Search results for: data preparation
Optimization of 1,2-Diaminopropane Preparation by the Ammonolysis of Waste 1,2-Dichloropropane
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Copolyester-coated mineral fertilizers – preparation, characterization, and nutrient release
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Sample preparation and chromatographic analysis of acidic herbicides in soils and sediments
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono różne techniki przygotowania próbek i oznaczania herbicydów z grupy pochodnych fenoli i pochodnych kwasów karboksylowych w próbkach gleby. Opisano wybrane metody wzbogacania i izolacji analitów, m. in.: ekstrakcję za pomocą wodnych roztworów zasad i rozpuszczalników organicznych płynem w stanie nadkrytycznym, wodą w stanie podkrytycznym, cieczą pod zwiększonym ciśnieniem, cieczą wspomaganą mikrofalami. Niski...
Graphene-based Silicone rubber Nanocomposites: Preparation, Characterization, and Properties
PublicationThis study aims to understand better the mechanical, thermal, and tribological behavior of silicone rubber nanocomposites. Graphite, exfoliated graphite, reduced graphene oxide, ionic liquid modified graphene oxide, silane-modified graphene oxide, fumed silica, and other fillers were used in this study. Adding graphene-based fillers to the silicone rubber matrix substantially improves the nanocomposite's mechanical, thermal, and...
Membrane Solid Phase Microextraction - a new concept of sorbent preparation
PublicationOpracowano nowy układ sorpcyjny do izolacji i/lub wzbogacania polarnych analitów organicznych z próbek wody z zastosowaniem techniki solid phase microextraction (SPME). Układ bazuje na oddzieleniu sorbentu polarnego od próbki za pomocą membrany hydrofobowej. Próbnik membrane-SPME (M-SPME) sporządzono z zastosowaniem polietylenoglikolu (PEG)o masie cząsteczkowej 20 kDa. Polimer ten jest rozpuszczalny w wodzie i w typowych warunkach...
Preparation and physicochemical characterization of ceramic supports for supported liquid membranes
PublicationImmobilizowane membrany ciekłe stały się przedmiotem intensywnych badań w ostanich latach, głównie w procesach oczyszczania strumieni gazowych. Kluczowym czynnikiem mającym wpływ na efektywność tych procesów ma czas życia układu membranowego, a zatem odpowiedni dobór nośnika i fazy membranowej. W porównaniu do nośników polimerowych, ceramiczne charakteryzują się większą grubością, jednak są bardziej stabilne termicznie. Praca...
Preparation and photocatalytic activity of iron-modified titanium dioxide photocatalysts
PublicationTiO2 modyfikowany żelazem otrzymano dwiema metodami: metodą zol-żel oraz metodą impregnacji powierzchniowej. Fotokatalizatory kalcynowano w temperaturze 400C. Jako matrycę TiO2 zastosowano komercyjnie dostępne proszki ditlenku tytanu: P25 (Evonik, Niemcy, 50m2/g) oraz ST-01 (Ishihara Sangyo, Japonia, 300m2/g). Charakterystyka otrzymanych fotokatalizatorów obejmowała wyznaczenie właściwości absorpcyjnych, powierzchni właściwej BET...
Preparation of nano-tubular oxide layers on titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr
PublicationThe article presents results of oxidation tests and corrosion investigations of titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr preformed at different conditions. The oxide layers have been formed using electrochemical method in 2M H3PO4 + 0,3% HF solution for 30 min. and 1h at 20V constant voltage. The corrosion tests heve been made with poteniodynamic method in Ringer's solution at pH ranged 3 and 7. It has been shown that the nano-oxide films, which...
Improving quality of life in automotive by professional preparation to external audits
PublicationZaproponowano podniesienie jakości procesów zarządzania w przemyśle samochodowym w oparciu o rozbudowany model profesjonalnego przygotowania i późniejszego wykorzystania wyników zewnętrznych audytów.
Preparation and implementation of the National Road Safety Programme GAMBIT 2005
PublicationKrajowy Program BRD GAMBIT 2005 jest spójny z najwazniejszymi dokumentami dotyczącymi rozwoju systemu transportu w Polsce (Polityka Transportowa, Strategia Rozwoju Transportu). Jest też spójny z III Planem BRD Unii Europejskiej. Program ten daje możliwość zintensyfikowania działań prewencyjnych, prowadzonych w celu ochrony zycia i zdrowia uczestników ruchu drogowego. Efektem tego programu będzie uratowanie życia kilkunastu tysiącom...
Preparation and characterization of biodegradable and compostable PLA/TPS/ESO compositions
PublicationIn this study, biodegradable and compostable compositions, derived from totally natural feedstock/raw materials, namely polylactide (PLA), potato thermoplastic starch (TPS) and plant glycerin have been made by melt extrusion with epoxydized soybean oil (ESO) as reactive modifier in order to improve PLAs ductility and reduce the products cost without compromising biodegradation. The obtained PLA/mTPS(0,5ESO)[75/25] and PLA/ mTPS(2ESO)[75/25]...
Sample preparation and recent trends in volatolomics for diagnosing gastrointestinal diseases
PublicationThe analysis of the human volatilome can be successfully used for rapid and non-invasive diagnostics of gastrointestinal diseases. However, the introduction of techniques based on detection of volatiles is limited, among other factors, by difficulties which arise during the sampling stage and instrumental analysis. The aim of this article was to review and discuss medical and analytical literature on the analysis of volatiles in...
Preparation of the porous biomaterial based on titanium alloy for orthopaedic implants
PublicationObecnie tytan i jego stopy (Ti-6Al-4V lub Ti-13Nb-13Zr) są szeroko stosowane jako biomateriały dla implantów ortopedycznych. Stale prowadzone są badania nad ich najlepszą odpornością na korozję i zużycie ścierne oraz biozgodnością i bioaktywnością. Obecne badania również skoncentrowane są na projektowaniu, wytwarzaniu i właściwościach materiałów porowatych na podstawie na przykład stopu tytanu (Ti-13Nb-13Zr), które mogą być stosowane...
Microwave-assisted preparation of potato starch silicated with silicic acid
PublicationApplication of microwave irradiation for the silication of granular potato starch with silicic acid, and the properties of silicated starch were investigated. Potato starch was esterified on 20 min microwave irradiation of starch with silicic acid, applying the power of 450 or 800Wand, for comparison, on 120 min convectional heating of the reagent blend at 100 ◦C. The degree of esterification and the reaction efficiency did not...
Alternative Methods of Preparation of Soluble Keratin from Chicken Feathers
PublicationHuge amount of keratinous waste, especially birds’ feathers, demands more value-added application instead of dumping. The present work reports the results of experiments aimed at preparing soluble keratin useful for novel bioproduct formation. The effect of thermo-chemical treatments with various reducing agents, i.e. 2-mercaptoethanol, dithiothreitol, sodium m-bisulphite, and sodium bisulphite, as well as sodium hydroxide, on...
Preparation and Characterization of Films Based on Disintegrated Bacterial Cellulose and Montmorillonite
PublicationThe food packaging materials from natural polymers including polysaccharides offer an ecologically important alternative to commonly used synthetic, non-biodegradable counterparts. The purpose of this work was to modify of bacterial cellulose (BC) leading to the improvement of its functional properties in terms of use as a food packaging material. Effects of disintegration of BC and addition of montmorillonite (MMT) on its water...
Use of Ginger Nanofibers for the Preparation of Cellulose Nanocomposites and Their Antimicrobial Activities
PublicationHere, we report, for the first time, the isolation of ginger nanofibers (GNF) from ginger rhizomes spent by acid hydrolysis and followed by high-pressure homogenization. Scanning electron microscopy was utilized to identify the surface morphology of the GNF and the widths ranged between 130 to 200 nm. Structural analysis of GNF was identified by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Differential scanning calorimetry, and X-ray...
Preparation of Well-Compatibilized PP/PC Blends and Foams Thereof
PublicationThe performance of polypropylene-poly(ethylene brassylate) block and graft copolymers and a polypropylene-polycaprolactone graft copolymer as compatibilizers for polypropylene-rich polypropylene/bisphenol A polycarbonate (PP/PC, 80/20 wt/wt) blends was elucidated. The copolymers were synthesized either by metal-catalyzed ring-opening polymerization or transesterification of a presynthesized polyester, initiated by hydroxyl-functionalized...
Convenient and Efficient Diastereoselective Preparation of Functionalized Z -Alkenyl Sulfides
PublicationWe have developed an efficient and convenient regio‐ and stereoselective reduction of the alkynyl sulfides with pinacolborane in the presence of copper(I) chloride to produce (Z)‐alkenyl sulfides in good and very good yields. The functionalized alkynyl sulfides are readily available based on the reaction of lithium acetylides with thiotosylates under mild conditions.
Manganese Phosphatizing Coatings: The Effects of Preparation Conditions on Surface Properties
PublicationManganese phosphate coating could be used to protect the surface of steel products. However, it is essential to determine the effects which process parameters, as well as the types of additives used, have on the efficiency of coating deposition. Thus, we present here a process of phosphatization of low-alloy steel (for 15 min at 95 ◦C) in manganese/nickel baths followed by a passivation process with the use of a silicon and zircon...
Group 11 complexes with a phosphanylphosphaalkene ligand: preparation and stability study
PublicationThe reactivities of two selected phosphanylphosphaalkenes, Ph2C=P-PtBu2 (1a) and (p-MeO-Ph)2C=P-PtBu2 (1b), toward CuCl, AgCl and (tht)AuCl (tht = tetrahydrothiophene) were investigated. As a result, new phosphanylphosphaalkene dimeric and monomeric complexes were formed (Cu and Ag dimeric and Au monomeric). All obtained products were air and moisture stable and light insensitive.
Surfactants application in sample preparation techniques: Insights, trends, and perspectives
PublicationSince the implementation of Green Chemistry into analytical practice, significant efforts have been made to improve the sustainability of chemical analysis. These include reducing the use of hazardous chemicals and solvents, minimizing waste, and improving energy efficiency. Surfactants can be applied in chemical analysis as an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional solvents and chemicals. The use of surfactants can...
The generalization of objects representing groups of buildings in the Kartuzy district by simplification operator with the Simplify Building tool - scale 1:10000. Data from OSM.
Open Research DataThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the Open Street Map databases (OSM) [1].
Vehicle type recognition: a case study of MobileNetV2 for an image Classification task
PublicationThe goal of the research was to demonstrate the full data science lifecycle through a use case of the MobileNetv2 model for vehicle image Classification task using various validation and test sets, each with different difficulty level. Diverse model variations were employed, each designed to recognize images of ground vehicles and classify them into one of five possible classes: car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle, or bus. In terms...
Preparation and properties of composite coatings, based on carbon nanotubes, for medical applications
PublicationThe coatings based on carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are increasingly developed for their applications, among others, in medicine, in particular for implants in implantology, cardiology, and neurology. The present review paper aims at a detailed demonstration of diferent preparation methods for such coatings, their performance, and relationships between deposition parameters and microstructure and material, mechanical, physical, chemical,...
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ competencies assessment by entrepreneurs
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT) graduates’ competencies assessment by entrepreneurs. The survey was conducted in 2017. The research sample included 102 respondents representing various firms from Pomeranian Voivodship. The study concerned i.a. assessment of GUT graduates' preparation for the requirements...
Ionic liquids for nano- and microstructures preparation. Part 1: Properties and multifunctional role
PublicationIonic liquids (ILs) are a broad group of organic salts of varying structure and properties, used in energy conversion and storage, chemical analysis, separation processes, as well as in the preparation of particles in nano- and microscale. In material engineering, ionic liquids are applied to synthesize mainly metal nanoparticles and 3D semiconductor microparticles. They could generally serve as a structuring agent or as a reaction...
State of the art in sample preparation for human breast milk metabolomics—merits and limitations
PublicationHuman breast milk (HBM) contains metabolites that are diverse in chemical structure and concentration. These metabolites range from high-abundance to low-abundance compounds and from polar to nonpolar. This complex nature of HBM makes HBM samples difficult to analyze, especially in global metabolomic studies for the determination and characterization of complete sets of metabolites. In this review, the state of the art in sample...
Quechers sample preparation method variants for analysis of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables
PublicationThis article describes the comparison of different versions of an easy, rapid and low-cost sample preparation approach for the determination of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables by concurrent use of gas and liquid chromatography coupled to MS or ECD for detection. The sample preparation approach is known as QuEChERS, which stands for quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged and safe. It is a combination of liquid-liquid...
New Trends in Sample Preparation Techniques for the Analysis of the Residues of Pharmaceuticals in Environmental Samples
PublicationPharmaceutical residues in the environment is a field of special interest due to the adverse effects to either human health or aquatic and soil environment. Pharmaceuticals have been already detected in underground, surface and wastewaters, soils, manure and sediments. The growing awareness of environmental pollution arising from human activity forces the need for their comprehensive determination. Environmental samples are complex...
Temperture-programmed reduction (H2-TPR) of Ni-Mo2CTx_Mo2Ga2C and Ni-Mo2CTx_Mo3AlC2 catalysts
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the data for the preparation of plots illustrating the reduction peaks versus the temperature of the catalyst sample.
PublicationHybrid nanocomposites consisting of inorganic component and organic conducting polymer are promising materials, which can be applied in heterogeneous photocatalysis. Titanium(IV) oxide is widely used photocatalysts due to its non-toxicity, low cost and chemical stability. The main disadvantage of TiO2 is low photocatalytic activity under visible light. Conducting polymers, also known as conjugated polymers are polymer materials...
Determination of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables using QuEChERS sample preparation method
PublicationThe intensive development of agriculture means that more and more toxic organic and inorganic compounds are entering the environment. Because of their widespread use, environmental stability, selective toxicity and bioaccumulative capability, pesticides belong to the most hazardous substances contaminating the environment. They are particularly dangerous in fruits and vegetables, because they are one of the reasons why people are...
Preparation and characterization of Pt/Pd-modified titanium dioxidenanoparticles for visible light irradiation
PublicationSeries of Pt/Pd–TiO2photocatalysts were obtained using the sol–gel method. The Pt/Pd–TiO2nanocom-posites showed significant visible light photoactivity. X-ray diffraction, STEM microscopy, UV–visspectroscopy and BET characterization allowed to conclude that the photocatalysts at the best perfor-mance had the anatase structure, 91 m2/g specific surface area, Pt/Pd alloy structure and 1–4 nm particlesize. The photocatalytic activity...
Preparation of platinum modified titanium dioxide nanoparticles with the use of laser ablation in water
PublicationWe report on the preparation method of nanocrystalline titanium dioxide modified with platinum by using nanosecond laser ablation in liquid (LAL). Titania in the form of anatase crystals has been prepared in a two-stage process. Initially, irradiation by laser beam of a titanium metal plate fixed in a glass container filled with deionized water was conducted. After that, the ablation process was continued, with the use of a platinum...
Modern techniques of sample preparation for determination of organic analytes by gas chromatography
PublicationW pracy dokonano przeglądu szerokiego spektrum technik przygotowania próbki, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem technik o charakterze prośrodowiskowym. Opisu technik dokonano pod kątem wykorzystywanych mechanizmów izolacji analitów oraz stosowanych rozwiązań aparaturowych. Przegląd rozwiązań aparaturowych uzupełniono o podstawy teoretyczne izolacji bazującej na zjawisku podziału analitów.
Poly(vinyl alcohol)/GO-MMT nanocomposites: Preparation, structure and properties
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Preparation of Activated Carbon from the Biodegradable film for Co2 Capture Applications
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Preparation of 1-[Ω-(1,4,5,6-Tetrahydropyrimidin-2-yl)alkyl]thymines
PublicationOne-stage prepn. of the hydrochloride salts of 1-[ω-(1,4,5,6-tetrahydropyrimidin-2-yl)alkyl]-thymines, e.g. I, from 1-(ω-cyanoalkyl)thymines and a 1:1-mixt. of 1,3-diaminopropane and ethanol satd. with hydrogen sulfide is described. 1-(2-Cyanoethyl)-thymine gave a facile reversal of the Michael reaction to thymine under the conditions used. The reaction of 1,3-bis(3-cyanobenzyl)thymine with the above reagent produced 1,3-bis[3-(1,4,5,6-tetrahydropyrimidin-2-yl)benzyl]thymine.
Preparation and some properties of multiblock copoly(amide-b-amide)s
PublicationThe paper concerns the polymers built of oligoamide hard blocks and oligoamide soft blocks (KPAA, formula I). Oligo(laurolactam) (PA12) was used as hard block and the product of reaction of dimerized fatty acid and hexamethylene diamine (PA6,36) was used as a soft one. Effects of molar ratio of these blocks on the following properties of KPAA have been investigated: limiting viscosity number ([2]), degrees of swelling in water...
Preparation of TiO2-nitrogen-doped photocatalyst active under visible light
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Preparation of fluorescent nanodiamond suspensions using bead-assisted ultrasonic disintegration
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Preparation, properties and potential applications of a photocurable varnish with pleasant limonene smell
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Synthesis of Epoxy Methacrylate Resin and Coatings Preparation by Cationic and Radical Photocrosslinking
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Preparation of environmental samples for gas chromatographic determination of selected organic pollutants
PublicationOpisano różne metody izolacji i wzbogacania zanieczyszczeń organicznych z ciekłych, gazowych i stałych próbek środowiskowych. Opisano konstrukcję i testowanie nowych systemów do przygotowania próbek oraz ich zastosowanie w połączeniu z chromatografią gazową do oznaczania zanieczyszczeń organicznych w póbkach rzeczywistych.
Analytical applications of membrane extraction for biological and environmental liquid sample preparation
PublicationW niniejszej pracy przedstawiono informacje dotyczące technik ekstrakcji membranowej wykorzystywanych do oznaczania związków organicznych w ciekłych próbkach środowiskowych i biologicznych. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono podstawom teoretycznym tych technik, możliwości połączenia z technikami oznaczeń końcowych oraz obszarom praktycznego ich wykorzystania.
Green analytical chemistry in sample preparation for determination of trace organic pollutants
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono przyjazne środowisku techniki analityczne, stosowane w celu izolacji i wzbogacania analitów. Ilość używanych rozpuszczalników jest ograniczana przez stosowanie alternatwnych rozpuszczalników, technik bezrozpuszczalnikowych, ekstrakcji wspomaganych czynnikami zewnętrznymi oraz przez wprowadzanie mikrosystemów analitycznych.
Soxhlet Extraction and New Developments Such as Soxtec in: Comprehansive Sampling and Sample Preparation
PublicationSoxhlet extraction is one of the most popular techniques for extraction of analytes from solid materials. Since its discovery in 1879, the standard Soxhlet technique has been routinely applied in almost every analytical laboratory. Up to this day, Soxhlet extraction technique remains a standard technique to which the performance of modern extraction techniques is compared.Over the years, an intensive research on different modifications...
Preparation and structure of nanocrystalline sol-gel derived lithium titanate powder
Publicationw pracy szczegółowo opisano nowatorską metodę wytwarzania nanokrystalicznych proszków tytanianu litu. przedstawiono wyniki badań wykonanych próbek.
Non-matrix reference materials-the challenges in the preparation of standard gas mixtures
PublicationIn the last few years particularly great pressure is exerted on quality control and assurance of analytical measurement results. An invaluable role in this process is played by reference materials. The paper presents the characteristics of basic types of reference materials, with particular attention to gaseous reference materials.