulsion systems. Therefore they do not correspond to ships with other steering-propulsion devices, like pod drives. IMO is aware of this shortcoming and for ships with non-conventional steering and propulsion system may permit the use...
Reduction of CO2 Emissions from Offshore Combined Cycle Diesel Engine-Steam Turbine Power Plant Powered by Alternative Fuels
PublicationDiverse forms of environmental pollution arise with the introduction of materials or energy that exert adverse effects on human health, climate patterns, ecosystems, and beyond. Rigorous emission regulations for gases resulting from fuel combustion are being enforced by the European Union and the International Maritime Organization (IMO), directed at maritime sectors to mitigate emissions of SOx, NOx, and CO2. The IMO envisions...
The conception of energetic investigations of the multisymptom fatigue of the simple mechanical systems' constructional materials
PublicationThe article presents the basic assumptions of the research project aimed, as the main scientific purpose, an identification of the slow-changeable energy processes surrounding the high-cycle fatigue of constructional materials within the plain mechanical system, especially the marine one, for diagnostic purposes. There is foreseen an application of alternative diagnostic methods based on energetic observations of the multi-symptom,...
The influence of the motor filtrers on harmonic current emmision in the pro-ective connection of drive systems.
PublicationThis paper contains detailed analysis of currents in protective wire in engine supplied from frequency converter without any external filters added. It was found that the peak value of current in protective conductor of engine was about 1500 mA at frequencies 5 Hz 50 Hz. In the continuation of research the dU/dt type motor filter and the sinusoidal filter were tested. It was found that the current in protective wire decreased...
CFD and FEM model of an underwater vehicle propeller
PublicationDuring the project execution of design and optimization the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) research on its propulsion has been carried out. The entire project was supported by CFD and FEM calculations, which taking into account the characteristics of underwater vehicle. One of the tasks was to optimize the semi-open duct for horizontal propellers, which provided propulsion and controllability in horizontal plane. In order to...
Pre-swirl energy saving device in marine application
PublicationThis paper covers topics of energy saving device (ESD) with application to marine propulsors. The form of ESD, considered in this paper, consists of fixed lifting foils mounted in front of the screw propeller (the pre-swirl stator/guide vanes). An algorithm for designing propulsion systems, consisting of guide vanes and screw propeller, is presented. The proposed method relies on hybrid lifting line (guide vanes)-lifting surface...
Feasibility of combined diesel engine - steam turbine in power station operating in the maritime
PublicationCompression-ignition engines used in ship technology as main propulsion engines are large units reaching even to 50-60 MW. Currently, the efficiency of such engines amounts to 45-50%. With such a large power unit, exhaust gases leaving the engine contain very large quantities of heat available for further treatment. Exhaust gases from the piston engine contain about 25% of the heat supplied to the engine in the fuel. Using the...
Możliwości redukcji przebiegowego zużycia paliwa przy zastosowaniu elektronicznych systemów wspomagających kierowców
PublicationElektroniczne systemy wspomagające kierowcę pomagają kierującym kontrolować sytuację na drodze, przekazują sygnały do układu hamulcowego i napędowego, rozpoznają znaki drogowe, pozwalają utrzymać odpowiedni dystans w czasie jazdy w kolumnie, a także kontrolują położenie pojazdu na pasie ruchu. Elek-troniczne systemy wspomagające kierowcę pomagają również zmniejszyć przebiegowe zużycie paliwa, poprzez odpowiednie sterowanie układem...
Application of semi-Markov processes for evaluation of diesel engines reliability with regards to diagnostics
PublicationThe paper presents semi-Markov models of technical state transitions for diesel engines, useful for determination of their reliability, as a result of the conducted statistical empirical studies. Interpretation of technical states provided for this sort of engines refers to ship main engines, i.e. engines employed in propulsion systems of sea-going ships. The considerations recognize diesel engine as a diagnosed system (SDN), of...
Rozdział mocy w układzie napędowym robota podwodnego - porównanie algorytmów alokacji naporów
PublicationPraca dotyczy syntezy systemu automatycznego sterowania robotem podwodnym w zakresie problemu rozdziału mocy w wielopędnikowym układzie napędowym. Do alokacji naporów zastosowano metody optymalizacji z ograniczeniami, pozwalające na wyznaczanie wektora naporów na podstawie wektora sił uogólnionych. Rozważono i porównano dwie metody rozdziału mocy dla robota realizującego ruch poziomy płaski o trzech stopniach swobody, rozpatrując...
Axial-Flux Permanent-Magnet Dual-Rotor Generator for a Counter-Rotating Wind Turbine
PublicationCoaxial counter-rotating propellers have been widely applied in ships and helicopters for improving the propulsion efficiency and offsetting system reactive torques. Lately, the counter-rotating concept has been introduced into the wind turbine design. Distributed wind power generation systems often require a novel approach in generator design. In this paper, prototype development of axial-flux generator with a counter-rotating...
Experimental research on marine oil-lubricated stern tube bearing
PublicationBearings of propeller shafts are very crucial elements of the propulsion system of each of the ships. The safety of shipping depends on their durability and reliability. The new legal restrictions mean that today we are looking for environmentally friendly solutions. That is why water-lubricated bearings are becoming more and more popular. So, will oil-lubricated shaft bearings belong to the past? The bearing with a white metal...
Modeling of performance of a AUV vehicle towards limiting the hydro-acoustic field.
PublicationSome results of research devoted to the modeling of a AUV-Stealth vehicle performance towards limiting its hydro-acoustic field are presented in the paper. At the beginning the AUV-Stealth autonomous underwater vehicle concept is described. Then the method of research is introduced. Next the key design drivers of the AUV-Stealth vehicle are presented. Between them are the AUV-Stealth hull form, arrangement of internal spaces,...
Power efficient thrust allocation algorithms in design of dynamically positioned ships
PublicationAssessment of power consumption on a Dynamically Positioned (DP) ship in the early design stage can assist crucial design choices. The study presents a comparison between two algorithms of optimal thrust allocation in a propulsion system for an over-actuated DP ship. Applied algorithms were Quadratic Programming (QP) and Non- dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGAII). Based on both approaches, tools were developed for ship...
Using differential pressure sensor to measure nitrous oxide level in a tank
PublicationA method for measuring the level of liquid nitrous oxide oxidizer in a hybrid rocket motor oxidizer tank is proposed. Presented approach is more accurate than the most commonly used method of this measurement, which employs weighting of the whole sounding rocket or an oxidizer tank. In our solution we use a differential pressure sensor to measure the change of pressure at the bottom of an oxidizer tank in comparison to the pressure...
The Analysis of Overall Ship Fuel Consumption in Acceleration Manoeuvre using Hull-Propeller-Engine Interaction Principles and Governor Features
PublicationThe problem of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in shipping is currently addressed by many research works and related industries. There are many existing and visionary technologies and ideas, which are conceptually defined or practically realised. This goal can be achieved in different ways, and reducing fuel consumption is one of the major methods. In these circumstances, the aim of this study is to analyse the possibility...
Mathemathical model of radial passive magnetic bearing
PublicationIn the article mathematical radial model of passive magnetic bearings to ocean engineering units has been presented. The units application in underwater thrusters should increase propulsion systems durability and gives lower maintenance costs. The rotor of electric motor is hanging in magnetic field taken from radial passive magnetic bearings. However axial direction maintenance must be controlled with electromagnets and their...
A commercial of the shelf components for a unmanned air vehicle photogrammetry
PublicationA photogrammetry from a unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can be understood as a new measurement tool. Is introduces a low-cost alternatives for a traditional aerial photogrammetry. A commercial off-the-shelf products (COTS), that are commercially available for a costumers, are the standard manufactures products, not custom. COTS products are available in the commercial market and can be bought and used under government contract. That...
Application of advanced CFD simulations in seakeeping analysis of ships (case study)
PublicationThe novel design process of many types of ships needs estimation of seakeeping properties. Especially ships like Offshore Supply Vessels, Wind Farm Support Vessels, Research Vessels, ferries, military vessels, rescue vessels require extended analysis of ship behavior on rough sea. The main reason for improving ships operability in different sea conditions is need of rising efficiency of propulsion system, reducing hull added resistance,...
Development of trolleybus public transport in Gdynia as part of sustainable mobility strategy
PublicationIn many EU cities trolleybuses are experiencing a period of revitalization. New lines, new and modern trolley-buses, the use of auxiliary propulsion battery, eco-logical values and others, create great opportunities for that kind of public transport as an effective tool to shape transport policy in accordance with the principles of sustainable mobility. Gdynia is one of three cities in Poland with trolleybuses public transport...
Negative impact of constant RPM control strategy on ship NOx emission in waves
PublicationIn severe wave conditions, the ship propulsion system is loaded with high fluctuations due to external disturbances. The highly fluctuating loads enforce radical changes in the main engine torque, which in turn demands variation of the fuel rate injected into the cylinders if a constant rotational speed strategy is applied. Therefore, the temperature of gases varies to a large extent during the combustion process in the cylinders....
A Comparative Study of Fuzzy SMC with Adaptive Fuzzy PID for Sensorless Speed Control of Six-Phase Induction Motor
PublicationMulti-phase motors have recently replaced three-phase induction motors in a variety of applications due to the numerous benefits they provide, and the absence of speed sensors promotes induction motors with variable speed drives. Sensorless speed control minimizes unnecessary speed encoder cost, reduces maintenance, and improves the motor drive’s reliability. The performance comparison of the fuzzy sliding mode controller (FSMC)...
A Comparative Study of Fuzzy SMC with Adaptive Fuzzy PID for Sensorless Speed Control of Six-Phase Induction Motor
PublicationMulti-phase motors have recently replaced three-phase induction motors in a variety of applications due to the numerous benefits they provide, and the absence of speed sensors promotes induction motors with variable speed drives. Sensorless speed control minimizes unnecessary speed encoder cost, reduces maintenance, and improves the motor drive’s reliability. The performance comparison of the fuzzy sliding mode controller (FSMC)...
Prediction of ship resistance with the use of Full-scale CFD simulations
PublicationIn recent years, the IMO has introduced new regulations to reduce the negative impact of ships on the natural environment. A particularly important step forcing technological innovations is the increasing requirement of ship energy efficiency. It is expressed by the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI). Another important step towards green shipping is rising the required quality of fuel used for propulsion, so called Tier limits....
Experimental determination of general characteristic of internal combustion engine using mobile test bench connected via Power Take-Off unit
PublicationThe general characteristics of the engine include information about the regions of the engine's operating area that are most efficient, where specific fuel consumption reaches the smallest values. Economic operation based on those characteristics can contribute to a significant reduction of fuel consumption and consequently less pollutant emissions and lower costs. The paper presents an experimental method of determination of general...
Application of unmanned USV surface and AUV underwater maritime platforms for the monitoring of offshore structures at sea
PublicationThe operation of offshore structures at sea requires the implementation of advanced systems for their permanent monitoring. There is a set of novel technologies that could be implemented to deliver a higher level of effective and safe operation of these systems. A possible novel solution may be the application of a new maritime unmanned (USV) surface and underwater vehicles/platforms (AUV). Application of such vehicles/platforms...
PublicationOne of key ways of assuring a high level of reliability of a ship power plant is to design redundancy of its structural elements, for example redundancy of prime drivers, drivelines etc. This paper deals with issues related to the redundancy as a way increasing dependability of the ship power and propulsion systems. Especially, fundamental characteristics of dependability, major design strategies influencing the reliability, and...
A model of stealth maritime object having some innovative solutions concerning the object form, structure and materials.
Open Research DataThe aim of the project is to work out a model of the stealth maritime object which will have innovative solutions concerning the object form, structure and materials. These solutions should enable a modification of combinations of the object features defining the object stealth characteristics (difficulty of the object detection in the water). It is...
Mariusz Józef Figurski prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleMariusz Józef Figurski (born 27 April 1964 in Łasinie, Poland) - Polish geodesist, professor of technical sciences, professor at the Gdańsk University of Technology. Early life and education He passed the matriculation examination in 1983 after he had finished Jan III Sobieski High school in Grudziądz. He graduated the Military University of Technology on an individual mode at the Faculty of Electromechanics and Civil Engineering...
REPORT Verification expertise of Detroit Diesel engines 16V149TI on the vessel ORP GEN. PUŁASKI
PublicationVerification expertise of propulsion engines for generating sets of the ORP GEN. PUŁASKI - type 16V149TI related to a complaint sent by the shipowner to Shiprepair Yard NAUTA S.A.
Challenges associated with development of auv-unmanned autonomous underwater vehicles to be operated using the al-based control systems
PublicationThe last decade has been devoted towards further development of the UUV unmanned underwater vehicles which may be of two types. There are the USV unmanned surface vehicles and UUV unmanned underwater vehicles. There is a growing interest to work out and implement the fully advanced AUV autonomous underwater vehicles. The main drivers towards development of such the vehicles are the technologies of autonomous systems, sensors and...
Challenges associated with development of AUV - unmanned autonomous underwater vehicles to be operated using the AI-based control systems
PublicationThe last decade has been devoted towards further development of the UUV unmanned underwater vehicles which may be of two types. There are the USV unmanned surface vehicles and UUV unmanned underwater vehicles. There is a growing interest to work out and implement the fully advanced AUV autonomous underwater vehicles. The main drivers towards development of such the vehicles are the technologies of autonomous systems, sensors and...
PublicationPower and propulsion systems of offshore units must be of a very high level of reliability. The loss of ability to perform functions of their components causes generally to very high economic losses, which may be increased by unused the weather window resulting to postponing the planned offshore operations. To ensure carrying out so expensive offshore operations in the most reliable way, various types of redundancies are built-in...
Doktorant PG – Jutronauta w NASA
PublicationMgr inż. Adam Dąbrowski, doktorant i asystent na Wydziale Mechanicznym, został laureatem konkursu Gazety Wyborczej „Jutronauci. Bilet za horyzont”, w ramach którego odbył staż w Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), laboratorium NASA w Pasadenie w Kalifornii.
Comparison of selected parametric methods for prediction of inland waterways ship hull resistance in towing tank test
PublicationIn the paper selected approximate methods for calculation of inland waterways ship resistance and their verification by towing tests, compared on the example of a small urban ferry, are presented. The test results are made for both the bare hull and the hull with appendages (skeg, azimuthal propeller). Significant differences between results of the theoretical methods and experimental ones, especially in the case of the model with...
Power enhancement of the Brayton cycle by steam utilization
PublicationThe paper presents thermodynamic analysis of the gas-steam unit of the 65 MWe combined heat and power station. Numerical analyses of the station was performed for the nominal operation conditions determining the Brayton and combined cycle. Furthermore, steam utilization for the gas turbine propulsion in the Cheng cycle was analysed. In the considered modernization, steam generated in the heat recovery steam generator unit is directed...
Logistical Aspects of Energy Conversion Efficiency in Marine Steam Power Plants in Off-Design Conditions
PublicationThe paper presents logistical aspects of energy conversion efficiency in off-design conditions. The main part of the article is based on results of thermodynamic calculation for large propulsion steam turbine under partial loads. Calculations are made on extended mathematical model of two proposed steam turbine thermodynamic cycles using Stodola’s cone law. The conclusion based on calculation re-sults contains importance of off-design...
PublicationStudy of the sea noise has been a subject of interest for years. The first work of this scope were published at the turn of the twentieth century by Knudsen (KNUDSEN et al., 1948) and G. Wenz (WENZ, 1962). Disturbances called "shipping noise" are one of the important components of the sea noise. In this work the results of an experimental research of underwater noise produced by a small ship of a classic propulsion are...
Silniki elektryczne w kosmonautyce
PublicationArtykuł jest pracą przeglądową dotyczącą silników elektrycznych (EP - Electric Propulsion)wykorzystywanych w kosmonautyce. Bardziej szczegółowo opisano działanie silnika elektrostatycznego działającego w oparciu o efekt Halla (HET - Hall Effect Thruster). Silnik ten jest powszechnie wykorzystywany w pozycjonowaniu satelitów, potencjalnie może być wykorzystany do dalekich misji planetarnych. HET jest obiektem wielu badań doświadczalnych...
Multicriteria Evolutionary Weather Routing Algorithm in Practice
PublicationThe Multicriteria Evolutionary Weather Routing Algorithm (MEWRA) has already been introduced by the author on earlier TransNav 2009 and 2011 conferences with a focus on theoretical application to a hybrid-propulsion or motor-driven ship. This paper addresses the topic of possible practical weather routing applications of MEWRA. In the paper some practical advantages of utilizing Pareto front as a result of multicriteria optimization...
Comparison of Deep Neural Network Learning Algorithms for Mars Terrain Image Segmentation
PublicationThis paper is dedicated to the topic of terrain recognition on Mars using advanced techniques based on the convolutional neural networks (CNN). The work on the project was conducted based on the set of 18K images collected by the Curiosity, Opportunity and Spirit rovers. The data were later processed by the model operating in a Python environment, utilizing Keras and Tensorflow repositories. The model benefits from the pretrained...
Dependence of Power Characteristics on Savonius Rotor Segmentation
PublicationSavonius rotors are large and heavy because they use drag force for propulsion. This leads to a larger investment in comparison to horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) rotors using lift forces. A simple construction of the Savonius rotor is preferred to reduce the production effort. Therefore, it is proposed here to use single-segment rotors of high elongation. Nevertheless, this rotor type must be compared with a multi-segment...
Supporting development of the smart ship technology by CFD simulation of ship behavior in close to real operational conditions
PublicationThe shipping industry is at the milestone of technological development – autonomous ships. Involving smart technologies accelerates development of green and safe shipping. Also IMO regulations, especially EEDI en-hanced application of new technologies. Meeting economic and ecological requirements future ships need to be designed with respect to increased reliability and operational performance. Design process of ships may be improved...
PublicationThe analyses of hydroacoustics are of high interest at the moment due to strong impact of hydroacoustic phenomena on marine environment; the noises, generated e.g. by marine traffic, may be harmful for sea life. The analyses presented here are focused on one of main sources of noises generated by ships, i.e. cavitating propeller. The goal of the work is the assessment of the cavitation phenomenon, carried out with the standard...
PublicationThis paper presents a proposal of simultaneous consideration of load and wear associated with it , of tribological systems of ship main engines (intended for ship propulsion) . Based on results of investigations it was assumed that both the load Q (i.e. a cause of wear ) and the wear Z (i.e. an effect of load occurrence) considered in a given time t(0 ≤ t ≤ t) are random variables Qt and Zt, respectively. There was characterized...